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  • Management Accounting & Decisions II N12401

    Lecture 8

    Transfer Pricing

    by Hung Woan-Ting

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    Learning Objectives

    1. To understand the main issues of transfer pricing in decentralized organizations

    2. To be aware of the different types of transfer pricing models and understand their suitability and management implications

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    1.0 Decentralized organization

    Delegation of decision making authority down the organization hierarchy

    Many advantages

    Frees top management (strategic level planning and decisions)

    Quality and timely decisions from the floor

    Managerial motivation


    Task control Results control

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    1.1 Responsibility centres

    Operation units as separate responsibility centres

    Partly autonomous Manager made responsible Goal congruence (no sub-optimal decisions)

    Centre Company Centre

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    1.1 Responsibility centres

    Types of responsibility centres:

    Cost Centre

    Profit Centre

    Investment Centre

    Concept of controllability

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    1.1 Responsibility centres

    Responsibility flow

    and accounting flow within the organisation

    Concept of controllability

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    1.2 Controllability

    Key issue in applying the controllability principle:

    Revenues and costs are jointly earned/incurred in many organisations

    (sequential and interdependent activities/centres)

    Management to measure the performance of each of these centres (performance evaluation; financial control; etc.)

    Choice of the performance measure may influence decision-making behavior

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    A firm faced the problem of developing performance standards in an environment of continuously rising costs

    Raw materials costs, which were 60% - 90% of the final costs, were market determined

    Should the evaluation of the managers depend on their ability to control the quantity of raw materials used rather than the cost?

    Senior management announced that it would

    evaluate managers on their ability to control total costs

    The managers quickly discovered that one way to control raw materials costs was through long-term fixed price contracts for raw materials

    Contracts led to declining raw materials costs

    The company could project product costs several quarters into the future, thereby achieving lower costs and stability in planning and product pricing

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    1.3 Segmental reporting

    Profit measure is comprehensive and pervasive To treat units as Profit Centers Segment margin reports

    Profit center accounting systems must reflect interactions between the various profit center

    Dividing revenue among all the responsibility

    centers that contribute to earning it (transfer pricing issue)

    Allocations may be quite arbitrary

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    1.4 Transfer pricing (TP)

    The set of rules an organization uses to allocate jointly earned revenue among responsibility centers

    Typical TP decisions:

    Sourcing decision (should the company produce the product inside the company or purchase it from an outside

    vendor?) Apply the concept of relevance in cost/revenue

    Pricing decision (if produced within, at what price should the product be transferred between the centres?)

  • Assess the likelihood: 1. Div A willing to

    supply internally?

    2. Div B willing to buy internally?

    3. Company ME benefits from the internal transfer?


    1.5 A sourcing decision


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    1.6 A pricing decision

    An internal price charged by the Supplying Centre to the Receiving Centre for an internally produced and consumed commodity

    Fundamental principle: TP = Market Price

    Would this promote goal congruence??

    Motivation to set TP at a level which ensures profits maximisation for the organization as a whole

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    Market-based pricing

    Cost-based pricing

    Marginal Cost;

    Full Cost

    Cost plus mark-up, Cost plus fixed fee, etc.

    Negotiated pricing

    2.0 Types of transfer price model

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    Negotiated pricing

    From sellers perspective:

    Transfer price >= Variable cost per unit + Opportunity costs

    (if any)

    From purchasers perspective:

    Transfer price

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    2.1 Choice of TP

    The best TP model?

    Rule of thumb?

    Market based Negotiation Cost-based (fair evaluation in place)

    Goal congruence

    Divisional autonomy

    Management effort

    vs. vs.

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    2.2 Practice adoption

    Borkowski (1990) Environmental and Organizational Factors Affecting Transfer Pricing: A Survey, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Fall: 87.

    Basis of Transfer Price %

    Market price 33

    Negotiated 23

    Full cost plus profit 17

    Full cost 23

    Variable costs 4


    Similar findings in Elliott & Emmanuel (2000) International Transfer Pricing: A Study of Cross Border Transactions, CIMA.

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    2.3 Benefits of TP mechanism

    Allocate the jointly earned revenue among centres

    Evaluate performance of supplying & receiving centres

    Maintain divisional autonomy

    Motivate sound decisions (for division & company)

    Allocate resources and coordinate activities among centres

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    Readings & Exe.

    1.Read the following chapters in the prescribed textbooks

    D Ch20

    GNBCY Ch13

    2.Attempt the Question Sets attached at the back of

    this handout (indicative solutions in Moodle for self-checking)

    End of Lecture