L Q A E PROGRAM Level II Lesson 5 Environmental Stewardship WELCOME TO.

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Environmental Stewardship Activities –There are several activities that can be incorporated into the lesson as teaching points. Lessons that address: Beneficial livestock impacts on our environment Air Pollution Developing Good Neighbor Relationships Public Perceptions County/State zoning regulations/ordinances related to livestock production

Transcript of L Q A E PROGRAM Level II Lesson 5 Environmental Stewardship WELCOME TO.

L Q A & E PROGRAM Level II Lesson 5 Environmental Stewardship WELCOME TO Environmental Stewardship Learner Outcomes Participants will be able to: Identify possible environmental concerns Be aware of contacts for county/state regulations related to the raising of livestock Identify beneficial contributions that grazing animals and confinement animals make to environmental programs Recognize the producers responsibility to environmental stewardship Environmental Stewardship Activities There are several activities that can be incorporated into the lesson as teaching points. Lessons that address: Beneficial livestock impacts on our environment Air Pollution Developing Good Neighbor Relationships Public Perceptions County/State zoning regulations/ordinances related to livestock production Environmental Stewardship Why should youth be concerned with the impact livestock production has on the environment? Please refer to your lesson plan for the following activities. 1.Identifying environmental impacts that producers need to be aware of. 2.Is this odor offensive? 3.Identification of GPPs to reduce odors. Environmental Stewardship Social and Natural Environmental Management practices include: Considerations for confinement barns and feed lot sites Manure plans and handling Livestock Mortality Disposal Federal, State & County Regulations Environmental Stewardship Activity Scenarios Air Pollution in Neighborhood Movement to limit livestock grazing (water pollution concern) Movement to ban the docking of tails on dairy cows, sheep & swine Environmental Stewardship Review what they did in the lesson Why was this lesson important? It addressed common environmental concerns of animal agriculture. As responsible producers we must stay abreast on current issues and regulations that have an impact on both the social and natural environment. Every producer has an important role in Environmental Stewardship.