Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the...

Assignment One : Circle the verbs in the following sentences. Put an LV above linking verbs, an IV above intransitive verbs, and a TV above transitive verbs. If the verb is linking, identify the type of predicate word; if the verb is transitive, identify the direct object(s). 1. The boys looked longingly at the beautiful model. 2. I studied hard for the test. 3. I found a beautiful rock in the cave. 4. The river flowed unceasingly to the ocean. 5. During the summer I saw seven or eight movies. Assignment Two Directions : Circle the linking verbs and underline the predicate words in the following sentences. Identify the predicate words as predicate adjectives or predicate nominatives. 1. That teacher looks weird. 2. Your performance at work has been outstanding. 3. One of the spectators in our row at the Mercury Games was the lucky winner. 4. “Hello? This is she.” 5. Over the summer you sure grew ugly. 6. Love is a mysterious thing. 7. The expectations of the professor have been consistent. 8. The teacher recognized that the new student was a genius. 9. Are you prepared for the test? 10. “These dumplings taste delicious, mom,” Sally said. 1

Transcript of Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the...

Page 1: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

Assignment One: Circle the verbs in the following sentences. Put an LV above linking verbs, an IV above intransitive verbs, and a TV above transitive verbs. If the verb is linking, identify the type of predicate word; if the verb is transitive, identify the direct object(s).

1. The boys looked longingly at the beautiful model.

2. I studied hard for the test.

3. I found a beautiful rock in the cave.

4. The river flowed unceasingly to the ocean.

5. During the summer I saw seven or eight movies.

Assignment Two Directions: Circle the linking verbs and underline the predicate words in the following sentences. Identify the predicate words as predicate adjectives or predicate nominatives.

1. That teacher looks weird.

2. Your performance at work has been outstanding.

3. One of the spectators in our row at the Mercury Games was the lucky winner.

4. “Hello? This is she.”

5. Over the summer you sure grew ugly.

6. Love is a mysterious thing.

7. The expectations of the professor have been consistent.

8. The teacher recognized that the new student was a genius.

9. Are you prepared for the test?

10. “These dumplings taste delicious, mom,” Sally said.

Assignment Three Directions: Identify all of the action verbs in the following sentences. Then label each action verb as transitive or intransitive.

1. We could have defeated the reigning champions, but we choked!

2. I have really enjoyed your class this year!

3. He fell off the chair and bumped his head.


Page 2: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

4. He will be swimming in next week’s state championship meet.

5. They must have walked home from school together.

6. They should have already taken that test.

7. That teacher assigns way too much homework.

8. Joanne sings ballads beautifully but rockers too weakly.


Some verbs can be used in different ways. Notice how the verbs below can be used as either action verbs or linking verbs.

a. My mom suddenly appeared as I was lying to my sister. (intransitive)The students appeared lost. (linking)

b. I looked for my keys. (intransitive)My wife looked beautiful in her new dress. (linking)

c. The ding-dong of the bell sounded across the lonely town. (intransitive)That new song by Brittany Spears sounds obnoxious. (linking)

d. I like to grow flowers in my garden. (transitive)Those plums will grow foul if you leave them on the counter. (linking)

e. I felt lonely when my girlfriend broke up with me. (linking)I felt the fabric to see if it would be soft enough. (transitive)

Assignment Four Directions: Circle and label each verb in the following sentences.

1. I tasted the cookie dough.

2. That new soda on the market tastes horrible.

3. I smelled the delicious aroma of my mom’s cookies.

4. The clerk smelled like a rotting fruit salad.

5. I looked foolish in front of the others.

6. The teacher looked for his graded pile of papers.

7. I appeared at her house unannounced.

8. She appears capable.

9. That answer sounds right.

10. That fateful response still sounds in my head.


Page 3: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment


All sentences contain an action (transitive or intransitive) or linking verb. Some contain both; and some sentences also contain helping verbs. Helping verbs are usually used to give a verb a different tense (more on this later).

The two most common helping verbs are forms of the verbs to have and to be. The helping verb to have is used in participle forms of verbs. Many, but not all, of these participles end in –ed or –en. Examples follow:

I have played soccer for seven years now.He has chosen two of us to be captains.By the time the sun sets, we will have climbed to the top of the mountain.I would have sung the introduction if I had not caught a sore throat.

The helping verb to be is only used with the progressive tenses of verbs. In other words, the verb to be is a helping verb only if the main verb has an-ing suffix. Otherwise, the to be verb is a linking verb. Notice the examples below:

I will be walking to school at that time. (“be” is a helping verb”)I will be the winner. (“be” is a linking verb)I had been studying hard before I decided to change my major. (“been,” a form of the verb to be, is a helping verb)I have been sad about my grandfather’s death for a long time. (“been” is a linking verb)

Other common helping verbs:

will may do would might canDoes shall could should must did

Assignment Five Directions: Circle the helping verbs and underline the main verbs in the sentences below. Identify the main verbs as transitive, intransitive, or linking. If the verb is transitive, also identify the direct object(s).

1. I will eat more ice cream later.

2. I should have studied for this test.

3. I may register for Calculus this semester.

4. My sister always does try her hardest.

5. We could be rich right now!

6. The hero must destroy the villain.

7. Should I have chosen a different vehicle?


Page 4: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment


At times you will find words inserted between the parts of a verb. These words are not included in the verb. Study the following sentences. The parts of the verb are in bold print.

Cassie has never hassled Mr. Wenz.My friends can not say anything intelligent.The artist will gladly show you her work.

Some verbs are joined with other words to make contractions. When identifying verbs that appear in contractions, pick out only the verb. The word not and its contraction n’t are adverbs. They are never verb parts. The verbs in the sentences below are in bold print.

Vernon didn’t notice his brain’s disappearance.The carpenter hadn’t yet severed his finger.

Assignment Six Directions: Identify the verb phrases in the following sentences. Label the helping verbs with an H. Then label the main verbs as transitive (T), intransitive (I), or linking (L). Also identify any direct objects (DO).

1. The psychologists were gathering for their annual convention.

2. You haven’t ever needed electric shock treatment before.

3. We could often predict his psychotic episodes.

4. David has never seen such interesting poetry.

5. Summer vacation doesn’t begin for eight months.

6. Someone must have slashed my jugular vein.

7. Michelle, the creative one in the family, wrapped her father’s present in seaweed.

8. Your ideas will certainly delight the reading public.

9. Lincoln’s ghost doesn’t usually arrive until well after midnight.

10. Most of the team’s new players are overpaid babies with huge, undeserved contracts.


Page 5: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

The Versatility of the “be” Verbs

Main Points: 1. A verb is only a verb if the subject does it or “is” it.2. A “be” verb (is, am, are, was, were, be, been) is usually used as a linking verb but

sometimes is used as a helping verb. If it’s used as a helping verb, the main verb will have an –ing suffix 100% of the time. If a “be” verb ends in –ing, then it is a linking verb with another “be” verb as a helping verb.

Examine the following sentence:1. The hostages have been rescued!

In sentence #1, is “rescued” a verb? Why or why not?

Answer: The hostages are not doing the rescuing. They are in a “state of being” rescued. Therefore, “rescued” is a verb used as an adjective (which is called a participle). Sentences like this, in which the subject doesn’t “do the verb” (or isn’t performing the action of the sentence) are written in what’s called the passive voice. Sentences in which the subject does or “is” the verb are written in the active voice. As a general rule, it’s preferable to limit the number of sentences you write in the passive voice.

Now examine the following sentence:2. The hostages are being rescued!

In sentence #2, what are the verbs? What kind of verbs are they?

Answer: The verb “are,” which is a “be” verb, is here used as a helping verb. We know that because the main verb, “being” has an –ing suffix. Since forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb.

Assignment Seven Directions: Identify all verbs in the following sentences and label them as helping, linking, or action verbs. If the sentence contains a linking verb, identify the predicate word that is being linked back to the subject.

1. Joanne has been going with Nick for three months now.

2. When will you be going on vacation?

3. Joanne seems very upset with Nick.

4. The coaches have been very angry about Nick’s rotten attitude.

5. Why is Nick being such an angel ?


Page 6: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

Assignment Eight Directions: Identify whether the italicized word is used as an action verb, a linking verb, or as some other part of speech.

1. What a terrible smell!2. Why does this room smell so bad?3. Please smell that milk before drinking it.4. You sound painfully hoarse!5. Please sound out the word, Billy.6. The sound of your voice is like silk caressing my ears.7. Flowers grow best in spring.8. As the movie reached its conclusion, I grew more and more weary.9. You have shown amazing growth in your writing skills.10. Please stay in the room until I return.11. Stay quiet until all students have completed their tests.12. The governor granted the convict a stay of execution.13. The taste of berries lingers after the first delectable sip.14. That particular brand of bacon tastes delicious!15. Taste the broth to see whether or not it needs more salt.16. How can you look bored during a grammar lesson?17. The look of love is like no other expression.18. Please look at several different samples before deciding.19. The remains of the mangled animal were covered with maggots.20. Remain calm!21. Please remain at the station until your ride picks you up.22. Over time the wine turned sour.23. Turn the pancake over in the griddle or you’ll burn that side.24. Make a right turn at the corner.

Assignment Nine Directions: Find and label the verbs (H, I, T, L) in the following sentences. If the verb is transitive, also label the direct object(s) (DO).

1. I visit my parents every summer.

2. I visit with my neighbors in the evening.

3. I jumped the fence to get into the concert.

4. John can jump extremely high!

5. I read every evening.

6. I read novels primarily.

7. I can run faster than my wife.

8. I ran a half marathon last year.


Page 7: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

Assignment Ten Directions: Identify the subject(s) and verb(s) in the following sentences. Put an S over the subjects, an H over the helping verbs, an L over the linking verbs, a T over the transitive verbs, and an I over the intransitive verbs.

1. Gathering for their annual convention are the psychotic maniacs and crazed dancers.

2. Despite rumors to the contrary, Cindy, Paul, and Mike have never needed electric shock treatment.

3. After careful observation the astute scientists and the educated theorists could frequently predict their weeping episodes.

4. Have the wretched and the weak ever willingly worked so hard for so little?

5. Why doesn’t summer vacation begin in April and winter break start the day after Thanksgiving?

Assignment Eleven Directions: Fill in the following blanks as a review of verbs.All English sentences must have a ___________ and a _____________. The ________ is who or what is doing or being something in the sentence. The verb is what the __________ is doing or being. The main verb in a sentence must either be ______________ (expressing action) or ________________ (expressing a state of being). If the verb expresses action, it’s either a(n) ____________ verb (a _____________ receives the action of the verb) or a(n) _______________ (the verb has no object receiving its action). If the verb expresses a state of being, it’s a(n) _______________verb.

The most common linking verbs are the “be” verbs. List them below:

List other common linking verbs:

All linking verbs connect (or link) another word back to the subject. This word is called a _________________ and is either a predicate _____________ or a predicate ________________________________. This word _____________ or __________________ the subject.

Sometimes the main verb is accompanied by _______________ verbs. The most common helping verbs are the “have” verbs (have, has, had) and the “be” verbs (which you listed above). The “have” verbs can also be ______________ verbs as in the sentence “I have a dog.” If the “have” verbs are helping verbs, the principal part of the verb is in its _____________ form and frequently has an ________ or an _________ suffix. The “be” verbs are always linking verbs unless there is another verb in the sentence with an __________ suffix; if this is the case, the “be” verb is a ____________ verb and the main verb is in the ______________ tense.

Other common helping verbs are (list below):

Sometimes the parts of a verb are separated by adverbs (most frequently words like never, always, ever, sometimes, not and its contracted form, n’t). These adverbs are not part of the verb.


Page 8: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment


All clauses, whether dependent or independent, contain essential elements (designated by the labels below) in one of five patterns. Once you have identified the essential elements and the corresponding sentence pattern, then everything else in the sentence—whether a single word or a phrase—is a modifier.

Pattern One: S IVIn this basic sentence pattern, you have a single or compound subject paired with one or more intransitive verbs.

Examples of pattern one sentences:

We ran around the track in P.E. today. We tried hard on our project.The teachers and students agreed on the procedures.The boys and girls laughed and played.

Pattern Two: S TV DOIn this basic sentence pattern, you have a single or compound subject, a single or compound transitive verb, and a single or compound direct object.

Examples of pattern two sentences:

I called my mom.I kissed my girlfriend and hit my sister.The teachers and the administrators studied the new policy.The students watched the movie and wrote their reviews.The shocked bystanders and the involved law enforcement officials

watched the tragedy and assisted the victims.

Pattern Three: S TV IO DOSentences in this pattern contain a single or compound subject, a single or compound transitive verb, a single or compound indirect object, and a single or compound direct object.

Examples of pattern three sentences:

Joe gave his dog a bone.The police showed her shocked parents the drugs and paraphernalia.The police and the Coast Guard sent the President and the F.B.I. director

the essential information.


Page 9: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

Pattern Four: S LV PN

Sentences in this pattern contain a single or compound subject, a single or compound linking verb, and a single or compound predicate nominative.

Examples of pattern four sentences:

I am a teacher.The winners of the contest are he and she.Joe and Bill are competitors and winners.

Pattern Five:S LV PA.

Sentences in this pattern contain a single or compound subject, a single or compound linking verb, and a single or compound predicate adjective.

Examples of pattern five sentences:

I am happy with your grades.The runner felt dizzy and light-headed.The players and coaches seemed happy with the arrangement.The fans and cheerleaders were loud and obnoxious.


Assignment Twelve Directions: Identify the sentence pattern of each of the following sentences.

1. Jobs were scarce during the recession.2. The steelworkers called a strike on Monday.3. Juan Lopez was the star of the show.4. These salmon from Alaska are fresh.5. David and Amy work in their dad’s store on Saturdays.6. Rhoda finally gave Leslie and me a hint.7. Eric photographed the skyline of San Francisco.8. Greylock is the highest mountain in the area.9. That request seems unfair.10. A blizzard hit suddenly, without warning.


Page 10: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

Assignment Thirteen Directions: Identify the pattern of each of the following sentences. Then change each sentence to match the pattern indicated in parentheses. You will have to add or change words. Try to make your sentences interesting.

Example: The game ended early. (Pattern #5)Original pattern: Pattern #1 New Sentence: After two overtimes, the game is finally over.

1. That dessert looks rich. (Pattern #2)

2. Meredith delivers pizzas. (Pattern #4)

3. Ramon sold us his tickets. (Pattern #2)

4. Beth told Jim her worries. (Pattern #5)

5. The computers had the answer in no time. (Pattern #3)

6. Erica studies in the afternoon. (Pattern #2)

7. Please give this note to the inspector. (Pattern #2)

8. The doctor taped Jason’s ankle. (Pattern #4)

9. Dense fog is a hazard. (Pattern #1)

10. Pat yourself on the back. (Pattern #4)

Assignment Fourteen: Practice Sentence Patterns Test

Directions: Label the essential elements of each of the twelve sentences below and then match the sentence with one of the five sentence patterns. (If the subject is an implied “you,” put it in parentheses and write an S above it.)

A. Pattern One: S IVB. Pattern Two S TV DOC. Pattern Three S TV IO DOD. Pattern Four S LV PNE. Pattern Five S LV PA

1. That is my favorite movie!

2. The hungry child devoured an entire large pizza.

3. Please hand me your test when you’re finished.


Page 11: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

4. Our team feels confident before the championship game.

5. He jumped about ten feet in the air when I jabbed him with a stick.

6. The parachutist landed on a pile of mattresses.

7. The widower seemed particularly lonely around the holidays.

8. She often dreamed about strange and frightening events.

9. Although I worked for hours, I never finished my project.

10. The mechanics in my father’s shop are hard workers.

11. The spy showed the Russians the secret documents.

12. That scientist is my sister’s Biology professor.

Principal Parts of a Verb

The principal parts of a verb are the four forms of the verb from which all forms of the verb can be made. In English the four principal parts are the present (or infinitive), the past tense, the past participle, and the present participle.

Principal Parts of the Verb To Walk:

(to) walk walked (have) walked (is) walking

(To walk is considered a regular verb because we add a -d or -ed to the verb for the past and past participle.)

Principal Parts of the Verb To Run:

(to) run ran (have) run (is) running

(“Run” is considered an irregular verb since one or more of the principal parts are formed in a nonstandard way.) Since the present participle is always formed by adding -ing to the infinitive, some lists of principal parts omit it.


Page 12: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

Assignment Fifteen Directions: Fill in the following chart. The first two are already complete.


spell spelled (have) spelled (is) spelling


rang(have) brought

(is) leading



(have) spoken

(is) swimming


(have) swung


(is) running



Remember: Anytime you’re using the verb “to lie” in the sense of “to rest or recline in a prone position,” these are its principal parts: lie, lay, (have) lain, and (is) lying. Laid is not a possibility when you’re speaking of resting or reclining. Also, the word lain cannot be used interchangeably with the word laying, which is the present participle form of the verb “to lay.” The present participle form of the verb “to lie” is lying (as in “I was lying on the couch when the fire started.”).

The principal parts of the verb “to lay” in the sense of “to put or set something down” are lay, laid, (have) laid, and (is) laying. Lain and lie are not possibilities when you’re speaking of setting something down.

The chart below will help you keep the verbs straight.

VERB PRESENT PAST PAST PARTICIPLE PRESENT PARTICIPLE“to lie” (rest/recline) lie lay (have) lain (is) lying“to lay” (put down) lay laid (have) laid (is) laying


Page 13: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

Assignment 16A Directions: Choose the grammatically correct answer.1. I know I (lay, laid) my keys somewhere.2. I should have (laid, lain) down when I started feeling sick.3. I’m tired so I think I’ll go (lie, lay) down.

Assignment 16B Directions: Make any needed changes in the sentences below that will make them grammatically correct. If a sentence is correct as it is written, write “correct” by the sentence. If a sentence is incorrect, cross out any word used incorrectly and replace it with the correct word.

4. I have lain down all the shingles I can for today.

5. Yesterday I didn’t feel well so I laid down.

6. Where in tarnation have I laid my assignment?

7. My dog likes to lay in the laundry basket.

Assignment 16C Directions: Write sentences of your own creation on the back of this sheet. Don’t use any of the sentences I’ve used in the problems above as one of your answers.

8. Write a sentence of at least 6 words that correctly uses the word lain.9. Write a sentence of at least 6 words that correctly used the word lay as a present tense verb.10. Write a sentence of at least 6 words that correctly used the word lay as the past tense form of the verb “to lie.”11. Write a sentence of at least 6 words that correctly uses the word lie as a present tense verb.12. Write a sentence of at least 6 words that correctly uses the word laid as either a past tense or a past participle tense verb.


A writer uses the active voice when the subject is the actor: in other words, the subject DOES the verb. When a writer uses the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is the recipient of the action rather than the actor.

Examples of sentences written in the active voice:1. The audience surged toward the stage when U2 emerged from the curtains. (The subject,

“audience” is doing the surging.)2. Samantha discovered an anonymous love letter inside her backpack.

Examples of sentences written in the passive voice:1. U2 was swarmed by fans when they emerged from the auditorium. (The subject, “U2,” is the

recipient of the fans’ action.)2. An anonymous love letter was discovered inside Samantha’s backpack. (The subject, “letter,” is

the recipient of whoever discovered it.)

In general, it is preferable to write most of your sentences in the active voice so that you’re primarily using action verbs rather than linking verbs.


Page 14: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

Notice that sentences written in the active voice contain action verbs (such as “surged,” “emerged,” and “discovered” in the sentences above) whereas sentences written in the passive voice contain linking verbs (“was” in the sentences above) and predicate adjectives (“swarmed” and “discovered”).

Assignment Seventeen Directions: Identify the subjects and verbs in the sentences below. (Remember that the subject of an imperative sentence, or a command, is an understood “You.”) Write an A next to sentences written in the active voice and a P next to sentences written in the passive voice. Rewrite sentences in the passive voice so that they are written in the active voice.

1. Early in the morning the team was driven to the tournament by a number of volunteers.

2. The scores of your tests will be posted by tomorrow morning.

3. From the depths of my heart I offer you my sympathy.

4. Founded by Marius Fontana, the new restaurant sits majestically at the top of Mount Vivacity.

5. Please e-mail your supervisor about the incident immediately.

6. My sister is driving me absolutely bonkers!

7. My room has been carefully arranged by my interior decorators in a Grecian style.

8. A linking verb links a word in the predicate back to the subject.

9. The beauty of grammar lies in its meticulous order and in its unvarying principles.

10. KMS basketball tryouts will be held next week.


Assignment Eighteen Directions: Complete the tasks listed by “Your Task” within each section below.

I. The difference between “less” and “fewer.”

Less is used when talking about the quantity of one mass quantity (look for a singular noun). So you can have less money or less luck or less wealth but you can’t have less baseball cards or less dollars or less video games.

Fewer is used when talking about groups of individual items (look for a plural noun). You don’t have fewer money or fewer luck or fewer wealth but you can have fewer baseball cards or fewer dollars or fewer video games.

* Your task: Use either less or fewer to modify the following nouns, using each noun in a separate sentence: tickets, chili, holidays, soda.


Page 15: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

II. The difference between “many” and “much.”

Many and much are much like less and fewer. Substitute “many” for “fewer” and “much” for “less” in the explanation for #1 above, and you will understand the distinction between these two words.

* Your task: Use either much or many to modify the following nouns, using each noun in a separate sentence: months, napkins, charity, love.

III. The difference between “real” and “really.”Real is an adjective; really is an adverb.

Correct: The dip is made from real cheese, not processed food spread.Incorrect: That was a real cool movie.Correct: Even though the test was really difficult, I aced it.Incorrect: He was a really Army general.

Your task : Write one sentence correctly using the word “real” and one other sentence correctly using the word “really.”

IV. The difference between “all ready” and “already.”All ready is the combination of an indefinite pronoun (“all”) and an adjective (“ready”) that describes the pronoun.Already is an adverb usually meaning “prior to or at a specified or implied time.”

Correct: By the time we arrived, they had already left.Correct: Are you all ready to go?

Your task : Write one sentence containing correct usage of the words “all ready” and one other sentence correctly using the word “already.”

V. Don’t use adjective comparatives and superlatives when adverbs are needed and vice versa.

Incorrect: You walk slower than she does. Correct: You walk more slowly than she does.Incorrect: When it comes to raw speed, you are most quickly.Correct: When it comes to raw speed, you are quickest.

* Your task: Use the following comparatives and superlatives correctly in sentences:more skillful, more skillfully, less active, less actively, most annoying, most annoyingly

VI. When to use that, which, who, and whom.Generally speaking, use the pronouns who and whom when referring to people and the words that and which when referring to other nouns (such as places, objects, animals, etc.). Use who as a subject or predicate nominative and use whom as any kind of object (direct object, indirect object, or object of a preposition) as in the examples below. Use that to signify a restrictive clause and which to signify a nonrestrictive clause as in the other examples below.


Page 16: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

Correct: Who sent me this form letter? (Used as a subject.)Correct: The winner of the contest was who? (Used as a predicate nominative.)Correct: Whom did you invite to the party? (Used as a direct object.)Correct: For whom did you intend the praise? (Used as an object of a preposition.)

Example 1: The cherries that we picked were sweet. (The word that restricts the meaning of the noun, so only the cherries that we picked were sweet; cherries picked by others were not as sweet.)Example 2: The cherries, which we picked, were sweet. (The word which is non-restrictive, which means that we picked all the cherries and they were all sweet.)

* Your task: Write one sentence using who correctly; write one sentence using the word whom correctly; write one sentence using which as a relative pronoun and explain the exact meaning of the sentence; write a sentence using that as a relative pronoun and explain the exact meaning of the sentence.

VII. When to use whose and who’s.

Whose is a relative pronoun that starts an adjective clause and usually follows a noun; who’s is a contraction that stands for “who is.”

Correct: My cousin, whose boat we’re borrowing, is in Hawaii for two weeks.Correct: Who’s the student who left this paper on my desk with no name on it?

Your task : Use the word “whose” correctly in a sentence; use the contraction “who’s” correctly in a sentence.

VIII. Proper use of semicolons and colons.

Your tasks : Use a semicolon in each of the following ways in sentences of seven or more words (see p. 393 of Write Source 2000 for assistance):

a. To join two independent clauses.b. With a conjunctive adverb.c. To separate groups that contain commas.

Use a colon in each of the following ways in sentences of seven or more words (see p. 394 of Write Source 2000 for assistance):

a. As a formal introduction.b. For emphasis.c. To introduce a list.


Page 17: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

IX. Proper use of hyphens and dashes.

Your tasks :

Use a hyphen in the following ways in sentences of seven or more words (see pp. 396-397 of Write Source 2000 for assistance):

a. To divide a wordb. In compound wordsc. To Avoid confusion or awkward spellingd. Between numbers in a fraction.e. To form an adjective.

Use a dash (a dash is two hyphens when typing) in the following ways in sentences of seven or more words (see p. 395 of Write Source 2000 for assistance):

a. To indicate a sudden break.b. For emphasis.c. To indicate interrupted speech.

X. Usage of “should of,” “could of,” and “would of.”

These constructions are not grammatically correct and should never be used. The proper constructions are “should have,” “could have,” and “would have.”

Your task : Use each grammatically correct construction (“should have,” “could have,” and “would have”) in a sentence of seven or more words.

XI. Ending a sentence with a preposition. Generally speaking, avoid ending sentences with a preposition.

Avoid: Whom did you go to the movies with?Better: With whom did you go to the movies? (Put the preposition at the beginning.)Avoid: Who did you get that chocolate from?Better: From whom did you get that chocolate? (Notice the placement of the preposition.)

Your task : Rewrite the following sentences so that they don’t end with a preposition. Also choose the correct pronoun when two choices are given.

1. Whose/who’s house did you just go by?2. Who/whom did you make that cake for?3. Who/whom do you want to go to the party with?4. Which states are you certified in?


Page 18: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

Exercise Nineteen: Choose the grammatically correct answer.

1. I wish you would take your responsibilities (more seriously, more serious).

2. That class has the (best, better) runner in the 8th grade.

3. Don't feel (bad, badly) about what happened.

4. I'm so proud that you performed so (good, well)!

5. Did you do (good, well) on your Math test?

6. Do you feel (good, well) today, or are you still ill?

7. The team should feel (good, well) about (its, it's) performance.

8. (Their, there, they're) are some rolls on the counter if you're hungry.

9. (Who's, whose) notebook is this?

10. I won't (accept, except) that sloppy work!

11. Of all the runners on the team, he is the (quicker, quickest).

12. Between the two of us, you know I'm (nicer, nicest).

13. I'm going (weather, whether) you like it or not!

14. Please don't (lose, loose) your keys again!

15. My sister scored very (bad, badly) on her SAT test.

16. You should have walked (quicker, more quickly) to school!

17. Have you (drank, drunk) all the punch?

18. The entire team (swam, swum) at the regional meet.

19. The pitch came smoking in and he (swang, swung) with all his might.

20. Everybody thinks (your, you're) the one who concocted the scheme.

21. The ones who sold me the Yugio cards are (he, him) and (she, her).

22. Why do you think it was (she, her) at the door?

23. Why do you choose to take the (easier, easiest) way out of everything?

24. Please send your sisters and (I, me) the address.

25. I wrote a letter to Aunt Sally on some new (stationary, stationery).


Page 19: Kyrene School District€¦ · Web viewSince forms of the word “be” are never action verbs, the verb “being” in this sentence is the main verb and is a linking verb. Assignment

Exercise Twenty: Circle the grammatically correct choice.

1. Please (lie, lay) your paper on the table.

2. Have you ever (lay, lain) on a waterbed?

3. My parents have (laid, lain) the groundwork for my future success.

4. How many sodas have you (drank, drunk) today?

5. He had (raised, risen, rose) his hand three times before the teacher called on him.

6. The sun (raised, rose) earlier yesterday than it will today.

7. Have you (ran, run) in the qualifying meet yet?

8. That pencil has dark (lead, led).

9. He (lead, led) me into the cave.

10. Last month I (swam, swum) in four different meets.

11. Have you ever (rode, ridden) in a Hummer before?

12. He (swang, swung) at the first two pitches.

13. Would you please take this assignment (more serious, more seriously)?

14. Of the two sisters, she is the (more beautiful, most beautiful).

15. You need to finish your test (quicker, more quickly) if you're going to get to 2nd period on time.

16. He feels (bad, badly) about what he did to his sister.

17. The class, in general, did very (good, well) on their projects.

18. He took the test twice and did (better, best) the second time.

19. After taking his antibiotics, he felt (good, well) enough to participate.

20. Which of these three entrees is the (tastier, tastiest, more tastily, most tastily)?