Kurome's Bedtime Story

Kurome's Bedtime Story The Black Hound My lovely seems to be having a bit of trouble getting to sleep... I have a feeling this will help her. _____________________________________________________________ When I was a child Grandmama always told me this scary wittle story to send me hiding under the covers, forcing myself to not think about it, and go to sleep... This is how it goes, my lovely. It sort of... Comes out of nowhere, and no one truly knows what causes it to appear. Like a curse it seems to follow, and haunt you, keeping you from enjoying your daily task throughout this monotonous world. The creature your common sentiments of rationality and grounded theories. It has no name, but Grandmama, and the rest of the village chose to dub it; The Black Hound. It is named this because, from afar, it seems to look like a common large canine. As you would expect from such a creature, it takes to walking on all fours, and has quite the snout. Although it doesn’t seem to have a tail whatsoever. Its coat, despite the creatures name, is a pale hue that has no color and it stands around seven or eight feet tall.


A quick wittle story about The Black Hound.

Transcript of Kurome's Bedtime Story

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Kurome's Bedtime Story

The Black Hound

My lovely seems to be having a bit of trouble getting to sleep... I have afeeling this will help her.


When I was a child Grandmama always told me this scary wittle story to send me hiding under the covers, forcing myself to not think about it, and goto sleep... This is how it goes, my lovely.

It sort of... Comes out of nowhere, and no one truly knows what causes it to appear. Like a curse it seems to follow, and haunt you, keeping you from enjoying your daily task throughout this monotonous world. The creature your common sentiments of rationality and grounded theories. It has no name, but Grandmama, and the rest of the village chose to dub it; The Black Hound. It is named this because, from afar, it seems to look like a common large canine. As you would expect from such a creature, it takes to walking on all fours, and has quite the snout. Although it doesn’t seem to have a tail whatsoever. Its coat, despite the creatures name, is a pale hue that has no color and it stands around seven or eight feet tall.

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If, rather, when it appears to you, it will always seem to be very distant and at first you may not even notice it in the background- if only that feeling would last forever. Once you do see it, you will notice its artificial looking glance and stance. Its feet barely touch the ground and it rocks indolently from its front to its hind legs as if it was suspended or weighed almost nothing. It stays within your view and will travel back and forth, keeping its eyes on you. It is strongly advised by yours truly, as well as everyone else that has ever heard the story, that you ignore it entirely, for the longer you look at the creature; the more your surroundings begin to distort. Trees and buildings around you will seem to disappear, until the ground is flat and there is nothing for miles except the creature, standing before you. Eventually, you will be trapped in endless, horrifying gray. And the only thing you will see, is The Black Hound.

As you continue to watch it, it will approach you little by little. It only becomes more mesmerizing to you the closer it gets. When it’s at an uncomfortably close distance, you will be able to see its eyes. Its eyes are not that of a dog though; its eyes are white, with solid black pupils that stayslocked on yours. Its mouth stays open constantly, revealing that it has absolutely no teeth; nothing but blackish looking gums. Its expression almost looks as if it was surprised. You cannot allow it to become too close to you, for it gains more control over you the closer it gets. But just remember that it cannot approach you if you do not look at or pay it any attention. You MUST remember that fact, it is the only way to ward it off.

The creature may moan lightly to get your attention and will begin to sob and cry the longer you ignore it. When you hide in your home, you will hear it brushing up against your windows and it will peer inside and look in at you through any cracks in the blinds or curtains. You mustn’t heed it any attention, less this will continue on and on. You should not attempt to hide ina closet or anyplace that does not have a direct link to the outside of your house, for it will come inside and wait outside the door to the room and therewill be no way to escape.

While you try to sleep, you will feel it watching you. You mustn’t allow it to know if you are awake. It comes into your room at night, hoping to fill your dreams with its appearance. If you keep your eyes shut and breathe normally, it will leave before the sun comes back up. From time to time it will disappear and then reappear, but just as long as it does not know that you can see it and you are aware of it, it cannot hurt you.

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I must confess, Dear Reader; the hound does not exist. Rather, it did not exist- until now. The hound is a creature spawned from your imagination, your fear. It is your fear. A construct of human thought. And the dog wishes to meet its master, thanking them for giving it life. But don't worry, you can still ward it off, just like in the story. Just don't think about it, and it will cease to exist.

Please. Remember. Don't panic. Don't be afraid. Don't think.

Thinking is dangerous.

Very. Very. Dangerous...


"And, the end!" I said to Kurome while we sat on our bed during the late night. I full of such zeal after sharing Grandmama's story, and hoping that my lovely would fall into a blissful sleep after hearing this. But oddly... She seemed... To be somewhat afraid. Holding her shoulders together, and her teeth were chattering. "Did you enjoy it, Kurome?"

There was no response from her but a look of perplexity.

"... Okay then. Goodnight, my lovely." I kissed her forehead and reached towards the lamp on the left side of our bed. Yet, I was interrupted by her.

"Wait!" She wrapped her arms around my chest, halting my movement. "Okay... Now you can turn it off."

"You think you can go to bed now?"

She nodded closing her eyes shut, and placing her head on my shoulder.

"Great! Sweet dreams, my lovely." My last words before I turned the lamp off, surrounding us in darkness as we drifted off to a gentle slumber. Kuromewas out like a light in just 3 minutes.


And that folks, is how Ole Reli puts Kurome to sleep. Much better than late night milk and cookies, right?

Now remember, Dear Reader, don't think. No matter what, do not think

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about it.

Do. Not. Think...

Sweet dreams.


*2:00 am*

Relinquish: *Walking down stairs* Now to just grab me a glass of water and head right back to-... May I help you? O.o

Black Hound:....

Relinquish: ... Well, not the craziest shit I've seen in my life. Scuse me, buddy. ^_^ *Walks past dog and to kitchen.

Black Hound: O.o...