Kulleġġ ta’ Għawdex Sekondarja Subien -...

Religion – Form 3 – Level 5 till 8 – Half Yearly Examinations 2015 Page 1 of 13 Embracing Diversity Kulleġġ ta’ Għawdex Sekondarja Subien Subject: Religion Year: Form 3 Level 5 6 7 8 Time: One and a Half hour Name: Class: ____________________________ ____________________________ Students’ Instructions: Read well all the instructions for every exercise, Answer ALL questions. For Teachers’ Use: Section A Section B Section C Total 34 34 32 100%

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Religion – Form 3 – Level 5 till 8 – Half Yearly Examinations 2015 Page 1 of 13

Embracing Diversity

Kulleġġ ta’ Għawdex

Sekondarja Subien



Year: Form 3 Level 5 – 6 – 7 – 8

Time: One and a Half hour





Students’ Instructions:

Read well all the instructions for every exercise,

Answer ALL questions.

For Teachers’ Use:

Section A Section B Section C Total





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SECTION A: Authenticity (34 marks)

Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list below. (6 marks)

confident strength mask

authentic lie love

It is important that we recognise the difference between what is__________________

and what is fake. No person is exactly like any other. A __________________ hides

a person's true identity and so that makes it a __________________. True friends

never make you feel afraid to be yourself, rather they make you feel

__________________about yourself. The Maltese word ‘ħbieb’ (friends) derives

from the word _____________, infact it leads to built a real and true friendship.

God gives us the __________________ and courage we need in our lives so that we

can be true to ourselves and in our relationships with others.

Underline the correct answer. (5 marks)

1. (Saint Augustine, Saint Atanasius, Saint Francis) describes God as a sculptor who

created man by sculpting him from a block of marble.

2. In (Psalm 51, Psalm 70, Psalm 170) David realises the mistake he has made and

who was right in God’s eyes and where his weakness has led him.

3. Isaac’s wife was (Sara, Rebecca, Ruth).

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4. In the Book of the Prophet (Jeremy, Isaiah, David), we read that

God has inscribed all of our names on the palms of his hands.

5. Pope (Benedict XVI, Francis, John Paul II) said that every person is unique.

Name the Biblical character. (6 marks)

6. The father of Esau and Jacob I___________________

7. The first king of Israel. S___________________

8. A great friend of Saint Basil Saint


9. A great friend of Saint Francis. Saint


10. The most original man who won the evil

by sacrifising himself on the cross.


11. In his Gospel, he recounts the meeting

between Nicodemus and Jesus



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Fill in the blanks by completing the word. The first letter is given (as a hint).

(5 marks)

12. In the Bible, f____________________ is the symbol of true love. In his first letter

to the Corinthians, Saint P_____________________ gives us “The Way of Love.”

13. “Love is patient and k________; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or

rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or

resentful; it does not r__________at wrong-doing, but

rejoices with the t_________ . Love bears all things, believes

all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (1 Corinthians 13, 4-7).

Give short answers. (12 marks)

14. What did Jesus mean when he said to Nicodemus: “Do you wish to be born

again” ?

__________________________________________________________(2 marks)

15. Why did Jesus refer to the Pharisees as “whitewashed tombs”?


______________________________________________________ (2 marks)

16. Mention one characteristic of friendship from the story of David and Jonathan that

appealed to you most?

__________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

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17. When a person wears a mask he/she is not sincere. What happens the person when

he/she is not sincere?

__________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

18. In about 80 words recount how Jacob took the birth right away from his brother.








______________________________________________________ (6 marks)

(Please turn over for next section)

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SECTION B: The Person as a Whole Being (36 marks)

Match Column A with Column B. (5 marks)

Column A

Column B

1. Saint Gregory of Nissa, used to


“And God saw everything that

he had made and behold, it was

very good. And there was

evening and there was morning,

the sixth day”. (Gen 1,31)

2. Justice is one of the foundations

of our society. By justice we do

not only mean that who

misbehaves is punished but

“A new commandment I give to

you, that you love one another,

just as I have loved you, you also

are to love one another.” (John

13, 34)

3. Martin Luther King The person who feels most

alone is he who feels isolated

and avoided by all.

4. Jesus showed us that it is more

important to love than to be

just. He said:

A modern American icon who

fought strongly against racism.

5. In the end, God created man

according to his likeness:

Also that every person is

respected and given dignity.

Fill in the blanks with the correct word. (8 marks)

6. In the Book of ________________ we read that God

created “birds fly above the earth across the expanse of

the heavens.” (Gen 1, 20).

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7. To be in _____________ is not always a negative thing.

8. ______________ in others develops over time. The more I know the person,

the more I will be at ease to express my feelings.

9. ________________ is judging before you have seen something.

Give short answers. (14 marks)

10. Among the different virtues, there are Cardinal Virtues which are fundamental to

humanity. There are 4 Cardinal Virtues.

(a) Mention two of them.


(ii) _________________________________(2marks)

(b) Give examples of these same two virtues to show you know what they mean.


_____________________________________________________ (2 marks)


_____________________________________________________ (2 marks)

11. Give a reason why a person may choose to be in solitude.

_______________________________________________________( 1 mark)

12. Mention one Essential Quality.

______________________________________________________ ( 1 mark)

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13. In the Gospel of Saint John, we find the story of the adulterous woman. The

Scribes and the Parisees wanted to stone her because she had broken the Law of

Moses. In about 80 words;

a) Show how the Scribes tried to trick Jesus





b) Explain also how Jesus forgave the woman and taught the Scribes and Pharisees

an important lesson.




_________________________________________________________ (6 marks)

Read this passage and answer the questions below in brief.

“And immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they thus

questioned within themselves, said to them, ‘Why do you

question these things in your hearts? Which is easier, to say to

the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise, take up

your bed and walk?’ (Mark 2, 8-12).

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14. Give this passage a title. ______________________________________( 1mark)

15. Why did Jesus say to the paralytic “your sins are forgiven”?


__________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

16. Why did this sentence confuse and surprise the people who were there?


______________________________________________________ (2 marks)

17. How does the story continue?



__________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(Please turn over for next section)

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SECTION C: Relationships (30 marks)

Fill in the blanks with one word. The first letter has been given. (5 marks)

1. In Psalm 8, one of the most beautiful hymns showing the greatness of

humanity, we read “yet you have made him a little lower than the

h__________ beings.”

2. H________________ is part of the whole of creation and we must see it as an

integral part of a wider creation.

3. Life is a g________________ we have received from God. We must appreciate


4. M_________is a sacrament between man and w____________.

Underline the name of the person who made the following statements. (4 marks)

1. ‘Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you.’

(1 Cor 6, 19)

(St. Paul, St Matthew, St. Luke)

2. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came

that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10, 10)

(St John, St Paul, Jesus).

3. “Husbands love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up to

her,” (Ef 5, 25)

(St Paul, St Luke, Jesus).

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4. “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth,” (Genesis1, 28)

(St John, St Paul, God)

Give short answers. (14 marks)

5. What do we mean when we say that man was created according to God’s


_________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

6. Give two examples of what we can do to take care of our bodies.


_______________________________________________________ (2 marks)

7. As a Christian, how should you regard people who have a different sexual

orientation to your own?



8. What does ‘peer pressure’ mean?


__________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

9. Mention two important factors that there should be in a couple’s relationship.


__________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

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10. The Church insists on the importance that a family is built upon Christian

marriage. Why?


________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

Jesus spoke very directly. Once he said:

“You have heard that it was said to those of old ‘You shall not murder, and

whoever murders will be liable to judgement.’ But I say to you that everyone

who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgement; whoever insults his

brother will be liable to the council, and whoever says ‘You fool!’ will be liable

to the hell of fire.” (Mt 5, 21-22).

11. In this passage, Jesus was not only referring to physical murder, but also that

psychological. Give three examples of how a person may be discriminated

against because of their different sexual orientation.



c) _______________________________________________________ (3 marks)

Fill in the gaps with the words from the grid: (6 marks)

conscience relationship guide

choices harmony nucleus

12. When God created man and woman, He called for them to marry in order to

have an intimate ___________________ based on love and life together.

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13. Family is an important ___________________ within society.

14. Through the___________________ we make, we risk losing our inner peace

and allow our instincts and wishes take over our reasoning.

15. Our ___________________ is the voice of God within us.

16. To be truly healthy, it is important that there is co-ordination and

___________________ between our body, souls, heart and mind.

17. Every person needs a ___________________ and nobody can lead their lives

only according to their needs and wishes.