@KSU March 2010

brought to you by Mar 2010 | Issue No: 16 | Newspaper Post ISSN 1810-858X


KSU'spublication- March 2010

Transcript of @KSU March 2010

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06 Parking, Transport, Accessibility: Present and Future

09 Anonymous Study Unit Feedback Campaign

10 The Student Opportunity Fund

13 What Has KSU Been Up To?

23 How Have You Been Represented On An International Level?

25 Sustainability: More Than Just A Buzz Word

29 How is your student life? Let us know in the Eurostudent survey!

30 Upcoming Events

Kunsill tal-iStudenti Universitarji

Students’ House, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080 Tel:

2134 3085 Fax: 2133 7517 Email: [email protected]

Editor: James CassarContributors: KSU Executive

e might all think that University is not a place where one can have fun. Coming to think of it though, time did fly from the time I wrote the first @KSU editorial this year.

Though I did have my blue Mondays, on the whole I admit I have to agree with the saying ‘time flies when you’re having fun.’ I do confess that I am somewhat dreading the moment when I finish my University course next year; maybe many of us are at the end of the day, no matter how many times we say that our time at University is too long. I feel it is relatively short. University life makes us what we are, and not just the course we choose to study.

Some students’ actions may not reflect the University life at all. Participation in University life on campus is the one thing I strive to enhance. It is quite easy to complain and grumble, and it is also true that some things do need to change. Students should endeavour to help rather than sit back and enjoy discussing problems. Unity is the first step forward, but even when this is not possible, effort is crucial. There are a lot of opportunities to make your voice heard at University, and a good start could be by attending the approaching AGM to inform yourself on what is going on. It is a date one ought to jot down in his or her diary, and I am sure some students have already done so.

Also related to what has been said above, one should read through the various articles in this edition, particularly the transport issue which has been on everyone’s lips at the beginning of this academic year. The Opportunity Fund is another project by KSU that has helped a number of students financially during the first semester and is to continue to do so during the second one as well. Actors and dancers prepare yourselves for this year’s Students’ Fest which is fast approaching. We all need to have a good laugh after all!

James Cassar Public Relations Officer


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As per Article 8 of the University Students’ Council (KSU) statute, I would like to inform you that KSU’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on the Thursday, 17th March 2010, in the KSU Melita Common Room, Students’ House, University of Malta. The AGM commences at noon (12:00pm).

According to Section 4 of Appendix A of the same Statute, the temporary agenda for the AGM shall be: (1) Appointment of the Chair; (2) Approval of the Agenda; (3) Minutes: Reporting of Minutes & Approval; (4) Annual Report; (5) Appointment of the Disciplinary Board and the Board of Appeal; (6) Appointment of Auditor; (7) Appointment of Advocate; (8) Appointment of Electoral Commission; (9) Decisions upon Motions brought forward by the Executive or others; (10)Nomination and Presentation of the Candidates for the New Executive.

Motions brought forward shall be presented to the Secretary General whilst the AGM shall receive nominations of candidates until point 10 of the agenda. As per Section 2 of Appendix A, every student as a member of KSU has the right to bring motions to the discussion of the AGM. So as to have such motions included in the Agenda, these motions shall be brought forward in writing until two (2) days before the AGM.

It is also suggested to keep oneself updated with KSU’s website (www.ksu.org.mt) as material which is relevant to the AGM shall be uploaded in the coming days.

Whilst thanking you in advance, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of your attendance to this meeting.

Kindest Regards,

Vivienne BajadaSecretary General KSU 2009 - [email protected]


Skont Artiklu 8 ta’ l-iStatut tal-Kunsill ta’ l-iStudenti Universitarji, nixtieq ninfurmak li l-Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali tal-istess Kunsill ser titlaqqa’ nhar il-Hamis 17 ta’ Marzu, fil-KSU Melita Common Room, Dar l-Istudent, fl-Università ta’ Malta. Il-laqgħa tibda f ’nofsinhar.

Skond it-Taqsima 4 ta’ Appendiċi A tal-istess Statut, l-Aġenda temporanja għal din il-laqgħa ser tkun:(1) Ħatra tas-Sedja;(2) Approvazzjoni tal-Aġenda;(3) Minuti: Rapport tal-Minuti u Approvazzjoni;(4) Rapport Annwali;(5) Ħatra tal-Bord tad-Dixxiplina u tal-Bord tal-Appell;(6) Ħatra tal-Awditur;(7) Ħatra tal-Avukat;(8) Ħatra tal-Kummissjoni Elettorali;(9) Deċiżjonijiet fuq Mozzjonijiet imressqa mill-Eżekuttiv jew imsieħba;(10) Nominazzjoni u Preżentazzjoni tal-Kandidati tal-Eżekuttiv il-Ġdid.

Mozzjonijiet imressqa’ għandhom jiġu pprezentati lis-Segretarju Ġenerali, filwaqt li l- Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali tibqa’ tilqa’ n-nominazzjonijiet għall-kandidati tal-Ezekuttiv sa punt 10 fl-agenda. Skont Taqsima 2 ta’ Appendiċi A, bħala membru tal-Kunsill ta’ l-iStudenti Universitarji tista’ tressaq mozzjonijiet li jigu diskussi waqt il-laqgħa. Sabiex dawn il-mozzjonijiet jiġu inklużi fl-Aġenda, għandek tressaq il-mozzjonijiet bil-miktub sa jumejn (2) qabel il-Laqgħa.

Huwa importanti wkoll li żżomm ruħek aġġornat mal-websajt tal-KSU (www.ksu.org.mt) għaliex fil-jiem li ġejjin se jkun qiegħed jittella’ materjal relevanti ghal-Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali.

Filwaqt li nirringrazzjak, nixtieq infakkrek fl-importanza tal-attendenza tiegħek għal din il-Laqgħa.

Dejjem Tieghek,

Vivienne Bajada - Segretarju ĠeneraliKSU 2009 - [email protected]

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n this regard KSU has been actively working hard to mitigate this problem. The

space is limited, however courtesy of a number of initiatives the problem may be alleviated in the short-term. The long-term vision requires a major overhaul both in culture and in the manner in which space is utilized. Maximising on the limited space available is indeed the way forward.

BikE SHElTErS In adherence to its electoral promise, KSU has installed a number of bike shelters to complement the current bike shelters within the University precincts. Three hubs were earmarked, i.e. within the vicinities of the PE institute; close to the Law and Theology faculties; and near the main entrance of the Faculty of Built Environment. This has increased the number

of bicycle parking slots to over 50 within University. Although these are being used, there is still a long way to go to instil a different culture which would envisage students commuting to University by bicycle.

TraNSpOrT rEfOrmKSU held discussions with the Transport Authority, whereby KSU has expressed its opinion regarding the reform of public transport. The reform, amongst other things, relates to the development of a new bus network which is modeled on current traveling needs, with extended hours of operation and a user-friendly structure designed to make travel easier, hence encouraging students and non-students alike to commute by bus. KSU’s opinion was translated into concrete decisions, whereby students will benefit from subsidized fares, which may also

be smart card refundable.

Description Student Fare Feeder (2 hrs) €0.65Feeder (day) €1.10Feeder (Day € 0.70purchased before8.00am) Feeder (month) €12.00Feeder (3 months) €30.00All services (2 hrs) €1.30All services (day) €2.10All services (Day € 1.40purchased before8.00am) All services (month) €21.00All services €60.00(3 months) Reproduced from MITC letter dated 23rd October 2009, addressed to KSU.

mulTi-STOrEy Car parkKSU this year will be proposing an installation of a-multi storey car park. The report lists the

regeneration of a segment of the car park opposite the main entrance of the University (Car Park 6). The proposal claims that the multi-storey car park, will host over five hundred cars, spread over three levels. KSU is aware of the fact that the University lacks the funds to install this car park, and as such it is proposing a Public-Private Partnership scheme, whereby the University will embark in such project by

contributing through its land whereas a private partner will contribute financially. KSU’s study suggests that, the private partner will subsequently be given the facility to build a commercial-level, thus ensuring that parking, remains free of charge. KSU will be presenting this document to students during the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. To this effect, all students are urged to

attend to give their feedback. KSU has taken the plunge to seek to alleviate the parking problem within the University of Malta. The vision is indeed a move into the right direction, however the benefits can only be reaped, by having the right mechanisms in place.

Matthew ParisKSU Vice President

PARkINg, TRANSPORT, AccESSIbILITy: PRESENT AND fuTuRELack of space is indeed a major problem. Academics, administrative staff and students experience a horrid time to park their vehicles within their respective designated areas on a daily basis. One might ask why, however when he gets to know that the University of Malta can only accommodate circa 1400 vehicles at one go, the question will be deemed superfluous. Of this figure, circa 50% is allocated to the 10,000 or so students, whilst the rest is shared between the academics and the administrative staff. It is a fact that not all students drive their way to University, but parking is indeed a problem.

Proposed Traffic Scheme

current Traffic Scheme

Indicates the proposed traffic flow


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he Study Unit Feedback system involves a short online survey via e-SIMS

that is completed after each semester, when the study unit course ends. Apart from general questions students are being asked on:• Study-unit Description versus Actual Delivery• Lecturing Methodology• Lecturer Accountability • Method of Assessment• Administration and Resources

Students can also give additional comments about the study-unit.

This system works via a completely anonymous form and the students are never asked for personal details. Once submitted, the data of the entire class is grouped together for analysis. It is therefore impossible to associate comments and

responses provided with any individual student. Unfortunately, many students are cautious about participating in such feedback due to a fear of being revealed and penalised for speaking out. The system has ensured that by no means can a student’s details be revealed.

This campaign is one of the initiatives taken by KSU to: • see that, following the collective agreement with lecturers, these will provide a service of an apt and expected level,• work to enhance and enforce lecturer accountability.

When it comes to Quality Assurance, the Education Commission has also met the

Pro-Rector for Academic Affairs and staff from APQRU, to further discuss other problems such as the work load of some study units, and the discrepancy between study unit descriptions on e-SIMS and the actual material delivered by the academic staff amongst many others.

karl AgiusKSU Education Commissioner



One of the commitments of the Education Commission within KSU is to ensure Quality Assurance in Higher Education. For this reason KSU has teamed up with the University of Malta to promote and urge students to participate in the Anonymous Study Unit Feedback.

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tudents were able to download an application form from the KSU website

or else drop by our offices to collect one, from the 5th October to the 5th November. Along with the application form, students were advised to collect a copy of the Rules and Regulations which would have also helped them when filling in the application form. The submission dates were the 9th and 10th November and a total of 35 applicants applied.

The applicants varied from different faculties and ranged from the first year up until the final years of each respective courses. The motivations for applications ranged from attending conferences abroad to the purchasing of material or going abroad to research for thesis or dissertation purposes.

The board was composed of

3 members, namely a KSU representative, a representative from one of KSU’s financial Corporate Partners and a representative from the Rector’s Office met up to process all applications and determine in accordance with the rules and regulations the value of the grant, if any, to each applicant.

The board found all applicants eligible to be awarded the grant. Their decision was based on 5 different criteria. Points out of 5 were given for each criteria and every 5 points represented a €100 thereby allowing the students to benefit up to a maximum of €500 as a grant.

The amount of grants given in the second semester was just under the €9,000 mark, out of the €12,500 available to students. The board has decided to carry forward the remainder to the second semester.

First Semester Applications were open for students who wanted to apply for any purchases made from July 2009 up until December 2009. A small ceremony was held in mid-February at the KSU Melita Common Room where the cheques were presented to all the applicants.

Second Semester Applications will be open for students who are going abroad or are going to purchase course-related material from November 2009 up until end of May 2010. Applications will once again be made available online or from the KSU Office from the 5th February to the 5th March. Applications must be submitted at the KSU Office strictly on the 9th and 10th March from 8am to 8pm.

Nerissa PaceKSU Finance Officer

The Student Opportunity Fund was launched last October during Freshers’ Week and applications opened soon after. The €25,000 fund was split equally into two, with €12,500 being available in each semester.


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Work to install multi-lingual direction signs around University.These were installed at several points around Campus during the summer months in order to aid freshers and international students around the University of Malta. Provide child care services for student mothers. KSU is currently undergoing discussions with the University of Malta on the possibility of extending the opening hours and expanding the infrastructure of the childcare facilities to benefit more student mothers and academic/non-academic staff alike. Strive to ensure that the stipends system remains one which will benefit all full-time Maltese and Gozitan students.Once again KSU ensured that for another year running, all full-time University students would benefit from the stipends scheme. Organize a ball at the end of the academic year.The KSU Graduation Night was organized on the 5th December, 2009 at Renaissance, MonteKristo Estates. The presence of Big Band Brothers, numerous DJs, fire jugglers, photographer and keen attendance from University students ensured that this event will certainly not be forgotten.

July Work to create a scheme by which bus tickets will be smart card refundable.KSU has set up various meetings with the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Communication (MITC) and the Student Maintenance Grants Board (SMGB) with regards the smart card refundability of bus tickets to University students, an initiative to which both Ministry and the Board agreed. See that following the collective agreement with lecturers, these will provide a service of an apt and expected level.KSU is compiling a survey regarding University students’ academic life. This survey will, through the help of professionals, help assess lecturer accountability in relation to the collective agreement points related to students. This survey will be introduced at the beginning of April, and its results published after all data is compiled. Establish a Control Commission with members from the academic body, KSU and the non-academic staff in order to ensure that regulations are being abided by. KSU proposed this to the Education Commission (KE) at the start of the academic year. The Commission decided

that need for such a Control Commission was not necessary so the project was cancelled. Revision of the Examinations system:• Commence a campaign to exert pressure for a reform of the examinations system through which this would become more just whilst ensuring increased accountability; • Exert pressure so that timetables will be published within a reasonable amount of time and that the length of the exams is appropriate for the work given;• See that the venue allocated for the examination is of an acceptable and necessary level; • Work for anonymity in all examinations. KSU incorporated all the points listed above in an Examination Report which was approved by the Education Commission, published in October and presented to the Minister of Education, Rector, Registrar and Pro-Rectors at the University of Malta. The report is also available on the KSU website. Feedback on the report and its repercussion was assessed after the January examinations session and KSU will push to better the situation for the May/June session. Start discussions with the University Administration in

WhAT hAS kSu bEEN uP TO?

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order to make the University more accessible to persons with a disability.KSU is currently designing a map outlining all the accessibility routes around Campus. This will be available on the KSU portal www.ksu.org.mt and will be presented at the KSU Annual General Meeting (AGM). auGuST Conduct a study on the viability of a multi-storey car park for University. This study will be presented at KSU’s AGM in 2010. Throughout the year, KSU has conducted research on the viability of a multi-storey car park in Car Park 6, next to the University’s main entrance, Gateway Building. The idea is that the car park creates space for more than 500 cars segregated between 3 different storeys. This report will be presented at the KSU Annual General Meeting. Provide a shelter for bikes at University. KSU has installed more than 50 bike shelters at various points around University. This initiative is part of KSU’s plan on the transport system at University which also includes the report on the viability of a multi-storey car park and the smart card refundibility of bus fares. It is also aimed towards environmental consciousness. See to it that the e-SIMS system is implemented in the Junior College for all JC students.

KSU has received confirmation from the Registrar’s office with regards the implementation and execution of an e-SIMS system at Junior College. Ensure that the results of re-sits and revision of paper will be published within a reasonable amount of time.This manifesto point was incorporated in the Examinations Report published by the Education Commission in October. SEpTEmBEr Strengthen the cooperation and communication with the University’s Ombudsman and shall work so as to have regular representation of this office at University.KSU set up a meeting with the University Ombudsman during which KSU stressed the importance of the Ombudsman’s office on University premises. The Ombudsman expressed his concern on students’ complaints and offered to meet up students monthly at the KSU Boardroom. Office Allocations Report. The KSU Office Allocations Board published results of the corrected Office Allocations Regulations during a KPS meeting after which offices within Students’ House were assigned to student organizations who were eligible for them. Strengthen the ‘You Complain, You Gain’ campaign through

the use of technology in order to facilitate communication. An online complaints system was launched in the KSU website so as to facilitate KSU’s accessibility to the student population. Moreover a set of ‘complaints boxes’ were installed around Campus so that apart from retaining their anonymity, students could also voice their academic complaints to KSU. International Students’ Welcome Party.

KSU organized a Welcome Party for international students arriving at the University of Malta. The event was held at QBar, Valletta Waterfront on the 29th September, 2009.

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Throughout the year, the KSU Education Commission kept a constant set of meetings with student representatives ensuring that KSU receives feedback from students through their representatives in the Faculty Boards.

Organize cultural excursions for international students.A cultural excursion was organized for Halloween for international students in Gozo where several outings were organized to orientate students with traditional Maltese culture.

Organize practical courses in First Aid and Sign Language.KSU worked in collaboration with DegreePlus to provide these courses to University students. First Aid will be provided during second semester. Currently KSU is working on the provision of sign language courses.

Reaction to Budget Document.KSU on behalf of the Social Policy Commission issued a reaction to the Budget Document during the month of November. NOvEmBEr

Shall allocate €25,000 for the creation of the Student Opportunity Fund for students that require specific financial assistance for expenses related to their course. Amongst these are those students who wish to participate in conferences abroad, relevant to their course content.

This scheme which was made available to students as aid to their studies was split into 2 phases for the first and second semester respectively. For the first semester, 35 applicants benefited from it. For the second semester, applications will be open till the 5th March, which applications will be available from the KSU website.

Create an online store on the KSU website.KSU is currently working on setting up an online store on the KSU portal in which students can benefit from the amount of services offered to them.

International Cuisine Night.This event was organized at the Lija Residence where international students from various countries prepared food stuffs native to their country of origin. This created an element of intercultural diversity where students could relate with relate with each other in an informal environment.

Shall organize Careers’ Convention. For the sixth consecutive year, KSU organized Careers’ Convention, aimed at bridging together the gap between students and the working sector and to provide students with the necessary tools in preparation to a working life. Shall create a Job Centre that will offer further information and job applications for both students as

well as those freshly graduated. In an attempt to facilitate student searches for internships with renowned companies, this year KSU struck agreements with its corporate sponsors where a number of internships either during the academic year or during the summer months are offered to students who wish to increase their skills in the sector. DECEmBEr Shall push towards increased opening hours within the Stipends Office and set up a monitoring system to monitor the efficiency of the Stipends Office.KSU is currently undergoing discussions with the University Administration with regards the possibility of extending the opening hours of the Stipends Office on Campus. In this way with increased opening hours, the efficiency of the office will increase since more students will benefit and be aided.

16 17

See that there is better coordination for the local students going on Erasmus mobility exchange. KSU together with the University’s International Office organized the Erasmus Information Days on the 8th and 18th February, 2010. The aim of these information talks is to provide local students with the necessary tools to consider Erasmus mobility exchanges and the benefits associated with them. KSU Pre-Budget Document. The Economic Affairs Subcommittee compiled the Pre-Budget Document which was approved by the Social Policy Commission and published.

Work so that the principal games of the English and Italian leagues and the Champions League will be shown in the Common Room. KSU will be showing the final and semi-final games of the UEFA Champions League during the months of April and May. Organize Campus Fest This year’s Campus Fest was held after Freshers’ Week in an attempt primarily to join Frisk and Campus Fest and to show both freshman and other students Campus life at its best. The event kicked off on Friday 8th October till Sunday 10th and featured an array of acts including the Big Band Brothers, Bletchley Park, Marylin, Dana, Dynamic Fudge, Dolls for Idols, Red Electric and several local DJs such as Luc Funk, Stef B, Clayton J, Duncan F and Diego.


Organize an effective Freshers’ Week. As with every other year, KSU once again dedicated a lot of time, effort and resources to put up the best possible experience for freshers and non-first year students alike. This year, KSU faced a particularly important challenge due to the great number of student organizations that opted to participate in this event. All students benefited from an influx of information, honed relationships with other new students and student organizations and took advantage of the several student offers available during the week.

Organize Frisk. This year’s Frisk was organized in conjunction with Campus Fest ensuring that welcoming students to the University of Malta would give a better overview to Campus life.

Commence a system whereby lecture cancellations would be published on the KSU website and would be furthermore easily accessible through RSS notifications.KSU is curently undergoing talks with the University Rectorate and Registrar with regards having easier and more accessible notifications with regards lecture cancelations to students.

Shall work so that the science laboratories will be equipped with better resources.KSU issued a report on the problems in the science laboratories, a report entitled ‘The Laboratory - a virtual lecture room?’. Through this report, KSU is aiming to receive feedback and ensuring that the necessary actions are taken to amend the situation.

Ensure that the system of regular meetings with student representatives is maintained and that a similar system for class representatives is started.

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Shall once again organize the Christmas on Campus festivities. Together with the University of Malta and the University Chaplaincy, KSU has for the second consecutive year organized the Christmas on Campus festivities. This year all collections were donated to Istrina, Dar tal-Providenza and Angels Children’s Home of Ethiopia. A series of events were organized for 2 weeks on Campus aimed at generating a healthy Christmas spirit. Party for Children with special needs. As part of the Christmas on Campus Festivities, KSU organized a party for children from the Preventive Care Unit. This was held in the KSU Melita Common Room on the 18th December, 2009 where the children were given presents. Health Awarness Campaign. One of the points in the workplan of the Health Subcommittee of the Social Policy Commission (KPS) is increasing health awareness on Campus. Thus, a seminar will be organized on Mental Health on the 18th March, 2010. Human Rights Awareness Campaign During the month of December, KSU invited student organizations to participate in this campaign. Throughout the day several activities on the Quadrangle and in the KSU Melita Common Room

were organized to create more awarness on human rights and their influence on society. Organize Singers’ Songwriters’ Showcase. Following the success of previous years, for the third consecutive year KSU organized Singers’ Songwriters’ Showcase. This event was held at the Aula Magna on 13th November, 2009 and featured a wide range of artists who promoted their talents throughout the night. JaNuary

Ensure that Gozitan students are given the opportunity to sit for their exams in Gozo. For the past two years, KSU has been in direct and continuous contact with the University Administration and the Ministry for Gozo with regards transferring examination sessions for Gozitan students to Gozo so as to improve accessibility to these students. KSU has also worked closely with GUG (Grupp Universitarji Ghawdxin) on this initiative also through a survey compiled by the latter organization. Although no solution seems close at hand, KSU will continue working ardently to ensure that this proposal is brought to effect. Work to facilitate creative and artistic impression. Throughout the year through the Culture and Entertainment Office KSU has worked towards promoting student talents

including a Photographic Exhibition which will be featured during the weekend of Students’ Fest. This will incentivise photographers to capture Students’ Fest at its best and to promote their talents. fEBruary

Shall invest in the creation of a Green Area at University along with the re-building of Students’ Hut. In an attempt to increase more study and chill-out areas for students, KSU equipped an unused area with benches, bins and wi-fi access ready for student use. Moreover, KSU has undergone various talks with the University Administration, Precincts’ Office and Estates and Works in an attempt to re-build Students’ Hut. Lack of the ideal space and necessary funding prohibited KSU to carry out this initiative. Shall organize information seminars for Junior College students, which seminars will serve as an orientation at University.Between the 12th and 14th October, KSU organized a Faculty Convention for Junior College students. This event was held at Junior College itself and consisted of a number of stands and information sessions to prepare JC students make better guided choices upon entry at the University of Malta in preparation to a working life.


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Page 11: @KSU March 2010


Second Welcome Party for international students and End of Exams Bash.Since international students arrive at the University of Malta at a time when current University students are sitting for their examinations, KSU thought of joining the international students’ Welcome Party together with the End of Exams Bash. In this way, international students had an opportunity to meet and mingle with local students. Shall work towards the possibility of once again having a KSU Carnival Float.After discussions on the feasibility of the float including logistical, financial and human resources with several third parties, KSU decided to redirect resources for more effective projects. aDDiTiONal Work to ensure better student membership rates at the JC gym. KSU has held various meetings with the management of ActiveZone, a gym situated within the Junior College. Through an agreement, ActiveZone management agreed to issue new reduced tariffs to University students including JC students for use of the sports facilities. University page on The Sunday Times.At the start of the academic year, KSU had a series of meetings with the directors and editorial board of the Sunday Times of

Malta regarding the possibility of having a page on the newspaper dedicated to University. The aim of this initiative was to bring KSU closer to the student, to inform the student al all times of events happening on Campus and to promote student activism. At present, 20 editions have been published with the numbers continuing to increase till the upcoming June. KPS/KE Seminars. Belief in student activism and student representation led the Social Policy Commission and the Education Commission to organize these two seminars which were held in August and February respectively and which aimed at bringing together student representatives to share ideas and policies. Student Organizations’ BBQ. This BBQ which was organized during the summer months for student organizations was held on the University Quadrangle. The aim was for KSU to meet student organizations in an informal environment and for student organizations to become aquainted with each other and strengthen relationships for the oncoming year. International Cuisine Night and One World Fair. The International Cuisine Night which was organized at the Lija Residence aimed to promote various foreign cultures, enable Maltese students to acquaint themselves with the backgrounds

of international students who are studying with them, as well as facilitate communication and integration through the understanding of different cultures.

On the other hand, One World Fair which was organized on the 27th October, 2009 in Students’ House encompassed a full day of events featuring exhibition of countries by various embassies, talks and debates by NCHE and other activities coordinated by international students. Through this event, KSU strived to bring across the message of belief in the concept of cultural diversity and integration of communities each in promotion of their distinctive and unique culture. Organization Days This year, KSU organized a week dedicated specifically to student organizations during the month of November, during which student organizations had the chance of re-exposing themselves to the student population, promoting their events and recruiting new members.

Vivienne bajada KSU Secretary General

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Students play an important role in shaping the policies and procedures of Higher Education. Student representation is all about creating a structure to ensure that students’ views are heard. This year, Nice, Krakow and Vienna have summed up KSU’s International agenda with 3 different events to which Maltese representation was of utmost importance and which gave a true meaning to international student representation.

ESu Bm 57, krakOwThe European Students’ Union (ESU) is an umbrella organisation of 49 National Unions of Students (NUS) from 38 countries. The NUSes are open to all students in their respective country regardless of political persuasion, religion, ethnic or cultural origin, sexual orientation or social standing. ESU members are also student-run, autonomous, representative and operate according to democratic principles. ESU organised its 57th Board Meeting (BM) and seminar between the 22nd November 2009 and the 29th November 2009 in Krakow, Poland to which KSU’s International Officer, Nadya Papagiorcopulo and KSU’s President, Carl Grech attended. The seminar was titled “The link between Higher Education and Research, Equity and Doctoral Students”.

Prior to the BM, a 3-day

information session was organised to which all student representatives could have actively taken part through the various workshops and debates organised. ESU’s Equity Handbook was also launched during these 3 days. The handbook provides content overview of international higher education policy processes, and also contains information about particular issues such as underrepresented groups and obstacles for those who want to enter higher education.

During the BM, ESU welcomed the Luxembourg University Students (LUS) as a full member. As new associate members, ESU welcomes the International Students of History Association (ISHA) and the Association of Nordic and Pol-Balt Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Student Organizations (ANSO). At ESU’s 57th Board Meeting in Krakow, there were also elections to 4 of ESU’s committees.

“We should look beyond teaching methods and stress aspects such as financial and logistical support”, said Ligia Deca, Chairperson of the European Students’ Union, at the end of this conference.

EurOpEaN STuDENT uNiON’S SummiT, viENNaEuropean Student Union’s summit will be held between the 6th March 2010 and the 9th March 2010 in Vienna, to which KSU’s President

Carl Grech and KSU’s International Officer Nadya Papagiorcopulo will be present.

The Bologna Process has entered its special anniversary year as 2010 was set to be the year by which a European Higher Education Area must be created.

Moreover, the European Union in the year 2000 launched its Lisbon Agenda with which a strategic goal to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion was set for the decade. And naturally, higher education has been fundamental in further developments in Lisbon. These developments will also feature in the discussions to be held at this event.

KSU aims to share such experiences with all University students to principally create awareness about student equality between European Union member state Universities. This of course, aids to encourage all students to seek better knowledge on their international representation. It is through such experiences that KSU representatives can understand better the true value of a European student, especially within a local scenario.

Nadya PapagiorcopuloInternational Officer




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Page 13: @KSU March 2010


ll of us have heard the word sustainability ad nauseam. It is one

of those words that is used and abused all over again similarly to words like ‘love’. You ‘love’ maths, you ‘love’ chocolate and you ‘love’ your fiancé and so on. When talking about human sustainability we more often than not are referring to the notion of sustainable development. By and large, the best and most well-known definition of sustainable development was that presented in the United Nation’s Brundtland Report -

“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

One can say that this definition has become a cliché which is used worldwide from an international to a local level. Even though the basic essence of the term is well known, the philosophical underpinnings to the word sustainability and sustainable development are not that common.

I tend to take a Rawlsian approach to the issue of what sustainable development is all about. Sustainable development is an extended form of justice, an intergenerational form of justice. The notion of sustainable development is thus closely linked to a time continuum. The word ‘development’ underlines a progression thus the zero growth idea can be easily considered a contradictory notion. Sustainable development should be seen as the bridge between past, present and future. G.K. Chesterton said that “Tradition means giving votes to


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Page 14: @KSU March 2010


the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about” highlighting the importance of analyzing the strengths of our ancestors and preserving tradition. If tradition empowers our ancestors, sustainable development empowers our descendants.

The discussion whether future generations ought to have this power is very much debated. I personally believe that irrespectively to which time one is born, as a person s/he hasa right to a good quality of life. Apart from ameliorating the lives of our generation, something which doesn’t leave humanity without challenges, we must assure that our actions are just and good for our children.

A common question is that of how this statement can be applied to everyday life in order to leave a tangible impact particularly when it comes to people in poverty. E. F.Schumacer in ‘Small is Beautiful’ came up with a solution found in the same concept of sustainable development; appropriate technologies. Appropriate technologies strife to see that development is not only environmentally-friendly but also economically and socially viable.

The application of appropriate technologies is empowering

local communities and changing the lives of many. This type of technology is an example of how sustainability can be implemented in every aspect of life. It is of utmost importance to take an interdisciplinary approach when trying to attain solutions for present problems.

Sustainable development is one of those areas where the architect can collaborate with the scientist, the geographer with the engineer, the economist with the lawyer and the diplomat with the social scientist. The idea of sustainability has developed in a gradual way. The ideas related to sustainability can be traced into the RomanticMovement, as a reaction to unrestrained rationalism. These ideas developed into environmentalist activism (started off by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring) to a more whole encompassing notion of safeguarding future generations.

Applying this notion of sustainability as an extended form of justice would imply that some institutional body or representative for Future Generations should be set up or found in order to remind policy-makers and decision-makers the importance of safeguarding the voiceless persons to come. If public participation aims at giving a voice to the general public, how shall future generations who are also stakeholders of decisions taken today voice their concerns?

To sum-up, sustainable development is about finding a right balance. What comes to mind is Aristotle’s Golden Mean. The Golden Mean describes that what is virtuous is not found in the extremes but in a middle state. Even sustainable development is all about this.

As KSU’s Social Policy Commission we have published a statement on CopenhagenConvention and have voiced our concerns about our planet’s future. KSU also has welcomed the setting-up of the Institute for Sustainable Development at theUniversity of Malta. KPS’s Environmental Policy Committee is striving to see that sustainable practices are adopted. Between the 1st and 5th March KSU, through KPS and the Environmental Policy Committee are organizing an Environmental Fair. The aim of the Fair is to tackle environmental issues. Even though sustainability goes beyond the realm of the environment it is going to be an example of showing how a sustainable approach to managing our environment is of a crucial importance.

Environmental Fair 2010 will see a myriad of activities from student organizations, all giving their contribution in relation to their aims and objectives.

Andrea PaceSocial Policy Commissioner

Page 15: @KSU March 2010

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niversity student life is quite a unique experience. It’s a time

of transition between school and your future career. It is also a time of becoming independent. Making the most of your University education does not only mean gaining good academic grades, but also experiencing your student life to the fullest. The question is “are you living your student life to the fullest?”

Knowing what student life really entails is quite difficult because we have little information on who enrols in Higher Education; your workload for studying at University and at home; whether you regularly work alongside your studies; or your average income and typical expenses. This data is important because it helps raise awareness on the existing problems faced by you and your fellow students; helps to further improve the social situation of students in general; and enables student representatives and organisations to better defend your social and academic rights.

To gather this information and get a better picture of what student life is like, many countries in Europe already undertake student surveys on a regular basis. A European network called EUROSTUDENT

supports them by linking the data from different countries and comparing the social situation of students throughout Europe. That means it helps you to better understand how student life differs from country to country.

In Malta however no such data exists, since so far no social survey among students has been carried out. To fill this gap Malta is participating this year for the first time in the EUROSTUDENT survey alongside 27 other European countries, who will collect the same information amongst their students. All University students are invited to take part and help to provide information on the social situation of students in Malta. Invitations will be sent to all students by the University of Malta with a personalised link to the survey, which ensures that information is provided completely anonymous. The survey will be open until the 26th March 2010 and among all respondents 6 book vouchers of €50 value each will be drawn.

Participate in the survey, because your feedback is important!

kEy fiNDiNGS Of THE THE EurOSTuDENT SurvEy 2008 amONG 23 EurOpEaN COuNTriES SHOw THaT:

• work experience prior to entry into higher education is evident throughout Europe

• the share of students in Europe studying part-time either by status or by study intensity (i.e. less than 21 hours a week) is high

• under-representation of low socio-economic groups prevails in all higher education systems in Europe

• the range of income levels among students is broad in every country with working alongside studies being a significant income source

• students who spend between 11 and 15 hours per week on their jobs spend fewer hours on their studies

• levels of satisfaction with overall workload are related to total hours spent studying and working

• the rates of both foreign study-related experiences abroad and foreign enrolment are dependent on social background

• financial insecurity and lack of support for mobility in the home country are particular concerns

The full text of the EUROSTUDENT survey 2008 is available at: http://www.eurostudent.eu/publications


Page 16: @KSU March 2010

STuDENTS’ fEST 2010 Students’ Fest has been going on for a good number of years and this year will mark the twenty-seventh edition. Preparations are well underway with just a few rehearsals to go! The wonderful cast is full of enthusiasm constantly rushing from one rehearsal to another to delight the audience with the famous tale of Robin Hood full of twists and surprises to say the least.

The event is due on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th March 2010 at Sir Temi Zammit Hall which will be enriched with an artistic exhibition put up in the foyer. This year’s theme for the exhibition would be the making

of this year’s Students’ Fest and thus incorporating all forms of art in one enchanting evening which would take the audience through a journey from the actual birth of Students’ Fest 2010 with its conceptualization to the final result on stage. So make sure to grab a seat and join in for some guaranteed humour and entertainment for the price of €6.

For more information and bookings visit www.ksu.org.mt or call on 23402182. See you there!


uPcOMINg EVENTSMore than halfway through our term we would like to present our final activities and initiatives.

kSu ENvirONmENT fair 2010The KSU Environmental Fair will be held between Monday 1st and Friday 5th March 2010. Over 30 organisations will be participating in this Fair. The aim of this Fair is to help students learn how to make our world a better place to live, in both small and big ways. In fact the program is very vast and touches various aspects. The Fair includes an exhibition of eco-friendly cars, site visits to places of interest such as the Nature Reserve of Wied Għollieqa and a visit at the Argotti Botanical Gardens. Other events include recycling campaigns, cleaning campaigns, car pooling campaigns and a number of debates. Private companies and public entities will also be participating in this Fair. The Fair will come to an end

with the Tree Plantation event at Wied Għollieqa. Several distinct persons will be visiting and / or participating in this Fair.

Students can contact Karl Agius (77309841 - [email protected]) or Andrea Pace (77844592 - [email protected]) for any queries. This Fair is being organized by the KPS Environmental Policy ad-hoc Committee.

Page 17: @KSU March 2010

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