Komm it moodlemoot_malmø_03032015

© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring Tenke digitalt Gjennomføre lokalt Jobbe nasjonalt MoodleMoot Malmø 3.3.2015 Lars Sverre Gjølme E: [email protected], M: +47 9829 0025 KommITed to learn

Transcript of Komm it moodlemoot_malmø_03032015

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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

Tenke digitalt Gjennomføre lokaltJobbe nasjonalt

MoodleMoot Malmø 3.3.2015Lars Sverre Gjølme

E: [email protected], M: +47 9829 0025

KommITed to learn

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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

«En samordnet kommunal sektor som levererdigitale tjenester som gir innbyggere og

næringsliv et reelt digitalt førstevalg»

KommIT: How to digitalize the Non governmental sector

• 6 personer i KommIT skal …• … digitalisere 428 kommuner med …• … rundt 450.000 ansatte …• i løpet av 3 år.

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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring


You may learn something if you put knowledge into work…




… but the biggest challenge lies within your own head –this is really all about changing the organization

4 levels of learning:

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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

The non governmental «human capital» and learning

More than 450.000 people

People cost between 60% and 70% of total budget

A significant share of peopleworking part time and are mobile/not connected to anoffice

Recruiting people are a big challenge – needs more than 60.000 new employees everyyear…

How do we secure that we maintain and develop knowledge for the future?Beware – 450.000 “students”

How do we become relevant for young people?

How can we share and reuseknowledge and experience?

How do we build new skills?

How do we get rid of our fear for technology?


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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

Sharing knowledge and develop new skills on 3 arenas

«KommIT 24/7 information service desk» –general presence with information, tools, guidelines etc. connected to the program in both analog and digital channels

«KommIT cloud based project portal» –running all project initiatives based on a shared O365cloud solution. Model and methodology basedon a joint venture with Difi( prosjektveiviseren.no)

«KommIT learning arena»A shared LMS for the non governmental sector basedon Moodle – further enhanced to deliver services andsolutions related to different learning formats and channels

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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring


Learning ObjectsDifi



Kommune X


Direktorat Y


Leverandør Z



428 versus 1

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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

The solution is designed for PULL with various PUSH functions

Content produced by427 local/19 regionalgovenments




Vendor A

Vendor B EU


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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring


All content open to exploreCustomized landing pageNearly 100 courses available Log in to get personalized contentusing the national authenticationcomponent “IdPorten””Fast track log in” using a personalURL and your own PIN-code

Content not only traditional learning objects – contains alsouser stories, lessons learned frommember projects etc.Design principals targeting mobileusers – smart phones, tablets,traditional pc’s etc.Based on actual pilot projects from our own communityGovernance principles based onKommIT as facilitator and a groupof dedicated board members

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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

http://kurs.kommit.no – open for service 24/7/365

Innregistrering & pålogging

Technical platform: Tools:• VideoScribe• Captivate• Lectora• InfoCaption• ……

Technical partner:

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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

Authentication through IdPorten to deliver mobility

KS Læring(kurs.kommit.no)

Id porten


Lokale administratorer

Id porten


Lokale administratorer


Kommuner m/

Singel Sign On

Lokale administratorer

Id porten


Id porten

Id porten


Kommuner Fylkeskommuner


Andre interessenter




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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

Content organized in a variety of different formats

The challenge still remains the same – tell the story the right way so we can learn something from it and secure the right stickiness of knowledge

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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

Using social metadata – hence knowledge has an expiry date

Social techniques: time stamp, search categories, number of hits, rating, reviews…

Showing a learning object in the “short” format:

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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

Personalized content – direct navigation to myLearning

…the department manager has to define a learning agenda for each person or role.This seems to be a challenge for quite a number of our members …

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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring


Distribution and consumption of knowledge – driven by search

Søk etter…




Workshopaktiv leksjon




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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

Governance model version 1.0

• Budget• Prioritize• Collect ideas• Suggest new ideas

• SME & advice• Facilitate initiatives• Manage projects• Report progression

• Strategy• Roadmap• Solve Conflicts• Funding

BSH • QA formal learning• Content

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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

Before you start – secure that you have…

Guidelines from management – why do we do this?

A mobilized and organized initiative –anchoring, participants, resources, tools, funding…

A Partner strategy

A solution map and overview of the technical architecture

Knowledge of what’s already there

A clear picture of what to keep and what to scrap…

An idea of how to organize Knowledge and Competenceissues within your geographical region

An overview of how to organize your skills and certifications

A clear view of what your deliverables are…




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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

The easy part…

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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

The hard part - deploying the solution in a complex universe

Lessons learned:

Implementing a new digital way of learning is nota walk in the park – but a lot of fun

Promote local “engines” as they are the true digital heroes

Defining local roles and responsibilities for field work is vital

Estimate and define local budgets - spleiselag

Link local initiative to central command center

Define the right level of support – not always thesame as high level of support

Decide a clear strategy on content production

Share with your neighbors – also abroad

Steal with pride – but beware IP rights

* Resources from pilot area


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© KommIT 2015 | KS Læring

Ny lærings arena æra…

© Volker Hirsch

Think big AND act small