KOHA the first open-source Integrated Library System (ILS): An overview of its functions

KOHA the first open-source Integrated Library System (ILS): An overview of its functions PTFS Confidential Page 1


The objective of this webinar is to provide is to provide an overview of KOHA and its solution packs for the management of library resources. KOHA is built using library standards and protocols such as MARC 21, UNIMARC, Z39.50,SRU/SW,SIP2,RDA,ensuring interoperability between KOHA and other systems and technologies. KOHA uses MySQL relational database.

Transcript of KOHA the first open-source Integrated Library System (ILS): An overview of its functions

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KOHA the first open-source Integrated Library System (ILS): An overview of its


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•Koha is a full featured open source ILS (cataloging,circulation, serials control, acquisitions, system admin, andOPAC)•Koha is completely Web-based for all clients (library staff,system admin, and end users)system admin, and end users)•Perl programming, MySQL RDBMS, Apache Web/nGinx webserver, and Debian OS•The application is enhanced by customers who use the

li ti d d l t f tapplication and sponsor new development from supportcompanies like LibLime•There are different versions of the application, based on therequirements of local user communitiesq

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Application Enhancement Methods

•GUI template changes for staff module access•Custom reports and SQL access queries•API alterations (data exchanges with 3rd party tools)•Policy changes (system preferences)•Database structural changes (new tables, rows, andDatabase structural changes (new tables, rows, andcolumns)•Perl programming in conjunction with GUI alterations•Index creation and configuration changesOPAC XSLT t l h t h ( l HTML CGI d J )•OPAC XSLT style sheet changes (also HTML, CGI, and Java)

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Implementation and Support Services

•Installation – operating system, Web server, RDBMS and ILSapplication•System Configuration – system-wide parameters, module-level permissions, OPAC-level connections•Data Migration – extract from existing system (vendor-Data Migration extract from existing system (vendorsupported or library-derived), re-formatting for non-MARC types (ie, patron, item/copy, circ transactions, etc), import into open source ILS application T i i t ff d l f ti lit t fi ti•Training – staff module functionality, system configuration,

system administration•Maintenance/Support – annual maintenance (telephone and email helpdesk, upgrades of currently supported releases, p , pg y pp ,installation of newly-developed features, hosting•Development – creation of new functional features, enhancement of existing features, bug fixes

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Required Staff Experience

•• OpenOpen sourcesource interfacesinterfaces areare designeddesigned withwith usabilityusability ininmindmind andand areare extremelyextremely useruser friendlyfriendly –– veryvery vanillavanilla ininl kl k dd f lf l dd tt i li l li tili tilooklook andand feelfeel asas opposedopposed toto commercialcommercial applicationsapplications

•• StaffStaff andand patronspatrons withwith onlyonly basicbasic computercomputer skillsskills havehavequicklyquickly learnedlearned toto useuse thethe systemsystem efficientlyefficiently

•• OpenOpen sourcesource ILSILS applicationsapplications mimicmimic commercialcommercialpp ppppstructures,structures, soso thethe modulesmodules requirerequire aa basicbasicunderstandingunderstanding ofof commercialcommercial ILSILS conceptsconcepts

•• CatalogingCataloging -- (MARC,(MARC, ZZ3030..5050 retrievalretrieval tools,tools, howhow toto addadd holdingsholdingsinformation)information)information)information)

•• CirculationCirculation –– (fines/items(fines/items matrix,matrix, collection/locationcollection/location codes,codes, itemitemtypes,types, patronpatron categories)categories)

•• AcquisitionsAcquisitions–– (relationship(relationship betweenbetween purchasepurchase orders,orders, invoices,invoices,fundfund accounts,accounts, vendors)vendors)

Ad i i t t h ld k ti t (LiAd i i t t h ld k ti t (Li•• Administrators should know operating system (Linux, Administrators should know operating system (Linux, DebianDebian) for maintenance, some knowledge of library ) for maintenance, some knowledge of library workflows in setting up the system parameters and workflows in setting up the system parameters and module permissions, understanding of SQLmodule permissions, understanding of SQL

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module permissions, understanding of SQLmodule permissions, understanding of SQL•• Development Development –– PERL, Java, HTML experience, SQL PERL, Java, HTML experience, SQL

experience, interface design experience experience, interface design experience

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Where to Expect Costs

NoNo costcost forfor softwaresoftware –– staffstaff timetime onlyonly forfor evaluation,evaluation,deploymentdeployment andand maintenancemaintenancedeployment,deployment, andand maintenancemaintenance

InternalInternal implementationimplementation –– staffstaff timetime andand ITIT supportsupport OutsideOutside implementationimplementation supportsupport –– costscosts forfor installation,installation,

configuration,configuration, datadata transfer,transfer, andand trainingtrainingInternalInternal maintenancemaintenance f lltimef lltime s stems stem adminadmin hard arehard are InternalInternal maintenancemaintenance –– fulltimefulltime systemsystem admin,admin, hardwarehardwareprocurementprocurement andand maintenance,maintenance, ITIT helpdesk,helpdesk, andand networknetworksupportsupport

OutsideOutside maintenancemaintenance supportsupport –– annualannual helpdeskhelpdeski ti t ll dd h tih ti iimaintenance,maintenance, releaserelease upgrades,upgrades, hostinghosting servicesservices

InternalInternal developmentdevelopment –– programmingprogramming staffstaff timetime andand ITIT Outside development support Outside development support –– feature enhancement, feature enhancement,

feature creation, bug fixesfeature creation, bug fixes

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Cost Benefit Analysis

WhatWhat isis mostmost importantimportant toto ourour librarieslibraries –– ourour collectionscollections ((ieie,,data),data), ourour staffstaff educationeducation ((ieie,, training),training), ourour missionsmissions ((ieie,,di i tidi i ti tt dd ))disseminationdissemination toto endend users)users)

WhatWhat isis thethe costcost ofof aa newnew ILSILS (SW(SW only)only) ---- $$5050,,000000 --$$250250,,000000 wouldwould includeinclude commercialcommercial applicationapplication software,software,possiblepossible 33rdrd partyparty RDBMSRDBMS licenses,licenses, possiblepossible 33rdrd partyparty

illill t lt lancillaryancillary toolstools WhatWhat costscosts areare incurredincurred forfor commercialcommercial deploymentdeployment ––

installation,installation, systemsystem configuration,configuration, datadata migration,migration, staffstafftrainingtraining

ff WhatWhat costscosts areare incurredincurred forfor annualannual maintenancemaintenance –– usuallyusuallysomesome portionportion ofof firstfirst yearyear isis includedincluded inin purchasepurchase priceprice ((ieie,, 33--66 monthmonth warranty),warranty), outout yearyear maintenancemaintenance usuallyusually aapercentagepercentage ofof SWSW purchasepurchase costscosts (between(between 1515%% -- 2020%%),), outoutyearyear maintenancemaintenance COLACOLA adjustmentsadjustments onon maintenancemaintenance costscostsonlyonly (between(between 33%% -- 99%%))

What costs are incurred for hosting What costs are incurred for hosting –– annual costs based on annual costs based on collection size, staff size, and Web traffic, possible 3collection size, staff size, and Web traffic, possible 3rdrd party party

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connection software licenses, software as a service and/or connection software licenses, software as a service and/or alternate service provider feesalternate service provider fees

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Cost Comparison

CommercialCommercial procurementprocurement –– SoftwareSoftware costscosts ---- $$5050,,000000 -- $$500500,,000000 (ILS(ILS software,software, 33rdrdSoftwareSoftware costscosts $$5050,,000000 $$500500,,000000 (ILS(ILS software,software, 33

partyparty licenses,licenses, implementationimplementation services,services, portionsportions ofof 11stst

yearyear maintenance)maintenance) ServiceService costscosts –– variesvaries byby vendorvendor butbut estimatedestimated

betweenbetween $$77 500500 $$7070 000000betweenbetween $$77,,500500 -- $$7070,,000000 OutOut--yearyear maintenancemaintenance –– percentagepercentage ofof softwaresoftware

procurementprocurement 1515%% forfor $$5050,,000000 SWSW ---- $$77,,500500

1515%% ff $$100100 000000 SWSW $$1515 000000 1515%% forfor $$100100,,000000 SWSW ---- $$1515,,000000 1515%% forfor $$200200,,000000 SWSW -- $$3030,,000000

HostingHosting chargescharges –– varyvary byby vendorvendor andand vendorvendorapproachapproach –– betweenbetween $$1010,,000000 -- $$5050,,000000 perper yearyear

OpenOpen sourcesource procurementprocurement -- Software costs Software costs –– 00 Service costs Service costs –– varies by collection size and library varies by collection size and library

sizesize parallels commercial costsparallels commercial costs

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size size –– parallels commercial costsparallels commercial costs OutOut--year maintenance year maintenance –– varies by collection and staff varies by collection and staff

size size –– between $2,500 between $2,500 -- $30,000 per year $30,000 per year

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Staff Login Page

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OPAC Display

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Cataloging Display

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Cataloging Editor

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Thank YouThank YouPatrick Jones

(301)654-8088 x127 (United States)

[email protected] @p

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