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    Ethel Toomingas

    Kogemusnustamise kui hingehoiut vajadused ja vimalused

    SA TK Lastekliiniku nitel


    Juhendaja: MA (sotsioloogia) Rein Murakas

    Tartu, 2013

  • Summary Peer-counseling as a method of pastoral-counseling its needs and availabilities on the

    example of the Foundation of the University of Tartu's Children's Clinic.

    Keywords: peer-counseling, pastoral-counseling, premature birth, traumatic crisis, peer-

    counseling in children's clinic, mother's emotional state after childbirth.

    The rate of premature births in the world, including Estonia, is around 5-7%. Families

    emotional managing plays a crucial role in infant's health stability condition and well-being.

    Doctors follow the medical record, but often they lack resources for sufficient counseling to

    create confidence in the families, well needed to cope with the everyday routines. This

    bachelor thesis is based on interviews and surveys carried out on the mothers of deeply

    prematurely born infants with the collaboration of the Foundation of the Children's Clinic of

    the University of Tartu.. The goal of the survey was to find necessity and possibilities for

    conducting peer-counseling of mothers with prematurely born babies. In the first chapter the

    evolution of peer-counseling as a specific kind of counseling is described along with its

    practice in Estonia and abroad. Also an overview is given which factors cause an emotional

    crisis for a patient in hospital treatment. A person who is undergoing a traumatic crisis does

    not seek help herself but needs special attention in the form of peer-counselor initiative. Only

    the counselor who has gone through the same kind of a trauma is able to overcome the barrier

    created by the crisis. The second chapter introduces the methodology used in the thesis and

    the third one describes the findings of the survey. It can be concluded that the range of

    emotions which mothers are going through after a premature childbirth is very broad and is

    followed by an exceptional condition within the family that is in dire need of support and

    counseling from outside the family.

    The post-birth need for immediate support, information and counseling is exceptionally high,

    especially when the infant has more serious developmental conditions or the mother has a

    weak backing network and lack of emotional support. The fourth chapter reasons about the

    necessities and possibilities of peer-counseling in consideration of the outcomes of the survey

    and points out that the need for peer-counseling exists at the personal, health care

    institutional, local governmental and state level. The personal working in obstetric clinics

    should acknowledge the potential vulnerabilities of mothers and acquire a certain skills,

    needed for handling a patient who is about to give a premature birth. It is essential to intensify


  • the collaboration between medicine and pastoral-counseling, especially the concrete form of

    the latter the peer-counseling.

    The author hopes that this thesis would help to improve the development of peer-counseling

    and the inclusion of it into a regular service in Estonia.


  • SisukordSummary.....................................................................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus ................................................................................................................................6 I Uuringu taust ............................................................................................................................9

    1.1. Kogemusnustamise miste ja funktsioonid ...................................................................9 1.2. Hingehoid ja kogemusnustamine ................................................................................11 1.3. Kogemusnustamise ajaloost ........................................................................................13

    1.3.1. Nustamine sltuvusprobleemidega inimestele .....................................................13 1.3.2. Pshilise erivajadusega inimeste ja nende lhedaste sotsiaalse kaasatuse suurendamine tugi- ja eneseabigruppide abil - DUO projekt EPR-s.............................14 1.3.3. Tallinna Puuetega Inimeste Koja kogemusnustamine puuetega laste vanematele..........................................................................................................................................14

    1.4. Kriisi vallandavad tegurid haiglas .................................................................................15 1.5. Kriiside mtestamine.....................................................................................................17 1.6. Enneaegsete laste ravi- ja toetusssteem Euroopa riikides ...........................................18 1.7. Kogemusnustamine SA Tartu likooli Kliinikumi Lastekliinikus .............................18

    II Uuringu probleemipstitus ja metoodika..............................................................................21 2.1. Uuringu eesmrk ...........................................................................................................21 2.2. Uuringu probleemipstitus ............................................................................................21 2.3. Uurimismetoodika .........................................................................................................22 2.4. Uuritava kontingendi kirjeldus ja valimi moodustumine ..............................................22 2.5. Uurimist eetilised aspektid ........................................................................................23

    III Anals................................................................................................................................24 3.1. Enneaegsete laste emade snnitusjrgne emotsionaalne seisund ..................................24 3.2. Enneaegsete laste vanemate toetuse-, info- ja nustamisvajadus..................................28

    3.2.1. Toetuse olulisus ......................................................................................................28 3.2.2. Toetuse, info ja nustamise saamise allikad...........................................................30 3.2.3. Hilisema nustamise saamine.................................................................................32

    3.3. Vimalused enneaegsete laste emade probleemide lahendamiseks vi leevendamiseks..............................................................................................................................................37

    IV Arutelu.................................................................................................................................40 Kokkuvte ................................................................................................................................46 Kasutatud kirjandus ..................................................................................................................48 Lisa1. Uuringu ksimustik .......................................................................................................52


  • JoonisedJoonis 1. Tunded enneaegse lapse emaks saamise jrgselt (%). ..............................................25 Joonis 2. Snnitusjrgse depressiooni tase Edinburghi snnitusjrgse depressiooni skaala (EPDS) alusel (kumulatiivne %). .............................................................................................27 Joonis 3. Snnitusjrgse toetuse saamise olulisus (%). ............................................................28 Joonis 4. Hilisema toetuse saamise olulisus (%). .....................................................................30 Joonis 5. Snnitusjrgse toetava suhtumise allikad (%)...........................................................30 Joonis 6. Abi saamine kodustelt lastehaiglast lahkumise jrgselt (%). ....................................32 Joonis 7. Hilisema nustamise saamine (%). ...........................................................................33 Joonis 8. Hilisema nustamise saamise allikad (%). ................................................................34 Joonis 9. Info saamise allikad lastehaiglast lahkumise jrgselt (%).........................................35 Joonis 10. Suhtlemine teiste enneaegsete laste emadega haiglas (%). .....................................36 Joonis 11. Suhtlemine teiste enneaegsete laste emadega haiglast lahkumise jrgselt (%).......37 Joonis 12. Vimalikud allikad lapse enneaegsusega seotud probleemide osas abi saamiseks (%). ...........................................................................................................................................38 Joonis 13. Enneaegsete laste vanematele meldud hingu vajalikkus (%)..............................38


  • Kandke ksteise koormaid, nnda te tidate Kristuse seadust (Gl 6:2).


    Iga lapse snd on eriline ning lapsevanema jaoks thtis. Vastsndinud lapsel on eriline vgi,

    mis knetab kigi sdameid. Tal on meelevald tmmata oma orbiidile mberseisjate phimad

    tunded: huvi ja armastus, hoolimine ja kaastunne ning saada ilma mingi sunnita oma

    vanemate elu keskpunktiks. Sama olulised on ka kik lapsevanemad oma mtete, tunnete,

    tugevuste ja nrkustega. Aga vahel juhtub, et laps snnib enneaegsena vi mne haigusega.

    Enneaegsena snnib maailmas ja ka Eestis 5-7% lastest. Seejuures vga vikesi enneaegseid

    (snnikaal alla 1500g; sndinud enne 32. rasedusndalat) on umbes 1% kikidest sndidest.

    Enneaegsete laste tervisehirete ja haiguste phjused o