KODAK Capture Pro Softwareduke-energy.com... · 4.7612e perkWh 4.0844c per kWh S0.73perkW s 0.56...

A-12· 2017 NOTICE nike Energy Kentucky, Inc. \Duke Energy Kentucky' ot hefeby gives nooce lhal. tn an appbca00n to be filed no sooner 11'.an SeJtembet 1, 2017, Duke Energy Kentucky will be seeking approval by the Public Service Commission. Frlll1k· fort, Kenlueky of an of eleclric rates and charges proposed lo beCome elfectiVe on and after October 1, 2017. The Qimrrisslon has dockctad this proceeding as Case No. 2017-00321. The proposed elactriC rcaes are appicable 10 the lolowing oommunitieS: Alexandrla Elsmere BelJevoo Erlanger Boaoe County Fal!VleW Bromllrt Florence CampbeH County Fort Mitchell Cold Spring Fort 111omas Covington Fort Wright Crescent Park Gran1 County Crescent Springs Highland Helgtrts Crestview Crestview Hills Kenton County Crittenden Ke111on Vsle Dayton Lakeside Pallt Dry Ridge lalonla lakes Edgewood LudloW Melloume Newport Park Hills Pendleton County Ryland Heignts Silve! Grove Soothgate Taylor Mill Union Villa Hills Walton Wilder Woodlawn DUKE ENEBGY KENTUCKY CURRENT AND PROPoSED ELECTIUC RATES Bn!dent!al Service· Rate BS Cus!omer Charge Energy Charge All k!lowall·hows PropmdBPlo CuS1omer Chargo Energy Charge All kllaNatt·houra lEltctricJarltf Sheet No. 30J $4 .60 per month $11.22 per month 8 3906¢ per kWh Sm1ct 11 Secondmy Distribution Volllaflat• OS (ilectric Tariff Sheet No. 4Q) Customer Charge per month Single Phase Selvtee Three Phase Service Demand Charge First 15 kilowatts Addrtlonal kilowatts Energy Charge First 6,000 kWh Nexl 300 kWh/kW Addrtional kWh Proposes! Balo Customer Charge per monlh Single Phase Service Three Phase Service Demand Charge First 15 kilowatts Additional kllowalls Energy Charge First 6,000 kWh Nexl 300 kWMIW Additilmal kWh $ 7.50 per mooth $15.00 per mooth $ 0.00 perkW $ 7.75 perkW 8.1645¢ per kWh 5.0119¢ per kWh per kWh S 17.1.( per month $ J.4.28 per month $ 0.00 per kW $ 873 perkW 9.1917Cpe(kWh 5.8425c per kWh 4.6204¢ per kWh TI!Dti)f-Oay Batl tor Strvlct at Dj91ribut!on Voltagt=Bata DI IElectrlc Tariff Sheet No. 41 l Customer Charge Single Phase ThreePhaso Primary Voltage Service Demand Charge Summer On Peak kW Off Peak kW W1n1er On Peak kW Off Peak kW Energy Charge tl.etering Summer OnPeakkWh Oii Peak kWh Wmter On Peak kWh Off Peak kWh Frsl 1,000 kW ot On Peak blillrr;i demand at Additional kW o On Peak billing demand al Base Rale Customer Charge S1nglo PhaSe ThreePhaso Primary Voltage Service Demand Charge Summer On Peak kW Oft Peal< kW Winier On Peak kW Oft Peak kW Energy Charge Summer Metenng On PeakkWh Oii Peak kWh Wtntar On Peakk'Ml on Peak kWh Frst 1 000 kW ot On Peak billing demMd at Addl!lonal kW ol On Peak billing demMCI at $7.50 per monlh $15.00 pe1 month $100.00 per month $ 12.75 per kW $ 1.15 perkW $ 12.07 perkW $ 1.15 per kW U195e perkWh 3.6195c per kWh .. 2195c per kWh 3.6195c per kWh $ 065perkW. $ 050perkW. $ 200.00 per monlh $ 400.00 per month $ 465.00 per monlh $ 14.39 per kW $ 1.30 perkW $13.62 perkW $1.30 perkW 4 .987per kWh perkWh 4.7612e perkWh 4.0844c per kWh S0.73perkW s 0.56 per kW. for Eloctrie Spaq Hefting-Rate EH Cl!rrent&t!! A Winter Period Customer Charge Single Phase Servrce Three Phase Service Primary Vohage Service Demand Charge All kW Energy Charge AnkWh A. Winter Period Customer Charge Single Phase Service Three Phase SeMCe Primary Voltage SeMce Demand Charge AllkW Energy Charge All kWh CUaentBl!te $ 750 per month $15.00 per month $1oo.00 per month $ 000 perkW 6.1524t perkWh $ 17.14 per month S 34.28 per month $118 78 per month S 0.00 perkW 8.9947c per kWh StllO!\al SQof1I Service-Rate SP I Eloctdc T1rtff Sheet No, 431 Customer Charge $7 .50 per month Energy Cl1arge 10.0598eper kWh A cf!arge of $25.00 IS oppfcable to eacll season lo C0\'8r to part Ille cost of reconnection of service. Proposed Bate CustomerChargo $17. 14 permonth Energy Charge 10.6568¢per kWh A ch11rge of $25.00 is applicable to each season 10 cover in part the oost of recoonection of servioe. 0.otton_at Unmetere<I General Sert!ce Rate fotlmall FJxed Loans· Rate GS.fl {Electrtc Tariff Sheet No, 441 For toads based on a range of 540 10 720 hours use per roonlh of the rated capac:lty ol Ile connected equipment 8.0723¢ per kWh For loads of less than 540 hours use per month of the mted capacity of 111e connected equipment 9.294 7 per kWh Minimum: $3.00 per Fixed Load Location per month. www.f1lmouthoutlook.com For loads based on a range of 540 lo 720 hours use per mon1h of Ille rated capacity of the connected equipment For loads of less lhal1 540 hours use per month of lhe raled capacity of lhe connected equipment Mnimum. $3.14 per Axed Load loca1lon per month 9.2698e per kWh 10 6767e per kWh MIJ!lllJHltrlbut!on Voltage Apgtlclb!ltty=Rate PP !Elec1t!c CurrmtBm Customer Charge per month Primary VOitage Service (12.5 or 34.5 kV) Demand Charge All k!lowatt Energy Charge First 300 kWh/kW AddHional kWh eIOJ1ose!IJ1eta Customer Charge per month Primary Voltage Servfoe ( 12.50< 34.5 kV} Demand Charge All kilowatts Energy Charge Flrsl 300 kWh AddillO!lal kWh $100.00 per month $ 7.08 per kW 5.1068C per kWh 4.3198e per kWh $118.78 per month $ 8.40 per kW 6.059St per kWh 5.1267¢ perkWh 111!r1nnll1too Vollagt:Ratt n <Bectrlc Cuslomef Charge per month Demand Charge Summer On PeakkW Off Peak kW Winter On PeakkW Off Peak kW Energy Charge AllkWh fmP.l!HdJlm Cu&lomer Charge per morith Demand Charge Summer On Peak kW Off Peak kW Winter On PeakkW Off Peak kW Energy Charge Summer On Peak kWh Off Peak kWh Winter On PeakkWh Off Peak kWh CM!I!111Bl!e 1. Admtnislrahve Charge $500.00 per mon1h $ 7.60 porkW S 1.15 per kW $ 82.( poi kW $ 1.15 perkW 42648e per kWh $500 00 per monlh $ 8.46 perkW $ 1.28 perkW $ 6.95 per kW $ 128 perkW 5.«54¢ per kWh 4.4594¢ pcl'kWh 5.1983e per kWh 4 4594¢ per kWh Bider GSS - Generation Support SeMce TaJilf Shm_No..U) The Administrative Charge shall be S50 plus the approprlale Custooler Charge. 2. Monthly Dislnbution ResefvatOn Charge a. Rate OS Secondary Distribution Selvioo b. Aale OT - Distribution Service c. Rate OP - Primary Dtslribu1oo Service d. Rate TI - Transmission Servtee 3. Monthly TransmissiOn Reservation Charge a. Raia OS Secondary Oislnbution Service b. Rate OT - Dislributloo SeMCe c. Rate DP - Primary Distribution Service d. Rate TI - Transmission ServlCe 4, Monthly Ancillary Services Reserva1oon Chargo a. Rate OS Secondary DISlributlon Servioo b. Rate OT - Distribu1ion Service c. Rate OP - Primary OistrtbutlOO Service d. Rate n - T ransmssion Service I. AdrruntstratiVe Charge $2.6853 per kW $2.4735 per kW $2.7781 per kW $0.0000 per kVA St.3094 per kW S1.3047 per kW $1.8493 per kW $1.2861 per kVA $0.5240 per kW $0. 52.(() per kW $0.52.(() per kW S0.4560 por kVA The Adm1nisntive Charge shall be S50 plus tho approprlato Cuslamcr Ol81go. 2 Monthly Reservatm Charge a. Rale OS · Secondary Ois1rllution SeMce b Rale OT - Dislribtillon ScMce c. Rale DP - Primaiy Distribution Service d. Rate TI - Transmssoo Service S4 .8466 per kW $5.9992 per kW sa.1484 per $2.9666 per kW Beal Dme Pdclng =Market =Bmc! Pricing= Ratt RIP·M Secondary Se1111ces ...... $15.00 per month Primary SeMce ............. $100.00 per month Transmission Servioe ........ $500.00 per month Energy Delivery Charge Charge For Each kW Per Hour: Secondary Service .......... $0.006063 per kW Per Hour Primary Service ............ $0.005540 per kW Per Hour Transmission Service ...... $0.002008 per kW Per Hour Ancillary Services Charge shall be applied on an hour by hour basis Charge Fo< Each kW Per Hour. Secondary Delivery ...... $0.000760 per kW Per Hour PrimaTY Oerivery ........... $0.000740 per kW Per Hour Transmission Delivery h .. S0.000721 per kW Per Hour CANCELLED & WITHDRAWN Street L19hU119 Smlet:Bltt SL (Electr111 Tadtt Current Rate QIJEBHEAD Q!STB!E!UTION l8rr4> AmU3I tW!!ok. Mt'!!_ Slandard Fixture (Cobra Head) \4ercury Vapor 7.000lumen 175 0.193 803 7,000 lumen (Open Refractor) 175 0.205 653 10.000 lumen 250 0.275 1,144 21,000 lumen 400 0.430 1,789 Me1al Hafide 14,000 lumen 175 0.193 803 20,500 lumen 250 0.275 1,144 36,000 lumen 400 0.430 1,789 Sodium Vapor 9,5001umen 100 0. 1 17 487 9,500 lumen (Open Retractor) 100 0.117 487 16.000 lumen 150 0.171 711 22,000 lumen 200 0.228 945 50.000 lumen 400 0 471 1,g59 Decorative Fixtures Sodium Vapor 9,500 llJmen (Rectilinear) 100 0.117 487 22,000 Mn!!n (Rectilinear) 200 0.246 1,023 50,000 lumen (Rediltnear) 400 0471 1,959 50,000 klmen (Setback) 400 0.471 1.959 $7. 11 $5.94 $8.21 $10.99 $7.11 $8.21 $10.99 $787 $5.g1 $8.58 $ 11.13 s 14.95 $9.78 St2.09 $1600 $23.79 Where a street righbng fixture served overhead rs to be installed on another utiily's pole on wtich the Company does not have a caitact. a mon1hly pole charge wlll be assessed Spans of Secondary Wtnng : For each incremern of 50 leet of secon0ary Wlrilg beyond the first 150 feet lrom the pole, the followilg price per morilh shall be added to the price per month per street ligh11ng unit $0.52. !J.NOERGROUND O!SIB™ Lamp Annual ABeA Wills kWMl!l Fixture Oescnpllon Standard Fixture (Cobra Head} Mercury Vapo< 7,000 lumen 7,000 lumen (Open AefractOf) 10,000 tumen 21,000 lumen Metal Halide 14,000 lumen 20,500 lumen 36,000 lumen Sodium Vapor 9,500tumen 9.500 lumen (Open Retractor) 16,000 lumen 175 175 250 400 175 250 250 100 100 150 0.210 0.205 0.292 0.460 0.210 0.292 0292 0.117 0.1t7 0.171 874 853 1.215 1,91.( 874 1,215 1.215 487 711 $7.24 $5.94 $836 $11.25 $724 $836 $11.25 s 787 $599 $8.55

Transcript of KODAK Capture Pro Softwareduke-energy.com... · 4.7612e perkWh 4.0844c per kWh S0.73perkW s 0.56...

A-12· THE~OOK-August29, 2017


nike Energy Kentucky, Inc. \Duke Energy Kentucky' ot ~Yi hefeby gives nooce lhal. tn an appbca00n to be filed no sooner 11'.an SeJtembet 1, 2017, Duke Energy Kentucky will be seeking approval by the Public Service Commission. Frlll1k· fort, Kenlueky of an ~us1rnont of eleclric rates and charges proposed lo beCome elfectiVe on and after October 1, 2017. The Qimrrisslon has dockctad this proceeding as Case No. 2017-00321.

The proposed elactriC rcaes are appicable 10 the lolowing oommunitieS: Alexandrla Elsmere BelJevoo Erlanger Boaoe County Fal!VleW Bromllrt Florence CampbeH County Fort Mitchell Cold Spring Fort 111omas Covington Fort Wright Crescent Park Gran1 County Crescent Springs Highland Helgtrts Crestview l~ndence Crestview Hills Kenton County Crittenden Ke111on Vsle Dayton Lakeside Pallt Dry Ridge lalonla lakes Edgewood

LudloW Melloume Newport Park Hills Pendleton County Ryland Heignts Silve! Grove Soothgate Taylor Mill Union Villa Hills Walton Wilder Woodlawn


Bn!dent!al Service· Rate BS

~l!ne Cus!omer Charge Energy Charge

All k!lowall·hows PropmdBPlo CuS1omer Chargo Energy Charge

All kllaNatt·houra

lEltctricJarltf Sheet No. 30J

$4 .60 per month

$11.22 per month

8 3906¢ per kWh

Sm1ct 11 Secondmy Distribution Volllaflat• OS (ilectric Tariff Sheet No. 4Q)

~ml.!im Customer Charge per month

Single Phase Selvtee Three Phase Service

Demand Charge First 15 kilowatts Addrtlonal kilowatts

Energy Charge First 6,000 kWh Nexl 300 kWh/kW Addrtional kWh

Proposes! Balo Customer Charge per monlh

Single Phase Service Three Phase Service

Demand Charge First 15 kilowatts Additional kllowalls

Energy Charge First 6,000 kWh Nexl 300 kWMIW Additilmal kWh

$ 7.50 per mooth $15.00 per mooth

$ 0.00 perkW $ 7.75 perkW

8.1645¢ per kWh 5.0119¢ per kWh 4.1~ per kWh

S 17.1.( per month $ J.4.28 per month

$ 0.00 per kW $ 873 perkW

9.1917Cpe(kWh 5.8425c per kWh 4.6204¢ per kWh

TI!Dti)f-Oay Batl tor Strvlct at Dj91ribut!on Voltagt=Bata DI IElectrlc Tariff Sheet No. 41 l

~fttto Customer Charge

Single Phase ThreePhaso Primary Voltage Service

Demand Charge Summer On Peak kW Off Peak kW

W1n1er On Peak kW Off Peak kW

Energy Charge


Summer OnPeakkWh Oii Peak kWh Wmter On Peak kWh Off Peak kWh

Frsl 1,000 kW ot On Peak blillrr;i demand at Additional kW o On Peak billing demand al

~am Base Rale Customer Charge

S1nglo PhaSe ThreePhaso Primary Voltage Service

Demand Charge Summer

On Peak kW Oft Peal< kW

Winier On Peak kW Oft Peak kW

Energy Charge Summer


On PeakkWh Oii Peak kWh

Wtntar On Peakk'Ml on Peak kWh

Frst 1 000 kW ot On Peak billing demMd at Addl!lonal kW ol On Peak billing demMCI at

$7.50 per monlh $15.00 pe1 month $100.00 per month

$ 12.75 per kW $ 1.15 perkW

$ 12.07 perkW $ 1.15 per kW

U195e perkWh 3.6195c per kWh

.. 2195c per kWh 3.6195c per kWh

$ 065perkW. $ 050perkW.

$ 200.00 per monlh $ 400.00 per month $ 465.00 per monlh

$ 14.39 per kW $ 1.30 perkW

$13.62 perkW $1.30 perkW

4.9875¢ per kWh 4.~ perkWh

4.7612e perkWh 4.0844c per kWh

S0.73perkW s 0.56 per kW.

.Qptional~ate for Eloctrie Spaq Hefting-Rate EH ~

Cl!rrent&t!! A Winter Period Customer Charge

Single Phase Servrce Three Phase Service Primary Vohage Service

Demand Charge All kW

Energy Charge AnkWh

ero11Q~.f!m A. Winter Period Customer Charge

Single Phase Service Three Phase SeMCe Primary Voltage SeMce

Demand Charge AllkW

Energy Charge All kWh


$ 750 per month $15.00 per month $1oo.00 per month

$ 000 perkW

6.1524t perkWh

$ 17.14 per month S 34.28 per month $118 78 per month

S 0.00 perkW

8.9947c per kWh

StllO!\al SQof1I Service-Rate SP IEloctdc T1rtff Sheet No, 431

Customer Charge $7 .50 per month Energy Cl1arge 10.0598eper kWh A cf!arge of $25.00 IS oppfcable to eacll season lo C0\'8r to part Ille cost of reconnection of service. Proposed Bate CustomerChargo $17.14 permonth Energy Charge 10.6568¢per kWh A ch11rge of $25.00 is applicable to each season 10 cover in part the oost of recoonection of servioe.


0.otton_at Unmetere<I General Sert!ce Rate fotlmall FJxed Loans· Rate GS.fl

{Electrtc Tariff Sheet No, 441

For toads based on a range of 540 10 720 hours use per roonlh of the rated capac:lty ol Ile connected equipment 8.0723¢ per kWh For loads of less than 540 hours use per month of the mted capacity of 111e connected equipment 9.294 7 per kWh Minimum: $3.00 per Fixed Load Location per month.


f{RJ!Q~~ For loads based on a range of 540 lo 720 hours use per mon1h of Ille rated capacity of the connected equipment For loads of less lhal1 540 hours use per month of lhe raled capacity of lhe connected equipment Mnimum. $3.14 per Axed Load loca1lon per month

9.2698e per kWh

10 6767e per kWh

~ti.I MIJ!lllJHltrlbut!on Voltage Apgtlclb!ltty=Rate PP !Elec1t!c JariflS_~,_4.5)

CurrmtBm Customer Charge per month

Primary VOitage Service (12.5 or 34.5 kV) Demand Charge

All k!lowatt Energy Charge

First 300 kWh/kW AddHional kWh

eIOJ1ose!IJ1eta Customer Charge per month

Primary Voltage Servfoe (12.50< 34.5 kV} Demand Charge

All kilowatts Energy Charge

Flrsl 300 kWh AddillO!lal kWh

$100.00 per month

$ 7.08 per kW

5.1068C per kWh 4.3198e per kWh

$118.78 per month

$ 8.40 per kW

6.059St per kWh 5.1267¢ perkWh

llmH:l-Onltattl9t.Sm~ 111!r1nnll1too Vollagt:Ratt n <Bectrlc Iad~l\H!JU

~ Cuslomef Charge per month Demand Charge

Summer On PeakkW Off Peak kW

Winter On PeakkW Off Peak kW

Energy Charge AllkWh

fmP.l!HdJlm Cu&lomer Charge per morith

Demand Charge Summer On Peak kW Off Peak kW

Winter On PeakkW Off Peak kW

Energy Charge Summer On Peak kWh Off Peak kWh

Winter On PeakkWh Off Peak kWh

CM!I!111Bl!e 1. Admtnislrahve Charge

$500.00 per mon1h

$ 7.60 porkW S 1.15 per kW

$ 82.( poi kW $ 1.15 perkW

42648e per kWh

$500 00 per monlh

$ 8.46 perkW $ 1.28 perkW

$ 6.95 per kW $ 128 perkW

5.«54¢ per kWh 4.4594¢ pcl'kWh

5.1983e per kWh 4 4594¢ per kWh

Bider GSS - Generation Support SeMce ~ TaJilf Shm_No..U)

The Administrative Charge shall be S50 plus the approprlale Custooler Charge. 2. Monthly Dislnbution ResefvatOn Charge

a. Rate OS • Secondary Distribution Selvioo b. Aale OT - Distribution Service c. Rate OP - Primary Dtslribu1oo Service d. Rate TI - Transmission Servtee

3. Monthly TransmissiOn Reservation Charge a. Raia OS • Secondary Oislnbution Service b. Rate OT - Dislributloo SeMCe c. Rate DP - Primary Distribution Service d. Rate TI - Transmission ServlCe

4, Monthly Ancillary Services Reserva1oon Chargo a. Rate OS • Secondary DISlributlon Servioo b. Rate OT - Distribu1ion Service c. Rate OP - Primary OistrtbutlOO Service d. Rate n - T ransmssion Service

Plo~.Ba11 I. AdrruntstratiVe Charge

$2.6853 per kW $2.4735 per kW $2.7781 per kW $0.0000 per kVA

St.3094 per kW S1.3047 per kW $1.8493 per kW $1.2861 per kVA

$0.5240 per kW $0.52.(() per kW $0.52.(() per kW S0.4560 por kVA

The Adm1nisntive Charge shall be S50 plus tho approprlato Cuslamcr Ol81go. 2 Monthly Reservatm Charge

a. Rale OS · Secondary Ois1rllution SeMce b Rale OT - Dislribtillon ScMce c. Rale DP - Primaiy Distribution Service d. Rate TI - Transmssoo Service

S4 .8466 per kW $5.9992 per kW sa.1484 per ~w $2.9666 per kW

Beal Dme Pdclng =Market =Bmc! Pricing= Ratt RIP·M tEt~tdliftr:ftt $httlfu>~~

Secondary Se1111ces ...... $15.00 per month Primary SeMce ............. $100.00 per month Transmission Servioe ........ $500.00 per month

Energy Delivery Charge Charge For Each kW Per Hour:

Secondary Service .......... $0.006063 per kW Per Hour Primary Service ............ $0.005540 per kW Per Hour Transmission Service ...... $0.002008 per kW Per Hour

Ancillary Services Charge shall be applied on an hour by hour basis Charge Fo< Each kW Per Hour.

Secondary Delivery ...... $0.000760 per kW Per Hour PrimaTY Oerivery ........... $0.000740 per kW Per Hour Transmission Delivery h .. S0.000721 per kW Per Hour


Street L19hU119 Smlet:Bltt SL (Electr111 Tadtt ~heel ~o~

Current Rate QIJEBHEAD Q!STB!E!UTION ~BEA l8rr4> AmU3I FIX!Ule~ ~ tW!!ok. • Mt'!!_ Slandard Fixture (Cobra Head)

\4ercury Vapor 7.000lumen 175 0.193 803 7,000 lumen (Open Refractor) 175 0.205 653 10.000 lumen 250 0.275 1,144 21,000 lumen 400 0.430 1,789

Me1al Hafide 14,000 lumen 175 0.193 803 20,500 lumen 250 0.275 1,144 36,000 lumen 400 0.430 1,789

Sodium Vapor 9,5001umen 100 0.117 487 9,500 lumen (Open Retractor) 100 0.117 487 16.000 lumen 150 0.171 711 22,000 lumen 200 0.228 945 50.000 lumen 400 0 471 1,g59

Decorative Fixtures Sodium Vapor

9,500 llJmen (Rectilinear) 100 0.117 487 22,000 Mn!!n (Rectilinear) 200 0.246 1,023 50,000 lumen (Rediltnear) 400 0471 1,959 50,000 klmen (Setback) 400 0.471 1.959


$7.11 $5.94 $8.21 $10.99

$7.11 $8.21 $10.99

$787 $5.g1 $8.58 $ 11.13 s 14.95

$9.78 St2.09 $1600 $23.79

Where a street righbng fixture served overhead rs to be installed on another utiily's pole on wtich the Company does not have a caitact. a mon1hly pole charge wlll be assessed

Spans of Secondary Wtnng: For each incremern of 50 leet of secon0ary Wlrilg beyond the first 150 feet lrom the pole, the followilg price per morilh shall be added to the price per month per street ligh11ng unit $0.52. !J.NOERGROUND O!SIB™ Lamp Annual

ABeA Wills kWMl!l ~ Fixture Oescnpllon Standard Fixture (Cobra Head}

Mercury Vapo< 7,000 lumen 7,000 lumen (Open AefractOf) 10,000 tumen 21,000 lumen

Metal Halide 14,000 lumen 20,500 lumen 36,000 lumen

Sodium Vapor 9,500tumen 9.500 lumen (Open Retractor) 16,000 lumen

175 175 250 400

175 250 250

100 100 150

0.210 0.205 0.292 0.460

0.210 0.292 0292

0.117 0.1t7 0.171

874 853

1.215 1,91.(

874 1,215 1.215

~7 487 711

$7.24 $5.94 $836 $11.25

$724 $836 $11.25

s 787 $599 $8.55


22.000 kJmen 200 0.228 948 $1113 50,000 klmen 400 0.471 1,959 s 14 95

DecoralJve F'ixtures Mercury Vapor

7 000 klmen (Tow:i & Country) 175 0205 853 $748 7000 kimen (Holophane) 175 0.210 874 $940 7 000 Unen (Gas Repltea) 175 0.210 874 $21.48 7 000 kJmen (Granville) 175 0.205 853 $7.56 7,000 klrnen (Aspen) 175 0.210 874 $1361

M1ital H ide 14 000 lumen (T radllionaire) 175 0.205 853 $748 14 000 lurr.en (Granville Acom) 175 0210 874 $13.61 14,000 lumen (Gas Repl'ica) 175 0.210 874 $21.57

SodrumVapor 9,500 lumen (Town & Country) 100 0117 487 $10.93 9.500 lumen (Holophane) 100 0.128 532 $11.84 9,500 lumen (Rectilinear) 100 0.117 487 $8.83 9,500 lumen (Gas Replica) 100 0.128 532 $2226 9 500 lumen (Aspen) 100 0.128 532 $13.79 9,500 lumen (Trad~nalre) 100 0.117 487 $1093 9,500 lumen (GranvlDe Acom) 100 0.128 532 s 1379

22,000 lumen (Rectilinear) 200 0.246 1,023 s 12.15 50,000 lumen (Recti 111oar) 400 0.471 1,959 $1606 50,000 lumen (Setback) 400 0.471 1,959 $23.79

PoLE CHARGES Pole Oesaiption ~ ~ Wood

17 fool (Wood Laminated) (e) W17 $440 30 loot W'JO $4.34 35 loot W35 $440 401oot W40 $527

Aluminum 12 loot (decora!Ne) A12 $1197 28 loot A28 $ 6.94 28 loot (heavy doty) A28H $ 701 30 foot {anchor base) A30 $1366

Fiberglass 171001 F17 $ 4.40 12 fool (decora!JVC) F12 $12.87 30 fool (bronZe) F30 $ 8.38 35 foot (bronze) F35 $ 8.60

Steel 27 loot (11 gauge) S27 $11.31 27 loot (3 gauge) S27H $1705

Spans of Secondary Wiring For each lncremen! ol 25 feet of seoondary wiring beyond the firS125 feel from the pole, the following pnce per month shall be added IO the pnce per month per street lighting unit $0 75. Base Fuel Cost All ldlowa!l-hours sh be subject to a charge ol SO 023837 per klklwatl-hout reflecting the base cosl of fuel. Proposed Bate OVERHEAD P STBIBVIION AREA Lamp Annual

FIX!Ure ~ ~ k\W!li1 kWh.. Bal§LUni1

Standard Fixture (Cobra Head) Merairy Vapor

7000Mnen 175 0193 603 $7.96 7 000 klmen (Open Relraclor) 175 0205 853 $665 10,000U!len 250 0275 1,144 $919 21000 lumen 400 0430 1,789 $12.30

Metal Halide 140001umen 175 0193 603 $ 7.96 205001umen 250 0275 1,144 $919 36,000 lumen 400 0.430 1.789 $12.30

Sodlum Vapor 9,5001umen 100 0117 487 $881 9.500 lumen (Open Aofractor) 100 0117 487 $6.61 16,000 lumen 150 0.171 711 $9.60 220001umcn 200 0.228 948 $12.45 50,000 lumen 400 0.471 1,959 s 16.73

Decorauve Fixlures Sod um Vapor

9 500 lumen (Recti inear) 100 0.117 487 $10.94 22 000 lumen {Rectllinear) 200 0248 1,023 s 13.53 50,000 lumen {Rectil near) 400 0.471 1,959 $17 90 50 000 lumen (Setback) 400 0471 1,959 $~.62

Where a street ligh:lng lme served overhead Is to be lnslal!ed on another utility's pole on which lhe Company does no1 have a C0!1!ad, a monthly pole charge w be assessed Spans ol Secondary Wmg For each Increment of 50 feel ol secondary Wlflllg beyood the f;rst 150 feet from the pole the lollowlng pnce per month be added lo the pnce per month per street~ unl!: S0.56 UNOEBGBOUNO PISIB BUTJON Lamp Annual AREA ~ tWMll t.Wb.. ~

FIXIUrc Desa\:>tiOn Standard Frxture (Cobra Head}

Mercury Vapor 70001umen 175 0210 874 $810 7,000 lumen (Open Refractor) 175 0.205 853 $665 10,000 lumen 250 0.292 1,215 $9.35 21.000 lumen 400 0.460 l,914 $ 12.59

Metal Hafide 14,000 lumen 175 0.193 803 $8.10 20,500 lumen 250 0.275 1,144 $9.35 36,000 lumen 400 0.430 1,789 $ 12.59

Sodium Vapor 9 SOOIUmen 100 0.117 487 $881 9,500 lumen (Open Retractor) 100 0117 487 $6.70 16,000 lumen 150 0171 711 $9.57 220001umen 200 0228 948 $12.45 500001umen 400 0.471 1,959 $16.73

Decorallve FIX!llres Mercury Vapor

7.000 lumen (Town & Counlry) 175 0205 853 $837 7 000 lumen (HDlophane) 175 0.210 874 $1052 7 000 lumen {Gas Replica) 175 0.210 874 $2404 7 000 lumen (Granv! e) l75 0210 874 $848 7 000 lumen (Aspen) 175 0210 874 $15.23

Metal Halide 14 000 lumen (Tradi'Jona!fe) 175 0205 653 $8.37 14,000 lumen (Granville Aoom) 175 0210 874 s 1523 14 000 lumen (Gas Replica) 175 0.210 874 $2413

Sodlum Vapor 0,500 lumen {TO'NTl & Country) 100 0.117 487 $ 12..23 9 500 lumen (Holophane) 100 0.128 532 $1325 9 500 lumen (Rect1 inear) 100 0.117 487 $968 9.500 lwne (Gas Repra) 100 0.128 532 $2491 9 500 lumen (Aspen) 100 0.128 532 $ 15.43 22,000 lumen (Rect1 near) 200 0.246 1,023 $1359 50,000 lumen (Rectilinear) 400 0471 1,959 $17.97 50,000 lumen (Setback) 400 0.471 1,959 $2662

POLE ~HABGES Pole Description ~ ~ Wood

17 foot (Wood Larmnaled) (a) W17 $492 301001 W30 $466 35foo1 W35 $4.92 40foot W40 $590

Alummum 12 foot (decorative) A12 $13.39 28 fool A2/, $7.76 28 foot (heavy duty) A28H s 7.84 30 fool (anchor base) A:¥J s 1551

Fiberglass 17 loot F17 $492 12 loot (decorative) F12 $1440 30 loot (bronze) F30 $938 35 loot (bronze) F35 $9.62

Steel 27 loot (II gauge) 527 S 12.65 27 loot (3 gauge) S27H S 19.08

Spans of Secoodruy Winng Foe each increment of 25 feel of secondary winng beyond the first 25 feet from the pole. the lollowlng price per month shaU be added to the price per month per street lighting untt· $0 EM. Base Fuel Cost The rates per unh ShOwn above include a charge of $0 023837 per kilowatt-hour reflecting the base cost ol fuel.

Irft!!ic Ugh!fng Serylct -Bite TI. I Electric Tariff Sheet No. 61 l

Current Bate Where the Company suppl s energy 00}', all kiowan-hours Shal be billed at 3.8066 oenls per kilowatt hour; Where the Company supplies energy lrom a separately metered source and 1he Company has agreed 10 provide llml!ed main!enanoe for lrtlffc slgnal equ!pmenl, aD kilowatt-hours shall be billed al 2 1078 a!n!S per kllowall-hour. Where the CorT1lanY &ipplies energy and has ag·eed 10 provide limilad ma!!l'.anance for traffic signal equipment, aR kikl¥o'8tt-hours shaD be billed 81 5 9145 cenlS per kilowatt-hour

August 29, 2017 - THE FALMOUTH OUTLOOK - A-13

Pf'Ol)OSed Rale Where the Company supplies energy orly, aR kilowatt-hours shall be blled al 4 2590 cents per kball-hour; Where the Company supplies energy trom a separately metered source and the Company has agreed to prcMde llmited mall1tenanCe lor lraff'IC signal eq~, all kilowatt-hours shall be billed a1 2 3583 cents pet kilowa!l-hour Where the Company suppfies energy and has agreed to provide Mli!ed malntenance for tre!6c signal equipment, all kilo­watt-hours shall be billed 8166174 cents per kllowatt·hour

CumntBate AllkWh

e£oposed Rate AllkWh


Unmetmcl Outdoor Ught!ng Eleetrlc Sm1w:Bate UOl.S (EJettdc Term Sheet No. &21

3.7481 c per kWh

4.1936¢ per kWh

OUtdoor Llglrtlng:Eaulomont ln11a!lat100= &ite OL·E ~ltlllitt.SMill!o..J3.l

The System Charge Is determined by applying the current Levelized Fill.ad Charge Rate (LFCR), to the Company's cost ol purchasing and mstalllng the System PrOJ!O&ed Rate There are no changes to thtS tarifl schedule

QL!ldoor LlghUag Sllm~ Bm QL lElectri~ Il!tl!! Sheet H!!, ~l

Curren! Rite Lamp kW/ - &.urn!!la!m

Standard f"ixtuTes (Cobra Head) Mercury Vapor

7,000 Unen (Open RelmCIOr) 175 0205 7,000lumen 175 0210 10,000 lumen 250 0.292 21,000 kJmen 400 0460

Me1a1Ha5de 14,000 lumen 175 0.210 20,500 lumen 250 0307 36.000 lumen 400 0460

Sodium Vapor 9,500 lumen (Open Refractor) 100 0.117 9,SOOlumen 100 0 117 16.000 lumen 150 0171 27,500 lumen 200 0228 27,500 lumen 200 0228 50,000 lumen 400 0.471

Dea>ralive Fixtures (al Mercury Vapor

7.000 lumen (Town & Coontry) 175 0205 7,000 lumen (Holophane) 175 0.210 7,000 lumen (Gas Repl'Jca) 175 0210 7,000 lumen (Aspen) 175 0210

Socf!Um Vapor 9,500 lumen (Town & Coun!ry) 100 0117 9,500 lumen (Holophane) 100 0128 9,500 boon (Recti !near) 100 0117 9.500 ltJnen (Gas Replica) 100 0128 9,500 lumen (Aspen) 100 0128 9,500 lumen (Tradi!ionaire) 100 0117 9,500 lumen (Granville Acom) 100 0128 22.000 kJmen (Reclllinear) 200 0.246 50,000 lumen (Reclilinear) 400 0471 50.000 lumen (Setback) 400 0471

B. Flood ligritmg units served in overhead cflSlributlOO areas (Fl) Mercury Vapor

21,000 lumen 400 0460 Metal Halide

20,500 lumen 250 0307 36,000 lumen 400 0460

Sodium Vapor 22.000 lumen 200 0246 30,000 lumen 250 0.312 50,000 lumen 400 04SO


CUrrent Rate Conf.any owned

Street Ughtlng Service for N;m.Sb!ndard Unlts.:Bnto HSU lEIOC!dcJ1dtt Sheet.NI!. 661

BouleVard units served Jndergmund

AlnJal kY!!J ~

853 $673 674 $11.17 1.215 $1304 1,914 $1675

874 $1117 1,215 $13.06 1.914 $16 75

487 $ 768 487 s 999 711 $1127 948 $1247 948 $12 47 1,959 $14.53

853 $13.38 874 $17.24 874 $41.66 874 S'25.n

487 $21.10 532 $22.86 487 s 18.79 532 $43.94 532 $2663 487 $21.10 532 $2663 1,023 $ 22-37 1,959 $2838 1,959 $4415

1,914 $ 1676

1,215 $1304 1,914 $1616

1023 $12.38 1 023 $1238 1997 $15.35

a. 2,500 lumen lncandescen1-Senes 148 O 148 616 $ 9.22 b. 2,500 lumen lncandescenl-Multiple 189 0 189 786 $ 716 Holophane OecoratJve flXtUre on 17 foot lilerglass pole served underground W1'.h direct buried cable a. 10.000 lumen Mercury Vapor 250 0.292 1.215 $16 79

The cable span charge of $.75pereach1ncremen1ol25 leet 01secondarywtrll'IQ6hal be added to the Rate/unrt charge for each increment of secondary wiring ooyood tho l1rs1 25 leet from Ille polo base.

Stree1 hghl units seived overhead distnbutoo a. 2,500 lumen lncandescenl 189 0189 786 $ 710 b. 2,SOOlumenMercury\lapor 100 0109 453 $6.72 c 21.000lumenMercuryVapor 400 0460 1914 $1066 Customer owned Steel boulevard unr.s served underground with ~mlled maintenance by Company a. 2.500 lumen lncandescerrt-Serles 148 o 148 616 $5.44 b. 2,500 turnen Incandescent - Mulllple 189 o 169 766 SS 92

Base Fuel Cos! The rates per um shown above Include SO 023837 per klkTNatl-hour rol!ectlng the base cost of fuel

Pro:R!!Md Btrte ~owned

Boulevard uni!S served underground 8. 2,500 kJmen lncandeseen1 - Series b 2,500 Mnell lncandesoom - Mi.:'tiple

Holophane Oecorawe f!Xlure on 17 loot li>erglass pole S61Ved underground with dired buried cable

lamp ~

148 189

Amual ~ tW ~

0148 616 $1032 0189 786 $ 8.01

a 10,000lumenMercuryVapor 250 0292 1,215 $1879 The cable span charge ol $.84 per each increment Of 25 leer of secondary Wiring shaft be added to the

Rate/unit charge for each incfement o1 secondary wiring beyond 1he first 25 feel from the pole base Street light units served overhead diS1rlbuflon a. 2.500 lumen Incandescent b. 2,500 lumen Mercury Vapor c. 21.000 lumen Mercury Vapor

Customer owned Steel boulevard units served underground with limited mamtenance by Compsny a 2 500 lumen lncand8scent - Serles b 2 500 lumen lncandesceo1- Multiple

Base Fuel Cost

189 100 400

148 189

0.189 0.109 0460

0148 0189

786 453 1.914

616 766

$794 $7.52 $11.93

$6.09 $774

The rates per um shown above include $0 023837 per ldlo'.vatt-hour re.'loctilg the base cost of fuel


Private Qutd()()! Ughllng lor Non-Startda!d Unltl.flate NSP (Electric TaJ!ff Shee1 H!!, 671

Priva!s outdoor lig.'1'.mg ums· The tollO¥ling monthly charge will be assessed for exlsliog facill!ies, but this int wlll not be available to any new customers after May 15, 1973:

Lamp .wans ~

2.500 lumen Mercury, Open Refractor • • • .. 100 0.115 478 $ 7.79 2,500 lumen Mercury, Enclosed Relracior. 100 0 115 478 $10.66

Outdoor fighting units served ln underground residential diSlnbution areas The following monthly charge will be assessed tor exlStrng flXturos which tncfudo lamp and lum1na1re. controlled automalicaffy, wrth an underground seMCe wrre not to exceO<f 35 leet from the 6elVlCe point but these units will not be available to new customers after May 5, 1992·

Lemp Annual ltal1 ~YfilJ!Jll tw!l 8alelUni1

7,000 lumens Mercury, Mounled on a 17 ·fool Fiberglass Pole • • 175 0.205 853 $14.54

7,000 lumen Mercury, Mounted on a 17·foo1 Wood l.8mlnated Po!e (a) 175 0205 853 $14.54

7,000 lumen Mercury, Mourned on a 30-IOOl Wood Pole 175 0.205 853 $1344

9,500 bnen Sodium Vapoi: 1C 100 R. 100 om 487 $1122 (a) Nole: New or replacement poles are no1 avallable

CCnllrUld nell PllQO

A·14- THE FALMOUTH OUTLOOK-August 29, 2017

Flood lighting units served In overhead distribution areas: The l0Dow1ng monthly cllatge will be assessed for each existing tooure. which lnciudes famp and lumlnaire. controlled automatically, mo\Jntlld on a ulitity pole, as specified by the Company. with a span of wire not to exceed f20 feet, but Ulese units will not be available after May 5. 1992:

Lamp Annual ~ ~ KWb. ~

52,000 lumen MEll'C\lry (35-foot Wood Pole) • • . 1,000 1.102 4584 $28.55 52,000 lumen Mercury (5CHoot Woo<J Pote) •• 1,000 1.102 4.584 $32.16 50.000 lumen Sodium Vapor •..•.•• ... 400 0.471 1,959 $19.79

Base Fuel Casi All kilowatt-hours shall be subject to a charge of $0.023837 per kltowatt-hour reflecting the base cost of fuel em1u11~ R11e


SlrHI Ughttog Service-Customer Ow~ • Rate SC (Electrli; Iw:lff Sb!!§t Hg, §Ill

Curren! Raia Lamp Annual wru hWlU!Jll kWh ~

Fixture Description Standard Fixture (Cobra Head)

Mercury Vapor 7,000lumen 175 0.193 803 $ 4.19 10,000 lumen 250 0.275 t,144 SS.33 21,000 lumen 400 0430 1,789 $740

Metal Halide 14,000 lumen 175 0193 803 $4.19 20.500 lumen 250 o.m 1,144 s 5.33 36,000 lumen 400 0.430 1.789 $740

Sodium Vapor 9.500 lumen 100 0.117 487 $5.04 16,000 lumen 150 0.171 711 $5.62 22,000 lumen 200 0.228 948 $6.17 27,500 lumen 250 0.228 948 $6.17 50,000 lumen 400 0.471 1,959 $8.36

Decorative Fooure Mercury Vapor

7,000 lumen (Holophane) 175 0.210 874 SS.32 7.000 lumen (Town & Country) 175 0.205 653 SS.27 7,000 lumen (Gas Replica) 175 0210 874 $5.32 7,000 lumen (Aspen) 175 0.21() 874 $5.32

Metal Halide 14,000 lumen (Traditlonaire) 175 0.205 853 $5.27 14.000 lumen (Granville Acom) 175 0.210 874 $5.32 14.000 lumen (Gas Replica) 175 0.210 874 $532

Sodium Vapor 9,500 lumen (Town & Country) 100 0117 487 $4 96 9,500 lumen (Traditionaire) 100 0.117 487 $4.96 9,500 lumen (Granville Acom) 100 0128 532 $5.18 9,500 lumen (Rectilinear) 100 0.117 487 $4.96 9,500 rumen (Aspen) 100 0.128 532 $5.18 9,500 lumen (Holophane) 100 0.128 532 $5.18 9,500 lumen (Gas Replica) 100 0128 532 55.18 22,000 lumen (Rectlllnear) 200 0.246 1,023 $654 50.000 lumen (Rectilinear) 400 0.471 1,959 $8.65

Where a street lighting fixture seFVed overhead 1s to be installed on another utility's pole on which the Company dOeS not have a contact. a monthly pole charge will be assessed.

Pole Descnpbon ~ ~ Wood

301001 W30 $4.34 35foot W35 $440 40 foot W40 $527

Base Fuel Cost The rates per unit shown above Include $0,023837 per kilowatt-hour re1lect1ng the base cost ol fuel.

frllQflsed Biie Lamp Annual ~ ts.WlVJlJl J5Wh fl_§l.eLl.k!lJ

Fixture Description Standard Flxture (Cobra Head)

Mercury Vapor 7,000lumen 175 0.193 803 $469 10.000 lumen 250 0275 1,144 $5.96 21,000 lumen 400 0.430 1,789 $828

Metal Halide , 14,000 lumen 175 0193 803 $'169 I 20.500 lumen 250 0.275 1,144 $5.96

36.000 lumen 400 0.430 1,789 $8.28 Sodium Vapor

9.5001umen 100 0.117 487 $5.64 16.000 lumen 150 0.171 711 $6.29 22,000 lumen 200 0.228 948 $690 27,500 lumen 250 0.228 948 $6.90 50,000 lumen 400 0.471 1,959 $935

Decorative Axlure Mercury Vapor

7,000 lumen (Holophane) 175 0.210 874 $595 7,000 lumen (Town & Country) 175 0205 853 55.90 7,000 lumen (Gas Replica) 175 0.210 874 $5.95 7,000 lumen (Aspen) 175 0.210 874 S5.95

Metal Halide 14,000 lumen (Tradltlonalre) 175 0.205 853 $5.90 14,000 lumen (GranvmeAcorn) 175 0.210 874 $5.95 14,000 lumen (Gas Replica) 175 0.210 874 $5.95

Soclium Vapor 9,500 lumen (Town & Coumry) 100 0.117 487 $5.55 9,500 lumen (Traditionalre) 100 0117 487 SS.55 9,500 lumen (Gtanville Acom) 100 0.128 532 $5.80 9.500 lumen (Rectilinear) 100 0.117 487 $5.55 9.500 lumen (Aspen) 100 0.128 532 S5.80 9,500 lumen (Holophane) 100 0.128 532 $5.80 9,500 lumen (Gas Replica) 100 0.128 532 $5.80 22,000 lumen (Rectilinear) 200 0.246 1,023 s 732 50,000 lumen (Rectilinear) 400 0.471 1.959 $9.68 EQI!! OestriQlillO ~ ~

Wood 30 loot W30 $4.86 351oot W35 5492 40 foot W40 $5.90

Base Fuel Cost The tales per unit shown above include $0.023637 per kilowatt-hour reflecting the base cost of luet.

S!reet-llgbtlag ~l)lce-O~rtiead E!IYl~ill!!Dt·Blllll SE {fl~trli; Iaritt Sbe!!t HQ. §9}

!;yrrent Bat11; Lamp Annul!!

Fixture Description ~ ll.W1Unil k'Ml B.ale.lU.Di! Decorative F1xtums

Mercuiy vapor 7,000 IJJmen (Town & Country) 175 0.205 853 $7.29 7,000 lumen (Holophane) 175 0.210 874 $7.32 7,000 lumen (Gas Repllca) 175 0.210 874 $7.32 7,000 lumen (Aspen) 175 0.210 874 $7.32

Metal Ha!lde 14.000 lumen (Traditlonaire) 175 0.205 853 $7.29 14,000 lumen (Granville Acom) 175 0.210 874 $7.32 14.000 lumen (Gas Replica) 175 0.210 874 $7.32

Sodium vaoor 9,500 lumen (Town & Country) 100 0.117 487 $7.95 9.500 lumen (Hol-Ophane) 100 0.128 532 $8.05 9,500 lumen (Reclillnear) 100 0.117 487 S7.95 9.500 lumen (Gas Replica) 100 0.128 532 $8.04 9.500 lumen (Aspen) 100 0.128 532 $8.04 9,500 lumen (Tradiuonalre) 100 0.117 487 $7.95 9.500 lumen (Granville Acom) 100 0128 532 $804 22,000 ll.tmen (Recillinear) 200 0.246 1,023 $11.42 50,QOO lumen (Rectilinea~ 400 0.471 1,959 $1511 50,000 lumen {Setbacl<) 400 0.471 1,959 $1511

Base Fuel CoSl All kilowatt-hours shall be subject to a charge or $0.023837 per kllowatt·hour reflecting !he base cost of fuel.

PlllilQHd Ba.1~: Lamp Annual Wilm kWLUnil liW.ll ~

Fixttlte Oescliptlon Decorative Fixtures

Mercuiy Vaoor 7,000 lumen (Town & Country) 175 0.205 853 $8.16 7,000 lumen (Holophane) 175 0.210 874 $8.19 7,000 lumen (Gas Repllca) 175 0.210 874 $S.19 7,000 lumen (Aspen) 175 0.210 874 $8.19

Metal Halide 14,000 lumen (Traditklnaire) 175 0.205 853 $8.16 14,000 lumen (Granville Acom) 175 0.210 874 $8.19 14,000 lumen (Gas Replica) 175 0.210 874 SS.19

Sodium Vapor 9,500 lumen (Town & Country) 100 0.117 487 S889


9,500 lumen {Holophane) 100 0.128 532 $9.01 9,500 lumen (Rectilinear) 100 0117 487 $8.89 9.500 lumen (Gas Replica) 100 0.128 532 $9.00 9,500 lumen (Aspen) 100 0.128 532 $9.00 9.500 lumen (Traditionalre) 100 0.117 487 $8.89 9.500 lumen (Granville Acom) 100 0128 532 $9.00 22.000 lumen (Rectilinear) 200 0.246 1,023 $12.78 50.000 lumen (Rectilinear) 400 0.471 1,959 $16.91 50,000 lumen (Setback) 400 0.471 1,959 $16.91

Base Fuel Cost Tile rates per unit shown above 1nctode $0.023837 per kilowatt-llour retlecimg the base cost of fuel

~urren! Rate: Rate

Rid~ PPS- Preml!H' Power ~rv!ce Bider (El!!Ctrlc Iartff Sheet No. 70}

Each qualifying customer's individual mont~ly rare calculated for each customer for tlils service will be determined as follows: Monthly Service Payment: Estimated Levelized Gapftal Cost + Estimated Expenses Where: Leveilzed Capital Cost is equal to the present value or all estimated capital related cash flows for a period COfresponding to the time of engineering, design and Installation ol equipment through lhe term of the conlracl, adjusted to a pre-1ax amount and oonverted to a uniform monthly payment for the term ot the conrract. The estimated capital cash ttows shall incll.tde estimated Installed cost of equ1pme111, contingency allowances. salvage value, adjustment to refleol additional supporting investment of general plant nature. and income tax impacts. Expenses shall equal the presen1 value of estimated expenses associated with the support and mamte nance or the generation and support equipmenr, adjusted to a pre-tax amount and convetted to a unttorm monthly payment for the 1enn of the contract. The estimated expenses shall 1nciude adm1nislre11ve and general expenses. expenses lor fabor and materials related to operations and maintenance, third party expenses for operations and maintenance warranlies, insurance, annual costs associated with working capital fuel inventory, depreciation, property tax, other costs related to the operation and suppor1 or the generator system Installation. and income tax impacts. The after tax cost of aapltal lrom the Company's most recent general rate case wilt be U$ed to convert present values to uniform monltily payments

MONTHLY BILL Customer's month~ blll ror all services under this ndet will appear on their regular mon1hly elec1ric bill as a line item.

~...Rm: There are no proposed changes in this rider.

Current Rate:

Rider TS - Temporary Servlce . .Ri.!!ltl CE!ec!rlc Tariff Sl!ee! No. 71l

In addition 10 charges for service lurnished under the applicable s1andard rate the customer will pay in advance lhe following charge: Estimated unit cost of each service with supporting data to be filed With the Commlssloo and updated annually by the utility Prom!ld Bate: There are no proposed changes in this rider.


Rld!!C X - Line EKtenslon Polley Rider IEl!!C!ric Tllrtff Sheet No. 72)

Whan the estimated cost of extending the disttibution lines to reach the customer's premise equals or 1s less than three (3) limes lhe estimated gross annual reveflue the Company wlli make lhe extension without addrlJOl'lal guaran· tee by the customer over that applicable In the tate, provided the customer establishes credit in a manner satisfactory to the Company When the astimated oosl of extending the distrlbulJOl'I fines to reach Iha customer's premise exceeds three (3) times the estimated gross annual tevenue, the customer may be required to guarantee, for a period ol five (5) years. a monthly bill of one (1) percent of the line extens1an cost lor restdential service and two (2) percent for non-res1den1ial service When the tenn of service or credit have not been established in a manner satisfautory to the Company, !he customer may be required to advance the estimated oost ol the line extension In eitner of the above sttuatlons. When such advance is made the Company will refund, at the end of each year. for four (4) years twenty-five (25) percent of the revenues received 1n any one year up to twenty-live (25) percent of the advance. eroposed Rate: There are no proposed changes In 1hfs rider


Bider LM - Load Managemeot Rider CElectrlc Jartff Sheet No. 73l

I. When a customer elects the OFF PEAK PROVISION, !he monthly customer Charge of the applicable Rate OS will be increased by an addihonal rnonrhly charge of live doPars ($5.00) for eacti mS1alled time-of-use meter In addition the DEMAND provision ol Rate OS shall be modified to the extent that the blllirig demand st1all be based upon the 'on peak period," as defined above II. For customers who meet the Company's critena for the insta11ati0n of a magnetic lape recording device lor billing, and where electric service Is furnished under the provisions of eililer Raia OS, Service at Secondary Distribution Vottage, or Rate DP, Service at Primary 01stribu1ion Voltage. When a customer eleots lhlS OFF PEAK PROVISION, the applicable monthly customer charge of Rate OS or Rate DP will be increased by an add111ona1 monthly charge of one hundred dollars (5100.00). Propc>sed Rate: When a customer elects the OFF PEAK PROVISION, the monthly customer charge of the appfieable Rate OS or DP will be Increased by an additional monthly charge or five dollars ($5.00) for each installed lime-of·use or interval data recorder meter. in addition, lhe DEMAND provision of Rate OS or DP shall be mOdlfied to the extent that the billing demand shall be based upon the "on peak penod," as defined above. However, in no case shall the bTilmg demand be less than 1he billing demand as determined in accordance with lhe DEMAND provision of the appficable Rate OS or Rate OP, as modifiad.

Current Ra!~: CHARGES

Rider AMO -Advanced Meter Opt-Out (AMO) • Residential (Electric Tariff Sheet NQ. 74)

Residen1ial customers wno ~lec1, at any iime, to opt-out of the Company's advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) system shall pay a one-lime lee of $100.00 and a recurring 010nlhly fee of $25.00 During the Metering Upgrade project deployment phase. ~prior to an advanced meter being installed at a cus1omer premise, any existing reslden· tial electric customer that elects to participate In this opt-out program, Duke Energy Kentueky will not cllarge lhe one­time set·up fee, providing the resldenllal electric customer noflfles the Company of such elect100 in advance or the advanced meter berng Installed. Those residential customers elec~ng 1o participate 1n this resfdential opt-out pro­gram wlll be sub1ec1 10 the ongoing $25.00 per month ongoing charge. Following deploymenl completion. any resi­dential customer who later elects to participate in the Opt-Out Program will be assessed the $100 set·up fee in

add~ion to the ongoing monthly charge. f...rQROsed Rale: There are no proposed changes in lhis rider.

!;urreot Biit~:

Bider DSMB- Demand Sid!! Meoagemenl Bate IElectrtc Tariff She!rt Ng, 781

The Demand Side Management Rate (DSMR) shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Rider DSM. Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider, Sheet No. 75 of this Tariff The DSMR to be applted to residential customer bills 1s $0.007967 per kilowatt-hour. A Home Energy Assistance Program (HEA) charge of $0 10 will be appfied monthly to residential c1.1stomer bltlS through December 2020 The DSMR to be applied to non-residanlial distnbotion service customer bills is $0.002576 per kilowatt-hour The DSMR to be applled for trahsm1ssion service cuSiomer bills is $0.000183 per kilowatt·hoor. Proposed Rel!!: There are no proposed changes in this lider.

Current Bate:

Rider BOP - Backup DeliVe!Y Point capacity Rider (Electrfc Tariff Shee1 No. 791

BACKUP DELIVERY POINT rrRANSMISSIONJOISTRIBUTION) CAPACITY The Company will normally supply seivrce 10 one premlse at one standard voltage at one delivery point and through one meter 10 a Non·Resldential Customer in accordance wijh the provisions of lhe applicable rate schedule and the Eleclrlc Service Regulations Upon customer request, Company will make available to a Non-Residenbal Customer additional delivery points in aocordanca with lhe rates, terms and conditions ol this Rider BOP. NET MONTHLY BILL 1 Connection Fee

The Connec\10n Fee applies only ii an addttional metering point is required and will be based on customer's most applicable rate schedule

2. Monthly charges will be based on the unbundled distribution andtor transm1SS1on rates of the customer's most appllcable rate sc~edule and the contracted amount of backup delivery point capacity.

3. The Customer sllall also be responsible ror the ;ie<:eferation of costs, if any. that would not have otherwise been inc:orred by Company absenl such request for additional delivery polnrs. The terms of payment may be made initrally or over a pre-Oetermlned term mutually agreeable 10 Company and Cvstomers l!iat shall not .exceed the mimrnum term. In each request for service under this Rider Company engineers will conduct a lhorough review of the customer's request and the circuits atrected by the request. The customer's capacity needS will be weighed against the capacity available on Iha circtJtt, anticipated load growth on the csrcoit, and any future constructron plans thal may be ad­vanced by the request. PropQS!!d Bate: There are no proposed cl1anges in !his rider.

Current Rate:

Fuel Adjustm11nt Clause - Rid!!r FAC lElectrtc Jarlff Sheet No. BO\

(1) Th<J monlhly amount computed 11n0er each of the rate schedules to which this fuel clause Is applicable shall be increased or (decreased) at a rate per kilowatt· hour of monthly consumption 1n accordance with the rollowrng formula:

Fuel Cost Adjustment= E(mJ - $0.023837 per kWh • S(rn)

Where F Is the expense of fuel in the second preceding month and S is the sales in the second preceding monlh, as defined below:

ContilMld next page



(2) Fuet costs (F) shall be the cost of (a) Fossi luel consumed 1n the Company s plants plus the cost ol luet which would haVe been used in plants suffering forced generatiOn or transmlSSJOO outages, but less the cost of fuel rotated to subslltuto generation. plus (bl The BClual idenlifiable fossil and nuclear fuel costs associaled with energy purchased for reasons other than Iden' fled in paragraph (c) of this subsection but excluding the cost of fuel related to purchases to ~ tute lorthe forced OU1ages, pus (c) The nel energy cost ol energy porthases. exciusive of capaaty or demand chaf9eS flrrespecWe of the deslgoalion assigned IO such lransacuon) when such energy Is purchased on an econormc dispatch basis. lnduded rieran are such costs as the charges lor eammy energy purchases and the charges as a result of scheduled Oli"U!ge such kinds of energy being purchased by the Company lo Slbstitute for its own higher COS1 energy and less (di The COS1 of lossll fuel recovered through Inter-system saJes includlng the fuel costs related to economy energy sales and other energy sold on on economte dispatch basis. (e) All fuel costs shall be based on a wmghted-average lnventoiy costing The cost of fossll luel shaD Include no it9ms other than the Invoice price ot fuel less any cash or other dlscoonts The nvolce pnce of luel Includes the COSI of fuel itself and necessary charges for 1ranspo1tatt0n or fuel from the pom1 of acquisi llOI' 10 the unloading pacnt, as listed 1ri Account t51 ol the FERC Un~orm System of Accounts lor Public u • and l.Jcensees (fl As USIJd herein the term 'forced outages" means aD non-scheduled losses of generation or transmission whkh requ11e subsll!u e power for a continuoUs period In excess of slx (6) hours Where locced outages are nol as a resutt ol ta ty ~ faulty manufacture, faulty ~n. laulty instalatlons faulty opera!IOll, or fa l!y mainlenanee, but are Acts or God rlo msurrecllOn or acts of the public enemy then the ~ may upon proper showing With the approval of the Commisslon, lnducle Ille fuel cost ol subsllt!.lte energy In lhe adjuslmenl.

(3) Sales (S) 6ha!l be dete!"'llined in kilowatt·hours as follows· Add

(a) net generatiOO (b) purchases le) interchange 1n

SubtrBCI (d} nter-system safes ineluding economy energy and other energy sold on an economic dispatch basis (el total system losses

~Jim: (1) The mor.thly amount CQl11lUted under each of the rate schedules to wllich this fuel clause IS appllcable sh be lllCl'eased or (decreasod) at a r per kilowatt-hour of monthly COOSUMplion tn accordance with the loUowl.ig formula

Fuel Cost Ad ustmenl = F.(mJ • SO 023837 per kWh S(m)

Where F Is the expense of fuel 1n the tlCCOnd preceding month and S is lhe sales In the second preceding month, as defined below (2) Fuel costs (F} shalt be the cost o!

{a) Fossil fuel consumed m the Company s plants plus the cost of fuel which would have been used in plants suffenng forced geoera'.lon or transrmssion outages but less the cost of fuel related to substi11Jte generation, plus (b) The actual Identifiable lossd and nuclear fuel costs associaled with energy purchased !of reasons other lhan lden!ifed 1r1 paragraph (c) of this subsection but excluding the cost ol fuel relaled to purchases to subslrtu!e tor the forced oi.iages plus (c) The net energy OOSl cl energy purchases, cxctusive of capaaty or demand charges CirrespectJve of the designatton assigned to such transactJOn) when such energy is purchased on an economlC dcspa!ch basis lncloded therein ere such costs as the charges tor economy energy purchases and the charges as a resutt of scheduled outage. all 6UCh kinds of energy being purchased by the Company to subs11tute lor tts OWTI

higher COS! energy and less (d) The cost of fossD fuel rt'COVercd through inter-system sales Including Iha fuel costs related to economy energy sales and other energy sold on an economic dispa!ch b8Sls (e) Tho fuekelated charges and credits charged to the Company by a Regional TransmlSSiOn Organiza1ion. (0 AD fuel costs shall be based on a we hied-average Inventory c:osllng The a>sl of fossll fuel shall Include no terns other lhan tho invOICe pnce of fuel less any cash or other discounts. The lnvOiCe pnce of fuel irdJcles the cost of fuel Ilse!! and necessary charges !Of transportation ol luel from the point of ru:quiSi!iOn to the Ul'lload:""9 po!li! as tis!ed r.1 Accoum 151 ol the FERC Uniform Sys1em of Aca>unts for Public Utibt.es and Licensees (g As used her em, the term 1orced ou1ages" means an~ losses of generation or transmission whlch reqllire substitute power for a continuous peliOd In excess of six (6) hours Where forced outages are nol as a resuU of faulty equipment, faulty manufacture laUlly design, !au ty 1nstalla00ns, laulty operation, or faulty mruntcnaix:e, but are Atls of Goel riot, insurrection or acts of the public enemy, then the Company may, upon proper showing, with the epproval ol !he Commission. lllClude the fuel cost of substrtute energy 1ri the adjustment

(3) Sales (S) shall be determined 11 k lowat1·hours as follows' Add

(a) net genereoon b) purchases

(C) interchange 11 5ublracl.

(d} inter system sales iridudalg economy energy and other energy sold on an economiC dispateh basls (e) total system tosses

Bider fSM - Off:System Power Sales and Emission Allowance Sales Profit Shndng Mechanism IEloctrlc Tarlll Sheet No. 82)

Currant Rate:

Aa!t1 GrQUJl

Rate RS Residenlial SeMCe Rate OS Se!ViCe at Seoondary DistrtlutiOn Voltage Rate DP. SelVICe 81 Primary Distrilution Voltage Ra!e Dt Time-of-Day Rate for Servk:e at Distribu'Jon Vollage Rate EH OplionaJ Rate lor Electric Space Hearuig Rate Gs.FL, General SeMce Rate lor SmaD Fixed Loads Rate SP Seasonal Sports Service Rate SL. Street Ughhng Service Rate TL, Traffic Lighting Service Rate UOLS Unmetared Outdoor LlghUng Rate OL, Outdoor Lighllng Service Rate NSU Street Lighling Service for Non-Standard Units Rate NSP. Private Outdoor Lighting Service lor Non-Standard Units Rate SC Street Ughting SeMce - Customer Owned Ra•o SE. 8:rett Lighting SeMce - Ovcrtiead Equlvalgnt Rate TI, Tme-ol-Oay Ra!e tor Service at Tl'8l1SmlSSlOl1 Voltage Other

~ (SlkWh) 0000455 0000456 0000456 0000456 0.000456 0000456 0000456 0.000456 0000456 0000456 0000456 0000456 0000456 0000456 0.000456 0000456 0000456

Rider PSM credits reductions 10 bills. ere shown as positive numbers Without parentheses Rider PSM charges. ncreases lo bills, are shown In parenttieses.

PROFIT SHARING RIDER FACTORS The Appfteable energy charges for electnc service shall be increased or decreased to the nearest

SO 000001 per kWh to reflllci tho sharing of profi IS on ofl·system power sales and ancillary saMOeS 1he net profits on sales of emission allowances and net margins on capacity transactions related lo the BCQUlsition of 100% of Eas! Bend Unit 2.

The Corl1>anY wm compule ts profits on ot!-system power sales and anallaly seMces, profits on emiSSlon allowance sales and 001 margms on capacity transactiOnS related 10 the acquisition of 100% ol East Bend Un 2 In me following manner

Rid PSM Factof = ((P +A) + E + C + R)IS t."18 e

P = El!gible profils from off·systom pawer sales for applicable month subfect lo sharing proviSlonS estabfished by the Commisst0n n Its Order In Case No 20()3.()()252 dated December 5, 2003 A • All net profits 1etated 10 Its proviSiOn or eoollary slllVk:eS In markets administered by PJM per the ComrtllSSIOn s Order in Case No 2008-00489. dated J31luary 30, 2009.

The first S 1 mi hon In annual profits from off ·system sales and 81lQUary SCl'YICOS Wiii be allocated to ratepayers, with any profrts in excess ol $1 mi 10n split 75:25, With ratepayers rcce!Vlng 75 percent and shareholders reoeMng 25percent per the Comrmssion Order m C&se No 2010-00203 dated December 22, 2010. Alter December 3 t SI ol each ye& the sharing mecharnsn Wilt be reset for off.system power sales Each month the sharing rr.echa· nlSm will be reset for the ancillary seMCe profits E • AD ne! im;:s on sales of emlSSlorl ala.vances are crecfred to cus-.omers per the Commission's Order ID Case No. 2006-00172, dated December 21 2006 C = Capacity revenue received horn PJM llSSOCla'ed With DP&L's share ol Eas! Bend capacity that DP&L has oomrnit'.ed 111 PJM s base r~dual aucllon ('BRAi through May 31 2018 less the cost lllCUITed by Duke Energy Kentucky to procure 6Uf!lcient capactty to meet Its olJfigations as a Fixed Resource Requirement entily under the Re rabi ity Assurance Agreement wth PJM per the Comm1sslO!l'sOrder 1n Case No. 2014.00201, datt.'>d Decernber 4,2014

Tile net ol capacity revenue received from PJM and the capactty COS1 tncurred by Duke Energy Kentucky will be allocated to ratepayers With retepayers receMng 75 percent and shareholders receiving 25 percenl A = Reconcifialion o1 pnor penod Rider PSM adual revenue lo amount calal1ated for lhe pertod. S = Current monlh sales tn kWh used ID the current month Rider FAC calcula!lon.

Propowl Rate: Bate Grou1>

Rate RS Residenllal Service Rate OS Service at Secondary Dislthnion Voltage Raio OP. SeMCe at Primary DislribotiOn Voltage Rate Dt Time-ol·Day Rate for Service et D!strlbullon Voltage Raio EH. Optl0081 Rate tor Electric Space Hea11ng Raia GS-FL, General Service Rate for Small Fixed loads Rate SP, Seasonal Sports SeMOe Raia SL. Stroot Lighting Service Raio TL Traffic Lighting Service Ra!e UOLS Unnetered Outdoor llgl11ing Ra!e OL, Outdoor lJgl1!ing Service Rate NSU Streel 1.Jg.'1ting Service for Non.Standard Units Rate NSP, Pnva!e O'Jtdoor ~ Servloe for Non-Standard Units Rate SC Street Ugh!irYiJ Service - Customer Ovmed Rate SE. Street Lighllng SeMce - Ovefhead Equivolenl Rate n, Time-ol·Day Rate for SelVICe 81 Transmisston Vonage Other

am ($/kWh) 0000456 0.000456 0.000456 0.000456 0.000456 0.000456 0 000456 0000456 0.000456 0.000456 0000456 0000456 0.000456 0000456 0000456 0000456 0.000456

August 29, 2017 - THE FALMOUTH OUTLOOK- A-15

Rider PSM credits, reductiOns to bills, are 6hown as positive numbers without parentheses Rider PSM charges, increases lo bills, are shown in parentheses

PROF IT SHARING RIDER FACTORS On a quarterly basis, the epplk:abfe energy charges for electric SO!VICe shan be Increased or deaeased lo the nearest SO 000001 per l<Wh to reftect tho sharing ol net proceeds as oullined In the formula below


Rider PSM Factor = (OSS + NF + CAP + REC+ R) IS x 0 90

OSS = Net proceeds lrom off·sys!em pcmer sales NF = N t proceeds from non-fuel related Rcg!On31 TransmlSSIOD Organ!ZatiOn charges ~ cred!IS nol recovered via other mechanisms CAP = Nel proceeds from: PJM cha"geS and credlts as prOYided for in the

CommtSSIOtl's Order in case No 2014-0020t, dated December 4, 2014; capacity sales; capacity purchases copaclty performance credits; and capacity performance assessments.

REC = Not proceeds from Ule sales ol renewable energy credits A " ReconcU111Uon of pnor period Rider PSM actual revenue lo amount calcu lated for the period s = Current petiOd sales in kWh as used In the Rider FAC cak:ulatm

Bidet GP- Du!se Enerav's GoGREEN Kenludy Groen Powerl Carbon Olfiet Rider

CE!mrlc To!!ff Slleet No. 88>

Customers who participate under this rider wlD be b led tor eleclnc servk:e under all applicable tariffs 1nclud!ng all appf1-cablo ridors Green Power purchased under this rider, will be billed at Ille applieable Green Power rate limes the number of 100 kWh blocks the customer has agreed to purchaSe per month The Green Power rate shall be S2 00 per 100 kWh blook with a minimum monthly purchase of two 100 kWh blocks. C8rbon Oflsets purchased under this rider will be billed a1 the applicable Carbon Offset rate limes the number of C8rbon Ollscis the aistomer has agreed to purchasa per month The Calbon Ollset rate shall be $4 00 per 500 lbs onset blodt Propose<f Bate: There are no proposed changes m this rider


B!dor NM - Net Mewdng ~ TMl.11 Sheet No, 89)

Net Metenng ts nvaibble to eligible customer-generators In the Company's seMCe temtory, upon request and on a first· come, first ·sarved basis up to a cumulatlve capacity of 1 % of the Company's Single hour pe k load In Kentucky during the previous year Proposed Bate: There are no proposed changes m thls rider

Current B§te:

Sad Check Charge (Electrtc Tariff Sheet No. 90)

Tho Company may charge and collect a fee of $11 00 to cover the cosl of handling an unsecured chock, where a customer tenders In paymcnl of an account a chec:k which upan deposit 'r'1'f tile Company IS returned as unpiild by lhe bank lor any reasoo fl:.oposed R!!!c: There are no proposed changes m this nder

Current Bate:

Charge for Reconnection of Sert!ce IE!ectdc Tadtt Sheet No. 91>

A. The reccnn9CtlOn charge tor seMCe v.'bkh has been dlscomecled die to enlorcement of Rule 3 shall be twenty·live dollars ($25.00) B The recoonec!Jon charge for service which has been disconnecled w!thfn the precedlng twelve monllls at the request of lhe customer Shall be twcnty·llve dollars ($25.00) C. II seMCe 1s discontinued because of fraudulent use thereof, the Company may charge and colleel In addition to tho reconncctoo charge of twenty-five dollars (S25.00) the expense mcurred by the Company by reason of such fraudulent use plus an estimated bdl for electricity used pnor 10 the reconnection of serv1Co D II bOlh the gas and electric saMces are reconnected al one time, the total charge shall not exceed thirty-eight do! 8 ($38 00} E Where electnc seMCe was dlSCOMOCted at the pole because the Company was unable to ga111 access to the meter, !he reconnection charge sh be slxty-flV8 dollars (S65 00) If the gas seMCe IS alSo recomedad the charge shall be ninety doDars ($90 00) F II tho Company receives notiCe after 2~ p.m ol a customers desire for same day reinslatemern o1 seMCe and If tho recomection cannol be performed during normal business hours the allor houf reconnectiOn charge for connecuon shal be an eddi'Jonal 1wen1y-r1Vo dol'.ars (S25 00) Customers wil be notified 01 the additional $25 00 charge for reconnectlOl'l at the meter or al tho pole et the trne they request same d;rf semce G U a Company employee whose onglllal purpose was to disconnect the so1V1Ce has provided the customer a means lo a~id arscoonection service wh ch othe1W1se would have been di connected shaft remaln tntact, and no reconnection charge shall be essessod However, a collecllon charge of fifloen dollars ($15 00) may be assessed bu1 only d a Company employee actually makes a field V1S1110 the customer's premises

frQQQltd..8..11.to: A. The reconnection chnrgc lor servloe which has been dlsconnected dUe to enforcement or Rule 3 shall be twenty.five dollars ($25 00) lor reconnecoons Iha! can be aeeornpl°IShed remotely or seventy·five dollars ($75 00) lor reconnectlons lha1 cannol be accomplished remotely. B The recoi u leG1IOO charge lor seMce Wl'lich has been d'!scxlnnec!ed "ilhin the precedlng twelve months at the request of the customer shaB be twenty.five dollars (S25 00) for reconnections \hat can be aocomplished re motely or saventy·flVe dollars ($75 00) lor reconnediOns Iha! camot be aoc:omPIShed remotely C II service is d;scorrtinued because of lraudu!enl use lhoreol, the Corl1>anY may charge ond col!oct in additiOn to the reconnection charge of twenty·flVe dollars ($25 00) tor reconnecoons that can be accomplished remotely or saventy.frvo dollars ($75 00) for roconnocllons that cannot be aocomphshod remotely, the expense Incurred by Iha Company by reason of such traudl.ilont use, plus an estimated bill for elecuicity used, prior to the reconnection of service D II both the gas and electric servleeS are r11C011nected at one lime, the lo!31 charge shall not exceed e1ghty· eight dollars ($88.00). E. Where eleclrlc seMCe was diSCOmOCled at the pole because the Company was unable lo gam access to the meter Liie reoonnection charge shall be one hundred twenty-live dollars ($ t 25 00) H the gas scrw:e Is also reconnected the charge shaD be one hundred fifty dolars ($150 00 ). F. If the Company receives notJce after 2 :30 p.m of a customer s desire for same day remstatement ol semce and if lhe reconnecliOO cannot be performed during normal business boors and the reconnedl0!1 cannot be per1ormed remotely the afler hour reconnection charge for connection shaft be an add'l!lonal twcnty.frve dollars ($25 OOJ Customers wUI be notified of lhe additlonal S25 00 charge for reconnectoo at the meter or at the pole al the ~me they request same day selVIOO G If a Company employee, whose ong1nal purpose W11S to disconnect the servtco, has provided the customer a means to avoid disc:ooneciion, service which otherwise would have been disconnected shall remain intact and no reconnection charge shall be assessed However, a collection charge or fifty dollars ($50.00) may be as sessed but only if a Company employee actually makes a field vis t to the CllSlomer·s premises

Current Rate:

Rate for PoleAttachmts of Cable Te!evlslon Systems· Rate CAIY Oh!s~llle If Renamed es Bate DPA-Pistdbutlon Pole Attl!C!unem1

lEJ«trfc Tedf! Sbeflt No. 921

The followilg annual rental shall be charged for Ille use of each or the Con1>anv's poles Two-user pole $4 60 annual rental Three-user pole $4.00 annual rental

Propom Rate: The following aMual rental shall be Charged fOf tho use of each of the Company's poles.

T .vo·user pale. $6.35 11nnual rental Throe-user pole: $5.31 annual rental

Cogeneratlon and Small Power Productio11 Sale and PurclJ. se To.rfff.100.llW or Less (Electric Tnrlff Sheet No, 93!

Current Bate: Rates tor Purchases from quafilying lacilities Purchase Ra e shall be so 03078!kWh for an kilowatt-hours delivered Prmse<f Rate: Rates IOI' Purchases from qualifying faal ties Energy Purchase Rate Shan be SO 027645/kWll for an k!lowatt-hours delivered Capacity Purchase Rate shall be $3.90/kW-month lor ellglbte capacity ut1 ized by Company and approved by PJM in Company's Fixed Resource Requirements (FAR) plan

Cogeneration and Small e.llY!M'.f!'M\l~Oa Sal!! a!ld Purchase Tadff:Greater [email protected]!W ~Jnd.flShm No. 94)

Current Bate: The Purchase Rale for aD kilo'.va!Hlours delivered shall be tho PJM Real-Time Locational Marginal Pnce for power 81 lhe DEK Aggregate price node. incluslv9 Of the energy oongestlon and losses charges for each hour of the billing monlh PrO!>QSOO Bate: The Energy Purchase Rate tor all kilowatt-hours delivered shall be tne PJM Real-Time Locational Mlrginal Pnce for power at the DEK Aggregate poce node incluslvo of the energy congestion and losses charges tor each hour of tho billing monlh. Capacity Purchase Rate shall be $3 9MW-month lor eligible capacity Uti ized by Company and approved by PJM In Company s Feted Resource Requirements (FAR) plan

Cunenl Bate:

~n~l.efee (El°'-td.C TariH Slleet No. 95)

Them shall be added to the aistomer's bill l1Sted as a separate item, an amount equal 10 the tee now or herealter tmpOSed by local legiSla1ive authorities, whether by ordinance franchise or o:her means which fee IS based on the gross recelpts co!ecled by lhe Company from the sale of electrlcfty to aJstomers wi1hin lhe boundaries or the partk:ular legis!a· Uve authority Such amount shaU be added ex~ to of costomers receMng seMce within the 1errilorial iJnits of the authority mposmg the fee.

Where more than one such fee IS IJllX>Sed. each of the charges applicable to each c:us!omef sha! be added to the customer's bill ond listed separately

Where 1hEI local legislative authority imposes a llat. fixed amoum on the Company, the lee applied to !ho bils of customors receiving service Within the terrnonal boundaries ol lhal aulhonty, shall be 111 the lonn ol a flat dollar amount.

The nmount ol such fee added to Iha customer's bill Shan be determined ln ecoordance wnh lhe terms ol the CclitllUed next

A·16 ·THE FALMOUTH OUTLOOK -August 29, 2017

ordinance franchise or other direcllYe agreed to by the Company. Propo&ed Bate: There are no proposed changes lo 1t11s rate.

Currrnt Bate:

Undmil>Jlru! Resldeotlal.Plstrlbutl~:B!te U.P.P·B ~ar~N.MGJ

Single F airnly Houses A. $2 1 S per front foot 'or a primary extenSIOl\S Primary extension on private property wfll be charged $2.15 per tinear Uench foot; end a An additKJnal $2.00 per linear trench foot shall be charged where extremely rocky conditions are encountered, such condltJOns being defined as limestone or other hard strattfied matenal in a continuous volume of at least one cubic yard or more which cannot be removed usmg ordinary excavation equipment.

Mutt1·Fam!ly unns There shan be no charge ~ where extremely rocky conditions are encountered, then 1he $2.00 per linear trendl loot as stated and defuied above, shall be charged.

PcopQt!ed Rate: Single Fam ly Houses

A. ~ 15 per front foot for all pnmary extensions Pnmary extension on private property will be charged $2.15 per llr.ear trench foot, and B An add'tliooal $2 00 per I near trench loot shall be charged where extremely rocky cond'ltions are encountered, such condrtions bemg defined as limestone or other hard strafified mateoal 10 a continuous volume of at least one cubic yard or more wh ch cannot be removed using ordinary excavat1011 equ1pmenL

Mutt1·Fam1ly Unhs There shaH be no cnarge ~where extremely rocky condrtt0ns are encourr.e!'ed, then the $2.00 per ffnear trench foot, as stated and defined above, shall be charged.

Targeted Underground for SeMCe Improvement Notwtthstand1ng the above charges end upon Kentucky Publte Service CommtSSion approval, Company will ~Ive above charges, mamtam, and ta.l\e ownership ol customer service tines and equipmen1 {curb, property line, or service lateral to the maier base) to and L'1dud1ng the electric meter. This provision applies only to Company designated Installations ldent1hed to improve 1he resiliency of seivlC& lo the customer.

~yrrent Rate:

General Undergraund Distribution Polley-Rate UPP-0 IElectrlc Tariff Sheet Ho. 971

The charges shall be the d1Herence belween the Company's estrrnated cost to provide an underground system and the Company s estil"'ated cost to provide an ovarnead system. In add1tt0n to the differenual charge. the following provist00s are applicable· Single Family Hooses or Multi-Fam ly Units.

The customer may be required lo provide the necessary trenching, backfilftng, condutt system (if required) and transformer pads in place to Company's specifications

Commercial and Industrial Units. The customer shan

a) Provide !he riecessaiy trend'ung and backftlrrng; b) Fu1111sh, install (concrete. If required) own and maintain all pnmary and/or secondary conduit sys tern (w1tl! spares, if required) on private property meeting appfrcablt codes and Company's specifica tt0ns· and c) ProVide the transformer pad and secondary conductors.

Special Situations In those srtuations where the Company considers tile pad-mounted transformer 1nstallal10ns unsuHable, the customer shall provide the vault deSlgned lo meet National Electnc Code. otller applicable codes, and Company spooficatrons, the condutt to the vault area and Iha secondary cable to the transformer terrMals The Company shall provide the L'ansformers the primary vaun winng and make the secondary conneclion to 1he transformer 1erm1nals. In large mul!Jple cable mstallations, U1e customer shan provide the cable, provide and install the step bus mounted m the vault end make neceSS8.I}' cable connecoons to the step bus to the Company's specifications. The Company shall provide and install conneclt0ns from the transformer terminals 10 the step bus. Tile customer sha I extend the bus duct Into !he vault to the Company's specificatlOns. The Company shall provide and nstall connections from the transformer tennlnals to the bus duct.

Proposed Rate: Tt1e charges shall be the difference between the Company's estimated cos! to provide an underground system and tile Company's estimated cost lo prOVide an overhead system. In addttion lo the differential Cllarge, the following provislOOS are applrcable. Single Family Houses or Mult1·Family Unns.

The customer may be required to provide !he necessary trenching, backfilling, conduit system (ff required) and transformer pads 1n place to Company's spectfications.

Commercial and lndustnal Urtts The customer sflaJI.

Special S1tuatJOnS

a) Provide the necessary uenchlng and backfilling. b) Furnish, Install (concre•e, d required), own and mainta n all primary and/or secondary conduit sys tern [with spares, 1f required) on pnvate property meeting applicable codes and Company's speafica h<ins and c) Pr0V1de the transformer pad and secondary conductors.

In those siluations where the Company conSlders the pad-mounted transformer instaHations uns1ntabte, the customer shall provide the vau. deslgried to meet National Elec!rlc Code, other applicable codes, and Company speccf!cations the conduit to 1he vaJJlt area and the secondary cable to tile transformer terminals The Company shall proVlde the lranstonrers the primary vault winng and make 1he seoondary connection to the transformer tenn1nals In large multiple cable installations, the customer shall provide the cable, provide and install the step bus mounted In the vau and nake necessary cable connections to Ille Slep bus to tile Company's specifteatiOns. The Company sha I provide and Install connections from the transformer terminals to the step bus. The customer shall ex1end the bus du<-11nto the vautt to the Company's speciftcallOlls. The Company shalt provide and install connections from The transformer terminals to the bus duel. Targeted Underground for Service Improvement N01Withstanding the above charges and upoo Kentucky Public Service Commission approval, ~any wilt warve above charges ma nta!n, and take ownership of customer S81'1ice !Ines and equipment (curb, property line. or service lateral lo the meter base) lo and 1nduding the electric meter. This provision 8j]pft8S only to Company designated installatrons identified to improve the resiliency Of service lo the customer.


Real Time Pricing Program· Bate RIP (E!gctr.!cJarlft Sheet No. 99)

BASELINE CHARGE The Basehne Charge is independent of Customer's currently monthly usage, and is designed to achieve bill

neutrality With the Customer's standard offer tariff ff no change in electricity usage pattern OCCtJIS (less applicable program charges) The Baseline Charge 1s calculated at the and of the billing period and changes each blling period lo maintain bill neutrallly for a Customer's CBL

Tile Baseline Charge w II be calculated as follows BC =\Standard Sill @ CBL) Where BC " Baseline Chaige Standard Bill @ CBL = Customer's bill for a specific month on the Bj'.lplicable Rate

Schedu e in.eluding app 1cable Standard Con1ract Riders using the CBL to establish the applicable billing determinants. The CBL sha be adjusted to reflect applk:able metering adjustments under the Rate SchedUJe. AH applloable

riders shall be exclUded frOlll the calculation of the Baseline Charge. PRICE QUOTES

The Company will send to Customar, within two hours altar Ille wtiolesale prices are pubfrshed by PJM each day, Price Ouotes to be charged the next day Such Price Quotes shall include the applicable Commodity Charge, the Energy Oehvery Charge and the Ancillary Services Charge.

The Company may send more than one·dey·ahead Pnce Quotes for weekends and holidays identifred in Company's tanf!s. The Company may revise lhase pnces the day before they become eHectlve.

The Company 1s not responslbla for failure ot Customer to receiVe and act upon the Pree Quotes 1t 1s Customer's responsibility lo inform Company of any failure to receive the Price Quotes the day before they become effective. COMMODITY CHARGE 'The Commodity Charge is a charge for generatt0n. The appflcable hourly Commodity Charge (Credit) shalt be applied on an hour by hour basis to Customer's incremental (dectemantaJ) usage from the CBL.

Charge (Credit) For Each kW Per Hour From The CSL'.


For kWh! aboVe the CBLt • CCI = MYGt x LAF For KWht below the CBU CCI = MVGt x 8()0~ x LAF






loss ao1ustment factor 1 0530 for Rate TS 1 0800 for Rate DP 11100forRateDS Mar~et Value Of Generation As Determined By Company for hour t

The MVG! w1 be based on the expected market price of capacrly and energy tor 1he next day The expected mar1<e1 pr1C8 shall be the PJM Real-Time Total Locational Marginal Price for power at the DEKAggregata price nOde, Inclusive ot the energy, congestion and losses charges, for each tiour The kW per hour incremental or decremental usage from the CBL shall be adJusted to reflect appllcable metenng adjust· ments under 1he standard Rate Schedule ENERGY DELIVER CHARGE

Charge (Credit) For Each kW Per Hour From The CBL Secondary Service ••• . .• . • . .• .. .••..•••••• •••.•• .. $0.006053 per kW Per Hour Pnmary Service • .. ..... .. ... ........ $0.00554{) per kW Per Hour Transm SSIOf1 Se!Vlce •• .• .. • ................ $0 002008 per kW Per Hour

ANCILLARY SERVICES CHARGE Charge (Ci'e<ftt) for Each kW Per Hour From The CSL

Seoondaiy Delivery. • . . ....................................... $0.000760 per kW Per Hour Pnriary De!tvery . • . .. . •• ............. ......... •.••••• $0.000740 per kW Per Hour Transm ssJon Delive!y • .• • • •.•• •••..• ....... ..• ... • •• $0.000721 per kW Per Hour

PROGRAM CHARGE Company wfll provtde Internet based communication software to be used to provide Customer with the Price Ouotes. Customer will be responsible for prOVlding its own Internet ecoess. A charge of $183. 00 per bllfing period per site shaft be added lo Customer's bill to cover the addrtional bUling, administrative. and cost of commorucat ing the hOOry Pnce Quotes associated with the ATP Program.


The Basel ne Charge IS independent Of Cus1omer·s currently monthly usage, and Is deSIQned to achieve bill neutrality w1th the Customers standard offer tanff if no change In electricity usage pattern occurs (less applicable program charges). The Baseline Charge is calevlated at the end of the billing period and changes each billing period to mamtam b II neutrality for a Customer's CBL

The Baseline Charge will be calculated as follows: BC :: (Slandard 81 I @ CBL) Where·


BC "" Baseline Charge Standard Bill @ CBL = Customer's bi I for a specific month on the applicable Rate

Schedule including applicable Standard Contract Riders using 1he CSL to establish the applicable bBI ng deterrn nants The CSL shall be adjusted to reflect appbcable metering acljustments under the Rate Schedule. All applieable

riders shall be excluded from the calcUlatio(l of the BaseTina Charge. PRICE QUOTES

The Company will send to Customer, within two hours after the wholesale prices ara published by PJM each day, Price Quotes to be charged the next day. Such Pnce Quotes shall Include the applicable Commodity Charge, the Energy Delivery Charge and the Ancillary Services Charge.

The Company may send more than one-day-ahead Price Quates for weekends and hofidays Identified 1n Company's tanffs. The Company may revise these pnces the day belore they become effective.

The Company tS not responsible for lailure of Customer to receive and act upon lhe Price Quotas. It is Customer's responsibtl1ty to inform Company of any farlure lo receive the Price Quotes the day before they become effectlVe. COMMODITY CHARGE The Commodity Charge Is a charge for generation. The applicable hourly Commodity Charge {Credrt) shall be applied on an hour by hour basis to Customer's incremental (decremental) usage from the CBL

Charge (Credit) For Each kW Per Hour From The CBL. For kWht above the CBU , CCt = MVGt x LAF For kWht below the CSU CCI = MVGt x 80% x LAF

Where: LAF = loss ad1ustment factor

= 1.0530 for Rate IT • 1.0800 for Rate DP and Rate OT = 1.1100 for Rate DS

MVGt :: Markel Value Of Generation As Determined By Company for hoUr t The MVGI will be based on The expected market price of capacity and energy for the next day. The expected market price shall be the P JM Day-Ahead Total Locational Marginal Pnce for power al the DEK Aggregate price node, inclusive of the energy, congestlon and losses charges, for each hour. The kW per hour Incremental or decremental usage from the CBL shall be adjusted to reflect applicable metanng adjUstments under the standard Rate Schedule ENERGY DELIVER CHARGE

Charge (Credit) For Each kW Per Hour From The CSL Secondaty SeMC& ............................................ $0.015412 per kW Per Hour Primary Service...... ... ..• .. .... • . •• .. .•• .. .• , •• • $0 012471 per kW Par Hour Transmission Service •••• ...... .. ••• ••• .. ... • • • •• ••• .. S0.006472 per kW Per Hour

PROGRAM CHARGE Company will p<ovide Internet based communlcatron software to be used to provide Customer with the Price Quotes. Customer will be responsible for providing its own Internet access. A charge of S 183.00 per billing penod per site shall be added to Customer's bill to cover the addnional billing, adminlsuawe, and cost ot communicating the hourly Price Quotes associated with the RIP Program.

~~s-RateMDC (This Schedule Ren1.1med as Meter Data Charges tor Enhan* Usage Pata Services-Rate MDCI

(Electric Iartlf Sheet No, 101 l ~t.Bfil§: Electronic monthly interval data wlth graphical capability

accessed via the Internet (En-Focus™) Proposed Bate: 8ectronic monthly interval data with graphical capability

accessed via the Internet with (EPO"')

$20.00 per month

$20.00 per month

Duke Energy Kenlucky proposes the following new rate and rider schedules: Rate LED, LEO OUtdool Lighting, Rider DCt, Olstnbution Capital Investment Rider, Rider FTR FERC TransmtSSt0n Cost Reconciliation Ride< and Rider ESM Environmental Surcharge Mechanism As ind'tCilted above, the following schedules are prOJ)OSed to be eliminaled'. Rate RTP·M {Real Time Pncing- Markel Based PllClng), Rate OL (Outdoor Lighting SerVlce), and Rate NSP (PriVate Outdoor Lighting for Non-Standard Units).


Rate LEO- LED O\lldOOI' Area Lighting Batu IElectrlc Iarltt Sheet No.Ml

Computed in accordance with the following charges. 1. Base Rate All kWh $0041936 pe1 kWll The rate shoWn above Includes a charge of $0.023837 per kilowatt-hour reHectlng the base cost of fuel 2 Applicable Riders The folklwlng riders are applicable pursuant to tile specific terms contruned within each rider: Sheet No 76, Rider ESM, Environmental Surcharge Mechanism Aider Sheet No. 80, Bidet FAC, Fuel Adiustment Clause Sheet No. 82, Rider PSM, Profit Shanng Mechanism Sheet No 125, Rider DCI, Distribution capital Investment Rider Sheet No. 126, Rider FTR, FERC TransmtSSIOll Cost Recooolation Alder 3 Mol'!thty Malmenance, Fixture, and Pole Charges. t. FIJC1Uret PerUnltPert.lonth 8illng T)'Pt

Lf olfl).60W·Sl-BK· MW lfi.E0-70W·SL-8K MW Lf-lED-110W·St-l!K·MW LF-lED-160W-$1.-81H.iW Lf-l.E0-220W-SL·BK-MW l.f-lED-280W-SL·BK·IAW Lf-l£0.50W·OA.aK-MW LRE!).50W·AC-8K·MW LF·LE0-50\VWBK·MW l.f ·LEO. 70\Y.fle-BK·ltm Lf LID60W Tfl-l!KMW LF·LED·50W·OT-6KMW Lf-l.E0.50W·EN·8K·MW lf-t.E0.71JW-OOA-llK·MW Lf.l.ED-ISOW-Tl).81(-MW LF-lEOoeOW·TOf4ll(-W 22J1W LEO SHOEBOX LJ'..lE().5(JW·Sl.f!K-MW LJ'.l.El>-70W-Sl-llK·M'N Lf-LEl>-110W·Sl·BK.-MW l.f-1.E[).ISQW.Sl-l!IC-'11'/ l.f-l.EI}150W.Sl·IV·BKW Lf-lED-220W SL-BK·t.IW tf .lfj).'Jll,NI Sl.-81<-MW Lf·l..ElHOW-OA BK.:MW Lf ·LEIHOW-OOA·BK-MW LF-LED-50\V-.AC-BK-MW lf·LE!}5()W·MB-llK-MW l.F-lE0-70W-BE·BK-MW l.F-t.E0.50W-TR-8K·MW Lf-t.EQ.QOW-OT·BK-MW LF-t.E!HOW-EN-81<-MW LF-t.El>-150W-To-eK-MW Lf-1.£0-!iOW-ltlP·BK-MW Lf .l.El).220W-S8-8K·MW Lf-LEJ>.150W-llE-8K.f.IW LF·LEl>-420W·S8-8K-MW Lf·l.EI}l50W-N&-0Y-MY Lf-1.£0.l50W·N8L-0Y-MW


&lllng Type


1!>320-30FTALA&-OLE 15320'35FTALA8-0t.E 1~Al.A8-0l.E

POlE·30-7 POlE-ss-5 PCl.E4' ~ 15210·20BRZSTL-0LE I 5210-308AZST1.-0l.E 15210./SSBRZSTl.-Ol.E L.1'·12-A·Al·A&-TTSMAW U'· 12·A·Al.·06-TT-tlK.WI LP· 1s.A·AL·"8-1T·Bt<·MW lP·15--'·Al·O&TT-8K-MW LP·20-A·AL·AB-TT BK·MW LP·20-A-AL -08-lT .aK .f.IW LP·25·~AL·AB-TT-BK-MW LP-25·-'·Al-06-lHK·MW LP-»A·Al-All-TI'-eK-MW IJ>.30.A·AL·OO-TT-BK-MW LP·3S-A-Al·A8-TT-8K-MW LP·3SAAL·O!HT·BK-MW LP·12'8-AL·A&-TT.(Wt.IW IJl.12-C-PT·Al·AB-TTBK MW LP-16.c-O'Ml·AS-TT-GN·MW LP-25-C-O'J-AL ·AS. TT BK·MW lP· 16-C-ati-Al-A& TT~t.IW LP·25-C-BH-Al·AB-TT·BK·MW LP· 12·1>-AL·AB-TT·GN-MW LP·1M·Al.·AB·TTeK·MW LP-12-f·Al·AB-TT-OH-MW 15210-208RZSTl-OLE 15210·30BRZSTL..()l.E 1521Q-3~BRZSTl.-OLE 15311>-WTAl.EMS«E 15320·30FTALAIJ.Cll.E 15320-36fTAl.A&OlE 15320~ALA&-Ol.E f'CllE..30.7 POLE-36-5 POLE-40-4 POlE--1$-4

Propoud Rate:

~ lnlOal ......, Montit fntllite l.umlr1fl Watt1199 l<Vt11

50W Stardlid l.£0.Bt.ACI< 4521 50 17 $544 7UW Siniard LEIHlt~CI( 6.261 70 24 $&.43 11ow Standard LID8tACK .9,336 110 38 $818 150W Slandarl1 lED·BlACK 12.642 150 52 $815 22<HI Slm!anl l£0·Bl..ACK 18.6'1 220 76 $925 2tJl1N S\lnCWd LEO-BW:K 24 191 280 97 $11.38 5"W Dtalxe Arotri LED-BlACK 5,147 00 17 $15.87 50W Aoorn LEO-Bl.ACK 5.147 50 17 $14JO SOW Mini Bell LroetACK •.500 so 17 $1348 7f1W Bel l.EO-lltACK 5,500 70 24 $1717 50W Tlldotlil<ial LE[).l!U.CK 3.230 5() 17 $10.36 SOW Open Tradilimal LED-Ill.ACK 3~ 5() 17 $10..16 5'1N Enflr!lllst l£[).BIXK 3,880 50 17 $13.93 70W LED Open Deluxe Atom 6.500 70 24 $1548 150W LEO leardnlp 12500 150 52 52078 50W LEO i&Mlrop Pode$1rlan 4~ 50 17 l16.88 220WLE0$hoebc)I( 18500 220 78 $1439 LEO lOW •IZ1 .....,_ -11111 IED ll1acl. T;ptt Ill +XQ( 4,~21 50 17 SS,44 lf010We:<e1U..--l.El)lll1<H1'1'" 4000I< 6.261 ro 2ol $5.43 LEll 11r!ll9.'l:lf1--lEll!l:oc>Typ(lolll«>OOI( 9.336 110 38 $616 l£01F1.V#1ll'2""""'1bnlaill.fl)CIOT)fll•- 128'i 150 5:> $8.16 LED1!AlWi31141l.....,._lEDT11JOIVllil"*400'.:K 13,150 150 52 $816

LEO l!2CW I~ --llP i!!o 1\11111!1 il;J<;Cl( 18,&12 220 76 $11.25 L£1)21JQW~191llomed-l!Dllio1V1111UXJIJI 2"1,191 280 97 $11311 LED fhN Oeluie Acom Blad< Type UI <1000K 5, 147 50 17 S1587 LED 7l"N ()po<! Doln"""° llladl l\'):IO Ill CQ))K 8.$00 70 24 S1548 LEO SOW !mrfl Black Type DI 4000K 5,147 50 17 $14.30 LEO l(IW 11!1> Sol Lf.O Siii:> TJllO 4000K MJj- 4.500 :;o 17 51348 ..EO '/rlN 56Qll U--. Srilol B<odl Ill" II 4COOll 5,S08 70 2-4 51717 LEO 50W Tndooal 8lack Type IR 4000I< 3.303 50 17 $10.36 LEO &:IN Open Tndtional Blad< T )'Pt Ill 4000K 3-230 50 17 $10.36 LED 50VI Enlatpr.se Black Ti'IJG D 'OOOIC 3.880 50 17 $1393 LEO !SOW~ TNtt!rop 9l8dc Type Ill 4000K 12.SOO 150 52 $2078 LfDOO'NT~-lllo:l TIPf IM~ 4,500 so 17 $1&.80 LEO 'l2<YW S!10llbax 8ladl Type IV 4000K 18,500 lllOW Sanibel 39000 4'/!JWLEO~ :19078 50W~ 5.000 50W N<ilghbomood wit.~ t.ens 5.000


12' C-Po$1 Top-Arocho< l!a$9-llladt 25' C-Ol!Vll Btacket-Ardior Base&do. 25 C-8ost<ln HlltJof &acuMnchor ~ 12 E·Al.·Ancnor 8--Blad< 35 AL-&de Molr1i.cl-Dnct 8uned Poto 30' Al. -Sidi! Moooled-Aroa>or .Base 35 AL-&le Mwiled-Mchor Daso "° Al-s.de ~·Mellor a. 30' Clm 7 Wood Pde 35' Class s Wood Pole 40' 08514 Wood Pole 4!'>' Olm 4 Wood Pole 21l ~Ard..,; 8-' Pole JQ' Galena Ardr« ll898d POii 3S'Oai!o<la kdv:JI BiMCI Poll

220 76 $1439 150 52 $17.17 4ll1 148 $2H7 5() 17 $443 50 17 5-1.62

MW·'-9>! f'ol&.12' Mlf.~a A·Alurm.m·"'1diot S--Top Teoo1'-Blacil l.!W.l411 Pdt-Polsl Top 12' MH.sto/le A-Almi-Olrtld Buried-Top Tenon-Blad< Lgti: Po1t-1S'MH-Slyta.4.Altm111J111 .vchcr Blse'Top T~ Ltgt:t Pof&.15' UH·Slylo ~-Ona Burllcl-Top Ttooo-ei.;. Lghl POle-20' t,tH-Slyte A·AkJmhJnl.ArocM S.-Top Tenor>-lllack liglll Polt-20' MH-Sl)'le A-Aluminu!:l-Oirnd IJurieO. Top Teron-Blad< liglll Poi.25' Mtl-Styte A·Allmlrun·Anct1ar Base-Top Tenoo-&lck l.tgM Pae-25' lifi.S!ylo A·AUrinlm-!llred a.no TOil Tenon Bled< liglll Pole-30' ~-Sl)'le A-Alum rllri-Ardlorllase-Top lenon-lllldc light Polc-30' Mt+S!yfe A~ 13irle6-Top T!!l10!>-Blad< llQl1I Pofe.35' lilri·Styte A-MmMn-Anchof But-Top Tlll>Ol1·flleclc Ughl f'ole.35 MH·S!yle A·Alimurun-Otrocl Burt.cl-lop TSl10ll-Bla.i. MW·Lqd PoiH2'MH-Styte BAklmnJm .\'1Cllar ~TopTenon'Bladc Pr> MW-Ugh! Poi.-12' Mt+Styte C-Poel TQl>-Alum·Anct'cll' Boue-rt-llld Pri MW LT Pof&.1&' MH·Sl)'le C-Oa.11 Brldtel·Alum-Anchcr Base-TT·Bl:lcl MW·LJgll Polo-25" Mt+Sl)'le C-Davtt l!tadtet·Alum-Anchof &. TT-Black Pri MVl-t.T Poie-16'1.la-Style C-~Hlrbor8racke:-AL·All TT-81aci! Pri MW-LT Po~' Ml+S!yte ~ Ha!IJcr llfad!A!t-AL-Afl.'IT-81ack Pri MW-t.T Plllt 12 Fl MH Styte 0 Alur!l l!reakaway Atv;W 8a5e TT Blad< Pri MW-!Jghl Pole-12' MH·Sl)'le E·Alum-Ardlcl 8-Tap T-Slac.~ MW·Lighl Poie-12'MH !llyle F-~8--Top Tvnonl!lac:ll Prit MW-1SZ1o-Gaftetta Anchot lla!l-20FT Btonz9 Steel-Ol.E MW-1~1~ Ar1du Base-30FT Btcnze SllMll-Ol.E MW-1521o<lderia Alldlor 8--35FT ~ 5*1-QlE MW·15.11G-35FTMHAllmlM:n Olrecl Embldded Pde-OLE WI 15320'l0FT Mola1l1l10 HooghC Akl""""m Al;IV1( BaS4 Po!e-0!.E MW· 15320-35FT Moilllfng He9l1 AkimiMn km Base Pde-OtE MW· 15320-IOFT ~ Holg~t Alll!lirMn Att.rJl Base POle-OLE Ml'l·POLE·:lD-7 MW·POl.E-35-5 MW-f>OlE~ IAW-POlf.4~

~ Rider ESM - Environmental Surcharge Mechanism ~r< Tariff Sheet NoJ.§1


0.00000% 0.00000%

Cheig& pll Llontll perlk"oll $1088 $2810 $284ll $10.811 $1808 $1393 $13.55 Sl6 76 $862 $720 S108' $1124 19.55 Sn.30 $32.-19 $6.47 $554 se.&; $.S.77 $6.99 $1071 S828 $1193 $979 11328 $11.30 '14.3S $1.89 $1068 $1429 $2$.10 $11Ai $26.AO $1057 $1068 Sit« $955 $1130 $3249 $1808 $13.93 $13.55 St678 $6.62 $7.20 $10.$-1 $1L24

www.falmouthoutlook.com August 29, 2017 - THE FALMOUTH OUTLOOK-17-A

Why do some older people get cranky? Charges----------By Dr. Giron Mollette

I hear you already. All old people aren't cranh'y. I have a friend who is 96 years old and 1s the ddight of all who kno\\ her. She is indepen­dent. She works in her gar­den every summer. She drives herself to church and che grocery store. She exer­cises a couple of times a day. She lives in a very small humble house but it's her place and she takes care of her home.

Too often my wife and I arc out and "hear" crotchety old people. Often they are battering the waitress about the service or the food Often we get out of cheir way at the grocery Store in fear of being maimed for life by a grocery can. When vis­iting in Florida we look both ways when crossing the road more dun once because of several occasions we've almost been run over by a senior adult.

l..et me move quickly here and say mOSt of my friends are smior adults. I guess I have become one numwcally bur mencally I don't want to really embrace this realiry. However the other day at McDonald's I was expecting to get the

senior adult coffee race and the cute younJ: lady at the register said, I'm sorry sir but you don't look like a senior." 1 paused a moment and almost smiling replied. "Uh, wdl, just how old am I," I asked. "I guess about 42; she said. I handed her the full $1.06 gladly for the coffee. "Well sir, am I right?" I replied, "Honey, you are good. You nailed it," 1 said as I happily walked back ou1 to my car to tell my wife about my pleasam coffee buying experience. By the way, my wife just shook her head when I relayed the conversa­uon to her.

I don't know for su~ why some old people get cranky but I can just imagine. Lots of things change. Hearing changes, eyesight changes, hair grows in weird places, the body is simply no longer 18. For some reason Alice Cooper's song. "I'm 18 and I don't know What I Want," Just does not rdate any lon­ger. Cooper should come om with a new song, "I'm a senior adult and I don't know what I want." Now, that would be another plati­num record for Cooper because many seniors arc s1ill a lot like they um! to be growing up - rrying to figure

it all out. Seniors face reality that

their longeviry is running out. Often money is tight because so many seniors haven't saved much if any money. Social Security isn t enough. The aches and pains arc often only calmed by prescriptions and often retirement is not what they had envisioned.

Adult children factor into senior's attitudes as wdl. Aduh kids who still need the financial help of their old parents are a drag for every­body. Or, the adult children who simply still use mom and dad for merd) babysit­ting or solving life's crises take a bit of the spark out of the senior years as well.

Now lei's go back to my 96 ye-Jr old friend. Recendy her family invited her to go on a vacation with chem for a couple of weeks. They said, "Mom, \\e are going to rent a condo for vacation and we want you to go ·with us on vacation and cook for us" She smiled. She thanked them but said, "I don't want to do that.9 There, in that one sentence could be the secret to happy senior adult liv111g - longevity with rhe independence to still make 1;hoices. Good luck!

Opioid-----------conunued from Page 1

point, Fiscal Court went into closed session in order co ask questions of Gaddy. Following that the resolu­tion was passed.

It should also been noted that Boone and Ken­ton Counties approved sep­arate resolutions co sue opi­oid distributors.

In other business the court approved funding through Northern Ken­tucky Arca Development Dismct (NKADD) in the amount of $25,000 for the PC Senior Citizens Center.

Continuing, there were eight taXing distrias whose

tax rates were presented. No vote is m1uired on these. PC Conservadon District rook the compensating rate of 0.014% per hundred dollars of prnpenv value. PC Extension Office set their rates as follows: Real Property $9. 57 per one hundred dollars of property value, Personal Property $16.81 per hundred, Motor Vehicle $5 per one hun­dred. PC Ambulance Dis­trict $0. l 0 per hundred on all c.itcgories. Ruth's Court Road District, $0.10 on real property. Northern Pendle-1on Fire District, $0.20 on all categories. Kenton Fire D1Str1ct $0.20 per hundred

of assessed property value. PC Health Department, $5.80 per hundred on all categories. Ment.11 Health District Compensating Rate $0.026 per hundred of assessed value of real prop­erty and $0.025 motor vehicle and water craft assessment.

The PC t:ax rate was approved at $15.90 per hundred value of assessed rate of real propcrry. For Water Craft and Motor Vehicles assessed value the rate is $16.00 per hundred.

All transfers were approved and all bills wee paid. The meeting was adjourned.

Butler--------------__.__.__-<:ontinued from Page 1

Mayor and then went on wit11 the next utiliry issue 1hree. There is a problem with the laying of the water main on Taylor Street. To stick to our original plan makes it a very tight fit. Ir would be best to go down the center of the street, but that raises expensive repav­ing issues.

l'he Mayor said he would look into getting the street repaved.

Flanery went on at this roint to reports on safery. IO date 1herc arc no prob­lems. George Burns of GRW Engineering and the project inspector said when there are deep trenches we are using a trench box to prevent cave-ins. Flanery said to be careful co follow all OSHA regulations.

In other comments Mayor McElfresh noted that signs needed to be posted at both ends of a road that is being worked

on. Finally, Emily Carnah­

an, Northern Kentucky Area Development Distrkt (NKADD), said that she has accepted a new position in Hamilton County, Ohio. She thanked Bill Mitchell, Director of Development for Pendleton County for training her in her current position and said he would be taking over the task of allocating the funds from NKADD for this project.

Meeling was adjourned.

Impeach-----------continued from Page l

the charges can be read in the accompanying story.

According to the statue covering the removal of publicly elected officials, a public hearing must be held to consider the charges with the city council to deter­mine if there is sufficient reasoning for the removal of the mavor.

The decision MUST be unanimous.

While there is a judge providing and a court reporter recording all testi­mony, this is not a trial and certain rules of law con­cerning trials is not in effect.

For example, a city council member could tes­tify and then be on the jury" to decide the mayor's fate. That would obviously never happen in a trial se1-ting.

And chose testimonies in closed session on May

23, will now be in open forum as 28 subpoenas have been issued by Bathaltcr.

Roach, the maror's legal rcpresent.11ive, wit have the opportunity to cross exam­ine those giving testimony and present his own case. That includes affidavits from individuals that can­not be present.

If the council votes for impe2chment, two things occur. First, the impeach­ment is immediate and the council has 30 days to fill rhe position by a simple majoriry of council mem­bers in attendance assum­ing a quorum. If they do not till the position within 30 days, then Governor Matt Bevin will be tasked with filling the vacancy. The only qualifications are the candidate is a Ciry of Falmouth resident for one year as well as for the length of the term which would be till December 31, 2018. lf a city council member is de-

vaced to the mayor posi­tion, there would then be a city council vacancy to be filled in the same manner.

Second, Mayor Hinson will have the opporruniry to me a pecirion an<l memo­randum of appc..-al to the Circuit Court and Judge Jay Delaney. There would not be a trial but rather would study the transcript of the hearing as recorded by the court reporter. Roach believes there is a possibility of some rules of evidence could come into play at this point 1hat .uc not present at a public he-Jring.

'I he dry council has the immediate decision and the hearing is not a legal pro­ceeding, but both lawyers will be developing their case on a legal basis for Judge Delancy to review if the mayor would decide to appeal .m removal from office decision. The mayor would not serve the office during the appeal process.


oontinued from Page l

Special emphasis on preven­t ion and the patiencs' pref~ c:rcnc:cs in determining their care. for more information about the Nikki Mitchell Foundation please visit the website at: www.nikkim­itchellfoundation.org.

"I was talking with Chris (Hennessc) and he said they really enjoyed coming here and playing," said Tate. "He comes from n small town much like this so it's sort of a homecoming for him. He

.,. ..

was just amattd that Pend­leton Counry has such a fine venue as the Griffin Centre and more isn't done with it though. He said so much more could be done with that building and he;s right. I mean 1he Griffin's givc us this fine place and we barely . .. USC' It.

Next on the agenda for the "Outlaw Country Jam" and members of the Nikki Mitchell Foundanon is a stop in Montgomc.ry, Ala­bama. Jamey Johnson will be holJing his .sixth annual

Homecoming on Septem­ber 28 nt the Cottonwood Golf Club. "!his event sells out each year as many of the top names in Nashville c;ome and donate their time to play and raise money for the Foundation. h has already raised over $150,000 so far this year and that's just prc-c:vcnt totals. This three-day jam fest features the best the country music industry has to offer.

For more info on this event visit www.nikkimirch­ellfoundation.org .

conunucd from Page l

attempts to get the police department to investigate opposing council members and employees with whom she has disagreed. KRS 522.030

Charge Thirteen: Ask­ing Kenneth Brockman to cr,1sh the old Ford parrol car into Todd Rarnscy'.s c:iry truck in order to drug test fodd Ramsey.

Charge Fourteen: Hav­ing unescorted access to the police stauon and its

records and interfering with police activitiQ which jeopardi1.cd police investi­gations and the admissibil­iry of their evidence in aiminal trials.

Charge Fifteen: Inumi­dating panicipants in the city council's invesugation of the Mayor in violation of KRS 524.040, intimidating a participant in the legal proC'.ess.

Charge Sixteen: lmper­sona1ing a police officer by drivmg a city police car without the escort of a

badged officer and stop­ping in a public road and

fmtting on the overhead ights and by traveling to

multiple police dispatch calls and injecting hcrsdf into the interaction with the subjects and the police. All in violation of KRS 519.055.

Charge Seventeen: Tampering with physical evidence by removing the security cameras owned by the city and the footage taken by the cameras in violation of KRS 524.100.

Proposed Bider DCI - Dltlrlbutlon CIDltal lnmtment Bider IE!tctdc Iadf1 Sheet No, 1251

Proposed Bate: CHARGES

The applicable energy or demand charge for electric service sha I be increased or decreased 10 the nearest $0.000001 per kWh or $0 01 per kW to recover tho revenue requirement associated with lnaemental distribution capital costs lnamed by the Company. This Rider shall be ad)usted periodically lo recover amounts authorized by the CommSSkln Rate Group Rate RS Reside Service Rate EH. Optional Rate for Bactnc Spate H ling Rate GS.FL Optional General Service Rate for Smal fixed Loads Rate SP. Seasonal Spor1S Service Rate SL Street Lighting SeMCe Rate TL. T ralfie Lighting Service Rate UOLS Unmetered Otr.dOOr Ughtlng Rate NSU Street Lighting Service tor Non.Standard Units Rate SC. Street Lighting SeMce - Customer Ownod Rate SE. Street Lighting Service- Overhead Equivalent Rate LEO, LED Outdoor Lighting Electnc Service

Rato OS Service Bl Secooda1y Distribution Voltage Ra! DP. SeMCe at Primary Distributoo Voltage Rate OT Time-of-Oay Rale for Service at Distribution Voltage- Primal)' Rate OT Time-ol-Oay Rate for Service at Oistribc!.ion Voltage- Secoodaty

Rate ($/kWh) 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0.000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0.000000 0000000 0000000 ($/kW) 000 000 000 000

ProD9Hd Bider FIR - FERC !ra0Jml11!on Colt BeconcUiatlon1llitt!: ~ T1dff Sheet No. 1.2§1

Proposed Rate: RIDER FTR FACTORS Raio Group Rate RS Residential Servrce Rate OS ScrvlCe al Secondary OistlibuliOn Voltage R OP. ServiCe at Pnmaiy OistnDution Voltage Rate Dl: Tlme-ol·Day Rale for Service al DIStrlbulion Voltage R EH Op!Jonal Rate lor Eiectric Space Heating Rate GS-FL G neral Service R-..te for Small Flxed Loads Ra e SP, Season Sports Se!VICe Rate SL, S eet UgMJog SeMCe Rate TL. Traffic Lighting Service Rate UOLS, Unmetered Outdoor Lighting Rate NSU Street L19htmg Service lor Non-Standard Units Rate SC Stree1 Lighting Servtee- Customer Owned Rate SE Streat Lighting Service- Overhead Equivalent Rate LEO, LEO Street Ughling Servtoe Rate TT Time-of·Day Rate ror Service at Transmisslon Voltage Other

Rate ($ / kWll) 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000

In add llOn Duke Energy Kentucky proposes IO Change text al the lol!owvig tar'Jls Sheet No 24 Serviee Regulations Section V Metering Sheet No 25 Service Regulations Section Vl - OOng and Payment Sheet No 98 Eleclricity Er:ier~PioCedol'es for long-TerM Fu91 Shortages and Sheet No. f 00 Emergency Eledrlc Procedures.

The rorego1ng rates reflect a proposed lncre~ In electric revenues or approximately $48,648213 or 14.~ over current IOtal electric revenues to Duke Energy Kentucky The eslina!ed amount of rncreaso per customEK class is as rollows Rate RS. Residential Service Rate OS, Serviee at Distribution Voltage Rate OT, nme-of Day Ra?a tor Service at Dislrlbu! on Voltage Rate EH Optional Rate for Bedric Space Hea!tng Rate SP, Seasor.al Sports SeMCe Rate GS-Fl, Genera SeMOO Rate for Small F'ixed Loads Rate OP, Service at Pnmary Distrllutlon Voltage. Rate IT, Time-of·Day Rate for Service at TransrmsslOn Voltage Rate SL Street Lighting SeMce: Rate TL. Traffic Lighting Se!VICO Rate UOLS. Unmetered Outdoor Lighting Electnc Service Rate NSU, Stree1 Lighting Service lor Non·Standard Units Rate SC, Street Lighting Service-Customer Owned: Rate SE, Street Ltghllng SeMce-Overhead Equivalent Bad Check Charge Charge for Reconnection of SelVIC8 (eloctnc only) Rate DPA. Rate for Distr1bution Pole Attachments· Local Franchise Fee Rate UDP·R. Underground Residential Distl1bution Poficy Rate UOP·G, General Underground Distribution Polley Rate RTP. Expenmenlal Real lime Pricing Program

(subset of other schedules) Rate MDC, Meter Data Charges·

$22.855.269 or 17 36%: $13,198,789 or 14 30%: $10,516,009 or 13.31%; $91708or14.23%· S3.343 or 11 4 I% S86 768 Of 14 38%, $167,687 Of 17.57% S1 416419 or 11 12"4 $159,847or11 87%, S8,413or 1175%, $24,006 Of 11.71%; $7,352or 1186%; S435or11.72%: $22,650 or 11 BS%, SOorOO%: SOor00%. $60 176 or 35 0%: SOor00%, SOor00%. SOor00%, 587 538 or 14.87%,

SO or Oil%.

Tho average monthly bill for each customer class to which tho proposed rates will apply will 1nciease app<oxmately as lollows Rate RS Residential Service· Rate OS, ServlOO at Distribu!lOn Voltage Rate OT. Time-ol Day Rate for Service at OistributJon Voltage Rale EH Optional Rate for 8edrle Space H ling Rate SP, Seasonal Sports SeMce· Rate GS.FL. General SeMCe Rate fof Small Foted Loads Rate OP. Service at Primal)' Dislnbution Vol!age· Rate IT. Time-of Day Rate for Service at T rlllStnlSSlon Voltage Rate SL. Street LlghUng SeM:e: Rate TL, Traffic Ughtlng Service: Rate UOLS, Unmetered OU1door Lrghung Electnc Servk:e Rate OL·E. Outdoor Lighttng Equipment lnstallahon-Rate NSU, Streol Lighting Service for Non·Standard Units: Rate SC Street Lighting Serv1ce-Customer Owned Rate SE. Street Light ng Service-Overhead Equivalent: Bad Cheek Charge· Charge for Reconnection ol SerViC:e (electrle only) Rate DPA, Rate for Distribution Pole Attachments. Rate ATP, Experil'lental Real Time Pricing Program Rae MDC. Meter Data Charges·

S15 17 or 17.1%; $114.53 or 14 3%; S3,848 79 or 13.5% $98 450115.8"4 S18.59 or 11 N, $8.29 or 14 9% S3,269 .80 or 17 .9% $7,973 24 Of 10 7%, S1.15 or 11 8%; $0.09 Of 12 004: S0.27 or 12.0%, S00100%; $0.88 or 11 9%: $021or11 7%; 50.92 or 11 9%; S0or00%; S0«00%; S1.53or350% Sl.88721or15 6%: SOor00%

The rates contained rn this notice are the rates proposed by Duke Energy Kentucky; however, the Kentud<y Public Serv1Ce CommlSSlOn may order rates to be charged that differ from the proposed ratas contained 1n this notice. Such acilon may result m rates for consumers other than the rates 1n this notice.

Any corpora11011, assocrauon. body po lit or person with a substantial interest in the matter may, by written request within thirty (30) days after publication of this notice of the proposed rate changes request leave 10 intervene, nt rventlon may be granted beyond the thirty (30) day period for good cause shown Such motion shall be submitted

10 the Konb.leky Public Service Commission. P. 0. Box 615, 2t1 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0615, and shaD set forth !he grounds for the request 1nclud1119 lho status and interest of the patty II the Commission does noc receive a wntten request for intervention Wl1hin thirty (30) days of the Initial public:atlon the ComllllSSlOn may take final actiOn on the appfication.

lntervenors may obtain cop:os of the appi'icatlOfl and other filings made by tho Company by contac:OOg Ms. M nna Rolfes-Adkins at 139 East Fourth Street, Cincmnatl. Ohio 45202 or by telephone 81(513)287-4356.Acopy °' tho applrcation and other filings made by tho Company Is evBllable for public inspec11011 lhrough the Commlssioo's website et hl!PJ/psc ky,goV. at the Commissoo's office al 211 Sower B<iulevard, Frankfort, Kontucily, Monday through Friday, ~00 am To 4:30 p.m. and at the followlng Company offices: 4580 Olympic Boulevard, Erlanger, Kentucky 41018 lll)minents regarding the application may be submitted to the Pubrtc Serv!Oe Commission through its website, or by m I at the following Commission address

For lurt.I\ r information contact



<\)~ 10 - THE FALMOUTH OUTLOOK - September 5, 2017


IUe Energy Kentucky nc. rDuke EnE!gy Kentucky" a "C<ln1>anf) hereby gives notice lhal, in en applbaOOn IO be filed no sooner than September 1, 2017, [)U{e Energy Kentud\y will be seeking approval~ lhe PutM: SeMoe Commission, Frank· fort. Kentldly of an adjustmerit of eleclJic rates and charges proposed ID become eff&;tiYe on and after Ocltter 1, 2017 The Comrrisslon has docltetOO this proceedng as case No. 2011-00321.

The proposed eleclric rates are apptiea!lle ID Ille following oommunmes Alexandna Elsmere Belevue Erlanger Boone County Fairview Bromley Florence Campbell Couri!y Fort Mrtchell Cold Spnng Fort Thomas Covlnglon Fort Wright Crescool Park Grant County Crescent Springs Highland Heights Crestview Independence Crestview Hills Kenton County Cnllenden Kenton Vale Dayton Lakeside Park Oly Rldge Latonia Lakes Edgewood

Luclow Meblurne Newport PalkHils Pendlelon County Ryland Hetghls Silve1 Grove Southgate Taylor MIU Urnon Villa Hills Walton Wiider Woodlawn


8tlldential Service -Rate BS {~_Tlritl Shatt No.~

CUcrtnt Ritt Custom£r Charge Energy Qiarge

Al kilowatt ·hours ~ Customer Cllatge Ene!gy Charge

Al kltowatt-tiours

Cl.lrrl!lt .8111 Custome< Charge per month

Single Phase 5eMce Three Phase SeMCe

Demand Charge FKSI 15 kilowatts Adcfrtiooal kilowatts

E.nelgy Cl'large First 6,000 kWh Next 300 kWM<W AdditiOnal kWh

fmsl2111tBltl Customer Charge per month

Silgte Phase Service Three Phase Service

Demand Charge f"l!St 15 kilowatts Adcfi1ional kik>watts

Energy Charge First 6,000 kWh Next 300 kVl!v1<W Adclilk>nal kWh

$4.50 per month

7 5456c per <Wh

$11 22 per mon1h

8.3908( per kWh

Stalct II. Stcond«y Dlltrlbutlon Vo!taRalt PS IElldrfc Tariff Sheet No. 401

s 7.50 per month $15.00 per month

$ 0.00 per kW $ 7.75 per kW

8.1645e perkWh 5.011!1¢ per k'Ml 4 1043¢ per kWh

s 17.14 per month s 34.28 permon!h

s 0.00 per kW s 8.73 pel'kW

91917c per kWh 5.6425t per kWh 4.6204e per ~Wh

TilllHH>ly Batt fgr Strt!ct ll Dlatnl!utlon \'oltagt-Rall DI IEllctr!c I1ritf Sheet No. 41 l

C!.lrrmtilltt Cus!omer Charge

Snge Phase Three Phase Primary Voltage Service

Demand Charge Summer

On Peak kW Off Peak kW

Winter On Peak kW Oft Peak kW

Energy_ Charpo SUmmef On Peak kWh Oft Peak kWh

Wrrter On Peak kWh Oft Peak kWh

Metertng Fisl 1,0CIJ kW al On Peak billing demaid al Ad<itlonal kW of On Peak billing demand et Proposed Bate Base Ra1e Customer Charge

Single Phase Three Phase Primary Voltage Service

Demand Charge Summer

On Peak kW OltPeakkW

Winter On Peak kW Ofl Peak kW

Eneigy Charge


Summer OnPeakkWh Olf PeakkWh

Winter OnPeakkWh Oft Peak kWh

First 1 OCIJ kW ol On Peak bl ~demand at Additlooal kW of On Peak billing demaid at

~.t.Bm A Wmler Period Customer Charge

Single Phase Service Throe Phase Selvice Pnmruy Voltage Service

Demand Charge All kW

Energy Charge All kWh

~It A W1111er Period Qislomer Charge

Single Phase Se!Vlee Three Phase Serv1CO Primary Voltage SeMce

Demand Charge AlkW

Energy Charge AlkWh

$7.50 per rnonlh $1500 permolllh $100.00 per month

$ 12. 75 per kW $ us per kW

S 12.07 per kW S 1.15 perkW

4.4195C perkWh 3.6195C per kWh

4 2195e per kWh 36195e perkWh

s 065perkW. S OSOperkW.

S 200.00 per month $ 400.00 per month $ 465.00 per month

S 14.39 per kW S 1.30 perkW

$13.62 perkW S1.30 perkW

4.9875( per kWh 4.0844t per kWh

4.7612C per kWh 4.0844¢ per kWh

s 0. 73 per kW. S056perkW

$ 7 50 per month S 15.00 per month $100.00 permonth

S 0.00 perkW

6.1524¢ per kWh

S 17.14 per month S 34 28 per month $118.78 per month

S 0.00 perkW

6.9947c per kWh

Seuon.a! Sgorta Service-Rate SP !Electrlc Tariff Sheet No. 431

CUrreot Bite CUslomer Charge ST.SO P8f month Energy Charge 10.0598tper kWh A charge ol $25.00 is applicable ID each season lo cover in per1 the cost of reconnec1ion of service. froJX>ted Rate CustomerCharge $17.14 permonth Energy Charge t0.6568cper kWh A charge of S25 00 is applicable lo each season to C0\'91' in part the OOSI of reconnection of service.

CU rrtnt Rite

Oollonal Unmeterect General Service Bate fQt6maJI Elxed Loans • Rate Gs.fl

{.flect!1c Tariff Sheet No. 441

For loadS based on a range ot 540 to 720 hoors use per month of the ratad capacity of the oonnecled eqwpment 8.0723e per kWh For loads of less than 540 hours use per month of Ille rated capacity of the connected equipment 9 294 i per kWh ~imum: $3.00 per Axed Load Location per momh.


PloQOHd Rite FIX loads based on a range of 540 to 720 hours use per mon1h of the rated capacity of the connected ~enl For loads of less than 540 hours use per mon1h of the rated capaaty of lhe connected equpment M nimum $3 14 per Faxed Load Location per month

9 2698c per kWh

10 6767c per kWh

Service at Ptf mary Distribution VOitage Appllctblllt)'-Rlll PP (E!tetrlc Jlritf Shttt No.15)

Current Bate Customer Charge per moolh

Pnmar; Voltage Servk:e (12.5or 34 5 kV) Demand Charge

NtlOOwatt Energy Charge

First 300kWhlkW Add«1onal kWh

Proposed Bate. Customer Charge per month

Primary Vottage Service (12 5 or 34.5 kV) Demand Charge

AH kilowatts Energy Charge

First 300 kWh Additional kWh

$100.00 per month

S 7.08 perkW

s 1 ooae per kWh 4.3198¢ per kWh

$118.78 permonth

$ 8.40 perkW

6.0595\: per kWh 5.1267c per kWh

Dmt:Qf·PIY Bate for Strvlct at TrlOlmllllon Vq!tp=8* TT (Eltctrlc Jarlff Sheet No. 51)

Currtnt Bate Customer Charge per month Demand Charge

$500 00 per month

Summer On PeakkW Off Peak kW

Wtnter On PeallkW Off Peak kW

Energy Charge

$ 760 per kW $115 perkW

$ 624 perkW $ 1.15 per kW

All kWh Proposed Rota Customer Charge per month

4.2648¢ per kWh

$500.00 per month Demand Charge

Summer On Peak kW Oii Peak kW

Winter On PeakkW Off Peak kW

Energy Charge Summer On Peak kWh Off Peak kWh

Wrnter On PeakkWh OflPeakkWh

$ 6.46 perkW $ 1.28 pE<kW

$ 6.95 per kW $ 128 per kW

5.4454¢ per kWh 4.4594c per kWh

5 1983c per kWh 44594c per kWh

Rider GSS - Genenltlon Support Servk:I !aectrtc !•riff Sheet Ho. 58)

CJur10t Rate 1. Adrninistrelive Charge

The Adminis"81ive Charge shaft be S50 plis lhe appropriate Customer Ctege. 2 Monthly Distribution Reserva!Xln Charge

a. Raie OS • Secondary Distribution SeMce b. Rate OT - D1stn'butioo Service c. Rate DP - Primary OlstnbutJOn Servl09 d. Ra1e TT - T ransmtsst0n SeMCe

3 Monthly Transrmssion ReservatlOll Charge a Rate OS • Secondary DiS1r1bution S91Vk:e b. Rale OT - Distnbulion Service c. Rate DP - Primary OfstriOOhon ServlCO d. Rate TT - Transmission Service

4. Monthly Ancillary Servic:es Reservahon Charge a. Rate OS • Secondary D1Strlbut1on Sel'VlOO b. Rate OT - Dislrlbulloo Service c Rate DP - Primaty DistliOOtion Service d. Rate IT - TransnuSSlOll SeMOe

fml!O_.~ t AdmmiSlrative Charge

$2.6853 per kW $2.4735 per kW $2.n81 per kW S0.0000 per kVA

$1 .3094 per kW $1.3047 per kW $1 .8493 per kW Sl .2861 per kVA

S0.5240 per kW $0 5240 per kW SO 5240 per kW SO 4550 per kVA

The~ Charge sh be S50 plus lhe appropriate Customer Charge. 2. Monthly Reselvation Charge

a. Rafe OS • SecondaJy Distribution SeMce b. Raia OT - DistribcJlion Service c. Rate DP -Primary DistrlOOtion SeMCO d. Rale TT - Transm!SSIOn Service

$4.8466 per kW $5.9992 per kW $61484 per kW S2.9666 per kW

Rut Time Prlclrm =Market -eam Pdcl!J9= Rttt R1J1.M Cflectr!c lartfl Sheet Jit..9)

Cyrren1 Rate Secondary Selvices ... $15 00 per month Primary Service • • $100.00 per morith Transm1ss1on SeMce •.•..•• $500.00 per monlh

Energy Delivery Charge Charge For Each kW Per Hour

Secooclary Service .... . ... $0.006053 per ~Per Hour Primary SeM:e........... $0.005540 per kW Per Hour Transmissron Selvice ...... $0.002008 per kW Per Hour

Ancillary Services Charge shall be applecl on an hour by hour bastS. Charge For Each kW Per Hour:

Secondary Oefivery •• ..,$0.000760 per kW Per Hour Pnmary 0erlV!lt'Y •.• •• SO 000740 per kW Per Hour Transmission Delivery ••.• $0 000721 per kW Per Hour


Current Rate QVEB!::!EAD OISIBIBUTION AREA Lamp Annual Frxture~ watm ~. !WlL Standard FIXture (Cobra Head)

MerCllry Vapor 7.000 lumen 175 0193 803 7 ,000 lumen (Open Retractor) 175 0.205 853 10,000 lumen 250 0275 1,144 21.0001umen 400 0.430 1789

Metal Halide 14,000 lumen 175 0193 803 20,600 lumen 260 0 276 1,144 36,0001Ltl'J)80 400 0.430 1,789

Sodium Vapor 9 .500 turnen 100 0.117 487 9,500 lum8f'I (~n Retractor) 100 0.117 487 16,000 lumen 150 0.171 711 22,000 lumen 200 0.228 948 50,000 lumen 400 0.471 1,959

Decorative Fixtures Sodlum Vapor

9,500 lumen (Rectilinear) 100 0.117 487 22,000 lumen (Rectmnear) 200 0246 1,023 50,000 lumen (Rectilinear) 400 0471 1,959 50,000 kJmen {Se!backl 400 0471 1.959


s 7.t1 s 5.94 $8.21 $1099

$7.11 SB.21 s 10.99

$ 7.67 $5.91 58.58 s 11.13 s 14.95

$9.78 S12.09 $1600 $2379

Vwtiere a street lighllng fixture seM!d overhead Is IO be Jnstalled on another utiity's pole on which the Company does nae have a aintact, a monlhly pole charge WI be assessed

Spans of Secondary Winng: FOi' each 111Ctemenl ol 50 feet of secondary wiring beyond the first 150 feet from the pole, the lolowilg pnce per month shall be adclecl to the price per month per street lighting unit. $0.52. UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION Lamp Annual ~ Watts M'filH1i! kWll

Fixture Description Standard Frxture (Cobra Heacl)

Mercury Vapor 7,000 lumen 7,000 lumen (Open Refractor) 10,000 lumen 21,000 lumen

Metal Hahcle 14,000 IUmen 20,500 lumen 36,000 lumen

Sodium Vapor 9,500 lumen 9,500 lumen (Open Relraclot) 16,000 lumen

175 175 250 400

175 250 250

100 100 150

0210 0.205 0.292 0.460

0.210 0292 0.292

0117 0117 0.171

874 853

1,215 1,914

874 1.215 1,215

487 487 711

$7.24 $5.94 $8.36 $ 11.25

$724 $836 $11.25

$7.87 s 5.99 SB.SS


22,000lmen 200 0228 948 $1113 50000Unen 400 0471 1,959 $14.95

Oeairallve Fixtures Meccury Vapor

7,000 klmen (Town A Colnry) 175 0.205 86.1 $748 7,000 Unen (Holopharie) 175 0210 874 $9.40 7,000 bnen (Gas Replica) 175 0.210 874 $2148 7,000 Unen (GnuMle) 175 0..205 853 $7.56 7 .000 Unen (Aspe.i) 175 0210 874 $1361

MelalHdde 14 .000 Unen {Tradllionalre) 175 0205 853 $748 14 000 Unen (Granvile Aoom) 175 0.210 874 $13.61 14 .000 kJrnen (Gas Repica) 175 0210 874 $21.57

SodiLln Vapor 9,500 lumen (Town A Colnry) 100 0117 487 $10.93 9,500 lumen Q-iololilane) 100 0.128 532 $1184 9,500 lumen {Recti'Bnear) 100 0117 487 $8.83 9,500 lumen (Gas Replica) 100 0128 532 $22.26 9,500 IUmen (Aspen) 100 0.128 532 $13.79 9,500 lumen (T raditionUe} 100 0.117 487 $1093 9,500 klmen (Gr811Y11e Acom) 100 0.128 532 $13.79

22. 000 Uneri (Recllfinear) 200 0246 1,023 $ 12.15 50,000 kJmen (Aeclifinear} 400 0.471 1.959 $16.06 50,000 kJrnen {Se1bacl\) 400 0.471 1.959 $2379

POLE CHABGES Pole OescripliOn ~ ~ Wood

17 foot (Wood Lamlnated) (a) W17 $440 30fooc W30 $434 35fooc W35 $4.40 40fool W40 $5.27

Alumiun 12 fool (dec:ora:..'ve) A12 $11.97 28 fool A28 $ 6.94 28 fooc (heavy <lJly) A28H $701 30 loot (anchor base) A30 $1386

FibeflllaSS 17100! F17 s 440 12 lool (deooraliVe) F12 $12.87 30 loo! (bronze) F30 $ 838 35 lool (bronze) F35 $ 860

Steel 27 lool ( 11 gavge) 527 $1131 27 foot (3 gauge) SZ7H $1705

Spans ol Secondaly Wiring. For each inclement of 25 feot ol GeCOndaiy wiring beyond the first 25 feel from the pole, !he following pnoe pee month shall be added 10 the pnoe per month per street lghtlng IKl!I: $0.75 Base Fuel Cost Al kllowatt-hours 8hal be subjecl IO a Charge of SO 023837 per kilowatt~ reftecling the base C05t ol luel. PIRQOl!ld Rite OVEfliEAPO!SIRIBVDONABEA Limp AMual

RX116e Oesc¢1k>n ~ kWruoo ~ ~

Slandard F'IXtUn! (Cobra Head) Mera11y Vapor

7,000lumen 175 0193 803 $7.96 7 000 lumen (Open Relraaor) 175 0..205 853 $665 10,000 hJmen 250 0.275 1,144 $9.19 21,000bnen 400 0.430 1,78$1 s 12.30

Metal Hallcle 14000bneo 175 0193 803 S7.96 20,50011.rnen 250 0275 1,144 $9.19 360001umen 400 0.430 1,789 $12.30

SodNmVapor 95001umen 100 0.117 487 $881 9 500 llmen (Open Retractor) 100 0.117 487 $661 16,000Ullen 150 0171 7l1 $960 22.000 lumen 200 0.228 948 $ 12.45 50,000 klrnen 400 0.471 1.959 $1673

Oecorativt Axtu1es Sodium Vapor

9,500 lumen (Rectiinear) 100 0.117 487 $1094 22,000 bnen (Rectllnear) 200 0246 1,023 $1353 50 000 bnen {Reclllnear) 400 0.471 1.959 s 1790 50.000 bneo (Setbaci) 400 o . .m 1.959 $26.62

Where 1 street lighting fixture 6'lNed cM!rtlead Is IO be inslalled on another ~s pje on wtlich the Company doeS not haYll a contact. a monltt.f pale charge beMSeSSed Spans ol Seoonclaly Wiring For each lncremenl ol 50 feet ol secondaty Ming beyond lhe fi'sl 150 !eel from the pole lhe followlng price per mon1h shall be added IO the price per month per slreet lighli1g uril: $0.58. UNDERGROUHD QISIBIBUTION Lamp Annual ABfA ~ tWMi1 m'll.. ~

Fb1ure~ s:andan:1 FIX!Un! (Cobra He3d)

Merairy Vapor 7,000bnen 175 0.210 874 $810 7 .000 klrnen (Open RefrllCIOr) 175 0.205 853 $6.65 10,000 lumen 250 0.292 1.215 $9.35 21,000 lumen 400 0.460 1.914 $12.59

Metal Halide 14000 lumen 175 0.193 803 $8.10 205001\lmen 250 0275 1,144 $9.35 36000Un8n 400 0.430 1,789 $12.59

Sodium Vapoc' 9,5001umen 100 0.117 487 $8.81 9,500 lumen (Open Refract«) 100 0.117 487 $6.70 16,000kmln 150 0.171 711 $9.57 22.000 lumen 200 0.228 948 $12.45 50,000 kJmcn 400 0.471 1,959 s 16.73

Deccn1ivo F'atures MeltU)' Vapor

7,000 kJmen (Town & Qiumry) 175 0205 853 $8.37 7 Im Mnen (Holophane) 175 0.210 874 s 10.52 7,000 klrnen (Gas Replica) 175 0.210 874 $2404 7,000 M1len (Gmnvtlle) 175 0.210 874 $846 7,000 klrnen (Aspen) 175 0.210 874 $15.23

Me!al Halide I 4,000 krnen (T raditlonaire) 175 0.205 853 $8.37 14,000 krnen (Granvle Acom) 175 0.210 87-4 $15.23 14,000 krnen (Gas Repica) 175 0210 874 $2413

Sodium~ 9,500 lumen (Town & Coun:iy) 100 0.117 487 $12.23 9,500 lumen (Holophane) 100 0128 532 $13.25 9,500 lumen (Rectilinear) 100 0117 oi87 $988 9.500 lumen (Gas Repfic:a) 100 0128 532 $2491 9,500 lumen (Aspen) 100 0.128 532 $1543 22.000 kmen (Recllinear) 200 0.246 1,023 $13.59 50.000 lumen {Reclillnear) 400 0.471 1.959 $17.97 50.000 lumen (Setback) 400 0.471 1.959 $26.62

fQl.E CHARGES Polo Dellcription ~ ~ Wood

17 foot (Wood l.Jlmlnaled) (a) W17 $4.92 30lool W30 $06 35IOOI W35 $4.92 40 loot W40 $590

Alumiun 12 loot (decorallYe) A12 $13.S9 28 loot A28 $776 28 loot (hoBvy duty) A28H $7.84 so loot (endlor base) A:!IJ $15.51

F'tlerglass 171oot F17 $4.92 12 loot (decxnliVe) F12 s 14 40 30 loot (brtme) F30 $938 35 loot (bronze) F35 $962

Steel 27 lool (11 gauge) 527 $ 12.65 27 loot (3 gauge) S27H $1908

Spans al Secondaly Wuing For eadl i1crement ol 25 leet ol sooondary Wiring beyond Ille first 25 leet from the pole. Iha followmg pnoe per monlh shaD be added to the prai per month per street lighting um. so.84. Base Fuel Cosi

The rates per unit shown aboYe lrQxte a dl4llll of SO 023837 per kilowalt-hour reflecting the base cost of 1uel

CqmntRltt Whele the ~ Wpplias energy ryty, al klowatt-holn she.I be bled at 3.8066 cents per klowatt hou'; Where the COn1Jany supplles energy from a separately metered source cW1d the ~ has agree<! to provide

• i'nUd maillenaict fol' trafflc signal~ al Uowatt-hotn shall be bilecl at 21078 am per kiowatt.flour Whele lhe CmlJMY $UA)lles r«Vf nl has ~to proYkle limlled rrantenance b tndlic signal ~ al ~-hours shall be biled II 5.9145 C*lts per kllowall.:ncu.

September 5, 2017 - THE FALMOUTH ounouK it

fr!¥!osed Bate Where Ille Canpany ~energy only, all l<lowatt-hours &hal be billed at 4.2590 cen1s per kiowalt-hour; Where Ille ~ suppGes energy lr!Jn a separmely metered &WCe and the Company has agreed ID pr0\1de maintenance for tnlff'c signal~ all kJowatt-hours shall be billed 81 2.3583 cents per kilowatt-hour. Where Ille Compa.11)' suppfies ene:gy and has agreed 10 provkle limited malnlenance lor lralfic lliglal eQUlp'nen1 watl-tvxn shall be b!Ded al 6.6174 cents per klowat.tioul

Current Rm All kVJh

PropoHd Bate ADkWh

!(yrreot Rate

3.7481 c per kWh

4. 1936e per kWh

Qutdoor Ugh!lng Equipment Installation= Rate Ol·E IE!ectrlc Tariff .Sbnt..Ho.J3.l

The System Charge IS determined by applying Ille rurrent Leve&zed Fixed Charge Bate (LFCR), ID lhe ~s to I <J! Porchasing and 111Stalkng the System. PrOSIOUd Batt Thero are no changes lo lhis tariff 6Chedule

OUtdoor LlgbtlQll smt-..Bm..QI. (Elec:trt larlfl Sheet No._65)

Current Bate Lamp kW/ ~ ~

Standard Axtures (Cobra Haad) Mercury vapor

7,000 Unen {Open Re!ractor) 175 0205 1,000 klrnen 175 0210 100001umen 250 0.292 21,000 lumen 400 0.460

Me1al Halide 140001umen 175 0.210 20.500 lumen 250 0.307 36,000 lumen 400 0.460

Sodium Vapor 9.500 Unen {Open Re1ractor) 100 0.117 9,5001umen 100 0.117 16,000 lllTlell 150 0.171 27 ,500 lumen 200 0.228 27,500 lumen 200 0228 50.000 lumen 400 0.471

Decorative Fix1Ures {a) Mercuiy Vapor

7 000 klmen (Town & Countty) 175 0.205 7 000 k.ime.'l (Holophane) 175 0.210 7,000 Une!l (Gas Replica) 175 0.210 7 000 Unen (Aspen) 175 0210

Sodium Vapor 9,500 Ut1en (Town & Country) 100 0.117 9,500 Unen (Holophane) 100 0128 9.500 kJmen (Rec!ifinear) 100 0117 9,500 lumen (Gas Repica) 100 0.128 9 500 Unen (Aspen) 100 0.128 9 500 krnen (Traditionaie) 100 0117 9 500 U!Tlen (Granvile Acom) 100 0128 22,000 Unel1 (Recliinear) 200 02"8 50.000 lumen (Rectilnear) 400 0471 50,000 lumen (Se!back) 400 0471

8 Flood lighting units seived 11 overt1ead distribution areas (Fl). Mercuiy Vapor

21,000 lumen 400 0.460 Mela! Halide

20,500 lumen 250 0.307 36.000 lumen 400 0.460

Sodium Vapor 22, 000 lumen 200 0.246 300001umen 250 0.312 SOOOOlumen 400 0480


Cumn1Rste Company owned

Street Ugbt!ng Serrlcdor.Non:Sllndlnt Uo!ll ::Btte NSU Lemr!c Iadtf Sheet No. §§l

Boulevard OOilS seM!d underground

Annual kYl!! BmMll\

853 $8.73 81A $11 H 1,215 $1304 1,914 $167;.,

874 $1117 1215 $1300 1,914 $1675

487 $ 768 487 s 999 711 $11.27 948 s 12"47 948 s 12.S7 1,959 s 14.53

85.1 $ 13.38 874 $1724 874 $A1.66 874 S25.n

487 $2110 532 $ 22.86 oi87 $1879 532 $ 43.94 532 $2663 487 $2110 532 $2663 1.023 $ 22.37 1.959 $28.38 1.959 $44 15

1,914 $16 76

1,215 $1304 1914 $1676

1,023 $ 12.38 1.023 s 12.38 1.997 $15.35

a. 2,500 lume!1 lncande9cent - Series 148 0 148 616 $ 9 22 b 2,500 bnen Incandescent- Mu!:!ple 189 0 189 786 S 7 16 Holophane Decorative llx!ure on 17 iool fibe~ pole served underground wrth dired buried cable a. 1 o,ooo lumen Molcury vapor 250 0.292 1.215 S 16

The cable span charge of $. 75 pee each Increment OI 25 feet of sacondaiy wmg shal be added to Iha Rate/unit charge for each Increment of secondary wiring beyond the lirSI 25 feet f1om lhe pole base.

Streel lighl unitS seived overhead d'ISU!bullon a. 2.500 lumen Incandescent 189 0189 786 $7 10 b. 2,500 lumen Mercury Vapor 100 0. 109 453 $ 6 72 c 21,000 klmen Mercury Vapor 400 0.460 1,914 $10 liO Cuslomer owned Slee! boulevard uni'.s served Undergrollnd wl!h limited mainlenanoe by Company a. 2,500l:lmenlnca11desoont-Series 148 0.148 618 SS« b. 2,500lumen1ncandescef1t- Multiple 189 0.189 786 S6 92

Base Fuel Cost The rates per uni! shovtn above Include SO 023837 per kilowalt-ho!K reftadlng Ille base cost ol luel ~ ~owned

Boulw.lrd units served undergrotl'ld 0.. 2.500 lumel'l lncandescenl - Series b. 2,500 lumen Incandescent - M '.]pie

Holophane Decora1IYe f IX!Ure on 17 loot li>erglass pole served underground wllh tfll'OCl burled cable

148 189

0.148 0.189

616 $1032 786 $ 801

a. 10,000 klmen Metcury Vapor 250 0 292 1.215 s 18 79 The cable span charge of S.84 pei each Increment of 25 feel of aecoodary wiring shaft be lidded lo the

Rate/unit charge tor each increment or secondary wiring beyond the firsl 25 feet IJOm Iha pole base. Street light units served overhead dislnbuhon a 2,500 lumen Incandescent b 2,500 lumen Merc:UT}' Vapor c. 21,000 lumen Me!rury Vapor

Customer owned Stoot boulevard u1111S served underground with limited mainlenance by Company a. 2,500 lumen lnca11descent- Senes b 2,500 klmen Incandescent - M uftrple

Base Fuel Cost

189 100 400

146 189

0.189 0109 0.460

0.1.-S 0169

786 453 1,914

616 786

$ 79~ $7 52 s 11 '-'3

$609 s 7.74

The raleS pet' um shown alloYe include $0 023837 per kiowat?-hour refleding the base C10S1 d Juel

CVrrent Bate

PJfvate Outdoor Ugb!lng for Non-Sta!!dard Unfll.Bate HSP IE!ectr!c lid!! Sheet No.67)

Prlvale OU1door lighting tnts: The ftJb,ing monthly charge w be assessed fof existi1g facii1ies, but this lllll wtll not be available 10 any new customers alter May 15, 1973

2.500ki"nenMemiry,OpenRefractor ....... 100 0.115 478 $779 2,500 lumen Mercury, Enclosed Relradol' • • • . 100 i0.115 4 78 $ 10 66

OUtdoor lighting lll!S served 1n underground residential dis!rilution areas: The following monthly charged be assessed !of exiSling flX1Urea ~ iockJde lall1l and lurrlillft. controlled automa1ically, with an underground service wire not to exceed 35 leel from the service poi1I, ~ lhese Ullitt wi• not be available to new customers alter May 5, 1992;

Lamp Annual WDll kW-1.lnll i\'tb ~

7,000 bnens Mercury. Mourned on a 17-loot Ftberglass Pole ............... 175 0205 853 $14.54

7,000 klmen MerttlfY, Mounled on a 17-loot Wood Lamina!ed Pole (a) .. 175 0205 853 $1454

7 000 krnen Mmt:u!y, Mounted on a »toot Wood Pole • • • • .. • , ........ 175 0.205 853 $13 4

9.500 Unefl SociJm Vapor, TC 100 R.. 100 0.117 487 s 1l (a) Nole; New or replacemenl poles 819 not avallable

Coort:OlllO ntXI page

• •

12 - THE FALMOUTH OUTLOOK- September 5, 2017

Flood ligllting ims served 111 oveitlead distribution areas The lollowlng monthly charge W1H be assessed tor each exlstlng fooure, which inckJdes lamp and lumll'13lre, r.ootrolled automatically mounted oo a utJ11ty pae ss spedlled by 1he Company wilh a span of wire nol to exceed 120 laet. but these units will nol be svallable after May 5, 1992.

Base Fuel Cost

52,000 lumeri Mercury (3!>-loot Wood Pole) 52.000 lumen Mercury (SO-foot Wood Pole) 50 000 lumen Sodium Vapor

Lamp Annual ~ kW/fiXlU[t! lsWll 1,000 1 102 4,584 1,000 1102 4,584 400 0 471 1 959

BatMln!l $28.55 $3216 $1979

All kilowatt-hours shall be subject to a charge of $0 023837 per kilowatt-hour reffectlng the base cost of luel f!roDOsed Rate


~btl119 Servlce-Custom!ll Owned• Rate SC (E!ectd1< Ied!I Sheet t:l2. §6 l

~IHWl1Bll!C Lamp Annual wall§ kW.!JJllJ1 l<.Wb ~

RKturc Descnption Standard Fooure (Cobra Head)

MerwyVapor 70001umen 175 0193 803 $419 10,000 lumen 250 0.275 1144 $5.33 21.000 lumen 400 0430 1789 $74-0

Melal Halide 14 OOOlumen 175 0193 803 $419 205001umen 250 0275 1144 $5.33 360001umen 400 0430 1789 $7.40

Sodlum Vapor 9.5001umon 100 0117 487 $5.04 16,000 lumen 1SO orn 711 $562 220001umen 200 0228 948 $617 'D5001umon 2SO 0228 948 $6.17 S0,000 lumen 400 0471 1959 Sa36

Decorative FIX!ure Mercury Vapor

7 000 klmen (Holophane) 175 0.210 874 $5.32 7 000 lumen (Town & Country) 175 0205 853 $5.27 7 .000 lumen (Gas Replica 175 0210 874 $5.32 7 000 lumen (Aspen) 175 0.210 874 $532

Me1al Halide 14,000 lumen (Trad1bonrure) 175 0205 853 S5.27 14,000 lumen (Granville Acom) 175 0210 874 $5.32 14,000 lumen (Oas Repllcel 175 0210 874 SS.32

Sod um Vapor 9,500 lumen {Town & Country) 100 om 487 $496 9.500 lumen (TradttlO!lalre) 100 0117 487 $4.96 9.500 lumen (Granwle Arom 100 0.128 532 $518 9 500 lumen (Rec1i near) 100 0117 487 $496 9 500 lumen (Aspen) 100 0128 532 $518 9 500 lumen (Holopharw) 100 0128 532 $518 9 500 lumen (Gas Repllca) 100 0128 532 $518 22 000 lumen (Recunnear) 200 0246 1023 $6.54 so 000 lumen (Rec1i near) 400 0471 I 959 $865

Whete a streel righting fixture served overhead Is to be Installed on anothef u1tlity s pole on which the Company does not have a contact a monthly pole chmge will be assessed

Pole Description ~ ~ WOOd

30 loot W30 $4.94 35toot W35 $44-0 40loot W40 $527

Base Fuel Cos1 The rates per unit stlOWn abov-e ndude $0.023837 per kllowatt-hour reflecting Ille base cost or fuel

Proposed Rat!! Lamp Anl'llJal Wi1.ts kW.llJnit .KWh ~

Fooure DesCliptioo S1andard Fixt\lre (Cobra Head)

MertUry Vapor 700011.lmen 175 0.193 803 $469 10 OOOlumen 2SO 0275 1,144 $596 21 OOOlumen 400 0430 1,789 $8.28

Metal Halide 14.000 lumen 175 0193 803 5469 20500 250 0275 1144 $5.96 360001umen 400 0430 1789 $828

Sodium Vapor 95001umen 100 0117 487 $564 16.000 lumen 1SO 0171 711 $6.29 22,000 lumen 200 0228 948 $6..90 275001umen 250 0.228 948 $6.90 SOOOOlumen 4-00 0.471 1,959 $9.35

Decorative Fixture Ml!fcury Vapor

7 000 lumen {Hoklphane) 175 0210 874 $595 7 000 lumen (Town & Courrtry) 175 0205 853 s 5.90 7 000 lumen (Gas Replica 175 0210 874 $5.95 7 000 lumen (Aspen) 175 0210 874 $5.95

Metal Halide 14 000 lumen (Tradi IOl1alre 175 0205 853 $590 14 000 lumen (Granville Acom) 175 0.210 874 $595 14.000 lumen (Gas Replica) 175 0.210 874 55.95

Sodium Vapor 9.SOO lumen (Town & Country) 100 0.117 487 $5.55 9,500 lumen (Tradilionalre) 100 0.117 487 $5.55 9,500 lumen (GranViRo Acor'l} 100 0.128 532 $5.80 9 500 lumen (Reel linear) 100 0117 487 $555 9 500 lumen (Aspen) 100 0128 532 $580 9 500 lumen (Holophane) 100 0128 532 $580 9 500 lumen (Gas Replica) 100 ll128 532 $5.80 22,000 krlen (Redl near) 200 0.246 1023 H32 so 000 klnen (Rec1i near) 400 0471 1.959 $968 Pole O!lSQlli!!lD ~ ~

Wood 30 loot W30 $486 35foot W35 $492 40 foot W40 $590

Base Fuel Cost The rates per urut shown above mdude $0.023837 per kilowatt-hour ref'iecting the base cost of fUel

.strm:nslbU!!g Se!Yle&Overllel!d Egulvalellt·Bal!! SE ~Tariff Sheet No, 691

current Bate; lamp Annual

Fooure Desa~ ~ kWlW1 ~ ~ Decorauve Fix!ufes

Mercury Val)Qr 7 000 lumen (Town & Country) 175 0.205 853 $729 7,000 fumon (Holophane) 175 0.210 874 $732 7 000 lumen (Gas Replica) 175 0.210 874 $732 7 000 lumen (Aspon) 175 0.210 874 $732

Metal Halide 14 000 lumen (Tradlhonalre) 175 0.205 853 $729 14 000 lumen (Granville Acom) 175 0.210 874 $732 14 000 lumen (Gas Repllca) 175 0.210 874 $732

Sod!um \lapar 9,500 lumen (TC7>-Vll & Country) 100 0117 487 $795 9,500 lumen (Holophane) 100 0128 532 $805 9 500 lumen (Redi 1ncar) 100 0117 487 $795 9 500 lumen (Gas Repl ca) 100 0128 532 $8.04 9 500 lumen (Aspen) 100 0128 532 $804 9 500 lumen (Trad1t ona1ro) 1()() 0117 487 $7.95 9,500 lumen (Granv11te ACOM) 100 0128 532 $804 22,000 lumen (RGC11hnear) 200 0.246 1 023 $1142 50 000 IUmen (Rec11Boear) 400 0471 1,959 $15.11 so 000 lumen (Setback) 400 0471 1.959 $15.11

Base Fuel Cost All kllowatl·hours shall be sub eel 10 a charge ot $0 023837 per kilowatt-hour reflecting t!IO b:lse cost ol !> .. el ~~:

Lamp Annual ~ 1IW1l.1!ll l.\'lfh ~

FIXtlJl'e DElscrip!ion Decorative Fixtures

Mercui;y Vaoor 7 000 lumen (Town & Coun1ry) 175 0205 853 $S.16 7 000 lumen (HOlophane) 175 0.210 874 $8.19 7 000 lumen (Gas Repf1C8) 175 0210 874 $8.19 7 000 ""1en (Aspen) 175 0210 874 $819

Metal Halide 14,000 rumen (T redltionaire) 175 0205 853 $816 14 000 lumen (Granville Acom) 175 0210 874 $819 14 000 lumen (Gas Replica) 175 0.210 874 $819

Sodium Vapor 9 500 lumen (Town & Counllyl 100 0.117 487 $889


Basa Fuel Cost

9 500 klmen (Holophane) 9 500 lumen (Reel near) 9,500 lumen (Gas Repfica) 9,500 lumen (Aspen) 9,500 lumen (Tmd11lona1re) 9,500 lumen (Granville Acom) 22,000 lumen (Rect11inear) 50,000 lumen (Rectl near) SO 000 lumen (Setback)

100 0.128 100 0.117 100 0128 100 0.128 100 0117 100 0.128 200 0.246 400 0.471 4-00 0 471

532 S901 487 S889 532 S9.00 532 $9.00 487 $889 532 $900 1,023 $1278 1,959 $16.91 1959 S16.91

The rates per unit shown above include $0.023837 per kllowa.tt·hour reflecling the base OOSI ol luet

R der pes-Premier Power Service Rider CEleetr!c Tariff Sheet No. 701

Cwrent Bate: Rate

Eacll qualtfymg cus1omEr's 1nd1vidual monlhly rate calculated for eactt customer tor tllis sesvice wlU be detennlned as follows. Monlhiy SeMce Payment = Esbmated Leve aed Capital Cost + Es11maled Expenses Where Levelized Capital Cost is eqlDl to the present value ol an estimated capi1al rela1e<I cash flows for a peri<x! correspondmg to the lime ol engt0eenng design and msta a1Jon of equipment llVOOgh the term of tile contract adjusted to a pre-tax amount and convened to a uniform monthly payment for Iha 1enn of the contract. The estimated capital cas lkJNs 6ha 111clude estimated installed COSI of equ:pment, conlmger.cy allowances salvage value adjustment co reflect addi!iooal supporting nvestment of general plant nature, and mcome tax lmpac'ts Expenses shall equal Ille piesenl value of es ma!ed expenses associated with the support and mamte nance Of the generatJon and suppofl equlpmen1. ad1usted to a pre-tax amount and converted IO a uniform monthly payment for !he Jenn ot the cxmtracl The esltmated expenses sllall rnclude adminiSlratlve and general expenses expenses for labor and matenals related to operattons and maJntenance. lhrrd party expenses lor operations and ma ntenanoe, warranties, insurance. annual costs assooated with working cap1taL fuel inventory, dep<ecialion property tax, other costs related to the operatlOfl and sUppOrt ol the generatCll' system 1nstallat1on and income tax impacts The after tax cost o' capital lrom the Company s most recen1 general rate case WID be used to convert presem values to un orm monthly payments

MONTHLY Bill Cuslomer's monthly btU for au services under ll'ds rider w appear on thesr regular mon•Ny eleclric as a

item Proposed Rate: There are no proposed changes rn this rider


Bieler TS - Temporary Service Rider (Ell!Ctrlc Jedff Shoot N2. 71)

In addition to charges !Of service furnished under the apphcable standard rate the custome1 Will pay in advance L'ie following charge Estimated unn cost ol each service with supporting data to be liled with the Commission and updated annually bythe UI i1y Proposed Rate: There me no proposed Cllanges rn this ride

Curren1 Bale:

Bfder X - Une Extension Polley Rider {Electric Isrl!t Sheet No. n!

Wilen the estimated cost of eKtend1ng lhe distribution lines to reach 1h9 customer's premise equals or rs less than lhree (3) limes the est1maled gross annual revenue the Company will make the extens1011 wiihoul additional guaran· lee by the customer over Iha! applicable In the rate, provided the customer establishes credrt In a manner satisfactory lo the Company. When the eshmatad cost of extenchng the dlStrlbutioo lines to reach the customer's premise exceeds lhree (3) times the estimated gross annual revenue the customer may be required lo guarantee tor a pcrk>d ol frve (5) years. a monthly biil of one ( 1) pen:ent of the fine extensl011 cost tor residential seMCe and 1wo (2) percent for non·resid&ooat se!VI08 When the lenn of servrce or credit have nol been esla!lllshed 111 a manner satisfado!y lo the Company the cus.tomer may be required to advance the estimated cost of the line eX!ensiOO 111 either of the aboYe 6ltuationS When such advance is made the Company wi refund at the eod ol each year, for lour (4) years, twenty·fwe (25) percent of the revenues recewed rn any one year up 10 tw nty fi e (25) percem of the advance Proposed Rate: There are no proposed changes In this rider

Current Bate:

Rider LM - LO!!d Manag!!!!lent Rid!!r !Electric Tariff Sheet No. 73!

I. When a customer elects t'le OFF PEAK PROVISION the monthly customer charge of the applialble Rale OS will be increased by an ~monthly charge 01 fwe dollars ($5.00) tor each lns!alled ~e mater In adion. the DEMAND prOViSIOO ol Rate OS shall be mod lied to the exten! 1l1al the billing demand shall be based upon the "an peak perlOd, as defllled above II For customers who meet the Company sen for Ille ms1alla!ion ol a magne:.ic tape 1ecxlllling device for bi mg end Ytilero electric service IS furnished under the provisions of Eiither Ame OS Service at Secondary Oistrlbu1l00 Vottage or Rate OP, Service at Pnmary DistribuliOn Voltage When a customer elects lhls OFF PEAK PROVISION the applicable monthly customer charoe of Rate OS or Rate DP wm be increased by nn adddJOnal monthly charge ol one hundred dollars ($100.00). froPQl~ .. Blle: When a customer elects the OFF PEAK PROVIS ON the monthly customer charge ol the applicable Rate OS or DP wlll be mcrea!ed by an add'ruona monthly charge of five dollars (SS 00) for eacll instal ed time-of.use or 1n101Va1 dala recofd!lf meter In add'rtlon, the DEMAND provision ol Rate OS or DP shall be mod'died lo the extent that the btlllfl9 demand s aD be based upon Ille ·on peak period • as de'med above However in no case shall lhe billing demand be less !Ian ~lie b ng ~as de:ermined In aocon:lanCe with the DEMAND ~ ol lhe applicable Rate OS ex Rala DP. as mod fied

Current Rate: CHARGES

Rider AMO-Advanc\ld lkter Opt-Out (AMOI- Bes!den1ial (~lectric Jedtt Sheet No. 741

Restdent1al customers Who elect, at any lime lo opl-out of the Company s advanced metenng 1nfre.structure (AMI) system shall pay a on&-time ree of 5100.00 and a recurring monlhly lee of S25 00 During the Metering Upgrade project deployment pllase, il prior lo an advanced maier being Installed at a customer premise. any existing resideri­tial eleclric customer that elects to panicipate in !his opt·out program Doke Energy Ken1ucky wr I not charge the ~ me set·up fee providing the residential electric customer nolilles the Company ol uch e ectlon l1l advance of the

advanced meter be111g 111Stalled Those residsl1lal aistomers electing to participate in this residential opl-<ll.lt pro­gram wi be ~ to the ongoog S25 00 per mo ri ongotng charge. Following deployment comple en any resi­

der.'.ial cuslomer who la!er elecls to partJclpate in the Opt-Ou! Progra:'l be assessed lhe $100 set-up fee m adcfruon 10 lhe ongoing monthly charge froDOsed Bate: There are no proposed changes m this rider


Bider PSMR - Demand Sid!! Management Bate (Eloctrlc Tarttf Sheet No. 781

The Demand Side Management Rate (DSMR) shall be deterrmned in accordance wrth the provisions of Rider DSM Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider Sheet No 75 ol thtS Tariff The DSMR to be applied to residential rustomer bills IS SO 007967 per ki19Watt·houf A Home Energy Asslsiance Program (HEA) charge of SO 10 will be app!'ted monthly to residential customer bills throt;gh December 2020 The DSMR 10 be applied ro non·~tlal d tribulion service customer bills IS $0 002576 per kilowatl-hoi.lr The DSMR 10 be applied lortransrmss1on seMCe customs; bils IS S0.000183 per kilowatt-hour ~ful!Q: There are no proposed changes in this rider

~uaent Bate:

B!Q.er. J;JQP- BJ!.CIM!.Q11UY.m.f_QJ.nl Capacity film !Elemrl1< Jadff Sheet No.J.91

BACKUP DELIVERY POINT (TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION) CAPACllY The Comoany win normally supply selVice to one premise at one standard voltage at one delivery point and through one me er lo a Non·Res!dential Customer an accordance witl'I the prOY!S!011$ of the appficable rate sehedule and the Bectnc SCMCe RegulalionS. Upon CliSlOmer 1'1lQuest Company w make available ro a Non-Residential Cus:omer addi'titlnal delivery poor.s n accordance with the rates terms and conditions of this Rider BOP. NET MONTHLY BILL 1 Connection Fee

The Connectt00 Fee applies only 11 an S<kf.1t0nal me:erng point rs required and W!l be based on rustomer's most applicable rate ~"'<lule.

2 Monthly charges wdl be based on the unbundled cflstnbutton and/or transm1sst0n rates o! the custonl8f's most appllcabla rate schedule and the contracted amount or backup delivery poinl capacily

3 Tile Customer shall also be responsible lor the acceleration of costs If any thal would not have othel'WISe been incurred by Comparty absent such request lor additional dehveiy pomts The terms of payment may be made in!: ally or over a pre-determined term mutually ag eeable to Company and Customers lha1 shall not exceed Iha minim.Im Jerm In each request !of service under 1his Rider Company engtnee!S w corouct a thorough rrN'eN of !he customer's requeS1 and the cirauts aflec:ed by 1he request The custome; s capaClly needs wi be weighed against the capacity avaJable an lhe cm:utt, antidpa ad load growtl1 on the dn:IJit. and any future oonstrudion plans Iha! may be ad­vanced by Liie request f!rllPOSed Bate: There are no proposed changes 1n ll'ra rider

Current Bate:

fYftlAdllmm'1nt Clause • Bider fAC (Electric Tl!ritt.$hect Ho. 80)

11} The monthly amount compu1ad under each of 1he rate sclledules to whkh lhls fuel clause Is appllcable shall be ncreased Of (decreased) at a rate per kllo\\'att-hour ot montllly consumption in aa:ordance with the following formula.

Fuel Cost A~ustment = f(mJ ·.SO 023837 per kWh • S(m)

W'lere F Is he mpense of tuel In the second preceding mon h and S is the sa.1es n the second preceding month. as defined below


(2) Fuel costs (F) be the COS! ol (a) Fossil lue! COOSllr.Od In the Company's plaris pkJs the COSI al fuel whidl would have been used In plants

il19 forced generatkln a IT8llSITllSSiOn wages. but less the cost of fuel rel31ed IO subs e generation. pkis (b) The actual lden1lfiable lossil and nuclear fuel costs assodaled with energy purchased la reasons other IM'I Identified In paragraph (C) ol I 61.bsedion bul excludilg the COS! of fuel rela1ed to purchases to '1Jbs1Jtu for lhe faced outages; pk.ls c) The net en«gy COS! ol energy iucnases. exclJsive ol c:apaaty a demand charges mspectM! of Ille

deslgna1k>o assigned 10 such transactiOn) when such energy IS purchased on an economic dispatd1 basls Included therein are wch costs as the charges for economy energy purchases and the charges as a resull of &eheciJfed outage. al such klnds of energy being purchased by the Company to subStilu!e fof Its own twgher COSI energy alll less (d) The cost ol lossi luel reCO'lefed through Inter-system sales inCWng Ille fuel costs rebted to~ eoorgy sales and O'J1cf energy sold on an economJC <ispatcti b3SiS (e) AJ fuel costs shall be based on a weight.ad-average mvemory costJng The cost of fossl fuel shall Include no Items other than lhe Invoice price al fuel less any cash or olher discounts The Invoice pnce of fuel includes the cost ol luet usett and necessary charges for transporta!iOll of fuel lrom the pomt of acquisl llOn to the unloading pomt, ns f!Sted In Account 151 ol lhe FERC Uniform System ol Accounts lor Public Ut ties and Uccnsees (Q As used herein. the term "lorcOO outages means al non-scheduled losses of generaoon or transmission which require substitute power for e continuous period ii excess of six (6) hours Where forced outages ero no! as a resun of fautty equipment, laulty manufacture, faUtty design, faulty lnstallauons, faulty operalion, or faulty maln!enanoe but are Acts of God, riot. inslmClion. or acts of the poblic enemy, then the Company may upon proper showing with the approval of the Commission. Include the fuel cost ol substitute energy 1n the adjUSlment.

(3) Sics (S) shall be detennmed In kilowatt-hours as follows. Add


(B net generatiOO (b) purchases (c~m

(d r~ sales~ economy ene!IJ)' and otrer enetg'f sold on an ea:>nOmiC dlspa!Cfl ba!is (e) IOlal system losses

Proposed Rate· {I) The monthly amounl COll1lUted under each of the rate schedu!es to which tlllS fuel dalise is applicable

be Increased or (decreased) at a rate per kiowatt-hour ol rron!hly ~In aa:orda.nce wfth the ldlowing lomtula

Fuel Cost Adjustment: f(ml. $0.023837 per kWh S(m)

Where F IS the expense of fuel m the secord preceding month and S is the sales in the second !lfecedlllg month es defined below: (2) Fuel costs (F) thall be the cost of

(a) Fosslt fuel consumed In the Company's plants plus the cos1 ol luel whiCh would have been used In plants suffenng forced generation or transnlssion outages. but less the cost ol fuel related to substitute generation plus (b) The actual idenlillable 1ossll end nuclear fuel costs associated wtth energy purchased for reasons olhet than iad m paragraph (c) of this subsecflon, but exdud"119 lhe cost of fuel rela:ed to purchases to subs: ute lor the lorted oiAageS plus (c) The net energy cost ot energy purchaSes. exclusive of capad1y Of demand charges fL<respoctive or the designation 8SSIQl1ed to such transacliOn) when such energy Is purchased on an economic cispalch basis Included therein are 6UCh costs as the charges for ec:ooomy ene!ID' purchases and the charges as a resuh ol &ehe!iJled OtJtago all such kinds of energy being purchased by the Company 10 substitute for itS own tigher cost energy and less (d The COS1 ol lossl fuel recovered thfOl9! ifller-system sales incUfing tile fuel COS1S relatad to economy energy sales and other energy sold on an ec:ooomic cispa!dl basis (e) The fuel-rdJled charges and aecfils charged 10 the Company by a Regional T ransmss1011 Organizll'uon. (f) AD fuel C06lS sha.! be based on a weighted-average lnvenroly C05ting The cost of lossB fuel &hall ilClJde no ems other than the inYolce price of fuel less any cash or Olher dscolllls The invoice poce of fuel inCludes the COSl ol fue i:se!! and necessary charges for lranSporlation of fuel from the pOinl of acquisl!ion to the unloacing pan, as listed 111 Aa:oo::t 151 of Iha FERC Uoifonn System of Accounts for Public U!il ies end Ucensees (g) As used hl!fem l?1e term 1otted OUlageS" means all non-sdleduled losses ol generatJOn or transmission wtik:h r&qUlle subS1J e power for a continuous period 111 excess of six (6) hours Where forced outages ant not as a result ol bully eQOJpmenl. foully manufacture faulty deSign, lautty lnstallatlons, faulty operellOll or faulty ma tenancc but arc Acts of God. riOI, lnsurrectlO!l, or acts of the public enemy, then Iha Company may, upon proper showing, with Iha approval of the Commission. Include the luel cost of subsllLute energy in

tho adjustment (3) Sales (S) &hall be datenninod n kilowat!.:hours as 1olloWs: Add:

(a) net generauon (b) purchases (c) interchange In

Subtract {d} nle system 6ale5 Including eoonomy energy and olher energy sold on an econoouc dispatch basis (e) IOlal S)'Strol losses

Rlsler PStt-ot!;SxltemfoE! Sales B!ld Em ss!on Al!owaOOl Sales Profit Sharing Mpcttan!sm ~J!!fff Sbtt1No.82)

Cuuent Bate·


Ra:!o RS Residential SeM:e Ra1e OS Selvice Bl Sec:ondaly Oistrtlu'JOn vatage Ra:o DP SeM:e at Primaiy OislTbJtion Vdtage Ra!e OT. Time-ol-Oay Rate for SefVice at DistrixJtion Vollage Rate EH Optional Rate fa Elec!nc Space Heating Rate GS-FL. Genoral SeMce Rate for SmaD fixed Loads Rate SP. Seasonal Sports Service Rate SL, Street Ugh ng Service Rate TL. Tralfic Ugh!lng Service Rate UOLS Unmetllfed Outdoor Lighting Rate OL, Ouldoor Ugh!ing Service Rate NSU, Street Ughting SeMCe tor Non·Standaro Units Rate NSP Private Outdoor Ugh!ing SeMce for Non-Standard Units Rate SC, Street IJghting SeMCe - CUslomer ONoed Raie SE, Street ligh!ing Service - Overhead Equivalent Rate TI, Tme-ol-Oay Rain tor ${lfVICC al Transmission Voltage Other

~ ($/kWh) 0000456 0000456 0000456 0000456 0.000456 0.000456 0.000456 0,000456 0000456 0000456 0000456 0000456 0000456 0000456 0.000456 0.000456 0.000456

Rider PSM miets reductions to biBs are shown as pos:tive numbers Without parentheses Rider PSM chaiges increases so bills, are shown 11 parenlheses.

PROFIT SHARING RIDER FACTORS The Applicable energy charges tor elednc seMCe shall be lnCreased a deaeased to the nearest

SO 000001 per kWh 10 rolled the sharilg ol pro"..!S on on-system power sales end anclllaty serviOeS the net profi on sales of elTllSSIOrt allowances and net nagils on capacity transacOOns re!ated to th& acq.. • d llX:)O~ of Easl Bend Unil 2

The~ CO!l1lUle its profil5 on ofi-sy&em power sales and ancillaJy 6CMC8S profits on emission alowance sales and net margms on c:apacily transactlons relJled to the acquisl:ion ol 100% of East Bend Una 2 In t'ie lolowing manner

Rider PSM Factor: !(? +A) + E + C + R)IS where

P = Ellglble profits from off-system power sales for applicable month subject to sharing provlslOllS established by the Commlsston rn Its Order In case No 2003-00252, da!ed Deaimbef 5, 2003 A " All net profits related to its provision of ancillary serw:es m markets admln1slered by PJM per tho Commissions Order in Case No. 2008-00489 dated January 30, 2009

The f rst S1 mt IOl'l In annual profits from oll-sysiemsales and anciRaryseMOOswill be allocated to ratepayers, with any profits in excess o1 $1 mill!On split 75:25, with ratepayers receMng 75 percent ond sharehOldcss receiving 25 percent per the Commission Order in Case No. 2010-00203. dated December 22, 201 O After December 31st of each year, tno sharing mechanlSm wt I be reset for off-system power saJes Eac!1 month the sharing mocha· nism w be reset for lhe ancillary seMOO p!'Of rts. E = All net prof t.. on sales or em SSIOll allowances are aadited 10 customers per th!I CommisSiOn s Order In Case No 2006-00172 dated Decomber 21, 2006 C • Capaaty revenue received from PJM associaled wilh DP&L's share ol East Bend capacity tllat DP&L has commt!led In PJ ~ s base residual aUCliOn ("BRA1throughMay31 2018 less lhe OOSl incurred by Duke Energy Kentucky to procure sul['titrt capacl:y to meet i!S obligations as a Fo:ed Resource Requiremenl ent !y under the Re!iabli:y Assurance Agreement with PJM per the Commisskln's Order 111 case No. 201+-00201 cla!ed December 4 2014

The net ol capac:lty revenue r8Ctlived from PJM and the capaclty C06I ilcurred by Dulce Energy Kentucky wll be alloca!ed 10 ra!epaye!s w!:.h ra:epayers recewmg 75 percent and &hareholdels receMng 25 percent R • Reooncila!ion of poor peOOd Rider PSM actual revenue 10 8lllOUll1 calaz!ated for lhe period S • Ctmnl mon!h sales n kWh used In !he amen! mon:h Rider FAC cablla!ion.

Prooosed Bate: Bat!lGr®p

Rate RS Residen SeMOO Rate OS, Service t Seoondary DistrbrJOn Voliage Rate DP, Servtce 81 Primary Ois:rbJtJon Voltage Rate OT Tlme-ol-Oay Rate for SeMce 01 Distrllution Vol!age Rate EH. Oplional Rate tor Elednc Space Heating Rate GS-FL, General SelVicc Rate lOf Smal Fixed Loads Rate SP, Seasonal Sports Sel'VlCe Rale SL, Street Lighting Serv1oo Rate Tl Tra!lie Llghtilg Sorvtc:e Rate UOLS Unmetered Outdoor Ughllng Rate OL, OUldoor Lighting SeM:e Ra1e NSU, Slrccl lighting SelVice for Non.Standard Urnls Rate NSP. Private Ot.1door ~ SeMce for Non-Standard Uruts ~SC Street l..lgNing Servte - CUSIOOler Owned Rate SE, Sll'eet lighting Service- Ovomoad Equlvatent Rate TI, Tine-of-Oay Rate lot Service at Transmisslon Voltage Olhcr

~ ($/kWh} O.OQ0456 0.()()()456 0000456 0000456 0000456 0.000456 0000456 0000456 0000456 0000456 0.000456 0000458 0.000456 0.000456 0000456 0000456 0000456

September 5, 2017 - THE FALMOUTH OUTLOOK- 13

Rider PSM a edits reducllons to Ws.. are shown es posltiYe nurnbelll wlthou1 parentheses Rider PSM charges increases to bi are shown m paien heses

PROAT SHARING R DER FACTORS On a quatter1y basis, !?le awbbfe energy charges b' electric seMc8 stai be Increased or deauased IO Iha nearest SO 000001 per kWh lo reflecl the shar'ing ol net proceeds as ou!Iined In the lomUa below

Currem Rate:

Rkler PSM Factor = (OSS +NF + CAP+ REC + R IS x 0.90

oss = Net proceeds from off·system power sales Ni: = Ne! proceeds from llOIHuel rela!ed Regional Transn1SSiOn OrganlzellJn charges and credits riOI recovered via other mechanisms CAP " Net proceed:l trom P JM charges and credits as provi:led 1or In lhe

Commission's Order In Case Nn 2014-00201 dated De<:ember 4, 2014 capaci1y sales capacity pu!Chases capacity perlormance crodits. end capacHy perfonnance assessments

REC "' Net proceeds from lhe 8ll es of renewable eoorgy credits R = Reconclliauon o1 prior period Rider PSM actual revenue to amounl calctJ lated for the period S : Curren! period sales m kWh as used In the Rider FAC calcufalion

~-pug Energy"s GoGREEN Kentucky Green Power I Cm1xm Offset Rider

tElecl!fc T11rm Sbtttlio..W

NETMOITTHLYB LL Customers WhO partieipa!e under t'lis noer wlll be billed for clcctnc seMCe under al applicable tariffs inducing all appli· cable riders, Green Pow purchased under thG rider \'liD be b:!led al the eppicable Green Power ra1e lines the number of 100 kWh bklcks lhe customer has agreed to purchase per month The Green Power rale shall be $2.00 per 100 kWh block wlth a mrumum monthly purchase ol two 100 kWh blocl\s.. Catbon O!lse1s purchased under Ills rider wil be tx'lled 81 lhe applicablil Carbon Ol!sel rate lineS Iha runbet of carboo Offsets the aistomeJ has ag eed 10 purch3se per month. The Cerbon Oflsel rate shal be S4 00 per 500 lbs offset block, Proposed Rate: There are no proposed changes in !hts r\der

Current Bate: AVAIL.ABILITY Net Metenng IS available to eliglble customer-generators In tho Comp ny's &ervlce territory upon request and on a firs1. come first-served basis up IO a cumulauve capacity ol 1 'lb of !he Company's &tng'e hOUr peak load in Kentucky dur111g the previous year Proposed Bate: There are no proposed changes Ill this rider

Cvrrent Bate:

MCbmC!Nam <Emctrfc Terf[Sheet No. 901

Tho Company may charge and coled a feo ol S11 0010 cover the CXlSl o1 hard1ng an unsecured check. Where a eus10mer lenders Ill paymen1 of an account a check whx:h upon depoSil by 1he Company es returned as unpaid by ttie bank lor any reason Pioposed Rate: There are no proposed changes 111 lhis rides


Cbame tor Reconnection of Srn1ce (Eleclrfc Terfft Shoot NoJl}

A. The recomection charge for &eMCe which has been disconnected due to~ of Rule 3 sha11 be twerrty-five dollars (S25 00) B The reconnedlOn charge for service which has been disconnected within the precedmg l'Nelve months at the request ol lhe customer shall be IWenty-five dOllars (S25 00). C ff service IS diSConlinued because of fraudulent use thereof, Iha Company may charge and collect in additllln IO the reconnection charge ol twenty-fMI dollars ($25 00) lho expense lllCUITed by the Company by reason of such fraooutent use plus an estimated bi I for electrieily usad prior lo the reconnecbon ol service D H both the gas and e ectrlc services ere reconnected at one lime, the to<al chargo shall not exceed lhlrty-elght dollais ($38 00) E. Where elecltlc servrce was disconnected at lhe pole because tho Company was unable 10 gain acx:ess ro the meter the reconnecllOO chaige shall be Stxty·flVO dollars ($65 00) fl tho gas service is also reconnected the chargo shal be nine1y dollals ($90 00} F n the Company reoeNeS notioe alter 2'30 p m of a customers desire for same day remstatement of sem:e and if the re<:onnectiOn cannot be performed dunng normal busi hOurs the after hour reconnectiOn charge for oonnectlOTI shaB be on addi1ional twenty- we dollars ($25 00) Cuslomeis will be no\ilied o! ihe additional S25 00 chage for reconnecilO!l at the me1 r or 81 lhe pole at the me they raquest same day seMCe

G If a Company employee whose ong purpose was 10 cfisc:onnect the seiw:e has provided !?le custorr.er a eans 10 avoid lflsanlection 69fVice wflich olhel'wl9c would have been ciscomecled shall re!r.ail inlacl. and

no recomecllO!l chage be assessed Howeve a cdlec::OOn chall)l.l d clOlla1s (S15.00) may be assessed, but my I a Company employee actually a leld 10 the ~r's P'

Proposed Rate: A. 1lle -recol-1-ledior""-1 cha1ge lor seMCe wtlch has been disalnnected cU! to enforcemenl of Rule 3 shall be twenty·five dolars (S25 00) fnr reconnectJons that can be acaimpfished remotely a sevemy..five dolars ($75.00J lor reconnections that canrot be~ remotely a The reoonoectiOn charge fof service w'1lch has been discomecied wllhlr1 the prececing lwel't'e mon1hs 81 the request of the CUSlomer shaB be twenty fMI dollars (S25 00) for reoonneaions that can be BtCOm¢ished re r'10tely Of seventy-five dollars ($75 00) for reco11nectiOnS Iha! camot bo accomPIShed remotely C N service IS discontinued because ol fraudulenl use thereol tho Company may charge and collect In addl!ion 10 the reconnection charge of twenty.five dollar9 ($25 00) for reconnectoos that can be accomplished remotely or seventy-rive dollars ($75 00) for reconnedtOns lhat cannot be occomplished remotely, the expense incurred by the Company by reason of such fraudulent use, plus an cs11ma1ed biU for electl'1Clty osed. pnor 10 lhe reconnection o1 service. D If both the gas and elednc 8e1Vlces are reconnected at one I me. tho total charge shall riOI exceed eighty· eight dollars ($88.00) E. Where e!ectnc 5elVICe was disconnected at the pole because the Company was unable to gain access lo the meter, lhcrecoMectiOn charge shan be one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125 00}. H the gas SCMCe 1s also reconnected the charge shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150 00). f. If lhe Company rece!VeS nottce after 2:30 p m of a aJS1omar's desire for same day remstatement ol seMOe and d the reooMectlon canriOI be performed during normal busmess hours and the reconnectlon cannot be performed remotely the after hoo' reconnection charge for connection stJal be an addilional twenly·flve dollars ($25 00) Customers wit be notI ied or tne additional S25 00 charge lor reconnection 81 the meler or at the po!e at the time lhey request same day seMCe

G If a Corr.pany employee whose original purpose was to dtSOOn:iect the seMce, has provided lhe customer a means to avoid disconnection seMCe which Olhetwlse would have been <isconnected sha! rem lnl8CI, and no reconnection charge shall be assessed However a oollection charge of fifty OOl3l1I (S&l.00) may be as sassed bu! orly ii a~ enployee actualy makes a field 10 lhe aJSIOmer'a prem:ses.

CUrrent Rate:

Rate for Pole Attachments ot CD!tletnls!.9n SXmms • Rate CATV CT!!I$ $chedu!e If Ben med as Rate DeA-D strfbutloo Pole Altlehmeots

(Electric Tariff Sheet No. 921

The kfuwing amual rental shall be charged lot lhe use of each of the Company's poles Two-user pole. S4 60 annual rental Three-user pole $4.00 amual rental

Proposed Rate: Tho following annual rental shall be charged for the use of each of the Company s poles

Two-user pole. $6 35 annual rental Three-vsar pole. $5.31 annual rental

~eneralion and Small Power froductlon Sale "nd f'urch!IJ!l T1dfMOO kW !!tl&U IElectricl!!dll Sheet No. 93)

Current Rate; Rates for Purchases 1rom quarlfying fao ties PurchasD Rate shall be $0 0307MWh for eU kilowatt-hours delivered Proposed Bate: Rates for Purctlases from qualifying laaifies Energy Purchasa Rate shaD be SO 027645/kWh tor all kllowat!Jiours delivered Capacity Pl8chase Rate Ehall be S3.9Q.1<W-monlh for el1gib!e capacity U'.illzed by Company and approved by PJM In Company's Fixed Res<uce Requirernems (FRR) plan

Cogenemion and Sma I Power Production Sale am! Purchm Iedll.,G!Tllter Than too kW (Electrk Ted!lS!lm No, 941

Cunent Rate: The Purchase Rate kr kiowatt-OOWS delivered shal be the PJM ReaJ.. Tlme locatianal Marginal Price for power at the DEK Agpg<rte prbl llClde. indusive of the energy conges!iOn and losses charges. for each hour of the bRing month. Pumowt Rate: The Energy Purchase Ra!e for oll lolowatt-hours delivered shal be lhe p JM R Time Locational Marginal Price for poll.W

Bl the OEK Aggregate p-lce node inclusive ol the energy cooges'.J011 and losses charges lor each hour of the billing month Capaciry Purchase Rale shaD be $3 9o.11W-mon!h for efigib!e capacity ultlized by Company and approved by PJM in Companys Foted Resource ReqU1rements (FRR) plan


local Fmnchlse fn !E!~Jl.cJllcl~

There shaD be added lo lhe rustomet's bl!l. ~sled as a separate Item an amount equal to the fee now or hereafter iolJosed by local legiSlauve aulhorities whether by ordinance, lranch!se or other means, which fee rs DaSed on the gross reoeiptS collected by lhe Company from the safe ol e!edrici!y lo customers w Ihm lhe boUnd partlcular leglsla­five authority Such amount shaft be added exclusively to bills of customers recelvlng sem:e W11nii1 uie temtorial &mi!S oJ the authority Imposing the lee.

Where more than one SUCh tee IS Imposed, eacti of the tf1arges app6c:ible to each customer 6hall be added to the CUS1omer's bi and llsled separately

Where 1he local legislalJve authority unposes a flat, fixed amount on the ~ the tee applied to the bils of CUSlomern reoeMng serw:e wi1hin 1he 1em:orla! boundaries ol lhat authority shall be m lhe form ol a llat dolar llmWll.

The amount ol such tee added lo lhe customer's bft shall be determined in accordance with the 1em1s ol lhe Conin.edlll!XIPl;lll

14 - THE FALMOUTH OUTLOOK - September 5, 2017

ordinance. franchise or o herd recwe ag eed 10 by the C~y. fn!IH!Hd.Bate· There am '10 proposed changes 10 trus rate

U.:imsrQ.l!!l!tBesldentlal Distrlbuliorl_f.of!ey·Ra!e UDP=R @milli~ .... 9§.l

Cunent Rate· S1119!e F81lllly Houses.

A SZ 15 per f fool for all pnmary extens!ons PrimaJy extension oo pnvat.e propeny win be charged $2 15 per lrendl loot; and

B. An addi!Jonal S2.00 per inear 1rench loo! shall be charged where extremely rocky conditicm are encounlefed, such condruons being defined as rmestone or olher haul stratified malenal Jn a continuous volume of at least one oubic ya d or more which cannot be removed using ortlinaiy excava11ln equipment.

Multi-Family Un The e shall be no charge ~ where exlremely roclcy conefltlOns are encountered, then the $2.00 per &near trench fool as <JI led and defined above, shnll be charged.

Proposed Rm: Single Far!'. ly Houses

A $2.15 per front fool 'or au pnmary extensions Primaiy extension on pnvate propeny will be charged $2.15 per linear trench fool; and B An additional $2 00 per linear trench root shall be charged where extremely rocky conditions are encountered. such conditions being defined as fimestone or other hard stratified material 111 a continuous volume of at least one cubic yard or more wrrch cannot be removed uslrig ordinary excavation equipment

Mul!H=aimly Untts There shal be no charge e!~ where extremely rocky COllOftlOns are encountered, then the $2.00 per llllear trench loo~ as stated a d defined above. shall be charged.

Targeted Underground for Service Improvement Notwiths anding above cnarges and upon Kentucky Public Service Commission approval, Company wtll waive above arges ma n and take ownership ol cuslOMer service fines and equipmen1 (curb, property

OI service I tera1 to Ille meter base) to and including Ille eleclric meter Tus provisloo app!les only to Company deslg!laled lions iclen ied to lll1lfOV8 lhe resiliency of se1V1Ce lo lhe customer

General Underground Distribution Policy-Rate UOP-0 (Electric Tariff Sheet No. 97!

Current Rate The charges sit be Ille d e ence between the Company's estimated cos1 to provide an undefground system and the Company s eslima.ed cos to provide er overhead system In addition to lhe differential charge, the following prOVJSIOOS are applicable Single Fam ly Houses or Multi Fam Unlls

The customer rn y be requ red to provide the necessary trenching. backfilling, conduit system fr! required) and transforner pacls In place to Company's speorlC8.11011$.

Commercial and lnclustnal Unils The custor.ar shall

a) Provide the necessary trenching and backfilling; b) Furnl&h 1nGtall (COnCfe!e 11 required), own and maintain all primary anc!lor secondary conduit sys tern (with spares 1f required) on private property meeting apphcable codes and Company's speciflca lions arid c) Provide tne transformer pad and secondary conductors.

SP9cial Sftuat10ns In those srtuat10ns where the Company considers the pad·moullted transfooner mslallations unsuitable, the custome shall proYide the vault designed to meet National Electric Code, other applicable codes and Company specificatlOllS, e CQl1duit to Ille vault area and the secondary cable lo the transformer terminals. The Company shat provide the transfOC!'1eTS the primary vault wlnng and make the secondary connectiOo to the transformer t rm n large ITlUl pie cable la!JOOS the customer shal provide the cable, provide end install !he step bus mounted in he vautt and make necessary cable connections to Ille step bus 10 the ~ speclficaliOnS. The Company shall prOVlde and conne<:110ns from the transformer terminals to the step tJJs. The customer s I exte id the bus dud Into the vault to the Company's specilications. The Company shaB provide 8l1d ms t connecoons from lhe transformer temlnals 1o Ille bus duct

Proposed Rate. The charges shall be lhe <f.' enoo between the ~ s estilllaled cost 10 provide an underground system and the Company's est mated eost o provide an overhead system. In addrilO!l IO the differential charge, the lo!lowing provisions are app icable Single Family Houses or Mu t ·Family UnllS.

The custof1ler may be reqUl ed 10 provide the necessary trenching backliil1ng, conduit system (it requ1rud) and lransfor'ne pads in place 10 Company's specifk:ations

Commeroal and lnduslrl I Unns The customer shall

a) Provide the necessary trenching and baddilling; bl Furnish, Install (concrete, rl required), own and maintaJn all primaiy and/or secondaiy conduit sys tern (wrth spares rl required) on pnva1e property meeting applicable codes and Company's spEIClliea hons· and c) Provide the transformer pad and secondary conductors.

Special Sttua!IOOS tn lhose sttuations where the Company considets the pad-mounted transformer lns1a11atioos unsu~abte, the custome ha I pro 1de the vau l designed lo meet NatiOnal Eleclric Code other applicable codes and Company speci icallons the coridUlt lot va t area and !he secondaiy cable 10 the transformer rerminals The Company

provide Ille primary vault wvmg and make the secondary amecllOll IO the transformer

Real Tlme Prlq l'rojiram- Bate RIP CElectric Tariff Sheet No. 991


The Baseline Charge IS 1ndependen1 ol Customer's currently monthly usage, and is designed to achieve blll neutrality with lhe Customers standard otter tarifl II no change In electricity usage pattern occuis (lass applicable program charges) The Base ne Charge IS calculated at the end of the biUing period and changes each billing period to maintain blll neutrality for a Customer's CBL

The Baseline Charge w II be calailated as follows: BC = (Standard Bill @ CBL) Wi e BC = Baseline Chaige Standard Bi CBL = Customer's blU tor a specific month on the applicable Rate

Schedule lnclt.ifll'l{l spplieab e Standard Contract Riders using the CBL lo establish the appficable billing determinants. The CSL shal be adju ad to re!lect applicable metering ~ under 1he Rate Schedule Al appicable

nclers shall be excluded fro the o.; al!On of the Ba.~line Charge. PRICE QUOTES

The Company send to CuslO 9f, wt1hin two hcus after 1he wOOlesale poces are published by P JM each da'j Pnce Quotes to be charged the next day Such Pnce Quotes Shall mlde the app[icable Commodity Charge, the Enetgy Delivery Charge and the Ancillary SeMCeS Charge

Tt Conpany may send more ttJan one-day·ahead Price Quotes tor weekends and holidays ldentilled n Company's l&i s T'1e Co~pany may revJSe ese pnces the day before they become e!ledive

The Ca1pany I responsible fol"f ure al Cus:omer to receive and act upon the Price Quotes. ti IS Customer's esporsib ty lo lo Campa yo y fa ure 10 recerve he Pnoe Ouoles the day before they beoome eHecttve.

COA'MOOJTY CHA~GE The Cor!'moo ~Clot e d · e lor gereration The applicable hourly Commodity Charge (Credrtl shall be applied on an hour by ho~r ba o om r ncremental {decremental) usage from the CSL

Charge !Credit For E h kW P r Hour From Tne CBL: Fo1 kWlil bove he CBlt CCI = MVGI x LAF For kWht below the CSU CCI = MVGI x 80% x LAF

Whom LAF


loss ad1ustmem factor 1.0530 for Rate TS 1.0800 !or Rate OP 1.1100 for Rate OS

MVGt Market Value Of Generation As Determined By Company lor hour t

The MVGt wl be based on the expected mrukel price of capaelly and energy for ll1e nex1 day The expected mar11e1 price shal be the P JM Rea Tl Total Locatlooal Marginal Price tor power al 111e DEK Aggregate price node, lnclUslve of lhe energy congestJon and tosses charges tor each hour The kW per 5J98 l:cm the CSL shall be adjusted to reflect appl'rcable metenng ad'JUSI· ~ems under the 8ct ENERGY DELIVER CHARGE

Charge (Cr.edit) For Each kW Per Hout From The CBL Seoondary SeMCe Pnmaiy Se'Vlce T ransmsssion Service

ANC LlARY SERV CES CHARGE C~ rge C ) For Each kW Per Hour From The CBL

SO 006053 per kW Per Hour $0 005540 per kW Per Hour $0.002008 per kW Per Hour

Secondary De iVe!y . . . . . •. ,... •.•• •• ••..• • .$0.000760 per kW Per HolJ' Pnmary Delivery .. • . .•...•... ..•• .. .•..•..•.•. ........ SD.000740 per kW Per Hour Transmtssion De Miry ............................. $0.000721 per kW Per Hour

PROGRAM CHARGE Company will provide lntemel based communication sol1wate to be used to provide CU51omer with the Price Quotes Customer will be responsible for prOVlding its own Internet access. A charge of $183.00 per biU1ng period par sile shall be added to Custome1 's b 11 to cover the additional billing, administrative, and cost of communlcat lng the hOurly Price Quotes aSSOCtated wilh the ATP Program.


The Base ne Charge ts mdependent of Customer's currently monthly US1198, and is d8Slgned to achieve blll .-,eulfality wl1h the Customers standard otter tann 11 no change to electncny usage pattern occurs (less applicable program charges) The Baseline Charge IS calculated al the end ol !he billing perrod and changes each billing period to maintain bill neutrality for a Cus omer's CSL

The Basellno Charge wlD be calculaled as follows BC= Standard Bi CSL) Whe


BC = Basefine Charge Stanoard Bill @ CBL = Customer's bi tor a specific month on the appfrcable Rate

Schedule Including app(IC8ble Standard Contract Riders us ng the CBL to establish the~ blUtng deteminanls. The CBL shall be aajUSted to reftect applicable metenng adn.;s!me~ nder the Rate Schedule. All applicable

ridefs shall be excluded from lhe calculation ot the Base!loe Charge PRICE QUOTES

The ~Y will send 10 customer, within two hours alter the wholesale pnces are pU>llshed by P JM each day, Price Quotes ID be charged tlie next day Such Price Quotes 6hal include the applicable Commodity Charge, the Energy Oellvery Charge and the Ancillary Services Charge

The Company may send more than one-day·ahead Prloe Quotes for weeltends and holida~'S klea!ified in Company's tariffs. The Company may revise these prices !he day before they beOOme effective

The Company rs not responsible for lai ure ol CUs1omer to receive and act upon !le Price Quo1es. It is

Customer's respoosJbill1y 10 Ulform Company of any failure 1o receive the Price Quotes lhe dav belore they become effective • COMMOOITY CHARGE The Commodtty Charge is a charge for generation The 11pphcable hourly Commodity Charge (Credit) shaU be applied on an hour by nour basis to Customer's ncremental (decremental) usage lrorn the CBL

Charge (Credit) For Each kW Per Hour From The CBL


For kWh! above the CBLI , CCt -= MVGt x LAF For kWht below the CBLI . CCI ,,. M\IGt x 80% x LAF

LAF loss ad1ustment factor 1 .0530 !or Rate TT 1 0000 for Rate OP and Rate OT 1 1100 for Rate OS

MVGt = Markel Value Of Generation As Oete m ned By Company for hour 1 The MVGt will be based on :he &Xpected market pnce of capacity and energy ror the next day The expected market price shall be the P JM Day-Ahead Total Loca!iOnal Marginal Pnoe for power a1 the DEX Aggregate pnce node inclusive of the energy, congeslion and losses charges. for each hour The kW per hour lnefellla'ltal or decremental usage lrom Iha CSL s!iaU be adJusted 10 ret!aci applicable metering a<f;ustments under the standard Rate Schedule ENERGY DELIVER CHARGE

Charge (Credi0 For Each kW Per Hour From The C8L Secondary Service Primary Selvice TransmiSSIOll Service ...


SO 015412 per kW Per Hour $0.012471 per kW Per Hour SO 006472 per WI Per Hour

Company wiU prOYide Internet based communication software to be used lo prQVlde Customer wllh the Price Ouotes Customer witt be responslble for providing Its OW11 lntemet access. A charge of $183.00 per b1H1ng periOd per srte shall be added to Customer's bi I to cover the additronal bitting, admirustrallVe, and cost of communicating the hourly Price Quotes aSS0C1aled Wlth tl"e RIP Program

Mmr__~llfilntt:~ !Ihl1 Schedula Renamed as Meter Data Charges for Enhanced Usage Pata ServJces·Rate MDC)

!Electric Tariff Sheet NrW.01) .CllmnLSm: Electronic IY1Qflthly interval data with graphfcal capability

accessed via the Internet (En-Focus™) fN~; Eleclroruc rrionlhly interval data with graph1CSI capabi ty

accessed via the Internet wilh !EPO™)

$20.00 per month

$20 00 per month

Duke Energy Keotucky proposes lhe !allowing new rate and rider schedules Ra e LED LED Olltdoor Ughllng Rider OCI, Oistribution capital lnvesuner.: lftder Rider FIR, FERC Transnussion Cost Recono tatioO Rider, and Rider ESM. Environmental Surcharge Mechanism As lncficated above the lollowing schedules are proposed o be elim1naled · Rate ATP-M (Real T nne Pricing - Market Based PTIClllQ) Rate OL (Otndoor Lighting Service) and Ra·e NSP (Private Outdoor Lighting tor Noo·Standa!d Units)


Rate LEO - LED Olltdoor&ea Uglrtlng Bate ~Jld!f.~§4)

Computed 10 acoordance with the following charges: 1. Base Rate All kWh $D.D41936perkWh The rate stiown above includes a charge ol S0.023837 per kilowalt·hour reflecting the base cost o1 fuel 2. Applicable Rklers The following riders are apph~ble pursuant lo the spe01fic tem1s contained wtth n eacl1 noer: Sheet No. 76, Rider ESM, EnVll'Onmental Sureharge Mechamsm Rider Sheet No. 80. Rider FAC, Fuel Adjustment Clause Sheet No. 82. Rider PSM, Profit Sharing Mechanism Sheet No. 125. Rider DC!. Distribution Capital Investment Rider Sheet No. 126, Rider FTR, FERC TransmiSSJon Cost Reconciltalion Rloor 3. Monthly Maintenance. Rxture. and Pole Charges L AlllUleS PerUnlU'erMontll e.lipg Type ~ Mon:hl)' f>ilr.ft ,....._

'Ml lf-l.£0.5tPN.Sl..a<-MW lf-i.£D.l'OW St .fll<-MW lf-l.£D.110W·St ~ II/I l.kE!).1SOY/.Sl.IJK./otll lf-LED-22lma.flK.f.IW l.F-l£p.2l!GY/.6l..l!K.UW Lf-i..El).5()¥,'.(),f,.i!l(-U'N


lf-LED-~·M".'/ LFUJ>. 70'N-8E-BK.f.M lf-lIDWW. TFHll(;JN/

LF.um.50W-OT-8K.f.!W ~~-Ml'/ U'-1£!).IOW-OOA.aK-IAW lf ol.E).150W:rt>BKW tf~·~.fl'N 'l2INi LIO 5HOE8()l(

1 .. f.!..EO.!ilJW.Sl-SX-MW LF-l..El).70W·Sl-8K·MW LHE0.110W.SL-!K·MW LHEO. HiOW·StAlK-MW LF-LE0-1511W·Sl·fll.BK·MW Lf·l£D-:120W·Bl·Bk·MW LF·LEJHllQW·Sl·lll<-1.fW LF-LEO.OOW-OMll<·MW lf·LED·'IOW-OOA·BK-MW Lf.LEO-SOW.AC-BK-M'W LF ·LEl)[email protected]&Bl<.i.fN lf.l..El).70W.flE·BK-MW Lf·LED-50W· Tll BK-MW 1.f.l.Et>-SOW·OT 81(.!.IW ~LED-51JW EN-BK·MW Lf.l...ED-150W-fl).81(·MW lf·!.ElHIJW.TlJP.llK-M'.V f.F..LED.220W·S&BK-MW LF-L£I>.1 SIJW.BE.BK-MW lf-l..El>420W~ll l.F-lEI>WNH>-OV-fl!W Lf~-GY..UW


IJ'.12-C-PJ.AL.-A& TT BK-MW L~·AB-TT.&-MW LJ>.25-C-llH-AL·AB-TT-llK.Vfl LJ>.12.f ·Al.-AB-TT-BK .f.1W 1531~ALEMB-OtE I 5:121>-30FTALAB-OlE 15:i~ALAB-Ol.E 153:!0-<IOFTAl.AS-Olf POl£·»7 POlE·l5·5 ~ POLE~ 15210·20BRZSTL-Ol.E 15210·30BRZSTL-OLE 15210·358flZSTL-Ol.E Lf>.12-.W.L·All-TT·BK·MW LP.12-A-AL-OIHT-BK-MW LP.15-A-Al.·AIHT·BIHIW LP-15-A-Al.-Ofl. TT .eK-MW LNO·A-Al ,t.8-TT·BK·MW lP·20-A·AL-06-TT-8K·MW IJl·25·A·Al·AB-TT-BK·MW LP.Z.A..\L-08-TT-l!K·MW LP-»A-AL-A& TT-l!K·llW IJ>.30.lwll-O& lT -i!K-MW ~-A&TT·BK-1.IW

t.J>.3S.A.Al-OS. TT·ilK-MV/ LP-1~·"8-TT-OtH.l'W

LP-t2.c4'H!.-All-TT BK-M'N IP-1~-A&-TT-ON-U\Y ~~lT.fiK-MW LP-l~Al·A&TT~ LJ>.25-G-8H-Al.-li& TT-BK.WI l.P-12.0.Al..AB-TT-OIW'N LP-12·E"'1.·AB-TT-BK.fAW LP-12.f'.AL-AB-TT-ON-MW 15210.20BAZSTI..-Ol.E I S21°'30BRZSlt-OlE 1521o-3S-BA2STL-Ol.E. 15.31!MOfTALEMB-Ol.E 15320-30FTAl.A&-Ol.E 15320-S5FTALA&-OLE I 5320-IOFTALA8-0LE POlE-30-7 PCJU!.35-S POlE-40-4 f'Ot.E_.5-~


El1N Slatdald lIDllUICK 7f/N Slarclarll l£0.Bl.ACll 1 IGYI Slarcle:C i.£lHJtJ.CI( l&N/ 5:.-dard lEOruCI\ 126'2 'l2f1N StrdilU lElHll.ACK 1 &4 2f'f/N ~ t.ID8.ACK 24191 :H.'I Ollsm 1c:sri lEo.&J.CK s. ~Hu:. t.£l>.8lACI( ~ 47 5'1tl Mini Be! lElHllACI\ 4.500 7fNi Bel L.IDaACK 508 :l!lf T~ l£D.8lACK 3.230 fJNI Opaoi T ra1ilmll l.E).f!l.ACI( 3.230 roN ~aims lEDaACK 3~ 7fW LED ()pe!i Dellxe N:an 6,500 1SOWLEO Taarotip I W LED 'llwtllw PlldecWan ~ 500 ~I.ED soo.oo. 1e ooc 1.f.O t;U\'/ >15:?1 u.n.m Sm:aol .B> " 1 .i:llCli '521 lf!)'lflN f'1!11 ~ Slmlllol Ul) !!Ila ~ 62tll I.El lllHlll\!6l;-..-f.a> 1jplll~<IXIOI( 0,3.1$ Ll'!l150I< 2M2..,,_llli! ~-~ "l(l(ll 12&11 l.E0150W1316e~Slanllol..ED1VOl''VBl>c!~j( 13.I~

l.EDZIGW11&<ZU... -LEPlllat:l<li1>1 40COll 18&12 LE02l!Ol'lll41&' """''"Stsrr""'Lfn~ l)'1)t 4000!\ 2A 191 LED 50\V Ookil<V Acom ll!act Trpe Ill 4000K 5147 1.f.07fN{°"'7'Dlill1•"-'lll8'l'1ilitll!.jOll)< fl.500 LEO row Acam lkio: Type 111 4000K 147 LED sow"'"' e.um litP. -- 4.500 LED row!>5118 WNn> Slreo' ll!d "1!11 · 4(0)( 5,f;;8 l.EOflN/ T~ 6bd< Typo m IOOOK 'l.303 LEO SOI'/~ Tmclillon8I BbcHY!it I~ 3.Z!O LED 'iml Eo:eipri9e Ill.ad< Type II 400CK 363 LED l50Wlarge Ter.lrop Bilcl: Type 4000K 12.liOO l.!OalWT~. nad'l)lle 4,500 LED 220W SAlebcx Blad; Type 'N 4000K 18.500 l~smllel 39000 G1H lEl> Shoebcn

""'~ ;;;m~..i i.n

12' c.Pas! Tep. 8aMHllad< 25 C-Oa.C tlra:tf'..Anchlr 2S c.e- Harbor BrllCl!l·AnctO' ~ IZ f·AL-Anchor Ba!&61ad< as Al·Slde Moomd-DilKt Bl.l!1ed so· AL Side Motliled·Ancilor ~ SS AL Side Mll'Jnlod·~ B<ISO <IO AL.Side MOlallld·M.tlo< BilW 30 Oasa 7 Wood !'cl9 35· Class 5 W~odl'ole '40' Glass' VJo,xl Pde 45 Class A WCIOCI Pelo 2!I G&11ll~aAAdlOCBauidPolC! 30'Gallen~Andior~Pui. 36' Giderla Ani:hrx lla50d Pote

S5« 4 15.A.3

38 S6 6 52 sa.•s 76 SS.25 97 $11.38 I $1Se7 17 $1430

50 17 $1S<Ca Z4 $1711

so 17 511136 17 $111.36 17 $13.93

~ 2" SIS.46 1~ ~ $2018

17 SIS.a& m 16 $1439 so 17 SQM 70 ~ $5.43 110 38 $816 !till 52 $8.16 150 ~ $816 m 16 $925 280 37 Sil 38 50 17 $1587 70 24 51548 fill 17 $14.30 'JO 17 $13.49

2' $1717 17 $10.36

50 17 $10.3& 50 17 S1Ul 150 5< $2n7S Sll •7 SIUfl ?20 $'4J9 150 52 $17' '20 45 $2147

17 $U3 7 54.£2

MW·l.ig!il l'ole-12' MH-51'jle A-Alunln.Jm Anchc< Sow-Top Tetm Blade MW-light f._,Po.'1Top 12'MH-Stj1tA-AU'rl Oiled Bur e:!-'ll)IJTaoori-61ad< 1.Jgli!Pde-15 MH--Sl)ltA-AM\ m-Anc!Wlr8-T"1)T~ l.gtltf'gie.IS'MH-&)1aA-~0.ectll\lnecTop ~

1Jglil Pole-20'Mti-S¥GA-~Mdicr ~lopT~ l.gtltl'llWO MH-Sl'Jl10 4-Al!n>llU!!C.tl!CI Blirloi:H.ip To ~ Llitll l'llWS' llH-Sl!1e ~"'1ido' flalo. lop T"10ll-8bd< Logt1\ PQe.2S Mtt-Sl'j!a A-AUtnm-Olnd l!uriea-Tbg r.ncr. 6b:l< Lqil Pde-00 MH~~Arch:18-lop l'acn-lltJd( ll!t-l~"O'a!.'!-6¥eJ..Al:! lklrierl- .., ~ Pole-3S MH J'S 4 Ti lJijll ~JS MH-Sl;4e A-AU>rt.lll-llinla 111'1 '-':'t l'tio-1 IM-Slyie 8 UW l(/11~12'IMSl)'ieC1U1 • ~ 0-. ~Pl! MW-1.T Pale-18' M!i ~ C-Oavil &-LIW-1.'11t ~ ~C-Oavlt AUD-M:'aflllt..TT.ataclil'TI Ul'/.l.T f'ol&-18' ~,ie ~ liarbcf AL-AS-TT !ll.1cl. Pri LIWU Pol!I- Ml+S:\'!t c.aosiOll Hatbi:Y Brad<e:-AL ~TT· I'll t.11'/.l.T Pae l?R MH !)1e OAUll AA:Nlrlla!e TTBlaclif'n f.IW.Uglr Pol& 12 MK- r10 E ~Ar'dn !Issi; 1ap lllmfll;icl; Ml'J.1.l!111 Polo-12 MH Sl)4o F Akm-Andlor Base-Top TlnOl'Hlbcl. Pne l.cl'l-15210-Galleliil Mdio! 8--2ll'i B<wv Steel-0!..E t.fl'J 1521~Ardior Base-30FT Branm~ Ml'/.15210-0am oVdlof Ba-..e-3SFT Braim~ MW 15311Xl5F1' Lti All;milun P.red Erroeoded Polo-Ol.E MW 1~ l.loun::l11) lil'iglil Aklmirun Mo em Pde-OIE MW 15321).JSF!' ~lb~ 1Wm11un NJo'1 Ba3o Pde-OlE MW 1~FT Moun1!lg ~AMnl!U11 NM1 ~ f'llkl.OLE MVl·POl.E·OO· 7 MW·POl£·35-5 MW·POl.E-40-~



~ I* Ucnri pe! \kit $1Dlill $2!.10 $2840 $10.68 $18J)8 $ts.93 Slo..55 $1J;I6 $682 57.20 $10.84 $1124 5955 $11.30 $3249 $647 $5.54 $666 ss.n $699 $1071 $8.28 St! 93 $97'9 $13211 Sl'.30 $1.t.35 S7.B9 $1D.S8 $14..29 $28.10 $1U6 S2B.a $1057 $10.li8 $114-1 $9.5, $1131 532.49 s1aoa $1393 S13.55 $16.i& $862 $7.20 $10.84 $11.24


living on D R. W ILLIAM


Asking for the gih of wisdom When I think about hav­

ing wisdom, l am reminded or king Solomon. If you remember the popular story about David and Bathsheba, Solomon was their only son and also became king of Israel after David passed away. In I Kings chapter 3, we read that Solomon sm­cercl\' loved God and obeyed His laws. Verse 4 records him offering 1000 burnt offerings upon the altars at Gibeon and as the story continues we notice that something very special happens to him. "The lord appeared to Solomon in a dream br night: and God said, ask whatever vou want and I will give it to 'you." We must admit this is a huge opportunity and temptation especially for a young per­son, which is why it's so impressive when we hear his request. How would we respond if God offered to give us whatever we wanted? Money, fame. super-powers, long life? Amazingly, Solo­mon gives a very mature and humble response as he simply desires more wisdom and understanding so th.n he can be a good king. Vt"rse I 0 says chat Solomon's reply pleased the Lord and listen to this, "And God said unto him, because thou hast asked this thing, and has not asked for thyself long life; neither hast asked for riches for thyself. nor hast asked for the life of thine enemies; but has asked for understanding to discern judgment, behold I have done ,,according to thy words.

This is truly awesome, but the encounter docs not

end here. God continues co dl.-clare that Solomon will nor only become the wisest person in the history of the world but will also receive all 1he things he did not a~k for like riches and honor beyond the imagination Scholars s.t)' that Solomon wrote thousands of clever sayings and songs and we can read some of his bnl liant writings in the books of Proverbs, The Song of Solomon and Ecclesiasces. However, we also know that when he became older, he made some critical mistakes as at seems that he allowed his wealth and auchoriC) to distract him from his ong1-nal passion. It's unfortunate tha1 he strayed away from focusing on God's com­mandments by carelessly allowing his wives to pub­licly worship their pagan idols which made God very angry. Solomon was just lake everyone else in the face that walking with God reqmres a strong personal commit­ment and 1s more serious than a casual religious life­style.

Smee wisdom is such a wonderful attribute and it no doubt plca~es God when His people ask for it, I won der why we often forger to mnke chis a high priority Within our prayers? Discern­ment as associated with \\JS·

dom to help us know right from wrong, but its more than jusr collecting infor­mauon. For example, becoming a contestant on Jeopardy might reveal that we h.wc retained a lot of fucts but it does noc nec.cs­sarily mean we are wise. It is said that knowledge is


knowing about rhings but wisdom is the gift to under­Standing them. I believe we can all agree the desire to dC\elop a deeper compre­hension is a good path to consider and one that can transform what we do and who we arc. One of the greatest discoveries is the realization that if a person can allow God to .,;hange 1hcl1 mind inco His war of thinking, they can become the person He has called them to be.

When Solomon rda} cd God's truth in Proverbs 23:7, "for as a person chinks within their heart - so are they" he was revealing one of the most powerful life changing prmcipals we can apply to our life. Arnold Hennen said, "Our mind is a sacred endosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by our permis­sion." Let us consider that the reason people are the way they are is because of the way they think. If we d\\ell on negative, critical and discouraging thoughts, we will be a wellspring of cl 1rkness and depression. However, if we think about forgivene~. comrassion and humility, we wil live in 1he contentment of God's peace and joy. 11uou~ the posi­ave a\\arcness of Has pres­ence, we can learn how to become sensmvc to the influences that form our conVJctions. "Where there is love and wisdom there is neither fear nor ignorance" Francis of Assisi.

Dr. Holland's hook, '.ilJ Li(e.ctyle o(\\"'orship" andfrrr CD ran 6e found at: biUylJol­landmirlistria. rom

If vou've been thinking about subscribing to


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September 5, 2017 - THE FALMOUTH OUTLOOK- 15

fln>J!o®d B !lcr DCI - Distribution Cep!tp! (nvestnumt Ride! (Bl'Ctr!c T1t!f1 Sheet No. 125)


The appicable enefgy or demand charge for eteclric service shall be Increased CK decreased ID the nearest $0 000001 per kWh or $0 01 per kW 10 recover the reVC01Je rcqt;!iement associated with !ncremental distribution cap11n! cos1S mourred by1he Company. This Rider shall be adjusted periodically to fecover amounts eu1horized by the Co mtSSIOll Rate Group Rate RS, Residential SeMCC Ral EH Op•iO!Ull Rate for 8ectrlc Space Hcallrg Ra! Gs.FL. Optional General Ser.ice R to ftt Sm F'ixed Loads Rate SP Seasonal Sports Ser.ice Rate SL. Slreel Lightlng SeMce Rate 11 Traffic Lighting Selvlce Ra1e UOLS, Ulll!1e!ered Ot.ildoor Ughling Rate NSU, Street Llghllng SeMce for Non-Standard Units Rate SC. Street Llghtlng Service - CUs1omer OWned Rate SE, Street Ught ng SelVICE! - Overhead Equivalent Rale LED. LEO Outdoor Lighting Electric Service

Rate OS. Service at Socondary OistributiOn Voltage Rate DP. Service al Primary DistribuOOn Voltage Ra1e OT TJme.of·Day Rate !or SelVICe at Distribution Voltage- Pnmary Raie en: Tlme.ol-Day Rate for SeMCC 81 Dls!l1butlon Voltage - Secondary

Rate ($/kWh) 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0000000 0000000 0.000000 (S /kW) 000 000 000 0.00

ProD9Hd Bider FIB - EEBC Transmlnlon Cost Brcondlla!lon Bider IE!mrlc I11rtff SMet No, 126l

Pcopose<I Rate: RIDfR FTR FACTORS Rate Group Rate RS Residential Seivice Rate OS, Service at Secondary Oistr1bull0ll Voltago Rate DP, Service at Primary Distribution Voltage Rate OT. Time-of·Oay Rats fOf Service at Dis!rlbubon VOitage Rate EH Optlonal Rate for Electrk: Space Heating R GS-Fl.. General SeMCe R8kl lor Smal Axed Loads Rate SP. Seasonal Spons SeJVice Rate Sl, Street Ughlmg SeMce Rate TL. Trame Lighting Setvice Rate UOLS Unmetered CMdoor L.ilJh~ng Rate NSU, Street L1ght1119 SeMce for Non-Standard Units Rate SC, Street Lighting Seivice -Cusiomer Cfflnod Rate SE, Street Lighting Service - Oveihead Equivalent Rate LED, LEO Street Lighting Serv1ce Rate TT, rrneiOf·Day Aale for Service at Transmission Voltage Other

Rate (St kWh) 0.000000 0.000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0000000 0000000 0000000

In adcition. Duke Energy Kentucty proposes to change teX! of the l®wtng larifls· Sheet No 24 SeM:e Regulations Secwn V - Metemg, Sheet No 25 Service Regula ans Section VI - Biling and Payment, Sheet No. 98 Electrld1y Erwrgency Procedures for Long-Term Fue Shortages, and Sheet No. 100 Emergency Eledric PltlOl!dures

The loregomg rates rellecl a proposed increase 111 electric revenues of approximately $48,646.213 or 14.96% over current total electric revenues to Duke Energy Kentucky The estimated amount of Increase per customer class is as lollows Rate RS, Residential Service. Rate OS Service at Distribution Voltage Rate 01 Tlma-of Day Rate for Sem:o 111 Distnbutlon Voltage: Ra EH Oplional Rate for 9ectnc Space Heating Ra e SP. Seasonal Sports SeMCe Ra!e GS-R.. General Service Rate for Sma Fixed Load$ Rate DP Service a1 Primary Oistrilu'.k>n Voltage Rate n: Time-of-Oay Rate for Service atTrlllls:'llSSKln Vo:lage: Ra SL. Street Lighting Setvice: Rate Tl, Traffic Lighting Servioe Rate UOLS Unmetered OJ!door l.iglrtlllg Eleelrlc Service. Rate NSU, Street Lighting SeMce tor Non.Standard Units Rate SC Street Lighting Service-Customer Ownod Rato SE, Street Lighting SeMce-Overtiead Equivalent Bad Cheek Charge· Charge for Reconnection ol Service (elednc only) Rate OPA Rate for DistrlbulJ.?n Pole AIU!ChmenlS. Local Franchise Fee: Ra e UOP-R Underground Residential OistrWion Po5cy; Rate UOP-0 General Underground ~ Pofq: Roll RTP Experimenlal Real Time Pndng Program (subset of other Wledules)

Rate MOC Meter Data Charges·

$22,855.269 or 17.36%; $13,198.789 Of 14 30%, $10,516,009 Of 13 31%; $91,708or14.23% S3343or 1141%, SSS 7S8 or 14 ~ $167 WT or 17 57% $1,416,419 Ot 1112%: $159 847 or 11.87%, sa 4130I' 111s% $24,006or1171%' $7,352or11 86%; $435 or 11 72", $22,650 Ot 11.85%: $0or00%; S00f00% $60, 176 or 35.0%, SOor0.0%, $0or00%; SOorOO%: $87,538 or 14.aN;


The average monthly bill l0t each customer Class to Which the proposed rates wl npply wlll lnCfease approximately as follows Rate RS. Residential Service· Rate OS SeMce at Oistnbution Voltago· Rato OT. Trne-Ot-Oay Rate ror SeMce at Distribution Vo!tagc· Rate EH, ~ Rate for Electric Space Healiig Rate SP Seasonal Sports SeMce Ra e GS-FL. General Service Rata !or &nan Axed Loads' Ra e DP SelVlCG at Primary Distribu1oo Voltage Rate TT Time-of-Oay Rate for Selvice at TransmlSSIOI\ Vo!!age· Raia SL, Streel Lighting Service· Rate TL T raffle Lighting Service· Rate UOLS Unmetered Outdoor Lighting Electric Setvice Rate OL·E, Outdoor Lighting Equlpment Installation Rate NSU, Street Lighting Service for Non-Standard Units Rate SC Street Lighting Service-CUSIOmer Owned Rate SE. Street Lighting Service-Overhead Equivalent· Bad Check Charge: Charge for Retormecron of Service (eledric Oliy)' Ra• DPA, Rate for Oistrt>u1ion Polo Al!aC:hments R ATP Expenmental Real rime Pricing Program R • MOC W.lilef Data Cl\aJges

$1517 or 17.1%: $11453Of14 ~. $3,848 79 or 13 5%, S9845or15 80/o $18.59 or 11 7%: $8.29 or 14.9°4, $3.263 .SO or 17 .9% $7,973.24 or 10 N 51 15 or 11 80/o, $0 09 or 12.0%, $0.27or120% $0or00% SO 88 or 11 9%· $0.21 or 11 N; S0.92 or 11 9%, SOor00% SDor0.0%, $1.53 Of 3S 0%. $1,887 21or15.S'Yo; $0or00%

The rates contained 111 lhis notice are the ratos proposed by Duke Energy Kentucky; llowover, lhe Kentud\y Publ.c Service Commission may order rates to be charged that differ rrom the proposed rates contained in lhrs noliee Such nclion may result Ill rates for consulTlllfs other than Iha rates in this notiee

Any corporation, assodat1on, body politic 01 person with a substantial Interest In the matter may, by written request With111 lhirty (30) days altar publication of this notice of the praposed rate changes, request leave lo intervene, nteivcntion may be granted beyond the thirty (30) day period for good cause shoWn Such motion shaD be submitted lo 1he Kentucky Public SefW:e Commission, P. 0. Box 615 2t1 Sowef Boulovard. Frankfort. Ken!Udly 40602-0615, and shall set forth the !10lJOds tor lhe reques1 Including the status and interest ol the party II the~ does not rec:etve a v.Titten request for interverwi w thin thirty (30) days of the inltial publication tho CommiW>n may ~.e final adiO!l on the application

lrtervenors may obtalll coptes of the application and other filings made by the Coo;lany by con!aetlng Ms. MlllM Rotfcs-Adl<ins at 139 East Fourth Street, Cronnati, Ohio 45202 or by teleJilono et (513) 287-4356. A copy of the appllcatJOn and other lillngs made by lhe Company Is evallable lor pubfic 1rtSpOCti011 lhrough the Commission's V;ebsile at htto;f(psc kygov, at the Comrrission's orfi09 at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, Monday through Friday. 8:00 am To 4:30 p.m .• and 111 the following Company offices: 4580 Olympic Boulevard, Erlanger, Kentuci(y 41018 Comments regarding Iha application may be submitted to the Public Service Commisslon through llS website or by Mail at the following CommtsslOll address.

For further infornatbn oontact·



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