Knowledge Center CEDEX -€¦ · place - this section of the CEDEX knowledge...

CEDEX Welcome to the CEDEX Knowledge Center where you’ll find a extensive content and learn about Diamonds, Cryptocurrencies and of course – about Cedex, because the more you know – the smarter you trade! The CEDEX Knowledge center will cover some of the more important basics about all three topics we mentioned above – their history, how they work as financial instruments and how could use them. But with that out of the way, let’s get Cedex Smart! SO WHAT TOPIC DO YOU WANT TO LEARN ABOUT TODAY?

Transcript of Knowledge Center CEDEX -€¦ · place - this section of the CEDEX knowledge...

Page 1: Knowledge Center CEDEX -€¦ · place - this section of the CEDEX knowledge center focused on letting you know exactly how Cedex bridges the gaps between the


Welcome to the CEDEX Knowledge Center where you’ll find a extensive content and learn about Diamonds, Cryptocurrencies and of course – about Cedex, because the more you know – the smarter you trade!

The CEDEX Knowledge center will cover some of the more important basics about all three topics we mentioned above – their history, how they work as financial instruments and how could use them.But with that out of the way, let’s get Cedex Smart!


Page 2: Knowledge Center CEDEX -€¦ · place - this section of the CEDEX knowledge center focused on letting you know exactly how Cedex bridges the gaps between the


If you want information about CEDEX – you’re in the right place - this section of the CEDEX knowledge center focused on letting you know exactly how Cedex bridges the gaps between the conservative and exclusive world of the diamond industry and the brash, innovative, de-centralized world of cryptocurrency.If you’ve read our whitepaper, l ight paper or one-pager, watched any of the videos on the site or have been following us across social media – you may already an understanding of how Cedex works.But if you are new to Cedex, this section will provide you with the bridge between worlds who seemingly have little to do with each other.Unlike the diamond or cryptocurrency sections – we can’t provide you with history or speculation, because at this point in time – we do not know how the market will react to CEDEX – and we’re quite anxious to find out.However - we will cover the idea behind Cedex, the various processes it went through as it was being built , how you can use it once it becomes fully operational and even provide you with a glimpse into its future plans and what you can look forward to.


If you’ve gotten this far into the CEDEX website you would have seen our slogans “Transforming Diamonds Into A New Asset Class” or “Certified Blockchain Based Diamond Exchange”, and probably more than once.

But what does that really mean? What is CEDEX?

The simplest explanation is probably the best one - CEDEX is a way for Diamond traders, retailers, suppliers and private citizens with some Diamonds to sell their inventory to anyone across the world in an environment that is safe, secure and fully transparent, providing everyone the chance to easily liquidate their Diamonds holdings.

At the same time, CEDEX also provides an opportunity for holders of various cryptocurrencies to convert their portfolio into a tangible, fungible asset, while doing so in an environment they know is reliable.

By working as a fully synchronized “two-way street” CEDEX increases the potential for each market to grow and expand over time - Diamond holders stand to gain from increased access to a far larger market place, greatly improving their profit potential, while Cryptocurrency users can convert their assets into a tangible asset when the market is in turmoil, and easily convert back to their favorite currency when conditions improve.

CEDEX’s vision of the future is grand - A fully functional financial eco-system that integrates two seemingly separate worlds into one that is far more profitable for all involved while being far more efficient, transparent and secure.


As the idea behind CEDEX began taking shape it became quite obvious that there would be multiple problems to solve along the way before it can become the viable market changing product we believe it has the ability to become.

You already know the problems CEDEX wishes to solve, so let’s take a look at just how it plans to solve them, and how it will work once operational.

The basic premise of CEDEX relies on 4 main ideas or “pillars” as we call them - The Dex, The Smart Contract, The Exchange and The Coin with each pillar playing an integral part of the ecosystem.

And here’s an example of how the entire system will work:

User X has a 1 carat diamond they wish to sell, so they upload the GIA cer tificate (which holds all the information about the diamond) to the DEX, the DEX compares the data to other diamonds and suggests a suitable price, which user X can change.

At that point, a smart contract for the diamond is created listing all relevant information about its whereabouts, price, and gem information, the diamond is then passed on to a custodian and is listed on the CEDEX exchange where it awaits buyers.

Once a buyer is interested in said diamond posted by user X they transfer payment for it with their own CEDEX coins to

user X, and the custodian holding the diamond gets an order to send the diamond to its new owner using secure transport methods.

As you can see from the example above - that is the entire ecosystem in play: Seller> Dex > Smart Contract > Exchange > Coin > Buyer.

Now imagine multiple such transactions every week, day and hour and you begin to get a sense of the market size CEDEX can have and the applications of its system across financial markets.

Page 3: Knowledge Center CEDEX -€¦ · place - this section of the CEDEX knowledge center focused on letting you know exactly how Cedex bridges the gaps between the


If you want information about CEDEX – you’re in the right place - this section of the CEDEX knowledge center focused on letting you know exactly how Cedex bridges the gaps between the conservative and exclusive world of the diamond industry and the brash, innovative, de-centralized world of cryptocurrency.If you’ve read our whitepaper, l ight paper or one-pager, watched any of the videos on the site or have been following us across social media – you may already an understanding of how Cedex works.But if you are new to Cedex, this section will provide you with the bridge between worlds who seemingly have little to do with each other.Unlike the diamond or cryptocurrency sections – we can’t provide you with history or speculation, because at this point in time – we do not know how the market will react to CEDEX – and we’re quite anxious to find out.However - we will cover the idea behind Cedex, the various processes it went through as it was being built , how you can use it once it becomes fully operational and even provide you with a glimpse into its future plans and what you can look forward to.


If you’ve gotten this far into the CEDEX website you would have seen our slogans “Transforming Diamonds Into A New Asset Class” or “Certified Blockchain Based Diamond Exchange”, and probably more than once.

But what does that really mean? What is CEDEX?

The simplest explanation is probably the best one - CEDEX is a way for Diamond traders, retailers, suppliers and private citizens with some Diamonds to sell their inventory to anyone across the world in an environment that is safe, secure and fully transparent, providing everyone the chance to easily liquidate their Diamonds holdings.

At the same time, CEDEX also provides an opportunity for holders of various cryptocurrencies to convert their portfolio into a tangible, fungible asset, while doing so in an environment they know is reliable.

By working as a fully synchronized “two-way street” CEDEX increases the potential for each market to grow and expand over time - Diamond holders stand to gain from increased access to a far larger market place, greatly improving their profit potential, while Cryptocurrency users can convert their assets into a tangible asset when the market is in turmoil, and easily convert back to their favorite currency when conditions improve.

CEDEX’s vision of the future is grand - A fully functional financial eco-system that integrates two seemingly separate worlds into one that is far more profitable for all involved while being far more efficient, transparent and secure.


As the idea behind CEDEX began taking shape it became quite obvious that there would be multiple problems to solve along the way before it can become the viable market changing product we believe it has the ability to become.

You already know the problems CEDEX wishes to solve, so let’s take a look at just how it plans to solve them, and how it will work once operational.

The basic premise of CEDEX relies on 4 main ideas or “pillars” as we call them - The Dex, The Smart Contract, The Exchange and The Coin with each pillar playing an integral part of the ecosystem.

And here’s an example of how the entire system will work:

User X has a 1 carat diamond they wish to sell, so they upload the GIA cer tificate (which holds all the information about the diamond) to the DEX, the DEX compares the data to other diamonds and suggests a suitable price, which user X can change.

At that point, a smart contract for the diamond is created listing all relevant information about its whereabouts, price, and gem information, the diamond is then passed on to a custodian and is listed on the CEDEX exchange where it awaits buyers.

Once a buyer is interested in said diamond posted by user X they transfer payment for it with their own CEDEX coins to

user X, and the custodian holding the diamond gets an order to send the diamond to its new owner using secure transport methods.

As you can see from the example above - that is the entire ecosystem in play: Seller> Dex > Smart Contract > Exchange > Coin > Buyer.

Now imagine multiple such transactions every week, day and hour and you begin to get a sense of the market size CEDEX can have and the applications of its system across financial markets.