Knowing Anxiety

Knowing Anxiety

Transcript of Knowing Anxiety

Knowing Anxiety

Anxiety is considered a “bad feeling.” In many

instances, anxiety is needed and in fact

healthy, however, if it barrels out of control,

when it interrupts your life or debilitates you,

then it is time for you to act. By identifying

the source of the anxiety, you can learn

approaches to prevail over these disruptive


Knowing Anxiety

Anxiety comes from an imbalance in thought. Anxiety

develops when we think far too much in regards to the

what if ’s in daily life or when we're fixated with the

future. All this pondering results in worry and fear

which then causes emotional and physical responses.

When habituated, the ceaseless “future” worry and fear

suddenly grows into a natural and common mentality.

This happens because our minds are consistently seeking

homeostasis or balance. Our minds adapt and, before we

understand it, the overwhelming anxiety becomes a

common part of our lives.

Knowing Anxiety

To break or prevent the habit, skills has to be developed.

From a spiritual and psychological prospective, anxiety

could be relieved by a constant and encouraging focus in

the present moment, since anxiety is systemic of future

thoughts. Trusting and living in the now is a goal if you

want to be anxiety free.

To reverse or change a heightened state of anxiety, many

of the following ways may be used. Your own therapist

and doctor at Florida Therapy can assist you decide which

one will work best for you.

Knowing Anxiety

Top Ten:

1. Mindfulness: Focus your attention on

an object, a person or something that takes

your attention off the cause of your

anxiety. Get an object in the room, lets say a

vase. Completely focus on the vase and all

the particulars of the vase. Think about

what it really looks like on the inside and

how the vase was created.

Think about the time and effort it took to make the vase. Concentrate

on the vase so as all your thoughts are on the vase. This is the process

of mindfulness.

Knowing Anxiety

2. Meditation: There are many different

kinds of meditations. Many say that

prayer is speaking with God and

meditation is listening. Meditation is a

process that can bring focused awareness

of the now. Through a relaxation process,

your thoughts and attention are

concentrated for this moment. It is in this

point in time that you are able to be free

of any anxiety. Anxiety only exists in the

“what if ” future thinking, not in the now.

Knowing Anxiety

3. Yoga: Oftentimes, referred to as

physical meditation. Through a process of

movement and holding precise Yoga

poses, your thoughts is compelled to focus

on the present moment. These physical

poses or slow movements are created to

force you to concentrate on what you are

doing. As just stated, in the present

moment, there can be no anxiety.

Knowing Anxiety

4. Distraction: Concentrating on something which will take away

the feelings of anxiety is a very common coping procedure. Do

everything you're interested in, whether or not it’s a video game,

your chosen Tv program, a sports game, a puzzle or even sex.

Among the best example of distractions is when people who have a

fear of flying watch movies or listen to music to distract them from

harmful thoughts. Using anything that is positive and joyful that

could keep your focus is a superb way to distract you from your


Knowing Anxiety

5. Physical activity: Workout is an excellent way of not only

eradicating depression, but anxiety also. The chemical reaction of

increasing endorphin levels in the brain is extensively recorded

and accepted by most medical experts as a great way of coping

with anxiety and depression. Exercise, like Yoga, forces your mind

to focus on the now. Your thoughts, once again, are centred with

the task at hand and, due to this fact, take your mind off the source

of your anxiety.

Knowing Anxiety

6. Cognitive exercises: A lot of therapists aid individuals

switch bothersome thoughts or patterns of thinking with

positive or healthier ones. For example, among the finest

cognitive exercises is the STOP• strategy. Once you begin to feel

anxious, right away stop and take note of what you’re thinking

of. The thought is normally about a fear or a “what if ”

circumstance. Quickly say STOP in your mind. Take a deep

breath and now create an opposing thought. For instance, if the

anxiety producing thought is about money, then think validating

opinion such as money supports me and I trust myself to

support myself and I release this fear.•

Knowing Anxiety

7. Prayer: If you’re a spiritual individual

who believes in a loving God, release your

fears and anxieties to your higher power.

When you are experiencing fear, pray to

God to take the fear away and ask your

spiritual creator to solve any conditions

that bring about your fear. This is a faith-

based approach and only functions if in

case you have a strong faith.

Knowing Anxiety

8. Insight thinking: This coping technique needs certain

skill. Whenever you feel anxiety, quit for a moment and

concentrate on your fear. Consult yourself for the reason

your fearful or worried? Most of what we care about

never come to being. In this strategy, look at your fear and

take into account the repercussions over and over until

you come to a bottom line. By objectifying your fears or

worry, it becomes clear that what you fear the most is

really groundless. Once you know the frivolity of your

fears, the faster you can let them go.

Knowing Anxiety

9. Focused breathing (Breath Work): This is a quite

normal procedure for dealing with anxiety and fear. Guy

Hendricks instructs a method called diaphragmatic

breathing or breathing from the diaphragm. When you feel

anxiety, focus on your breathing and concentrate on

breathing deeply from the diaphragm. Slowly inhale and

exhale and concentrate on planned breathing. Many

research studies suggest the use of Breath Work to

eliminate the symptoms of anxiety.

Knowing Anxiety

10. Medication: In some situation, therapy have verified useless to

aiding individuals relieve their anxiety and prescription medication

is needed. People who have experienced a traumatic event such as

seeing the death of a loved one or those facing a life threatening

illness or suffering terrible pain are frequently on some kind of

medication when therapy alone can't help them reduce their

anxieties. Treatment can be a good option or a valuable supplement

to relaxation tactics. Please do not confuse this statement with using

self-medications like depressants such as Marijuana and alcohol.

Sadly these substances do not help but only increase the severity of

the underlying anxiety. Talk to your physician, psychotherapist or

psychiatrist when thinking about any type of relief medication.

Knowing Anxiety

This list will let you with finding a treatment for your

anxiety. Please remember that it is recommended to

consult with a qualified therapist for long-standing

anxiety, because can be a consequence of an root

psychological and physical problem.

This information is to aid teach concepts that would help

reduce indication of anxiety and not in order to identify,

deal with or cure anything.

Knowing Anxiety

Dr Lewis James Jordan has over 20 years experience in Psychology and Metaphysical

counseling. Dr Jordan’s Florida therapy offices are located in various locations throughout South

Florida. Please visit his sites regularly at, and for more information.

Knowing Anxiety