*$Knyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031529/1824-08-25/ed...on board. / *Ehe f feasin^ intelligenc...

r r^ •jyj,-; *$K .iftl, •Tf §£•••• i>^: ^ii ?*S*Bji' s, V P***-^' ^;i' ; ra LATEST FROM l U R W l . Pw»jM4>en, by th# €arf*Kt% to tgft Iliii Of July, have lien- received, buwh*n; content* we ^IWippWjit*'*^^! » fit ft i*pfi«t #»*%!«# of th« Greeks, which u reprtfjeatcd to be proiper- >$a$ jft»«#ftWtMtti^#iato^ mitt fatso* \Mim'$M>®04% #acM», 'wtiWJf - Jfeg®*: $gm *Mm offamdf M4 IndtPM^iWt *m> Utt.of our JpiiikiMli»llM|''l«Hi CotilJMik'. ,If tfat E«f*ror AWwoder ft»d:.fet it *> out «w* lofwiMMui t*ft*t*» u&m mm tt«*y t H could ^i«oi»e«^««#»^?«t«mwl •« »«f iut*~ n'aoi*<fit*»** W"l<te«c»-otilie-e<cen«w* $P the %#: <M6$*' : tfco.lepio»vfwttti-W8l» -$*Mbo J^tto»VM^^ ia?n;&rl?rii&M fJMMt4#& .$ft£set!fti& Secretary;^-'Legation.; B*w»--'Maftft» Jja>*$c^^^^ , ItfiNtJftti^^^ life ^hir^y^* jr*^^^ atswedthftt unlets #»# '|r^^#|'lt v Jfedibii^ ;Wean^dar4^:'^^ i #v^K^Igg!0.ff W Bristol * ttil^i|*^sii^:^t : **n*aitt ^mnWUfa'-m^ 'wumfr. trlidNfcainj #!««* Island beach^MthJiM £&w#!t:^ for^ftOTOthecoftkoCAi'tU^to^dPeloponae^s. iho 5tcam-shi[3 j|tonr^ii^ r <fe:N«f«\fajtiftu$$fiM Chancellor mm-W&f^pi»fh^M $fc $*&$»• uiider way* ajid pi^Rfdeilbf ine city-i~llie iteam- sBip F"i|t|P3al»: thft v a ^ ^ b e jGlwP'cellor in the •: W^jR^^#|>#l##l$TOJ^«natf^ ,atod the. 'ti&i-fi •:Y&' t '--'iXF& fa&omMsMM&kWtimiV&wb™***&* ie^-Thef toq^»-etftered;eas^-Ga^ei|^b^^^ itotefa-fafa^ •rimflfc^W;m^^Wi^<^*toh'd old tgfeV s 2Sena mere assembled 5 fnwn^"tfieneo be t r 6 # | d e d -'iraimf^mlbR^^ i : «fai*'||tt:^ f i ^ ^ l a f e ^ j ^ ^ f l f bis yxintbftif witb the wmmatepfatidmiliWiaadnavfl cifflce^, '*•"•-••• •* '4fasf&p$:^^ ,.,...,,...,„„,,„. , .. .« , faKW4*theewjBiccouB. ,. . ,./• ^j^j^^i-^;v<^f.'; ': t v ^ i . ' * | .-3»ifeF ^eateedsf morning, the. ship Cadnms, Capt. All^% i^a» announce^ by the *|E'elegF^ph, to i^i^fn^^ |,h*ve»rrfWh^^jtJ^0en.eiat JJk f&tWWVB Richmond««RWf»'W'^N^rW^^lboiJW*«w--Tf*W«£ J ••"- ':" j'-/-A"-'- ;'• ; ^ '~^' vs*K' bwmm $&% m «»^^yifl|.. Qvfatow? •' 'Bto Mmwi* $ndm tint* W$ ^w *f t^™4- 'tMvn/sdng fanevak*\fa?t Qantj^s*$&M# <# tht wemberf «f th^Cemwo»©i«iicrti)ldividv 'hfrtfttitoni #Jiic||-^Kft«intnt[e4 ttf mk.$^m^€mn$%M$muM$$t 0 tJte^lDt»iy a?^aa»a| «f ^^tt%-,whHe;the>ikiii^^afi.ne4-fii&^tds4 **> .the-patfbffti^fl- MntM'fa^m % bMWfe^ ojT .e#ted,' mt*£. I»aflfl^ade> ^ .j^al|»'y^ej!^s ; #^ : ^$ye%the-^ar|hj^ ••---•-•- - - • - *- - - -*• ^i^oiiqt.^| 9 -^tanoRr4^-?>' < ^b^'--«bm>^WflffiJ-<c^-j^B9fMM&t'' ^rolt Mm Wfa %m t yfare lef*esnrfte»ife;'«*fJ^ jprayide^ Ifind ^ e f e |he office^ of &fMtt^f?So had lieetijja-Siity, aM a otti^er^eMai^iiiW presented?* &$&& J^^^oi(riSf!^l!^ni^ attetided:hiW#*h&^ dined Mgptfceiv '%*'gi«|iig"dfft %$tuw&tiRa#4i# are a^o/^alf%«hc^'«p-^liN# theNWfti^. itwiO 4piJ»ro4tjie ,^Ci0m : {fapMp$WMn^MnHymt .. ta .., .. ^l^ilkllb.^-i^hWea'.by the <$4lm$md bpspntsof the pamct|JattrB:^ _ iifo^^:|TautilusiUhen Oli^ejrfiMswortb&and:tC^B- W whom these^htftel^^re-:giV«|»Mttef It^w^ w. itesifdiU fa$MA%M^^ the- : thousanda 6Mefeial|jre.-who; we|e-^e^^ W^fa&^* J $$^^ *Ki&l»|endid4e#f3^999 olMhe''li^Ae)totM^- ^ u r ' c ^ n t ^ % - ^ ^ ^ | f e t # e d - Wa>hftt.gt0oV';';* • -**—•—«*»**— -^ !i <"^*-~ ^-»*»- - tfiitifefjtydi&^B^^ ! At the ^ittitetiw^iwq# a i* bay B !^*liP tt,0jiot;g^|^''id4|3^f^^he^eie^^tpf- move- And/teay;all:?4w^^itatto,4s^ha re^ojrt to-thls flour- ^entfcgl^;^^^ ,in-/ ^!^J^^..^^^^v^|^^2^;P| * * ; Wllmm^kmfaWmim^ ; :. J ^.ifer. j)W#. v <?BBt ''^j^^bis;day;, : %P$s »$he side ef tne fe^s^hiwiiig to^e$a$seVgjmi --^*^-~-^ -^^^^J"^*M~-- - ^ ^*v. ^••J*/ t to Eroadway, a«d3i«#i^laeyf0»Ttimiiis& line of tliarch for Mat^iK iMtt&fav^iilI ^pei* cede- -the' e s c o i t : <fh^^^p|j»€dfhtm^tha^ place. This eseQ^c^sls^r^of »'stjitadnjii «f 'Guards* the General/J'ield ana^taffofficei, of *e •.i^ery".^-.^^yf^T|¥ejjity^ 5 *• 095tle p a c ^ o^ n-'stpiis p>ep^^^f 4 |^#cipa? its merld^ii sljQtteln %Me>~dNr~a$d. sion* earpe^ed» and! iitidet an arch %lM$Meis$m# '<>& fttt^. '4$ffwfc ®!atdne$$ ^pj4 .withflagsand wrgatfesdf laurel. On his landing 'heartstfften fniUion^df ^fjgor^ •a;ajaiojr-peaeM%^ '."-.--••>^ ... *••-• •* *.>••-.—-^v* these urieovered, re; All the assoctatioirs jtna* rec^vee^?h|' ^jineeled state artillery, undetthe command of Brigadier ; General Benedict. The muster was on this occa- sion unusually numerous and splendid, eich corps vying with the other in pajing a, tribute of res-*; pectto tbe soldier of the revplutton, the friend and companion of Washington. M e r # e re/tepr,the Marquis entered a barouche drawn % $ u r nnrses, accompanied at the request oCtbe s^mniitteB, by, General Morton. on board. / *Ehe ffeasin^intelligence spread" oyer The c^njun|ttee of the coiperqtiWuliecQnipani- tfee-city almost withelectrical rapidity,and every countenance beaimed with joy. Broadway and the Battery were, soon crowded with ladies and gentlemen, anxious to catch a glimpse of the vet- eran bero, who* k was supposed, might come im- mediately tp»the«iJy. The arrangements for )ns reception, were,, however, speedily communicated to htm by the citj authorities, and he landed at Staten Island, from thefiteam-br>atNautilus, a few raomenta jpasi ten o'clock, in company with his son, GfionoE WAaaLNGXon LA FAf£tf JB, APGUaae, JURy^saECa, %^cQjajpamon, and one and the Government; and no servanW where ,i»ey, were ; r^ce'rV^TM^n^^ce. ^oiJma|l^%lfeowl,eaging ) .bis sea^^he^.Gerierjil^remained at the Vice Piatt, who was fa U* ««ute during the revolution, officiated to receive and introduce visiters, but in many instances* die General, unrestrained by the ordinary rules of etiquette, tvas as anxious as his te» continued ^ be highly re- linlttedth'e classic nation bf the »jBec|Mk»nW&'a< ^esterft hemisphi ^•'•''^mas^^M^em Geft. CTrdan- Ht^ m of the ^ 1* Ejt-.asi»nj(ing t t ^ ^ I d i n f a b b l k f i . tf»e pe*jpe!uity t^mmk$fa^sfa the vea, and to ^>«ejw'i#i|Wsrti( every third «w fourth h"^>'* ..*• ^gf|||eatborn, minister of the United <.\m j ^^ m * Salem Aug. 11. FEOM B&4ZII,. «*«. ««g Edisajd, Whitllredge, 42 days ^i^#||teirf-,;^ ^; j;e|g&'^ jnfprW'tnat there was daily expect- ^ 1 l l f l n l i n f B s b m * o bloekade the port, in ei|i^die!l^#*rh1e|| the nrodnce of the country ^VstPpped enrnidg* in. There were a great number of press-gangs, impressing every onenhey cou]tdLfihd.ror the-.army and navy, they even press- ed ah American captain, who obtained bis liberty W.:|%i|lg v ,lpf- $& an ofilcer belonging on board of ^':^i0m r M(^ theri lying in tbe road. It was rumored the Emperor was about granting commissions . ^ any. who were disposed to fit ,^'mm^^$h,BM't0 W* 'troops a grand W^'mm^'mm^m^ii altfie head WM$!^?0^^-fm^m-vtm^it:o0$- the Emperor ~?$ifm$^^ AH fiis ^ ^ f ^fpB^rdete^ to berlrrteadiness. fly- • .,-,_,..., j&'fflfr.M$m**wl : %Mm Bull, *h>l^nfM^|tt#||^ir^^^ was the ^p»^fe|f|««^erat St. Pe- liStt&I:: Ifll^llBfMfet'ft-Convention - 1 t ^ # ^ l ^ ' ^ ^ ^ f ^ ' C * T # | ' A p r i l last, be- # * | » f i ! 1 9 .oM 9f t«e United | « M ^ i P B ^ < i ^ ^ t e ^ q p a that the : ^M^^m^mM^$^ officii au ^*^ ar ^B»g|^ ^«flQl febnl*^ Slid' Ott ^ill#fe"Wh^..tbe^%irieSj-- ; ^^ "*" •«- - - a ^^^^TCp#• , lautf-at pftints. oCM^ •^^ltn:^^ith:o««^sidn , bf':thfe. Goveriidr,%- '.f^VniPliPUlin* ;. \;:V: •;-.:;•. ,.,'-••: . 0W^lf)W«» not to fbirift - ^ . I- 1 :,<•.•;: ^ f ^ i i ( | j » « i M t ^ i i i both nf. .' «th irttcle interdicts * ttade In Are irmv and iiqpiprt $ irj^;fa»&tiSei- s tli*f wto at mUmi*- cIesh*Ufepuni^ed,r¥)tbv»i»ur*ofthefei««J. but by penahK to be prescribed by each go*«m- |^$^t«rilK'«iwnet^en*'0»-awb|«ctsi* " :- ut!i.T])i»a/tki« prescrib«ithattJ»e ratifiemtiott I'wii III exch-ii^ed - wuhin ten months frua the tf^oftlws-tftitty, •••" ••• .-:'•' ; &iih&m*mk&mi : %&$*Z*x$%$W 'n ieco«d ed by tjh^;§ta»quis*s son, George W^sTafogtmi La Fayette*raw his secretaty, Mr. La ^aBseut, fol- lowed in 4?arriage3. The Marquis wj#jescptted [by n epfp$ of .cavalry, and at the bead-iw the co- lurim of troops, proceeded up Broadway to the City Hal!. The- crowds which had assembled to pay honortothe; jrespected visiter, and to pa grati- fied with a view'of w& pefswH wer ® mc ^ as al " most to prevent the passage of rlie enjeriages and troops. Tbe scene could not but have afforded to the Marquis the most delightful gratifications. The houses to the very roofs were filled withspec- jators,andto the incessant cheers of the multitude, graceiui Temajco Signified their welcome by fa silent, bat not less gfirn5A4^Jmxl J gffgcting testimony of the waving of handkercheifs. ->--Arrived at the City Hall, the Marquis was con- ducted to the Common Council Chamber, where the Corporation were assembled. The members of the Common Council rose on his entrance, and Commandant of the ISavyiln^GmLa* attended hy fhe Cniijjliittee ^if J^oii^B£ei|t9^ s bW : a select circle of iadks and gen«em'en, woeeeded ,in the elegant steam boat Chanceilqr Kent, to visit the NfltvyTard at |lroohlyn.. The Marquis left bis lodgings at the City ffo- rnyt^TSPTpist M q^lo^, in alfaWaggpina as fie visiters to crowd forward and take them by the on being presented by the Chairman, Alderman hand. Fort La Fayette fired a salute of 13 guns, answering to the original number of states, as the ship passed^ and woen the ^Genera], landed at Staten Island, a salute was fire/1 'from the ship Importer, In the city the natiai*#f flag .was hoist* ed at all the pnbliic places,andalrthe ships in tbe harbor, and displayed during the day. The Committee of the Corporation chartered tbe steam-boat Beilona, and proceeded at 10 o'clock to Staten Island, with General Morton, General Benedict, and several members of the Common Council, to greet his arrival, and com- municate informally the arrangements that had been made. Gen. La Fayette has had a pleasant passage of 31 days, enjoys good health, is in tine spirits, full of conversation, and happy at finding himself once more on the soil of freedom, among his com- patriots of the revolution and a nation of freemen, grateful for his services, and eager to honor hiui. This day presents one of the most brilliant and magnificent exhibitions ever witnessed in this city. The day itself is one of the brightest the sun ever shone upon—Not a single cloud obscures the clear blue sky'—but all is fair and beauteous—the streets and tbe windows are lined with tbe beauty and fashion of the city—the military presents a rich display-—the thunders of the artillery are roaring around us, mingled with the shrill notes of the fife, the roll of the drum, the ringing of the bells, and tbe spirit stirring music of unitedjbands the waters are covered with steam-boats and barges gaily and beautifully decorated—and al- most the entire population of this great city are assembled to receive and welcome with overflow. ing hearts, the Soldier and Patriot of the Be vo- lution. RfeCEI^TtOir 6F OBN. LA FA a $ETTE. Agreeabletoprevious arrangements for tbe re- cepliOn of ''fa llarqmMe la FHyette, the Com- mttte| Of A^fahiemiBTifsof the Corporation, con* mmMMm^'^Mme,, Wycoff, Mann, #«#6HW$- mm% ^ M a j p r General Morton, 0fa n^MMMim. Generals Fleming and $g^?qt#^if$fc&e4ffiie infantry, Cot Va- %,tyfmMmm fa »reineionati, the ofil. «#& Wft teseii^^fap^botlt of the Society, m0i0c. of"t«tt'.Brarq#^|lf f 'Bffident -and jhlirjptt&e^o£ m?. Chann^* «if Ctoitoerce, and Zabriskie, to the Mayor, bis Honor addressed him in the following speech:— General—In the name of the municipal autho- - of the city, I bid you a sincere welcome to .'cfeifof Mftmi&%Mt? : ^mtMiitta.y imky we're ritv the shores of a country, of whose freedom and happiness you will ever be Considered one of the most honored and beloved founders. Your only contemporaries in arms, of whom indeed but few remain, have not forgot, and their posterity will never forget, the YOUNG and GAL- LANT FRENCHMAN who consecrated his youth, his talents, his fortune, and his exertionstothen- cause—who exposed his life—who shed his blood that they might become free and happy. They will recollect with profound emotion, so long as they remain worthy of the liberties thsy enjoy, and the exertions you made to obtain them, that you came to them in tbe darkest period of their struggle—that you linked your fortune with theirs, when it seemed almost hopeless—that you shared in>the dangers, privations and sufferings of that bitter struggle, nor quitted them for a mo- ment, till it was consummated on tbe glorious field of Yorktown. Half a century has elapsed since that great event, and in that time your name has become aa dear to tbe friends, as inseparably con- nected with the cause of freedom, in the old, as in the new world. The people of the United States look up to you as to one of their most honored parents—the country cherishes you as one of the most beloved of her sons. I hope and trust, sir, that not only the present, but the future conduct of my coun- trymen, to the latest period of time, win, among other slanders, tefute the unjust imputation, that republics are always ungratefultotheir benefac- tors. In behalf of my fellow-citizens of New-York, and speaking the warm and universal sentiments of the whole people of the United States, I repeat their welcome to our common country. Permit metoadd, that the moment of my life, to which I shall look back with tbe greatest plea- sure and pride, will be that in which it fell to my lot to be an organ for expressing] however feebly, a nation** gratitude. , To which, fa Marquis i^ade^ie following re- nlv * >- , . S i n ^ ^ f e l aniso iif#ciiOt»tely received by. fa €mm ni ITftyjtok V&tf'** w <«# Be- p^senta^ve^j f^ei. myself overwhelmed with in- ®spife33jblQ.emP#n^ ^hetgighlof fa American Ibore, ofter86M%fttt f #dtt^tilltecoUectloh of the many respected friends and dear compan- ions, BO moro to,fcafound on this land} the pleaa 0. By.Al&WriieJ^fie, mfatj%i lJCapp|e- & 'By 30j^t.-^l|dEt--^efin» l «o«ili«^;^fr;20%-CKBI%- Alexa^aW $ T l p » « $fes rirs^ #rlriot stafeialai* und8«dd!frln,iefiia|$of,New%r|. * - 1. By Capi A#y#,WW& ship ^admns— George Washington La>Fnyette-tan'ay t&e son .equal tho father in his rjdhejferjtiea tp fftpprpdi- i files of Liberty, as he dpes in atnt^eriess oifjjiar-' acter. , " * . °~> *"•&#• ^n^' t ft p. % Div J. H. Hay r ward-^Tho«ra who Jsniiw- bly won for us our fede^deheprafti' iibsb >hd have SJ no^ly shewift^c^ayiAat^we/^ft&^h^w 6» the' "tfiroriged with people,-and the General, who rode " entiQHitot^r ^arrangemeatr I a|i ^ # ar>told that fa % reception wfth which i^'-> every.^H wer%%^o5t^ McrMmn^ lives inffteciuseWLlliertyi 4 ^'^ H. By Mr. Brahaa—The infiJEeasins urosjp^i- ty of fa city of N e t * Y w xi VISIT TO TOB tf&Vt iTAltD. A^alfpast 8 TOck tnis tft>rn1u|,1ll 'CoiBpli- aice with an*invitation Vrom .<5|pan ^ % e n 4 ' eutered if, he was warmly cbeer£d.by ; a large con- course of people who had assembled in front of tbe Hotel to see him. The steam boat reft the dock immediately on his arrival on board, and the welkin again rang ^ith tbe Cheers of the thou- sands on shore. As tbe James Kent passed ^he Grampus', lying in the North River, a salute of kl guns'was fired. The Kent then proceeded round the. Battery and up the East River, until she came to anchor at tbe dock erected in the harbor, where the steam- frigate is moored,' when the Marquis and the la- dies and gentlemen of tho party disembarked— the U. S. frigate Constellation tiring at tbe same time a salute of 21 guns. .'On landing, he was re- ceived by three cheers frqm 200 sailors drawn Up for the occasion. \. . '" . '• Tbe General then went on hoard of the steam frigate, and was much pleased with the construc- tion of this formidable and unique naval battle- ment. On returning, the jolly tars gave three more hearty cheers, and the General proceeded in a barge to the Navy Yard; when another salute of 21 guns was fired on his landing, and he was re- ceived by a battalion of marines. The General was then conducted on board of the Washington 74, wher* refreshments were pro- vided for the whole party. After refreshing him self, the General took a rapid survey of the ships, $fc^ffefitieaf Society, chMy *otoj?o§ed©r!** most mpectable masters of ye»*e!s^ aHembJed on hoard faM# Cadifttw, Cant. Allyn, where they m* few**** i» tegular prim, and proceeded ihrnufh mm of m ^rind|ial ttreeti t© the City 'm&A&a*:.Aiqr.vk*e several^ introduced 4 lite %mm% mti(*im*fa<&famteWi nam frank and cordial iwinner; Man^of thetnembet*hen* cognized as old acquaintances, and expre»s«db^ iratlficsMoi at wre^ig >&&& v w the *$mm Th0|iaejtet #ij^€Tadinttk|r| whkb the Gentr- and faimM$B%^mifcmmm$f in*|tatian,^ljKHt- sands of':Mtmtmm?--$epffiim ! -W'&4ffi in the 'm^-Mfa^^^W^m^t^ field JMlIa^ ttadvtif A s the seftis co»v«*nti£«*«f'i«ft| e purpose, by the peop famv$$m ~&t flp* o*er pife«tteahfef trwd^ A 0&0ifa^^&Plm^^ tft&Uiimi afi4 irtfnrA ol^/ttt-riifi'^iirt'.'Iirrt»nii3|fj invlt4tiOTli tft ^M^im'^t}^^^^ <B$ffcityagstU* »fMM^0§^fa^ the ^ Preskientiat electoi Shl^to^tt»«W ^efimpfa^^'^n 1 purpose . and^pasetf 'ftn^^a^-isl^ifard* -«n^Oa^ eade%o#^d^^^i^JBk^d^^r^'Bond^lr^ aft^ them^ sro" ^ - *pdrji jkvgnnev«_ The"s^a^ts'K*p citizens^ and well % .-Krlfts grew *-**«—- lie ba fflfflttdh fmB&ptf&am iriffWt^3, v as be nitehds being at Harvard Conimeneement '-on ^esdajr"-iie^|.f fid|,,js%"at $he eastward ^^llmh^-a/W4 y ^^ tohe|i» 'Salttf^reli^ * M \ 1 t f t i £tttS% little junto, popularly t ** fh- *4 X <* I ' MemmtoX-Qn the SSTOvenibe^ v *70t,0oh** 1 giressBje&lrVedi--^ , quls de ta W^me* hat^f &$&a#i4&tn Mw& and that' he return at such a timers shallfie^nW-, convenient to birri :—That he he informed, Mxsiw*" review of bis conduct throughout the last cam- paign, and particnlaKlydm'ing the period iniyhieitj-| •he had the Chief cornfttand in 'Virginia, thfeiaiaV * new proofs which present themselves of bis zttl- I i ous attachment to the «ause he has espoused r and- i of bb^%OTcn*, wg^7we,g-a??ani7^3nditd^t^ ^ | %nits i^tm t Mvb|*ea^3radieiatr>#f^hi^op1js» * 4' ion «ntertaitted %y^C^ngiesst>f his m e r i t * r ^t ~* k * military talents v-*******^^ th fe ^uj,e^|i*- * * ant of finatice t^ke orSer for discbaTging I h l ^ J f ^ gagements entered i m o h y ^ e Marquis d e k Fay- ' f f ett©^^with the merchants of B2d^tt!tire^ w ,-1 * The af'arquia & *la1|%ye^ 5 'haV"bWo mustm* ' ed as present iu tnirgbtiaLr ^KRI h& htu& J 'iG*rf3if& imclitothe head of EHi, he receiyed an ordCTtrci* ISen. Wasmngtotrto gd ot -t*Virgiaia th&I f h«f mtyft^ oppose Gen. Pfaittrps. His troops Were in *anT i$sit*» ery thin^i hawewi-hepr««e*||*o^md &&pi&j& JBW-' timoreou 17th April. Here*|ir^ «i|d«r ««e^rciu# embarrasment for want of. slto^y there not Se£^# pair ink* ^\^V^f % .MMM&m§M ' denee he had excited, ^t$fy$^4Wfi0a^ chaidt 2(»00 guinea* tgjon hts tdm'ji^f&$k he procured suck necessaries «» wSrh dfisraBtf^ We- '.SMi^ awaytormuuonSf« Jmt ru, and all |b#|irecxoiJ «? WS?l jfbrwarding^fhisdettteJiMeid'~—S' : ' ' •• ''WWf^^ffi^ Gordon"* jgm t Mr'^ m A ""*' - •*' - ••-« ,; '- -t 1 <• •=**% AOJTJTANT GENEEAI.'S ORDERS.—The President dr^ftH^* directs, that G«». LA F A Y ^ p % rives in this country, be recdiref^ posts with the honors duetothe highest rank in <mr service. ' •>•• - -t< "I TheGeneral in Ghfef phfisjM|sil|i^l^ the army, by direction #f the 0ecj^ary%| "SfSm cjeari #mm yon , ___ th^eSr«^^%n|p8& wtio alil^,.. ........ s>rit 'ii^rlft§Er&' v She S ' s*t faf^im**® ^»ve * *"~*"- "i^'-iw|^ f ft..|sito|4«ina la \ ""Q^Plf wpiiM§|p6 nans oie^^rl' iif^*ila^pl4 CJUMNTHUGU& •mm <lvi,w!>!tM wm ?^*5ra¥ v P*^^ ion3 »9° moro to, nofound onihis land} the pleasr IBtosA&fa ^atulltts, aftd OHW Brahcb. 'The '«eairi)*sfttp;; W&& Ifea0#dats- f^xetpiiftg th0 :0littfS ! fieHot» ti^iii^ilitlai ^^©-^ecot'ntfecI : .'tir : ^%|.ebi ^ :GhairapV*J»^^ ' ©n|^lbr«,tnfr'teof 'tl^yiW-dtQI^ aha* flags :Wltb r - -tbe : . arms W #0,- 'liattag II^^Yo'r^^tuidnf #,-th©#it|.-'.• ,;*>/-• : . v <U'- "•'•• /c --••^ ; "- • :% -Jtlpon Srilvlnffai 8iate''fiTan4;'th^-:'ebmmlffe0. wtise"-'eorpdranotl '• *an^3- •'^po« 'the "MaJqais: ate had hitn*ai»d NtinrftedtsSito^tiH?iaoharoucho-^ with ih*3*ferqal% aeconipani#4-l5y jrtfoCV^cp Fre» "" Jt "" *' A *hort- distjpico' tiun^tjio 'wharf - : fh$| immense concourse of a free Republican popula tion # wh,p - S d - s M t l ^ i ^ ^ ^ i fa ^(mirabie appeajfance of the J r # p s i the pr^sejieO Of a corps of 4ho, national-la^ Jliavo excited s^nthnents to been. p|e4$ed, sn*, tp oliudo to-fa happle^irlmes, the u|a1iQy€dichfolmenlsnf my* public Wai it-is ;liest ^dbntedltohf «f Jptnejfea^-.. -|:arA.|jrboi nls0= &&4%t 'WM: n^mt^iMfanf years «0^.4tfeiiftr imn'^i^mimlfUmiW^i^ fa StimiGf 'vm'tttp -1bcg.you,J»r.Mayorvlhegyou/gen*. ttemeii|. f*-«ccgpt ; ywt&bta* and to triinim|t:.tp: fa- ci&enr «f 'iSewvlTpj^f fa''Itoiaa^, of faj and those now building, and returned on board of fiie Kent, when another salute wasfiredby the Constitution In re-passing the Grampus, another" salute was fired, and the sides were manned and three cheers given by the patriotic crew. At one o'clock the boat again came to, tbe wharf, and the General disembarked—-having en- joyed a charming excursion, and been mush grat- ified with Viewing the works, and witnessing the admirable order and discipline preserved. Great credit is due to Capt. Rodgers, and tbe officers, for the manner in which the compliment to the Marquis was conducted, The proprietors of the old steam boat tine again showed their liberal and patriotic spirit, by furnishing a collation with the usual accompani- ments. •<••"'• Capu T. Wiswall commanded the <jfa.mes Kent under the direction of Mr. C. Bhind, the agent. GENERAL l*4 #§JOT5fil& In continuation of the aecount concerning this distinguished individual, we have to add, that af- ter Jiia return to this city frqm faffitff. T^uVS, OQ Wednesday, hejvas introduced, .wit&jbj&^&ifa the Historical Soeiety, at their room in the Insti- tution, at 2 o*c|ock, P, M. AC0ovi0& to fyum* tion passed the day before,, they we?re rn&de mem- bers of the Moiety, f he MarQUii and his son 'wmfa%cpnducifJI into tho ^allecyHbf !Fine Ajrte and the Lyceum, an4 afterwards reuirnid tofa : Pto$ffljfy aeconi- panied by Br,;Hosao^ iN^^lrW'^Mbma^. and Aldermen IJorie and Wyckoff. ..* t - testerlpv, wt^'fajR&faWb # ths pw their:r^specfe,; jhe same atfe^dn *4»--$ftci feair|' m hy w wmw$M%tfa%$ w #118it; UnHei^Wm inthfe eounttj durihMWe; tevolu^ont >3& . GENERAL LA ^ .... , ^„ r We liave copied into our paper of to^£»M f ' eating account of the arrival and receptign «i. tinguished " guest of ike Nation^ &%$w^m ing mat em* readers feel aU the interest every thing connected wit» the friend of OUR cocirttr and of WASHWGTOH. It must have been York, and Jfor the head of Europe might envy^smiui^iitt^rall^^f 1 , ceived, what f^nrehafch/ never V^mi^lgfr- heartg «nd cordial -WELCOME *$f« jpee wad ptapfc, whose generous and spontaneous bunt 0 ing mart have touched MVheart, nnd^teltM^ 1 ^' than eheii he ^f4f landed on our $knm% us poor, desponding, and almost hopetes^hlil an^ hu purse were fr«ely ofered, and welcome^ K- ceived. How great thosettrvicMwero ^m^HW can tpeak,every toiigu«!t^te1F*-4ttT4f#|t|Wit^T; AVfii hlm^ ^pfpo^d* toT caa«is gone' bjT f *-t|e.ieelbi"to faiuons rcsoluiions in fa^ fa ^mm*^MM$m .|qsj8if tOtaC&lpWnifi .aMheJgai^^Me « •&^EHr*NP*?7 Hwo ^ uogratgful^^he^pi^fa^ort.' ' 'ilitemnn^^^r^^Llr %», iva%!ffl9rar#w Wednesday Ifst,, in Mm^to^ ,«»e fo!law»»ir j f i i # _ W4 4«, 48, 53, 4%. 4?a» y,#efo|loiattt 1 the tickets— 40, *% \?it^:;_. ifrnBt.th^^#^pepn§,: I a*^ "k» 57, m T"* «k^«f'fcTf /<? *'"»^ tobebeWttA , anaod«ifB», on next, ntt|"#pi A«W* •naRapin Andrews tti»iwr» "^^l^'-tPfS H.V& *«uujmnrj v u ^ m ,uuutai«, sua IK«H« ittjsttfvCJaftfsintioii* : " -"•''.. r-... * •JA«Wio|bu^^^ * y :»: r , » f. * \ <^ 1 v 0 m.h r ^^m% kt«^» «3^Bt ^ liberal ^ntloie andis, «laes uourequn ^ifti% ^a^^ttlwslio 4 "**" ^ 1 *fwBP^- ik

Transcript of *$Knyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031529/1824-08-25/ed...on board. / *Ehe f feasin^ intelligenc...

Page 1: *$Knyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031529/1824-08-25/ed...on board. / *Ehe f feasin^ intelligenc e spread" oyer The c^njun|ttee of the coiperqtiWuliecQnipani-tfee-city almost withelectrical

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• j y j , - ;




§£• • • • i>^:

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?*S*Bji's,V •

P * * * - ^ '



LATEST FROM l U R W l . Pw»jM4>en, by th# €arf*Kt% to tgft Iliii Of

July, have lien- received, buwh*n; content* we ^IWippWjit*'*^^! » fit ft i*pfi«t #»*%!«# of th« Greeks, which u reprtfjeatcd to be proiper-

>$a$ jft»«#ftWtMtti^#iato^ mitt fatso* \Mim'$M>®04% #acM», 'wtiWJf - Jfeg®*:

$gm *Mm of fa mdf M 4 IndtPM iWt *m> Utt.of our JpiiikiMli»llM|''l«Hi CotilJMik'. ,If tfat E«f*ror AWwoder ft»d:.fet it *> out «w* lofwiMMui t* ft* t*» u&m mm tt«*yt H could ^i«oi»e«^««#»^?«t«mwl •« »«f iut*~

n'aoi*< fit* »** W"l<te«c»-otilie-e<cen«w* $P the

%#: <M6$*':tfco.lepio»vfwttti-W8l» -$*Mbo

J ^ t t o » V M ^ ^ ia?n;&rl?rii&M

fJMMt4#& .$ft£set!fti& Secretary;^-'Legation.; B*w»--'Maftft» Jja>*$c^^^^

, ItfiNtJftti^^^ life h i r ^ y ^ * j r * ^ ^ ^

atswedthftt unlets #»# ' | r^^# | ' l t v Jfed ib i i^ ;Wean^dar4^:'^^ i#v^K^Igg!0.ff W Bristol * ttil^i|*^sii^:^t: **n*aitt mnWUfa'-m^ 'wumfr. trlidNfcainj #!««* Island beach^MthJiM £ & w # ! t : ^


iho 5tcam-shi[3 j|tonr^ii^r<fe:N«f« \fajtiftu$$fiM Chancellor mm-W&f^pi»fh^M $fc $*&$»•

uiider way* ajid pi^Rfdeilbf ine city-i~llie iteam-sBip F"i|t|P3al»: thft va^^be jGlwP'cellor in the

•: W ^ j R ^ ^ # | > # l # # l $ T O J ^ « n a t f ^ ,atod the.

'ti&i-fi •:Y&'t'--'iXF& fa&omMsMM&kWtimiV&wb™***&* i e ^ - T h e f toq^»-etftered;eas^-Ga^ei|^b^^^

itotefa-fafa^ •rimflfc^W;m^^Wi^<^*toh'd old tgfeV s2Sena mere assembled 5 fnwn "tfieneo be tr6#|ded - ' i r a i m f ^ m l b R ^ ^ i:«fai*'||tt:^ f i ^ ^ l a f e ^ j ^ ^ f l f bis yxintbftif witb the wmmatepfatidmiliWiaadnavfl cifflce^,

' * • " • - • • • •* ' 4 f a s f & p $ : ^ ^

, . , . . . , , . . . ,„„,,„. , .. .« , faKW4*theewjBiccouB. ,. . ,./• ^ j ^ j ^ ^ i - ^ ; v < ^ f . ' ; ': t v ^ i . ' * | .-3»ifeF ^eateedsf morning, the. ship Cadnms,

Capt. All^% i a» announce^ by the *|E'elegF ph, to i ^ i ^ f n ^ ^ |,h*ve»rrfWh^^jtJ^0en.eiatJJk f&tWWVB

Richmond««RWf»'W'^N^rW^^lboiJW*«w--Tf*W«£ J • ••"- ':" j'-/-A"-'- ;'•; '~^' vs*K' bwmm $&% m « » ^ ^ y i f l | . . • Qvfatow? •' 'Bto Mmwi* $ndm tint* W$ ^ w *f t ^ ™ 4 -'tMvn/sdng fanevak*\fa?t Qantj^s*$&M# <# tht wemberf «f th^Cemwo»©i«iicrti)ldividv

'hfrtfttitoni #Jiic||-^Kft«intnt[e4 ttf mk.$^m^€mn$%M$muM$$t 0 tJte^lDt»iy a?^aa»a|

«f ^^tt%-,whHe;the>ikiii^^afi.ne4-fii&^tds4 **> .the-patfbffti^fl- MntM'fa^m % bMWfe^ ojT .e#ted,' mt*£. I»aflfl^ade> ^ .j^al|»'y^ej!^s;#^:^$ye%the-^ar|hj^

• • - - - • - • - - - • - *- - - -*• ^i^oiiqt.^|9-^tanoRr4^-?>'<^b^'--«bm>^WflffiJ-<c^-j^B9fMM&t'' rolt Mm Wfa %mt yfare lef*esnrfte»ife;'«*fJ

jprayide^ Ifind ^ e f e |he office^ of &fMtt^f?So had lieeti jja-Siity, aM a ott i^er^eMai^ii iW presented?* &$&& • • J^^^oi (r iSf !^l !^ni^ attetided:hiW#*h&^

dined Mgptfceiv '%*'gi«|iig"dfft %$tuw&tiRa#4i# are a^o /^a l f%«hc^ '«p-^ l iN# theNWfti . itwiO

4piJ»ro4tjie,^Ci0m:{fapMp$WMn^MnHymt .. ta .., .. ^ l ^ i l k l l b . ^ - i ^ h W e a ' . b y the<$4lm$md bpspntsof the pamct|JattrB:^ _ iifo^^:|TautilusiUhen Oli ejr fiMswortb&and: tC^B- W whom these^htftel^^re-:giV«|»Mttef It^w^ w.

itesifdiU fa$MA%M^^ the-:thousanda 6Mefeial|jre.-who; we|e-^e^^ W^fa&^*J$$^^ *Ki&l»|endid4e#f3^999 olMhe''li^Ae)totM^- ^ u r ' c ^ n t ^ % - ^ ^ ^ | f e t # e d - Wa>hftt.gt0oV';';* • -**—•—«*»**— -^ ! i• <"^*-~ ^-»*»- -

tfiitifefjtydi&^B^^ ! At the ittitetiw iwq#a i*bayB ! ^ * l i P

tt,0jiot;g^|^''id4|3^f^^he^eie^^tpf- move- And/teay;all:?4w^^itatto,4s^ha re ojrt to-thls flour-^ e n t f c g l ^ ; ^ ^ ^ ,in-/ ^ ! ^ J ^ ^ . . ^ ^ ^ ^ v ^ | ^ ^ 2 ^ ; P |

• * * ;

Wllmm^kmfaWmim^ ;:.J^.ifer. j)W#.v<?BBt ' ' ^ j ^ ^ b i s ; d a y ; , :%P$s

»$he side ef tne fe^s^hiwiiig to^e$a$seVgjmi --^*^-~-^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ J " ^ * M ~ - - • - ^ ^*v. ^••J*/ t

to Eroadway, a«d3 i«# i^ laey f0»Tt imi i i s& line of tliarch for Mat^iK iMtt&fav^iilI ^pei* cede- -the' e sco i t : <fh^^^p | j»€dfhtm^tha^ place. This eseQ^c^sls^r^of »'stjitadnjii « f

'Guards* the General/J'ield ana^taffofficei, of * e • . i ^ e r y " . ^ - . ^ ^ y f ^ T | ¥ e j j i t y ^ 5 *•

095tle p a c ^ o^ n-'stpiis p>ep^^^f4|^#cipa? its merld^ii sljQtteln %Me>~dNr~a$d. sion* earpe ed» and! iitidet an arch %lM$Meis$m# '<>& fttt^. '4$ffwfc ®!atdne$$ pj4 .with flags and wrgatfesdf laurel. On his landing 'hearts tff ten fniUion^df fjgor • a ; a j a i o j r - p e a e M % ^ ' . " - . - - • • > ^ . . . *••-• •* * . > • • - . — - ^ v *

these urieovered, re;

All the assoctatioirs jtna* rec^vee^?h|' ^jineeled

state artillery, undetthe command of Brigadier ; General Benedict. The muster was on this occa­sion unusually numerous and splendid, eich corps vying with the other in pajing a, tribute of res-*; pectto tbe soldier of the revplutton, the friend and companion of Washington. Mer#e re/tepr,the Marquis entered a barouche drawn % $ur nnrses, accompanied at the request oCtbe s^mniitteB, by, General Morton.

on board. / *Ehe f feasin^ intelligence spread" oyer The c^njun|ttee of the coiperqtiWuliecQnipani-tfee-city almost withelectrical rapidity,and every countenance beaimed with joy. Broadway and the Battery were, soon crowded with ladies and gentlemen, anxious to catch a glimpse of the vet­eran bero, who* k was supposed, might come im­mediately tp»the«iJy. The arrangements for )ns reception, were,, however, speedily communicated to htm by the citj authorities, and he landed at Staten Island, from the fiteam-br>at Nautilus, a few raomenta jpasi ten o'clock, in company with his son, GfionoE WAaaLNGXon L A FAf£tf JB, APGUaae, JURy^saECa, % cQjajpamon, and one

and the Government; and no servanW where ,i»ey, were; r^ce'rV^TM^n^^ce.

^oiJma|l^%lfeowl,eaging) .bis sea^^he^.Gerierjil^remained at the Vice

Piatt, who was fa U* ««ute during the revolution, officiated to receive and introduce visiters, but in many instances* die General, unrestrained by the ordinary rules of etiquette, tvas as anxious as his

te» continued ^ be highly re-linlttedth'e classic nation bf the »jBec|Mk»nW&'a<

^esterft hemisphi ^•'•''^mas^^M^em Geft. CTrdan-

Ht m of the

^ 1*


^^Idinfabblkfi. tf»e pe*jpe!uity t^mmk$fa^sfa the vea, and to

^>«ejw'i#i|Wsrti( every third «w fourth

h"^>'* ..*•

^gf|||eatborn, minister of the United

<.\mj^^ m

* Salem Aug. 11. FEOM B&4ZII,.

«*«. ««g Edisajd, Whitllredge, 42 days

^i^#||teirf-,;^ ; j ; e | g & ' ^ jnfprW'tnat there was daily expect-^ 1 l l f l n l i n f Bsbm*o bloekade the port, in ei|i^die!l^#*rh1e|| the nrodnce of the country ^VstPpped enrnidg* in. There were a great number of press-gangs, impressing every onenhey cou]tdLfihd.ror the-.army and navy, they even press­ed ah American captain, who obtained bis liberty W.:|%i|lgv,lpf- $& an ofilcer belonging on board of ^':^i0mrM(^ theri lying in tbe road. It was rumored the Emperor was about granting commissions . ^ any. who were disposed to fit ,^'mm^^$h,BM't0 W* 'troops a grand W^'mm^'mm^m^ii altfie head WM$!^?0^^-fm^m-vtm^it:o0$- the Emperor ~?$ifm$^^ AH fiis ^ ^ f ^ fpB^rde t e^ to berlrrteadiness.

fly- •

.,-,_,..., j&'fflfr.M$m**wl:%Mm Bull, * h > l ^ n f M ^ | t t # | | ^ i r ^ ^ ^ was the ^ p » ^ f e | f | « « ^ e r a t St. Pe-liStt&I:: I f l l ^ l l B f M f e t ' f t - C o n v e n t i o n - 1 t ^ # ^ l ^ ' ^ ^ ^ f ^ ' C * T # | ' A p r i l last, be-# * | » f i ! 1 9 .oM 9f t«e United

| « M ^ i P B ^ < i ^ ^ t e ^ q p a that the

: M^^m^mM^$^ officii au ^ * ^ a r ^ B » g | ^ ^«flQl febnl*^ Slid'


^ill#fe"Wh^..tbe^%irieSj-- ;^ "*" • •

•«- - - a ^ ^ ^ ^ T C p # • , lautf-at pftints. oCM^ •^^ltn:^^ith:o««^sidn ,bf':thfe. Goveriidr,%-'.f VniPliPUlin* ;. \;:V: •;-.:;•. , . , ' - • • : .

0 W ^ l f ) W « » not to fbirift

• - ^ .

I - 1

: , < • . • ; :

^ f ^ i i ( | j » « i M t ^ i i i both nf.

. ' «th irttcle interdicts * ttade In Are irmv and iiqpiprt $ irj ;fa»&tiSei-stli*f w t o at mUmi*-cIesh*Ufepuni^ed,r¥)tbv»i»ur*ofthefei««J. but by penahK to be prescribed by each go*«m-| $ t«rilK'«iwnet en*'0»-awb|«ctsi* " :- ut!i.T])i»a/tki« prescrib«ithattJ»e ratifiemtiott I'wii III exch-ii ed - wuhin ten months frua the tf^oftlws-tftitty, • •••" ••• .-:'•' ; &iih&m*mk&mi:%&$*Z*x$%$W 'n ieco«d

ed by tjh ;§ta»quis*s son, George W sTafogtmi La Fayette*raw his secretaty, Mr. La ^aBseut, fol­lowed in 4?arriage3. The Marquis wj#jescptted [by n epfp$ of .cavalry, and at the bead-iw the co-lurim of troops, proceeded up Broadway to the City Hal!. The- crowds which had assembled to pay honor to the; jrespected visiter, and to pa grati­fied with a view'of w& pefswH wer® mc^ a s al" most to prevent the passage of rlie enjeriages and troops. Tbe scene could not but have afforded to the Marquis the most delightful gratifications. The houses to the very roofs were filled withspec-jators,andto the incessant cheers of the multitude, graceiui Temajco Signified their welcome by fa silent, bat not less gfirn5A4 JmxlJgffgcting testimony of the waving of handkercheifs. ->—--—

Arrived at the City Hall, the Marquis was con­ducted to the Common Council Chamber, where the Corporation were assembled. The members of the Common Council rose on his entrance, and

Commandant of the ISavy i ln^GmLa* attended hy fhe Cniijjliittee if J^oii^B£ei|t9^sbW:

a select circle of iadks and gen«em'en, woeeeded ,in the elegant steam boat Chanceilqr Kent, to visit the NfltvyTard at |lroohlyn..

The Marquis left bis lodgings at the City ffo-rnyt^TSPTpist M q^lo^, in alfaWaggpina as fie

visiters to crowd forward and take them by the on being presented by the Chairman, Alderman hand. Fort La Fayette fired a salute of 13 guns, answering to the original number of states, as the ship passed^ and woen the ^Genera], landed at Staten Island, a salute was fire/1 'from the ship Importer, In the city the natiai*#f flag .was hoist* ed at all the pnbliic places,andalrthe ships in tbe harbor, and displayed during the day.

The Committee of the Corporation chartered tbe steam-boat Beilona, and proceeded at 10 o'clock to Staten Island, with General Morton, General Benedict, and several members of the Common Council, to greet his arrival, and com­municate informally the arrangements that had been made.

Gen. La Fayette has had a pleasant passage of 31 days, enjoys good health, is in tine spirits, full of conversation, and happy at finding himself once more on the soil of freedom, among his com­patriots of the revolution and a nation of freemen, grateful for his services, and eager to honor hiui.

This day presents one of the most brilliant and magnificent exhibitions ever witnessed in this city. The day itself is one of the brightest the sun ever shone upon—Not a single cloud obscures the clear blue sky'—but all is fair and beauteous—the streets and tbe windows are lined with tbe beauty and fashion of the city—the military presents a rich display-—the thunders of the artillery are roaring around us, mingled with the shrill notes of the fife, the roll of the drum, the ringing of the bells, and tbe spirit stirring music of unitedjbands — the waters are covered with steam-boats and barges gaily and beautifully decorated—and al­most the entire population of this great city are assembled to receive and welcome with overflow. ing hearts, the Soldier and Patriot of the Be vo­lution.

RfeCEI TtOir 6F OBN. LA FAa$ETTE. Agreeable to previous arrangements for tbe re-

cepliOn of''fa llarqmMe la FHyette, the Com-mttte| Of A^fahiemiBTifsof the Corporation, con* mmMMm^'^Mme,, Wycoff, Mann, # « # 6 H W $ - m m % ^ M a j p r General Morton, 0fa n^MMMim. Generals Fleming and $g^?qt#^if$fc&e4ffi ie infantry, Cot Va-%,tyfmMmm fa »reineionati , the ofil. «#& Wft teseii^^fap^botlt of the Society,

m0i0c. of"t«tt'.Brarq#^|lff 'Bffident -and jhlirjptt&e^o£m?. Chann^* «if Ctoitoerce, and

Zabriskie, to the Mayor, bis Honor addressed him in the following speech:—

General—In the name of the municipal autho-- of the city, I bid you a sincere welcome to

.'cfeifof Mftmi&%Mt?:^mtMiitta.y imky we're

ritv the shores of a country, of whose freedom and happiness you will ever be Considered one of the most honored and beloved founders.

Your only contemporaries in arms, of whom indeed but few remain, have not forgot, and their posterity will never forget, the YOUNG and GAL­LANT FRENCHMAN who consecrated his youth, his talents, his fortune, and his exertions to then-cause—who exposed his life—who shed his blood that they might become free and happy. They will recollect with profound emotion, so long as they remain worthy of the liberties thsy enjoy, and the exertions you made to obtain them, that you came to them in tbe darkest period of their struggle—that you linked your fortune with theirs, when it seemed almost hopeless—that you shared in>the dangers, privations and sufferings of that bitter struggle, nor quitted them for a mo­ment, till it was consummated on tbe glorious field of Yorktown. Half a century has elapsed since that great event, and in that time your name has become aa dear to tbe friends, as inseparably con­nected with the cause of freedom, in the old, as in the new world.

The people of the United States look up to you as to one of their most honored parents—the country cherishes you as one of the most beloved of her sons. I hope and trust, sir, that not only the present, but the future conduct of my coun­trymen, to the latest period of time, win, among other slanders, tefute the unjust imputation, that republics are always ungrateful to their benefac­tors.

In behalf of my fellow-citizens of New-York, and speaking the warm and universal sentiments of the whole people of the United States, I repeat their welcome to our common country.

Permit me to add, that the moment of my life, to which I shall look back with tbe greatest plea­sure and pride, will be that in which it fell to my lot to be an organ for expressing] however feebly, a nation** gratitude. ,

To which, fa Marquis i^ade^ie following re-nlv * >-, . S i n ^ ^ f e l aniso iif#ciiOt»tely received by.

fa €mm ni ITftyjtok V&tf'** w<«# Be-p^senta^ve^j f ei. myself overwhelmed with in-®spife33jblQ.emP#n^ ^hetgighlof fa American

Ibore, ofter86M%ftttf#dtt till tecoUectloh of the many respected friends and dear compan­ions, BO moro to,fcafound on this land} the pleaa

0. By.Al&WriieJ^fie, mfatj%i lJCapp|e-

& 'By 30j t.- l|dEt-- efin»l «o«ili« ; fr;20%-CKBI%-Alexa^aW $ T l p » « $fes rirs #rlriot stafeialai*

und8«dd!frln,iefiia|$of,New%r|. * -1. By Capi A#y#,WW& ship ^admns—

George Washington La>Fnyette-tan'ay t&e son .equal tho father in his rjdhejferjtiea tp fftpprpdi-i files of Liberty, as he dpes in atnt^eriess oifjjiar-' acter. , " * . °~> *"•&#• ^n^' t ft

p. % Div J. H. Hayrward- Tho«ra who Jsniiw-bly won for us our fede^deheprafti' iibsb >hd have SJ no^ly shewift^c^ayiAat^we/^ft&^h^w 6»

the' "tfiroriged with people,-and the General, who rode

" entiQHitot^r ^arrangemeatr

I a | i ^ # ar>to ld that fa

% reception wfth which


e v e r y . ^ H wer%%^o5t^ McrMmn^ lives inffteciuseWLlliertyi 4 ^ ' ^

H. By Mr. Brahaa—The infiJEeasins urosjp^i-ty of fa city of N e t * Y w xi

VISIT TO TOB tf&Vt iTAltD. A^alfpast 8 TOck tnis tft>rn1u|,1ll 'CoiBpli-

aice with an*invitation Vrom .<5|pan ^ % e n 4 '

eutered if, he was warmly cbeer£d.by ;a large con­course of people who had assembled in front of tbe Hotel to see him. The steam boat reft the dock immediately on his arrival on board, and the welkin again rang ith tbe Cheers of the thou­sands on shore.

As tbe James Kent passed ^he Grampus', lying in the North River, a salute of kl guns'was fired.

The Kent then proceeded round the. Battery and up the East River, until she came to anchor at tbe dock erected in the harbor, where the steam-frigate is moored,' when the Marquis and the la­dies and gentlemen of tho party disembarked— the U. S. frigate Constellation tiring at tbe same time a salute of 21 guns. .'On landing, he was re­ceived by three cheers frqm 200 sailors drawn Up for the occasion. \. . '" . '•

Tbe General then went on hoard of the steam frigate, and was much pleased with the construc­tion of this formidable and unique naval battle­ment.

On returning, the jolly tars gave three more hearty cheers, and the General proceeded in a barge to the Navy Yard; when another salute of 21 guns was fired on his landing, and he was re­ceived by a battalion of marines.

The General was then conducted on board of the Washington 74, wher* refreshments were pro­vided for the whole party. After refreshing him self, the General took a rapid survey of the ships,

$fc^ffefitieaf Society, chMy *otoj?o§ed©r!** most mpectable masters of ye»*e!s aHembJed on hoard faM# Cadifttw, Cant. Allyn, where they m* few**** i» tegular prim, and proceeded ihrnufh mm of m ^rind|ial ttreeti t© the City 'm&A&a*:.Aiqr.vk*e several^ introduced 4 lite %mm% mti(*im*fa<& famte Wi nam frank and cordial iwinner; • Man^of thetnembet*hen* cognized as old acquaintances, and expre»s«db^

iratlficsMoi at wre ig>&&&v w the *$mm Th0|iaejtet #ij^€Tadinttk|r| whkb the Gentr-

and faimM$B%^mifcmmm$f in*|tatian, ljKHt-sands of':Mtmtmm?--$epffiim!-W'&4ffi in the 'm^-Mfa^^^W^m^t^ field JMlIa

ttadvtif As the seftis

co»v«*nti£«*«f'i«ft| e purpose, by the peop

famv$$m ~&t flp*» o*er pife«tteahfef trwd^

A 0&0ifa^^&Plm^^ tft&Uiimi afi4 irtfnrA ol^/ttt-riifi'^iirt'.'Iirrt»nii3|fj invlt4tiOTli tft

^ M ^ i m ' ^ t } ^ ^ ^ ^ <B$ffcityagstU*

»fMM^0§^fa^ t h e ^ Preskientiat electoi


^efimpfa^^'^n 1

purpose .

and pasetf 'ftn^^a^-isl^ifard* - « n ^ O a ^

eade%o#^d^^^i^JBk^d^^r^'Bond^lr^ aft^ them^ sro" ^ - *pdrji jkvgnnev«_ The"s^a^ts'K*p


and well

% .-Krlfts grew *-**«—-lie ba

fflfflttdh fmB&ptf&am iriffWt 3,v as be nitehds being at Harvard Conimeneement '-on ^esdajr"-iie^|.f fid|,,js%"at $he eastward

^ ^ l l m h ^ - a / W 4 y ^ ^ tohe|i» ' S a l t t f ^ r e l i ^ * M

\ 1 t f t

• i


little junto, popularly t

** fh-




' MemmtoX-Qn the SSTOvenibe^ v*70t,0oh** 1 giressBje&lrVedi--^ ,

quls de ta W^me* hat^f&$&a#i4&tn Mw& and that' he return at such a timers shall fie^nW -, convenient to birri :—That he he informed, Mxsiw*" review of bis conduct throughout the last cam­paign, and particnlaKlydm'ing the period iniyhieitj-| •he had the Chief cornfttand in 'Virginia, thfeiaiaV * new proofs which present themselves of bis zttl- I i ous attachment to the «ause he has espousedr and- i of bb^%OTcn*, wg^7we,g-a??ani7^3nditd^t^ ^ | %nits i^tmtMvb|*ea^3radieiatr>#f^hi^op1js» * 4' ion «ntertaitted %y^C^ngiesst>f his merit* r^t ~*k* military talents v-*******^^ th f e^uj,e^|i*- * * ant of finatice t^ke orSer for discbaTging I h l ^ Jf ^ gagements entered imohy^e Marquis d e k Fay- ' ff

ett© with the merchants of B2d^tt!tire^w , - 1 * • The af'arquia & *la1|%ye 5'haV"bWo mustm* '

ed as present iu tnirgbtiaLr ^KRI h& htu&J'iG*rf3if& imcli to the head of EHi, he receiyed an ordCTtrci* ISen. Wasmngtotrto gd ot -t*Virgiaia th&Ifh«f mtyft^ oppose Gen. Pfaittrps. His troops Were in *anTi$sit*» ery thin^i hawewi-hepr««e*||*o^md &&pi&j& JBW-' timoreou 17th April. Here*|ir^ «i|d«r ««e^rciu# embarrasment for want of. slto^y there not Se£^# pair ink* ^\^V^f%.MMM&m§M ' denee he had excited, ^t$fy$^4Wfi0a^ chaidt 2(»00 guinea* tgjon hts tdm'ji^f&$k he procured suck necessaries «» wSrh

dfisraBtf We- '.SMi^

away tor muuonSf« Jmt ru, and all |b#|irecxoiJ



jfbrwarding^fhisdettteJiMeid'~—S':' ' •• ''WWf^^ffi^ Gordon"* jgmtMr'^m A

""*' - •* ' - • • - « , ; ' - - t 1 <• • = * * %


ORDERS.—The President dr^ftH^* directs, that G«». LA F A Y ^ p % rives in this country, be recdiref^ posts with the honors due to the highest rank in <mr service. ' •>•• - -t< "I

TheGeneral in Ghfef phfisjM|sil|i^l^ the army, by direction #f the 0ecj^ary%|


cjeari „

#mm yon , ___ th^eSr«^^%n|p8& wtio

alil^,.. ........

s>rit 'ii rlft§Er&'vSheS' s*t

faf^im**® ^»ve *

*"~*"- "i^'-iw|^ fan

ft..|sito|4«ina la \ ""Q^Plf wpiiM§|p6 nans oie^^rl' i i f^* i la^p l4

CJUMNTHUGU& •mm <lvi,w!>!tM


? ^ * 5 r a ¥ v P * ^ ^ ion3»9° moro to, nofound onihis land} the pleasr

IBtosA&fa ^atulltts, aftd OHW Brahcb. 'The '«eairi)*sfttp;; W & & Ifea0#dats- f xetpiiftg th0 :0littfS!fieHot» ti^iii^ilitlai ^©- ecot'ntfecI:.'tir:^%|.ebi :GhairapV*J»^^

' ©n|^lbr«,tnfr'teof ' tl^yiW-dtQI^ aha* flags :Wltbr- -tbe:. arms W #0,- 'liattag II^^Yo'r^^tuidnf # , - t h © # i t | . - ' . • , ; * > / - • : . v < U ' - "•'•• / c--••^ ;"- • : %

-Jtlpon Srilvlnffai 8iate''fiTan4;'th^-:'ebmmlffe0. w tise" -'eorpdranotl '• *an^3- • •' po« 'the "MaJqais: ate

had hitn*ai»d NtinrftedtsSito^tiH?iaoharoucho-^ with ih*3*ferqal% • aeconipani#4-l5y jrtfoCV cp Fre» ""Jt"" *' A *hort- distjpico' tiun^tjio 'wharf -:fh$| •

immense concourse of a free Republican popula tion# wh,p - S d - s M t l ^ i ^ ^ ^ i fa ^(mirabie appeajfance of the Jr#psi the pr sejieO Of a corps of 4ho, national-la^ Jliavo excited s^nthnents to

been. p|e4$ed, sn*, tp oliudo to-fa happle^irlmes, the u|a1iQy€dichfolmenlsnf my* public Wai it-is

;liest dbntedltohf «f Jptnejfea -.. -|:arA.|jrboi nls0= &&4%t 'WM: n^mt^iMfanf years «0^.4tfeiiftr imn'^i^mimlfUmiW^i^ fa StimiGf 'vm'tttp -1bcg.you,J»r.Mayorvlhegyou/gen*. ttemeii|. f*-«ccgpt; ywt&bta* and to triinim|t:.tp: fa- ci&enr «f 'iSewvlTpj f fa''Itoiaa^, of faj

and those now building, and returned on board of fiie Kent, when another salute was fired by the Constitution

In re-passing the Grampus, another" salute was fired, and the sides were manned and three cheers given by the patriotic crew.

At one o'clock the boat again came to, tbe wharf, and the General disembarked—-having en­

joyed a charming excursion, and been mush grat­ified with Viewing the works, and witnessing the admirable order and discipline preserved.

Great credit is due to Capt. Rodgers, and tbe officers, for the manner in which the compliment to the Marquis was conducted,

The proprietors of the old steam boat tine again showed their liberal and patriotic spirit, by furnishing a collation with the usual accompani­ments. •<••"'•

Capu T. Wiswall commanded the <jfa.mes Kent under the direction of Mr. C. Bhind, the agent.

GENERAL l*4 #§JOT5fil& In continuation of the aecount concerning this

distinguished individual, we have to add, that af­ter Jiia return to this city frqm faffitff. T uVS, OQ Wednesday, hejvas introduced, .wit&jbj&^&ifa the Historical Soeiety, at their room in the Insti­tution, at 2 o*c|ock, P, M. AC0ovi0& to fyum* tion passed the day before,, they we?re rn&de mem­bers of the Moiety,

f he MarQUii and his son 'wm fa% cpnducifJI into tho ^allecyHbf !Fine Ajrte and the Lyceum,

an4 afterwards reuirnid to fa :Pto$ffljfy aeconi-panied by Br,;Hosao^ iN^^lrW'^Mbma^. and Aldermen IJorie and Wyckoff. ..*t-

testerlpv, wt^'fajR&faWb # ths pw their:r^specfe,; j he same atfe^dn *4»--$ftci feair|'

m hy w wmw$M%tfa%$ w #118it;

UnHei Wm inthfe eounttj durihMWe; tevolu^ont


. GENERAL LA ^ . . . . , „r

We liave copied into our paper of to^£»Mf' eating account of the arrival and receptign «i. tinguished " guest of ike Nation^ &%$w^m ing mat em* readers feel aU the interest every thing connected wit» the friend of OUR cocirttr and of WASHWGTOH.

It must have been York, and Jfor the head of Europe might envy^smiui^iitt^rall^^f1, ceived, what f^nrehafch/ never V^mi^lgfr-heartg «nd cordial -WELCOME *$f« jpee wad ptapfc, whose generous and spontaneous bunt 0 ing mart have touched MVheart, n n d ^ t e l t M ^ 1 ^ '

than eheii he f4f landed on our $knm% us poor, desponding, and almost hopetes^hlil an^ hu purse were fr«ely ofered, and welcome^ K-ceived. How great those ttrvicM wero ^m^HW can tpeak,every toiigu«!t^te1F*-4ttT4f#|t|Wit^T;


hlm^ ^pfpo^d* toT caa«is gone' bjTf*-t|e.ieelbi"to

faiuons rcsoluiions in fa

fa ^mm*^MM$m .|qsj8if tOtaC&lpWnifi .aMheJgai^^Me « •&^EHr*NP*?7

Hwo ^


' ' i l i t e m n n ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ L l r % » , iva%!ffl9rar#w Wednesday Ifst,, in Mm^to^ ,«»e fo!law»»ir j f i i#

_ W4

4«, 48, 53, 4%.


y,#efo|loiattt 1 the tickets— 40, *%


ifrnBt.th^^#^pepn§,: I

a* "k»

57, m T"*

«k^«f'fcTf /<? *'"»^

tobebeWttA , anaod«ifB», on

next, ntt|"#pi A«W* •naRapin Andrews


"^^l^'-tPfS H.V&

*«uujmnrj v u ^ m ,uuutai«, sua IK«H«

ittjsttfvCJaftfsintioii*:" -"•''.. r-... * •JA«Wio|bu^^^

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m.h r^^m% kt«^» «3 Bt ^ liberal ^ntloie andis, «laes uourequn ^ifti% ^a^^ttlwslio

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