KM Chicago - Stan Garfield - Enterprise social networks - feb 2014

Deloitte Enterprise Social Networks: radeoffs and Examples Stan Garfield Presentation to KM Chicago February 18, 2014 Knowledge Management


This presentation covers: · Business-oriented social networking · Supporting and nurturing global networks · Enterprise 2.0

Transcript of KM Chicago - Stan Garfield - Enterprise social networks - feb 2014

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Enterprise Social Networks: radeoffs and Examples

Stan Garfield

Presentation to KM Chicago

February 18, 2014

Knowledge Management

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Enterprise Social Networks (ESNs)

• Tools which are used inside an enterprise to communicate and collaborate across organizational boundaries

• Sometimes described as internal versions of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc., or a combination of these inside an enterprise

• Gaining significant presence in organizations - Chatter

IBM Connections


- Sitrion (formerly NewsGator)



- Yammer

- Many others

• Numerous tradeoffs must be made when selecting and implementing ESNs • It's important to explain to targeted users

- Why should they use the ESN: what are the advantages and benefits?

- When to use the ESN: what is does better than other ways of working

- How should they use the ESN: train them on using the ESN effectively

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1. Size 6. • Small

• Large

2. Culture • Transparency

- Open

- Closed

• Expectations

- Try out and iterate

- Perfect before launch

3. Leadership style 7.

• Lead by example

• Doaslsay

4. Topics 8.

• Actively garden

• Leave alone

5. Members • Require actual names

• Allow anonymous users

Content What to allow

- Attachments and pages

- Conversations only


- Keep all content

- Delete after a fixed period


- Push

- Pull

Integration • Standalone

• Integrated

Technology Location

- In-house

- Cloud-based


- Single

- Multiple

9. Networks • Quantity

- Single

- Multiple

• Participants

- Internal

- External

10. Groups • Creation

- Controlled

- Unlimited

• Access

- Open

- Closed

• Scope

- Broad

- Narrow


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1. Size

Small vs. large • Small enterprises and large enterprises have different needs for ESNs • Does the ESN you are considering provide for these and allow for easily-

configurable options depending on those needs? • This may affect the ESN you choose to implement • Example - New joiner process

- Small organizations may want to suggest creating new groups and following popular people

- Large enterprises may wish to only suggest groups to join

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2. Culture

Open vs. closed

• Does your enterprise operate transparently?

- Are people willing to openly ask for help?

- Is there routine collaboration across organizational boundaries?

- If so, implementing an ESN will likely be successful

• Or is there strong hierarchical control?

- Are people afraid to expose their ignorance?

- Do organizations tend to operate mostly within their own silos?

- If so, merely rolling out a new tool is unlikely to result in more collaborative behavior

- You have some work to do before implementing an ESN

Try out vs. perfect

• What does your organization expect?

- Try out and iterate - start quickly, learn as you go, continuously improve

- Perfect before launch - plan, pilot, solicit feedback, review, modify, launch

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3. Leadership style

Lead by example vs. do as we say

• Leaders of the organization should

- Ask everyone to use the ESN

- Regularly use it themselves

- Show the way for members of the organization to do the same

• Avoid

- Ghostwriting

- Corporate-speak

- Posts which sound like press releases

• Encourage leaders to

- Use their own authentic voices

- Ask and answer questions

- Share what they are doing and thinking

- Make time for doing this regularly - at least once a week

- Look for opportunities to recognize and praise those are using the ESN effectively

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4. Topics

Actively garden vs. leave alone • User tagging is an important part of linking posts on specific topics to make

them more visible. • The problem with folksonomies is that variations of topics tend to proliferate

- Multiple spellings

- Abbreviated vs. spelled out

- Singular vs. plural

- Hyphen vs. underscore vs. no space

• Decide if you want to - Look for these variations and try to reduce them

V Need the ability to merge and delete topics

- Let the system work on its own

V Need aids for those adding tags to see all of the variations and the popularity of each so they can select tags that are in greater use

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5. Members

Require actual names vs. anonymous users

• ESNs differ from public social media tools such as Twitter - Identity of each member should be clearly defined so that other members

will know who is posting

- In Twitter, anonymous accounts and organizational accounts can exist

(e.g., the New York Times)

• In ESNs, it's important to know who is posting - Even if it is on behalf of an organization

- Enable direct contact such as a phone call or email

• No one should be able to hide the identity of the person making a post - People should be accountable for what they post

- Encourage use of photos in profiles rather than avatars or images

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6. Content

Allow attachments and content pages vs. conversations only

• The legal and risk departments of some enterprises, especially those in regulated industries are concerned that some content posted in ESNs may prove problematic if it is the subject of electronic discovery

• They would prefer to prohibit the posting of such content altogether, or if that is not possible, to limit its persistence

• You should discuss this issue with your legal and risk departments - Will attachments, wiki pages, and other content which is not part of online

conversations be permitted?

- Is it possible to prevent such content?

Retain vs. delete

• Will content be kept indefinitely or deleted after a fixed period?

• If deleted, what is the right length of time to retain content before purging it?

Push vs. pull

• Do users plan to use the ESN to push content as if it were email?

• Or do they want to attract people to choose what to consume and respond to?

• Discourage ESN for push; educate how to use it for interaction

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7. Integration Standalone vs. integrated

• ESN vendors continue to add functionality to their offerings in the hope that their customers will use their ESN for all types of collaboration and knowledge sharing

• Most large enterprises already have other systems in place and will want their ESN to integrate into those tools

• Examples of such systems are Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Office,, SAP, etc.

• Can the ESN be integrated with preferred systems of record and knowledge repositories so that content contributed in the ESN can be tagged/found using enterprise search?

• If you need to integrate your ESN with other software, review the details of each point of integration, including:

- Content/Document/Knowledge management system: can the ESN be embedded on a page and used from there without having to leave that page?

- Calendar: Can events created in the ESN be added to the office automation system calendar?

- Email: Can conversations in the ESN be initiated and replied to entirely through email?

- Search: Can conversations and other ESN content be found using enterprise search?

- Single sign on: Can users access the ESN without having to enter a separate ID and password?

- Activity stream: Can the activity stream displayed by the ESN include activities from other enterprise systems such as CRM, ERP, HR, etc.?


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8. Technology

In-house vs. cloud-based

• Do you need to host the system due to security and access requirements?

• Or can it be based in the cloud? - Pros: flexibility, frequency/speed of updates, better performance/availability

- Cons: unexpected functionality/UI changes, breaks training/documentation

Single vs. multiple tools

• Given the ever-increasing functionality available in ESNs, some of the functions and features will replicate those already available in other existing enterprise systems

• For example, wikis, blogs, lists, events, discussion boards, files, etc.

• You will need to decide if there should be a single preferred offering for each of these functions

• For example, you may decide that - Conversations should only take place in the ESN and not in the discussion

board function of another tool such as SharePoint

- The wiki feature of the ESN should be disabled and that the one available in your enterprise wiki should be used instead

• It may not be possible to disable functions in your ESN, so take that into consideration when choosing the preferred alternative


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9. Networks

Single vs. multiple

• Some ESNs operate as a single network, and some allow multiple networks

• You should decide if you want there to be a single network for everyone in your organization to use, or if multiple networks should be allowed

• If multiple networks are allowed, fragmentation and isolation can result

• For example, if there is a global network, but also local networks for each region or country, useful information that is shared in one network and would be of interest in other networks may be missed

• See the discussion of groups on the next slide for more about this

Internal vs. external

• Some ESNs work only within a single enterprise, and some allow people to be invited to join who are outside the enterprise

• If you need to allow clients, partners, and other third parties to collaborate with people in your organization, then the external network option may be useful

• If you don't want to allow outsiders into your network, then be sure that the security of the ESN can prevent this

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10. Groups Controlled vs. unlimited

• Should anyone be able to create a new group?

• Or should group creation be centrally controlled?

• Check to see what is possible in the ESNs being considered

Open vs. closed

• Should groups be open to join, open to read and post, and readily findable in search?

• Or should private and hidden groups be allowed, and if so, under what conditions?

• Both open and closed groups have valid reasons to be offered

• Some discussions and content need to occur in a private setting with a limited audience

• There should be a clearly stated preference for open groups

• The value of ESNs is largely due to the ability of everyone in the organization to benefit from participating in open and easily discoverable discussions

Broad vs. narrow

• How broad or narrow should the topics of groups be?

• Should multiple groups focused on the same topic be encouraged or discouraged?

• Try to have a smaller number of groups, each with a larger number of members

• A single, large group for each important topic, used for collaborating across all organizations and geographies, is more effective than having a lots of separate small groups for each possible subset of the topic


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What is Yammer?

A cloud-based, enterprise social networking platform


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• Better and faster decisions • Find information and resources • Communicate widely and

quickly • Avoid redundant effort • Prevent repeating mistakes • Make scarce expertise widely

available • Show clients Deloitte's

knowledge • Accelerate sales and delivery • Stimulate innovation and growth • Increase morale and strengthen

Deloitte's reputation

• Questions are answered quickly • Problems are solved quickly • What one part of Deloitte knows,

the rest of Deloitte knows • Different parts of Deloitte work

together • Ideas are solicited and

implemented • Trust and transparency increase • Leadership engagement

increases • People interact with people they

didn't know • Connections are made across

silos • More individual learning

Yammer Vision at Deloitte

• Reduce email use • Before starting a project, post

about it • Work out loud and narrate your

work • Ask for help in the open • Share broadly rather than with

just a few trusted colleagues • Redirect queries to Yammer • Achieve maximum visibility for a

post • Pay attention to important

content • Post ideas, comments, and

answers • Take time to praise colleagues

and thank them


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Website (this is the one we recommend)

1. •_!!

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lIr UFTu --

•-'flli Will'!

Il]y IIF 11121 UFF11



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Business Support Exchange for monitoring Yammer and responding to numerous queries with helpful answers. If you include #bsx in your post, BSX will respond with search results, useful pointers, and suggested Yammer arouos. This is a very oowerful service. For exarnoles of

,E4lIt Piiflle

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thth Thankful Thursday - Recognize a colleague, show & appreciation for an accomplishment, or let others know

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Interesting big data angle in yesterdays election http:/

Breaking Analysis: Big Data the Key to Obam&s Win I SiIiconANGLE

silicon angl m

America has spoken and Barack Obama will retain his spot in the White House for another four years. SiliconANGLE Founder John Furrier has been to.,.

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oy uploadet Ito the U.S. India offices ial group.

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Great saying by Christopher Reeve - Once you choose hope,

anything's possible.


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b. U.S. India offices (U SI): Official Great saying by Christopher Reeve - Once you choose hope, anything's possible.

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_________________ _______ Great saying by Christopher Reeve - Once you choose hope it,

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have joined ovation.

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anything's possible

cc. @Nl @1

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-a: ices OPPgroup.

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Great saying by Christopher Reeve - Once you choose hope, anything's possible.

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Using Yammer

Page 33: KM Chicago - Stan Garfield - Enterprise social networks - feb 2014

How you can )articipatI in conversations on Yammer

Share a link, tip, trick, or insight

Q Ask a question to collaborate with others

Find an online resource, person, or site

0 Answer someone's post

Recognize a colleague's contribution or achievement

(; Inform about what you are working on, where you are, or where you will be

Q Suggest an idea and solicit input using a poll


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When to use Yammer and KM systems

Use Yammer to quickly connect and interact with global colleagues:

• Share a link, e.g., here is a link to the latest Forrester Wave report on social networking

• Ask a question, e.g., has anyone encountered this problem before, and if so, how was it solved?

• Find a resource, e.g., looking for a specialist in retirement benefits to help win a bid in Calgary

• Answer a post, e.g., here are links to three relevant quals in the quals database

• Recognize a colleague, e.g., thanks to ©dpalmer for hosting an excellent planning session today

• Inform about your activities, e.g., will be in the Philadelphia office today; does anyone wish to meet?

• Suggest an idea, e.g., local office TV screens should display the global Yammer conversation stream

Use KM systems to access knowledge assets and expertise to sell work and

deliver value

• Finding and reusing knowledge assets (research, insights, methods, and tools) to deliver value to clients throughout the project life cycle

• Accessing our collective experience through documents and quals

• Showcasing expertise and finding experts via profiles (which will include Yammer feeds)

• Connecting and collaborating with communities (which will include Yammer-based discussion boards)

• Contributing knowledge assets to the global organization


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cc: Eg

The Zero Moment of Automotive Truth Video IThink with Google www.thinkwfthgGog!

The new mental model for how shoppers approach buying

a vehicle. Auto makers and resellers learn to understand

the importance of the Zero Moment of Truth.


0 Video


0 Visual storytelling

0 Eminence 0 Deployment

0 Visual Storytelling

0 Deployment

0 Video 0 Eminence Q, Groups Directory

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Reply. Like ShareS More 4 hours ago

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' Deloitte Eminence Network (Public) As we in a.out ow to present research findings in more

compelling ways, here's a good example from Google of how to effectively marry survey findings w/ narration and motion graphics in video format

Thanks, Tiffany. Effective use of low budget Flash married with good VO and music. I agree we should be able to generate these ourselves. We just have to structure ourselves to handle the load.

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I am building an implentation roadmap for the second phase of a knowledge management project. The goal of the roadmap is to show the timeline and steps for developing knowledge management functionality and business processes over the next year. Has anyone worked on something similar who could point me toward something useful?


0 BSX 0 Knov4edge Management

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JJ Knowledge Manag... cc: ©

Reply Like Share MoreS 23 hours ago from Desktop

BSX 0 Kno1edge Management

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Q Groups Directory

+ Create Group We performed a search in our internal repositories and have the below links for your reference.

Knowledge Management Implementation Roadmap

Requirements Specification of a Knowledge Management System

Knowledge Management Proposal and Discussion Deck


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' Learning Technologies I am looking for useful e-learning courses on Yammer. Does anyone have courses that you have used and would recommend?

Reply Like - Share - More July 24 at 5:18pm

( Show 7 older replies *

reply to Thanks Sarah. I actually wori with Mark so already connected to him:)

July 26 at 9:28am • Reply Like . Share . More

n reply to Dolly, have you seen all the training materials that are available from the Yammer site on Deloitte Resources? The user guide goes into a lot of detail. There are also several reference documents that might be useful to your stakeholders. Visit the DR site here:

/ and click on 'Training Materials" on the right hand side.

Do let us know if you're looking for some other kind of information that you don't find here.

July 26 at 2:26pm Reply Like Share More

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There have been a number of changes in our CKM group in recent months, and so we have been working to ensure we have an up-to-date listing to work from. Since many of our teams have an interest in the listing, I have attached it here, with recent changes highlighted in yellow. We will also be updating the KX Contacts page and our distribution lists accordingly. If you spot anything you think is incorrect, please let me know (that request goes to all our CKMs tool)

cc: @D

2 Uploaded to GCI<M (Global Consulting Knowledge Mnagernent) Files

xl sx

Reply . Unlike Share More 20 hours ago

0 CKM 0 CountrjKnowledgeManager

4 Liked by you and Katherine Goodwin.

daii: Thanks, Andrea. Is this also in the A&C

I 3 hours ago - Reply Like Share More

TOPiCS edit

0 CKM 0 CountryKnaedgeManager



lsx 20 hcajra ago

Sheila, I created a few folder in the A&C Iffteam space to document the spreadsheet and our update


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s praised ©

"For her hard work in showing everyone how to use the excellent

collaboration tool that is Yammer"

Reply Like Share More 21 minutes ago


Thanks . I appreciate "eposiWtiveee ck and look PorwarFoeeing even more people collaborate here on Yammer.

13 minutes ago Reply Like Share More

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Were launching the pilot of our new Communities webinar for the 4si3 Pacific region on August 15 at 11 p.m. Eastern. Please spread the word.

All Cornpny


Inform about your activities

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.W. Knowledge Manag... (See attached Event)

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Reply Like Share More August 3 at 10:44am

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in reply to We can definitely include this quote (and others) in future invitations to show the testimonials" aspect and consider adding a testimonials section to our KX training site the

way BSX does on their site. i for us to consider as we plan to migrate KX training site to KX next gen.

August 18 at 1219am• Reply Like Share rlcre A Liked by


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Implementing a Successful KM Programme

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