Kings of Peace

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  • 8/10/2019 Kings of Peace



  • 8/10/2019 Kings of Peace




    -THE TEXT-

    Copyright 2014 by Kings of Peace, written by Goss Lindsey

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be sold for profit. This publication may

    be freely distributed in electronic format only. For permission or other requests, write to

    the publisher, [email protected].

  • 8/10/2019 Kings of Peace






    A KING'S WORLD..13















    A KING'S CHRIST....67


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    There comes a point in time where we realize our memory lost, and the questions of both who and what we

    are become duly inspected. We have questioned a temporary reality and eventually recognized we have found

    less than peace. Here, we embark upon a simple journey. In a quest to peace we begin seeking inside andout, and eventually only within. Slowly, we realize that we do not walk alone and we discover a peace

    greater than our current reality has offered. In our first steps, we may believe yet cannot remember of Whom

    we are. Through personal testament, faith is born again through experience and takes hold of our once weary

    heart which once dreamed only a hopeful dream. No less than a King of Peace shall be returned to the

    Kingdom of God. Amen were we not left, Amen did neither God nor His Son leave us alone. Amen were

    we found. Our gratitude is our joy, and in this joy we find our brother as he has found us. A quest to

    peace shall bear nothing less than a King of Peace restored amongst Gods Kingdom.

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    The title of this writing is merely a representation in words. Words can only be symbols

    attempting to describe the actual thing. In this way, this title is meaningless, as are thewords and this writing. What it points to, however, is both Eternal and True, which are

    aspects of God. The words are relevant in that they are like gentle songs drumming the

    echoes of our Father, Who sounds forever in our hearts. Amen to those who would find beauty

    here, for praising God is always beautiful, which is what this writing is.

    God's Sons are genderless and can only temporarily inhabit what we refer to as a body. The

    word Kings does not refer to one whom we would call male, meaning the opposite of

    female. Equally the word Son is inclusive of what we would call a daughter, for what is of

    God transcends what can be altered.

    For consistency, the word body will be used interchangeably with the word shell. The

    use of shell is more expansive and would encompass any being within a temporary

    structure in a particular time. The use of the word body will refer to the shell

    encompassing the human condition. That which has limits or dwells in a structure is not of

    the Creator, but of His Sons who create these temporary structures and may dwell within

    these realities.

    The man who writes this for you is not important in any way other than he has written what

    he was asked to write. As these words were freely given to him, they are equally given freely

    to you. Thus, I gladly will that you have them as anything born in Gods Love could not be

    only mine, but is ours. No further explanation is needed as I stand within the Kingship, as

    do younot above or below, but beside you. Blessed has my memory been restored enough to write

    this small song, and not alone but as one within the Kings of Peace who sing praise to our Father.

    My capacity is important only in that I have gladly accepted God's Will in expressing this

    content. I have no formal training in any religion or as a writer, yet I do not write this from

    myself alone. Indeed, if you know only one thing about me, I would wish that you know

    this: I come in peace, having sung my best for Him.

    My qualification to write this text lies only in that my vision has seen what we will all

    recognize to be true, as my little eyes have been shattered by the Eyes endowed by our

    Father. I have seen my brother as myself and not one difference do I behold. All that will

    be lost in time is already lost, as time and all things shall fall away when His Sons return to

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    His Kingdom. Only the memory of what His Sons once shared in experience will be kept.

    All that truly is, has always been and will remain, for it is of the Unalterable. With

    discernment gained upon a simple quest to peace, we will begin to identify these things

    naturally. Amen will another King of Peace be restored unto Gods Kingdom, and nothing less do we seek

    as we share our Fathers Will.

    This may be the most important text the reader encounters during a lifetime here.

    Important refers specifically to saving one time in lost memory. The text itself is not of

    importance, but ones willingness to consider what it says is. Only one choosing to Learn

    can be Taught, and this text identifies nothing less than Gods Law in restoring His Law

    correctly to our mind. What we Teach we shall Learn, and we extend our blessing in His Peace.

    Even so, a being can tell you many truths and still err. Writing on such a topic can be

    accurate only to the degree the writer can join with Gods Mind, and to the extent the

    writers own mind is cleared so he may Hear. I am a King of Peace and have simply

    accepted my birthright. I do not ask you to believe or not believe this claim, but to seek

    your own Kingship if you have not already.

    A drop once returned to the ocean is no longer a drop, but part of the sea itself. It is here

    we forever may access Gods Mind encompassing the entirety of His Sons if we choose. As

    stated previously, A King of Peace, is nothing other than the definition used in this text to

    describe one who recognizes and chooses to accept what they already are, which is Love

    itself. Using the term, A Line of Kings, inherently would include all Gods Sons who

    stand for God and have accepted their Kingship. The terms being used are nothing more

    than poetic symbols attempting to sing praise to God and define concepts.

    To join with God naturally joins the seeker to those within the Kingdom of His Mind, for it

    is shared. In this writing I ask again and always the first prayer to God I ever remembered

    in this life: Father, be with me, within me, and all around me; always and Amen.

    I have been asked to perform a simple task which I have gladly accepted. I have been asked

    to write this to myself where I set out at my conscious beginning of my own quest to peace.

    How could I have known someday I would remember myself to be nothing less than a Kingof Peace? Not even at this time had I remembered God or witnessed a King of Peace. As

    a young man disenchanted with the world and not certain in even my own belief of whom I

    believed myself to be, I made a simple decision to seek answers. Shortly after this

    beginning, I realized the answer I wanted was to find peace.

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    At that time, I would have perhaps mocked these very wordsas indeed you may now.

    Still, I sought answers, and perhaps I may have received even a small blessing from these

    words, as may you. For no other reason, nor more blessed purpose, do I offer this. Gods

    Gift can only be received when one accepts His Offering, and a King of Peace can only

    assist you in terms of saving time. This text has been written in memory of my own losttime.

    In this text, the sentences written in italics are meant as prayers to elicit pauses within the

    text. Every concept written here should be challenged in full, which is the purpose. This

    text could be seen to not have a linear flow in content. Because of what it speaks to, it is not

    meant to be linear but rather to activate ones own awareness at each crossroad it comes

    across. Similar crossroads will be approached, sometimes multiple times, each from a new

    perspective. It is within our own activation of consciousness where answers may be found,

    not in the content itself. Because we do not read this alone, the pauses are intentional, inorder to create space for assistance to be received if one is willing.

    Though I write this to myself from years ago, to write for one is to write for all. Gods Sons

    are united within His Mind, and one brother is always enough for our effort. To

    understand this is to remember our own past, and the blessed acceptance that even we were

    enough for those before us to extend their hands to us and sing words of the Kingdom.

    The particulars of my journey are shared in the document, Authors Story How Kings of

    Peace Originated. No two journeys in experience will travel the same path. The lessons

    of Gods Peace, however, will unfold the same beauty within both ourselves and our brotheras we ascend the mountain to regain our Crown of Peace. Only the time in which we

    choose to learn these lessons to claim our birthright may vary, as nothing less than a King of

    Peace shall be restored unto God's Kingdom.

    The term Crown of Peace is being used as a representation of what remainswhen all else

    is lost. It refers to Gods Gift of Life to His Son. The symbol itself isnot, nor could it be,

    this Gift. The Crown is not drawn in gold representing an object, but in white representing

    Gods Peace which extends from His Son.

    The word Peacein the use of this text is the same as peace. Gods Peace could be seen

    as the Whole, while peace could be found in part along the journey to God, even when one

    does not know where their journey will end.

    The content is offered not for belief but rather for challenge. What it represents cannot be

    taught; it can only be recognized by one choosing to See. To learn of a temporary reality is

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    eternal and of Him. Thus, to God, His Son has always remained perfectly innocent and

    beautiful. A King of Peace has done nothing more than accept Gods Vision and sees

    ourselves and our brother as not two, but one, inherently inclusive of all of Gods Sons.

    The Kings of Peace are neither an ethnicity in our current species, nor a species unto itself.

    We make no distinction between temporary forms of existence, for when the shell dissolves,

    Gods Son remains.

    Kings of Peace are both seen and unseen, yet unseen simply refers to the frequencies of

    energy that the human eye cannot see. Thus, this perspective is subjective, based upon

    whatever perception limitations a brother currently dwells within. We make no distinction

    among these limitations, for our communication is carried by the frequency of God which is

    Love, which is boundless and penetrates all temporary limitations through all of time.

    Our allies are not limited by our belief in which Kings may walk with us, for all are welcome.

    Kings of Peace dwell in shells of all frequencies and exist in Heaven, the sum of all

    frequencies holding no shells. We come from all religions and no religion in our

    backgrounds; but we are similar in that we have recognized Gods Gift of Life. Upon the

    death of our shell, we are not imprisoned by any mad belief that we ever were the shell.

    Thus we do not believe that to cease projecting such an image could mean death today any

    more than tomorrow. There is only death or there is only Life, and it is to Gods Gift of

    Life that the Kings have testified.

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    Our message is always the same, and remains unchanged in all of what we would call time

    and space. If you have heard but one King, you have heard us allas always do we sing.When our words are first heard they can seem difficult to understand and often met with

    heavy resistance of the ego. The message of the Kings is never of fear, but will be perceived

    fearfully by the part of the mind referred to here as the ego, which is dedicated to proving

    our separation is real.

    Wave upon wave, our brother's awareness will be restored as he returns to Gods Mind. He

    will sing not our words but his, and blessedly does the Symphony of Gods Song increase. As we See

    beauty, we wash away the overgrowth blocking our vision of Gods Truth. A Kings joy is

    not in giving his brother a mere fish of this world, but in teaching him how to free himselffrom his own mind to gather the boundless fish of Spirit in all of his existence.

    Wave upon wave, we sometimes gently and sometimes forcefully crash upon the shores of

    your mind. Every wave is the same in that it carries His Water, which is His Love. Every

    word a King sends is the same in that it was sent by his Love for his brother.

    Resistance of the ego does not impede our songwe once resisted as well. The ego can

    only despise the thought that one brother could have even one thing it does not believe it

    has, including peace. A King would not keep his Crown of Peace to himself but give it with

    all of his heart. And even more would a brother trapped within a false identity find reasons

    to align with hate. Finding Gods Truth requires not the ending or beginning of a

    temporary condition but the willingness at any moment to seek vision from Eyes anew.

    We have said the same thing as surely as our hearts have sung the same song in different

    ways. We stand in no place other than where we claim to standwhich is with our Father

    and within the unbreakable Line of Kings. If you claim to not stand within our Line today,

    and yet your heart has rejoiced as your ego has feared upon hearing our song, it is you we are

    seeking. We have come to assure your safe return and to expedite your arrival Home.

    Our message is said only as clearly as we can Hearand we have Heard clearly. We profess

    your innocence because we have seen it in Gods Sons. We do not judge what impact we

    do or do not have upon finding our brother, as we are directed within the Kingdom. The

    Kingdom is connected in Gods Mind, as our Father has shared His Mind with His Sons for

    time eternal. Blessed is our greatest joy in accepting our role amongst our Line within our Father.

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    The lowercase mind cannot be shared, for it is of the body and all things that can change. It

    is limited by time and reliant on external, temporary forms of energy to exist. It dwells in

    isolation inside a small skull, emitting electrical patterns we call thought. This cannot be

    Thought, for Thought is creative as it extends beyond that which can be bound, and the

    Source of its energy is eternal. What is not bound can only be Boundless. In Gods BoundlessLove, blessedly does a King does not stand alone as he sings of Gods Song.

    The message of Gods Love may at times seem redundant. Yet if it is truly Heard, it will

    always be found beautiful, for it sings to nothing other than God Who is perfectly beautiful.

    Wave upon wave do we seek you, as we were sought. In our thoughts, words, songs, and

    prayers do we look for one who walks along the path we once walked. We seek those

    seeking another way to exist, but who are uncertain where to seek. We have made the

    seemingly impossible, possible, in that our memory has been restored as will yours.

    To the ego, this is a direct threat as it does not remember Him within whom we were born.

    The ego would rebuff its brother who offers it Water, for it does not understand even for

    what it thirsts. Only a small insane belief would not accept even a sip, but would rather

    cling to anger toward one who claims remembrance of what it has not yet remembered itself.

    The consciousness of a species could be described as the connection to the ego versus the

    connection to the Mind within its population. Kings are sent to assist in dislodging the

    condition of the ego at the moment one is ready for it to occur. Species can be freed en

    masse as Gods Word travels not at a linear pace, but rather an exponential rate. His Word,which is Truth, is not bound by laws that govern a temporary reality. Kings yield Kings by

    freeing brothers from what they are not; thus Kings free Kings.

    When a brother's innocence is seen, the salvation of God arises within our heart and heals

    not only our brother, but equally ourselves. Slowly or quickly, we align then with Gods

    Mind and learn to deny the ego. By the Eyes of forgiveness we release our brother as we

    have released ourselvestruly we set the captives free as we have been freed.

    Our message offers nothing that cannot be tested and proven by experience. Gods Lawshatters old beliefs and replaces them with His Truth, not only by faith but by results. Faith

    understood correctly is the acceptance of not knowing today how much light we extend and

    how many brothers who thirst may be quenched by His Love that we offer. Faith is fully

    transparent in Reality which transcends space and time, thus faith in what impact we have is

    not required for it is stored in Gods Mind and will soon enough be Seen clearly. We have

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    limited time in which we operate on faith, and wish not upon our exit to witness the face of

    even one brother thirsting, to whom we did not offer water while we walked by his side.

    Faith is necessary only in accepting a temporary limitation of what we can See at a particular

    time. Thus the correct premise of faith is based upon trust, as to not have faith is to not

    trust God or the Line of Kings working amongst us. Therefore, the condition of faith in

    God is factual in its basis. We have witnessed the miracle of healing and can only know

    today that to which we have stood witness. A King Knows he offers of the Kingdom, and

    that he will Know the extent of acceptance by his offering in time. His joy, however, is not

    found in degrees or numbers, for his joy is completely fulfilled by performing his function

    within the Kingship. For this reason, a Kings faith is always enough. One brother is

    always enough as Kings restore Kings.

    Waves of peace do not teach what lies past the rocky shore, for Gods Love cannot be

    taught. These waves do, however, weather rock to sand, thus removing fear that dwells like

    a fortress around the ego in one who has forgotten. This can be learned; therefore, the

    process is taught.

    God's Message has not changed nor could it ever be changed. In gratitude, we write it in

    different styles, languages, and even methods and places unimaginable at this time. We have

    come for all who have called, as His message of peace stands in time eternal, and our

    brothers call we have Heard.

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    The World of a King is what we often refer to as Heaven. A King's current world could be

    defined as the temporary reality and shell he currently resides within and experiences.

    Heaven is the boundless Reality where Gods Sons merge and hold no aspectsother than

    His Gift to His Sons. Layer by layer, every frequency which composes a shell subject to

    time or requiring non-eternal sustenance of energy is washed away in our return to Heaven.

    Here we stand as both the drop and the ocean itself, for All is fully shared. Not even one

    temporary difference in our brother could we find while existing within Heaven.

    Thus, in Heaven God's Sons are formless if the word form implies that which is subject to


    Many have said God made us in His image, yet believe God's image is that of a human.

    Shells make shells, and the eye can attest this to be so. It cannot be that God makes one

    shell but not another, for our Father creates nothing that is subject to change. What God

    makes must equally be a part of Him; thus, if the image of God is Love, then His Sons must

    truly be Love itself.

    His Sons stand as blessed eternal aspects of His Consciousness yet part of All, unbound in

    an endless ocean of peace within our Father. This cannot be accurately described in words

    and need not be believed. It will in time, however, be rememberedand only His Son can

    decide when this memory shall occur.

    A world could be defined as a temporary reality made by God's Sons. Usually these are not

    created alone but by many. To Create is of God, as it refers to bearing what cannot change,

    which are His Sons. For this reason His Sons are safe. They can alter and create nothing

    that will not eventually be lost in time. Gods Sons create shells within which a brother may

    dwell, yet God Creates His Son.

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    A King's Reality stands as not only the primary, but the sole, recognition of what Reality is.

    When existing in a temporary reality, the acceptance of it being only what it is and nothingmore, remains correct.

    A King does not primarily attempt to change a reality, as Gods Reality, which is the basis of

    his song, cannot change. The altering of a temporary reality is indeed a consequence in the

    arrival of Kings, yet this is an outcome not a primary intent of why Kings of Peace arrive.

    As free will was given to Gods Sons, so does a King allow his brother to choose what he

    believes himself to be. A King has only come to offer a simple message.

    The shells, planets, and all things subject to change within a reality represent its aspects. A

    King is aware that only the aspects of him which he cannot keep are subject to the laws of a

    reality. The shell indeed has value, primarily in its ability to communicate. Thus, the

    highest use of a body for a King is the communication of Gods Reality while within a


    Gods Reality is not fragmented but Whole. A reality is temporarily separated in time and

    location, appearing apart from the whole. But this cannot make Gods Son apart, for

    Reality is of God and extends to all places in all of time. Therefore, Gods Reality can

    always be found and the egos reality may always be challenged and replaced when one is

    ready. Once our little eyes become Eyes remembered, eyes are not chosen anymore as the

    primary mechanism for Seeing for they cannot See.

    In worlds where Eyes have been forgotten, Kings will often be told they do not live in the

    real world, meaning they do not understand "reality." Part of the condition in recognizing

    one's Kingship is indeed the denial of reality, as it is replaced by God's Reality. In this

    sense, the above accusation stands correct. A King has sought more than what the world

    has shown and has to offer to his once-weary eyes. Somewhere along our initial quest to

    peace, there were instances along our journey not born from this reality. Thus, we denied

    reality more and strengthened our embrace of Reality.

    Slowly we recognized too that we did not walk alone. We did not know how many walked

    with us, but itwas enough to not be alone. Gods Reality has long been forgotten in many

    realities, yet this does not make a lost memory false. For what other reason would a King

    rejoice with you? We stand as nothing more and nothing less than a blessed reminder that

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    you may too remember what has been forgotten. Our message would not be good news if

    we spoke of something our brother could not equally have.

    A King has denied the impossibility of a reality being Real until he could no longer be

    concerned by the thoughts of a brother who would condemn him. His brother who calls

    for peace, however, is his concern. It is this call a King wills to Hear, and he understands

    that only eyes seeing through fear would deem a brother speaking of Gods Love as

    threatening in any way.

    Gods Reality cannot be bound by Gods Son. What is Boundless cannot be bound to a

    book, religion, or any institution made by any being, no matter how enlightened they have

    become. Enlightened could be defined as one who has completed the simple transition in

    awareness from reality to Reality.

    Anyone experiencing this shift will eventually understand God is not proprietary. He may

    be spoken of and praised to the best of one's ability at any particular time. Yet any attempt

    to bind the Boundless is always a mere representation, for however beautiful this

    representation may be, it cannot be the thing itself.

    A King is aware that those who have chosen to only experience and believe in a temporary

    reality naturally deem themselves as bound. This does not make those with such a belief

    correct. Such believers are correct in that they will only experience a changing reality that

    they have sought to find. When our Eyes are not intended to be opened, only lack of

    Seeing can occur.

    No number of those within a shell believing a reality to be Real can make it so. How could

    one even believe what their eyes are seeing will be sustained forever? If one has no shell at

    a given time, they can only experience Reality, for a necessary condition of Heaven is

    complete release of what we cannot keep. Within Gods Reality, which is Heaven, are all

    the experiences shared that every one of God's Sons has experienced in all realities and in all

    of time.

    In Heaven all is shared, nothing is lost, yet nothing is judged. Blessed did we truly not Create andalter the unalterable, yet experience life, as life loves to experience possibility. It is possible that those

    within a reality who once remembered Home may eventually forget their Home. This error

    has occurred en masse within the human condition from which I write this today.

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    To clarify, one claiming to stand within lowercase legion stands with only a small grouping

    of brothers. This is a legion of darkness, for it is exclusive, not inclusive. They dont own

    the title. The word legion itself is simply a title of brothers standing together. And as

    always, the question is for what do they stand? It is here the Legion of Light makes clear

    for Whom they stand.

    The Limitless Light of God shines within, and extends beyond, every King throughout this

    Line who stands to serve their Father. Truly the Legion of Light consists of Gods

    Warriors, but not a warrior as the world would know the name. All those within the Legion

    of Light are Kings of Peace, yet not all Kings of Peace choose to join Legion. The function

    of those who choose to serve within Legion is specific: All within Legion have chosen to

    walk together into dark places to bring Gods message of Light and to free their brother

    seeking freedom.

    All are welcome in our cause. To know Legion is to know your own desire that you and

    your brother be free and have peace. Together, we expose the veil of deception that

    attempts to blind our brothers vision once we have Seen.

    Though some would see us as an enemy, we have no enemies as none can stand before us.

    To imply war against us as possible is false, for none can break the ranks of Legion who

    stand only for God, Who cannot be destroyed.

    We do not need to fight, for Gods Peace penetrates minds dreaming of war against those

    who bear witness to Truth. Water breaks the hard rock to sand without anger. The Legionof Light blinds with pain those who do not wish to See, though it is never pain we extend or

    wish to offer.

    One could no more fight Gods Sons who stand within His Kingdom than one could fight

    God Himself. We appear in both form and no form as we represent the Boundless. When

    we arrive, our message will shatter the fragile walls of a reality intended to deceive our

    brother. Then our brother can choose in clarity what he intends to identify himself to be.

    Little kings fight for the temporary and here, in little realities, they make war for such littlethings. The Kings within Legion stand for Reality as it is, no matter where they find

    themselves to be. If you know our Name in memory, your smile shall return, for none who

    will Gods Peace areleft behind upon our arrival.

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    A King of Peace sees no enemies. The concept is not possible for the ego to understand.

    The ego believes in its own separation, merely to join small, seeming alliances that share itspurpose for a time. Its loyalty is only to itself and its desired means of perception proving

    its belief in separation is real.

    A simple lesson has been learned by a King. Within a reality such as this, it may appear that

    perception governs belief. This identifies awareness with the little eyes, as these senses

    become the foundation of what we deem to be true.

    A King has shattered this belief and found Reality, in fact, to be the opposite. What we

    believe we will see governs our perception. How else could a King See innocence where a

    world has not found it? How else could we be freed from the ego and its senses that dictate

    our separation to be real, and war on our brother to be justified? Here, by Gods Law of

    perception, a King finds peace.

    A King correctly identifies those who wish to sin upon and deceive their brother. Yet, in a

    Kings choice to maintain his Kingship, he naturally puts aside his need for revenge.

    Forgiveness was once learned, yet becomes both the natural and chosen extension offered to

    all brothers. The King serves the Creator of all, who has no enemy as none could threaten

    Gods Home.

    Enemies are justified always or never. Equally, anger is always justified or never. This

    stands perfectly in accordance with God's Will, which is immutable. Justification of one

    enemy leads to that of another, which by nature identifies with the will of the ego, and

    attempts to deny the will of God.

    The Kings of Peace are masters of denial, for they know what can and cannot be kept.

    Temptation of the ego can only seek what is not of God and dwells in the temporary. A

    King does not struggle with his egos temptation as he has correctly Seen these things as they

    are. Only choices without judgment can be made once the Eyes are open.

    The root of maintaining an enemy is born in anger of the ego. The ego does not wish

    awareness to be free but to imprison it within the confines of the egos false reality, and

    would attempt to hide the simplicity of Truth. One cannot be anger, but can only attune

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    to it, as all possibilities exist in all places. A King has dismissed that he could be a simple

    emotion, as easily as he has denied that he could be a thought or a shell.

    As the ego cannot remember what or who it is, then what it believes it is can only be a

    fantasy. Anger may arise in a King, but what makes his Crown shine of Gods Light and

    not be dimmed is that just as easily he releases it. Anger is not meant to be held if God's

    Will is accepted.

    There are those who would see a King as threatening, despite his only claim being equality

    with his brother born in Gods Peace. Those who truly choose evil are conscious of their

    choice in maintaining separation from God. Evil is not real in this way. Nothing can be

    taken from God or from His Sons, thus the intent of sin is inept. This awareness of one

    choosing evil, however, will not last in time because those who continually choose evil will

    eventually forget Home. Those who fall from His Grace do so by their own choice, as

    none are forced outside Gods Kingdom. Here we see in our world the results of this

    occurrence long after the initial fall for many.

    A King does not attempt to alter the freedom of will for his brother. If his brother chooses

    evil, this does not change Gods Reality or His Sons, and therefore does not threaten the

    Kingdom. If his brother chooses to remain Home-less, this too will be respected. The

    return of Gods Son to His Kingdom only rests in time, which shall end.

    Time can be long, or time can be short. What was forgotten shall be restored in full as a

    King returns to the Kingdom.

    The Kings of Peace travel to lands where brothers have forgotten their Home, yet a flame

    inside their brother remains lit. We come to our brothers aid if we find in his call even the

    smallest spark of willingness to seek peace. It is here where dreams are realized and the

    heart is renewed. We find those who seek peace, which is also to seek our Father. No

    more than this would we ask, and no more is asked of us.

    Truly, Kings of Peace are the light of the world. Our journey is not walked alone but is

    shared as we remain a light to all worlds. Gods Light shines through us, extended to thoseready to don their Crown of Peace.

    It is when you look closely that you will realize we are speaking to you, and Amen, has our Father's Peace

    been extended. We seek the weary who are tired. We seek the broken and those betrayed by

    promises of the world. We seek those who have seen enough from little eyes only

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    perceiving what can die. Our Father does not betray us, as His Promise remains carried

    even until now.

    We have not left you, nor shall we leave. You may have heard we will stay with you even

    unto the end of the worldand end it we shall. We have opened a door in Gods Name

    which will dissolve the darkness that our brothers have hidden behind and have been

    trapped within. From here the Home-less will make a conscious choice of what they will to

    serve. This could be called the Atonement and is directed by the Kings of Kings as it

    completes a cycle of time.

    We have not forgotten you, for we have not forgotten ourselves. Our hand is extended, for

    we have not forgotten your value to the Kingdom. To forget your value would be to forget

    our own value and the value of those who have reached for us when we were alone. We are

    all around you, more than you would ever know. In one way would you know us, as we

    have said nothing less than the same thing in many ways. Seek your Father with all of your

    heart and in His Peace you will find your birthright.

    We do not claim to wear a Crown of Peace while willing that you not have it. We shine, and

    we sing, and our message breaks the shell of our brother who is seeking peace, for it is of

    God. We speak to you not only of the possible but of the inevitable, so you may arise

    quickly within our Line and expedite the Atonement for all, and so every brother will clearly

    See again upon the choice of what they serve. Only the time you choose to return is an

    option, and we stand by you always to assure your arrival.

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    It is easy to underestimate the power of peace, for we only know what we have seen. To

    limit the degree of peace we may experience or extend is to limit God, which is not logical.Peace never needs to be fought for, only stood for.

    One may not remember God at a particular time, yet peace may likely still be sought. To

    seek peace is to seek God, even if one does not know this at the time. Seeking peace does

    not require belief in what one does not remember.

    If we have sought peace, we will initially find what seems like degrees in which it is found.

    The ego is always opposed to our forgiveness; the ego protects its little investments and it

    mistrusts our brother. First, we release one brother. Next, we release systems of thought

    within the world that create justification for war and fear. The ego will always attempt to

    take freedoms and protective measures within a reality to justify its fear that our brother will

    harm us, as the ego can only see them as it knows itself to be.

    Finally, we release ourselves, and recognize that both ourselves and our brother are innocent.

    The fewer limitations we can put on our ability to offer and receive peace, the more quickly

    we can learn of its power.

    Peace is found in forgiveness. As we release our brother from what he is not, we will begin

    to remember what he is. This can be a long or slow process in terms of time, which is

    limited by his choice in the degree of release he accepts. God has already released, thus the

    limitation to peace in terms of time is always dependent on His Son. To forgive our brother

    equally forgives ourselves, and in the process we will recognize the blessing of forgiveness

    which will unbind what never was.

    It will be helpful to clarify how the words belief and faith are being used. Belief as

    being used in this text is never needed. Belief attempts to believe in what we do not know

    without evidence or experience. Belief requires the acceptance of something being within a

    balloon of which we do not know. In this way, balloons may be popped to see what rests

    inside. In this way, too, a belief is a mental construct based upon an idea we created or

    which was handed to us from the past. It is not inherently true or not true, yet if inspected

    may be proven, disproven, or correctly suspended as unknown. Believing something to be

    possible is correct, while believing something to be true or not true is nothing more than a

    guess until we have evidence by experience.

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    Faith differs from belief greatly in terms of how these words are being used here, as faith

    recognizes to some degree that God and His Sons work with and through us to bring

    healing to our brothers. In this way, we allow for the power of peace, and faith remains the

    foundation of our alignment to God.

    The ego will attempt to believe we are words such as good, positive, and hopeful.

    This would inherently mean we are trying to be what we do not already recognize to be true.

    It is not a distant belief in peace that God wills for His Son, but rather His Peace itself born

    in faith by the experience of His Love.

    Attempting peace is to be peace itself. Erasing conflict is to erase conflict itself. This is not

    a projection or hope, but a tangible experience of joy. To the degree we are willing to

    accept Gods Peace, our Eyes will See and all things not of Him will be released.

    Being good is a term used when one has chosen separation and the ego needs justification

    for its existence. To strengthen this rationalization, it provides insane answers that make

    complete sense to one wishing to serve it. Being what one believes to be good makes

    them force goodness, and Gods Love needs not be forced, as it is a natural extension.

    Furthermore, one lost in isolation believing their goodness is enough cannot be used by the

    Kingdom, for they choose their reality to be separate from the Whole. A King asks for

    union of the Whole so Gods Miracles work through His Sons as they offer and receive His

    Miracles equally. Those wishing to not join His Kingdom cannot receive His Blessing, for

    they have not asked for it.

    A King of Peace has forgiven fully, and in this he has recognized forgiveness for himself.

    To fully forgive another is to See with the Eyes of God, through our Crown of Peace, and

    thus it is forgiveness of all. A King has forgiven all realities and all his brothers, on every

    layer of function.

    A King has correctly identified the evident. As religions may be used to justify their belief

    to be Gods chosen, a King has seen a simple thing. None are chosen over another, for all

    Gods Sons are chosen as equally worthy of Gods Love. Within Gods Mind, a King has

    seen as fallen all that will fall in time. Every flag, ethnicity, or belief that attempts toseparate even one brother from another has been washed away. In this vision, he has

    spoken, not for one, but for all, in the simple message that he offers. Not as the King of Peace,

    but blessedly, as a King standing within the Line of Kings.

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    A King sees problems within a reality and recognizes they are not the actual problem, but

    many outcomes of only one problem. Brothers who choose sin, and brothers who remain

    unconscious of what they choose, cannot witness Gods Peace. If any do not know they are

    of peace itself, how can the alleged joining of many perpetuate the extension of His Peace

    within a reality?

    A King teaches nothing more than that which he recognizes to be true. At various points

    along a brothers quest to peace before complete forgiveness is accepted, he will find new

    layers in which his anger seemingly is justifiable. He will discover new levels of deception

    and corruption in which some of his brothers engage, each able to enact the egos response

    of anger as we bear witness to the sins and errors of our brother. A King knows that this

    prolonged his own journey, so he speaks of it. Forgiveness is not accomplished by us, but

    by our Father, since within His Memory it is already complete. Forgiveness only needs to

    be willed by us; thus its acceptance is the only condition.

    To release all brothers and oneself from perceived debts is to experience Gods Peace. To

    forgive releases the fold of time itself that bears past collections of error to which the ego

    remains bound. When anger arises once ones Crown has been discovered, its release is

    immanent. A King of Peace always chooses the experience of peace to be willed above

    holding anger. Anger to a King will come in waves as he sees his brother attempt to sin

    upon his brother and delay his return Home. Here a King will choose to convert this anger

    to action directed by God and the Kings of Kings as its hold upon him is released. Here a

    Kings motivation to find his brother increases, as his time is short. Peace is boundless as itis of God, and its Strength is unspeakable. Legion is unbreakable because we stand with the

    power of God's Peace.

    To learn of the blessing of peace is simply to offer it. Peace brings a candle when a room

    darkens amongst brothers, so they may See again. Peace brings stillness when many clamor

    to war, so they may Hear again. Finally, the peace of the Father Himself shines through the

    Legion of Light, upon a world that believes in the night. Only the imprisoned could believe in

    death, and blessedly its belief does not change Reality. Amen has Legion come to open the doors around our

    brothers Mind so he may be freed from mental slavery to the ego.

    All are welcome to rejoin their Home amongst Kings, yet those who choose blindness and

    remain unaware will not See. Kings are born from those whose soul aches deeply, as a

    childs heart would ache upon the death of their parents. They cannot explain or

    understand the type of soul pain they suffer from, and here a King reminds you what this

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    pain is. It is Gods Son missing their Father, and our brothers soft cry in the night is always


    As the ego believes in death, it secretly seeks it. When a brother becomes aware of this

    aspect within himself, he becomes more conscious of it and initially may be deeply troubled

    at what he has discovered within. Once this is seen and the darkness within has been

    exposed, a final battle for allegiance will begin. Many who face addiction problems or

    deeply struggle on a soul level are aware of this conflict, as they are indeed aware on some

    level of this choice. Many die slowly and remain blind, while others die in great pain with

    eyes wide open as they march toward their grave. It would take nothing less than a King to

    remind you these shackles can be broken, for we Kings once bore those very shackles.

    Do you not know by now that we speak this for you, hurting alone like we once hurt? As

    your heart weighs heavily and you walk toward death, we are standing in your very path.

    May you kneel on the earth for a moment and find your Father has returned to your heart

    and your brother remains by your side as you ponder your decision. We have arrived, and

    we will not leave until another King is returned to the Kingdom.

    This is a simple struggle in understanding, though it can seem difficult while we resist.

    Losing a friend who has willed us harm will still feel like a loss. We do not know what will

    be lost as we stand on the edge of the cliff in decision, as once we jump, what we will leave is

    complete. There is no return to believing we could be our ego or body, but if you can

    understand these words you are already past this point of return. It is only time now, and

    this you know. The only question is how time is ended, as it is the question we once asked,

    and if you have ears, you will Hear. Nothing less than the power of Gods Peace shall now

    be your wings, crown, and heart.

    The ego was initially created to be a barrier against return to the Father. Being consisted of

    the past; it was formed at the point that a brother chose not to bear witness to his past. He

    chose not to reconcile upon his possible return to God, so a wall was built that required a

    simple condition. The wall required that he deny the Undeniable, and that he create the

    temporary to make escape seem possible. The price of this condition was separation, and

    loss of memory within the Mind.

    These things do not require belief in any way. Only peace need be sought, as the path of

    simplicity is of the Father. The path of the ego is always confusing and never makes sense,

    no matter how we attempt to justify its rationale.

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    not make our swift return any less difficult should we choose, and yet fear of any being is

    not justified.

    There is a trap in place for the Home-less here in our world. We are bought and sold like

    slaves amongst those who will us to remain slaves to a condition of falsity. The prison is

    not only of a bound time and place while in these bodies, but is far more complex, being

    interdimensional in its nature. The requirement for this prison to succeed is the singular

    condition that ones awareness of what they are must be mentally enslaved. And as mental

    enslavement cannot be forced, it must be accepted by the slave.

    Many people speak of a place called hell where Gods Sons who choose sin are sent by God.

    In the universe there are only seemingly different places in seemingly different times, yet all

    realities one can experience are governed by one way. All experience is a state of mind,

    which can only be either Gods Mind or a little mind towhich we attune. Gods Sons Eyes

    are covered branch by branch as he sins upon his brother. In the beginning, this sin is done

    in awareness of a dream being a dream. Eventually, however, if sin is continued, the layers

    of brambles will become thickly set, the Eyes cannot see, and eyes believe a dream to be real.

    Truly, the Home-less, not evil, are in the lowest form of awareness in Gods Possibility, for

    they know not what they choose. Long since time remembered have the Eyes of the

    Home-less been closed, and here we awaken together. Those intending to delay the return

    Home of the Home-less, and who continue to choose this sin today, will be the Home-less

    of tomorrow. This stands not as a projection or a judgment, but as Gods Law.

    These things should not frighten a brother, as only conditioning makes this possible. God

    permeates all dimensions and time itself, and it is to these apparent places that Legion arrives

    in His Name.

    Conditioning can be broken and freedom will be had. I have said this many times, as it is

    shared amongst the Kingship. We have come to set the captives free, and our words offer

    freely the memory of a key we always possess for freedom to be found. This key is all

    Gods Son has ever needed for his Freedom. Our usefulness stops here for the door to

    your mind is unlocked only by one wishing it so, which is done in accordance by the will ofour Father. We ask that you do nothing but listen to what we say, and then choose if our

    words bring what you seek. We will stand outside the bars of your mind and shake these

    little chains as long as even our slightest whisper is Heard.

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    That Gods Son would believe he will fly around in the form of an angel for eternity is not

    the truth. Shells make shells, and Godsimage is not a mutable shell. Shells are but images

    His Sons have temporarily created. Gods Image is not that of an angel, man, or any being

    of form. In every place will there be a species claiming to be gods amongst his brothers

    who have forgotten God. In this they intend to benefit for themselves from their brothersHome-less condition. Truly, the darkest will intend to be God Himself, but they can only

    be a little king.

    What is reliant upon a non-eternally sustaining form of energy of any kind to maintain its

    shape is not of God; even so, His Son carries His Essence within the consciousness of the

    shell. Of what must an angel feed to maintain its form? Nothing that requires form other

    than the formlessness of Gods Light is maintained at no cost, as all of life must ingest

    energy in some fashion to maintain a shell of any kind. Truly, those choosing sin can only

    exist in a shell, because they will to not return to Heaven. A King of Peace may choose tobe unbound in Heaven or temporarily bound in a reality, as his memory of Reality is certain.

    God is formless, as the sum of all numbers is zero. In all of perceived time, in all

    frequencies of energy existing within all dimensions of reality, He stands as the sum which is

    perfect neutrality in perfect peace. The beginning is as the end, where all is shed except

    what is of Him.

    A journey to peace will eventually correctly identify one brother as all brothers, and their

    temporary form shall neither frighten you nor be deemed as worthy of worship. That a

    being may appear beautiful and have what appears to be advanced knowledge of a reality and

    the laws that govern is no reason for him to be offered a pedestal. No King would worship

    any being for any reason, for all are equally worthy of Gods Kingdom.

    Men can give men power in this world, and can deem them little kings. Beings are bought

    with things such as this, not only here today but in every dimension of reality upon

    existence. When beings come with what appears to be great knowledge, power, or things,

    be wary in all places and time of what they offer. They may give you little gifts, but be wary

    of gifts meant to buy allegiance. If the vastness of reality exists, wouldnt it make sense that

    all types of Gods Sons with varying intents would seek their brother both today and


    A King of Peace offers you no such promises in return for your loyalty. In fact, we only ask

    that your loyalty be to God, and in this you will inherently be aligned with us. We promise

    no technology to manipulate a reality, no financial mechanisms of usury intended for

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    It would only make sense that Gods Sons either can die, or they cannot die. Little sense

    could be made in claiming that there remains another alternative, in that some beings ceaseto exist while others continue. As God is eternal, those who are of Him, who are His Sons,

    are also eternal.

    God's Sons cannot die, for that would imply God Himself is subject to death. Only the

    shell they stood within can be returned to the temporary body from which it was made,

    which has nothing at all to do with Gods Gift of Life to his Son. God has only given that which

    withstands all, and Amen, have we been given the only gift we have ever needed.

    There is One Heaven and many perceived heavens. Many do not understand the difference,

    yet the difference is completely distinct. The Heaven of God requires no shells or

    temporary structures. There is only His Essence, and all is boundless.

    A perceived heaven is nothing more than another reality in which we remain within a shell

    and within a structure. This is not a judgment on a reality any more than on a shell, for

    both are expressions of His Sons and inherently neutral, as is all of form.

    When one has forgotten whowhich is whathe is, he often is surprised to find himself

    existing in a shell after his previous shell has deceased. It would be a fair question as to why

    this remains even upon death, as our belief remains binding us to our perception of what we

    are. Fear and uncertainty often reside in this instance, when Reality was forgotten during

    what we called life, and its memory was still vague upon what we call death.

    Like a balloon traveling to the sun, Gods Son goes to God. Though this may be imagined

    as a place, it is not a place at all, but rather the return to a frequency of Heaven or neutrality

    where all that can be lost in time has been. This is how time itself is undone. Gods Son

    will not be destroyed but merged in Heaven. Initially, this balloon will still be encased;

    however, every layer of encasement will be lost and only consciousness will remain, should

    one choose to merge into the sea of Heaven again.

    There is only one thing that can stop one from returning to their Kingship today, and that is

    the same thing that can stop one from return to Heaven tomorrow. This understanding

    does not require a time or place, otherwise it would not be possible for a King to restore his

    Mind to the Kingdom while he stands within a shell. Such a transitional period as the death

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    of a shell is important to consider. Gods Law does not change today or tomorrow, and His

    Blessing has been extended.

    A result could be seen as the sum of actions taken or not taken. Looking back, one will see

    a few crucial decisions and actions that had an overwhelming impact on any deemed

    important result. Actions are driven by thought, and thought follows alignment. Will is the

    fuel that drives us in a direction; however, by itself, will does not direct action but provides

    energy to move forth.

    One fueled by Gods Will is Strong, for their will is joined with Him and His Sons. One

    fueled by the will of the ego is strong, which actually is the opposite of Strength. In this,

    those aligned with their ego are weak, for their will is only joined by a few brothers with a

    similar interest at a particular time. Gods Will is complete and cannot change. Will of the

    ego is fragmented and changes constantly depending on what it believes it needs to survive

    the next phase of existence. Gods Will does not hold a belief of only preserving what

    cannot be preserved, as His Will dismisses the strange belief that death is possible. Gods

    Will is peace within life eternal.

    In a world such as the one where we are now, identification with the ego through awareness

    is dominant. This condition is both socially accepted and encouraged. Additionally, our

    species as a whole has long forgotten the Mind, and not many will support one undertaking a

    quest to peace. This journey will often be supported to an extent where bound conditions

    of religion and rituals are followed, but one who truly begins to soar with His Wings will

    quickly find minds attempting to bind him again. This is especially challenging when it is

    done by those we are close to. In soaring to Gods Peace, we will add allies upon our flight,

    for the Kings have truly arrived by our side. Soon enough, we shall return to our fearful

    brother to offer nothing less than the miracle we have found in the Crown of Peace we wear.

    Here is where a King has learned what can and what cannot be chained. Without anger, we

    released the human condition to seek what we already knew somewhere inside to be true,

    but had to See it fully again. We were not alone, but beside the Kings amongst our line, and

    with them by our side, we soared again to the Mind of God.

    A King brings Water to the thirsty should they seek Water. The world may bring you water

    which is needed for the body, yet we what we offer is beyond the body as it was given to us

    by our Father the Eternal Source of Love. It is shared so you may have it, as it is shared

    with us. It is only received in its sharing, and upon this path we quested for more until our

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    decision was complete. In this Holy Place, Gods Sons rejoice upon the return of the


    Do not believe or disbelieve what these words say. This text has only stated we come from

    Love itself, so Love we must be. Test these words at every point and make your own

    decisions about what you will upon your journey today and upon the transition of death.

    No harm can be brought by your considering and preparing for a scenario in which you

    might not remember today. No harm can fall upon you by considering your willingness to

    pursue a quest to peace at any step along your journey.

    A King's transition to God upon the death of his shell is seamless. He has already

    remembered what he is and what he is not, and watching his projected body disappear, even

    upon death, is not disconcerting. He already has seen himself and his brother as not mere

    shells, but of Gods Light, and the containers were no longer needed.

    A King may choose to continue projecting a shell upon death, and may be called to do so.

    This too should be clarified. Our Father, who Sees all, shares His Knowledge with all of

    His Kingdom. Our Father loves His Sons, who are part of Him. Because they are part of

    Him, they too are part of us.

    God wills above all else that His Sons be with Him. He is also aware of each of His Sons,

    and what they are able to accomplish in bringing His Love to a particular place in a particular


    This does not mean, however, that even a King would necessarily accept a difficult journey

    within Legion which he may be called upon to carry out. We are allowed to rest, as long as

    we choose, either formlessly in Heaven or in non-ego-dominant realities of Kings where

    God is remembered fully. One who has forgotten Heaven would consider this type of a

    reality Heaven itself.

    The Legion of Light stands within the Kings of Peace, and could be said to be a name for

    those here who have chosen a specific function. We stand for our Father in peace even

    when our projection would be attacked, for we know what cannot be harmed. In thisoccurrence, we hasten the Atonement for our brothers and merely increase our Line.

    We come to realities sometimes at an understood risk within the bounds of which we arrive.

    There is no risk we could lose anything given by God Himself, thus we risk only time which

    is nothing in the decision we have made. We have accepted that we may lose our awareness

    for a given period of time and that we can become blind in a dark world for a while. Kings

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    who return to such realities are subject to the risk of believing the condition is reality, yet

    Kings still come and within Legion they stand for their brother. When Legion arrives, time

    is not long but short as we hasten the Atonement through our brothers forgiveness.

    Equally, Kings are remembered in only an instant, and in this blessed instant we remember

    Gods Kingdom. The past does not matter; only our return to His Mind is of initial

    importance. After this memory, we may stand within Legion. Now the voice of our

    seeking brother as he calls out replaces our initial personal quest to peace upon the final

    stages of our journey within our shell.

    When Legion arrives, the collapse of time bound within past transgressions will be released

    by forgiveness. Our arrival is coordinated and planned, and we seek nothing more and

    nothing less than our brother who seeks us. Truly, upon Legions arrival, we come to end

    worlds. We end what lingers in time for the Home-less, and upon this ending every brother

    will finally make his choice in full awareness of his options for alignment. This is how we

    save the world, for only time itself can be saved. The captives are freed, and those who

    choose sin must parasite in different realities if they choose to continue alignment to their

    false creations.

    A Kings value is God's, and in this we know the value of our brother. Still, we are not

    forced or coerced to undertake such difficult tasks as all of Gods Sons are blessed with free

    will. Though we may be chosen by God and those within Legion, we too must be willing to

    undertake such journeys. In no way are we less in the Mind of our Father if we are not

    ready for such an undertaking.

    Upon death, even the projection of our shell has value as it is able to communicate to others

    within its frequency and bound. This would be the state of being many refer to as "heaven"

    here on earth. A King may choose to dwell in these realities, as Gods Sons also may

    remain bound here.

    Perhaps upon death one will wonder why they still appear as they did when they were alive.

    In most cases, soon after a period of remaining here in this form, they will enter realities they

    do not understand as Gods Light shines above. It is actually not above or below butwithin, yet the layers we have created around it must be released to return to His Center.

    Many will enter many dimensions of realities, heading towards Heaven as a balloon travels

    toward the sun, and layer upon layer these projections are unbound. Their ascension is only

    limited by how much they can or are willing to shed of what they are not. We cannot See

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    more than we are willing to See, and here a King speaks of nothing less than complete

    Seeing both today and tomorrow.

    To the extent we are able to identify what we are today, we may equally shed what we are

    not. Would it be logical for Gods Law to change upon what we call death? Those willing

    to See will be returned to His Mind. Once this alignment occurs, returning to Heaven itself

    or another reality makes no difference, for our awareness of Him has been restored and

    safety remembered. The limitation on our ability to fully return to Heaven upon death, or

    to take a little while in another reality in our return Home is the same today as tomorrow.

    This is not a warning nor should it cause fear, as nothing should cause fear, but it is only

    obvious that if there is no death, then the universe is teeming with life of different species

    within other realities and other frequencies. It is in the bodily transition of death where

    brothers who have forgotten what and who they are will be targeted by certain beings who

    wish them to maintain their current false projection of reality and state of ignorance. There

    are beings who will speak of heaven, yet they do not speak of Heaven but of another reality

    in which they may act as kings to the Home-less. The unconscious always attract parasites

    in some form, as they have allowed themselves to become a feeding source by remaining

    ignorant. In our Fathers gift of free will, the price of unawareness remains high for those

    who do not choose to Seethey choose to deny the option, and they have forgotten they

    have the option. They have not chosen to travel their own quest to peace with the Eyes

    endowed by their Father.

    We have heard of demons and aliens among other such names of beings who wish to

    deceive humans. These are nothing more than what we could call alien life forms existing in

    one or multiple dimensions of realities, thus making them interdimensional in their current

    forms. Within the universe, most beings travel together in a species of many. As any

    being, some species are Sentient, meaning they do not will harm upon their brother. By

    definition, sentient means feeling, and the correct question is: Feeling of what? In this

    text, Sentient is defined as one who feels God. To be a Sentient species requires that they

    have not lost memory or chosen not of their Father. Our species as a whole is currently not

    Sentient to other species, yet this stems from the simple error of an unconnected Mindwhich shall be restored to Gods Mind.

    Equally, a species may be insentient. We have given names to alleged leaders of insentient

    dark entities and to the species themselves. These are but little kings who deny God and

    hold no power over a King. They have traded their Kingship for a little kingship, and soon

    will fall even from that into the realm of the lost.

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    Many species of entities wish us to be free, yet freedom cannot be imposed but only chosen.

    God creates His children of His essence, and beings make shells, as shells make shells.

    Many will ask how God allows such things as we see in our world. May we only ask by

    which eyes can these things be seen? God did not make this world, nor did he make even

    one shell. He does not make what can be altered and swallowed by the sun itself, which too

    shall burn out. He does, however, allow his children to experience what they desire, and in

    our Eyes, through Him, we See again.

    Only the Eyes can see through shells, for they see what is of God. For those who still see

    only through eyes, even upon death, they will only see a projection. These eyes can only see

    what they believe to be death, as they are limited to perceiving only what can change form.

    Faces of those intending deceit can appear like beautiful angels, but what can be seen by the

    eyes can lie. Because his Eyes have been restored, a King may see these faces melt into

    forms that may frighten those not prepared for what they are witnessing. A King has seen

    the mutability of his brothers faces, perhaps even in the faces of his own past. What has

    made him a King is not that he has seen such things, but that he has forgiven his brothers as

    himself, and they may not bind him.

    God does not appoint even one of His Sons to be the judge of their brotherplease read

    this again. Any who claim to be appointed as judges of Gods Sons are filled with lies, and

    Kings break lies for our brothers. Upon death, many await judgment because they have

    been told these lies during their life, as they have been set up, and in this expectation, they

    will find judgment. God has indeed judged His Sons, so eternally and forever they are

    worthy of His Love.

    How should those who believe themselves to be "alive" and in a body, know a King of

    Peace from a king of lies? Do they believe that suddenly upon death they will know the

    difference? Every King has told you the same things, otherwise we would not be Kings.

    No more shall we judge you than those in our Line have judged us. Legion has come to set

    the captives free, and it is in this place, of what many call death, that freedom may be found

    still. Gods Sons who call to peace are not left to darkness by God Himself who sends His


    This seemingly complicated process of death is made by beings, not by God. Beings stuck

    within this prison have bound their own past into a seemingly endless condition of layers,

    yet this is not the only complication. There is a trap that rests not just in this dimension by

    conditioning the ego, but after our shells pass, brothers who choose sin will make an effort

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    to ensure that the Home-less remain without their Home. They sin in their effort to delay

    this time of return for Gods Son.

    This reality is allowed by our Father, as he has given us free will. Just as equally we may

    return Home, because those who reclaim their Kingship may come and go to realities as they

    please. These little things do not bind a King, because he is unbound by His Father. We

    have come to set the captives free as we have been freed.

    Slavery is allowed by those who believe that they can be enslaved by those willing to enslave

    them. Only those believing in what they cannot be, are subject to slavery, because the

    nature of slavery is limited to binding only what can be bound. No man, being, or king of

    lies shall enslave a King. They may enslave only a meaningless portion of what appears to

    be us; but doesnt even the air itself enslave our bodies? We are only bound to such things

    for a short timeand we have come to end time for those who wish it would. Time is

    released in forgiveness, as Gods Love has unbound the past.

    Many will ask how to change the world and how to stop war and corruption amongst our

    brothers; yet have they not heard? Your brother does not require you to pick up a weapon

    and travel to his home to cause him harm. Little kings fear Kings of Peace, for we break the

    chains by which our brother remains bound.

    The few direct the many beyond what we would know to be in the reality we know to be

    ours. In realities, beings can function in shells that access not only one but multiple

    realities. The top of the interdimensional slave system within the human condition is notrun by those who are human, and even those we call elite here serve those they believe to be

    more powerful than them. Slavery is like a pyramid where the base is wide and holds many,

    yet the top holds only a few. Each layer in between is lost within this insane struggle to

    move up in power to place more brothers below.

    Only the Home-less can be deceived in such ways. The few conscious of choosing evil will

    attempt delay of their return Home. Other little kings remaining in our lands use their

    wealth to buy puppets to enact their law. Once in our world, these little kings claimed

    crowns. Today these little kings buy puppets to wear these little crowns to install theirsystems of control.

    They own banking systems of entire countries to ensure debt and imprisonment for every

    child born upon our soil. They will to corrupt and cause trauma in the darkest of ways

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    upon our children to slow their return to God. These little kings are directed further by

    those that the eyes cannot see, but the Eyes of a King have clearly Seen.

    If you know only one thing about how a King would change the world, know this: All Kings

    have been stood for by a King, as all within our Line stand for all.

    For many of us, before our return to Kingship, have we seen a King of Peace repel instantly

    all who would intend harm in ways that may be difficult to describe. Our eyes have been

    truly shattered by a King who awakened our Eyes. These brothers are truly Kings of Kings,

    as their Crown of Peace shines brighter than the sun itself. To understand a King amongst

    Kings is to understand that not all suns in the universe shine with the same brightness. It

    makes them no different in terms of what they offer, which is light.

    To stand with God is to stand within His Light and with His Sons who shine brighter and

    less bright than we may today. This difference is temporal, thus it is not a difference at all.

    Kings amongst Kings will that all their brothers shine as brightly as themselves.

    To invite peace is to invite God, and to invite God is to invite all Kings, including Kings

    amongst Kings. Your belief is not requested, but your invitation is. The fact that you will

    be stood for by a King amongst Kings, even when you have forgotten your Father, will

    restore your Mindand restore it we shall. To give the most high and brightest Kings

    amongst our Line even a small chance to restore your Mind, it shall be restored, as they will

    stand for you.

    Beings existing in different dimensions and maintaining different shells do not threaten a

    King. This makes them not above or below, for they too are brothers.

    Beings intending sin will be armed with many tools to deceive you. In addition, your mind

    may be fearful and seeking a friend, though they may not be friends. One who truly knows

    a friend today will equally know a friend tomorrow. Gods Son who chooses to be a little

    king does not wish to set you free, but to bind you to your form. They will speak in terms

    of karma, judgment, and debt. They will know things about what you have done and deem

    you unworthy of Heaven, but in need of return to perfect what you have not perfected.They know things we do not at this time of our world and reality, and attempt to bind you to

    the past. They always attempt to have you place them above you and deem them

    enlightened for the knowledge they hold.

    This is not Knowledge at all, and herein you will always know a King. A King of Peace will

    intend for his brother to accept only Gods Forgiveness and gently hold you. A king of

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    This could not be a judgment on the ego or the external forces influencing its persona. A

    condition of all matterwhich is energyis that it is inherently neutral in one respect. It

    has no will or intent of its own but, like natural forces, creates tendencies and events. Our

    awareness is directed by intent, which is the conscious or unconscious association with the

    ego or our will to join with the Mind. By not identifying with the ego, we neutralize itspower over us. This does not mean our ego disappears, any more than our shell would

    suddenly vanish as we shift alignment to God.

    Simplicity is of our Father, and our understanding of these simple statements is limited by

    the degree in which we choose to See. Any limitation in our arrival to His Peace is never

    imposed by God, who is always fully extended for His Son.

    The limitation therefore requires only our little willingness to understand again what we

    already Know to be true. Being of God need not be learned, but only recognized, which

    implies it is already there. In this alignment shift rests the undoing of the additions of what

    we once believed to be knowledge to be replaced with Knowledge itself.

    All journeys to remember Gods Peace naturally have one similar condition, which is that

    peace be sought. Our current alignment to the ego has only brought us so far towards

    peace. Perpetuating a thought system and believing it will provide different results is not

    logical. Therefore, the ego has only taken us so far to peace, which is nowhere at all.

    For this reason, to seek the Kingdom, believing in what we believe we already know is not

    required. Our experiences of peace will sometimes arrive in ways we cannot explain toothers, but this makes them no less real to us. These are outcomes of Eyes long closed

    being Awakened.

    For every degree of alignment we offer to God, we find an equal degree of peace. In a

    simple formula of progress, is it only logical that if one step brings us closer to our goal,

    would not a few more steps realize it completely? Here, the journey of Gods Son to peace

    restores not just a partial peace, but Gods Peace itself.

    When a quest to peace is undertaken, any road up the mountain will end at the return of aKing. Any religion or no religionboth are equally effective in the return to our Kingship

    so long as the intent of peace is carried. As we offer, so do we receive, and we remember

    Gods Law. Step by step, we increasingly align with peace and become aware of what it is

    we choose to offer, for we have recognized it is peace that we wish to receive. Blessedly do we

    remember the opposite of what we once believed to be truth to be True. Once we believed we learned of

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    separation and war in a cruel world, therefore we could only teach what we had learned.

    Now we choose what we teach, for what we offer becomes our truth. We begin to teach

    peace, and now can we learn of Gods Truth and His Peace. Our alignment of the ego in its

    teaching of hate is understood, as well as how we reverse such a simple error.

    I could not write this to you if I did not know the difficulty of this journey. I could not type

    these words if I had not remembered what I had long forgotten. Blessed is my brother who

    Hears me, for I stand not above you looking down, but beside you as does Legion where I stand within.

    Your return is not only possible, it is immanent, for you travel not alone. This, too, you will

    learn should you choose this journey of alignment to peace.

    Many people practice yoga or meditation; but without knowing what we are practicing, the

    advent of progress is impeded. To be aware of what is specifically being trained is of great

    benefit. The recognition of self-awareness at this point enables the choice of alignment.

    Without awareness, we are not even aware of a choice being made.

    We practice stillness in the midst of chaos. The practice of peace need not be trained in a

    specific place or time, but can be learned at all times. In the beginning, we are like children,

    simply reacting to what we experience. We become masters of not initially reacting through

    our egos perception, but rather maintaining neutrality where Gods Voice may be Heard.

    In time, this too becomes clearer. Now may our actions be directed within Him, and may

    our first reaction be to seek His Clarity in stillness.

    A King would not will to breathe even one breath without His Father. When we rememberour Fathers Gift of Life it does not mean we cannot play games and dance within realities

    with our brothers in joy. A King longs for this as he loves to experience possibility. He is

    like a child wandering from his house during the day but knowing at any moment he may

    return, and his return home is not partial but full.

    We begin to watch ourselves think and feel, and what we can watch surely must not be us.

    Our Eyes can See our eyes, but our eyes cannot see our Eyes. How beautiful and freeing is

    this understanding for one who had forgotten. Steadily we break away from our association

    with what we once believed we were, as even the personality and thoughts of our ego can bewatched.

    By loosening our entrenchment within the ego, we begin to naturally shift our alignment to

    Awareness, which is already there. As our alignment shifts to Gods Awareness which is

    part of the Whole, no longer do we merely identify ourselves with what can be bound.

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    Here in our alignment will we recognize what Freedom is, and thatwhat is of Gods is not

    partial but complete. The principle of Gods Freedom would no less be hidden from us in

    this understanding here, right now, than in Heaven itself. What aspect of us it is that may

    not be bound today is not subject to or dependent on anything externally, but depends on

    God who always rests within. May we soar in His Mind and see peace where little eyes onlywitness war. The world can call us what it may; however, only one of us is correct. We are

    truly part of the Whole, yet our message is meant not to be believed but to be experienced.

    May peace be the simple measure by which we gauge our progress toward alignment with

    His Mind. Though the world has no instrument to measure this subjectively, its presence is

    undeniable. No longer do the waters of a storm stir great fear within our mind, as we have

    learned that all we possess is what cannot be drowned. All we have is who we are, and blessedly is

    Gods Gift enough to accept His Peace.

    At any moment we are simply able to return. Once our Eyes are opened, we do not wish

    them closed again. Gods Peace, mastered once, can now be restored in all moments.

    Blessed have we found an escape from a confused master in the ego enslaved by its little perception of the

    world. Blessedly have we found Sanity even within a reality where insanity permeates its bounds. In the

    quiet, we can now sit and understand our condition, no longer subject to its rule.

    As we walk the mountain in greater alignment, we find a few common themes. We may

    find our previous master in the ego has not given up its need for control, and its tactics to

    regain control may become blatant and unstable. The ego never was stable, yet it long

    remained hidden, as we believed we were it. The ego, being of the past, is both vengeful

    and mistrusting, for it is not of God and wishes not for Eyes to replace its little eyes. To

    those fearful of Seeing, alignment with anything other than the ego is perceived as death


    As we ascend the mountain of peace, we may find that brothers around us who once

    supported us become weary of what we attempt to communicate. The ego does not seek

    Allies but, instead, temporary partners who will agree with its specialness. It requires our

    brother to place idols of approval within the shell it perceives itself to be, and in return it will

    offer the same idolatry. The ego seeks not to learn but to prove itself correct. It does not

    Know the difference in learning something temporary within the temporary and Learning

    what is already and always inside. It seeks not to be part of the Whole, but only part of

    exclusive groups where others may be seen as enemies.

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    Kings yield Kings and we shatter these walls as God has echoed His Name upon our heart.

    Here we stand for our brother. No wall may stand before His Call, as our Line cannot be

    threatened or broken, and in this coming tune our brother will make a choice, for Gods

    Song of Love that we rejoice within shall crumble every last wall of hate before us. There

    every brother will see a barren land with no wall of lies standing. In this sacred place ofAtonement, only kings of lies and Kings of Peace will stand before our brothers for their

    decision as to which side they choose.

    These little flags that men put on lands and then point the finger at those deemed to be

    lesser under a different flag are meaningless to us. We see a flag, and a flag is only a thing,

    and a King does not serve anything subject to alteration by Gods Son. We may be seen as

    unpatriotic, rebellious, or other words intended to mock our Kingship, by those who serve

    only some. We serve God, and for this none will stand before our healing of all of His


    Only the ego would gather some and exclude another. Only the ego would see one brother

    as worthy and another unworthy of its love, as it knows not Love. Only the ego could

    accept gold to justify its harm upon a brother to attempt to climb such a strange pyramid of


    Kings of Peace are perceived as enemies by the lost who have misidentified what they are,

    for we break this wall of the ego like the fragile eggshell it is. We only need one to will a

    small pinprick upon this shell, and its undoing is certain. The foundation of the ego was

    built on a host of falsities, yet being wrong feels like death itself to one protecting this fragile

    home. Gods Truth needs no defense, and a King will not respond with anger toward those

    attacking him along his journey. He simply walks on, for one in his shoes from yesterday

    may stand Home-less today with Ears willing to Hear.

    We are perceived as threats by those who wish to commit sin upon their brother, as they

    indeed know the Kings of Peace and Legion itself. We are seen as subjects for mockery by

    the Home-less, but not seen as what we are. Kings stand for Kings, and in this blessed

    place we have found our allies.

    Beings who remain conscious and intend sin cannot harm us, and they know this as well as

    we do. We have seen their futile attempts shattered by Gods Power, and amongst Kings

    we have stood in awe of this Strength. Those who choose evil prefer to direct the unaware

    to do their bidding, such as harming a King. Evil entities are aware of the heavy price they

    will bear witness to in harming the shell of a King of Peace.

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    Upon the intentional harming of a King, every brother left thirsting and waiting for Water

    will be Seen again. Those who consciously or unconsciously cause such harm do not escape

    the Law of God, where all is remembered. Thus only more layers of pain and time will be

    added upon the condition of those who will harm.

    Still, in our Vision, we have no enemies. Our hand reaches in earnest even for those who

    writhe in pain at the sight of Love's extension, but we still reach out anyway.

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    A King of Peace is undeterred by the perception of his message as correct or not, for his

    message comes forth from that which is True. He does not require agreement or approvalby any number of his brothers.

    Mainstream belief is owned and directed by the few. The ego is all too willing to agree wit