Kings grade6#11

The Kings of Israel

Transcript of Kings grade6#11

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The Kings of Israel

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• Ritual – the words and actions used in a religious ceremony

• Anoint - to pour oil; a sign that a person has been dedicated to God

• Chrism – sacred oil used in sacramental anointing

• Christ – “Anointed One”; Messiah; a title we give to Jesus

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SAUL:The First King

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• Samuel was the last judge to rule in Israel

• When he got older, Samuel wanted to appoint his sons to be judges, but the people wanted a king like the surrounding countries had

• Samuel worried that a king would become corrupt and ignore God’s laws

• Samuel prayed for guidance, and God told him to give the people a king

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• Samuel anointed a man named Saul as king

• Saul’s time as king wasthe beginning of themonarchy in Israel

• Understanding the kings help us understand Jesus’ teachings about the Kingdom of Heaven

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• Saul was a great military leader. He united the people and kept them from harm

• In time, Saul turned from doing God’s will. His reign would not last

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• Saul often became angry and unhappy; a young musician was sent for to help soothe him. That musician would become the next king.

• Saul was jealous of the musician

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• Because Saul was not open to the Spirit of the Lord, God sent Samuel to Bethlehem to seek the new king from among the sons of Jesse

• Samuel knew upon first seeing him that Jesse’s youngest son David was the one God had chosen

• Samuel anointed David to become king after Saul’s death

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• David had a talent for music and poetry

• Before taking his position as king (but after he had been anointed) he would often play his harp for Saul