KIng Arthur Main Characters

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Transcript of KIng Arthur Main Characters

  • 7/28/2019 KIng Arthur Main Characters


    King Arthur

    Ruler of Camelot, fighter of the Saxons, a great king who brought peace andunity to England for years. He is always portrayed as a good and just man.

    Uther Pendragon: Arthur's father.

    Ingraine: Arthur's mother, was wife of Uther Pendragon.

    Guinevere: Arthur's wife, who in many versions of the legend is a catalyst, a

    reason, for the end of Camelot. The may or may not have had an affair with

    Lancelot, and that is what works to bring Arthur and Camelot to their ends.

    Kay: Arthur's older cousin, who was at the competition the day Arthur pulled the sword from the stone. In many

    versions, Kay treats Arthur as a squire or a servant.

    Merlin: The magician who oversaw much of Arthur's childhood, after the death of both of his parents.

    Excalibur: Arthur's sword, the sword in the stone - although in some versions, that sword is a different one, and

    Arthur receives Excalibur as a gift. When he dies, Bedivere must throw Excalibur back into the lake, where itwas caught by the Lady of the Lake, who is known as Niniane, Vivien, or Nimue, and who is linked in some

    stories to Merlin.

    Morgause: The half-sister of Arthur, she is usually portrayed as scheming and plotting against Arthur. The wifeof King Lot of Orkney, she and Arthur either sleep together once because they don't know whom each other is,

    or she deliberately tricks him. Either way though, she gives birth to Mordered.

    Mordred: Arthur's bastard son, who in the vast majority of the tales is evil and scheming against in father (in

    some, he's just misunderstood). Arthur and Mordred both die in one great last battle, chronicled in "Le Morte

    d'Arthur." Morgause is often called Morgana, or Margan le Fey, although those women are also presented in

    some versions as her sisters, especially Morgan ley Fey, who's a healer or witch - sometimes good, sometimesbad.

    The Lady of Shallot: Elaine of Astolat, a woman who falls in love with Lancelot, but her love is not returned

    by him and she dies because of unrequited love. Lancelot's mother was also named Elaine, but she is usually

    referred to as Elaine of Benwick.

    Lancelot: A french knight, son of King Ban, he is usually portrayed as Arthur's best knight, a great fighter. He is

    also supposedly Guenivere's lover, and part of the reason for the end of Camelot. In some versions, he is raised

    by the Lady of the Lake after his father's death.

    Bedivere: One of Arthur's best knights, he is with Arthur when he dies, and is responsible for returning

    Excalibur (the sword) back into the lake again.

    Gawain: In most tales, including "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" he is Arthur's nephew (in some, he's his

    cousin). An innocent and true knight.

    Galahad: In most versions, he is the most pure, the most true, the best hearted and most honest of Arthur's

    knights, and he is said to be the son of Lancelot and Elaine of Corbenic, a Grail Maiden, or a keeper of the Grail.

    He goes on the quest for the Holy Grail, and in some versions, he succeeds in the quest, although in ordthers, the

    knight Percival or Perceval succeeds. Galahad is the knight who restores peace to the kingdom after all has been
