Kinetics of reduction and oxidation reactions during...


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Scientia Iranica B (2017) 24(4), 2009{2018

Sharif University of TechnologyScientia Iranica

Transactions B: Mechanical

Kinetics of reduction and oxidation reactions duringpyrometallurgical metal extraction

S. Bro�zov�aa, S. Jursov�ab;�, P. Pust�ejovsk�ab and J. Bil��kb

a. Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu, 708 33 Ostrava, CzechRepublic.

b. Centre ENET, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu, 708 33 Ostrava, Czech Republic.

Received 12 February 2016; received in revised form 3 June 2016; accepted 23 July 2016

KEYWORDSPyrometallurgicalextraction;Testing of reduction;Kinetic model;Iron oxides;Chemistry engineeringapplication.

Abstract. The article deals with a sophisticated approach to the study of basic kineticdynamic process in metal production. It is concerned with three agendas: study ofreduction reactions of iron oxides and carbon as reducing agents with secondary createdoxides; study of the e�ect of catalyst occurrence on the reaction space; study of the e�ectof variable temperature and pressure gradients on the processes. The main experimentswere carried out in the newly established Laboratory for Research on High TemperatureProperties equipped with testing setup and upgraded with interpretive model system,enabling a generalization of experimentally obtained information to theoretical conclusionsabout processing of non-standard alternative and waste materials.© 2017 Sharif University of Technology. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Available information on reducibility of iron ores andsinters, as well as knowledge of coke reactivity, has notsu�ciently been used in blast furnace routine so far.The principal relation between reducibility and speci�ccoke consumption is monitored only in qualitativeexplication. Mathematically statistical analysis carriedout in the past on this section of blast furnace pro-cess showed considerable di�erences among individualblast-furnace plants, resulting in mistrust of adequacyof statistic quantitative relations among ore reducibil-ity, coke reactivity, and its speci�c consumption [1,2].

Parameters of a statistic relation vary not onlyunder in uence of blast furnace construction, its oper-ation, charge abundance, etc., but also as a result ofvariable persistence (stay) of charge in the area under1000�C which bears a proportion to the rate of chargefall in the furnace, and consequently to the appropriateheat intensity [3].

*. Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Jursov�a)

At present, it is known that there is a completenumber of methods for calculation of carbon-speci�cconsumption. Nevertheless, they all have one commonfault based on disobedience to physically chemicalproperties of processed ores and coke as well as toleaving out of a period of charge persistence in the areaunder approximately 1000�C [4]. Some methods of heatbalance prognosis rely on presumption, of course, ofchemical reactions corresponding to equilibrium statewhich, however, cannot be obtained in blast furnaceroutine. In French research institute IRSID., Ristdrew a diagram (Figure 1) inducing theoretical carbonconsumption under equilibrium state on the basis oflaboratory study of chemical processes at blast furnaceand heat balance of furnace bottom zone [5,6]. Thefollowing studies, performed at Institute of ChemicalProcess Fundamentals, Czech Academy of Science,Research Institute of Iron Metallurgy and at CentreENET VSB-Technical university of Ostrava, were con-centrated on diagram extension [7] by application oflaboratory-rated reducibility when reactions in blastfurnace stack are considerable under real conditionsand equilibrium state is not obtained. Application

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Figure 1. Rist's diagram for graphical evaluation ofreduction and heat work of blast furnace.

of approaches of chemical engineering has enabledresearchers to create a reduction kinetic model basedon charge reducibility; it represents a necessary step fordeduction (prediction) of quite possible minimum cokeconsumption.

1.1. Kinetic interpretation modelThe �rst part of kinetic interpretation model includescalculating (quasi) velocity kinetic constants of succes-sive reduction reactions of iron oxides at blast furnacestack and following calculation of deviation of chargeoxidation grade, !, from equilibrium state [8]. Forthis purpose, results of reducibility laboratory tests,currently carried out in laboratory of ENET Instituteof V�SB-TU Ostrava, are used. Sinter reducibilityis determined based on the real sample of mediumgrain so that test outputs (kinetic curve of oxygendegradation from iron oxides during reduction) cancorrespond to real charge conditions at blast furnace.

By following the laboratory measurements ofreducibility carried out along with the subsequent elab-oration of extensive calculations, it was found out thatthe relation between ! deviation from Rist's diagram(Figure 2) and carbon-speci�c consumption expressedby a number of moles per iron atom is nonlinear in theassigned period of charge persistence; based on reallimits, it can be approached with su�cient accuracy ofsquare function [9].

As the number of CO moles per Fe atom is a

Figure 2. Importance of ! deviation in Rist's diagram [8].

direction of Rist's diagram operation line, it is possibleto express ! deviation for carbon-speci�c consumption(CS) by the following formula:

! = a0 + a1 � CS + a2 � CS2; (1)

where ! is the deviation equal to the di�erence ofreal consumption of coke carbon and its theoreticalminimum consumption corresponding to equilibriumstate; CS is the direction of operation line; and a0; a1;and a2 are square function constants.

Furthermore, based on Rist's diagram (Figure 3),for the assigned composition of pig iron and heatconsumption over 950�C, including heat loss, a �xedpoint laying on operation line is determined, and itslocation together with change of direction of this lineis not changed (Figure 4).

Therefore, other formulas corresponding to theseconditions can be compiled as follows:

! + 1:05 = CS �RS + q; (2)

Py = CS � PX + q; (3)

where RS is x-coordinate of W point correspondingto oxidation grade of reducing gas during indirectw�ustit reduction under equilibrium state; q is sectiondesignated by operation line on y axis (Y0 in Figure 2);and Px, and Py are coordinates of P point.

With the solution of the mentioned formulas,direction of real operating line can be calculated,which goes through P point and touches envelopecurve. Envelope curve is obtained by in�nite, di�erent

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Figure 3. Importance of P point in Rist's diagram [8].

Figure 4. Set of operation lines [8].

directions of the given sinter reducibility [1]. Derivedequation of operating line direction is as follows (4):





To determine direction of real operating line, it isnecessary to know the position of P point = (Px; Py)which characterizes the reducibility of appropriate sin-ter, and it is speci�ed by heat balance of blast furnace

bottom zone, the use of reducing gas under equilibriumconditions, and a0, a1, and a2 coe�cients of squarefunctional dependence, ! � CS.

In this way, deduced operating line indicates realcarbon/coke/consumption including other characteris-tics of blast-furnace process, such as composition ofcharge gas, grade of rd w�ustit direct reduction, etc.

Complying with real charge reducibility throughintroducing ! parameter into construction of real op-erating line enables a signi�cant extension of informa-tional contribution to Rist's diagram. The parameterssuch as heat amount for reduction of accompanyingelements, iron and slag enthalpy above 950�C, heatlosses at blast furnace bottom part are possible tobe continuously counted for real blast furnace byapplication of parameter ! into construction of realoperating line.

Value of ! parameter, specifying approximationsize of operating line towards thermodynamic W point,is a purposeful complex characteristic of charge re-ducibility [10]. Lower value of ! parameter meansbetter reducibility. Size of ! parameter determinedfrom experimental laboratory tests can be comparedwith the value of ! derived from IS on blast furnaceoperation for the purposes of o�ine technology control.

1.2. Speci�cation of charge persistence periodAnother problem being solved is specifying a period ofcharge persistence (U) in the area under the temper-ature of 950�C as exact as possible. Preliminary cal-culations showed that persistence period, U , in uencescoke consumption much more during processing sinterof low reducibility because U increasing from 2 to 3hours will re ect coke consumption by the decrease ofapproximately 35 kg.t�1 of pig iron. Further increaseof U period to 4 hours reduces coke consumption onlyby approximately 18 kg.t�1 of pig iron. When sinter re-ducibility is high, the in uence of persistence period oncoke consumption is markedly decreased. The increaseof persistence period from 3 to 4 hours brings coke sav-ing of only 5 kg.t�1. An example of graphic realizationof the in uence of U persistence period on the positionof regressive curve, ! � CS, is shown in Figure 5.

Practical veri�cation of the proposed model ofcalculation of carbon-speci�c consumption, includingveri�cation of the range of heat intensity variationand heat losses under real conditions of individualblast-furnace plants, enables researchers to determinecoke consumption at blast furnace without correctioncoe�cients used so far, with knowledge of reducibilityof processed compounds of blast-furnace charge andalso prognosis of coke consumption for the purposes ofcontrol of blast-furnace heat state. The assumed speci-�cation of calculation of carbon-speci�c consumptionfor balance and planning savings corresponds to re-ducibility of processed charge (sinter) and heat inten-

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Figure 5. Statistic relationship between a modeldetermined by omega parameter and speci�c-carbonconsumption at di�erent process intensities; green curveU = 4 hours, blue curve U = 3 hours, and red curve U = 2hours.

sity. Relevant characteristics derived from laboratoryreducibility tests, e.g. coe�cients of square functionof ! � CS dependence, signi�cantly extend sinterevaluative criteria. The use of speci�ed interpretationmodel under the condition of permanent and regularmeasurements of reducibility of blast-furnace charge(sinter, waste metal bearing materials) enables appli-cation of interpretation model for operative productioncontrol aiming to minimize coke/fuel/consumption atblast furnaces [2,11].

Such realization should bring about a signi�cantdecrease of the existing heat reserve at blast-furnaceprocess, and it represents a remarkable economic aswell as energetic e�ects.

2. Experimental data

2.1. Reduction kinetic model for laboratorytests interpretation

Model considerations resulted, at �rst, only fromidealized conception of indirect reduction by carbonmonoxide at the isothermal area of the ore chargecolumn. So, the general model concept resulted fromthe conception of ore charge and reduction of gascounter- ow in the area of vertical cylinder with a baseof unit area, Figure 6.

Movement of both phases{ore charge and reduc-ing gas{occurs in cylinder axis direction against eachother. Cylinder axis is parallel to z-coordinate. Gasentering the cylinder is reduced on the horizon withcoordinate z = 0.

On the contrary, mixture of iron oxides (Fe2O3and Fe3O4) enters the cylinder on z = L horizon, andstep-by-step reduction occurs according to followingrelation:



Figure 6. Model diagram of charge and gascounter- ow [8].

i = 1 i = 2 i = 3 i = 4;

Fe2O3 ! Fe3O4 ! FeO1:05 ! Fe: (5)

Formularization of material balance of individualoxides at contemplated elementary cylinder with �zheight under unstable state is as follows:

Gi(z + �z)�Gi(z) +G(i� 1; i)(z)�Gi;i+1(z)

=Mi(t+ �t)�Mi(t)

�t; (6)

where input as well as output ows and Feaccumulation in \i\ form are given as:

Gi = �p � Ci � vp; (7)

Mi = �p � Ci � (1� ") ��z; (8)

where:Ci Fe concentration in the mould as well

as fraction of all Fe in chargeGi Fe ow in the mould as well as to the

elementary cylinderMi Fe accumulation in the mould as well

as in the elementary cylinderGi;i+1 Fe amount in the mould as well as

reduced amount of Fe in mould i+ 1vp Descending charge rate" Ore charge pore space�p Share of all iron in ore charge volume

unitIn Eq. (6), G0;1 �G4;5 = 0 is applied.

Reduction rate:

Gj;j+1 = �pkiCj(X �Xr;j)(1� ") ��z; (9)

with j = i�1 or j = i is proportional to the product ofki kinetic constant, Fe concentration in appropriate Ci

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oxide, and di�erence of CO concentration in reducinggas in comparison with equilibrium concentration (X�Xr;i). After limited transition made to in�nitely smallheight, �z, and in�nitely little time, �t ,balanceformula can be derived for i-n-oxide:

@Ci@t� vp

1� " �@Ci@z

= �kiCi(X �Xr;i)

+ ki�1Ci�1(X �Xr;i�1); (10)

where:vp Descending charge rate" Ore charge pore space�p Share of all iron in ore charge volume

unitFor carbon monoxide, balancing of reducing gas is thende�ned as an iron oxidation grade in charge as follows:

Y = 1:5C1 + 1:33C2 + 1:05C3: (11)

Material balance in the cylinder with elementaryheight, �z, considers input and output ows andaccumulation of carbon monoxide. It is applied asfollows:

" � �g @X@z + vg � �g � @X@z = (1� ") � �p � @Y@t� vp�p � @Y@z ; (12)

where:�g Reducing gas densityvg Beyond the layer speed of reducing gas

This equation supplements the equation system ofi = 1; � � � ; 4 to the complete system of partial def-erential equations, which can be theoretically solvedfor the given initial and edge conditions. Equilibriumcomposition of reducing gas can be determined bythermodynamic relations. In the calculations, it wascounted with the simpli�cations as the compositionand amount of reducing gas in laboratory conditionswere not completely the same as those of the real blastfurnace.

Accordingly, reduction runs in 3 grades: fromFe2O3 to Fe3O4, then to FeO, and �nally to Fe. It wasnecessary to use kinetic constants of individual chemi-cal reactions in equations. Edge and initial conditionsof partial di�erential equations were determined by twotasks, as shown in Figure 7.

The �rst task is reduction simulation in solid layerby a great surplus of reducing gas as it conforms toENET laboratory. Reducibility laboratory tests arerealized in stagnant layer where vp = 0. In comparisonwith real reduction stack, the layer height of sample

Figure 7. Using a mathematical model of counter-current ow in a blast furnace to evaluate reducibility ofiron-ore-bearing raw materials.

during reducibility laboratory test is very low, andamount of reducing gas is very high considering thesample. This fact is entitled to accept the simplifyingassumption that after sample height at testing report,the di�erences in charge oxidation grades and reducinggas are irrelevant during reduction in proper instantof time. Then, even derivation, according to the layerheight, can be considered to be zero regarding the otherequation terms.

In this way, a system of ordinary linear di�erentialequations originates from a general model, which canbe solved analytically. The analytic solution enablesone to imply gradual changing grade of iron oxidationas a function of individual kinetic constants:

Complete solution, then, represents a formulaform where there is a decline of the size of sample masson the left side and complicated term depending oninitial sample composition and kinetic constants on theright side. By using experimental data (time behaviourof sample mass decline), such kinetic constants canbe found in theoretic function where theoretic timebehaviour and measured time behaviour of mass de-cline of samples are nearly the same. These (quasi)kinetic constants of ore reduction by gas obtained fromexperimental data form a fundamentally new partialmethodology result.

Subsequently, the principal part of reductionmodel represents the use in prior kinetic calculationof found (quasi) kinetic constants, k1, k2, k3, forsimulation of oxides' reduction course in reducing stackof aggregate for iron production. Assumption ofreduction process stacionarity enabled one to eliminatederived material balances from the equations accordingto time [12].

In spite of this simpli�cation, non-linearity ofequation system and type of edge conditions do not en-able simple analytic solution [13]. Therefore, a numeri-cal solution using iterative methods was elaborated [2].

Entry for calculation is charge composition andmainly kinetic constants of chemical reactions derived

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Figure 8. Dependence of reducing gas consumption ondirect reduction grade at di�erent periods of chargepersistence (sec) in the area of indirect reduction forordinary operational sinter.

from the �rst function. Calculation results are \practi-cally reachable" to minimum carbon-speci�c consump-tion at blast furnace.

Nevertheless, for display clearness, it is more suit-able to use coordinates which Rist has introduced fordescription of reduction at blast furnace (see Figure 2).

Lower value of ! parameter means a betterreducibility. Parameter size ! determined from experi-mental laboratory tests can be compared with ! valuederived from IS data on blast furnace operation.

Shift of limit kinetic curves changes their pointof concurrence with heat limit and speci�es optimumgrade of direct reduction for di�erent heat intensi-ties [14,15]. With prolongation of period of chargepersistence in the area of indirect reduction, the curveof kinetic limit gradually approaches the line of thermo-dynamic limit [16,17], and with decrease of persistenceperiod, the curve of kinetic limit of carbon consumptionmoves to higher values (Figure 8).

2.2. Complex kinetic model of iron oxidesreduction in blast furnace

Gradually, an idea has been initiated to work out acomprehensive evaluation method which would enableone to predict capacity parameters of reduction processthe same as fuel and reducing agent consumption.In practice, it means a comprehensive kinetic modelof w�ustite reduction at parallel coke gasi�cation byBoudouard reaction which would upgrade the kineticmodel of non-direct reduction mentioned above.

Mathematical formulation is possibly derivedfrom material balance of each component in elementspace with height, dh, and considering all their rela-tions, such as stechiometric ratio and balance condi-tions of heterogeneous mixtures, suitable kinetic for-mulation for considered reactions, and their applicationin energy and material balance. By elaboration of

new variant of earlier German model of direct andnon-direct reductions at VSB-Technical University, theabove-mentioned results of material tests of ores andcoke as kinetic characteristic were used.

The basics of the model were founded by ProfessorJeschar from Technical University of Clausthal. Themodel involves e�ects of ore reducibility and cokereactivity on the course of iron ore reduction. The heatbalance is a part of the model.

In the low area of reduction zone, reduction ofw�ustite to iron takes place in parallel to Boudouardreaction according to the reactions below:

FeO + CO$ Fe + CO2; (13)

C + CO2 $ 2CO: (14)

The derivation of model is explained in Figure 9,presenting an elemental part of volume of reactive spacewhere coke and ores create a canal for gas owing. Itis suggested that ore and coke go down at the samespeed, and w�ustite does not react with solid carbonbut exclusively with CO.

Equation of material balance:

d _ntot = d _nCO + d _nCO2 ; (15)

d _nCO2 = d _nCO2�og + d _nCO2�gc; (16)

dnCO = dnCO2�cg + dnCO2�go; (17)

dnCO2 =ddh

�ntot � pCO2


�dh; (18)

dnCO2 =ddh

�ntot � pCO


�dh; (19)

pCO + pCO2 + pN2 = ptot = const; (20)

d _nCO2�og = �d _nCO�go; (21)

d _nCO�cg = �2d _nCO2�gc: (22)

Figure 9. Basic scheme of model of w�ustite reduction inthe zone of Boudouard reaction.

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The balance constant, partial pressure of CO and CO2of Reaction 13 on the ore surface are presented in theliterature. For Boudouard reaction, the following isconsidered:

KB =p2



ptot � pCO�e � pN2


logKB = �9003T

+ 9:28: (23)

From Eq. (23) the following equation is obtained:

pCO�e�C =�KB +

pK2B + 4KB(ptot � pN2)

2: (24)

For calculation of material change in ore surface, it ispossible to use e�ective kinetic constant, k3, from theabove-mentioned model of non-direct reduction model.In comparison with the previous theoretic model, Pro-fessor Jeschar [2] presents a signi�cant simulation ofreal state in industry:

d _nCO�Odh

=d _nFeO

dh= _nFeOk3(PCO�e�O � PCO); (25)

d _nCO2.O

dh=d _nFe

dh= �d _nCO�O


= � _nFeOk3(PCO�e�O � PCO): (26)

The speed of Boudouard reaction is calculated by:

d _nidh


RT� f(R) � (Pi�e�c � Pi); (27)

where:fRES Function of resistancef(O) Function of reaction surfacef(R) Function of degradationR Universal gas constantg Gasoc Orec Cokee Equilibrium

Above-mentioned functions, f(O) and f(R), rely onthe type of reaction and mechanism determining thereaction total speed. This reliance is presented in

Table 1. The mechanism of Boudouard reactiondepends on temperature. At 1100�C, the total reactionspeed is determined mainly by the speed of chemicalreaction. The blast furnace shaft is divided into twomain zones. The zone of medium temperature (Type I)and the zone of high temperatures (Type II). In thezone of medium temperatures, the total reaction speedis a�ected by di�usion in pores. At high temperatures,the di�usion on coke surface is the most important.In zone II, it is supposed that the limit for the totalreaction mechanism is chemical reaction; to sum upthe mechanisms in these two zones:

- Type I: Porous reducing agent, porous product;- Type II: Dense reducing agent, porous product.

Flow of reactive gases in moles is possible to beexpressed according to:

_ni =ntS

=vgS � t � pit �R � T � S =

vg � piRT


� ptot ! dPidh


vg � ptot


: (28)

Substituting Eq. (27) into Eqs. (23)-(25) is de-rived from a change in gas composition in the height ofreaction zone:



RTVg � ptot

"�nFeOk3(PCO�e�O � PCO)


RT(PCO2:e:c � PCO2)


Solution to Eqs. (28) and (29) brings the course ofreducing gas composition and temperature along withthe height of reduction space.

2.3. Experimental testing of substandard andsecondary waste materials

Determination of reducibility test with classical pelletsand sinter was carried out in 2014 in a number ofresearch measurements. Average values of results [18]from these relatively larger test sets are compared withthe newly-gained test results from waste briquettes inTable 2.

Testing results of waste briquette sample andpellets prepared from �ne grain dusts of oxide are

Table 1. Dependence of reaction rate on reactive mechanism.

Type of reactionReaction I Reaction II

fRES f(O) f(R) fRES f(O) f(R)


it Chemical reaction K� Oi 1�R K� 4�r20 (1�R)2=3

Di�usion Dpr0

Oi 1�R Dpr0



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2016 S. Bro�zov�a et al./Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering 24 (2017) 2009{2018

Table 2. Summary of testing results (mutualcomparison).

Sample Type Granulometry(mm)

AveragedR=dt (%)

1 Briquettes 1 pc cylinder 0.7532 Pellets 10-12.5 0.933 Sinter 10-12.5 0.795

compared with the testing results of classical sinters.The dust for briquette and pellets preparation wasgained by industrial water treatment through removingheavy metals from the water. The main testing result,so called \Reducibility index" dR=dt [%/min], has stan-dardly �rm value with sinter samples; numeric valuewith dust pellets is higher. Though reducibility indexwith briquettes from metallic wastes showed lower val-ues than sinter, it was nothing fundamental. Neverthe-less, it is necessary to take into account that, bene�tingfrom ISO standard determined methodology, reducibil-ity index was developed for iron ore raw materials{sinter ore, classic ore pellets. It can be used only forwastes close to their properties of classic raw materials.

Performance of experimental tests for the selectedkinds of �ne grain wastes in the form of pieces enabledus to obtain data of the application of model system topredict reduction processes at stack furnace.

Model prediction system, whose principle consistsof the above-described reduction kinetic model, wasdesigned by experts from V�SB-Technical university ofOstrava to such an extent that it can be applied evento multi-component charge: Meaning that the chargeis composed of basic sinter and additional substrates.This fact creates a basis for prediction of quantitativeevaluation of in uence of �ne grain wastes in the formof pieces. Concrete example is briquettes and pelletstestings produced from metallurgic dusts and wastesdue to examination of their suitability for adding themto iron ore blast-furnace charge or to charge themduring processing at other stack aggregates.

Composite authors of the presented article sug-gested a programme with inputs through suitabledialog boxes. The method of entering proper exper-imental data (gained by test) enables a number ofoptions and prediction calculations \made-to-measure"and even testing of metallic wastes in the form ofpieces. Obtained programme outputs are applied in thefollowing text during model interpretation of testingresults of wastes in the form of pieces and impactprognosis of their addition.

3. Results and discussion

Calculated output data represent change of concen-tration of individual iron oxides and change of chargeoxidation grade as well as gas oxidation grade during

the decline in the area of indirect reduction at the stack.Figure 9 shows graphic illustration of the mentionedchanges for sinter.

Indirect reduction kinetic model at the stack canbe applied even to multi-component iron ore charge.Dialog box enables the entering process of the principalreduction characteristics of evaluated charge compo-nents which represent (quasi) kinetic constants of theselected charge components.

In the particular case, it is concerned with ordi-nary sinter and briquettes from dusts. When modelcalculations are carried out, then complete reductioncourse of the dependence on share of both examinedcomponents in charge can be reviewed from graphicrepresentation in 3D diagram. Figure 10 shows FeOreduction course. Intersection of FeO concentrationcurve area with the vertical area, characterizing com-pletion of indirect reduction (relative height of indirectreduction area = 0), indicates which FeO share stillremains to be reduced by the form of direct reduc-tion. Comparing graphic course of FeO concentrationsof both mixtures in Figure 11 (sinter-briquettes), itappears that the in uence of briquette addition onreducibility of the whole mixture is quite small, andit does not considerably in uence reduction course.

Testing of waste briquettes as well as speciallyprepared pellets from sinter dusts generally broughtsatisfying results. Reducibility index value of thesematerials is similar to substantial standard of sinterfrom Ostrava metallurgical plants. Considering thereducibility index value of evaluated briquettes, it doesnot have much e�ect on the total charge reducibilitywith regard to presumed lower share in the chargethough (Figure 11). From the point of view ofreducibility, it can be stated that the tested wastebriquettes as well as oxiding pellets from sinter dustsare suitable charge additions both for the present blastfurnaces and other reduction aggregates.

Figure 10. Concentration pro�les down the height ofreduction area at the stack furnace for sinter.

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Figure 11. Course of FeO reduction process with mixtureof sinter and briquettes in 3D projection.

4. Conclusion

In this article, we describe the principle and laboratoryequipment for measuring the reductibility of the blastfurnace burden, the procedure for calculating thekinetic constants of the oxidation rate of the iron oxidesin this burden, and the method of calculating thecomposition of the charge and gas after reduction ofthe counter ow which are used, in the case of blastfurnaces, for calculating the speci�c consumption ofcarbon. The procedure is based on mathematical mod-elling used in this case for processing the experimentaldata. The derived criteria are characterised moreaccurately than those used in the past; the reductibilityof the burden can be used for analytical calculationsof the output parameter and the consumption of thereduction agent, so it can be veri�ed by examining thecourse of the blast furnace process (!, Y0, CS).

Testing of waste briquettes as well as speciallyprepared pellets from sinter dusts generally broughtsatisfying results. Reducibility index value of thesematerials is similar to substantial standard of sintermetallurgical plants.


This paper was conducted within the framework of theproject LO1404: Sustainable development of ENETCentre.


_�i Flow rate in k moles of component i(CO, CO2, N2, FeO, Fe, C)

pi Partial pressure in Pa of component i(CO, CO2, N2)

Pi Relative partial pressure of componenti (CO, CO2, N2)

KB Balance constant of Boudouardreaction

Ko Balance constant of reduction FeO

Ci Molar heat capacity of component i(CO, CO2, N2, FeO, Fe, C)

x Height in reaction space


o Orec Cokee Balance state


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Silvie Bro�zov�a was born in Ostrava, Czech Republicin 1973. She obtained her habilitation in MetallurgicalTechnology in 2015 and, since that time, she has been

working as an Associate Professor at VSB, the Techni-cal University, and in a research team at the RegionalMaterial and Research Centre. Her main researchinterests include plasma technology in metallurgy formetallurgical waste processing.

Simona Jursov�a was born in Cesky Tesin, CzechRepublic in 1984. She obtained her PhD degree in2011; currently, she works as a junior researcher inresearch centre ENET in Ostrava, Czech Republic. Herresearch activities are focused on reduction processesin iron-making. She studies iron materials reducibilityand disintegration in di�erent reduction atmosphereand temperature.

Pavl��na Pust�ejovsk�a was born in Ostrava, CzechRepublic in 1972. She obtained her habillitation inMetallurgical Technology in 2015. She focused onapplication of non-traditional alternative fuels duringpig iron production and has had experience withresearch work in regional research centres, focusingon alternative fuels, deoxidizing agents, and closed-cycle technology development in metallurgy. Currently,she is working as an Associate Professor at VSB, theTechnical University, including research activities inCentre ENET.

Ji�r�� Bil��k was born in Ostrava, Czech Republic in1945. He obtained his MS degree in Metallurgy in1968 and became a Professor in the �eld of Metallurgy,specializing in alternative fuels for pig iron productionin 2003. From 2010 - 2014, he was the Head of theresearch program 01 in Centre ENET, focusing onalternative methods of metal production.