Kindergarten Morning Work Freebie

Graphics &/or fonts copyright Dianne J Hook.



Transcript of Kindergarten Morning Work Freebie

  • Graphics &/or fonts copyright Dianne J Hook.

  • Name_________________________

    Circle the letter A.

    Print the letter A.

    A/////////////////// Color the pictures that begin with the letter A.

    Trace the numbers.

    0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/ Count and write the number.

    T A R A D A B M K A L A X A S

    0 // // // Teeny

  • Name_________________________

    Circle the letter b.

    Print the letter b.

    b/////////////////// Color the pictures that begin with the letter b.

    Print the number 6.

    6/////////////////// Draw counters to match the number.

    b b e d i b g b p a q b b o s w r b c t

    6 3 5 4 Teeny

  • Name_________________________

    Circle the letters A or a.

    Trace and write.

    the the the the ///// Write the missing letter.

    ant //at //ish //og Add the spots together. Write the sum.

    b a A f A a E A e a A N a u r A t a

    + = /7 + = /// + = /// + = /// + = /// + = ///
