Kill the Chil - 21/Rockaway Beach NY … · House, at 119 Boulevard, between...

O w l Monkey with your Teetli awa ^ HeVm <»™»»x» the duties i of the position next Tuesday. John ! Featherson- is now at the top of the j list of eligibles for the appointment to regular service. This Saturday evening a testi- monial ball totbe "ex-Mayor of Sea Side" will be given in H. Harris' Manhattan Hotel at Sea Side. Peter Wyckoff, the "millionaire farmer-philanthropist of Bushwick," spent the first part of this week at his "shanty" on the Jamaica Bay shore at Hammel station. Chas. Bjur," of Henry street, re- turned home last ^Friday from a visit of two weeks among, .relatives in Pennsylvania and visits to several of the larger cities of that state. and don't permit any inexperienced dentist to monkey with them. They are of vital importance to you, and •deserve the greatest possible care in their treatment. Our reputation has been bnilt up solely on the skill we have shown in Dentistry oinco. wo 4 have been in practice here. Dr. W. B. Hntchens BOULEVARD, -COB. HAMMEL AVE. Our National birds—theeagle and the torkeyv May one give up peace in allj^r States, the other a piece ? for all our plates... ,r.J f - Capt. Anthony Smithy writes of his welfare from the S. S. and S; Home at Bath, Stuben county, and interest in Beagh affairsi J. WeisskqpF has commenced the construction of his.fineibrick build- ing on the- Boalevard-at Sea Side. v •The engagement is announced of Phil Hertel, of Sea Side, to Miss Anna Blint, of Long Island City. The oyster supper given last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Geo. L. Thoenefce, for the | Ladies' Aid Society, proved very MAILS DIRECTTOJUffEJBIE. w ^ a * * » ** *' * j fcoftus P. Murray and Chas. A. mi About Journey To Leng IslandI City^I arvin ' oi .^ is * kce ' **ve<been •* _i:_^ i drawn as trial jurors to serve at a HOW CeaSOS-'-Big AtaBtage Gained. . [term of county court at Long Island Direct postal communication be- j Cit * v durin S the week commencing 1 \bv 9 5 ' ' • •' "" •' tween Rockawav Beach, Arverne and 3' " " -• . _.-s_.» ^ John Watts, in feupreme Court, Far Rockaway has now been arrang-1 p art T a t Flushing . ed/tEe new order becoming effective j . Frank-Macke in Supreme Court, last Monday. Prior to this time, no j mail could reach Arverne from i Rockaway Beach without first travel- [ ing to Long Island City and back, j whereas a walk of only ten minutes; separates the two points. This! i defect has been the cause of many] complaints in the past,—and ^pparr ] rynns. Telephone Call, 15 Harpmels. ROOM^BOARD Nicely furnished room and- board ' S6.00. The Arena Hotel, J. Wagererj Corner Boulevard and Fail view ave- j nue.- ¥ - . i t t i of All Kinds, PINE, CYPRESS, WHITE\S~OOpjke. 5 Doors, Sash, Blinds, J of SPRUCE, YELLO.W PL\E and HEMLOCK. Building Lumber successful, despite the bad weather, j entl ? *? finally ^een corrected by BOARDERS WANTED Just oae word about Cough INSURANCE PrestikofF is the . most eco- nomical insurance against ' coughs and colds you can get. One twenty-ft've cent bottle •will jn-sure the whole family ~ against coughs, colds and grippe for a whole year. Cheap '• insurance- isn't it? The first Idose (4 or 5 drops on a .little sugar) will' greatly relieve your cough. Three, or four doses | will stop your cough a n d a J bottle will-breali u p t h e worst cold you ever had, a n d w e guarantee it to give entire sat"- - isfaction or will refund you the price paid for it. Another very important point: IT I S T H E OXLY COUGH MEKI- cfcsrE^wrETKXOW OF IX THE WORLD THAT DOES NOT - CONTAIN A SINGLE BIT OF MOBPHEffir CO- CAINE, CHLOEOFOEJI_OE" ANY OTHEE POISONOUS. DEUGS. Thomas Hale, a patrolman of the i local police precinct, returned Suh- I day to his home at 206 Boulevard, j from the hospital in Brooklyn, where j he had been under treatment for three months; J. J. Feeney, owner of the Hill House, at 119 Boulevard, between Center and Conway streets, said to be the* oldest house on the Beach, is raising the same and having a brick basement built underneath. Schoncke. Brothers are moving a house belonging to Mr. Sham on i Washington avenue, between Con- \ way and Center streets, the same ! standing partially on the land of ! Chas. Hallett, who required its re- Imoval. .. .1. Several Beach residents will try i the examinations for clerk and car- j rier for the. postal service, which will j be held next Wedpesday. Caspar j Steiner, Arthur Burke and A. Gross I are among "the candidates from. I Rockaway Beach; I A delegation from "the Arion i Maennerchor, upon invitation, at- j tended the celebration of the Jamaica ; Saengerbund, last Sunday night and participated in their .festivities iff whickthey indulged on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of their in- A largo nnmh < »-pq^"'-'fr Si Mia QT- a timely request by A. E. Karelsen. When a postal card addressed toi : A. E. Karelsen, "Arverne, and marl-1 cellent spread. On Sunday evening, December 1,., ed at Eoc6 . Beae)l station on Rockaway Beach Coancil, ]No. 22, | Jr. 0. U. A. M., will attend a ser- —<iood table Heated room3.—*5r per week. . * E General House Trim, Stairs and Mantels. rrer "Wagner I Monday morning, Sept. 23d, did I _ _, . not reach the Arverne postofhee un-T vice at the First Congregational j & % a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mr. Karelsen undertook to have a! 40 S. Hammel Ave. IA remedy made to the imperfect ser- j vice existing between these-joints. After a circuit of official investiga- tions and - recommendations the Post Office Department has written i Church.< The pastor, Rev. John C Green, will preach a special appro- priate sermon. Strauss Brothers, the butchers, announce in this issue of the WAVE their special provision for the Thanksgiving occasion by the pur- chase of a. large stock of ^ ^ espe dite the deir^n-of mails for turkeys which they will, sell to their; g ^ ^ ma ^^^ sted at Rock- Ro%away-Beach_ customers at low r city prices. Call and make your selection at 522 Boulevard, corner of Division avenue. WANTED! small house, ^unfurnished pre- ferred."" ~ W. F. B., Box 734, Rockaway Beach, X. Y. With, Excepting Hardware, Masons* and 'Painters* Materials. Oak arid Cedar $i,0O REWARD for boat building, and other uses. . will be paid for the return of an umbrella Mr. Karelsen as follows: ' ; In order I lost at the euchre at Arion Hall Monday nighw Saaife must have been taken by error from hat box. Has curved wood handle and taffeta silk covering*. Return to WAVE office. . . - 1 WHAT'S IN A NAME? That's The Question That's Agitating Tlte Whole Beach Just Now. away Beach and^Far Rockaway, ar- rangements have been made for an interchange of mails between these points, commencing tjie ISth inst. Under existing train schedule of the L. I- R. Rr, there are no west bound LOST At the Arion-'"Damenchor Euchre at Arion Hall Monday evening, a wooden handled umbrella, probably taken through mistake. The finder will pleare return same to Mrs. J.- E.. Zeltner, Remseu trains stopping at Hammel station,! Ave - and Boulevard.-care^Wm. Meissner. the point at which maijs for Rock-! • _ C/ -% D C'A I C ' awav Beach Station kre" "Esihansed.f" : ,.- F Y K ^ A L t "~ ' PJiiCES BIGHT. Estimates Cheerfully Made, either from Lists or Plans if you prefer Y A R D , M I L L and OFFICE at the : Foot of Pleasant Ave. r -Rockaway BeacB Borough «I-Qucens, New York. W Sate.- Oi> This office has the nlatter up with i the R. R. Company, relative to slow- Inches wide. ing down certain trains in order, toj see] permit of an interchange of mails"|~ between Far"Rockawav and Rock-! A name is something to conjure with. For instance, begin with the letters of your, own name and how many words and—nanjes you Will be able to construct'it into, j away Beach Station. This arrange- Ypu may obtain as many words and -raent will therefore make it u-nnec- 'names as there'are "days in the year>ssary for the Far Rockaway office and get nothing for your pain£ j to dispatch "any mails^iiat may There is one name or a series of be received either for Ai-verne or incites." high Nearly new. X. Y."' ana 23 care WAVE. QUEENS 60UNTY TRUST r< .-.— x COMPANY ; ^ _._ I Wynn Building, Far Rockawav FOR SALE ~Bar and t>ack bar. Ward Jamaica and .ong] Inland City Iuu. Boulevard and Offers Its Services in all Branches "of Banking X. Conwav St Pays interest on check accounts^ i Ac&xmts of Merchants and Individi Has^nel Store Park Ave. Store Tjlephone No. 1 Telephone No 43 - -- Seaside, Tekohoae No, 7 v - J - -- s - A meeting of the St. Monica's D r u s^ S t o r e s I- ^° c ^ et y w ^^ ^ e ^ e ^ m tae ^- ^ ose •! Hall in Fairyiew avenue, next Wed- nesday evening. Final arrange- [ ments will be made for the Bazaar -,-..-. iwhich'will be held in the former I M ^ K J Beael Po^jff^ - f Rogers 7 ^ 5 e , onXov. "30 and Dec. MAILS ARRflvg "T.,^MAJELS CLOSE A ' an _ .--.•• '" - 800 A. M 7-&) A »M. { latere of administration have 1145 " ll:r5 '*- ibeen granted by Surrogate Xoble - 2:45 P. M.- 4:00 P. M. {this week to Norman Allen cte. the -'5.30 '*'• &-40 '"-^- - 4estate of the late Ernestine W. [Allen, of this place, 1 and letters of ******ft***#**4.*.«********** Igardianship to John J. Kelly^on the 1 Local Paragraphs, g l g l 1 ^g \ g g 3* r »i*Ruth C, Momea and Locus J. i Kelly. Thanksgiving is next Thursday. _ . _ j . ^ . '•. , __ , ; ~\ The Excelsior Meat and Produce There wiin>e no school next! Ca> g|| % ^^ ^ to . daj% offers Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, nor j J e r s 6 y f r e g k faams5 g ^nts and the following day. i Jersey fwdl _ siKH ^i ers at i 2 j cents. j Mrs. C. Shaw, of Sea Side, has They also have a Ibig consignment ^osed her eettage and will spend}of Fancy Rhode Island turkeys for the winter in Brooklyn. j Thanksgiving. LiBian, : the little daughter of Mr. | Next week Friday night the free pay you handsomely for yo' The name is . JiHARRY CLOMS." v Harry Gloms is' not the proper name of Ibe person bat the letters if placed! correctly will spell the name of tke manager of one' of t h e most feliable Dreg Stores ever open- ed to the pahhc of Rockaway Beach. All drugs guaranteed to be of standard 'quality. ; Physicians prescriptions.and fami- ly receipts will be filled by com- peteni clerks only, TrithTThe^ best andMrs.Ja£S:Col*Dnwasehristenedliectuxeatt^ school bxtilding will -wi& formality last Monday. Mrs. Hint and Mrs.. Wuetb, of •Oceanus avenue,'have removed from the Beach to pass the winter in Astoria^ - ^—-^ - - ~"----_- Dancing will follow the basket 1»H game at the A. A. A. elnhhouse next Thursday evening. Thanksgiv- ing night. The Rockaway Beach Taxpayers' Association wiil holdaregxdarmeet- Past Masters' Night at fllppia Lodge. ' Olympia Lodge, g 808, F ^ a d l afternoons: A. M. conducted a special occision| — I—=— = at the lodge rooms' at Far Rockaway, j National Cigars at Ghn : bl>5ck''sv - last Thursday evening, which was! ::;— .._"-• • ". -.——"•'/:• termed t f t e Past Masters" Night, | Ali cars stopi at Chubbucf s Dreg wfc^afithestations'were occupied % Steae,._.i = _,-,. ? - --;.-.--. _ ^ : ; b.y past masters of the lodge. Some excellent, work was done in conferr- ing the-Sublime Degree of Master Mason on three Brothers Fellow- feraft. R. W.*. J. Carl Schmuck oc- C^en an account with us for your conven- Miss Dfebfirah Byr-neT^teachef* : ^6t7~^l_ Pian,d and Harmony. Rockaway; Beach. Wednesdav . and Saturdav.. J » . f i ti-» Address p. OJBOX 723i ience during the summer; pay ypur_ household blBs by cheeky ^thus^ 1 avoiding arinoyance and utes» / ",•/•••. Kill the Chill $500v000 i ~ ^']>OSfts j-1,800,000 $200,000 ingredients possible to obtain. Ifwehavenotmstockwhatyonrj^P 5 ^ 1 ^^^^ 5 station i n l L e physician prescribes, wajsilLcordia-1. . , ., •,, % .,; 5 j ~ ~ 1 worth Bft t h e second ly tell you so, .and will order same at once withoht extra charge. first section and W.\ S. J. EHs-i section of the; Chas- H, Schilling' of "thisi work. Valuable surprise packages wiH! &*<* an^JJ^vi. Saaora and Kobt; fhegtvenTo^^customer^oTmr^ 563 ^^ chases^oods to the amount of ^ f^ third degree. . • - ; --.-j cents and over on day of opening. | An ^borate spread was served j Prizes for the guessing contest^ tbe P ast masters. The, occasion will be published in the WAVE two j was . hi ^' ^ ^ h 7 _? L - _ weeks before opening of store. | - "'"•"' r " " * Don't Let the Chill Bank of Long Island IN THE-BaROUGH OF QUEENS NEW YORKCITY I be on "A Trip to BraziJ," by Mss (Caroline M. Kingman. View^s—hy 1 stereoptkon will accompany ifc The play, "PhySis > r ' is nearhag | perfectionattbehaBds^pf the PLay- ! ers' Club^ who wffi present that at- j traction in Arion Hall on the even^ | i n g of Monday, December 9, for the j benefit of St. Paul of Tarsus Church j of Arverne. r . M * f There were many Beach partfci-4 pants in the euchre conducted by Send answer to WATE office by mail before Dec. 15th, 1907. Postoffice, date, mark and time will be used in awarding prizes to successful contestants. ''Harry Cloms." " , * Hanager. Drug Store S r ^ r G o r i Dodge - arena* and Bonlevard, Rockaway Beach. The Sanitary Committee of the, Rockaway Beach Taxpayers' Associ-j ation held a meeting last Tuesday t eveniag in Winters 7 •-.. Steeplechase | Hc^eJ^^nd dteussed fuxther plans; for the campaigii to keep the streets j of Rockaway Beach clean in the: summer. The, Steeplechase rHoteil_ W3S determined on as the regular | ~ iffanf NOW Wiped M ! meeting place of ^committee, ».|. IIU-UIU nun nipcu vm. ^ Murray was chosen correspond- j The three cottages which- remain-: j n g secretarv for the committee. The! mgmPaehmgers'HaTl next Mon-j s __j Jj(Ag ^ ^ ^ Unifornx Rank, | ed atHoward aftej the.large hotel j members wiB start oat scon to secure day evening. ^ jK_ of P . , a t Imperial Hall, Farfa 1 "* several booses burned on Oct, {the consent of property owners to Next Monday night the Cardinal} R oc k awayj ja^ Wednesday evening ] 2 3» last, became ignited and entire-' co-operate with the scheme. - ^ ^ PI.,!. _:ii --^.«-» + i^;.. A nu mber ef the. fine prizes weifejly destroyed last Tuesday night. .,« _. broaght to the Beach as a result SEEP* property: was 'owned by Col l Players' Clab will present their annual minstrel entertainment and reception in Arion Halh Miss Eleanor. Moran who went to Hamilton, Canada, last week, has sent post card remembrance^tovan- j ous frieads^n the Beach. P ; jf he^IomeTIhe^oc^sio/being h2' is no s*^ ; m OOT mone y 1 FieM tie ^ d Neffie Fofey ' ^ - On Recount of the pressure of j eighteenth'birthday anniversary. M is ^ ^ We must have ready died on Monday, W 11, at the his professional work and the daily - splendid time was had by^tll and a}^ 8 ^ '' AT JAMAICA hAR ROCKAWAY XrSTttlNIF^" ~r. fcONG ISLAND CITY RICHMOND HILL < ELMHURST C I T ROCKAWAY BEACH AND T j COLLEGE POJiVT CAPITAL $500,000 SURPLUS $200^0 _7 ^"e ^SBKSt yottrTjasiH^s, ^eir participation in ^ie games. Miss IHEan G. Roberts was tend- ered a pleasant surpriseby a com- pany of friends last Friday evening at her home, the occasion being her Michael 3. Dady, of Brooklyn. It is suspected that the fire was of in- cendiary origin. 4 » I-' Denies Borial in Potter's FielcK, I wish thTOugfa the WAVE, to deny j the statement published in a Brook- lyn paper that I buried in Potter's Yott will requite A ?i te>Hg; Island Agency fer ttse _ Famous GAR8ETTS AMERICAN WINES df Norfoflc, Virgmia t Complete Stock-of Popular Varieties, including Eseapernong, Minnehahay , Yirginia Dare, Paul Garrett Special. Pocahontas,'01dpsorth State, Blackberry, Southern Sunshine, PdrtsTSherries, Clarets and Rhine types of the Pioneer Wine Growers Production. One s&issk of these Goods will coarisce yos of ihmx SaperioiStT J f H*C DriH D Bott,er of mt « S«*er's Beer KANE AVE. \ » VJIftiJ. *V^-'« * «V Mfr. Minerat Waters - - - Tel. Ul Haramete therefore we are going to cntihome of Sftrsr Anna Wither by. 1 sumptuousrepast partakU ot 3G»! ** ^ ^ » *W that a man i w*** every pebble effort to locate Roberto received a number of pretty I** 1 ^ ^ to * «*> *^ ^moke ali ! the relat,ves of the dead girl and on tokens from her friends. »#*• «« Qext to &*• » John j W w to do se, I bvned ^e body ^t • • .uw * ,u t> v Scott cigars for $1.65. A well .known: ka* Satnrday.m Calvary Cemetery, The junior athletes of the Beach- 4 _ .^_ r _.. -A a i^rfiore Eawsv t increase of patients, Dr. W. B. Hutehens, the dentist, has deferred bis usual fall vacation. - - John Beary xetorned on Thursday: 1 ne junior auneies oi i»e x>eac*t - . _ . on , n M „~ A -•? „~*A^ * »u -P A T? tr^r-tTH -n JU. * -^-,^ ^ ^ . ^ ten cent cigar. 50 fior de Melton.:"* section m, lot V T range 1, grade from the Eye and Ear Hospital* W1 H conduct a series of events on the» . _ , *_ ,_,. , „. t i^ ' - ^_ t ^ "- - - • - •• - > <L t, i-cr - s _i¥-»*5» £0 Oaf Chief, the verv best; ^z. where he underwent an ©perafeeBf ocean beach at Faimew avenue OB|J . . * -- _ rt ; -FD » W TriTTTYF>^v/ , t . t- %^-^ m L - • f t , .ts-ort!^ cigar in Ifew—rork, SLOO. 50i , rKAJSK iKUJjyfciS. and treatment to his eyes, being Thanksgiving afternoon at 2^)i T " _ « . . 9 _ *_.. . W^Jffhfir.A r\tr, V v K^ 9-7 - .. v<, ti T , » L i - - _^ * AiJosface Fnibr $l^o. Fifty other -Long Island Uty, ^. 1, JNOV. £Z, much benefited by the same. i o clock. A junior and a senior ciassj. _ , , . . , -_ . . . \ .„ _i .* ,-v\ * - } brands all correspondmedy low. At • ' • Chas. Sharrot has received notice iwiU participate, WO pounds »i\ TVrfias _ r .- *' Old fashsoned molasses taffy, per cake. Like mother used make. At Dashby'sv- dumb mant! <X. his appointment as a regular let- f weight being the Bae diriding tercarrier stationed at Far Rock-*classes. ^[Dashby* & For <jua&f go to Cfiubbuck's. We have Heaters in stock Gas and Electric Co., Prompt Printing Pleasing Particular People \ i : I-.xt 3 USEFUL NOVELTIES sold at FRANK BIELSK-Y'S. 556 Boulevard. Rockawaf "IKOEX" IXCAKDESCEXT KEKOSENE I?T'RN"ER. Can be adjusted to aay oil- lamp. It has two s-tandard thread*: therefore no nei-essiiy <>f buytmj new lamps. to light. Bum* mantle of special safe-. Index !>::-ier complete with ra;.chimney -2:>c.. Extra burning -iefc5e metallic gilt panels, cooi^eted and 142 letters and figures printed <m iekly be maxie. changed or re-changed large sign «,$0. The BR.AHAM PATENT TEN. Take* the pla, times longer than any other steel pen. -with a .-ir.siie <ii; will not clog as ordinary pen* do. It i* non- corrosive Price: 3c apiece or - 25e per dozen. It has two standard thread* •ent ga$*iigfi ity. Odori*^ss, noisel*>ss. a! and chimney S3. Extra mant! The CHANGEABLE SIGST It consists . *uspende<l by brass chains, and a package > heavy cardboard. Any reading matter •jin ajKii».into some other announcement: Pri L sign 60c f the fountain pen. Wrftes28 >. It prevents blotting. It Makes writing a pleasure. Phone 62 Far Rockaway. $& Central Avew t^rRockKway THE WAVE •rr T —~- —*" ' » • » «"• a honse of either brick «^wwrt^> LSRUWI SIlWKfc I " ret some ajaferican mvent a tocom©. tive and cars that will raw *H* r*i% / ^ Repairing a Speeiafer, Estimate* Givws Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of Kill the Chil - 21/Rockaway Beach NY … · House, at 119 Boulevard, between...

Page 1: Kill the Chil - 21/Rockaway Beach NY … · House, at 119 Boulevard, between Center and Conway streets, said to be the* oldest house on the Beach, is raising the

O w l Monkey with your T e e t l i a w a ^ HeVm <»™»»x» the duties i of the position next Tuesday. John ! Featherson- is now at the top of the j list of eligibles for the appointment • to regular service.

This Saturday evening a testi­monial ball t o t b e "ex-Mayor of Sea Side" will be given in H. Harris ' Manhattan Hotel at Sea Side.

Peter Wyckoff, the "millionaire farmer-philanthropist of Bushwick," spent the first part of this week at his "shanty" on the Jamaica Bay shore at Hammel station.

Chas. Bjur," of Henry street, re­turned home last ^Friday from a visit of two weeks among, .relatives in Pennsylvania and visits to several of the larger cities of that state.

a n d don' t permit any inexperienced dentist to monkey with them. They are of vital importance to you, and •deserve the greatest possible care in the i r treatment. Our reputation has been bnilt up solely on the skill we have shown in Dentistry oinco. wo 4

have been in practice here.

Dr. W. B. Hntchens BOULEVARD, -COB.


Our National birds—theeagle and the torkeyv May one give up peace in a l l j ^ r States, the other a piece

?for all our plates...,r.J • f -

Capt. Anthony Smithy writes of his welfare from the S. S. and S; Home at Bath, Stuben county, and interest in Beagh affairsi

J . WeisskqpF has commenced the construction of his.fineibrick build­ing on the- Boalevard-at Sea Side.

v •The engagement is announced of

Phil Hertel, of Sea Side, to Miss Anna Blint, of Long Island City.

The oyster supper given last Thursday evening a t the home of Mrs. Geo. L. Thoenefce, for the | Ladies' Aid Society, proved very

MAILS DIRECT TO JUffEJBIE. w ^ a * * » * * * ' * j fcoftus P . Murray and Chas. A.

mi About Journey To Leng IslandI City^Iarvin' o i . ^ i s * k c e ' **ve<been •* _ i :_^ i drawn as trial jurors to serve at a

HOW CeaSOS-'-Big AtaBtage Gained. . [term of county court at Long Island Direct postal communication be- j Cit*v d u r i n S t h e w e e k commencing

1 \ b v 9 5 ' ' • • ' "" • '

tween Rockawav Beach, Arverne and 3 ' " " -• . _.-s_.» ^ John Watts, in feupreme Court,

Far Rockaway has now been arrang-1 p a r t T a t F l u s h i n g . ed / tEe new order becoming effective j . Frank-Macke in Supreme Court, last Monday. Prior to this time, no j mail could reach Arverne from

i Rockaway Beach without first travel- [ i ng to Long Island City and back, j whereas a walk of only ten minutes; separates the two points. This!

i defect has been the cause of many] complaints in the past,—and ^pparr ]

rynns. Telephone Call, 15 Harpmels.

ROOM^BOARD Nicely furnished room and- board '

S6.00. The Arena Hotel, J . Wagererj Corner Boulevard and Fail view ave- j n u e . - • ¥ — - . i

t t

i of All Kinds, PINE, CYPRESS, WHITE\S~OOpjke. 5

Doors, Sash, Blinds, J


Building Lumber

successful, despite the bad weather, j e n t l ? * ? finally ^ e e n corrected by B O A R D E R S W A N T E D

Jus t o a e word a b o u t C o u g h

I N S U R A N C E PrestikofF is t h e . m o s t eco­

nomica l i n su rance aga ins t ' c o u g h s a n d colds you can ge t .

O n e twenty-ft've cen t bo t t l e •will jn-sure t h e whole family

~ a g a i n s t coughs , colds a n d g r i p p e for a who le yea r . C h e a p '• i n su rance - i s n ' t it? T h e first Idose (4 or 5 drops on a . l i t t l e sugar ) wi l l ' g rea t ly rel ieve y o u r c o u g h . Three, or four doses | wi l l s t o p y o u r cough a n d a J b o t t l e wil l -breal i u p t h e wors t co ld you ever h a d , a n d we g u a r a n t e e it t o give en t i r e sat"- -isfaction or will refund you t h e p r i c e p a i d for i t . A n o t h e r v e r y i m p o r t a n t poin t :



Thomas Hale, a patrolman of the i local police precinct, returned Suh-I day to his home at 206 Boulevard, j from the hospital in Brooklyn, where j he had been under treatment for

three months;

J . J . Feeney, owner of the Hill House, at 119 Boulevard, between Center and Conway streets, said to be the* oldest house on the Beach, is raising the same and having a brick basement built underneath.

Schoncke. Brothers are moving a house belonging to Mr. Sham on

i Washington avenue, between Con-\ way and Center streets, the same ! standing partially on the land of ! Chas. Hallett, who required its re-Imoval. .. .1.

Several Beach residents will try i the examinations for clerk and car-j rier for the. postal service, which will j be held next Wedpesday. Caspar j Steiner, Arthur Burke and A. Gross I are among "the candidates from. I Rockaway Beach;

I A delegation from "the A r i o n i Maennerchor, upon invitation, at-j tended the celebration of the Jamaica ; Saengerbund, last Sunday night and participated in their .festivities iff whickthey indulged on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of their in-

A largo nnmh<»-pq^"'-'fr Si Mia QT-a timely request by A. E . Karelsen. When a postal card addressed toi

: A. E. Karelsen, "Arverne, and marl-1 cellent spread.

• On Sunday evening, December 1,., e d a t E o c 6 . B e a e ) l s t a t i o n o n

Rockaway Beach Coancil, ]No. 22, | J r . 0 . U. A. M., will attend a ser-

—<iood t ab le Heated room3.—*5r per week. . * E

General House Trim, Stairs and Mantels.

rrer "Wagner

I Monday morning, Sept. 23d, did I _ _, . not reach the Arverne postofhee un-T

vice at the First Congregational j & % a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Mr. Karelsen undertook to have a!

40 S. Hammel Ave. IA

remedy made to the imperfect ser- j vice existing between these-joints . After a circuit of official investiga­tions and - recommendations the Post Office Department has written i

Church.< The pastor, Rev. John C Green, will preach a special appro­priate sermon.

Strauss Brothers, the butchers, announce in this issue of the WAVE

their special provision for the Thanksgiving occasion by the pur-

chase of a. large stock of ^ ^ e s p e d i t e the d e i r ^ n - o f mails for turkeys which they will, sell to their; g ^ ^ m a ^ ^ ^ s t e d at Rock-Ro%away-Beach_ customers at low r

city prices. Call and make your selection at 522 Boulevard, corner of Division avenue.

W A N T E D ! small house, ^unfurnished pre­

ferred."" ~ W. F . B., Box 734,

Rockaway Beach, X. Y.

With, Excepting Hardware, Masons* and 'Painters* Materials.

Oak arid Cedar $ i , 0O REWARD for boat building, and other uses.

. will be pa id for t h e r e t u r n of a n u m b r e l l a M r . K a r e l s e n a s f o l l o w s : ' ; I n o r d e r I lost a t t h e e u c h r e a t Ar ion H a l l M o n d a y

• n i g h w Saaife m u s t have been t a k e n b y error from h a t box . H a s curved wood h a n d l e a n d taffeta s i lk covering*. R e t u r n t o W A V E office. . . -1


That's The Question That's Agitating Tlte

Whole Beach Just Now.

away Beach and^Far Rockaway, ar­rangements have been made for an interchange of mails between these points, commencing tjie ISth inst. Under existing train schedule of the L. I- R. Rr, there are no west bound

LOST At t he Arion- '"Damenchor E u c h r e a t

Arion Ha l l M o n d a y even ing , a w o o d e n hand led umbre l l a , p robab ly t a k e n t h r o u g h mis take . T h e finder will p leare r e t u r n same to Mrs . J.- E . . Z e l t n e r , R e m s e u

trains stopping at Hammel station,!A v e- a n d Boulevard.-care^Wm. Meissner.

the point a t which maijs for Rock-! • _ • C / - % D C'A I C ' awav Beach Station kre" "Esihansed.f" : ,.- FY K ^ A L t "~ '

PJiiCES BIGHT. ~£ Estimates Cheerfully Made, either from Lists or Plans if you prefer

Y A R D , M I L L a n d O F F I C E a t t h e :

Foot of Pleasant Ave.r-Rockaway BeacB Borough «I-Qucens, New York. W

Sate.- Oi> This office has the nlatter up with i the R. R. Company, relative to slow- Inches wide. ing down certain trains in order, toj

see] permit of an interchange of mails"|~ between Far"Rockawav and Rock-!

A name is something to conjure with. For instance, begin with the letters of your, own name and how many words and—nanjes you Will be able to cons t ruc t ' i t into, j away Beach Station. This arrange-Ypu may obtain as many words and -raent will therefore make it u-nnec-'names as there'are "days in the yea r>ssa ry for the Far Rockaway office and get nothing for your pain£ j to • dispatch "any mai l s^ i ia t may

There is one name or a series o f be received either for Ai-verne or

incites." high Nearly new. X. Y." '

ana 23

care W A V E .

QUEENS 60UNTY TRUST r< .-.—x C O M P A N Y ; ^ _._ I Wynn Building, Far Rockawav

FOR SALE ~Bar and t>ack bar.


Jamaica and .ong] Inland City

Iuu. Boulevard and

Offers Its Services in all Branches "of Banking

X. Conwav St Pays interest on check accounts^ i Ac&xmts of Merchants and Individi

Has^nel Store Park Ave. Store Tjlephone No. 1 Telephone No 43

- -- Seaside, Tekohoae No, 7 v - J - -- s -

A meeting of the St. Monica's

D r u s S t o r e s I- °c^etyw^ ^e ^e^ m tae ^- ^ose

•! Hall in Fairyiew avenue, next Wed­nesday evening. Final arrange-[ ments will be made for the Bazaar

- , - . . - . • iwhich'will be held in the former I M ^ K J Beael Po^jf f^ - f Rogers7 ^ 5 e , onXov. "30 and Dec.

M A I L S ARRflvg "T.,^MAJELS CLOSE A ' a n • _ . - - . • • • '" • -

8 0 0 A. M 7-&) A »M. { l a t e r e of administration have 1 1 4 5 " l l : r 5 ' * - ibeen granted by Surrogate Xoble - 2:45 P. M . - 4:00 P . M. {this week to Norman Allen cte. the - '5.30 '*'• &-40 '"-^--4estate of the late Ernestine W.

[Allen, of this place,1 and letters of * * * * * * f t * * * # * * 4 . * . « * * * * * * * * * * Igardianship to John J . Kelly^on the

1 Local Paragraphs, glgl 1 ^ g \ g g • 3* r »i*Ruth C , Momea and Locus J .

i Kelly. Thanksgiving is next Thursday. _ . _ j . ^ • . '•. , __ , ;

~\ • The Excelsior Meat and Produce T h e r e w i i n > e no school n e x t ! C a > g | | % ^ ^ ^ t o . d a j % o f f e r s

Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, • nor j J e r s 6 y f r e g k faams5 g ^ n t s a n d the following day. i J e r s e y f w d l _ s i K H ^ i e r s a t i 2 j cents. j Mrs. C. Shaw, of Sea Side, has • They also have a Ibig consignment

^ o s e d he r eettage and will spend}of Fancy Rhode Island turkeys for t h e winter in Brooklyn. j Thanksgiving.

LiBian, : the little daughter of Mr. | Next week Friday night the free

pay you handsomely for yo' The name is .

J i H A R R Y CLOMS." v

• • Harry Gloms is ' not the proper name of Ibe person ba t the letters if placed! correctly will spell the name of tke manager of one' of t he most feliable Dreg Stores ever open­ed to the pahhc of Rockaway Beach.

All drugs guaranteed to be of standard 'quality. ;

Physicians prescriptions.and fami­ly receipts will be filled by com-peteni clerks only, TrithTThe^ best

andMrs . Ja£S:Col*Dnwasehr i s t ened l iec tuxea t t^ school bxtilding will

-wi& formality last Monday.

Mrs. H i n t and Mrs.. Wuetb , of •Oceanus avenue,'have removed from the Beach to pass the winter in Astoria^ - ^ — - ^ - — - ~"----_-

Dancing will follow the basket 1»H game at the A. A. A. elnhhouse n e x t Thursday evening. Thanksgiv­i n g night .

T h e Rockaway Beach Taxpayers' Association wiil holdaregxdarmeet-

Past Masters' Night at fllppia Lodge.

' Olympia Lodge, g 808, F ^ a d l afternoons: A. M. conducted a special occision| — I—=—= at the lodge rooms' a t Far Rockaway, j National Cigars at Ghn:bl>5ck''sv -last Thursday evening, which was! ::;— .._"-• • ". -.——"•'/:• termed t f t e Past Masters" Night, | A l i cars stopi at Chubbucf s Dreg wfc^a f i thes t a t ions 'were occupied % Steae,._.i = _,-,. ? - --;.-.--. _ ^ : ; b.y past masters of the lodge. Some excellent, work was done in conferr­ing the-Sublime Degree of Master Mason on three Brothers Fellow-

feraft. R. W.*. J . Carl Schmuck oc-

C^en an account with us for your conven-Miss Dfebfirah Byr-neT^teachef*:^6t7~^l_

Pian,d and Harmony. Rockaway; Beach. Wednesdav . and Sa turdav . . J » . f i t i - »

Address p. OJBOX 723iience during the summer; pay ypur_ household blBs by cheeky thus^1 avoiding arinoyance and

u t e s » / ",•/•••.

Kill the Chill $500v000

i ~ ^ ' ] > O S f t s

j-1,800,000 $200,000

ingredients possible to obtain. I f w e h a v e n o t m s t o c k w h a t y o n r j ^ P 5 ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 s t a t i o n i n l L e

physician prescribes, wajsilLcordia-1. . , ., •,, % .,; 5 j ~ ~ 1 worth Bft the second ly tell you so, .and will order same a t once withoht extra charge.

first section and W . \ S. J . EHs-i section of the;

Chas- H, Schilling' of "thisi work.

Valuable surprise packages wiH! &*<* an^JJ^v i . Saaora and Kobt ;

f h e g t v e n T o ^ ^ c u s t o m e r ^ o T m r ^ 5 6 3 ^ ^

chases^oods to the amount of ^ f ^ third degree. . • - ; --.-j cents and over on day of opening. | A n ^ b o r a t e spread was served j

Prizes for the guessing c o n t e s t ^ t b e P a s t masters. The, occasion will be published in t he WAVE two j w a s . h i ^ ' ^ ^ h7 _?L- _ weeks before opening of store. | - "'"•"' r " " *

Don't Let the Chill

Bank of Long Island IN THE-BaROUGH OF QUEENS


I be on " A Tr ip to BraziJ," by M s s (Caroline M. Kingman. View^s—hy 1 stereoptkon will accompany ifc

The play, "PhySis>r ' is nearhag

| perfectionattbehaBds^pf the PLay-! ers' Club^ who wffi present that at-j traction in Arion Hall on the even^ | i n g of Monday, December 9, for the j benefit of St. Paul of Tarsus Church j of Arverne. r . M * f

There were many Beach partfci-4 pants in the euchre conducted by

Send answer t o W A T E office b y mail before Dec. 15th, 1907.

Postoffice, date , mark and time will be used in awarding prizes to successful contestants.

' 'Har ry Cloms." " , * Hanager .

Drug Store S r ^ r G o r i Dodge - a r e n a * a n d Bonlevard,

Rockaway Beach.

The Sanitary Committee of the, Rockaway Beach Taxpayers' Associ-j ation held a meeting last Tuesday t even i ag in Winters7•-.. Steeplechase | Hc^eJ^^nd d t e u s s e d fuxther plans; for the campaigii t o keep the streets j of Rockaway Beach clean in the: summer. The , Steeplechase rHoteil_ W 3 S determined on as the regular |

~ iffanf NOW Wiped M ! meeting place of c o m m i t t e e , » . | . IIU-UIU nun nipcu vm. ^ Murray was chosen correspond- j

The three cottages which- remain-: j n g secretarv for the committee. The! m g m P a e h m g e r s ' H a T l next Mon-j s _ _ j Jj(Ag^ ^ ^ Unifornx Rank, | ed a t H o w a r d aftej t he . l a rge hotel j members wiB start oat scon to secure

day evening. ^ jK_ of P . , a t Imperial Hall, Farfa1"* several booses burned on Oct, {the consent of property owners to Next Monday night the Cardinal} R o c k a w a y j j a ^ Wednesday evening ] 23» last, became ignited and entire- ' co-operate with the scheme. -^ ^ P I . , ! . _: i i --^.«-» + i ^ ; . . A n u m b e r ef the. fine prizes weifejly destroyed last Tuesday night. . , « _.

broaght to the Beach as a result SEEP* property: was 'owned by Col l Players ' Clab will present their annua l minstrel entertainment and reception in Arion Halh

Miss Eleanor. Moran who went to Hamilton, Canada, last week, has sen t post card remembrance^ to van- j

ous f r ieads^n the Beach. P ; j f he^ IomeTIhe^oc^s io /be ing h 2 ' ^ » is n o s * ^ ; m O O T m o n e y 1 F i e M t i e d N e f f i e F o f e y ' ^

- On Recount of t h e pressure of j eighteenth'birthday anniversary. Mis ^ ^ W e must have ready died on Monday, W 11, at the

his professional work and the daily - splendid t ime was had by^tll and a } ^ 8 ^ ' '






CAPITAL $500,000 SURPLUS $ 2 0 0 ^ 0

_ 7 ^ " e ^SBKSt yottrTjasiH^s,

^ e i r participation in ie games.

Miss IHEan G. Roberts was tend­ered a pleasant surpr iseby a com­pany of friends last Friday evening a t her home, the occasion being h e r

Michael 3. Dady, of Brooklyn. I t is suspected tha t t he fire was of in­cendiary origin.

— 4 • » —I-'

Denies Borial in Potter's FielcK, I wish thTOugfa the WAVE, to deny j

the statement published in a Brook­lyn paper that I buried in Potter's

Yott will requite A

?i te>Hg; Island A g e n c y fer ttse _

Famous GAR8ETTS AMERICAN WINES df Norfoflc, Virgmia t

Complete Stock-of Popular Varieties, including Eseapernong, Minnehahay • , Yirginia Dare, Paul Garrett Special. Pocahontas,'01dpsorth State,

Blackberry, Southern Sunshine, PdrtsTSherries, Clarets and • Rhine types of the Pioneer Wine Growers Production.

One s&issk of these Goods will coarisce yos of ihmx SaperioiStT

J f H*C DriH D B o t t , e r o f m t « S«*er's Beer KANE AVE. \

» V J I f t i J . *V^- ' « * «V Mfr. Minerat Waters - - - Tel. Ul Haramete

therefore we are going to cn t ihome of Sftrsr Anna Wither by. 1 sumptuousrepast pa r t akU o t 3 G » ! * * ^ ^ » * W tha t a man i w*** every p e b b l e effort to locate Roberto received a number of pretty I**1 ^ ^ to * «*> * ^ ^moke a l i ! t he relat,ves of the dead girl and on tokens from her friends. » # * • « « Q e x t to &*• » John j W w to do se, I bvned ^ e body

^ t • • . u w * ,u t> v Scott cigars for $1.65. A well .known: k a * Satnrday.m Calvary Cemetery, The junior athletes of the B e a c h - 4 _ . ^ _ r _ . . - A a

i ^ r f i o r e Eawsv t

increase of patients, Dr. W. B. Hutehens, the dentist, has deferred b is usual fall vacation. -

- John Beary xetorned on Thursday: 1 ne junior auneies oi i»e x>eac*t - . _ • . o n , n M „ ~ A -•? „~*A^ * »u -P A T? t r ^ r - t T H -n JU. * - ^ - , ^ ^ ^ . ^ ten cent cigar. 50 fior de Melton.:"* section m, lot VT range 1, grade from the Eye and Ear Hospital* W1H conduct a series of events on the» . _ , *_ , _ , . , „. t i ^ ' - ^ _

t ^ "- - - • - •• - > • <L t, i-cr - s _i¥-»*5» £0 O a f Chief, the verv best; ^z . • where he underwent an ©perafeeBf ocean beach at F a i m e w avenue O B | J . . „ * - - _ r t; -FD » W TriTTTYF>^v/

, t . t - %^-^m L - • ft , .ts-ort!^ cigar in Ifew—rork, SLOO. 50i , rKAJSK iKUJjyfciS. a n d treatment to his eyes , being Thanksgiving afternoon a t 2 ^ ) i T " _ « . . 9_ * _ . . . W^Jffhfir.A r\tr, V v K^ 9-7 -

. . v < , t i T , » L i - - _^ * A i J o s f a c e F n i b r $ l ^ o . Fifty other -Long Island Uty , ^ . 1 , JNOV. £Z, much benefited by the same. i o clock. A junior and a senior ciassj . _ , „ „ , . . , -_ . .

. \ .„ _ i .* ,-v\ * - } brands a l l correspondmedy low. At • ' • Chas. Sharrot has received notice iwiU participate, WO pounds » i \ T V r f i a s _ r . - * ' Old fashsoned molasses taffy,

per cake. Like mother used make. At Dashby'sv- —

d u m b man t !

<X. h i s appointment as a regular let- f weight being the Bae dir iding t e rca r r i e r stationed a t F a r Rock-*classes.

^ [ D a s h b y * &

F o r <jua&f g o to Cfiubbuck's.

We have Heaters in stock

Gas and Electric Co., Prompt Printing Pleasing Particular People \ i :


3 USEFUL NOVELTIES sold at FRANK BIELSK-Y'S. 556 Boulevard. Rockawaf " I K O E X " I X C A K D E S C E X T K E K O S E N E I?T'RN"ER. Can be a d j u s t e d t o a a y o i l -

l amp . I t h a s t w o s-tandard t h r e a d * : t h e r e f o r e no nei-essiiy <>f b u y t m j n e w l a m p s . t o l igh t . B u m * m a n t l e of s p e c i a l safe-. I n d e x !>::-ier c o m p l e t e w i t h ra;.chimney -2:>c.. E x t r a b u r n i n g - i e f c 5 e

meta l l i c gilt p a n e l s , c o o i ^ e t e d a n d 142 l e t t e r s a n d figures p r i n t e d <m iekly be maxie. c h a n g e d o r r e - c h a n g e d

l a r g e s i gn « , $ 0 . T h e BR.AHAM P A T E N T T E N . T a k e * t h e pla,

t i m e s longer t h a n a n y o t h e r s t ee l pen . -with a .-ir.siie <ii; will no t clog a s o r d i n a r y pen* do . I t i* non- co r ros ive P r i c e : 3c ap iece o r -25e per dozen .

I t h a s t w o s t a n d a r d t h r e a d * •ent ga$*iigfi

i ty . Odori*^ss, noisel*>ss. a! and c h i m n e y S3. E x t r a man t !

T h e C H A N G E A B L E S I G S T I t c o n s i s t s . *uspende<l by b r a s s c h a i n s , a n d a p a c k a g e > heavy c a r d b o a r d . Any r e a d i n g m a t t e r •jin ajKii».into s o m e o t h e r a n n o u n c e m e n t : P r i L s ign 60c

f the fountain pen. Wrftes28 >. It prevents blotting. I t

Makes writing a pleasure.

Phone 62 Far R o c k a w a y . $& Cent ra l Avew t ^ r R o c k K w a y


•rr T —~- —*" ' » • » «"• a honse of either brick «^wwrt^> LSRUWI SIlWKfc I" ret some ajaferican mvent a tocom©. tive and cars that will raw *H* r*i% /

^ Repairing a Speeiafer, Estimate* Givws

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069