Key to Understanding Starbucks

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  • 8/2/2019 Key to Understanding Starbucks



    One of the benefits when a business moving from a domestic to an

    international strategy is the firm can earn a greater return on its

    investments. This means the firm can realize many advantages on resources

    and capabilities over its rival.

    In 1995, because of the saturation of the United States market, Starbucks,

    an international coffee house chain, started to expand its business overseas.

    Starbucks first tested the Japanese market by establishing joint ventures

    with local retailers. By 2001, Starbucks had more than 150 stores and plans

    to continue its success at a brisk pace. The company began by entering into

    joint ventures with local businessmen that allowed Starbucks to retain

    control and have the benefits of a local operating partner, Starbucks was

    able to embark on an aggressive expansion campaign, and successfully

    opened in foreign markets by 2001. This plan made the opening of over 600

    stores located out of the United States possible. The decision to expand

    internationally gave Starbucks the ability to reach a larger market and meet

    its stated growth goals. More than 200 units in other countries, including

    China, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, New Zealand, Malaysia, the Philippines,

    Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand.


    An outline explanation of the chosen international organizationStarbucks Mission Statement

    To inspire and nurture the human spirit one person, one cup and one

    neighborhood at a time

    Product Strategy


    Changes in the social and economic structure of the country are resulting in

    higher levels of disposable income and a greater interest in Starbuckproducts and merchandise. At the same time, other coffee shops are trying

    to tap in on the fad created by Starbucks. There are many competitors trying

    to become successful selling franchises for competitors to Starbucks.

    Starbucks senior management realized some time ago that there was no

    real difference between the qualities of their coffee to that sold in competitor

    companies. Instead, the ubiquitous cup of Starbucks' coffee is a prop for

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    many people. It makes a statement about the amount of disposable income

    and individual may have.

    Marketing Strategy Using the Internet

    In 1998 and 1999, Starbucks moved boldly, acting as if the Internet presented a

    can't-miss opportunity. Then the company stumbled again and again, as high-

    profile initiatives led to costly write-downs. Now Starbucks is pursuing what may

    be its wisest online strategy yet. No longer is the company trying to redefine its

    business in radical ways around the Internet.

    This time, Starbucks is tying its online efforts closely to its central mission: building

    customer loyalty around cappuccinos, lattes, and other fancy beverages. "We

    aren't in the business of selling Internet access," says Darren Huston, senior vice

    president for new ventures. "Our job is to sell more coffee."

    On its Web site, Starbucks now runs a simple, easy-to-use store that sells coffeebeans, mugs, brewing machines -- and not much else. Gone are the dreams that

    the company once harbored of involving itself in the online merchandising of

    everything from furniture to videocassettes. And while the company is currently

    rolling out high-speed wireless connections in its physical stores, it's doing so in a

    way that minimizes any disruption of the traditional cafe experience.

    Retail Strategy

    Starbucks retail strategy is designed primarily to maintain loyalty and

    repeat business among its target market (upscale coffee drinkers)

    encompasses hiring and training knowledgeable counter servers, calledbaristas (bartenders) to educate customers about starbucks specialty coffee

    drinks and associated products, and to provide customers with an

    opportunity to take a break from their busy lives in a relaxing atmosphere.

    The company has also entered some creative partnerships to put its cafes in

    Nordstrom and Barnes & Noble and serve its coffee on United Airlines.

    Licensing the brand name for other food products such as ice cream and soft

    drinks also increases its brand awareness.

    Retail Mix

    Like every retailer, Starbucks supports its strategy with its retail mix.

    With regard to location, individual sites are selected in the most highly

    visible places possible, and centralized cities serve as hubs or regional

    centers (clustering) for roll out expansion into nearby markets.

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    Its merchandize assortment based on sales distribution is composed of

    coffee beverage (58 percent), whole bean coffee by the pound (17 percent),

    food items (16 percent), and coffee-related equipment (9 percent). Coffee

    beverages are standized across outlets, but food offerings vary from store to


    Its product pricing is premium, which is due to the companys commitment

    to quality products and a high level of customer service. Its advertising and

    promotion budget is however, minimal.

    Stores, which are spacious so that customers can wander around the store,

    drinking their coffee and considering the purchase of coffee paraphernalia

    ranging from coffee to preparation eauipment, are typically designed around

    a planned mix of ogranic and manufactured components.

    Customer service and personal selling are promoted by training new hires todeal with product related customer complaints on the spot without having to

    check with a manager. They are also trained to customize each espresso

    drink and to explain the origins of different coffees.

    Environmental Stewardship

    Stabucks shared its commitment to the environment. The company believes

    in the importance of caring for the planet and encourages others to do the

    same. Its goal is that by 2015, 100% of the Starbucks cups will be reusable

    or recyclable. The company worked to significantly reduce our

    environmental footprints through energy and water conservation, recycling

    and green construction.

    Ethical Sourcing

    Starbucks developed a strong, long-term relationship with farmers all over

    the world that help ensure supply of high-quality coffee to the customers.

    By 2015, all of Starbucks coffee will be grown using ethical trading and

    responsible growing practices.

    Community Involvement

    Starbucks believes in being involved in the communities. Bringing people

    together, inspiring change and making a difference in peoples livesits all

    part of being a good neighbor. By 2015, Starbucks plan to contribute one

    million volunteer hours each year to our communities.

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    Distribution Strategy

    Starbucks Corporation purchases and roasts high-quality whole bean coffees and

    sells them, along with fresh, rich-brewed coffees, Italian-style espresso beverages,

    cold blended beverages, a variety of pastries and confections, coffee-related

    accessories and equipment, a selection of premium teas and a line of compactdiscs, primarily through Company-operated retail stores. In addition to sales

    through its Company-operated retail stores, Starbucks sells coffee and tea

    products through other channels of distribution including its Business Alliances

    business unit and other specialty operations (collectively, Specialty Operations).

    Starbucks, through its joint venture partnerships, also produces and sells bottled

    Frappuccino coffee drink and a line of premium ice creams.

    The Company sells whole bean and ground coffees to office coffee distributors,

    institutional foodservice companies that service business, industry, education and

    healthcare accounts, and to hotels, airlines, retailers and restaurants.

    Pricing Strategy

    Current pricing of Starbucks coffees are:

    Tall 12-ounce: $1.40 and $1.65

    Lattes 12-ounce: $2.40 and $3.10

    Tall Mocha: $2.70 and $3.40

    "Paying premium prices stimulates production of high quality coffee.

    "Allows farmers to increase income and reinvest in their farms and plan for

    the future.

    "Promotes steady and sustainable growth in a market with price


    "Upholds Starbucks commitment to purchase high-quality product in a

    socially responsible manner

    A description of the global business environment and the countries

    selected market

    Starbucks' strategy for expanding its retail business is to increase its market share

    in existing markets and to open stores in new markets where the opportunity exists

    to become the leading specialty coffee retailer. In support of this strategy, the

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    Company opened 647 new stores during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2001

    (fiscal 2001). At fiscal year end, Starbucks had 2,971 Company-operated stores in

    38 states, the District of Columbia and five Canadian provinces (which comprise

    the Company-operated North American retail operations), as well as 252 stores in

    the United Kingdom, 25 stores in Thailand and 18 stores in Australia (which

    comprise the Company-operated international retail operations). Company-operated retail stores accounted for approximately 84% of net revenues during

    fiscal 2001. Starbucks retail stores are typically located in high-traffic, high-

    visibility locations. All Starbucks stores offer a choice of regular and decaffeinated

    coffee beverages, including at least one "coffee of the day," a broad selection of

    Italian-style espresso beverages, cold blended beverages, a selection of teas and

    distinctively packaged roasted whole bean coffees. Starbucks stores also offer a

    selection of fresh pastries and other food items, sodas, juices, coffee-making

    equipment and accessories and a selection of compact discs. Each Starbucks store

    varies its product mix depending upon the size of the store and its location.

    Competitive Environment

    Starbucks Corporations top competitors are McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts.

    Starbucks vs McDonalds

    MacDonalds serves as a pit stop for customers with little time, many kids and

    thin wallets. Many argue that McDonalds is a lot cheaper than Starbucks

    coffee in general, and they have the high quality to go with it.

    This competitor have significantly similar products with Starbucks. It offers

    lattes, cappuccinos and iced brews in 9,000 U.S. restaurants.

    McDonald's has more locations and a lower price point for premium coffee.

    Starbucks vs Dunkin Donuts

    Dunkin Donuts has these features.

    "Cost Advantage

    "Complements the Main Product.

    "Faster and Cheaper

    "Half its revenue came from coffee sales

    Target Market

    Starbucks' target market is any person and any age. The store offers juices

    and cocoa for children, creamy blended drinks for those who don't

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    particularly like coffee, and a number of different types of brewed coffee.

    Starbucks continues to refine and target their product offerings to the

    changing tastes of consumers. The stores now sell specialty breakfast foods

    such as scones and muffins as well as a variety of beverages and coffee. The

    chain's specialty flavors of coffee are popular among American consumers.

    Communication Strategy

    The Starbucks social media plan uses 4 primary digital touch points:

    Facebooka page where fans can communicate internationally

    Twitterserves mainly as a customer service channel

    You Tubea channel where the company posts videos ranging frombranded content to short pieces describing its charitable work

    MyStarbucksIdea.coma digital suggestion box where customers cansubmit ideas for products and services

    Even with its success on Twitter(more than 700,000 followers) and Facebook,the real heart of Starbucks is the social media platform because this iswhere customers can actually influence others with what the companyoffers. Since then, more than 180,000 customers have registered, and morethan 80,000 suggestions have been submitted. There is even a restrictedportion of the site where employees can make suggestions.

    An explanation of the impact of culture on their chosen business's

    activities around the world


    Starbucks venture into foreign territories created impacts and challenges.

    Selling an upscale, western-style products is easy in China except for one:

    Chinese are unfamiliar with the taste of coffee. Indeed, many Chinese

    consider that coffee is too bitter. They prefer tea.

    New York

    The ubiquitous presence of Starbucks outlet encourages students to stay

    and drink coffee.The late hours that most Starbucks stores have is great for

    business because customers know that there will always be a Starbucks open to sit

    down and have a cup of coffee. Some Starbucks are even open until midnight.

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    December 4, 1997, the Philippines had its first taste of the Starbucks Experience

    with its very first branch at the 6750 Ayala Building in Makati City. Starbucks has

    since won the hearts of the Filipinos.

    The opening of the 6750 Ayala store marked an important milestone in our history

    the Philippines became the third market to open outside North America.

    The tradition of warm hospitality, constant need for connection, and love for coffee

    these are the qualities that make Starbucks Coffee and the Filipino people a

    great culture fit.

    Identification of the key management issues your chosen

    organization faces

    1Lack of ownership of coffee farms can lead to price fluctuations.

    2There is a general perception of overexpansion.


    .Docstoc, Starbucks Corporation,

    Fast Company,

    Fink, Ron, How Starbucks Became the Social Media Model, Strategic

    Marketing Solutions, of Essay.Com,

    Mission Statement, Starbucks Website,

  • 8/2/2019 Key to Understanding Starbucks




    Starbucks Philippines,,

    Starbucks Pricing Strategy: A Powerpoint Presentation by Johanna Phan, Ryan

    McIntire, Christina Kraft, Meagan Mikkonen, and Eric Spackman.

    ZhenJia, Zhang, International Expansion of Starbucks, Canadian Social

    Science, March 2006.