Kerrang Analysis

Product Title Product Aim/Purpose The main aim and purpose of this website is to promote their music to the intended audience. Kerrang is a rock music magazine published by Bauer Consumer Media in the United Kingdom. The magazine's name is onomatopoeic and refers to the sound made when playing a power chord on an electric guitar. Kerrang has a variety of media elements such as a radio station, website, music channel, magazine and more. Along with this the purpose of this website is to sell to the audience, sell products such as magazines and CDs. Within this website there are also merchandises which are available for the public. Another aim is for the users are to create an account with this website. Kerrang would want this as the audience would then be obliged to buy products if they have a user name and password. A benefit of this is the audience can then get discount on their next couple of purchases. Also users would receive newsletters via posts. The target audience can then see the latest fashion in this newsletter, along with what new albums have been launched. This would be a monthly launch; new fashion would be displayed in this catalogue for the users as well as the albums. Along with this there are tickets available for the audience to buy, this is so they can see artists such as Green Day, Kelly Clarkson and may others perform live. Intended Audience The target audience for this specific website is 18-25 year old males who are interested in the rock, heavy metal, punk and indie music genre. This has been portrayed within the website

Transcript of Kerrang Analysis

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Product Title

Product Aim/Purpose

The main aim and purpose of this website is to promote their music to the intended audience.Kerrang is a rock music magazine published by Bauer Consumer Media in the United Kingdom. The magazine's name is onomatopoeic and refers to the sound made when playing a power chord on an electric guitar.

Kerrang has a variety of media elements such as a radio station, website, music channel, magazine and more. Along with this the purpose of this website is to sell to the audience, sell products such as magazines and CDs. Within this website there are also merchandises which are available for the public.

Another aim is for the users are to create an account with this website. Kerrang would want this as the audience would then be obliged to buy products if they have a user name and password. A benefit of this is the audience can then get discount on their next couple of purchases. Also users would receive newsletters via posts. The target audience can then see the latest fashion in this newsletter, along with what new albums have been launched. This would be a monthly launch; new fashion would be displayed in this catalogue for the users as well as the albums.

Along with this there are tickets available for the audience to buy, this is so they can see artists such as Green Day, Kelly Clarkson and may others perform live.

Intended Audience

The target audience for this specific website is 18-25 year old males who are interested in the rock, heavy metal, punk and indie music genre.

This has been portrayed within the website through the use of colours which have been used in this website. There are a variety of dark colours used such as black, this reflects the gothic field. Along with this within the front cover of the Kerrang magazine there are six men who are all dressed in black, this mirrors the genre of the music and tells the audience that type of genre the magazine is.

This website is not targeted towards the older generation because the some types of songs and genre within the site that is not appropriate for women or older males who are over 40. This is due to the heavy metal genre music.

Good Features Layout - there are good elements about the layout of this website.Firstly, the navigation bar along the top of the page is easy to access and it is noticeable for the audience.

This website has a web structure, this is the structure of a site is

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composed of the different sections of and navigation within those sections. It is the framework that shapes the site and defines your navigation scheme.

Secondly the structure is very easy to understand, there are clear indications of where items are and what else is available on the website. This is also portrayed through the navigation menu.

Text - there are a variety of different text size and fonts being used. This varies from font’s size such as 8-40. Size 8 font needs to be used for all small prints such as terms and conditions and other features. The larger fonts are used for the website name and slogan; this is so it stands out and appeals to the audience. Also the slogan is a first impression for audience therefore needs to be eye catching.

There are also different colour fonts; this also varies from dull colours such as black to bright and vivid colours like yellow and orange. These colours need to be bright in order to stand out. For example there is an offer stated as ‘News’ this is in yellow as it needs to stand out.

The font style for ‘Kerrang’ is in capital letters, this is because it is appealing to the audience and also wants to stand out hence capital letters have been used. There is also an explanation mark at the end, this is trying to emphasise for name of the website.There is also a lot of fonts which are italic, this shows a hyperlink has been added which takes the users to another website. This makes navigation easier for the audience, makes it simple to navigate through the website.Images and graphics - there are many images used on this site because the aim is to sell CDS and merchandises therefore it is vital to have pictures of these goods.

There are a vast amount of images on this site as it is promoting clothing and other features. All images load immediately this is because the website is targeted towards the higher end of the market therefore the site needs to be of a high quality, this site is also appealing to the mass market.

The clothing varies from tops to hoodies, there are images of all goods being sold and this is so the audience can see a visual image of what they can buy.

As Kerrang is all about music they are images of the artists album cover, this is so the audience can see what the image looks like and they can also see if it is the correct CD they wish to purchase. Lastly, there are many images of magazine covers, this magazine available are from Kerrang and the audience can buy these products.

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Another image which is being used is pictures of items which could be won in a competition. For example there are prizes to be won on this website, there is an image of a bike and one customer could then have the opportunity to win this bike.

Speed - speed is very important to have on a website. This is because the audience look through the site and they want the images and videos to appear very quickly, if it does not viewers then gradually start to get annoyed and frustrated. Shortly after they will close the website and not visit it again as they have that first impression of the site.

However the initial loading of the website is immediate, all features appear straight away having the audience not to wait at all. Along with this the videos are also very quick.

It is vital everything uploads quickly because Kerrang has a great reputation; they then need to keep this by having a website that loads straight away. Also the site is of a high standard and quality.

Navigation - a navigation bar (also known as a links bar or link bar) is a subregion of a web page that contains hypertext links in order to navigate between the pages of a website.

One way navigation is used is on the main homepage of the site. On the left of the page is the company name in large writing, positioned left of the page. When I place my house of this text a pop up message appears and says ‘click to return to Kerrang homepage’ this has been used as it is a simple way to go back to the main page. As well as this it is a much quicker way because the text is Kerrang’s logo, this is on each page and will not move it the user is on another page, so if the audience is looking for a album to buy and wishes to look at another album from another artist, they can then click the logo on the left and this will then immediately take them to the homepage. Secondly, along the top of the page is a navigation bar with options to what is available of this website.

Along with this there is also a drop down menu with what is on offer on this site and what goods can be purchased.

Thirdly, there is a search box added onto the website. This has been included to make it easier for the audience to find clothes for example on the website. This also narrows down the users search as the search box is asking primarily for the coding of certain items. Users receive newsletter every month regarding new fashion available on the site. If the audience like a certain artist, for instance they will not be able to listen to their album. Therefore the search box has been added because individuals can then get the code of the dress and then type it into the search box.

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A web structure is a website where you can access all pages from every page. For example, there may be a drop-down menu on each page with links to all the other pages on the site. This has been added as it makes it a lot easier for audience to navigate through the site. Web structure was needed because this site is all about selling therefore the audience would need to go back and forth to see items available.

Bad Features Layout - within the website there was some good points on the layout of this website and some bad points. I believe one bad feature about the layout is that it is very complex and there is a lot of information on each page, especially the homepage. When a viewer attends the website the first thing they will notice that there is a lot of images and text within the index page.

On the homepage there are a lot of little boxes around the page displaying different items as well as a competition and what prizes can be won.Text - contained by this website are not as many bad features about the text, however there are a minimal amount.

Firstly, there is a lot of text which is very small; the font size is less then 8. I believe this isn’t a good thing to have on a site because some of the audience may find it difficult to read the information. If the audience can not read something or find it strongly difficult to they may not visit the website again, this results in Kerrang loosing out on customers buying goods online.

Secondly, a lot of italic font has been used in this website. The font ‘mistral’ has been used a couple of times on different pages. This font is very complicated to read as it is italic along with a small size font. This makes it trickier for the audience to interpret the sentence.

Thirdly, on the odd occasion there is white coloured font displayed against a white background. The audience can not understand how much the product is marked at as both the background and font colour clash along with them being camouflaged. This makes it intricate for the audience to see the price of the product. This results in Kerrang loosing out on customers and money because if the viewer can not see the price they will not buy it. Images and graphics – within this website there are a variety of still images. However there is not a variety of pictures and animated graphics. I believe there should be more animated graphics within this website. This would make it more eye catching and fun for the audience.

Lastly to make the website look more effective, especially with the images there should be a mouse over with two images. For example there should be one image of the front of the album and as the user hovers the mouse over that same picture another

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images of the artist, this would appear more to the audience and also look more attractive.

Speed - Within this website I believe the speed has no bad features because it is quick and all graphics load quickly. Navigation - the navigation within this website is not as clear as it could be.

Firstly, there are not any hyperlinks shows on the website, a hyperlinks is an element in an electronic document that links to another place in the same document or to an entirely different document. The hyperlinks in this website are not clear i.e. they are not underlined with a blue colour font as they normally are, this does indicate a hyperlink is added. However no stereotypical hyperlinks are added.

Secondly, the only way to get to the homepage is by clicking the logo on the top left of the page, the audience may not no this takes them to the main page of the website therefore it is not clear where the hyperlinks are and how the viewers can get back to the homepage. In order to find out they would need to play around with the site and the links already on the page.


The main aim and purpose of this website is to promote their music to the intended audience.

Kerrang is a rock music magazine published by Bauer Consumer Media in the United Kingdom.

I believe this website is very attractive and eye catching. This website has a web structure, this is the structure of a site is composed of the different sections of and navigation within those sections. I believe this is easier for the audience to navigate through the website.

There are many images of magazine covers, this magazine available are from Kerrang and the audience can buy these products.