Keowee courier.(Walhalla, S.C.) lo resume her work. During I In-past few days her...

BARGA» NORMAN'* LC PRICES "W Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Crockery, Glassware, Tin\ ? Every S .j«»tt«{«»l**l« .j. »¡« »¡. »j« »j. »¡«»¡«»¡«»¡«»j« »|«»fr»ît»î« Tr LOCAL AND PERSONAL. X . »j»»j« »j« A »t« »J . »J» .!*»I« »I* *I* »I* *I*»I* -Henr Dr.. Steel to-night. -D. A. Smith visited friends in Anderson Saturday and Sunday. -Willet Sloan, of Anderson, spent Sunday in Walhalla with friends. -Read Master W. O. White's no¬ tices of land sales In this Issue. -Dr. Thos. G. C. Fahnestock, den¬ tist, will ho ID his omeo every Tues¬ day, Thursday and Saturday. -Mrs. L. R. VanDlvlore will leave / to-day Tor her homo In Savannah, Ga. ?-Have your Thanksgiving dinner on time, hut read Carter & Co. s ad¬ vertisement first. -Mrs. Jas. M. Moss ls visiting at Hie home of Dr. W. K. Sharp at Rivoli, near Pendleton. -Mrs. C. G. Strong returned last Friday from a visit to her daughter. Miss Cora, at Greensboro, N. C. -I have car load of good young mules. Will sell at cost, during next two weeks. Can he lound at Low- ery's stables. Seneca. J. L. Moore. - Remember the ten-ear corn ex¬ hibit and teachers' meeting next Sat¬ urday. He present if possible, and bring the boys with you. -Read tho new advertisement of the Matheson Hardware Company, Westminster, in this issue, ll is very timely and to the point. -For Sale-One pair good six- year-old mules; weight 2,200; sound, well and good workers. W. C. and E. N. Foster, Richland. IC* Re sure and hear Dr. Steel at the opera house to-night. You will never regret tho admission fee. lt will be used for a good cause. I will be In Walhalla November 2*;tV. and 27th, 1010, and will ap- prei late it if those Indebted to me Avili set» me and settle their accounts. G. C. Probst, Dentist. -The Emery Circle was pleasant¬ ly entertained by Mrs. J. R. Hughes on Friday of last week. Tho next meeting will be With Mrs. .1. A. Sleek Oil Friday, December 2d, al 3.30. -Hear Dr. steel at tho opera boase to-night. The proceeds of the entertainment will go for the bene¬ fit of tho Oconee Memorial Associa¬ tion for a monument to tho women Of the Confederacy. - Mrs. C. Terhune and Miss Anna Terhune will leave the lal ter part of this week for Atlanta, where they will spend tho winter. Their many friends hore regret their departure and will welcome their return. -Oconee Conclave, No. S27, I. O. H. will serve its ninth annual ban¬ quet to its members and a few friends Thursday (Thanksgiving) evening at N.üo o'clock. These occasions always provo tf> lie most enjoyable to the membership. Covers will be laid for Hf ty. -Just received another car load of High Point buggies. Every one sold under a personal guarantee. W. M. Drown. Walhalla. Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. Thomas left last Saturday Cor Greenville, where they will malo- their home in the fu¬ ture. Dining their residence in our town they made man j friends, who will join ns in wishing thom much uccess wherever they may see iii to casi their lot in the future. - Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hughes left Sunday for a week's visit to rela¬ tives in Columbia. Dining their stay in the lower part of thc Stale Mr. Hughes will participate in se.,»ral deer hunts. They will visit tin fain. Hies ol' (bo. W. an,; Jesse R. Max¬ well. -Mrs. Cr. F. Clarkson and chil¬ dren, of Union, arrived last week and will be nt the home of Mrs. Mary N. Ansel for some time. Mr. Clarkson will come to Walhalla In he near future and remain for some lime with his family. They have numerous friends here who aie glad to meet thom again. - For Sale Cheap- Pair of match horses, age .", and ü ; weight about I, 000 pounds each. Will trade for two small mules. Apply to M. M. Hombree, Walhalla. Route No. 2. -Tc morrow evening, at Wagoner Theatre, Mr. Caveny will Imperson¬ ate five characters from "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde." making the changes with lightning-like rapidity. Ile will also show his talent as a clay modeler and cartoonist. One feature of the program will be his illustrations, with . rayon, of tho singing of Marie M. Caveny. -W. B. Seaborn, of Kosciusko, Miss., arrived In Walhalla last week and will romain here with his par¬ ents. Mr. and Mrs. .las. Sealion), and among his many friends for some time. Mr. Seaborn bas been quito unwell for some time, having con¬ tracted malaria, and i<- here to recu¬ perate, His friends aro glad lo note that he is improving rapidly. -Tho many friends of Miss Clara Rasor, tea« ncr of the second and. third grades In the Walhalla High School, will regret to leam thal she has been compelled to give up, tem¬ porarily, Imr work in tho school room, her sight and gonoral heall h basing been Impaired. She left last Friday for her home at Hominid's, whore she will remain until she is able lo resume her work. During I In- past few days her place has boon lill ed by Miss Lettie Grant, of Walhalla. News of Miss Rasor's complete re COVery will be awaited by many friends here and elsewhere. 5WER »STORE ILL TEH.!^ : Caps, Dry Goods, "Notions, vare and Enamel, Etc., Etc. -lt. T. Jaynes, Esq., and James H. Darby, real estate dealer, are on a business trip In Tennesse and Ken¬ tucky this week. - Mrs. J. A. Steck bas been con¬ fined to her home for several days with a severe attack of rheumatism, i 1er friends will be glad to know, however, that she is improving and is able to bo up about the home. -When you want tho best buggy on the market for the money buy a "Hughes" buggy from T. E. Alexan¬ der, Walhalla. 23tf -We aro requested to urge the customers of the stores in Walhalla and West Union to make all neces¬ sary purchases to-day and Wednes¬ day, as the stores will be closed all day Thursday (Thanksgiving.) lb viii prove of great convenience to all the people to observe this fact, and to govern themselves according¬ ly. All business in both towns will be suspended. -1 can send off your magazine orders as cheap as the other fellow --E. E. Beard. Cet them In before the Xmas rush. -The proceeds of the lyceum at¬ traction at Wagoner Theatre to-mor¬ row evening will be given the Wal¬ halla High School. A delightful pro¬ gram has boen arranged by the Ca- veny Company for this occasion. lt is ono which will appeal to young and old alike. The seating capacity of the hall ls sufficient to accommo¬ date a large crowd. Children of the school will ho especially provided for. The performance will begin at S.30 p. m. -If you will try Ku rf eu's paint you will to convinced of its superi¬ ority In looks and wearing qualities. Sold by Dan E. Good, Walhalla. --On the 18th of this month Sam Wright, colored, who farms on his own place near West Union, sold to (Î. W. Gignllllat, of Seneca, a Im¬ pound bale of long staple cotton at 17c. per pound, tho small bale net¬ ting liim $64.94. Sam made this cotton on ono acre, having gotten the seed through Congressman Wyatt Aiken. He planted his cotton in rows three feel apart, the growth of i he long staple being cons'idernbly larger than the ordinary staple. He is delighted with his yield and says that it paid bim better than any cot¬ ton he has ever raised. The cotton was ginned hy Smith & Ellison, lhere being I,OS! pounds in the seed, net¬ ting :!S2 pounds of lint. -Your Opportunity.-For Sale at a sacrifice, to quick purchaser, high grade upright Kimball plano, practi¬ cally brand new. Address "Kim¬ ball," care Courier office. M. H. Hubbard last week left at tho store of Fowler Brothers, in Wal¬ halla, an Indian tomahawk which is proving quite a curiosity. This In¬ dian relic picked up In an old field field years ago by tho father of the late Col, W. C. Keith .ind was given to Robert Keith, colored, who gave it to Mr. Hubbard. The tomahawk is quito an elaborate affair in its way and is supposed to have belonged to a chief, being larger than the ordi¬ nary, and supplied also with an addi¬ tion in the way ol' a detachable pipe bowl, thus serving the dual purpose of an instrument of defense and of- fense or tho most peaceful of all oc¬ cupations, that of taking a good, quiet smoke. The tomahawk was picked up far back in the mountain section of Oconeo. -Wo can do your winter dyeing at reasonable prices. Club rates $1 a month. The People's Pressing Club, L. E, Heard, manager. What are you going to do Thanksgiving day? Why not go lo the big union Thanksgiving service at tlie Lutheran (bundi Thursday morning at I I o'clock. The offer¬ ings w ill l»e foi1 YOU lt orphanage. Take anything that can bo used in a home. Clothing of nil kinds that children need, from shoes and stock¬ ings all tho way up tb tho cap and hat; anything that will do to eat, from peanuts and popcorn all Hw way up lo Hour. li' you have any cash to give, put it in a plain envolopo and mark the name of your orphanage or your denomination on it. Remember these little ones on this day; re¬ member that they are without the natural fathers and mothers. How much arc you thankful for your par¬ ents? -1 am determined to do the fresh meat business ol Walhalla. I have cut tho price ot' steak to I 2',{¡c. per pound. Oilier cuts in proportion. The only place to buy pu re-food fresh meats. You will bc courteously treated and your patronage will be appreciated. Miles L. Phillips. --Pastor lOpting and the Lut horan congregation aro looking forward to a big day in the history of the con¬ gregation when, OU December I, the new opalescent are glass windows re¬ cently given by individuals, and the other gifts, will be dedicated to the service and glory of God. The win¬ dows are expected to be all in by that limo. Every window in the c hurch, seventeen in all, win be lili¬ ed with this beautiful glass. On that occasion Pastor FlUCk, Of St. Mat¬ thews Lulhoran c hurch. Augusta, Ga., who spent a mont h here on a vaca¬ tion in the summer of I90Ü, will be present and preach the special ser¬ mon of tho day at I 1 a. m. In the afternoon at 3.30 he will preach a sermon in tho German language for those who so much appreciate their "mother tondue," and at night at 7.15 o'clock lhere will be a special service The entire public is most cordially Invited to be prosent on inls occasion and worship with them. -Read '.he advertisement of tho Southern Realty Company on ano¬ ther page. Also keep an eye open for the ..pace next weok, as an Im¬ portant announcement will be made at that time. You will bo given an¬ other opportunity to buy a lot for a home. -For Sale at a Bargain-1 acre lot with 7-rooin house, In good re¬ pair; necessary outbuildings; splen¬ did well close to house; Main street, close to Court House. For further information apply to Courier omeo, Walhalla. 49* ?-The second number of the ly¬ ceum course, for the benefit of the Walhalla High School, will bo the Caveny Company, who will appear Wednesday evening, November 23d. J. Franklin Caveny, the famous car¬ toonist, clay modeler and impersona¬ tor, has received the endorsement of Senator La folíete, of Wisconsin; Otis Skinner, the actor, and Opie Read, the novelist. He is .ably assisted by Marie M. Caveny, who possesses a soprano voice of great range and beauty. The entire performance will be refined and wholesome. -Remember the Thanksgiving ser¬ vice at St. John's Lutheran church next Thursday morning (the 24th.) It is hoped that at this servlco tho contributions will be very liberal. All contributions will be for the various orphanages. Usc the envolope system If you desire your contributions to go to any special orphanage, marking on the envelope the orphanage of your preference. All unmarked contribu¬ tions will be divided equally between the various orphanage's. The service will be a union service, all the de¬ nominations of the town joining. The sermon will he by Rev. T. V Bp- tlng, of the Lutheran church, ./hile the other pastors and ministers of the town will join in the service with him. Let the congregation Thursday he one that will long be remembered for numbers and for the liberality of the offering for the orphans. The old. old story, told times without number, and repeated over and over again for the last 30 years, but lt ls always a welcome story to those in search of health. There is nothing in the world that cures coughs and 'olds as quickly as Chamberlain". Cough Remedy. Sold by Hr. J. W loll, Walhalla; C. W. Wickliffe, West Union. Treasurer's Tax Collecting YlsRs. 1 will visit thc places named be¬ low on the dates mentioned for the purpose of collecting State and co un¬ ta xes: Westminster-Monday and Tues¬ day. November 2Sth and 29th. Seneca-Thursday and Friday, December 1st and 2d. lt will prove convenient for the tax payers in these communities to visit the above places and pay their taxes. 1 will also receive road taxes at the same time. Tho ellice at Walhalla will he (dosed on above dates. Please bear this in mind and save yourself a trip to Walhalla. W. J. Schroder, Co. Treasurer. Not Sorry for Rlundcr. "If my friends hadn't blundered in thinking I was a doomed victim of consumption, Ï might not be alive now," writes D. T. Sanders, of Har- rodsburg, Ky., "but for years they saw every attempt to cure a lung-j racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The ef- feet was wonderful, lt soon stop-1 ped tho cough, and I am now in hot¬ ter health than I have had for years. This wonderful life-saver ls an unri¬ valed remedy for coughs, colds, ia grippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhages, whooping cough or weak lungs. 50c. and $1. Trial bottle free. Guaran¬ teed by all druggists. Valuable FOR The Rose I have secured ¡in option o farm in tho town of Walhalla, desired I will divide to suit pur opinion, i very reasonable at tl bought, and somebody is going The Alexand which I described fully last wee bad quite a number of luquirh acres in tho different tracts, bu yet. Good Tract oi About a year ago 1 built an 83-acre tract of land In the J t lenient over on Cane Creek. Tl woods, but lt ls good, strong sc make good terms on this trac offer. 78 Acres Nee Near Richland I have 7S ti A mick or Penny place. I will 132 Acres Nc Just last week I purchase of land near Oak way. Thia pia« Smith. Harris and others, and nal Wylie tract. You would nc Oak way at Hie price and term on this place. 427 Acres N< The McClnnnhan place, not yon want a goexl six-horse fan cotton and corn and have a got There tu e 427 Vd ai res In Hil take it all unless you want to. good ont buildings; two tenar Other Smal 1 have» several throe' and fe: and town lots that I will soll e Yours ve FRANK H. WESTMINE November 23 AT WAGENER THEATRE CAVENY & COMPANY IN A DELIGHTFUL PROGRAM, CONSISTING OF SONGS, CLAY MODELING, CARTOONS, IMPER¬ SONATIONS, ETC. For tho Benefit of THE WALHALLA HIGH SCHOOL. -ADMISSION : - ADULTS,.SOO. CHILDREN, .... 25o. PERFORMANCE AT S.tfO P. M. EXECUTOR'S SALIO OF REAL ESTATE. Notice ls hereby given that I will sell, to the highest bidder, nt public auction, nt tho Court House nt Wal¬ halla, S. C., on MONDAY, DECEM¬ BER 5th, 1910, at ll o'clock In tho forenoon, the following tract of land below described: AU that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and ho¬ ing In the State of South Carolina, County of Oconee, on waters of Whitehouse Branch, waters of Toxa- way Creek, and adjoining lands of J. F. Stewart, W. C. Duke and oth¬ ers, containing about one hundred acres, moro or less, and better known as the S. C. Smith home place. Terms of Sale: CASH. HENLEY A. SMITH, Executor Last Will and Testament of S. C. Smith, Deceased. November 9, 1910. 45-48 Tile Perils ol Lile Constantly Increase. Dally we read of men, women and children being killed and maimed for life. Formerly wars killed and maimed mon, and is it not distressing when wars cease that advancing civiliza¬ tion claims more victims than war? Increased railway facilities, addi¬ tional automobiles, the growth of cities and towns and even the advent of each life Increases our danger from accident and disease. Are you endeavoring to protect yourself, your home and loved ones before lt is too late? 1 have attractive Life, Fire, Acci¬ dent and Health policies at nominal cost. Easy terms. If lt ls Security in Insurance you want, I have lt. JAS. M. MOSS, Walhalla, S. C. Properties SALE. Property. m the .Mis. .lohn Roso 3 i-acre I can sell it as a whole, or if chaser, This property, in my ie price at which it can bo to gel a good bargain. 1er Property sk is still on Hie market. I have js as to the price and number of t I have not closed any trade i Cane CreeK. a nice four-room dwelling on oe and Sylvester Quarrels set- ie most of the land is in the ill and produces well. I can d, and I would like to have an ir Richland. teres, known as part of the Mrs. divide into two tracts if desired. »ar Oaliway. .d an interest in a 132-acre tract cc join.", lands of Will Cole, ls a part of what was the origi- d think you could buy land near is that I am in position to offer ear Ratreat. ur Retreat, ls Just the place If ii, where you can make plenty of >d large pasture for your cattle, is place, hut you don't have to Largo dwelling and fairly it houses. 1er Tracts. mr room houses, smut] tracts in good terms or trade, ry truly, SHIRLEY, >TER, S. C. , . he Season's Best Bargains, You will want a suit pf Clothes for your boy. ?'Hunter's" ls tho place to get it. In any slxo from 8 to 15 years, tho other sisees all sold. You can buy them at Flat New York Cost. New frosh goods, both straight and blouse. All Wool Ktrsey's, in Groy, Drown and Black at $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25. Never sold for less than $2.50 to $».50. Fine Blue-Black Worsteds, never sold for less than $5; take your choice for $:t.50. This is a chance in a life-time. We are going put of the business, and do this to close out quickly. If you will look at these goods, you will appreciate these bar¬ gains. Same prices apply to what Men's Goods we have left. Think of a good all wool Suit, made in the latest style and lined with silk, for only $10.00. Fortunate tnt you If your size is here. Call and see. W. S. HUNTER, SENECA, S. C. (SUCCESSOR TO W. S. HUNTER & CO.) rt Don't You Want a Gun ? We have Guns from $3.50 up. Twenty-five per cent off on Remington Guns. Rifles, Air Guns and Loaded Shells at Right Prices. Carter Hardware Co«, WALHALLA, O. W.P. Nimmons, Seneca, S. C., Is malling specially low prices for the next 30 days on the following merchandise: Buggies, Harness and Surreys. One car Mitchell Wagons. One car Iron King Stoves. Two cars Sash, Doors and Blinds. I can save you IO to 20 per cent on Ä & Doors and Sash below manufac- teurs' prices, as these goods were bought before the advance. Clothing, Dress Goods. We are now receiving a big lot of brand new Clothing--newest and latest patterns and styles for Fall and Winter. A full and complete stocK of Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats and Caps. Hardware, Tinware, Etc. A full and complete stocK Tinware, Hardware, Paints, and Oils. Lime and Cement. Dynamite at lowest prices. Do not fail to examine our stocK and get our prices on what you may need. We will sell you better goods for less money. We pay the highest marKet price for Cotton and Cotton Seed. With each bill of Dry Goods. Clothing and Shoes amounting to $10.00 I will sell 25 pounds of New York Standard Granulated Sugar for $1.15 W. P. NIMMONS. SENECA, SO. CA. » i,HUM» wi mum w Uh t mmm$h \mwm*m**ih#

Transcript of Keowee courier.(Walhalla, S.C.) lo resume her work. During I In-past few days her...

Page 1: Keowee courier.(Walhalla, S.C.) lo resume her work. During I In-past few days her place has boon lill ed by Miss Lettie Grant, of Walhalla. News of Miss Rasor's



Clothing, Shoes, Hats andCrockery, Glassware, Tin\

? Every S.j«»tt«{«»l**l« .j. »¡« »¡. »j« »j. »¡«»¡«»¡«»¡«»j« »|«»fr»ît»î«Tr LOCAL AND PERSONAL. X

.»j»»j«»j«A»t« »J .»J» .!*»I« »I* *I*»I* *I*»I*-Henr Dr.. Steel to-night.-D. A. Smith visited friends in

Anderson Saturday and Sunday.-Willet Sloan, of Anderson, spent

Sunday in Walhalla with friends.-Read Master W. O. White's no¬

tices of land sales In this Issue.-Dr. Thos. G. C. Fahnestock, den¬

tist, will ho ID his omeo every Tues¬day, Thursday and Saturday.

-Mrs. L. R. VanDlvlore will leave/ to-day Tor her homo In Savannah, Ga.

?-Have your Thanksgiving dinneron time, hut read Carter & Co. s ad¬vertisement first.-Mrs. Jas. M. Moss ls visiting at

Hie home of Dr. W. K. Sharp atRivoli, near Pendleton.-Mrs. C. G. Strong returned last

Friday from a visit to her daughter.Miss Cora, at Greensboro, N. C.

-I have car load of good youngmules. Will sell at cost, during nexttwo weeks. Can he lound at Low-ery's stables. Seneca. J. L. Moore.- Remember the ten-ear corn ex¬

hibit and teachers' meeting next Sat¬urday. He present if possible, andbring the boys with you.-Read tho new advertisement of

the Matheson Hardware Company,Westminster, in this issue, ll is verytimely and to the point.-For Sale-One pair good six-

year-old mules; weight 2,200; sound,well and good workers. W. C. andE. N. Foster, Richland. IC*

Re sure and hear Dr. Steel atthe opera house to-night. You willnever regret tho admission fee. ltwill be used for a good cause.

I will be In Walhalla November2*;tV. and 27th, 1010, and will ap-prei late it if those Indebted to meAvili set» me and settle their accounts.

G. C. Probst, Dentist.-The Emery Circle was pleasant¬

ly entertained by Mrs. J. R. Hugheson Friday of last week. Tho nextmeeting will be With Mrs. .1. A. SleekOil Friday, December 2d, al 3.30.

-Hear Dr. steel at tho operaboase to-night. The proceeds of theentertainment will go for the bene¬fit of tho Oconee Memorial Associa¬tion for a monument to tho womenOf the Confederacy.- Mrs. C. Terhune and Miss Anna

Terhune will leave the lal ter part ofthis week for Atlanta, where theywill spend tho winter. Their manyfriends hore regret their departureand will welcome their return.

-Oconee Conclave, No. S27, I. O.H. will serve its ninth annual ban¬quet to its members and a few friendsThursday (Thanksgiving) evening atN.üo o'clock. These occasions alwaysprovo tf> lie most enjoyable to themembership. Covers will be laid forHf ty.-Just received another car load

of High Point buggies. Every onesold under a personal guarantee.

W. M. Drown. Walhalla.Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. Thomas left

last Saturday Cor Greenville, wherethey will malo- their home in the fu¬ture. Dining their residence in ourtown they made man j friends, whowill join ns in wishing thom muchuccess wherever they may see iii to

casi their lot in the future.- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hughes left

Sunday for a week's visit to rela¬tives in Columbia. Dining their stayin the lower part of thc Stale Mr.Hughes will participate in se.,»raldeer hunts. They will visit tin fain.Hies ol' (bo. W. an,; Jesse R. Max¬well.

-Mrs. Cr. F. Clarkson and chil¬dren, of Union, arrived last week andwill be nt the home of Mrs. Mary N.Ansel for some time. Mr. Clarksonwill come to Walhalla In he nearfuture and remain for some lime withhis family. They have numerousfriends here who aie glad to meetthom again.- For Sale Cheap- Pair of match

horses, age .", and ü ; weight aboutI,000 pounds each. Will trade fortwo small mules. Apply to M. M.Hombree, Walhalla. Route No. 2.-Tc morrow evening, at Wagoner

Theatre, Mr. Caveny will Imperson¬ate five characters from "Dr. Jekyland Mr. Hyde." making the changeswith lightning-like rapidity. Ile willalso show his talent as a clay modelerand cartoonist. One feature of theprogram will be his illustrations, with. rayon, of tho singing of Marie M.Caveny.-W. B. Seaborn, of Kosciusko,

Miss., arrived In Walhalla last weekand will romain here with his par¬ents. Mr. and Mrs. .las. Sealion), andamong his many friends for sometime. Mr. Seaborn bas been quitounwell for some time, having con¬tracted malaria, and i<- here to recu¬perate, His friends aro glad lo notethat he is improving rapidly.-Tho many friends of Miss Clara

Rasor, tea« ncr of the second and.third grades In the Walhalla HighSchool, will regret to leam thal shehas been compelled to give up, tem¬porarily, Imr work in tho schoolroom, her sight and gonoral heall hbasing been Impaired. She left lastFriday for her home at Hominid's,whore she will remain until she isable lo resume her work. During I In-past few days her place has boon lilled by Miss Lettie Grant, of Walhalla.News of Miss Rasor's complete reCOVery will be awaited by manyfriends here and elsewhere.


Caps, Dry Goods, "Notions,vare and Enamel, Etc., Etc.

-lt. T. Jaynes, Esq., and JamesH. Darby, real estate dealer, are on abusiness trip In Tennesse and Ken¬tucky this week.-Mrs. J. A. Steck bas been con¬

fined to her home for several dayswith a severe attack of rheumatism,i 1er friends will be glad to know,however, that she is improving andis able to bo up about the home.-When you want tho best buggy

on the market for the money buy a"Hughes" buggy from T. E. Alexan¬der, Walhalla. 23tf-We aro requested to urge the

customers of the stores in Walhallaand West Union to make all neces¬sary purchases to-day and Wednes¬day, as the stores will be closed allday Thursday (Thanksgiving.) lbviii prove of great convenience toall the people to observe this fact,and to govern themselves according¬ly. All business in both towns willbe suspended.-1 can send off your magazine

orders as cheap as the other fellow--E. E. Beard. Cet them In beforethe Xmas rush.-The proceeds of the lyceum at¬

traction at Wagoner Theatre to-mor¬row evening will be given the Wal¬halla High School. A delightful pro¬gram has boen arranged by the Ca-veny Company for this occasion. ltis ono which will appeal to youngand old alike. The seating capacityof the hall ls sufficient to accommo¬date a large crowd. Children of theschool will ho especially providedfor. The performance will begin atS.30 p. m.

-If you will try Ku rfeu's paintyou will to convinced of its superi¬ority In looks and wearing qualities.Sold by Dan E. Good, Walhalla.

--On the 18th of this month SamWright, colored, who farms on hisown place near West Union, sold to(Î. W. Gignllllat, of Seneca, a Im¬pound bale of long staple cotton at17c. per pound, tho small bale net¬ting liim $64.94. Sam made thiscotton on ono acre, having gotten theseed through Congressman WyattAiken. He planted his cotton inrows three feel apart, the growth ofi he long staple being cons'idernblylarger than the ordinary staple. Heis delighted with his yield and saysthat it paid bim better than any cot¬ton he has ever raised. The cottonwas ginned hy Smith & Ellison, lherebeing I,OS! pounds in the seed, net¬ting :!S2 pounds of lint.-Your Opportunity.-For Sale at

a sacrifice, to quick purchaser, highgrade upright Kimball plano, practi¬cally brand new. Address "Kim¬ball," care Courier office.

M. H. Hubbard last week left attho store of Fowler Brothers, in Wal¬halla, an Indian tomahawk which isproving quite a curiosity. This In¬dian relic picked up In an old fieldfield years ago by tho father of thelate Col, W. C. Keith .ind was givento Robert Keith, colored, who gave itto Mr. Hubbard. The tomahawk isquito an elaborate affair in its wayand is supposed to have belonged toa chief, being larger than the ordi¬nary, and supplied also with an addi¬tion in the way ol' a detachable pipebowl, thus serving the dual purposeof an instrument of defense and of-fense or tho most peaceful of all oc¬cupations, that of taking a good,quiet smoke. The tomahawk waspicked up far back in the mountainsection of Oconeo.-Wo can do your winter dyeing

at reasonable prices. Club rates $1a month. The People's PressingClub, L. E, Heard, manager.

What are you going to doThanksgiving day? Why not go lothe big union Thanksgiving serviceat tlie Lutheran (bundi Thursdaymorning at I I o'clock. The offer¬ings w ill l»e foi1 YOU lt orphanage.Take anything that can bo used in ahome. Clothing of nil kinds thatchildren need, from shoes and stock¬ings all tho way up tb tho cap andhat; anything that will do to eat,from peanuts and popcorn all Hw wayup lo Hour. li' you have any cashto give, put it in a plain envolopo andmark the name of your orphanage oryour denomination on it. Rememberthese little ones on this day; re¬member that they are without thenatural fathers and mothers. Howmuch arc you thankful for your par¬ents?-1 am determined to do the fresh

meat business ol Walhalla. I havecut tho price ot' steak to I 2',{¡c. perpound. Oilier cuts in proportion.The only place to buy pu re-food freshmeats. You will bc courteouslytreated and your patronage will beappreciated. Miles L. Phillips.

--Pastor lOpting and the Lut horancongregation aro looking forward toa big day in the history of the con¬gregation when, OU December I, thenew opalescent are glass windows re¬cently given by individuals, and theother gifts, will be dedicated to theservice and glory of God. The win¬dows are expected to be all in bythat limo. Every window in thec hurch, seventeen in all, win be lili¬ed with this beautiful glass. On thatoccasion Pastor FlUCk, Of St. Mat¬thews Lulhoran c hurch. Augusta, Ga.,who spent a mont h here on a vaca¬tion in the summer of I90Ü, will bepresent and preach the special ser¬mon of tho day at I 1 a. m. In theafternoon at 3.30 he will preach asermon in tho German language forthose who so much appreciate their"mother tondue," and at night at7.15 o'clock lhere will be a specialservice The entire public is mostcordially Invited to be prosent on inlsoccasion and worship with them.

-Read '.he advertisement of thoSouthern Realty Company on ano¬ther page. Also keep an eye openfor the ..pace next weok, as an Im¬portant announcement will be madeat that time. You will bo given an¬other opportunity to buy a lot for ahome.-For Sale at a Bargain-1 acre

lot with 7-rooin house, In good re¬pair; necessary outbuildings; splen¬did well close to house; Main street,close to Court House. For furtherinformation apply to Courier omeo,Walhalla. 49*?-The second number of the ly¬

ceum course, for the benefit of theWalhalla High School, will bo theCaveny Company, who will appearWednesday evening, November 23d.J. Franklin Caveny, the famous car¬toonist, clay modeler and impersona¬tor, has received the endorsement ofSenator La folíete, of Wisconsin; OtisSkinner, the actor, and Opie Read,the novelist. He is .ably assisted byMarie M. Caveny, who possesses asoprano voice of great range andbeauty. The entire performance willbe refined and wholesome.-Remember the Thanksgiving ser¬

vice at St. John's Lutheran churchnext Thursday morning (the 24th.)It is hoped that at this servlco thocontributions will be very liberal. Allcontributions will be for the variousorphanages. Usc the envolope systemIf you desire your contributions to goto any special orphanage, marking onthe envelope the orphanage of yourpreference. All unmarked contribu¬tions will be divided equally betweenthe various orphanage's. The servicewill be a union service, all the de¬nominations of the town joining.The sermon will he by Rev. T. V Bp-tlng, of the Lutheran church, ./hilethe other pastors and ministers ofthe town will join in the service withhim. Let the congregation Thursdayhe one that will long be rememberedfor numbers and for the liberalityof the offering for the orphans.The old. old story, told times

without number, and repeated overand over again for the last 30 years,but lt ls always a welcome story tothose in search of health. There isnothing in the world that curescoughs and 'olds as quickly asChamberlain". Cough Remedy. Soldby Hr. J. W loll, Walhalla; C. W.Wickliffe, West Union.

Treasurer's Tax Collecting YlsRs.

1 will visit thc places named be¬low on the dates mentioned for thepurpose of collecting State and coun¬taxes:

Westminster-Monday and Tues¬day. November 2Sth and 29th.Seneca-Thursday and Friday,December 1st and will prove convenient for the

tax payers in these communities tovisit the above places and pay theirtaxes. 1 will also receive road taxesat the same time.

Tho ellice at Walhalla will he(dosed on above dates. Please bearthis in mind and save yourself a tripto Walhalla.

W. J. Schroder, Co. Treasurer.Not Sorry for Rlundcr.

"If my friends hadn't blundered inthinking I was a doomed victim ofconsumption, Ï might not be alivenow," writes D. T. Sanders, of Har-rodsburg, Ky., "but for years theysaw every attempt to cure a lung-jracking cough fail. At last I triedDr. King's New Discovery. The ef-feet was wonderful, lt soon stop-1ped tho cough, and I am now in hot¬ter health than I have had for years.This wonderful life-saver ls an unri¬valed remedy for coughs, colds, iagrippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhages,whooping cough or weak lungs. 50c.and $1. Trial bottle free. Guaran¬teed by all druggists.

ValuableFORThe Rose

I have secured ¡in option ofarm in tho town of Walhalla,desired I will divide to suit puropinion, i very reasonable at tlbought, and somebody is going

The Alexandwhich I described fully last weebad quite a number of luquirhacres in tho different tracts, buyet.

Good Tract oiAbout a year ago 1 built

an 83-acre tract of land In the Jt lenient over on Cane Creek. Tlwoods, but lt ls good, strong scmake good terms on this tracoffer.

78 Acres NeeNear Richland I have 7S ti

A mick or Penny place. I will

132 Acres NcJust last week I purchase

of land near Oak way. Thia pia«Smith. Harris and others, andnal Wylie tract. You would ncOak way at Hie price and termon this place.

427 Acres N<The McClnnnhan place, not

yon want a goexl six-horse fancotton and corn and have a gotThere tu e 427 Vd ai res In Hiltake it all unless you want to.good ont buildings; two tenar

Other Smal1 have» several throe' and fe:

and town lots that I will soll e

Yours ve


November 23AT



For tho Benefit of





Notice ls hereby given that I willsell, to the highest bidder, nt publicauction, nt tho Court House nt Wal¬halla, S. C., on MONDAY, DECEM¬BER 5th, 1910, at ll o'clock In thoforenoon, the following tract of landbelow described:AU that certain piece, parcel or

tract of land, situate, lying and ho¬ing In the State of South Carolina,County of Oconee, on waters ofWhitehouse Branch, waters of Toxa-way Creek, and adjoining lands ofJ. F. Stewart, W. C. Duke and oth¬ers, containing about one hundredacres, moro or less, and betterknown as the S. C. Smith home place.Terms of Sale: CASH.

HENLEY A. SMITH,Executor Last Will and Testament

of S. C. Smith, Deceased.November 9, 1910. 45-48

Tile Perils ol LileConstantly Increase.Dally we read of men, women and

children being killed and maimed forlife.

Formerly wars killed and maimedmon, and is it not distressing whenwars cease that advancing civiliza¬tion claims more victims than war?

Increased railway facilities, addi¬tional automobiles, the growth ofcities and towns and even the adventof each life Increases our dangerfrom accident and disease.

Are you endeavoring to protectyourself, your home and loved onesbefore lt is too late?

1 have attractive Life, Fire, Acci¬dent and Health policies at nominalcost. Easy terms.

If lt ls Security in Insurance youwant, I have lt.

JAS. M. MOSS,Walhalla, S. C.

PropertiesSALE.Property.m the .Mis. .lohn Roso 3 i-acre

I can sell it as a whole, or ifchaser, This property, in myie price at which it can boto gel a good bargain.1er Propertysk is still on Hie market. I havejs as to the price and number oft I have not closed any trade

i Cane CreeK.a nice four-room dwelling onoe and Sylvester Quarrels set-ie most of the land is in theill and produces well. I cand, and I would like to have an

ir Richland.teres, known as part of the Mrs.divide into two tracts if desired.

»ar Oaliway..d an interest in a 132-acre tractcc join.", lands of Will Cole,ls a part of what was the origi-d think you could buy land nearis that I am in position to offer

ear Ratreat.ur Retreat, ls Just the place Ifii, where you can make plenty of>d large pasture for your cattle,is place, hut you don't have to

Largo dwelling and fairlyit houses.

1er room houses, smut] tractsin good terms or trade,ry truly,


, . he Season'sBest Bargains,

You will want a suit pf Clothes for your boy. ?'Hunter's" lstho place to get it. In any slxo from 8 to 15 years, tho othersisees all sold. You can buy them at Flat New York Cost. Newfrosh goods, both straight and blouse.

All Wool Ktrsey's, in Groy, Drown and Black at $1.75,$2.00 and $2.25. Never sold for less than $2.50 to $».50.

Fine Blue-Black Worsteds, never sold for less than $5;take your choice for $:t.50. This is a chance in a life-time. Weare going put of the business, and do this to close out quickly.If you will look at these goods, you will appreciate these bar¬gains. Same prices apply to what Men's Goods we have left.

Think of a good all wool Suit, made in the latest style andlined with silk, for only $10.00. Fortunate tnt you If yoursize is here. Call and see.




Don't You Want a Gun ?

We have Guns from $3.50 up.Twenty-five per cent off on

Remington Guns.Rifles, Air Guns and Loaded

Shells at Right Prices.

Carter Hardware Co«,WALHALLA, O.

W.P. Nimmons,Seneca, S. C.,

Is malling specially low prices forthe next 30 days on the followingmerchandise:

Buggies, Harness and Surreys.One car Mitchell Wagons.One car Iron King Stoves.Two cars Sash, Doors and Blinds.I can save you IO to 20 per cent on Ä &Doors and Sash below manufac-teurs' prices, as these goods werebought before the advance.

Clothing, Dress Goods.We are now receiving a big lot ofbrand new Clothing--newest andlatest patterns and styles for Falland Winter.A full and complete stocK of DressGoods, Shoes, Hats and Caps.

Hardware, Tinware, Etc.A full and complete stocK Tinware,Hardware, Paints, and Oils. Limeand Cement.Dynamite at lowest prices.Do not fail to examine our stocK andget our prices on what you mayneed.We will sell you better goods for lessmoney.We pay the highest marKet price forCotton and Cotton Seed.

With each bill of Dry Goods. Clothing andShoes amounting to $10.00 I will sell 25pounds of New York Standard GranulatedSugar for $1.15


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