Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

GC'-NG- - ! GOING S ! GONE ! I I v."" - ( l C--s"- i-- r ;.,; 4 N iBTr,v s "Tl " ROODS. Tht undersigned, X would c II the attention of all those who i. .. i..t, .linr. .yfinds. tnrallot onr of Main street. and, Auction rms on the cimer J .rdjiis Ron; when- - may to had almost any! thing in ew-r- body's lint W o have just ,iWci "ir-- m N. York a superior lot of Ens'Wr afid American prnls, painted lawns, tajjjb Jipors, ll..rk and white hoc, and hall hisot brbtvr and Lie iched cottons, flannels, sus- penders, buttons, tapes &.c. &c. Fancy goods of all kinds, china, and glissware, all of which, with all oV or irond.9 furniture &e. will be sold, t'i the highest bidder, at our regular Auction salci, or at private sale lover than anyhouse in the ity. Hav inr the beat stand in City for our Business, we r solicit consignments of goods, from th"-- c who want-QXsi- i. m, B BRADFORD '&. Co., Auct'n. Lexinglofi, March 18, 1840. 19-t- fa. - ' MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS, BALLS, AND PARTIES. two ten good MusiEBjjs, ("sa Band) FROM be furnished by apfljlfarion to Mr. RICHARESON, No. 49, Limestonerorth Mulbtrryl Str.-et- , fgr Lexington, or efscgvherc, at a price to suit the times. Fg Nov. 14, Ki-- tf ' " 300 DOLLARS REWARDS. IANAWAY iiom the subscriber, living- near (.o ugct'iwn, Scott county, Ky., BILL, JIM AND ISAAC. BILL lest -- 'Cth September last. Said negro is about 45 vesrs of "go, about o feet 9 inches high, of a dark c .mplevion, walks very lams from hH lest h p ha' i"g been cfigetfgted, and is so projected outward that it is dSyUjrdiscovered Iiad on w Ik n ho lelt, a blue cloth coat, blue jc,m3 pant6 nd w lute fur hat, with broad rim. Jl.M is about 7 years ol age, about 5 feet 6 inches high, heavy built und very black, and ho a don n look when spoken to. Had on whon he lest, a rrov.n jeans coat, blue jeans pants and black hair cap. lAAC il, al ut 2! years of ago, very black,, about 6 Icet high and very stout; had on when ho lest, blue clothing and white hat Jim and Isaic leiton the morning of the 5th instant. Theabne icvvardvvill he given for the appre- hension of Die above boys, is tak-- out of tlie State, or glUO for cither of them out of the State, or Soil for cither, is taken in the ?tate and not in tins county, or $25 is taken in this County, I get them. II. C. GRAVRS. ficott county, Feb. C, 1840 6- -tf YPKPSIA. We have frequently witness- ed ti e ravages of disease, and have heard spa read ol many remedies, but lar saw them sail tlnn result insucccss. The w liter how er. of tha letters to tho Arent of Vr. Hm' fh'o (impound Strengthening, and Uciiiian Ji p nunc lJills, wincn may be tound in motiivi v; uu.iin, nay long neon Known 10 us; and IrOtfn an mal'd as ho was delineated, we n iv Itn ma i. i'l) km It, v. c i 'm ) j jiul Pi. he . to b .:u - ' ,' n iu i. soil cr tins ut UJo the to through n '.t him daily, 3s a halo l earty no advocate ol nostrums of any i lib. 'Id a notice of whit we l ei h jud Virtue '! Dr. Barlieh's-to- n. ti ng nd ni'an A.ptrien! i. re us n a liviiij monum nl '.',.' T T.e. .' No. 41, Clair St , cf the Lex gto I n t 1'itfi n 1 cb. 278 GEORGE R.M'IiEE,' Alt in it,) 'in L. iijisc'i) I't Law, la;i: 3Ti u, Ki. ILL jtund p Mutually tu all busires;- and a.lj a'se ikd tfflnni in the ciunty of Garrard .. .14 counties. Collet i' us ..tlended it tin State. junf- I). 'J3-- tf ' rr"siNCING SCHOOL. npHE S. l nd muiiiltj. VV. finTi'sSING-Ji- . ING.-'CIIOQ- uillci mmence on Tuesday evening, Feb -- 5. Rt sue- ce may be had to-3- i y of those vh h nc attended the t.r-- t term. For a practical i1 1'istiti i of ikta. Pratt's method of teaebiiio or the liioSoiwCTN of h's pupils, tht public are re- - o ctlulU'jWntcd to attend tht rcgalar mo ti.igs it ihi present Clis, on Thurs- day tun: i ri "'J enn.rgs, at the Mccting-Hous- e on Hill stre. t. Teb 20-8- -tf SELLING OFF AT COST AND jAX4Xiiii.xi. Saifc. mtiti SLLJ-UKir- K, wiih a view tciTse S unneyff rs his S ' OCK OF GOOPsS'l' CD T A&D CARRIAGE, for Cash, either at U holesaleWwr Iitiail. Hia slock nfoods is large, and embraces evcA variety of Goods usually kopt in ury Gocrtjs hour-cs- . Persons welling bargains, vyll do well to call 'oon. Y. E. .ilILToV- - N. B. Th 'so persons indebted to the late firm of KnmarJ iy Mil:on,viil lease come for. ward and make povment iiritncdiatcly. December 23, K.'iJ 5'7-- tf V. E. M. NOTICE. WAVING d. leniniied to leave hero for a sew jo. months I wojaldSay to all persons indebted to Bow nan X, Ih th'it I shall be compelled,! 10 close my i anu gu notes ana accounts that urotnot paid by th8 jfit day of Jnne will be placed in the hands of an officer All persons indebted to Bowman and llai court will cill.ojf J. G. C.inn, who alone is authorized to receive; all money due as aforesaid JOHN P. BOWMAN. Lexington, Feb. 5',, ll?-9-2- m DR. DAVID AVALKER lEPLCM L'LLY in'orras the citizens of Loxin-rt- n and. i.3 vicinitv, that he has Jnr-i- i liirn 'It pcrmin.tly in Lexington, and Will attend f.ith pio.nptn J and fidelity to all calls in his prou o. Ko may bo iound at Dr. is. vv. a April 17,ld39 I. -- K' ,j4 BOARDINST fgHE eubc i" r h.- - ULen thh.ew buck buil-M- . cu he ri;ntncO of Mis. Mirtha W. Keen, and M. L. Turner, on Limct ne-P- where a sew y mug gentlemen can be accommo- date with board, . ,th or without lodi.ig, as may tost suit the rcorKer.icnce. THOMAS GIBBONS. Lexington march 12-- HOUSE&- - AND LOT3 FOR SALE. IRWIi subscriber hs I r .ale TH O HOUSES eL and LO IS m the city of Lexington, which she "ill sell n .icrommoditieg terms Ono of them is situated at the lower end of Man, street, adjoining the lot on which the Br.g;naad Rope Factory of Drake and ,'! homp-- o i u situated, and upon ;t n a eoinifyrtabla fr une dwelling, kitchen &c. with a handsome garJon ornamen- ted with shrubberj. and fruit trees, lea. Tho other is situated on the Hill, between Main Cross street and Ne.v street. The lot contains sour acres, nnd there is a'so a very convenient and comfirtable iramc dwelling upon it. The lot is susceptiolj of impiovcment, and of being made a delightful residence. Persons wishing to purch of the above e'e rrihed lots, &c. are invited to call and examine them The Terms &c. will be made known upon application to the undersignedr'-udin- on th- - lot on the Hill. ELIZABETH HALL. & March 12, PIC-- 11 -- tf .' TOR SALE. A rnrlE suWrilm will .! t private salefr JH- - TWO NL .E'l WOVEV, Both go-- d wafb- - crs and ironers ,, re n th.' Knti:ckv As3ocut'on. ''fi-i- ; ja vl. ING'EN. " M irch 25, ! ) ! -:i , LOAF SUGAR. OIFTCE b ies B sto doul le termed Loaf ,fct Sugar, 25 boxes Philadelphia single Do. Just received and for sal? low, by Jan. 15, 3 JNO. B TILFORD, ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. '"ihnESE PILI.S have long been known - and appreciated for their extraordinary and immflHintn now era of restoring perfect health, to persons suffering under nearly even kind of disease to wjitch the numan iniuo i naoie. When taken ace rding to the directions ac figfflpanyingthern, they arc highly beneficial in Bjpf prevention and cure of Bilious Fevers, Fe- ver iind Atme. Dyspepsia, Liver complaints Sick Head-ache- , Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy,- Rheumatism, Knlargcmeut oi uieopiccn, i lies, CholicFtmaloObstructions, Heart-burn- , Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhea, Flatulence, Habit- ual Costivcncss, Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels, where a cathartic or aperient is needed. They are exceedingly mild in Iheircp-cratio- producing neither nausea, griping nor Terhaps no article of the kind has ever been offered to the public, supported by testimonials of a character so deiish c, from sources as re- spectable, or that hasgivcn more universalsatis-factio- n Hundreds and thousands bless the day they became acquainted with Peters' Vegetable Pills, which, in consequence of their extraordinary goodness, have attained a popularity unprece- dented in the history of medicine. The very circumstance alone, that Physicians in every part of the Union, (but more especially in the Southern States, where they have long been in use) are' making free use of them in their practices, speaks volumes in their praise. Add to this, thofact. that all who use, invaiiably Mcommed them to their irienas, ana me lesu- - - : .1 e : -- .......... n,tl.ln Id njqny in liiuir latui is aniiue, nii.9wn,uiw anti bilious remedy, and to prevent costivc- ncss, they have no rival. One twenty-fiv- e cent box will establish their character, and prove that there is truth even in an advertisement. More than threo millions of boxes of these ce- lebrated Pills have been sold in the United States, since January, 1637. Prepared by JOS. PRIESTLY PETERS, M. D , at his institution for the cure of obstinate disLaecs, by means of vegetable remedies, No. 129, Lilerary-strce- t, New York. The Pills aro neatly put up in tin boxes, containing 20 and 45 Pills Price, 25 and 50 cents. That the public may rest assured of the sa- lutary effect of these Pills, and the truth of the above statements, the following LE I TERS FROM MEDICALGENTLEIMEN, of the first respectability are most respectfully submitted. Clarksville, Mecklenburg county, Va, ) Feb. 7, Ib37. i DcarSir: I embrace this opportunity of ex- pressing to you, my pleasure at the unrivalled success of your Pills in this section of the coun- try. It is a general fault of those who vend pa- tent, medicines, to tay loo much in their faNor, but in regard to your Pills, 1 am firmly per- suaded that they deserve far moro praise than you seem inclined to give them. Six months ago, they wcro scarcely known here; and yet, at present thero is no other medicine that can compare .with them in popularity. In Dyspepsia, ick Head-ache- , derangement of the Biliary organs and obstinate constipation of the bowels, t know of no aperient more prompt and effica-kiu- and I have had considerable cxpericn c in all these complaints. 1 would add that their mildness and certain y of action render them a tafc and efficient purga- tive for weaker individuals, arid that they may he at all times without apprehension of rfy ol those injurious consequences which so nequently attend the application of calomel or blue pill. Un tho whole, 1 consider your Vege table Pills an invaluable discovery. S. 11. HARRIS, M. DT Charlotte,- N. C. Jan. 1, 1837. Dear Sir: 1 have made frequent use of your i ins in me iiieipjeiiL ELagc ill me Dllious i'ever, and obstinate constipation of the bowels; also in the enlargement of the Spleen, Chronic Diseases o the Lucr, hick Headache, General Debility, Jid in all cases have sound them to be very - J. D. BOYD, M, D. Mecklenburg county, Va. Feb. 7, 1837. Having used Dr. Peters' Pills in my practice for the last twelve months, I take pleasure in giving my tcstmony of their (rood effects in cases of Dyspepsia, Sick J lead-ach- Billlpus Fever, and other diseases produced by inactivity of the liver. Thoy are a safo and mild aperi- ent, being the best article of tho kind I have ever used. . GEO. CffeSCOTT, M. D. 0"Bc careful and enquire for Peters' Vegeta- ble: Pills. They ara for sale at all tho Drug Stores in Lexington, Ky., and also, by B Neth-erlan- in Nieholasvillc, by J. D. rnilli, in Richmond, by Jno. Aberdeen, in Versailles, by Alexander M. Preston, in Winchester, in Mt Sterling, by an authorised Agent; and on en- quiry, can be had in almost every town and vil- lage in tho State. December 26, 1839 52-- ly CONSUMPTiON CONSliJTON! that sell deeJJaJHJthousands and tens of thouandg,annualh'StnftiSehall we avert its fatal progress before it selzesSpon tho vitals? I would answer at once; take eomo suitable medicine to arrest the disease at the'Vorrv com- - jnencement. How very main' do we tee in the "vrcria wnose aeucate lrames lofik fcarculy alile ,to support even a short rttigtfljjjoxistence but for.tho timely care and proper means they make SRpof, oft times will far outlive therflost athle- tic and robust who neglect such timely care and proper means that aio placed within their leach, which would unqestionably avert is ta. ken in proper time. At the head of all reme- - dies,and the first in rank, stands Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Chirry, which, is ad. minibteied in tunc, and taken agreeably to the prescribed rules w hicJi accompany the medicine, will nine times out. of ten check its progress, und restore the patient tojicalth. Principal Gffici), 'No. 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia, wlicrfi this invaluable medicine cjffi always beobt lined. ' Tittf.biirgh office, dl at., Clear's. For sale by J. C, NoWe, Lexington, pOUCHS, COLDS, and CONSUMPTIONS, entirely cured by the us of Dr. Swayne's Syrup 01 tv nu iierry; ner. symptoms were constant coughing, pain in hSide, back and head, de- - limved IinontltR. snit.fVnrlf lilnnd. rtn reel ns night, &c. Aflcr using two bottles of Dr Sway-no'- s Compound Pyrup of Prunes Virginia, or vvim uerry, anc louno nersen renevea, anci Dy tho time she used the third bottle, she sound her- self entirely currcd of tho aforesaid disease, which she had been afflicted with for three years Thero are daily certificates of various persons, which add sufficient testimony of tho great y of this invaluable mec!icine. For sale at the Medical Office, No. 19 North 8th st Philadelphia. Pittsburg office, 41, Sir. Clair Etrcot. - For sale by J. C. Noble, Lexington. '- - TO HEMP' MANUFACTURERS. "raiHEtnhslc'crhasiineptecl a Hemp Heckle, r JaL whierlpn3, e put In operation by any power, inosiicmp anil low lire put in good ordejavjth very little labour. Any person wish-fn- c Nnftirmation on (he stibiect are rpfprr-- so VillTum-Alexanil- near Puris, who haioneol my (Jerkies in operation though not yet complt The machinery is simple and durable. Any nirlflll pniln'ivniin.r tu m:il:n n mnrhiriA ns iUn above decrip(ion, without permission, will be !ren(e(l as thpy deserve. Communicntions lo the subscriber in Shelby ville, will bo promptly uttended to. FOSTER DEMASTERS. October '1, 1838 40-- tf REVEREND IMPOSTERt OU 1'! Look Out!! Look Out lor an fOOK KNAVE, by the name of ENOS L. Fl.N A ICK, ol New York, who was formerly a Baptist Preacher, and better known to the citizens of Monroe county as the 'Rev- erend Impostor.' 'I his soulless villain, who was dismissed from his pulpit, some timepirice, for improper conduct, is nuw rendering5 himself still moro infamous, by wickedly attempting to impose not merely upon a Church but the whole COMMUNITY. A low months ago, this SCOUNDREL wrote to the subscriber at Boston, and wished to be appointed an agent for the sale of the Match- less Sanative. The General Agentnot knowing Jnsdep-avc- characer.gave him an agency, and forwarded him a quantity ol the medicino. This he soon sold, and remitted the money, and or'dcr ed anothcrlot, which .Vjjas sent about one month since. I o avoid anystispicion as to the de- sign of this applying for an agency, or to con-co- his "cloven soot," he made a partial re mittance of the sales, of the last lot, only ten daytfafo, Yesterday, with utter astonishment, tho General Agent learnt that this REVEREND DECEIVER is now impiously manufacturing with his own UNHOLY HANDS, a worthies' medicine, a SPURIOUS SANATIVE, which he is employing swindling pedlars to palm Upon tho public as Genuine Original. IVTlf the oeonleof America will only bear one fact in mind, there is not oven a possibility of their being duped by this UNPRINCIPI.IJU VILLAIN.' The tact is this: O'NO PEDLAR, or TRAVELE1NG AGENT has ever been d in this country to sell the Sanative, or to leave it with any person to sell on commission, xgain, every Agent of tho true Sanstivo, is ap pointed by the (icniral Agent, and receives the medicine directly from tho Depository in Boston. q q q q q fj-- Let all who buy the Sanative, (and al- most every body does buy it,) remember the above fatts, and they may be SURE of obtain- ing tho GENUINE original compound. 0N. B. Every Agent of tho Matchless San tive, is earnestly desired TO GIVE AN IMMEDIATE ALARM, by having this article inserted one month in all the papers in their towns And that the General Agent may be certain that the public are put on tho LOOK OUT for the IMPOSTCn, he will kindly thank all his Agents to forward him t copy of each paper advertised in,aSA80on as possible. DTS. ROWLAND, General American Agent, Depository, No. 188, W ashington-st- . Boston, Dec. 23, 1839 4-- lm Q-- most sincerely regret, that cases of hypocricy so olten occur among the clerical ranks and wo hope tho "wolf in sheep's named in the following letter, from Mr. Mayhcw, will receive his just deserts for impo- sing upon the community. Pass him along, brother typos, that he may be held up to uni- - vcrsal contempt, and thus save many from be coming his dupes. New Yokk, Dec. 17th, 1839 Sir. Although I am not personally with you, 1 trust, when you perceive the of my letter, you will excuse the liberty I navo taken in addressing you. It is possible. you may not be aware that a man by the name of Enos L. Fen wick, now iu this city, (formerly a Baptist preacher, and familiarly known to the citizens of Monroe county, as the " Reverend is manufacturing ameiiicinoand selling it for tho Matchless Sanative, of which 1 per ceive you arc the general agent. 1 have every reason to Dcuevo, sir, mat mr. rcnwick is an unprincipled man, as ho was, not long since, deposed from the ministry, for t aking unwar-"antabl- o liberties with members of Jiis church, I thcroforn, as the enemy of knavery, see anxious that ho should bo speedily exposed lest many of n . IViTln... Altlnnn nk..TJ '.. Jf....J I 1 L! luy iciiun uiiiuua Miuum ui; uuiliiuuiu uy mm outgf their money, is not their characters. I deem it the concicntious duty of every man, to expose villainy and vice wherever and whenever he meets it. Besides, Sir, another consideration should prompt me to make known to you the above facts, I have a daughter, who, thank God, has been raised from a wasting skeleton to perfect health, and that too by the simple means of usinc ono vial and a half of tho Matchless Sanative, which I bought at 22, Broadway, of j. c. r ran cis, your ugein. ior mis city, relieving that ) ou will duly appreciate the motives which have induced me to address you thus unceremo- niously, and hoping that you will take tho ear- liest steps to expose to tho world tho bato im postor, 1 subscribe myself, Sir, very respectfully, J. P.. MAYHEW. Dr, Davip S. Rowland, ) Boston, Mass. S P. S. Mr. Jones, the bearer, who is about to start for your city, will hnd you this letter, and is you desire ho will give you a moro detailed account of Fcnwick, than it would be possible for mo to do on paper. J. P. M. MORISON'S PILLS. Or the Vegetable Universal Medicines of the lSritish College of Health. of a letter from JAMES MORISON. COPY Hygeist, to Mr. J. C. French, Balti- more. London, British College of Health, April, 1838. S Sir I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter under date iviarcn Idth, and in answer thereto, 1 beg to inform you that Mr. Horatio Shophcrd Moat was superseded to the ageny for the sale of my medicines in America, by Dr. Geo. Taylor, of NewYork, on or about the month of September, 1837, whojs now the only per son in America from whom my medicines can be obtained, and to wnom 1 have to refer vou on the subject of the agency for Baltimore. I have communicated with Air. Taylor on the subject of yourapplication, and .lave the honor to be, sir, &c. JAMLS iUUKlSON, Hygeist. CAUTION. Th:i urdicinc hav ig been counterfeited to an alarm ng extent, and las' though not least, by the former general agents, the public are respectfully informed that the genuine pills can be had oijly in Louisville at tho IVeslern Branch Office, Fourth street, between Market and Jef ferson. J. C. MINETT, Genoral Agent for Kentucky and Indiana. The following are the duly appointed William Beach, Lexington, "Fayctto county, Ken.ucky; Chas. P. Howard, Nicholasville, Jessamine co. J. H. etcher, Jr. & Co. Lancaster, Garrard county; Gcorgo Lyon, Salvisa, Merer county; R. Pemberton, Hardinsvillo, Shelby county G. W. Finley, (P. 0.) Jcffersontown, Jefferson county; Sinclair Dimmclt, Houston, Jefferson county; Smith, Floyd & Co.Sholbyvillc, Slicby county; J. & J. M. McGraw, ("lay Village, Shelby co.: Mitchcl Bradshaw, Frankfort, Franklin county: JohiuAbcrdcon, Versailles, Woodford county; J. W. Bradford, Georgetown, Scott county; James Rippy, Centrovillo, Bourbon county; ti. I. luggs, sans, Uourbon county; Houston & Johnson, Ruddles' Mills, Bourbon county; McCrory & Climbers, Cynthfana, Harrison cb.; G. C. LightfootvFalmoulh Pendleton county; Alfred Gofney, Grant's Lick, Campbell county; Frederick Brown. Alexandria, Campbell county; Lovis & Mackoy, Covington, do.; Soulhgato & Eubank, Newport, do.; Mr Monson's va'uable works Important to the World; Family Adviser, containing a list of diseases, their origin and mode of treat ment, and all other publications ol the College of Health lent to read gratip. Druggists cannot ho appain'ed agents. Tho above medicines may be had at my'Gro- - ccry Store, No. 45, East Main-stree- t, nearly opposite thePhcenix Hotel. WM BEACH. Lex. Jan. 23, 18 10 3m IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. public are hereby directed to the medi-- y eal advertisements of Dr. Harlich's Celeb rated Compound Strengthening Tonic, and Ger- man Aperient Pills, which arc a. medicine of great value to the affietcd, discovered by O. P. Harl'ch, a celebraUd physician at Altdorf, Ger many, whichjjas been usedvilli unparalleled uccess thr&TOTmut Germany. This medicine consists of rtWEtnds, viz: the German Aperi- ent, and thtrCompound Strengthening Tonic Pills. Thoy are each put up in small packs, and should both be used to effect a permanent cure. 1 hose who are afficted would do well to make a trial of this invaluable medicine as they never m'roduce sickness or nausea while using. A safe and cttectual remcay ior DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTIPN, and all stomach camplaints; pain in' the side, liver loss of appetite, flatulency, palpitation of the heart, general debility, ner- vous irritability, sick headache, female diseases, spasmodic affections, rheumatism, asthmas, con sumption, &,c. The German Aperient Pillsare to cleanse the stomach and purify tho blood. The Tonic or Strengthening Pills aro to strengthen and invigorate tho nerves and digestive organs and rive tone to the stomach, as all diseases originate from impurities of the blood and stomach. This mode of treating dis pases is pursued by all practical physicians, which experience has taught tnem to do nic only remedy to effect a cure. They are not only recommended and prescribed by the .most ex- perienced physicians in tluir daily practice, "but also taken by those gentlemen themselves when- ever they feel the symptoms of those diseases, in which they know them to be efficacious. This is tho case in all largo cities in which they have an extensive sale. It is not to bo under- stood that these medicines will cure all diseases mero-l- y by purifying the blood this they will not do; but thev certainly Will, and sufficient authority of daily prooTs asCiling that those medicines, taken as recommended by the direc tions which accompany them, will cure a great majority of diseases ol tho stomach, lungs, snd "iver, by which impuiitics of tlie blood are (fcJ-A- ak for Dr. Harlich's Compound Stength- - ciiing joiiic, anu uumiaii , perium. i tii. Principal office for the sale of thislnedicine, is at No. 19 North Eight st., Philadelphia, Pitts burgh office, 41 St. Clair street. For sale by J. C. Noble,. Lexington. Dec. 21, 1839. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. Dr. O. Har- - i lich's Compound Strengthening Tonic, and German Aperient Pills. These pills removo all those distressing diseases which l'emals aro n able to be afflicted with. 'I hey remove those morbid secreti .ns which when retained, soon induce a number of diseases and often limei ren der females unhappy and miserable all their lives. Those pills used according to directions, immediately create a new and healthy action throughout the whole system by purifying the blood, and giving strength to the stomach and bowels, at the same time relieving tho pain in the side, back and loins, giving appetite and in vigorating tho system again to its proper lune tions and restorinir tranquil repose. (- - Ask for Dr. Harlich's Compound Strength enincr Tonic, and German Aperient Pills. Principal Office, No. 19, North Eigth Street Philadelphia, Pittsburg olhce 41, bt. Ulair street. ror sale by " J. V. fNoble, Lexington. Dec. 21, 1859. H5 HRUAIATISM, entirely cured by the use of .sLsJ' Dr. O. P. Harlich s ( ompound btrength ening; and German Aperient Pills. Mr. Solo mon Wilson of Chester county, Pa., afflicted for two years with the above distressing disease, of which he had to use his crutches tor eighteen months, his svmptoms were excruciating pain in all his joints, espocially in his hip, shoulder", and ancles, pain increasing always towards eve ning attended with beat. Mr. Wilson, was at one timw notable to move his limbs on account of the painbeinu so great, ho being advised by a friend cf his toproeuro Dr Harlich's pills of which he sent to the agent in West I Hester and procured some; on using the medicine the third day the pain disappeared and his strength increasing fast and in three weeks was able to attend to his business, which he had not done for eighteen months; for the benefit of others afflicted, ho wished theso lines published that they may bo relieved, and again enjoy the plea suresof a hcatthy life. Principal Office, No. 19 North Figth st. Phil adelphia, Pitt burgomce, 41, sat. Clair street. For sale by J. C. Noble. Lexington. A CUTE BRONCHITIS, A FORERUNNER 4X. OF CONSUMPTION. I his disease is very much like a common catarih, it generally commonces likavan ordinary cold, with Lassi- tude, dullness, slight cough and oppression and tightness about tho breat. In many instances tho disease seems at first of no very serious character. An the disease continues the oppres sion in the breast increases, tho countenance be comes expres-iv- e of anxiety, the respiration be comes more and more laborious, sometimes i wheezing or ratiling sound, as is the air was forced throughai narrow appcrturc clogged with viscid fluid. To neglect this disease it may bo of serious consequence, but by a timely application to Dr. Svvayno's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher- - rr, with a strict attention to tho directions, all these unpleasant effects will be removed. Be careful, as it is sold no place xcept at JNo. 19 North Eighth St., or at the respective agfnts. Principal office, No. 19, North Eighth street, Philadelphia, fittsburg othce, 41 bt. Uair st For sale by J. 0- - Noble, Lexington. Lexington, Jan. 30, 1840. 100 DOLLARS REWARD. "IJsANAWAY from the subscri- - j3L bor, living sour miles from Lex- ington, Ivy. on the Tate's Creek road, about the 20th of August, a Negro named SPENCER, about 23 years of age. about 5 feet 10 inches high, straight and well made, of dark color, although not a jot black, quick when spoken to; had on a blue cloth frock coat, whitp pantaloons, and fur hat; the remainder of his clothes were lest at my house. Ho was latelv purchased from Mr. Ho race Buckner of Bowling-green- , Ky. and will probably attempt to his way to that place. or Louisville to Mr. Samuel Dickinson's, where ho formerly lived- - Is the above slave is taken out of Kentucky, tho abovo toward, or is in the State 50, will bo paid, on his delivery at my house. B. A. ATCHISON. 'Lexington, Ky. September 9, 1839 37-- tf WTT CABINET WAREROOM. rffiTOHMSmnr t a Vll I.; siinscnhfir rpsripr.t. 'ySs-U- i! Man talks make :ui. ', m - .. - - . - i fH Jii. lully informs his custo- mers and the piihlic general- ly, that he continues the Cabinet Making Business at his old stand on" Main-stre- irnmeiiiatfllv opiiajite the lot on which the Mfjfifllic Hnll formerly stood, and n sew doors helolvLo'an's corner, where all articles in the way of FUR- NITURE can bo had on ns good terms a they can be elsewhere prjeured in tho city. He In- vites all those wilhffiffiJto purohrfjkimticles ib his line, to call at IiSJire-RoorrJflr- nl examine for themselves, as hoiidRiBrniinel to sell baraail.s. ftj-IIavi- provided himself wilh a FURNI TURF, tt AGON, all articles bought of him will be delivered any where in Ihe city, free of charge. ' JOSEPH MILWARD. N. B. T am prepared with n HEARSE, and will nt (end to Funeral eallSjCillier in the city or eoiinlry. Lexington, Sept. 5, 1P38 3G-- lf NOTICE. All persons indebted to FAIR late firm of Bowman & Du.NN,are most respectfully solicited to call and liquidate the same, on or before the ls day of June next. All persons not complying with tho above requisition may expect to be waited on by an officer on that date. JOHN BOWMAN May 2, Ib39 IS-- tf LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Offico at Lexington, Ky. on the 1st of April, 1840, which, is not taken out within threoimonths, will bo sent to the Goneral Post Office as dead letters. Atchison Alexander Alvi John ... ABC J. Ansel Rebecca tVdams James F Adams Matilda Miss" Adams HC Allison H T Alison "William Allen James J Baker Morgant Mits Bill Eliza F Baker John Baldwin Moses Baldwin Walker W CatesR W Bill Harvey Rev S Harnett Mr Bassctt James M Bazlcs William W Barr Martlfa Ann Baum Peter Bann Cansba Hrackcr Samuel Bradley Lucy Mrs Bradford Thomas Blackesly Henry Ulair Orplu J Berry John (Hatter) Rosworth B Brooks Charles A i Booker Louisa J Boycr SS Boyco Mary Biooks Margaret Mrs lironston Jacob Brockw;ay R II Brown Mary Miss Brown David W Brown Edward N Buzzard Lucinda Dolila Mrs 3 Clarko Caldwell John Cellahan Joseph Caleb C F Candle Eleanora Miss i annon Silas Cannon Harriet Miss Carroll Margaret L Carter Catharine 2 Carter Go'odloe '" Carley E D Carson JamesV Casey J B T Cassell Samuel F Cavins Thomas 2 Chancy James 3 Clarkson BB &L C Church Jarred O" Conquest Lilnifbrd Cocks Harriet, Colbough Mr Conner M J Miss Cooke William Colbert Nancy Davis John Davis James Darnaby B W Dr Davidson .Thomas Darnaby Edward jr Derby Orrin Devore Elizabeth Mrs Desais David Dedwit Desso Dickcrson Miss Dille Joanna G Miss Elliott Miss Elliott Mary Mrs Elliott Sarah Elgin H Ellis Martha Miss Buekn'erMary Callaway Chambcrlane Margaret Fcathcrston William John Dr William Figg John Farrar emuel John Farrish Frisby OU..J Fcchermer Aub William Fealding Buford Fergerson James Felix T W French Juliet C Miss Frey Frederick Finney Gantor John Grady John S Grant Jamcs'W George Gcorgo Glenn John. V David Green II Gregg Joseph Gresham Andrew Gilbert John Harbourd Edward Hall James C Hall Hall Susannali Hamilton M P Hamilton Martha Hamilton W C Dr Hart Nathaniel Hart Miner Harris John Harrison A C Mrs Hawkins William. Hawkins Haydon Ann Miss Hatha vay Catharino Hars William Heady illiam HoodJamcs M Holladav James G F Ho veil James D Hodge Hostctter James T Humiston Alva I?vis Leverelt Jacobs Nathan Jackson Sarah Ja kson James John Jennincs W D Jcwitt Samuel G Jesse Benjamin A Johns Elizabeth Nancy Mrs Ivmnoy Daniel Kent Washington Kelly Patrick Lawson David Lancaster Robt Lawson lharinc Lawrence Lafon Urame Samuel Susannah Lctehor William Lcumer' Augustus IS. Leek Leeds Theresa Mathews John Malhrfl James B Mcthfeon Marshall Lewis Dr Maddox Matilda It Manan Mary Mrs William Martin Hczikiah May Alfred Major B P Mark Philip Mays John A Adrews F A Dr Applegato Benjamin Anbury Henry Astrow VC Atcherson Rebecca Miss B 2 Berry Joseph A Beach William Best Rachel Bennett Alfred Rev Beasly Edwa Beard Martha Mrs Bell John T. ! Bell William II Bellis John T Bivings A W Dr Bishop Robert Bridges Mary Aliss Blinn DG Blinn Lemuel C Blue Rolla Blue Geoigo Bonfils S F Brpwn William Bichard Bryan William Brand Richard A Bryant E Pickwick Ifryant Elgin 2 Burnes James Bucknei Mrs Burbridge Sidney Burrcll Ann C Alfred M . Clark EP Clark Miller Clark Clapp Nelson C Clay Green Craig Joseph Craig John W. Cleanans Rachel' Crawford lexander Cresspn, Elliott,, Christian George f. hristian James Climes Susan Climes Thomas Crittenden, Engineer Crilly Robert iCordry'JoHn Urockett Johnv A Miss CrowfordsiS'C Christopher John Clugston George Cummings A Ounningham jr D Dcrey Dunlop George Dunlap George N Dunlap""Mary Jane D'lirilap WnijJ ' Darnaby Brie Gen Duvall GH Dunn Samuel Dunlapp Jessee Dunlap John Dwyre Andrew E Ellis Wyley R Emanuel Philip Embrec Worley Evans James Ewell Patsey R Finlay L Faulconcr 2 Nathaniel Fittu'an S Farrer N G EC"" Isaac 't ' V 1.11. 11 . I ,.!. I'raiiiuui iuargarui o ruru jujm Fergison Green M Robert J H J J i Hobbs Alexander J Robert n Kay Upbert Keonc F J Kennedy C. Letcher P .Tosiah J T Mavs Herman ! , J Brown Jesse Jsaac 2 2 '' J Isaac Patric 2 Fitch 3 i. Forsyth John A rordbarah Mrs Foreman Clod Mrs Flue J Floore A Flornnoy Margaret G Mrs Flynn Denas N G 2 Gibson Jeremiah Gibbons J C Gill Henry C Grice Daniel Goodwin Shepherd Gordon George W Guthrie "W Dr Guerin Henry , Guess Susan Miss H Headly James jr 2 Headly Lucinda Heffher James II Henry Mary Ann Miss 2 Henry Emily Herndon Elisha T Henry John Hensoy John Hcndeison David Hichman E R ' Hillix James H Hill II Hix William S Hawkins Elizabeth WPHiscan Matilda Lainhart Maupin Hill M G Hightower Hopkins Richard Howard John 2 Hudson Amand J Hudson John Hundley Zacharia Hunt David Hubbard L R. Hutchison James W Hulitt Richard ' I Irwin James J Johnson Peter Johnson Eliza Miss Iohnson W H Johnson David Jourdon Charles .Jones Benjamin Jones John II K. 2 Kenning James Kcllacp Louisa 2 ICbrby Alexander King HW Kinmin Charles W Kirk Edward D L Lewis Malinda 2 Lewis Chancy Lewis Charles B Lindsay James Logan Eliza J Logan Hetty F Lcairy R B Capt 3 L&fiond Isaac Loud Thomas LpWmati Thomas LiltL Harvey Lyle Margaret 31 Morrison Airs ; Morris James Monroe- - Gc'orgc E i Morton Armstcd Mcscly Sarah S Murry Dudley Murphy J jr Murcer John Moss Mary J McCarter Daniel McCarty Jeremiah McClane Elizabeth Mrs i Mays D Mrs Merrick W Kev Maxwell James D Icars Augustus A .Merchant Thomas M Miller Sarah lillcr John lillencr Harris Miller Elisha Miller k. Young Morgan John Moore William 2 Moore W & McMillen Saml jMore James loorc Thomas Moore T I. Morriss Wesley Nash Nancey Neal William II Nelson Letitia Obrien Micheal Offutt Sanfoid OfTutt Edward Offutt A Patton James Dr LPenny Chamblin x it. y hw wjjjjiiiKij. r Payne Ajtf Payne Thomas Payne Edward Priiiher homas Prathcr John M Parks C W Park Elizabeth Pebworth Stephen Petty Ransdalo Petticore Mrs, Paulina Robinson J Ramsey Willbim W Kcese blauor Mrs Reives Nelly Miss S Dr Rceco John B Reynolds Isaac Rico J Robinson James Robertson Sarah S Robert Robson Sayres James Savory William Sanders Dr Sanddrsori William Sharp Ebanezar Stafford Gcoigo Stalford"D F Capt Shelb Ned Shields E J Hon j ' Mr Sherby Eliza Spencer George Speers L'eo'W Smee James Smedley Samuel Sers James St Clair Gecrge P StevensonS H Stcdman Melicent l'homas Strodeman b'tedman W Stevenson B F Stephens Sherul Steel Thomas J Steel Enos Steel Andrew Steel Ann Miss Steel Saml Rev Sesseons Charles Starks Franklin Smith Battle Tanner Pcriy Tanner Jane J Tarker Charles Talmage Peter Taylor William Taylor Mary K Miss Taylor's Society Taylor Benj Taylor 'Susan Taylor J Taylor Charles Taylor John M Taylor Bird Taylor James Taylor John W Th waits Masy Tisdale Thomas Underwood Mr vaugnn u vv - AVebb V William Willis Martha Johnathan DM J L Elisha James S Wilson Ebenezer Ellen McChosney John McChesney Jane McConnell Margarot Miss McCoye Henderson McCutchcn James McDowell J N Dr McDonald Elijah McIIcsney William McNeal Charles William McNitt Gabriel JLMissers McKoberts Mr McRoberts John McTy:e Larkin C McNeal Allen N 2 Noble Evans Norman William Nutter James O Offutt Eliza C W B sO'Sullivan J D p 2'PettitH Paynelallnda.MrsS &. Peirson W P Pcarman John Farrish .Martha Parish John G Pickett Maigarclt Price James ,Fijv;st James PolKJa .PopefGodfrey "Porter LC Dr 'Polk JJ R Randolph 'Miss T RcadAVilliam Rollins James 4 Rowlings J &Co Rhines Lancing Rogers James Ross Julia Agnct Roy Cabcl Ryan Harriett Mrs Runyon Richard Runnebawm Henry S Smith Isaac Smith B F Smith Joseph R Smith Martha Smith Milton Smith Is,ac Y Smith Beverly Smith Rubin Smith Elizabeth Smith M Thomas . Smith John 3 Smith Cabinet Maker Smith SR Smithers Wiliiam Shultz Valentine Singleton Milton R Shoeimck Randall Shore & G W Pratt Sminner F G Stephenson B SpodeDidrick Stevenson Andrew .1 G W G V G F Stubbs William Stone Betsey Ann Scott Benjamine Scott Harvey Stout J B, M D Shryock Ilellen Misa Spires G W Stiles William K Snider Benj D Scruggs SO T Todd Benj F Mrs Tolar Joseph 3 Torrence John R 3 To,dd,William Thorn James P 2 Thompson Susan 2. Thompson Henry 2 JJ 2 Thomson Sarah J Q Thompon James Trotter Saml Turnbull James Trueman Mariah TuttleJohn Dr Typographical Society-Trimbl- e David U Uttinger Vancamp A Dr Vannieter Joseph H 2 Venable George C AV Wailace WR Wilson George Ann Wallace Charles Wcsby James Walker Elizabeth Williams Henson Walker Sarah Williams Horace Wash & Munson Williams William Waters John Wiliams Mary Magds- - Watson William line Watfz Thornton Williams William G Wattz William Williams George L Watkins JohnR Williams William M Warfield William Williams David Warren Charles A Whito Arnett Warren J S White Joseph Warrick John R White W E Dr WhartoH W A Dr 'White George Weagley Amanda Miss Whitesidcs Edward G Webb Catharine Mrs Whitticoe Margarett John Wells Miss Westover Wonston Rev Winter Winter Wilson Wilson McNitt Orr Tod Thomson Wilkerson Sarah Worley Mariah C Wardlow James WarnnckJohn II Wood Elizabeth Wood Eli Woorisworth William 2 Wright George T Wymoro Richard Wilson James Persons calling for any of the above letters. will please say they ate advertised. JOSEPH FICKLIN, P. M. A priL2, 1840-- 31 SELLING OFF. rBHE subscriber having sold his machinery JM. with a. view of closing his business in Lex ington, now offers AT VERY REDUCED PRI CKS, his stock of Hats, Caps, and Hatter's Fursi and Trimmings, cither at Whojesale or Retail,, for Cash or City Acceptances. ALSO I hat large and commodious STONE HOUSE, on Water-street- , near the Rail Road depot Posses. sion given on tho 17th of April nexi. ALSO A new Eastern built Buggy, mlh two seats. Ha wishes to RENT the premises he now occupies, with or without the store-roo- for the unexpired term of his lease. Possesion given 1st of May ncxt. All persons having accounts with the subscri- ber, are earnestly desired to call and settle with out delay WM. F. TOD. Lex. feb 6, 1840 6- -tf A CARD. HOUSE & SIGN PA1N1ING & GLAZING. ripHE undersignqd returns his thanks to the. JL citizens of Lexington, Fayette county and thepublic generally, for tho liberal patronago which ho has received sincc&J-- c arrived in this country ffbm Philadclphia-n- d wishes te inform them ihatho still continues the House Painting Business in its various bra'ncTiis'", and PAPER HANGING done in tho neatest style. From bis own experience in the business, and having none but competent workmen in his employ, he promises to lender general satisfaction to those who will call on hinv, or examine his work in Loxinirton. Anv communication from Fnvptle. or any of the adjoining counties, can be ad- - urcsseu to mm tnreugn tlie f .Lexing- ton, as he is doing work at present upwards of 20 miles from Loxington. EFResidence, jyjr. James Ricley's Boarding House, Water street. CHARLES DONNELLY. Lexington, March 4, 1840 10-t- f tHAVE A YOUNS LIKELY NEGRO MAN sell. Call on J. G. Cjiinn for particu- lars. JOHN P. BOWMAN. DrSringlan Feb. 27 9-- 2n

Transcript of Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY · GC'-NG--!GOING S! GONE! I I v.""-(l C--s"- i--r;.,;4 N iBTr,v s "Tl " ROODS.


v."" - ( l C--s"-i--


4 N

iBTr,v s "Tl " ROODS. Tht undersigned,X would c II the attention of all those who

i. .. i..t, .linr. .yfinds. tnrallot onrof Main street. and,Auction rms on the cimer

J .rdjiis Ron; when- - may to had almost any!

thing in ew-r- body's lint W o have just,iWci "ir-- m N. York a superior lot of

Ens'Wr afid American prnls, painted lawns,tajjjb Jipors, ll..rk and white hoc, and hallhisot brbtvr and Lie iched cottons, flannels, sus-

penders, buttons, tapes &.c. &c. Fancy goodsof all kinds, china, and glissware, all of which,with all oV or irond.9 furniture &e. will be sold,t'i the highest bidder, at our regular Auctionsalci, or at private sale lover than anyhouse inthe ity. Hav inr the beat stand in City for ourBusiness, we r solicit consignmentsof goods, from th"-- c who want-QXsi- i.

m, B BRADFORD '&. Co., Auct'n.Lexinglofi, March 18, 1840. 19-t- fa.

- '


two ten good MusiEBjjs, ("sa Band)FROM be furnished by apfljlfarion to Mr.RICHARESON, No. 49, LimestonerorthMulbtrryl Str.-et- , fgr Lexington, or efscgvherc,at a price to suit the times. Fg

Nov. 14, Ki-- tf ' "

300 DOLLARS REWARDS.IANAWAY iiom the subscriber, living-

near (.o ugct'iwn, Scott county, Ky.,BILL, JIM AND ISAAC.

BILL lest --'Cth September last. Said negrois about 45 vesrs of "go, about o feet 9 incheshigh, of a dark c .mplevion, walks very lamsfrom hH lest h p ha' i"g been cfigetfgted, and is

so projected outward that it is dSyUjrdiscoveredIiad on w Ik n ho lelt, a blue cloth coat, bluejc,m3 pant6 nd w lute fur hat, with broad rim.

Jl.M is about 7 years ol age, about 5 feet 6

inches high, heavy built und very black, andho a don n look when spoken to. Had on whonhe lest, a rrov.n jeans coat, blue jeans pantsand black hair cap.

lAAC il, al ut 2! years of ago, very black,,about 6 Icet high and very stout; had on whenho lest, blue clothing and white hat Jim andIsaic leiton the morning of the 5th instant.

Theabne icvvardvvill he given for the appre-hension of Die above boys, is tak-- out of tlieState, or glUO for cither of them out of theState, or Soil for cither, is taken in the ?tateand not in tins county, or $25 is taken in thisCounty, I get them.

II. C. GRAVRS.ficott county, Feb. C, 1840 6- -tf

YPKPSIA. We have frequently witness-ed ti e ravages of disease, and have

heard spa read ol many remedies, but larsaw them sail tlnn result insucccss. The

w liter how er. of tha letters to tho Arent ofVr. Hm' fh'o (impound Strengthening, andUciiiian Ji p nunc lJills, wincn may be toundin motiivi v; uu.iin, nay long neon Known 10 us;and IrOtfn an mal'd as ho was delineated, wen iv Itnma i. i'l)km It, v. c

i ' m ) j jiulPi. he .

to b .:u - '

,' n iu i.



ut U J o

theto through

n '.t him daily, 3s a halo l eartyno advocate ol nostrums of any

i lib. 'Id a notice of whit wel ei h jud Virtue '! Dr. Barlieh's-to-

n. ti ng nd ni'an A.ptrien!i. re us n a liviiij monum nl'.',.' T T.e.

.' No. 41, Clair St ,

cf the Lex gto I n t 1'itfi n1 cb. 278

GEORGE R.M'IiEE,'Alt in it,) 'in L. iijisc'i) I't Law,

la;i: 3Ti u, Ki.ILL jtund p Mutually tu all busires;-

and a.lj


ikd tfflnni in the ciunty of Garrard.. .14 counties. Collet i' us ..tlendedit tin State. junf- I). 'J3-- tf

' rr"siNCING SCHOOL.npHE S. l nd muiiiltj. VV. finTi'sSING-Ji- .

ING.-'CIIOQ- uillci mmence on Tuesdayevening, Feb -- 5. Rt sue- ce may be had to-3- i yof those vh h nc attended the t.r-- t term. Fora practical i1 1'istiti i of ikta. Pratt's method ofteaebiiio or the liioSoiwCTN of h's pupils, thtpublic are re- - o ctlulU'jWntcd to attend thtrcgalar mo ti.igs it ihi present Clis, on Thurs-day tun: i ri "'J enn.rgs, at the Mccting-Hous- e

on Hill stre. t.Teb 20-8- -tf


mtiti SLLJ-UKir- K, wiih a view tciTseS unneyff rs his S ' OCK OF GOOPsS'l'CD T A&D CARRIAGE, for Cash, either atU holesaleWwr Iitiail. Hia slock nfoods islarge, and embraces evcA variety of Goodsusually kopt in ury Gocrtjs hour-cs- . Personswelling bargains, vyll do well to call 'oon.

Y. E. .ilILToV- -N. B. Th 'so persons indebted to the late

firm of KnmarJ iy Mil:on,viil lease come for.ward and make povment iiritncdiatcly.

December 23, K.'iJ 5'7-- tf V. E. M.

NOTICE.WAVING d. leniniied to leave hero for a sewjo. months I wojaldSay to all persons indebted

to Bow nan X, Ih th'it I shall be compelled,!10 close my i anu gu notes ana accountsthat urotnot paid by th8 jfit day of Jnne will beplaced in the hands of an officer All personsindebted to Bowman and llai court will cill.ojfJ. G. C.inn, who alone is authorized to receive;all money due as aforesaid

JOHN P. BOWMAN.Lexington, Feb. 5',, ll?-9-2- m

DR. DAVID AVALKERlEPLCM L'LLY in'orras the citizens of

Loxin-rt- n and. i.3 vicinitv, that he hasJnr-i- i liirn 'It pcrmin.tly in Lexington, andWill attend f.ith pio.nptn J and fidelity to allcalls in his prou o. Ko may bo iound atDr. is. vv. a

April 17,ld39 I. -- K' ,j4BOARDINST

fgHE eubc i" r h.- - ULen thh.ew buck buil-M- . cu he ri;ntncO of Mis. MirthaW. Keen, and M. L. Turner, on Limct ne-P-

where a sew y mug gentlemen can be accommo-date with board, . ,th or without lodi.ig, asmay tost suit the rcorKer.icnce.

THOMAS GIBBONS.Lexington march 12--

HOUSE&- - AND LOT3 FOR SALE.IRWIi subscriber hs I r .ale TH O HOUSES

eL and LO IS m the city of Lexington, whichshe "ill sell n .icrommoditieg terms Ono ofthem is situated at the lower end of Man, street,adjoining the lot on which the Br.g;naad RopeFactory of Drake and ,'! homp-- o i u situated,and upon ;t n a eoinifyrtabla fr une dwelling,kitchen &c. with a handsome garJon ornamen-ted with shrubberj. and fruit trees, lea. Thoother is situated on the Hill, between MainCross street and Ne.v street. The lot containssour acres, nnd there is a'so a very convenientand comfirtable iramc dwelling upon it. Thelot is susceptiolj of impiovcment, and of beingmade a delightful residence. Persons wishingto purch of the above e'e rrihed lots,&c. are invited to call and examine them TheTerms &c. will be made known upon applicationto the undersignedr'-udin- on th- - lot on the Hill.

ELIZABETH HALL. &March 12, PIC-- 11 -- tf .'TOR SALE. ArnrlE suWrilm will .! t private salefr

JH-- TWO NL .E'l WOVEV, Both go-- d wafb- -

crs and ironers ,, re n th.' Knti:ckvAs3ocut'on. ''fi-i- ; ja vl. ING'EN.


M irch 25, ! ) ! -:i ,

LOAF SUGAR.OIFTCE b ies B sto doul le termed Loaf

,fct Sugar, 25 boxes Philadelphia single Do.Just received and for sal? low, byJan. 15, 3 JNO. B TILFORD,


'"ihnESE PILI.S have long been known- and appreciated for their extraordinary and

immflHintn now era of restoring perfect health,to persons suffering under nearly even kind ofdisease to wjitch the numan iniuo i naoie.

When taken ace rding to the directions acfigfflpanyingthern, they arc highly beneficial inBjpf prevention and cure of Bilious Fevers, Fe-

ver iind Atme. Dyspepsia, Liver complaintsSick Head-ache- , Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy,-Rheumatism, Knlargcmeut oi uieopiccn, i lies,CholicFtmaloObstructions, Heart-burn- , FurredTongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach and

Bowels, Incipient Diarrhea, Flatulence, Habit-ual Costivcncss, Loss of Appetite, Blotched orSallow Complexion, and in all cases of Torporof the Bowels, where a cathartic or aperient isneeded. They are exceedingly mild in Iheircp-cratio-

producing neither nausea, griping nor

Terhaps no article of the kind has ever beenoffered to the public, supported by testimonialsof a character so deiish c, from sources as re-

spectable, or that hasgivcn more universalsatis-factio- n

Hundreds and thousands bless the day theybecame acquainted with Peters' Vegetable Pills,which, in consequence of their extraordinarygoodness, have attained a popularity unprece-dented in the history of medicine.

The very circumstance alone, that Physiciansin every part of the Union, (but more especiallyin the Southern States, where they have longbeen in use) are' making free use of them intheir practices, speaks volumes in their praise.Add to this, thofact. that all who use, invaiiably

Mcommed them to their irienas, ana me lesu- -

- : .1 e : -- .......... n,tl.ln Idnjqny in liiuir latui is aniiue, nii.9wn,uiwanti bilious remedy, and to prevent costivc-

ncss, they have no rival. One twenty-fiv- e centbox will establish their character, and prove thatthere is truth even in an advertisement.

More than threo millions of boxes of these ce-

lebrated Pills have been sold in the United States,since January, 1637.

Prepared by JOS. PRIESTLY PETERS, M.D , at his institution for the cure of obstinatedisLaecs, by means of vegetable remedies, No.129, Lilerary-strce- t, New York.

The Pills aro neatly put up in tin boxes,containing 20 and 45 Pills Price, 25 and 50cents.

That the public may rest assured of the sa-

lutary effect of these Pills, and the truth of theabove statements, the following LE I TERSFROM MEDICALGENTLEIMEN, of the firstrespectability are most respectfully submitted.

Clarksville, Mecklenburg county, Va, )

Feb. 7, Ib37. iDcarSir: I embrace this opportunity of ex-

pressing to you, my pleasure at the unrivalledsuccess of your Pills in this section of the coun-try. It is a general fault of those who vend pa-

tent, medicines, to tay loo much in their faNor,but in regard to your Pills, 1 am firmly per-suaded that they deserve far moro praise thanyou seem inclined to give them. Six monthsago, they wcro scarcely known here; and yet,at present thero is no other medicine that cancompare .with them in popularity. In Dyspepsia,

ick Head-ache- , derangement of the Biliaryorgans and obstinate constipation of the bowels,t know of no aperient more prompt and effica-kiu-

and I have had considerable cxpericn cin all these complaints.

1 would add that their mildness and certain yof action render them a tafc and efficient purga-tive for weaker individuals, arid that they mayhe at all times without apprehension of

rfy ol those injurious consequences which sonequently attend the application of calomel orblue pill. Un tho whole, 1 consider your Vegetable Pills an invaluable discovery.

S. 11. HARRIS, M. DTCharlotte,- N. C. Jan. 1, 1837.

Dear Sir: 1 have made frequent use of youri ins in me iiieipjeiiL ELagc ill me Dllious i'ever,and obstinate constipation of the bowels; also inthe enlargement of the Spleen, Chronic Diseaseso the Lucr, hick Headache, General Debility,

Jid in all cases have sound them to be very- J. D. BOYD, M, D.

Mecklenburg county, Va. Feb. 7, 1837.Having used Dr. Peters' Pills in my practice

for the last twelve months, I take pleasure ingiving my tcstmony of their (rood effects incases of Dyspepsia, Sick J lead-ach- BilllpusFever, and other diseases produced by inactivityof the liver. Thoy are a safo and mild aperi-ent, being the best article of tho kind I haveever used. . GEO. CffeSCOTT, M. D.

0"Bc careful and enquire for Peters' Vegeta-ble: Pills. They ara for sale at all tho DrugStores in Lexington, Ky., and also, by B Neth-erlan-

in Nieholasvillc, by J. D. rnilli, inRichmond, by Jno. Aberdeen, in Versailles, byAlexander M. Preston, in Winchester, in MtSterling, by an authorised Agent; and on en-quiry, can be had in almost every town and vil-lage in tho State.

December 26, 1839 52-- ly

CONSUMPTiON CONSliJTON! that selldeeJJaJHJthousands and

tens of thouandg,annualh'StnftiSehall we avertits fatal progress before it selzesSpon tho vitals?I would answer at once; take eomo suitablemedicine to arrest the disease at the'Vorrv com- -

jnencement. How very main' do we tee in the"vrcria wnose aeucate lrames lofik fcarculy alile,to support even a short rttigtfljjjoxistence butfor.tho timely care and proper means they makeSRpof, oft times will far outlive therflost athle-tic and robust who neglect such timely careand proper means that aio placed within theirleach, which would unqestionably avert is ta.

ken in proper time. At the head of all reme- -

dies,and the first in rank, stands Dr. Swayne'sCompound Syrup of Wild Chirry, which, is ad.minibteied in tunc, and taken agreeably to theprescribed rules w hicJi accompany the medicine,will nine times out. of ten check its progress,und restore the patient tojicalth.

Principal Gffici), 'No. 19 North Eighth street,Philadelphia, wlicrfi this invaluable medicinecjffi always beobt lined.' Tittf.biirgh office, dl at., Clear's.

For sale by J. C, NoWe, Lexington,


entirely cured by the us of Dr. Swayne's Syrup01 tv nu iierry; ner.symptoms were constantcoughing, pain in hSide, back and head, de- -limved IinontltR. snit.fVnrlf lilnnd. rtn reel ns

night, &c. Aflcr using two bottles of Dr Sway-no'- s

Compound Pyrup of Prunes Virginia, orvvim uerry, anc louno nersen renevea, anci Dytho time she used the third bottle, she sound her-self entirely currcd of tho aforesaid disease,which she had been afflicted with for three yearsThero are daily certificates of various persons,which add sufficient testimony of tho great y

of this invaluable mec!icine.For sale at the Medical Office, No. 19 North

8th st Philadelphia. Pittsburg office, 41, Sir.Clair Etrcot. -

For sale by J. C. Noble, Lexington. '--

TO HEMP' MANUFACTURERS."raiHEtnhslc'crhasiineptecl a Hemp Heckle,r JaL whierlpn3, e put In operation by anypower, inosiicmp anil low lire put in goodordejavjth very little labour. Any person wish-fn- c

Nnftirmation on (he stibiect are rpfprr-- soVillTum-Alexanil- near Puris, who haioneol

my (Jerkies in operation though not yet compltThe machinery is simple and durable. Any

nirlflll pniln'ivniin.r tu m:il:n n mnrhiriA ns iUn

above decrip(ion, without permission, will be!ren(e(l as thpy deserve. Communicntions

lo the subscriber in Shelby ville, will bopromptly uttended to.

FOSTER DEMASTERS.October '1, 1838 40-- tf

REVEREND IMPOSTERtOU 1'! Look Out!! Look Out lor an

fOOK KNAVE, by the name ofENOS L. Fl.N A ICK, ol New York, who wasformerly a Baptist Preacher, and better knownto the citizens of Monroe county as the 'Rev-

erend Impostor.' 'I his soulless villain, who wasdismissed from his pulpit, some timepirice, for

improper conduct, is nuw rendering5 himselfstill moro infamous, by wickedly attempting toimpose not merely upon a Church but the wholeCOMMUNITY.

A low months ago, this SCOUNDREL wroteto the subscriber at Boston, and wished to be

appointed an agent for the sale of the Match-less Sanative. The General Agentnot knowingJnsdep-avc- characer.gave him an agency, andforwarded him a quantity ol the medicino. Thishe soon sold, and remitted the money, and or'dcred anothcrlot, which .Vjjas sent about one monthsince. I o avoid anystispicion as to the de-

sign of this applying for an agency, or to con-co-

his "cloven soot," he made a partial remittance of the sales, of the last lot, only tendaytfafo, Yesterday, with utter astonishment,tho General Agent learnt that this REVERENDDECEIVER is now impiously manufacturingwith his own UNHOLY HANDS, a worthies'medicine, a SPURIOUS SANATIVE, whichhe is employing swindling pedlars to palm Upontho public as Genuine Original.

IVTlf the oeonleof America will only bear onefact in mind, there is not oven a possibility oftheir being duped by this UNPRINCIPI.IJUVILLAIN.' The tact is this: O'NO PEDLAR,or TRAVELE1NG AGENT has ever been d

in this country to sell the Sanative, or toleave it with any person to sell on commission,xgain, every Agent of tho true Sanstivo, is ap

pointed by the (icniral Agent, and receives themedicine directly from tho Depository in Boston.

q q q q qfj-- Let all who buy the Sanative, (and al-

most every body does buy it,) remember theabove fatts, and they may be SURE of obtain-ing tho GENUINE original compound.

0N. B. Every Agent of tho MatchlessSan tive, is earnestly desired TO GIVE ANIMMEDIATE ALARM, by having this articleinserted one month in all the papers in theirtowns And that the General Agent may becertain that the public are put on tho LOOKOUT for the IMPOSTCn, he will kindly thankall his Agents to forward him t copy of eachpaper advertised in,aSA80on as possible.

DTS. ROWLAND,General American Agent, Depository,

No. 188, W ashington-st- .

Boston, Dec. 23, 1839 4-- lm

Q-- most sincerely regret, that cases ofhypocricy so olten occur among the clericalranks and wo hope tho "wolf in sheep's

named in the following letter, from Mr.Mayhcw, will receive his just deserts for impo-sing upon the community. Pass him along,brother typos, that he may be held up to uni- -

vcrsal contempt, and thus save many from becoming his dupes.

New Yokk, Dec. 17th, 1839Sir. Although I am not personally

with you, 1 trust, when you perceive theof my letter, you will excuse the liberty I

navo taken in addressing you. It is may not be aware that a man by the nameof Enos L. Fen wick, now iu this city, (formerlya Baptist preacher, and familiarly known to thecitizens of Monroe county, as the "Reverend

is manufacturing ameiiicinoand sellingit for tho Matchless Sanative, of which 1 perceive you arc the general agent. 1 have everyreason to Dcuevo, sir, mat mr. rcnwick is anunprincipled man, as ho was, not long since,deposed from the ministry, for t aking unwar-"antabl- o

liberties with members ofJiis church, Ithcroforn, as the enemy of knavery, see anxiousthat ho should bo speedily exposed lest many ofn . IViTln... Altlnnn nk..TJ '.. Jf....J I 1 L !luy iciiun uiiiuua Miuum ui; uuiliiuuiu uy mmoutgf their money, is not their characters. Ideem it the concicntious duty of every man, toexpose villainy and vice wherever and wheneverhe meets it. Besides, Sir, another considerationshould prompt me to make known to you theabove facts, I have a daughter, who, thankGod, has been raised from a wasting skeleton toperfect health, and that too by the simple meansof usinc ono vial and a half of tho MatchlessSanative, which I bought at 22, Broadway, ofj. c. r ran cis, your ugein. ior mis city, relievingthat ) ou will duly appreciate the motives whichhave induced me to address you thus unceremo-niously, and hoping that you will take tho ear-liest steps to expose to tho world tho bato impostor, 1 subscribe myself,

Sir, very respectfully,J. P.. MAYHEW.

Dr, Davip S. Rowland, )

Boston, Mass. S

P. S. Mr. Jones, the bearer, who is about tostart for your city, will hnd you this letter, andis you desire ho will give you a moro detailedaccount of Fcnwick, than it would be possiblefor mo to do on paper. J. P. M.

MORISON'S PILLS.Or the Vegetable Universal Medicines of

the lSritish College of Health.of a letter from JAMES MORISON.COPY Hygeist, to Mr. J. C. French, Balti-

more.London, British College of Health,

April, 1838. S

Sir I have to acknowledge the receipt of yourletter under date iviarcn Idth, and in answerthereto, 1 beg to inform you that Mr. HoratioShophcrd Moat was superseded to the ageny forthe sale of my medicines in America, by Dr.Geo. Taylor, of NewYork, on or about the monthof September, 1837, whojs now the only person in America from whom my medicines canbe obtained, and to wnom 1 have to refer vouon the subject of the agency for Baltimore.I have communicated with Air. Taylor on thesubject of yourapplication, and .lave the honorto be, sir, &c.

JAMLS iUUKlSON, Hygeist.

CAUTION.Th:i urdicinc hav ig been counterfeited to

an alarm ng extent, and las' though not least,by the former general agents, the public arerespectfully informed that the genuine pills canbe had oijly in Louisville at tho IVeslern BranchOffice, Fourth street, between Market and Jefferson. J. C. MINETT,

Genoral Agent for Kentucky and Indiana.

The following are the duly appointedWilliam Beach, Lexington, "Fayctto county,Ken.ucky;Chas. P. Howard, Nicholasville, Jessamine co.J. H. etcher, Jr. & Co. Lancaster, Garrardcounty;Gcorgo Lyon, Salvisa, Merer county;R. Pemberton, Hardinsvillo, Shelby countyG. W. Finley, (P. 0.) Jcffersontown, Jefferson

county;Sinclair Dimmclt, Houston, Jefferson county;Smith, Floyd & Co.Sholbyvillc, Slicby county;J. & J. M. McGraw, ("lay Village, Shelby co.:Mitchcl Bradshaw, Frankfort, Franklin county:JohiuAbcrdcon, Versailles, Woodford county;J. W. Bradford, Georgetown, Scott county;James Rippy, Centrovillo, Bourbon county;ti. I. luggs, sans, Uourbon county;Houston & Johnson, Ruddles' Mills, Bourbon

county;McCrory & Climbers, Cynthfana, Harrison cb.;G. C. LightfootvFalmoulh Pendleton county;Alfred Gofney, Grant's Lick, Campbell county;Frederick Brown. Alexandria, Campbell county;Lovis & Mackoy, Covington, do.;Soulhgato & Eubank, Newport, do.;

Mr Monson's va'uable works Importantto the World; Family Adviser, containing a

list of diseases, their origin and mode of treatment, and all other publications ol the Collegeof Health lent to read gratip.

Druggists cannot ho appain'ed agents.Tho above medicines may be had at my'Gro- -

ccry Store, No. 45, East Main-stree- t, nearlyopposite thePhcenix Hotel.

WM BEACH.Lex. Jan. 23, 18 10 3m

IMPORTANT DISCOVERY.public are hereby directed to the medi-- y

eal advertisements of Dr. Harlich's Celebrated Compound Strengthening Tonic, and Ger-

man Aperient Pills, which arc a. medicine ofgreat value to the affietcd, discovered by O. P.Harl'ch, a celebraUd physician at Altdorf, Germany, whichjjas been usedvilli unparalleleduccess thr&TOTmut Germany. This medicine

consists of rtWEtnds, viz: the German Aperi-

ent, and thtrCompound Strengthening TonicPills. Thoy are each put up in small packs, andshould both be used to effect a permanent cure.

1 hose who are afficted would do well to makea trial of this invaluable medicine as they never

m'roduce sickness or nausea while using. A safeand cttectual remcay ior

DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTIPN,and all stomach camplaints; pain in' the side,liver loss of appetite, flatulency,palpitation of the heart, general debility, ner-vous irritability, sick headache, female diseases,spasmodic affections, rheumatism, asthmas, consumption, &,c. The German Aperient Pillsareto cleanse the stomach and purify tho blood. The

Tonic or Strengthening Pills aro to strengthenand invigorate tho nerves and digestive organsand rive tone to the stomach, as all diseasesoriginate from impurities of the blood and

stomach. This mode of treating dispases is pursued by all practical physicians,which experience has taught tnem to do nic onlyremedy to effect a cure. They are not onlyrecommended and prescribed by the .most ex-

perienced physicians in tluir daily practice, "butalso taken by those gentlemen themselves when-ever they feel the symptoms of those diseases,in which they know them to be efficacious.This is tho case in all largo cities in which theyhave an extensive sale. It is not to bo under-stood that these medicines will cure all diseasesmero-l- y by purifying the blood this they willnot do; but thev certainly Will, and sufficientauthority of daily prooTs asCiling that thosemedicines, taken as recommended by the directions which accompany them, will cure a greatmajority of diseases ol tho stomach, lungs, snd"iver, by which impuiitics of tlie blood are

(fcJ-A- ak for Dr. Harlich's Compound Stength- -

ciiing joiiic, anu uumiaii , perium. i tii.Principal office for the sale of thislnedicine,

is at No. 19 North Eight st., Philadelphia, Pittsburgh office, 41 St. Clair street.

For sale by J. C. Noble,. Lexington.Dec. 21, 1839.


i lich's Compound Strengthening Tonic, andGerman Aperient Pills. These pills removo allthose distressing diseases which l'emals aro nable to be afflicted with. 'I hey remove thosemorbid secreti .ns which when retained, sooninduce a number of diseases and often limei render females unhappy and miserable all theirlives. Those pills used according to directions,immediately create a new and healthy actionthroughout the whole system by purifying theblood, and giving strength to the stomach andbowels, at the same time relieving tho pain inthe side, back and loins, giving appetite and invigorating tho system again to its proper lunetions and restorinir tranquil repose.

(- - Ask for Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthenincr Tonic, and German Aperient Pills.

Principal Office, No. 19, North Eigth StreetPhiladelphia, Pittsburg olhce 41, bt. Ulair street.

ror sale by"

J. V. fNoble, Lexington.Dec. 21, 1859.

H5 HRUAIATISM, entirely cured by the use of.sLsJ' Dr. O. P. Harlich s ( ompound btrengthening; and German Aperient Pills. Mr. Solomon Wilson of Chester county, Pa., afflicted fortwo years with the above distressing disease, ofwhich he had to use his crutches tor eighteenmonths, his svmptoms were excruciating painin all his joints, espocially in his hip, shoulder",and ancles, pain increasing always towards evening attended with beat. Mr. Wilson, was atone timw notable to move his limbs on accountof the painbeinu so great, ho being advised bya friend cf his toproeuro Dr Harlich's pills ofwhich he sent to the agent in West I Hesterand procured some; on using the medicine thethird day the pain disappeared and his strengthincreasing fast and in three weeks was able toattend to his business, which he had not donefor eighteen months; for the benefit of othersafflicted, ho wished theso lines published thatthey may bo relieved, and again enjoy the pleasuresof a hcatthy life.

Principal Office, No. 19 North Figth st. Philadelphia, Pitt burgomce, 41, sat. Clair street.

For sale by J. C. Noble. Lexington.


very much like a common catarih, it generallycommonces likavan ordinary cold, with Lassi-tude, dullness, slight cough and oppression andtightness about tho breat. In many instancestho disease seems at first of no very seriouscharacter. An the disease continues the oppression in the breast increases, tho countenance becomes expres-iv- e of anxiety, the respiration becomes more and more laborious, sometimes iwheezing or ratiling sound, as is the air wasforced throughai narrow appcrturc clogged withviscid fluid. To neglect this disease it may bo ofserious consequence, but by a timely applicationto Dr. Svvayno's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher- -

rr, with a strict attention to tho directions,all these unpleasant effects will be removed.Be careful, as it is sold no place xcept at JNo. 19

North Eighth St., or at the respective agfnts.Principal office, No. 19, North Eighth street,

Philadelphia, fittsburg othce, 41 bt. Uair stFor sale by J. 0- - Noble, Lexington.

Lexington, Jan. 30, 1840.

100 DOLLARS REWARD."IJsANAWAY from the subscri- -j3L bor, living sour miles from Lex-

ington, Ivy. on the Tate's Creek road,about the 20th of August, a Negro

named SPENCER, about 23years of age. about 5 feet 10 inches high, straightand well made, of dark color, although not a jotblack, quick when spoken to; had on a bluecloth frock coat, whitp pantaloons, and fur hat;the remainder of his clothes were lest at myhouse. Ho was latelv purchased from Mr. Horace Buckner of Bowling-green- , Ky. and willprobably attempt to his way to that place.or Louisville to Mr. Samuel Dickinson's, whereho formerly lived- -

Is the above slave is taken out of Kentucky,tho abovo toward, or is in the State 50, will bopaid, on his delivery at my house.

B. A. ATCHISON.'Lexington, Ky. September 9, 1839 37-- tf


CABINET WAREROOM.rffiTOHMSmnr t a Vll I.; siinscnhfir rpsripr.t.

'ySs-U- i!




:ui. ', m - .. - -.

- i

fHJii. lully informs his custo-

mers and the piihlic general-ly, that he continues theCabinet Making Business athis old stand on" Main-stre-

irnmeiiiatfllv opiiajite the loton which the Mfjfifllic Hnll

formerly stood, and n sew doors helolvLo'an'scorner, where all articles in the way of FUR-NITURE can bo had on ns good terms a theycan be elsewhere prjeured in tho city. He In-

vites all those wilhffiffiJto purohrfjkimticles ib hisline, to call at IiSJire-RoorrJflr- nl examine forthemselves, as hoiidRiBrniinel to sell baraail.s.

ftj-IIavi- provided himself wilh a FURNITURF, tt AGON, all articles bought of him willbe delivered any where in Ihe city, free ofcharge. '

JOSEPH MILWARD.N. B. T am prepared with n HEARSE, and

will nt (end to Funeral eallSjCillier in the cityor eoiinlry.

Lexington, Sept. 5, 1P38 3G-- lf

NOTICE. All persons indebted toFAIR late firm of Bowman & Du.NN,are mostrespectfully solicited to call and liquidate thesame, on or before the ls day of June next. Allpersons not complying with tho above requisitionmay expect to be waited on by an officer on thatdate. JOHN BOWMAN

May 2, Ib39 IS-- tf

LIST OF LETTERS remaining in thePost Offico at Lexington, Ky. on the 1st

of April, 1840, which, is not taken out withinthreoimonths, will bo sent to the Goneral PostOffice as dead letters.

Atchison Alexander Alvi John ...ABC J. Ansel RebeccatVdams James FAdams Matilda Miss"

Adams H CAllison H TAlison "WilliamAllen James J

Baker Morgant Mits Bill Eliza FBaker JohnBaldwin MosesBaldwin Walker WCatesR WBill Harvey Rev S

Harnett MrBassctt James MBazlcs William WBarr Martlfa AnnBaum PeterBann CansbaHrackcr SamuelBradley Lucy MrsBradford ThomasBlackesly HenryUlair Orplu JBerry John (Hatter)Rosworth BBrooks Charles A iBooker Louisa JBoycr S SBoyco MaryBiooks Margaret Mrslironston JacobBrockw;ay R IIBrown Mary MissBrown David WBrown Edward NBuzzard Lucinda

Dolila Mrs 3 ClarkoCaldwell JohnCellahan JosephCaleb C FCandle Eleanora Missi annon SilasCannon Harriet MissCarroll Margaret LCarter Catharine 2Carter Go'odloe

'"Carley E DCarson JamesVCasey J B TCassell Samuel FCavins Thomas 2Chancy James 3

Clarkson B B & L CChurch Jarred O"Conquest LilnifbrdCocks Harriet,Colbough MrConner M J MissCooke WilliamColbert Nancy

Davis JohnDavis JamesDarnaby B W DrDavidson .ThomasDarnaby Edward jrDerby OrrinDevore Elizabeth MrsDesais DavidDedwit DessoDickcrson MissDille Joanna G Miss

Elliott MissElliott Mary MrsElliott SarahElgin HEllis Martha Miss





Fcathcrston William John DrWilliam Figg John

Farrar emuelJohn

Farrish FrisbyOU..J

Fcchermer AubWilliam

Fealding BufordFergerson JamesFelix T WFrench Juliet C MissFrey FrederickFinney

Gantor JohnGrady John SGrant Jamcs'WGeorge GcorgoGlenn John. V

DavidGreen IIGregg JosephGresham AndrewGilbert John

Harbourd EdwardHall James CHallHall SusannaliHamilton M PHamilton MarthaHamilton W C DrHart NathanielHart MinerHarris JohnHarrison A C MrsHawkins William.Hawkins

Haydon Ann MissHatha vay CatharinoHars WilliamHeady illiamHoodJamcs M

Holladav JamesG F

Ho veil James DHodgeHostctter James THumiston Alva

I?vis Leverelt

Jacobs NathanJackson SarahJa ksonJames JohnJennincs W DJcwitt Samuel GJesse Benjamin AJohns Elizabeth

Nancy MrsIvmnoy

DanielKent WashingtonKelly Patrick

Lawson DavidLancaster RobtLawson lharincLawrenceLafonUrame Samuel

SusannahLctehor WilliamLcumer' Augustus


LeekLeeds Theresa

Mathews JohnMalhrfl James B

McthfeonMarshall Lewis DrMaddox Matilda It

Manan Mary MrsWilliam

Martin HczikiahMay AlfredMajor B PMark PhilipMays John


Adrews F A DrApplegato BenjaminAnbury HenryAstrow V CAtcherson Rebecca Miss


Berry Joseph ABeach WilliamBest RachelBennett Alfred RevBeasly EdwaBeard Martha MrsBell John T. !

Bell William IIBellis John TBivings A W DrBishop RobertBridges Mary AlissBlinn D GBlinn Lemuel CBlue RollaBlue GeoigoBonfils S FBrpwn William

BichardBryan WilliamBrand Richard ABryant E PickwickIfryant Elgin

2 Burnes JamesBucknei MrsBurbridge SidneyBurrcll


CAlfred M .

Clark E PClark MillerClarkClapp Nelson CClay GreenCraig JosephCraig John W.Cleanans

Rachel'Crawford lexanderCresspn, Elliott,,Christian Georgef. hristian JamesClimes SusanClimes ThomasCrittenden, EngineerCrilly Robert

iCordry'JoHnUrockett Johnv

A Miss CrowfordsiS'C



Clugston GeorgeCummings AOunningham jr

DDcreyDunlop GeorgeDunlap George NDunlap""Mary JaneD'lirilap WnijJ '

Darnaby Brie GenDuvall G HDunn SamuelDunlapp JesseeDunlap JohnDwyre Andrew

EEllis Wyley REmanuel PhilipEmbrec WorleyEvans JamesEwell Patsey

R Finlay LFaulconcr 2

Nathaniel Fittu'an SFarrer N G

EC"" Isaac 't '

V 1.11. 11 . I ,.!.I'raiiiuui iuargarui o ruru jujm













Keonc F JKennedy


Letcher P.Tosiah



Mavs Herman












i.Forsyth John Arordbarah MrsForeman Clod MrsFlue JFloore AFlornnoy Margaret G

MrsFlynn Denas NG

2 Gibson JeremiahGibbons J CGill Henry CGrice DanielGoodwin ShepherdGordon George WGuthrie "W DrGuerin Henry

, Guess Susan Miss

HHeadly James jr 2Headly LucindaHeffher James IIHenry Mary Ann Miss

2 Henry EmilyHerndon Elisha THenry JohnHensoy JohnHcndeison DavidHichman E R

' Hillix James HHill IIHix William S

Hawkins Elizabeth WPHiscan Matilda



Hill M GHightowerHopkins RichardHoward John

2 Hudson Amand JHudson JohnHundley ZachariaHunt DavidHubbard L R.Hutchison James WHulitt Richard '

IIrwin James

JJohnson PeterJohnson Eliza MissIohnson W HJohnson DavidJourdon Charles

.Jones BenjaminJones John II

K.2 Kenning James

Kcllacp Louisa2 ICbrby Alexander

King HWKinmin Charles WKirk Edward D

LLewis Malinda

2 Lewis ChancyLewis Charles BLindsay JamesLogan Eliza JLogan Hetty FLcairy R B Capt

3 L&fiond IsaacLoud ThomasLpWmati ThomasLiltL HarveyLyle Margaret

31Morrison Airs ;

Morris JamesMonroe- - Gc'orgc E

i Morton ArmstcdMcscly Sarah SMurry DudleyMurphy J jrMurcer JohnMoss Mary JMcCarter DanielMcCarty JeremiahMcClane Elizabeth

Mrs i

Mays D MrsMerrick W KevMaxwell James DIcars Augustus A

.Merchant Thomas MMiller Sarahlillcr Johnlillencr Harris

Miller ElishaMiller k. YoungMorgan JohnMoore William 2

Moore W & McMillen SamljMore James

loorc ThomasMoore T I.Morriss Wesley

Nash NanceyNeal William IINelson Letitia

Obrien MichealOffutt SanfoidOfTutt EdwardOffutt A

Patton James DrLPenny Chamblin

x it. y hw wjjjjiiiKij. r

Payne AjtfPayne ThomasPayne EdwardPriiiher homasPrathcr John MParks C WPark ElizabethPebworth StephenPetty RansdaloPetticore Mrs,

Paulina Robinson JRamsey Willbim WKcese blauor MrsReives Nelly Miss

S DrRceco John B

Reynolds IsaacRico JRobinson JamesRobertson Sarah SRobert Robson

Sayres JamesSavory WilliamSanders DrSanddrsori WilliamSharp EbanezarStafford GcoigoStalford"D F CaptShelb NedShields E J Honj '

MrSherby ElizaSpencer GeorgeSpeers L'eo'WSmee JamesSmedley SamuelSers JamesSt Clair Gecrge PStevensonS HStcdman Melicent


b'tedman WStevenson B FStephens SherulSteel Thomas JSteel EnosSteel AndrewSteel Ann MissSteel Saml RevSesseons CharlesStarks FranklinSmith Battle

Tanner PcriyTanner Jane JTarker CharlesTalmage PeterTaylor WilliamTaylor Mary K MissTaylor's SocietyTaylor BenjTaylor 'SusanTaylor JTaylor CharlesTaylor John MTaylor BirdTaylor JamesTaylor John WTh waits MasyTisdale Thomas

Underwood Mrvaugnn u vv -

AVebb V

WilliamWillis Martha

JohnathanD M

J LElishaJames S

Wilson EbenezerEllen

McChosney JohnMcChesney JaneMcConnell Margarot

MissMcCoye HendersonMcCutchcn JamesMcDowell J N DrMcDonald ElijahMcIIcsney WilliamMcNeal Charles

WilliamMcNitt Gabriel

JLMissersMcKoberts MrMcRoberts JohnMcTy:e Larkin CMcNeal Allen

N2 Noble Evans

Norman WilliamNutter James

OOffutt Eliza C

W BsO'Sullivan J D


Paynelallnda.MrsS &.Peirson W PPcarman JohnFarrish .MarthaParish John GPickett MaigarcltPrice James

,Fijv;st JamesPolKJa.PopefGodfrey"Porter L C Dr'Polk J JR

Randolph 'Miss T


Rollins James


Rowlings J &CoRhines LancingRogers JamesRoss Julia AgnctRoy CabclRyan Harriett MrsRunyon RichardRunnebawm Henry

SSmith IsaacSmith B FSmith Joseph RSmith MarthaSmith MiltonSmith Is,ac YSmith BeverlySmith RubinSmith ElizabethSmith M Thomas

. Smith John3 Smith Cabinet Maker

Smith S RSmithers WiliiamShultz ValentineSingleton Milton RShoeimck RandallShore & G W PrattSminner F G

Stephenson B SpodeDidrickStevenson Andrew .1 G






Stubbs WilliamStone Betsey AnnScott BenjamineScott HarveyStout J B, M DShryock Ilellen MisaSpires G WStiles William KSnider Benj DScruggs SO

TTodd Benj F

MrsTolar Joseph

3 Torrence John R3 To,dd,William

Thorn James P2 Thompson Susan2. Thompson Henry 2

J J 2Thomson Sarah J QThompon JamesTrotter SamlTurnbull JamesTrueman MariahTuttleJohn DrTypographical Society-Trimbl- e

DavidUUttingerVancamp A Dr

Vannieter Joseph H 2 Venable George CAV

Wailace W R Wilson George AnnWallace Charles Wcsby JamesWalker Elizabeth Williams HensonWalker Sarah Williams HoraceWash & Munson Williams WilliamWaters John Wiliams Mary Magds- -Watson William lineWatfz Thornton Williams William GWattz William Williams George LWatkins JohnR Williams William MWarfield William Williams DavidWarren Charles A Whito ArnettWarren J S White JosephWarrick John R White W E DrWhartoH W A Dr 'White GeorgeWeagley Amanda Miss Whitesidcs Edward GWebb Catharine Mrs Whitticoe Margarett


MissWestoverWonston RevWinterWinterWilson






Wilkerson SarahWorley Mariah CWardlow JamesWarnnckJohn IIWood ElizabethWood EliWoorisworth William 2Wright George TWymoro RichardWilson James

Persons calling for any of the above letters.will please say they ate advertised.

JOSEPH FICKLIN, P. M.A priL2, 1840-- 31

SELLING OFF.rBHE subscriber having sold his machineryJM. with a. view of closing his business in Lex

ington, now offers AT VERY REDUCED PRICKS, his stock of Hats, Caps, and Hatter's Fursiand Trimmings, cither at Whojesale or Retail,,for Cash or City Acceptances. ALSO I hatlarge and commodious STONE HOUSE, onWater-street- , near the Rail Road depot Posses.sion given on tho 17th of April nexi. ALSOA new Eastern built Buggy, mlh two seats. Hawishes to RENT the premises he now occupies,with or without the store-roo- for the unexpiredterm of his lease. Possesion given 1st of Mayncxt.

All persons having accounts with the subscri-ber, are earnestly desired to call and settle without delay WM. F. TOD.

Lex. feb 6, 1840 6- -tf

A CARD.HOUSE & SIGN PA1N1ING & GLAZING.ripHE undersignqd returns his thanks to the.

JL citizens of Lexington, Fayette county andthepublic generally, for tho liberal patronagowhich ho has received sincc&J-- c arrived in thiscountry ffbm Philadclphia-n-d wishes te informthem ihatho still continues the House PaintingBusiness in its various bra'ncTiis'", and PAPERHANGING done in tho neatest style. Frombis own experience in the business, and havingnone but competent workmen in his employ, hepromises to lender general satisfaction to thosewho will call on hinv, or examine his work inLoxinirton. Anv communication from Fnvptle.or any of the adjoining counties, can be ad- -

urcsseu to mm tnreugn tlie f .Lexing-ton, as he is doing work at present upwards of20 miles from Loxington. EFResidence, jyjr.James Ricley's Boarding House, Water street.

CHARLES DONNELLY.Lexington, March 4, 1840 10-t- f

tHAVE A YOUNS LIKELY NEGRO MANsell. Call on J. G. Cjiinn for particu-

lars. JOHN P. BOWMAN.DrSringlan Feb. 27 9-- 2n