Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...

tSFo. 44. TAKEN fcp by the subscriber, y Ware, six years old, fourteen hands Jarce inches high, has some faddlfe 4N- - i Ipats, branded 011 the lest Ihoulder 'fa And ofi' the lest buttock P, ap tailed to i. 'THOMAS FERGUSON'. March 21. STATE of KENTUC5CY. TetCnrtifixneQuarterSiffionGoHrtxiib. r.'. ts. - V- - 1: lenacuaa fj.yz.-ii- j uiupiauiaiiCp AOAINST aha Wigglefworth, Defendant. IS CKaNCY. defendant not having entered hit EKE agreeable to an aft of As- - bpeatiag to the fatisfiction of the court thaebciinol an inhabitant of this'ftate; pierefcrr, on the motion of the complain-n- t by his caunfel, it it ordered rliat the Cud defendant do appear here n the second tTuefday in September next, and answer the bill of thccomplainantj-thataco- py of this irder be forthwith inferred in the Kentucky Gazette for two months fucceflively, and luhlilhed foiue Sunday at the door of the relb terian meetinj:houfe in flif tna.n e Lexington immediately after'divine service, lad at the front door of the court-hoaf- e of ids cOuhty. ' 1A copy) 7s6. Telie, LEVI TODD, C. Cur, VtATE o KkhliiLXt: Fajitte County Afnl QunrttT Siffivn Cotiri; I7pov IftttW AtT.TffoW. r!ntnnlJtnt?f- - 2j & f 'A Tavlok. Oefeadantl. 1Q iN.CttANCERT: X he ueienrtant James Parberry, iothaving entered hh appearance agreeabie b an ait of aiembly and the rules of this tourt And it appearing to the fatisfaftion of te court, taat he is not an inhabitant of this fcate, on Me motion of tlie complainant by lis louoiel, it is ordered that tae said appear here on the second TneG lay in September nextjandanfwerthe coin (laments uiU That a copy of this Order be,. Cittrsithinfcrtedm theKentucy Gazette foi tva monthhsfucceffively. sit nubiilhed forrt! tuadar at the di'or Of the Prelbvterian meet-- jag house in Lejcingtoh immediately aster Divine service, and at the front dear of the murehouJe of thUrmmt-v- A ACcpy)Telte; , i.evj i. ooa, i uur; For Said tracl: at Lavd rwrier- - I El I caw live on Greer s creek; Woodford W bounty near the Kentusky river 5 containing 3J3 aeresjwita a grilt and law mul c: Aub 3 tracts of land Lie property of W 'ilium di one tract of 753 acres oh the north sort of the Kolliiig fork of Salt river-o- nc Bf 23 acres On big Benlon; near Fiankfort and one ot'.ierof 234aeres on little Benjjl J son. For teims apply to ,,stI July 10, X793. DANIEL TRABUi tar laic. VALUABLE tract of LAND, con tainirisonj hdndreiand seventy acres. rrel'i utiif ted on tiie waters of Greer's creek, lea- tae Kentucky rivefi sour miles from Versailles; on wnich U a good dwellbe Jioulej and other necefiury houses, seventy arcs ox opn ianu, 11 aires ui meaaow a. good peacli die.iard ; the-lan- is well iva tBd. For tends apply to tire fobfcnbei an the js. . STEPHEN TRAJ Kbly 13, t796. Ji- - x Wanted. ANE or two Appreaces to th Mi Vj" NVright buiinels. J. I K I W I S I, One or two Journeymen, wdl meet witljj jenerous wages by applying to the iubleribeal Tirno isno.T at worK us Mr. sin lamicrf, Woodford county JOHN fQIOPJilNS. Ga'Xtp3-.- July ti, 1796. 1J 1 iCE TjtS. folloving JiKt'emeh, viz. Edward baniel Henry, Edward Curd, Ephraim Smith Payne, Benjamin Wnfloir, Chapman Austin, John Gore, Wil Iiam Webb-- , E'wnewr Frost,- - Benegar Rice,"1 It Francis Buckner.Bnce and Armited, uani IE Colman, famos DoutI-iP!- , Samuel M'Craw, Willi iin Nichols, Vtatthew Robinson, Daniel W Bpfill, John Chiles, Andrew Crockett, .waiter C.'ules, wnuam i.niies, james uor- - well, Hjnry Garrett, Peter Ciocdwin, iviat- - thew Kenny, John Lewis, James Logan, Gcorce Mason, Thomas Francis, lame: 1 Fox, Hugh Logan, iamuet Shannon, deorge Webfeot, and Richard Webb, they, their a- - gent. or representatives, are requested to dif-- cHarge the taxes due on their reipective trats of land, lying in Clarice county, pre- vious to the 2 3th infeant, or their lands, er ifo. much thereof as will pay the tax, will be Cpofed to sale ihortly alter that time. MiriH. iWiailiefter, July 4, 1796. Kentucky gazette extra?" Saturday , Jiily ifc , 1796. fVoi. rx; FOR. SALE, JOUR HUNDRED ACRES OP t A at r TNCLUDING my Mi'llsdier, "" Warc'-houle- i. Ferrv. Rnat'-var-d. Oreh-'- it -) - jj r trds, Meadows, &c. Great part of the land it first rate-i"t-her is belonging to the mills, about two thousand weiaht of wrought iron proper for merchant business the walls of the lower story of the tnilUhoufe is sound', nd as high as the mill-hu- fc the water wheels have receivod little or no damage t) the sire; and cogs and rounds well feafonci are ready the race is planked at bottom & "walled withftoneon fcothfides, and thedaia perhaps the belt in the state, and the ftreani. equal to any. The saw mill is now runniug pid in" good Order, and the water maybe put to the grist mill wheels any minute the grist mills may be set to running in sour weeks. Beam, chains and fcalcs well ironed for the purpoie of weighing tobacco; and beam, chains, weight Ii iron far scales', for weight iiiz flour. Boats may tome Up from the 6U Ver to the mills in high water-i-th- e whdle beautifully fituatetl for merchant b'uHn'efs, at the rhouth Of Hiou's creek and may be with aB6ut jaa pannels of fence. Waggons lrlay pass to arid from the landinz with such loads as can be carried on any V therroad. As lam ill determined to fe.ll, lyil oi one two of tne purchaie ; and can- - b. aU ,& credit part not get the vaiuej win take tue belt price of- fered, and make an indilputaole title. For ! terms apply to thc subscriber nejr the pre-mif- U CLVLANU. . June 22, 1 796. 31V ' For Sale, Six thousand ACRES or LANl5, ENTERED for maj. John Molby, dec. In the name of Little-berr- y Molby; heir at law of said JohnMof-b- y 1 lying on main Licking, being part of teu tbourand acre's, beginning at one hun- dred poles above the mouth of a creek that runs into main Licking on the north eit iide, aBout sour miles below the south fork 1 Licking, and extending down Licking in i :en farveys. is umieceil'ary to defcrilis'r the landj the purchaser will be disposed to make the necellary enquiries previous td his making any pt upofals. The title is fuD- - rjofed by tnof who have carefully examined it to be ucqucflionable. Upon paying part of the pcrchafc money; a reafonaale" credit' will be given for the balance. James Broiati, Atte. infatl tr Lttlcherry Majby,ju, Lexington, June IJ, 1796. N, &. I will alio dilpofe cf any other Lands in Kentucky clilmcd by faid'Mbiby; 'I KO J t K & SCOTT; HAVING sold off their eiroeftly' all those indebted to by bond, note or open account, to come for ward & make immediate payment to them- - Mr. wjuiam Scott, who is aui. riled to receive, and give discharges. :ofe ho negleft this noticei cannot ex pect any longer indulgence. They will at- tend for the above psrpofe at the houlfe they occupied on Main street. Lexingtoni April 2, 1706: FOUR DOLLARS RLvvwu STRAYED away out of the pasture of near Frankfort a hand-fe- dark bay Horse with a Clip' on the lest nis noiej natural trotter about lour aids and a half hish low , in flelhj fcever will bring back the said horse . have the above reward and arid allrea- - eharges paid them by. ELISHA WINTERS. April 20. ALL PERSONS 1 NDEBTED to the late partriermip ol 'I. mwiX b BRYSON, are requested to pay tneir accounts or notes to ThoMas II-w- in or Johs A. who only can give hifcharges.- - Drie months indulgence will be given and no longer. Lexington, 27th May, ty)6i LOOK HEKE. - LL those indebted to the subscriber, either by bond, note, book accompt, are re- - quelled to come forward and pay off their jorears before the first day of August next, as he expects to move out ot Lexington that time. Those who neglect this notice, cannot look far any further-indulgence- , he ex.pefls none from thole to whom he is'ndebted. CHS. SUMPTION.- - For Sale Two LOTS Georgetown ; one an improved Lot, IX on Mam street, with a houle calculated f tar any public three rooms below-stai- rs and lour above, with a suitable kitchen. Any person who wiihes to pilrchafe, know the term by applying to the 'i bers. jVLIVS GIBBS & July 12, 1 796. 3t K.OBERT F. GALE, BLANK DEEDS . Fqr fele n tbi OFFICE, WA S HIN G To be had at th fubferiber'sand a sew" GENT LhL BOAKDhHS- - taken, iiext'door to Mr. Huftonthi on Mam Itreer, icxington. iosiAtitiLLOcK: May 23, 179"- - tZ FOR SALE. Several Tt a fts'of' LAND, , LYING on Casey's creek, a branch of riven containing iiit.he wholej twcthoufand,lix hundred and hi teen aires. iceins at he mouth and runs up the reek; all (or nearly till) bodo'm lard, and a good quality, uood tiorles, negroes, bnfein'd lymg in the tettleinent will b re- - ceiveti'U oavment Meeds 01 eencialwar ranty will be made', and good security given by the subscriber. SllAS PAYNE ' Lexing'ton, June 1 5,796. 3t t reuchJKur'NJill htoneb. HnH'E 'fiibrcriberij'bV leave 'to land ,llltrsilt pauicutVi ti;at they. have iqiaiit:y 0? tVemh Bur Mill jtnes s vihicn iliey will dilnole 1 at a lotv latf lor txiri. For tb henry Strot(f(, CKch't Store Lfxihgtoh, 01 i'tttr Light at Linie- - Itone: w lb are authorilcd to sell llienr. - Jo'coh & Henry Hoover i &ys, 1796. $t Scheme oy a Lottery Forraifiilg the Turn of Ten Thufmd Dolbrs for, the pui-pof- of erefting a DUCK and LINEN MANUFACTORY in Georne-tow- n. In three ClaHes 4000 Dollirlby the first, and 3000 the two last. CLAij THE .rlRisTi , . i Prize oi aooa Dol. ii 2060 Del. ltrl JOOO 1000 I2CO 300 6 aoo 1200 10 ioe ioda 23 50 1005 84d aq 4800 800 13 t)63 695 . . , 6 4170 2 df 200 donar each being 1 for the first and 460 So Eiveay&rpai.ticulars mppiv or years fofrthe ereateft L - money is I OW. d - It as Store, them, jesor lately SElTi, or i as use, the last draSm ticket,- - 1779 Priies. , . , J$tSS Eisaks. 36670 n es 5334 Tickets," at iDeUerj eich alot Sxbjedtta difceMit tffiftitn ftr Centum. At .every encouragement ought td be givcri "to mahul'aitories' in this state, this in partitulot claims the attention of the public. The many advantages which will arise from manufacturing Duck; , mult be so lorcib'ly ftrikingto every man of reflectlo-'- , that the managers think it unneceflary toen large on the fubjict ahcTthc liberal prlnti; pie upon which the fcherile it sounded '(not tyci blanks' to a prize) willj sxelofive of that encouragement jul'fify the fpeculativ adventurer upon plintiples' of gain.' Th managers ttereioie' flatter thcmielves that ' they, will meet with such encouragement in the fa'es ol't-i- e tickets as wUl ifl a ihort timejuftify their appointing and giving pub. lie notice when the drawing of the lottery wijl commence; . . , . - Tickets" may be had by applying in Lex ingto'n to inefl'. Johrl Bradford and Alexan. derM'Gregbr, in Frankfort to mr. XScbrge Madison. hi Verftillis to DOctirPitUon: or to J. GRANT, ) . y. HENRY, Manaiert. , , J. HAWKINS. Jf Aiiy pirfori purchasing 33 tickets; Utall have a credit until the Lottery i drawn.; ' Twenty Dollars reward away 'frdrri the subscriber! RUN in Bush's settlement, in March last, a Negro Boy, about feventeert or eighj teen .years old, of a (lender make, but large feet,' on one of his hands is a jifcar caused by .a" liuta, he is cf a vello-i- complexion,' his nam Britain, but original- - iujvt'j h,r,.r T ' . fj chw d ftld f 4w1rB rmdrrin .in hw m rnHmni rn Vn. north side of the Onio river, and made his escape within five miles of my house; Any pcrlon who will deliver said negro to me$ mill receive the above reward, or have him apprehended so that I get him again flialt receive ten dollars, and dll reasonable char- ges, K.O. CLAKK, jun. Clarke county, May 24, 1796. tf r I HE public are hreby notified, thit 1 i have sully impowered Mai. DauielTra- - hie, of Woodford 'county rhy. Attorney, fbt me, and in my namtj td divide with the; heirs of George Reading i 30 ac?as bf land, nunniorK o: tne noiimgioricoiaaic 468 acres' ori the waters of little Renl'on and to sell my part of said laud's, and makt con veyance ot the lame. (2t June lOj 1706. - WftilAM ItOGWQOBj George Adams, E ESPECTFULLY inform ite At. friends and the imliHr f w.ii neral, that he has Opened Tavemifl in ihatcomiHodioushouleon MaiiuS 'i, mc uiira uoor oelow CrolS ltrcet j vhej e those Whd please to. savor him with iheii cnllom, )hall nVf- with u' !TUti- - January 1, i79-6'- . 'pAKEN up by .the sub- - feriber, living on little Flat, creek, in Clarke county,, a brown Msw r.v .., i,u. h.ith.i- - VIA. UJ A- - I.J t - - . a .......w uumB uunuto, nurteen nandaj jngu, nasainiau DeU on, apprAifc'd to 91. Joi . iiwcwjic a orowa none colt, one year ola .either docked nor branded, has threeswhitt teet and a liar arid snip in his face"; fcleyea iiius uu a nan aign, appraueU to 31. toj. J.uuKif r. April an, 1 796. 'A KEN up by the lubi scriber, neai KirkhamSfffri-vnr,'trr--r lucky, a large white, hprfe", Upivirds of fivi' ' feet fifgli, twelve" years old, no brand peri ? .... , ..,, ....uguag wouc ana iw;t tail, apprafl'ed to lal. March 3, 1796. 'IAKEN up by the sub- - scriber, living in Mercer county en) "i" fPa """' "" 'm narrcoi- - burgh, a bay Mare seven or tight yem oi xnirteen ana a nan nands hiEh; a lumo her back, a heavy tailj ao brand peiceiy' sie, appraiieu io yi. Javtei HarnJfdt'k. April 10, 1790. ',.-- , t '1 'Alv,i up by die iub scriber on Txro rftile ci eekl Clarka county, a black Horse unsed with v Hairs", a Blaze face, iourt'ri Hands hiob.' e? years old, brandea on to near ihoulder thuji W and on toe buttikk nearly thiis Ti aai praifd to I ol. Peter Daniel: April a6, 179 - - : fAKEtiup hi tiefuhfcrher,liv:nst!tClirkk esuiit, en tipper tie bird's cr:ck a bui fiitre- -. Jix or fiyenyejiJ elj, 'tar and Juif) brjnd'i en' the near JiouHer tout S. K. about rourtceriljiili tiih', opfraifeitt is. .4g"o, a black ALirSSJ hut fourteen hndt high, tipprujti it' 1 5. , ;". 'AtXnt.LLi.CiuiWi'OttD.- Jjfa4. 79.S.,-- .. , .. . . .,... J .. .. t 4i ii uy law lo'bii.1 ibci e living in VV alhinLton t'oUntv: a bay Horfei -- seven years bid; ttden hinds bih, Ihort aji round; two white hind iet; a white Itrlpe vii u UVA) Ul AW.i VU U. UKA1 LlllgU ppra;id to Il. iidvjird TalbttZ May 24, J 790; . SCHEME bv a LOTTERY- - In the town of Paxis, and county of Bouii' pori dr railing the fuiil of 28oi dotlari for openiag the navigation of th Soutla fork or Licking river. t Prize of looobollatt it icooDol. 359 I 100 & 3?3 8 34a ia 33 ia 3 123 5 . I4S6 . 3 4458 for the benefit of the scheme excluflve of 13 per Cent, diftdunt -- 2S03 Upon prizes, .. , . , 533? tickets at two dollars each fjyr The prizes wijbe in the towhof ris (only fuljecV to a discount of ten perljA cent.; twenty, days alter the lottery1 is drawn. i'rlzts not called tor within eigu- - Csen months aster the drawing b finilhed9 will be Confide red as donations' mad t tho benefit of the fehe'me.. , ... The Prizes drawn hi this lottery, fliill b regularly publiflied iri the Kentucky papers and a numerical book; kept in Paris, which)" may be had examined (gratis) by ny ad- venturer in this scheme. Tickets maybe had by applying to any ox the undernamed persons wtoare appointed". Managers by law 1 ana the drawing CiaU " mmence as soon a, tvo two third, of tim N- - E. The Cheannels of th Ticket! Svith the advantages' of the khein (being not to blanks to a prize) itis hoped will eu titU it to the patronage of trie public. ?arisj April 1796, "John edwArds; HWrJ Cl At by J. Edward'V IfaMES KEHNEr. Gil AALES SMITH. GA:Ui.ARD. iVM, A'Z,L"r,byJ.Alexander'.-WILUAf- A BOSiVELL. JAMES SMITB. W 477 T D,- JJy ABlfXt& JOHN W.HUNTji & men nwic ui jcxmgcoii, a A of Baion,' Whilkey, Hemp1 and CouW try iiinen; tr WSiVft a generous pnee 1 sc? giyes, ?as vfimj fcJ?JT V 9l J 5- - fO YU M x. paid p3Jtli, WlLLlAU uanucj w&Z Mil

Transcript of Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...

Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY on Casey's creek, a branch of riven containing iiit.he wholej twcthoufand,lix

tSFo. 44.

TAKEN fcp by the subscriber,

y Ware, six years old, fourteen handsJarce inches high, has some faddlfe4N- -


Ipats, branded 011 the lest Ihoulder'fa And ofi' the lest buttock P, aptailed to i.'THOMAS FERGUSON'.

March 21.

STATE of KENTUC5CY.TetCnrtifixneQuarterSiffionGoHrtxiib.r.'. ts. - V- - 1:lenacuaa fj.yz.-ii-

j uiupiauiaiiCpAOAINST

aha Wigglefworth, Defendant.IS CKaNCY.

defendant not having entered hitEKE agreeable to an aft of As--

bpeatiag to the fatisfiction of the courtthaebciinol an inhabitant of this'ftate;pierefcrr, on the motion of the complain-n-t

by his caunfel, it it ordered rliat theCud defendant do appear here n the secondtTuefday in September next, and answer thebill of thccomplainantj-thataco- py of thisirder be forthwith inferred in the KentuckyGazette for two months fucceflively, andluhlilhed foiue Sunday at the door of therelb terian meetinj:houfe in flif tna.n e

Lexington immediately after'divine service,lad at the front door of the court-hoaf- e ofids cOuhty. ' 1 A copy) 7s6.

Telie, LEVI TODD, C. Cur,

VtATE o KkhliiLXt:Fajitte County Afnl QunrttT

Siffivn Cotiri; I7povIftttW AtT.TffoW. r!ntnnlJtnt?f- -

2j & f

'A Tavlok. Oefeadantl.1Q iN.CttANCERT:

X he ueienrtant James Parberry,iothaving entered hh appearance agreeabieb an ait of aiembly and the rules of thistourt And it appearing to the fatisfaftion ofte court, taat he is not an inhabitant of thisfcate, on Me motion of tlie complainant bylis louoiel, it is ordered that tae said

appear here on the second TneGlay in September nextjandanfwerthe coin(laments uiU That a copy of this Order be,.Cittrsithinfcrtedm theKentucy Gazette foitva monthhsfucceffively. sit nubiilhed forrt!tuadar at the di'or Of the Prelbvterian meet--jag house in Lejcingtoh immediately asterDivine service, and at the front dear of themurehouJe of thUrmmt-v-

A ACcpy)Telte;, i.evj i. ooa, i uur;

For Saidtracl: at Lavd rwrier- -

I El I caw live on Greer s creek; WoodfordW bounty near the Kentusky river 5 containing

3J3 aeresjwita a grilt and law mul c: Aub3 tracts of land Lie property of W 'ilium di

one tract of 753 acres oh the northsort of the Kolliiig fork of Salt river-o- nc

Bf 23 acres On big Benlon; near Fiankfortand one ot'.ierof 234aeres on little Benjjl

J son. For teims apply to ,,stIJuly 10, X793. DANIEL TRABUi

tar laic.VALUABLE tract of LAND, containirisonj hdndreiand seventy acres.

rrel'i utiif ted on tiie waters of Greer's creek,lea- tae Kentucky rivefi sour miles fromVersailles; on wnich U a good dwellbe

Jioulej and other necefiury houses, seventyarcs ox opn ianu, 11 aires ui meaaowa. good peacli die.iard ; the-lan- is well ivatBd. For tends apply to tire fobfcnbeian the js.

. STEPHEN TRAJKbly 13, t796. Ji- -

x Wanted.ANE or two Appreaces to th MiVj" NVright buiinels.

J. I K I W I S I,One or two Journeymen, wdl meet witljjjenerouswages by applying to the iubleribealTirno isno.T at worK us Mr. sin lamicrf,Woodford county JOHN fQIOPJilNS.

Ga'Xtp3-.- July ti, 1796.

1J 1 iCE

TjtS. folloving JiKt'emeh, viz. Edwardbaniel Henry, Edward Curd,

Ephraim Smith Payne, BenjaminWnfloir, Chapman Austin, John Gore, WilIiam Webb-- , E'wnewr Frost,-- Benegar Rice,"1

It Francis Buckner.Bnce and Armited, uaniIE Colman, famos DoutI-iP!- , Samuel M'Craw,

Willi iin Nichols, Vtatthew Robinson, DanielW Bpfill, John Chiles, Andrew Crockett,

.waiter C.'ules, wnuam i.niies, james uor- -

well, Hjnry Garrett, Peter Ciocdwin, iviat- -

thew Kenny, John Lewis, James Logan,Gcorce Mason, Thomas Francis, lame: 1

Fox, Hugh Logan, iamuet Shannon, deorgeWebfeot, and Richard Webb, they, their a- -

gent. or representatives, are requested to dif--

cHarge the taxes due on their reipectivetrats of land, lying in Clarice county, pre-

vious to the 2 3th infeant, or their lands, erifo. much thereof as will pay the tax, will beCpofed to sale ihortly alter that time.

MiriH.iWiailiefter, July 4, 1796.

Kentucky gazette extra?" Saturday , Jiily ifc , 1796. fVoi. rx;FOR. SALE,


t A at rTNCLUDING my Mi'llsdier,"" Warc'-houle- i. Ferrv. Rnat'-var-d. Oreh-'- it-) - jj rtrds, Meadows, &c. Great part of the landit first rate-i"t-her is belonging to the mills,about two thousand weiaht of wrought ironproper for merchant business the walls ofthe lower story of the tnilUhoufe is sound',

nd as high as the mill-hu- fc the waterwheels have receivod little or no damage t)

the sire; and cogs and rounds well feafonciare ready the race is planked at bottom &"walled withftoneon fcothfides, and thedaiaperhaps the belt in the state, and the ftreani.equal to any. The saw mill is now runniugpid in" good Order, and the water maybe putto the grist mill wheels any minute the gristmills may be set to running in sour weeks.Beam, chains and fcalcs well ironed for thepurpoie of weighing tobacco; and beam,chains, weight Ii iron far scales', for weightiiiz flour. Boats may tome Up from the 6UVer to the mills in high water-i-th- e whdlebeautifully fituatetl for merchant b'uHn'efs, atthe rhouth Of Hiou's creek and may be

with aB6ut jaa pannels of fence.Waggons lrlay pass to arid from the landinzwith such loads as can be carried on any Vtherroad.

As lam


determined to fe.ll, lyiloi one two

of tne purchaie ; and can- - b. aU ,&creditpartnot get the vaiuej win take tue belt price of-fered, and make an indilputaole title. For

! terms apply to thc subscriber nejr the pre-mif-


June 22, 1 796. 31V'

For Sale,Six thousand ACRES or LANl5,ENTERED for maj. John Molby, dec.

In the name of Little-berr- y

Molby; heir at law of said JohnMof-b- y

1 lying on main Licking, being part ofteu tbourand acre's, beginning at one hun-dred poles above the mouth of a creek thatruns into main Licking on the north eitiide, aBout sour miles below the south fork

1 Licking, and extending down Licking in i:en farveys. is umieceil'ary to defcrilis'r

the landj the purchaser will be disposedto make the necellary enquiries previous tdhis making any pt upofals. The title is fuD--rjofed by tnof who have carefully examinedit to be ucqucflionable. Upon paying partof the pcrchafc money; a reafonaale" credit'will be given for the balance.

James Broiati, Atte. infatltr Lttlcherry Majby,ju,Lexington, June IJ, 1796.

N, &. I will alio dilpofe cf any otherLands in Kentucky clilmcd by faid'Mbiby;

'I KO J t K & SCOTT;HAVING sold off their eiroeftly'

all those indebted to bybond, note or open account, to come forward & make immediate payment to them- -

Mr. wjuiam Scott, who is aui.riled to receive, and give discharges.

:ofe ho negleft this noticei cannot expect any longer indulgence. They will at-tend for the above psrpofe at the houlfe they

occupied on Main street.Lexingtoni April 2, 1706:

FOUR DOLLARS RLvvwuSTRAYED away out of the pasture of

near Frankfort a hand-fe-

dark bay Horse with a Clip' on the lestnis noiej natural trotter about lour

aids and a half hish low , in flelhjfcever will bring back the said horse .

have the above reward and arid allrea--eharges paid them by.


ALL PERSONS1 NDEBTED to the late partriermip ol'I. mwiX b BRYSON, are requested topay tneir accounts or notes to ThoMas II-w- in

or Johs A. who only can givehifcharges.- - Drie months indulgencewill be given and no longer.

Lexington, 27th May, ty)6i


LL those indebted to the subscriber, eitherby bond, note, book accompt, are re- -quelled to come forward and pay off theirjorears before the first day of August next,as he expects to move out ot Lexington

that time. Those who neglect thisnotice, cannot look far any further-indulgence- ,

he ex.pefls none from thole towhom he is'ndebted.


For Sale Two LOTSGeorgetown ; one an improved Lot,

IX on Mam street, with a houle calculatedf tar any public three rooms below-stai- rs

and lour above, with a suitable kitchen.Any person who wiihes to pilrchafe,know the term by applying to the 'ibers. jVLIVS GIBBS &July 12, 1 796. 3t K.OBERT F. GALE,

BLANK DEEDS. Fqr fele n tbi OFFICE,

WA S HIN GTo be had at th fubferiber'sand a sew"


taken, iiext'door to Mr. Huftonthion Mam Itreer, icxington.

iosiAtitiLLOcK:May 23, 179"- - tZ

FOR SALE.Several Tt afts'of' LAND, ,

LYING on Casey's creek, a branch ofriven containing iiit.he wholej

twcthoufand,lix hundred and hi teen aires.iceins at he mouth and runs up the

reek; all (or nearly till) bodo'm lard, anda good quality, uood tiorles, negroes,

bnfein'd lymg in the tettleinent will b re- -ceiveti'U oavment Meeds 01 eencialwarranty will be made', and good security givenby the subscriber.


Lexing'ton, June 1 5,796. 3t

t reuchJKur'NJill htoneb.

HnH'E 'fiibrcriberij'bV leave 'to

land ,llltrsilt pauicutVi ti;at they.have iqiaiit:y 0? tVemh Bur Milljtnes s vihicn iliey will dilnole

1 at a lotv latf lor txiri. Fortb henry Strot(f(,CKch't Store

Lfxihgtoh, 01 i'tttr Light at Linie- -

Itone: w lb are authorilcd to sellllienr.

- Jo'coh & Henry Hoover i&ys, 1796. $t

Scheme oy a LotteryForraifiilg the Turn of Ten Thufmd Dolbrs

for, the pui-pof- of erefting a DUCK andLINEN MANUFACTORY in Georne-tow- n.

In three ClaHes 4000 Dollirlbythe first, and 3000 the two last.

CLAij THE .rlRisTi , .i Prize oi aooa Dol. ii 2060 Del.

ltrl JOOO 1000I2CO

3006 aoo 1200

10 ioe ioda23 50 1005

84d aq 4800800 13 t)63695 . . , 6 4170

2 df 200 donar each being1 for the first and 460

SoEiveay&rpai.ticulars mppiv

or years fofrthe ereateft L -money is I OW. d







or i



the last draSm ticket,- -

1779 Priies. , . ,J$tSS Eisaks.


n es5334 Tickets," at iDeUerj eich alotSxbjedtta difceMit tffiftitn ftr Centum.

At .every encouragement ought tdbe givcri "to mahul'aitories' in this state,this in partitulot claims the attention of thepublic. The many advantages which willarise from manufacturing Duck; , mult be solorcib'ly ftrikingto every man of reflectlo-'- ,

that the managers think it unneceflary toenlarge on the fubjict ahcTthc liberal prlnti;pie upon which the fcherile it sounded '(nottyci blanks' to a prize) willj sxelofive ofthat encouragement jul'fify the fpeculativadventurer upon plintiples' of gain.' Thmanagers ttereioie' flatter thcmielves that '

they, will meet with such encouragement inthe fa'es ol't-i-e tickets as wUl ifl a ihorttimejuftify their appointing and giving pub.lie notice when the drawing of the lotterywijl commence;

. . , . -Tickets" may be had by applying in Lex

ingto'n to inefl'. Johrl Bradford and Alexan.derM'Gregbr, in Frankfort to mr. XScbrgeMadison. hi Verftillis to DOctirPitUon: orto J. GRANT, ) .

y. HENRY, Manaiert., , J. HAWKINS. Jf

Aiiy pirfori purchasing 33 tickets;Utall have a credit until the Lottery i drawn.;


Twenty Dollars rewardaway 'frdrri the subscriber!RUN in Bush's settlement, in March

last, a Negro Boy, about feventeert or eighjteen .years old, of a (lender make, but

large feet,' on one of his hands is ajifcar caused by .a" liuta, he is cf a vello-i-

complexion,' his nam Britain, but original- -iujvt'j h,r,.r T' fj chw d ftld f

4w1rB rmdrrin .in hw m rnHmni rn Vn.

north side of the Onio river, and made hisescape within five miles of my house; Anypcrlon who will deliver said negro to me$mill receive the above reward, or have himapprehended so that I get him again flialtreceive ten dollars, and dll reasonable char-ges, K.O. CLAKK, jun.Clarke county, May 24, 1796. tfr I HE public are hreby notified, thit 1

i have sully impowered Mai. DauielTra- -hie, of Woodford 'county rhy. Attorney, fbtme, and in my namtj td divide with the;heirs of George Reading i 30 ac?as bf land,

nunniorK o: tne noiimgioricoiaaic

468 acres' ori thewaters of little Renl'on andto sell my part of said laud's, and makt conveyance ot the lame. (2tJune lOj 1706. - WftilAM ItOGWQOBj

George Adams,E ESPECTFULLY inform iteAt. friends and the imliHr f w.iineral, that he has Opened Tavemiflin ihatcomiHodioushouleon MaiiuS'i, mc uiira uoor oelow CrolSltrcet j vhej e those Whd please to.savor him with iheii cnllom, )hallnVf- with u' !TUti- -

January 1, i79-6'-.

'pAKEN up by .the sub--feriber, living on little Flat, creek, inClarke county,, a brown Msw r.v .., i,u.

h.ith.i- - VIA. UJ A- - I.J t - - . a.......w uumB uunuto, nurteen nandajjngu, nasainiau DeU on, apprAifc'd to 91. Joi .

iiwcwjic a orowa none colt, one year ola.either docked nor branded, has threeswhittteet and a liar arid snip in his face"; fcleyea

iiius uu a nan aign, appraueU to 31. toj.J.uuKif r.

April an, 1 796.

'A KEN up by the lubiscriber, neai KirkhamSfffri-vnr,'trr--r

lucky, a large white, hprfe", Upivirds of fivi''

feet fifgli, twelve" years old, no brand peri


.... , ..,, ....uguag wouc ana iw;ttail, apprafl'ed to lal.

March 3, 1796.

'IAKEN up by the sub- -scriber, living in Mercer county en)

"i" fPa """' "" 'm narrcoi- -burgh, a bay Mare seven or tight yem oi

xnirteen ana a nan nands hiEh; a lumoher back, a heavy tailj ao brand peiceiy'sie, appraiieu io yi.

Javtei HarnJfdt'k.April 10, 1790. ',.-- , t'1 'Alv,i up by die iub

scriber on Txro rftile ci eekl Clarkacounty, a black Horse unsed with vHairs", a Blaze face, iourt'ri Hands hiob.' e?years old, brandea on to near ihoulder thujiW and on toe buttikk nearly thiis Ti aaipraifd to I ol.

Peter Daniel:April a6, 179 - -:fAKEtiup hi tiefuhfcrher,liv:nst!tClirkk

esuiit, en tipper tie bird's cr:ck a bui fiitre- -.Jix or fiyenyejiJ elj, 'tar and Juif) brjnd'i en'the near JiouHer tout S. K. about rourtceriljiilitiih', opfraifeitt is. .4g"o, a black ALirSSJhut fourteen hndt high, tipprujti it' 1 5. ,

;". 'AtXnt.LLi.CiuiWi'OttD.-Jjfa4. 79.S.,-- .. , .. . . .,... J .. ..

t 4i ii uy law lo'bii.1 ibci eliving in VV alhinLton t'oUntv: a bay Horfei

-- seven years bid; ttden hinds bih, Ihort ajiround; two white hind iet; a white Itrlpevii u UVA) Ul AW.i VU U. UKA1 LlllgUppra;id to Il. iidvjird TalbttZ

May 24, J 790;


In the town of Paxis, and county of Bouii'pori dr railing the fuiil of 28oi dotlarifor openiag the navigation of th Soutlafork or Licking river.

t Prize of looobollatt it icooDol.359

I 100&


8 34aia33 ia 3

123 5. I4S6 . 3 4458

for the benefit of the schemeexcluflve of 13 per Cent, diftdunt -- 2S03Upon prizes, .. , . ,

533? tickets at two dollars each


The prizes wijbe in the towhofris (only fuljecV to a discount of ten perljAcent.; twenty, days alter the lottery1 isdrawn. i'rlzts not called tor within eigu- -

Csen months aster the drawing b finilhed9will be Confide red as donations' mad t thobenefit of the fehe'me.. , ...

The Prizes drawn hi this lottery, fliill bregularly publiflied iri the Kentucky papersand a numerical book; kept in Paris, which)"may be had examined (gratis) by ny ad-

venturer in this scheme.Tickets maybe had by applying to any ox

the undernamed persons wtoare appointed".Managers by law 1 ana the drawing CiaU

" mmence as soon a, tvo two third, of tim

N- - E. The Cheannels of th Ticket!Svith the advantages' of the khein (beingnot to blanks to a prize) itis hoped will eutitU it to the patronage of trie public.

?arisj April 1796,

"John edwArds;HWrJ Cl At by J. Edward'VIfaMES KEHNEr.GilAALES SMITH.

GA:Ui.ARD.iVM, A'Z,L"r,byJ.Alexander'.-WILUAf- A


W 477 T D,-JJy ABlfXt& JOHN W.HUNTji

& men nwic ui jcxmgcoii, aA of Baion,' Whilkey, Hemp1 and CouW

try iiinen; tr WSiVft a generous pnee 1sc? giyes,




9l J

5- -




paid p3Jtli,


