Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...

t "J JN.kb. L. KEN THE VOL. II j U C 'K E T T r SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 17S9 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVNSVkvSxxUvVNUvVVv LEXINGTON: Printed by JOHN BRADFORD at his Office at tin corn'r of Main and Cross Streets, where Subscriptions, Advertijements, &c.for this paper, are thankfully received, and Printing in its different branches done with Care and Expedition. Lexington, Augufl 7, 1789. 5.SHOU1.D think myself wantinR in to my kind Customers, and unJcfervinR of their suture Favor, It 1 ihoulJ neglect to icturn them my Kentucky mo I humble and unfeigned Thanks for "'" -- al "'" uwv "" u'iI-- and Bcnilcencc they MaJor Dunn ce.t eate the haveur.for nly fhevnm prcmoungthe fonveyances agreeable to sale. This 'S rf the Kfstmtmt Gazeti e, s therefore to give to pur-f.o- the fa. 1 loi, that ('apt lohn H to tr is day. The, d ft nu fte J of ' avor and e.oodw'cr Wl11 lake and five thlhaveal each exrenenced the ncccflary ceitifica-c- s for com ey-f- r ance toCapt.Gano, who will execute .'hem. 11c exceed "jlv flatte im 1 t me nd have lin e Tel on my Mind ik1 a eful Sentiments a on never bo cT iceJ b it w il always induce me to Lc.t mvfe'f to the of my 1 1. to iveanl ob'iee 'hem, and par' cj re tJcr tin-- . Paper wor-- ot ' en Notice, as 1 w 1 ever be my h '1 ambition o obtain the appro- bation ma Penle fi' entertain the "ofo inileft e pel and veneration. JC n H ouii ex,) enngmy just Ac-l- v e nen's 10 thore difintercfted F L ' ho kin I y rent Business and Id i' 'e LCiom office I'i ,e "our c! ihe f ivors 1 hive xeoo el t om the u'i c, ffullbc ofar f ,1 jiitn;mi A 'our to tve them S " ' that thev thould p ove T. AV f o ves cot t p e cc and a icxer 10,1 of mv Ab l t.t rorendc.thi,p,Perii eve v re pc6tf pL ig hki initi rtive ineit'ticir Secr cy and I in l'ty fhiU ro lie vm g, nor an Ca e Jr Industry n p t lu ing and c miiHin'Li'iiig the eai-- 1 e'1- Intelligence of every Jnno 'ant trni a tion, bo'h I oceign and Poms with whateve else may be by mv Corcrionde v. avoid- ing jmii ich as noffi e, to the pa pr uh ine'e'Jn' tc tounances, and pecu m v.hieh.hepLbl c ate not m- - tec ed. No. (hall the difcouramcit a ihng from'heexo tuiam t rice ot pa-- ji lo'lierm'te iais, which nece "1 ifiuiii ' al " 1 1 i. a 10 expenee, mc nn- - 52 trg y all 50 not ft 11 by H, I" He to OPFR. not en up n fuppori it I be fs'thcr, that purpose c en r er cnfutVi ing yea , a 1 emflovaucrtooMr vey he nv ft convenient places id c bo ji the As prcfent year will cxpnc on the 22 nftant, 1 myleif that th6fc ibfcnbers who to th eim of this u expect their numbeisto be con .,,,iI, un'ersthcv pav up thcr lefpec " tive la ances befoie the commence- - ment ( t the en'mpg year i,i,,P,,,lujr A HIV UUML UlUllW"tu one 14 of Icy dc n a the pnni.ipn.s ot andfemng soul his fuipicion., of Mr. William BaidN of depri- - ving him of the theieiioni tor want will appear in our next. i I iti of L for c ie 1 p'l Alio. ml i i , r " l ,(Ma-'- ' ClOiW t14U General Wikinron in W 'he month of June gae notice in the Gaze'tc, that Major Dunn wouM receive bonds from tho- - wuu'". the fpint execute .Vs notice, the chafersof lieg.nntiiR Marks viii.vvr- utnioft arlv'to whom (tuff ne.hh papc, it.rn: purchasers of lots ax Frankfort, and .!. f Kl r,r. ueeas agreeaoic wic. jnmi'i wii ii;mui, IN1:S,h 50 totneyin J act The follown? traces of land foi r.'e CVENTEFN h mdrcd 'tt'O ' Kent' cW. neailv oDi,o'"teto 1'ranfort i,po in 'he 'ame re 160 between Arnrlds and Meux's fh'ion - i"0 a o 11 ng thetoui land of Harnn'fb Rrafh-ciy- s 400 wi'h n sour miles Town, on the N fi'e of the Isenti'ckv 1000 on ret'Tr n.oco on the Ohio, nor the big bote lie1 nt '' .three forks Wthe Kentiickv, no ftbL 40,oco 1 !" fe,ent taAnLlcllI ing and t' e Ohio. unneceLy lt ls t0 anv trin m recommendatpn ot tlmfe lands b it that the grea:cr part arc equal in quality and situation to any in the D ftndt. Negre, Tobacco, Pcef, Pork, Hones, Oyws. kinds ot pub'i k fccuntie, will be trken in payirent," the tenn: he known by applying to ML Peter Tardneau in Danville, or tohefulfci v ho h s a'fo a quann'ft of ao !s "h l ,,c Wll m so lob C rn R(vs , . . A b M. NiC E Aug S, 1 789 1 mvn-'- i mrriun, rriut '11 f Coil', marked wtli a crop i u - x n each ear, wtth n calf i ct "V d P'hd md to i-- A mthhttJ, ahe, , With a crop an i tn r "lit , hole in thm wtth a : Pojied cppiaijeilto 2 so. 495' JAMES HOGAN nTAK'N up 6v the fubfcribei, . r . - old, u lianas high "tie hind soot white. branded : Anfiraifed to f . The ow er is hereby deftred to come trove hs pnperty pay charges and taKe tl.em cnay. WILLIAM PEYTON, Bourbon, July 10, 1789. 'TAKrNt;; t t' - fi1fairer, allack , nor e rfJf 2 7rf old. 13 y' '' a natural racer. Aptrvredto f. ; SAMUEL CLAY. J 'j 2, I"3J. 51 pi le"; aconfide b c par of the, ro it "" m he i" 'eic e, a, I hxvePeafon 'T'AKFN up fubjrnler, ! w, g to hope, fiom the cxpeuenced ' ontbewefi fork of -- v rr"ky jofi of thepi'blic, that as the uo.k mv f"J Hore, abouty ecno'd, lha"aK nee mi its nie- -t it will in handshgh. brandcfroi far ti n tavo.ed wuh an additionj buttockB. Apprniftd 1 minNjof nibfciiHers JOSEPH A p. per undei the'e embarrafments April 29, 1789 ro ;z v renii'es the mod pun&ua1 pay- - men's Horn tvty ndividual, but needs ,.,, L rl the fubfenbtr mrrthf a e ur g'Cite mber of fiibicnbeisto J . J.TT ,J , , 'eae'oobrcve I e"" paj the s7 it ch hood throughout Dill-i- c e tiatter have fa ied crmp w the wii1 le 11 ' TWHEREAS QUARRY Creek pro.r'tar'4 . v" h near aouroon time. rf"" ,s"f. wiA an bell on: , . ' te and tail.lome laddie spots, "" tra'id loyarsold, u hands high; andverv Humble Se.vant,K""'-''-- , '" ,u "'""? "m Ucrfx, ore to years has a JOHN BRADFORDSThr , hh sorehead, hind soot 'whit.r fume laddie spots hands high, a long mane and no brand: advert ement, Dr. M'Ren traced to T 10 - The other a 1 s, cr b machine and reipetual motion, mtemitrs advantages ar sing Ommed this week 01 room, i b Pa Cocks 's, 1 l. m? - 1 O o ,, lw.M3 1A. CiliCC 10 inetcmoi the cieek c forK. m lay and j,iy Holders, ii u ai i rf sin til' r d lest calf 4;irf AM..,..J T.L.....T. 10 x the Oei.e- - v the po old mam tail, Ap- - N. vrr j ust Arrived, Aid now opened for sale, by PETER JANUARY fi? SON, At their new Jlore, nearh opposite the old Court hottfe. 9 A large and general affertmtnt of MERCHANDIZE, Particularly adapted to thefeafon Together with a cotr.pleat ajjoitment of MEDICINE, Vkichth'i as usual, are determined to Jell on leafonable tetms. X'OPCF sheicbv given, thatthe SCHOOL under thed're'on of 'hecommittee ot the boi d of triiftLCsfor the Transylvania Sem 't- ', is otencd at the Public fchoo1 Hon e tdpeent to the Prcfbyte in. ri 1 1 ne1 mg house. near Lcxingto inmUf then le'ibot'rhood of winch, boar ai"! 'cionimo lations for ftuden's, may pe hap, be had a good and cheap, as 111 m parr of ihidilt ,V and tuition a themoCiaterateof three pounds per annum By order of the committee. W U ARL), ch com. fnfi opened, and for sale by BTNJAMIN BEALL & Co. At the r S ore, in Danville, a large and ge serai ajjortnent of T RY goods, hard waiear groce " ils vv ih a quantity of nails oT diTrer ft es, alio lampblack and Mli oil, wh lIi they aic determined to e on hs mo1erate terns as pos sib e f "11 ca'Ti gtnfang, final fettlcment cer '1 a e, I urrs, viz. lox, Racon,, O ie , nd Minkfkms. 421 v, 1 u avva fiom the fub-V-- Jk r b-- r, living near Shannon's nrl', about the middle of Mia'i, a dark bay mare, a- -t ou l.unt en hands andahalf u1 , he years old last IpnngJ 1 i d d on thti near buttOLk us t alonj tail, had on whe r c wrnt awav a small bell' Whoever will deliver the said 1. are tu the fubfenber, shall i cene twenty fhillmos reward, GEORGE GRAY. juyi4, 1789 HPHere is in mv podeflion in -- - Mprre.r. , nn W. C. iin'.ainq J- - fnrk. .., a brown bay ma-- e, about live years old, 13 and a half hands high a lew wmte nairs in er sorehead, not docked, paces and trots, branded on the near fhou.der thus X. She was ta ken up wild near the mouth of Salt river, by my grandson, who thought he knew her ow- ner, but was rniftaken. He has put the mare in my pof-fcflio- n, to- - take care of for the own-r- , who may have her on applying to me SAMUEL Du REE. July ax, 1789. 5i AM irVrJTT T 17KTI' NRU7 P RI M ER May be had, by the grofc, dozen ot .iiglc, at this Office. S ? J- - W HER FAS a certain Joseph Vl'tullom, on the i8"h of December one thousand se- - ven hundred and eighty six, paiieci ins obligatioa 10 Ro bert Dime), for the convey- ance of two hundred and fifty acres of land, l)ing on the ca- - ney fork of Simplbn's creek, a branch of Salt Rner, in Nel-fo- n count), being part of jolm M Cullom's pre empiion of one 1 houfand acres, which said ob- ligation was, on the hfth of January one" Thousand, kven hundred and eighty seven, af-lign- ed by said R bert Diniel to Ri.rtin D ntel, and by laid'? Martui Dunel, on the four- teenth ofFebruan, one thou sand, seven hundred and eisli- - ty seven, alfigned to the iub-di- ny fcr'ber, who was put in pos-- lellmn or the laid two hun- dred and fifty acres of land, by 1I12 said Joseph IVTCu'Iom, and now lives thereon. This is therefore to forewarn all perfms from purchnfing the laid two hundred an! fi't) a-- c es of land, or an part there- of, fiom the lad Jt ftph M Cullom, which it is prelumed, no person will at'empt to do, aster being acquainted with the circurO-'- r hrrpn' JARVIS HAMMOND Tun. Nelson county, 7 Sminfon's creek, y July 25 1789 C2 T O BE SOLD Chveral very valuable tracts of lard lirq; on the trs of Clear Creek, in the C urt of h f'tr, abo'ir f-- n or twelve miles r.r'n 1 si " n Inch are patfn'ed in he name of William S ewart Al- - b to be let for a term of ears, two valuable tncts of land, one on Glei 's ere k, at d the other on the trouffh 'puns?: Togetl er vvrh (evera1 ml er tracts in the difTtrent Cuu,,ties in this ditlrid. The terms may be known bv aplvm" Hirr Innj, Ffq'iire, u D -- villt, or ro te lub'tnber t f,x nj f,cm D , Vi!le, 11 L c,,n County. bw-tf- . THOMAS TODD, w . j. A company will flart from the a. Crab Orchird earh on th' morn- - a. g. nKOf the isth of Auguji next, vj. foi the oldjettlem' it. .$. A company will meet at 'the Crab-Orcha- rd the third of September, in or- der to Jlart the next morning for the Eaflern settlements it is hoped eery perjon will go armed. P L A N K S OF ALL KINDS ' FOR SALE As ritIS OiFICI s

Transcript of Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...

t "J

JN.kb. L.



VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVNSVkvSxxUvVNUvVVvLEXINGTON: Printed by JOHN BRADFORD at his Office at tin corn'r of Main and Cross Streets, where Subscriptions, Advertijements, &c.for

this paper, are thankfully received, and Printing in its different branches done with Care and Expedition.

Lexington, Augufl 7, 1789.

5.SHOU1.D think myself wantinR into my kind Customers,

and unJcfervinR of their suture Favor,It 1 ihoulJ neglect to icturn them my


mo I humble and unfeigned Thanks for "'" -- al "'" uwv ""u'iI-- and Bcnilcencc they MaJor Dunn ce.t eate the

haveur.for nly fhevnm prcmoungthe fonveyances agreeable to sale. This

'S rf the Kfstmtmt Gazeti e, s therefore to give to pur-f.o-

the fa. 1 loi, that ('apt lohnH to tr is day. The,d ft nu fte J of ' avor and e.oodw'cr Wl11 lake and five

thlhaveal each exrenenced the ncccflary ceitifica-c- s for com ey-f- r

ance toCapt.Gano, who will execute.'hem. 11c exceed "jlv flatte im


t me nd have lin e Tel on my Mindik1 a eful Sentiments a on never

bo cT iceJ b it w il always induce me

to Lc.t mvfe'f to the of my1 1. to iveanl ob'iee 'hem, and

par' cj re tJcr tin-- . Paper wor-- ot

' en Notice, as 1 w 1 ever be myh '1 ambition o obtain the appro-

bation ma Penle fi' entertainthe "ofo inileft e pel and veneration.JC n H ouii ex,) enngmy just Ac-l- v

e nen's 10 thore difintercftedF L

' ho kin I y rent Business and

Id i' 'e LCiom office

I'i ,e "our c! ihe f ivors 1 hivexeoo el t om the u'i c, ffullbc ofarf ,1 jiitn;mi A 'our to tve themS " ' that thev thould p ove

T.AVf o ves cot tp e cc and a icxer 10,1 of mv Ab l

t.t rorendc.thi,p,Perii eve v re pc6tf

pL ig hki initi rtive ineit'ticirSecr cy and I in l'ty fhiU ro lie

vm g, nor an Ca e Jr Industry n

p t lu ing and c miiHin'Li'iiig the eai-- 1

e'1- Intelligence of every Jnno 'anttrni a tion, bo'h I oceign and Poms

with whateve else may beby mv Corcrionde v. avoid-

ing jmii ich as noffi e, to the pa

pr uh ine'e'Jn' tc tounances, and

pecu m v.hieh.hepLbl c ate not m- -

tec ed. No. (hall the difcouramcita ihng from'heexo tuiam t rice ot pa-- ji

lo'lierm'te iais, which nece "1

ifiuiii ' al " 11 i. a 10 expenee,

mc nn--







ft 11 by


He to


not en


fuppori itI be fs'thcr, that

purpose c en r er cnfutViing yea , a 1 emflovaucrtooMrvey he nv ft convenient placesid c bo ji the

As prcfent year will cxpnc onthe 22 nftant, 1 myleif thatth6fc ibfcnbers who to

th eim of thisu expect their numbeisto be con

.,,,iI, un'ersthcv pav up thcr lefpec"tive la ances befoie the commence- -

ment ( t the en'mpg yeari,i,,P,,,lujrA HIV UUML UlUllW"tu



ofIcy dc n a

the pnni.ipn.s otandfemng soul his fuipicion., of Mr.William BaidN of depri- -

ving him of thetheieiioni torwant will appear in our next.

i I iti of L c ie

1 p'l i i , r "

l ,(Ma-'- 'ClOiW t14U

General Wikinron inW 'he month of June gae notice

in the Gaze'tc, that MajorDunn wouM receive bonds from tho--


the fpint execute

.Vs notice, thechafersoflieg.nntiiR










purchasers of lots ax Frankfort, and.!. f Kl r,r.

ueeas agreeaoicwic. jnmi'i wii ii;mui,

IN1:S,h50 totneyin J act

The follown? traces of land foi r.'eCVENTEFN h mdrcd 'tt'O' Kent' cW. neailv oDi,o'"teto1'ranfort i,po in 'he 'ame re

160 between Arnrldsand Meux's fh'ion - i"0 a o 11 ng

thetoui land of Harnn'fbRrafh-ciy- s 400 wi'h n sourmiles Town, on the N fi'eof the Isenti'ckv 1000 on ret'Tr

n.oco on the Ohio, northe big bote lie1 nt ''

.three forks Wthe Kentiickv, noftbL 40,oco 1 !"

fe,ent taAnLlcllIing and t' e Ohio.unneceLylt ls t0 anv trin m

recommendatpn ot tlmfe lands b itthat the grea:cr part arc equal inquality and situation to any in theD ftndt. Negre, Tobacco, Pcef,Pork, Hones, Oyws. kinds otpub'i k fccuntie, will be trken in

payirent," the tenn: he knownby applying to ML Peter Tardneauin Danville, or tohefulfci v hoh s a'fo a quann'ft of ao !s "h l,,c Wll m so lob C

rn R(vs , . . A b

M. NiC E

Aug S, 1 789 1

mvn-'- i mrriun, rriut '11 f

Coil', marked wtli a crop i u -x

n each ear, wtth n calf i ct "V dP'hd md to i-- AmthhttJ, ahe, ,

With a crop an i tn r "lit ,hole in thm wtth a : Pojiedcppiaijeilto 2 so.


nTAK'N up 6v the fubfcribei,

. r . -

old, u lianas high "tie hind soot white.branded : Anfiraifed to f . The

ow er is hereby deftred to come troveh s pnperty pay charges and taKe tl.emcnay.

WILLIAM PEYTON,Bourbon, July 10, 1789.

'TAKrNt;; t t' - fi1fairer, allack,

nor e rfJf 2 7rf old. 13

y' ''a natural racer. Aptrvredto f. ;

SAMUEL CLAY.J 'j 2, I"3J. 51

pi le"; aconfide b c par of the, ro it ""

m he i" 'eic e, a, I hxvePeafon 'T'AKFN up fubjrnler, ! w, gto hope, fiom the cxpeuenced ' ontbewefi fork of -- v rr"kyjofi of thepi'blic, that as the uo.k mv f"J Hore, abouty ecno'd,lha"aK nee mi its nie- -t it will in handshgh. brandcfroi far

ti n tavo.ed wuh an additionj buttockB. Apprniftd 1

minNjof nibfciiHers JOSEPHA p. per undei the'e embarrafments April 29, 1789 ro ;z

v renii'es the mod pun&ua1 pay- -

men's Horn tvty ndividual, but needs ,.,,L rl the fubfenbtr mrrthfa eur g'Cite mber of fiibicnbeisto J . J.TT ,J , ,

'eae'oobrcve I

e"" paj thes7it

ch hood throughoutDill-i- c


have fa iedcrmp w thewii1








. v"h near aouroon time.rf"" ,s"f. wiA an bell on:, . '

te and tail.lome laddie spots,"" tra'id loyarsold, u hands high;

andverv Humble Se.vant,K""'-''-- , '" ,u "'""? "mUcrfx, ore to years has aJOHN BRADFORDSThr , hh sorehead, hind soot

'whit.r fume laddie spots hands high,a long mane and no brand:

advert ement, Dr. M'Ren traced to T 10 - The other a1 s, cr b machine and

reipetual motion,

mtemitrsadvantages ar sing

Ommed this week01 room,

i b P a Cocks's, 1 l. m? -

1 O o

,,lw.M3 1A. CiliCC

10 inetcmoi




forK. m





ii u



sin til' r dlest calf 4;irf

AM..,..J T.L.....T.




Oei.e- -






tail, Ap- -N. vrr

j ust Arrived,Aid now opened for sale, by


At their new Jlore,

nearh opposite the old Court hottfe. 9A large and general affertmtnt of

MERCHANDIZE,Particularly adapted to thefeafon

Together with a cotr.pleat ajjoitment of

MEDICINE,Vkichth'i as usual, are determined to

Jell on leafonable tetms.

X'OPCF sheicbv given, thattheSCHOOL under

thed're'on of 'hecommittee ot theboi d of triiftLCsfor the TransylvaniaSem 't- ', is otencd at the Publicfchoo1 Hon e tdpeent to the Prcfbyte in.ri 1 1 ne1 mg house. near Lcxingto inmUfthen le'ibot'rhood of winch, boarai"! 'cionimo lations for ftuden's, maype hap, be had a good and cheap, as111 m parr of ihidilt ,V and tuitiona themoCiaterateof three pounds perannum By order of the committee.

W U ARL), ch com.

fnfi opened, and for sale by


At the r S ore, in Danville, a large andge serai ajjortnent of

T RY goods, hard waiear groce" ils vv ih a quantity of nails oT

diTrer ft es, alio lampblack andMli oil, wh lIi they aic determinedto e on hs mo1erate terns as possib e f "11 ca'Ti gtnfang, final fettlcmentcer '1 a e , I urrs, viz. lox, Racon,,O ie , nd Minkfkms. 421

v, 1 u avva fiom the fub-V-- Jk

r b-- r, living near Shannon'snrl', about the middle ofMia'i, a dark bay mare, a- -t

ou l.unt en hands andahalfu1 , he years old last IpnngJ

1i d d on thti near buttOLk

us t alonj tail, had on wher c wrnt awav a small bell'Whoever will deliver the said1. are tu the fubfenber, shalli cene twenty fhillmos reward,

GEORGE GRAY.juyi4, 1789

HPHere is in mv podeflion in-- - Mprre.r. , nnW. C. iin'.ainq


a brown bay ma-- e, about liveyears old, 13 and a half handshigh a lew wmte nairs in ersorehead, not docked, pacesand trots, branded on the nearfhou.der thus X. She was taken up wild near the mouthof Salt river, by my grandson,who thought he knew her ow-

ner, but was rniftaken. Hehas put the mare in my pof-fcflio- n,

to-- take care of for theown-r- , who may have her onapplying to me

SAMUEL Du REE.July ax, 1789. 5i


P R I M E RMay be had, by the grofc, dozen

ot .iiglc, at this Office.

S? J--

WHER FAS a certain JosephVl'tullom, on the i8"h

of December one thousand se--ven hundred and eighty six,paiieci ins obligatioa 10 Robert Dime), for the convey-ance of two hundred and fiftyacres of land, l)ing on the ca--ney fork of Simplbn's creek,a branch of Salt Rner, in Nel-fo- n

count), being part of jolmM Cullom's pre empiion of one1 houfand acres, which said ob-

ligation was, on the hfth ofJanuary one" Thousand, kvenhundred and eighty seven, af-lign-ed

by said R bert Dinielto Ri.rtin D ntel, and by laid'?Martui Dunel, on the four-

teenth ofFebruan, one thousand, seven hundred and eisli- -ty seven, alfigned to the iub-di- ny

fcr'ber, who was put in pos--lellmn or the laid two hun-

dred and fifty acres of land,by 1I12 said Joseph IVTCu'Iom,and now lives thereon. Thisis therefore to forewarn allperfms from purchnfing thelaid two hundred an! fi't) a-- c

es of land, or an part there-of, fiom the lad Jt ftph MCullom, which it is prelumed,no person will at'empt to do,aster being acquainted withthe circurO-'- r hrrpn'

JARVIS HAMMOND Tun.Nelson county, 7

Sminfon's creek, y

July 25 1789 C2

TO BE SOLDChveral very valuable tracts

of lard lirq; on the trs

of Clear Creek, in theC urt of h f'tr, abo'ir f--n ortwelve miles r.r'n 1 si " n

Inch are patfn'ed in hename of William S ewart Al- -b to be let for a term ofears, two valuable tncts of

land, one on Glei 's ere k, at dthe other on the trouffh 'puns?:Togetl er vvrh (evera1 ml ertracts in the difTtrent Cuu,,tiesin this ditlrid. The termsmay be known bv aplvm"Hirr Innj, Ffq'iire, u D --

villt, or ro te lub'tnber tf,x nj f,cm D , Vi!le, 11 L



j. A company will flart from the

a. Crab Orchird earh on th' morn- - a.g. nKOf the isth of Auguji next, vj.

foi the oldjettlem' it. .$.

A company will meet at 'the Crab-Orcha- rd

the third of September, in or-

der to Jlart the next morning for the

Eaflern settlements it is hoped eeryperjon will go armed.


