Kellie Komatsu B100 Portfolio Final

1 Kellie Komatsu B100 Major: Business Management Minors: International Studies, Asian Languages Company: Melaleuca Role: Global Marketing Manager

Transcript of Kellie Komatsu B100 Portfolio Final

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Kellie Komatsu


Major: Business Management

Minors: International Studies, Asian Languages

Company: Melaleuca

Role: Global Marketing Manager

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Table of Contents

Me in 30 Seconds………………………………………………………………………………… 3

What Matters Most to Me and Why……………………………………………………………... 4

Whole Soul Reflection…………………………………………………………………………… 5

Disciple Preparation Center Reflection………………………………………………………….. 6

Making a Living/Life Reflection………………………………………………………………… 7

Career Leader Assessment Reflection…………………………………………………………… 8

Original Resume…………………………………………………………………………………. 9

Revised Resume *reviewed by Roxanne Kimura & Lauren Okinishi*………………………. 10

Industry Analysis……………………………………………………………………………….. 11

Company Analysis……………………………………………………………………………… 12

Role Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………… 13

LinkedIn Profile *will be reviewed*…………………………………………………………… 14

Mentor #1 Interview……………………………………………………………………………. 15

Mentor #2 Interview……………………………………………………………………………. 16

Mentor #3 Interview……………………………………………………………………………. 17

Mentor #4 Interview……………………………………………………………………………. 18

Mentor #5 Interview (Alumni) ………………………………………………………………… 19

4-Year Academic Plan *reviewed by Academic Office*………………...…………………….. 20

20% Additional Work…………………………………………………………………………... 22

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Kellie Komatsu B100

Brother Bell

September 2016

Me in 30 Seconds

My name is Kellie Komatsu and I am a current student at Brigham Young University in Idaho. I have a very strong passion for international business and foreign languages. I have been earnestly studying Mandarin for the past five years and continue to develop my skills in multiple East Asian languages. I’m young and innovative with a bright, promising personality that can achieve an abundance of tasks. I have had little work experience, but that doesn’t hold me back when trying something new because I have confidence I can learn quickly and efficiently.

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Kellie Komatsu

B 100

Brother Bell

September 2016

What Matters Most to Me

The values of diligence and passion mean the most to me. I can’t only choose one because I feel that they are both of such great importance and value in my life. These are the attributes that I need the most support and guidance in. However, these values are the ones that I feel the most confident and secure in. Diligence and Passion matter the most to me because I see them as only benefactors in the future that I will make for myself.

The definition of diligence is “being careful and doing persistent work or effort” ( Diligence is very important to me because I feel that if I don’t do consistent and valuable work, then all of the tasks in my life are mundane and it will never get me further. Diligence matters to me because without it, my life and doings will not be steady, but erratic with doing work whenever and however. I feel that diligence is a very important trait to have because it applies and benefits all things which is in my life. Of course, it is difficult to maintain diligence towards work or our Lord, but with persistent work anything can be done.

The definition of passion as stated by, “strong and barely controllable

emotion, showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief.” Passion is my drive, without my passion to learn foreign languages, I would never think about going into the international market and having the confidence that I do. The value of passion is important to me because it motivates me to want to have the type of future I do in international management and in my religious beliefs. Passion and desire in all things makes life more enjoyable and goal reaching, which is convenient to possess. Passion matters to me the most because it is the sole reason why I have the dreams that I do and have the confidence in myself that I know I can achieve them. The two values are of equal importance to me because they benefit my life in a way that will have an everlasting effect on me.

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Kellie Komatsu


Brother Bell

October 2016

Your Whole Souls as an Offering unto Him Reflection

Elder David A. Bednar relays his message to the students of Brigham Young University-Idaho that we should be giving our all academically and spiritually. He bases his talk on the topic of diligence as a student of the university and of the world. As we attend a Church based school, there are many blessings that are placed in our lives because we decided to attend the Lord’s school. As students in school, sometimes there are difficult times where we are unable to attend class because of many reasons. Elder Bednar shares the same understanding, that surprised me because he knows of the students’ hardships and accepts them. He states that at times it is okay to skip classes when fellowshipping with others or serving out a calling. However, he also states that being a student at the university is also important to us and to our Father. As much as we are trying in our social and religious life, we should be trying just as hard academically. Insights I have received are using the school’s mission to complete my missionary work and academic studies. Jesus Christ has given up his life for my sins to come to this earth and partake of the cup of choice and accountability. He has sacrificed and consecrated his life for me and for that I should be very grateful. I shouldn’t take my Lord’s generosity in such vain of not attending classes or not attending church meetings. He has given me all that I have and has the ability to take it all away from me. However, ultimately I would not want it to be taken away, so I must be humble and generous. I must give my whole soul of spirituality and academics to him because his is the Almighty and will judge me for the use of the world later on.

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Kellie Komatsu


Brother Bell

October 2016

A Disciple Preparation Center Reflection

Elder David A. Bednar has explained how and why Brigham Young University- Idaho is now represented as a disciple preparation center. He has compared the university to the many of missionary training center because of the striking similarities between both places and purposes. Brigham Young University- Idaho has the spirit and reverence as a MTC would have, full of worthy disciples and potential missionaries. The insights that I have learned while reading this talk is abundant because of the multiple spiritual thoughts that Elder Bednar has stated. He states that BYU-I is a school in Zion with a holy temple that accepts those that are ready to receive the blessings. As the university is close to a temple, the land surrounding is sacred and specially saved for the generations of the church. As the school has devotional every Tuesday to remain reverence within the school, the guidance given is outstanding and humbling for each one of the students. We are strong stakes of Zion that are obedient in what we do, making us the proud children of our Father that presents our life to him to serve in his name. Elder Bednar related the university to a church, how all of the student are like the followers. As a student at Brigham Young University-Idaho, it is my duty and my natural being to become a disciple of Christ given all the resources of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints around me. Elder Bednar really believes in the university and all of its potential. I am grateful to know that the Elders and Presidents of the Church take notice and love the university. The amount of praises and confidence that the university receives is unbelievable. I am so blessed to be at a university that knows what I believe in, accepts, and helps me to become a better disciple of Christ.

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Kellie Komatsu

Brother Bell


September 2016

Making a Living and a Life Reflection

The beginning of the talk gave a me a very startled impression as the text first talked about Adam and Eve. Elder Lynn G Robbins explains about how the plan came to be about, which really touched me as I’ve momentarily forgot about the beginning of our earth. Satan tempted Adam and Eve to eat of the fruit, but from Elder Robbins talk, Lucifer was doing more than just that. He was trying to quickly get Adam and Eve to go against God’s word, so his whole plan can begin. Satan was opening up the gates for his followers, our brothers and sisters, to go into the world with the children of Adam and Eve to persuade them into doing evil. This surprised me because I didn’t realize how much Satan wanted to have his followers come out of the dark and start doing his work. Elder Lynn G. Robbins describes people, the general public, in five categories. Placing those in levels, A, B, C, D, or F according to their desires and thoughts in life. The first category is A, which I like everyone in this world should strive to be. The A category is what stood out to me the most because I thought how selfless a person needs to be to be able to fit into the category amazes me. I can see myself in category B, just based on my thoughts and questionable actions of my future. I know that Satan’s influence on our decision to either serve mammon or the Lord is real because I feel it in my own life. The golden rule gives us a path that we must take in order to please and make rights with our Heavenly Father. The golden rule and the level A reminds me of the business man I interviewed. He was righteous towards our Lord and he made his business based on the standards and living within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Our Lord is great and if we follow him, we will be truly blessed and gifted with both mammon and the Lord’s trust.

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Kellie Komatsu

B 100

Brother Bell

September 2016

Career Leader Assessment Reflection

What are my interests, what am I good at, and what are my priorities in life? I was pleasantly surprised that while taking the Career Leader Assessment, I was able to learn a lot about my mental self. I showed myself my mindset in the business world and in my life. There are a lot of priorities in my life, but to choose if I’m good or bad at them or comparing them is difficult. However, in the real world I need to start realizing that there are many considerations that I need to take an account of.

As of right now, I live in my dreams. Having thoughts of what I want to pursue in my life and how I want to live in the future. I have always had a strong wanting to be in the international field, but by adding business to foreign features, it makes the process all the more exciting. I am often caught up in the dreams that I wish for myself that I sometimes fail to realize that reality of the dream.

By taking the Career Leader Assessment, it really engraved in me what I am interested in and what I’m not. In the Business Career Interest Inventory, I realized that most the jobs that were presented to me was of no interest. I didn’t have the desire to do most of the jobs listed. I have come to discern that I have a limited amount of interests, compared to the types of businesses that were presented. I love traveling and meeting with new people, so most of the businesses that I would like to deal with is the ones that have international relationships and opportunities to make agreements with. From the Business Career Interest Inventory, I was able to learn about what types of business and job I would like to have in my near future.

The second category that I learned a lot from is the Leadership Motivations Profile. In this test, I was given the choice between two great aspects of business and decide which one I wanted for my future. While taking this test, I came to the realization of what kind of benefits I would want my job to have. This was slightly difficult as I had to make a final decision between two beneficial choices was against each other. In the realistic world, this is the type of decisions I have to make, making the job process even harder. I was able to understand what kind of job advantages I want in my career.

Lastly, the third category is Leadership Skills Profile. This test is the ultimate surprise out of all of the three because I had to rate myself on how well prepared or how underprepared I am at certain leadership skills. I had a tough time rating myself, however, I was every honest with my answers as I know what my strengths and weaknesses are. I am not one to give false hope to anyone and especially to myself. I’m realistic in what I think I excel and need help because by admitting my downfalls, I can only improve when I know that a characteristic of mine needs to be fixed. I learned a lot from this test because I know myself, but I just had to admit to the good and bad traits that I have.

I’m very thankful to have taken these test because now I am able to clearly identify what business direction I would like to head, what kind of job I will like to obtain, and which attributes I needs to work. Reflecting on these things, I am knowing on what factors I need to pursue towards to reach my career goals.

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Kellie A. Komatsu Rexburg, ID • 808.392.5740 • [email protected] •


High School Degree Graduation: May 2016 Sacred Hearts Academy Honolulu, HI

• Ten years of attendance

• Courses: Advanced Placement Mandarin, Physics Honors, Select Choir, Pre-Calculus, Anatomy and Physiology

• Language Development o Studied Mandarin for five years in the classroom setting o Self-taught Korean for four years, using online lessons and resources o Successfully passed the Advanced Placement Mandarin National Exam


Accounting Helper June 2016– September 2016 K&K Distributors Waipahu, HI

• Scanned, labeling, and filed paper work for the accounting sales representatives • Computer inputting and use of Microsoft Sheets, company programming • Often assist the sales department with stocking and restocking stores and warehouse

• Worked full time and over time to aid different departments with important orders and requests


Singer September 2002– May 2016 Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus Honolulu, HI

• Have been active in the service since the age of four • Performed in festivals, Hawaiian and mainland based. Performances to promote the Hawaiian

culture and the absence of Hawaiian heritage and Hawaiian music • Attended various voice and performance workshops • Taken an abundant lessons in voice, in the art of the dance hula, and piano lessons

• Take care of the younger music students, ages four up to eighteen

Karate Assistant January 2014– September 2016 International Karate League Honolulu, HI

• Helped train and kumite against the white belts

• Used and brought extra karate defense instruments to class for the younger and older students • Before class, always mopped and swept the studio down before using • After practice took down the karate banner and swept again

Cleaning Volunteer and Cooking Help September 2014 – September 2016 Ronald McDonald House Charities Honolulu, HI

• Help the children living in the house; playing and with homework • On weekends, cleaned all of the rooms in the house with very strict cleaning supplies • Occasionally help cook dinner and food when children have holiday celebrations • Volunteered with friends, as well as by myself

International Chair August 2015- May 2016 Interact Club Honolulu, HI

• Helped design and assign assignments within the club • Organized international service projects and meetings with own school and others

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Kellie A. Komatsu Rexburg, ID • 808.392.5740 • [email protected] •


High School Degree Graduation: May 2016 Sacred Hearts Academy Honolulu, HI

• Ten years of attendance

• Courses: Advanced Placement Mandarin, Physics Honors, Select Choir, Pre-Calculus, Anatomy and Physiology

• Language Development o Studied Mandarin for five years in the classroom setting o Self-taught Korean for four years, using online lessons and resources o Successfully passed the Advanced Placement Mandarin National Exam


Accounting Assistant June 2016– September 2016 K&K Distributors Honolulu, HI

• Scanned, labeling, and filed paper work for the accounting sales representatives • Computer inputting and use of Microsoft Sheets, company programming • Often assist the sales department with stocking and restocking stores and warehouse

• Worked full time and over time to aid different departments with important orders and requests


Singer and Hula Dancer September 2002– May 2016 Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus Honolulu, HI

• Have been active in the service since the age of four • Performed in festivals, Hawaiian and mainland based. Performances to promote the Hawaiian

culture and the absence of Hawaiian heritage and Hawaiian music • Attended various voice and performance workshops • Taken an abundant lessons in voice, in the art of the dance hula, and piano lessons

• Take care of the younger music students, ages four up to eighteen

Green Belt Karate Assistant January 2014– September 2016 International Karate League Honolulu, HI

• Helped train and kumite against the white belts

• Used and brought extra karate defense instruments to class for the younger and older students • Before class, always mopped and swept the studio down before using • After practice took down the karate banner and swept again

Cleaning Volunteer and Cooking Help September 2014 – September 2016 Ronald McDonald House Charities Honolulu, HI

• Help the children living in the house; playing and with homework • On weekends, cleaned all of the rooms in the house with very strict cleaning supplies • Occasionally help cook dinner and food when children have holiday celebrations • Volunteered with friends, as well as by myself

International Chair August 2015- May 2016 Interact Club Honolulu, HI

• Helped design and assign assignments within the club • Organized international service projects and meetings with own school and others

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Kellie Komatsu


Brother Bell

October 2016 Industry Analysis

The industry that I would like to go in is the Global Management industry. This industry

provides strategic planning, marketing objectives, and production scheduling to an international audience. It requires a sense of cultural background, as well as cultural understanding of the business workers. I love to learn foreign languages and be able to travel. In this industry one is able to travel based on the company’s needs and the needs of the other country.

The industry of global management consultants is big, housing over 4.5 million employees that work in the field. The total sales for global management consultants for 2016 is around five hundred fifty-three million dollars in revenue. This is very impressive already, however, the amount paid on a yearly basis for a job in the industry is also very high. The major amount of companies that specialize in the industry is four companies. These companies are the well-known businesses that accommodate a lot of the workers in the industry. However, there are definitely more companies that is in the industry, but they are not as big and powerful as the top four. The major players in the industry are Accenture Ltd, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, and McKinsey & Company. These are the dominant companies currently in the global management industry.

This industry is continuing to grow because major countries are starting to improve and enhance their global management. The foreign countries are paying more attention to the way their business are promoted and marketed. As the United States is the largest market in this particular industry, other countries are starting to pick up the slack to compete. The industry is growing; in five years it is predicted to increase at the annual rate of 5.9%.

To work in the global business management field one must be familiar with other cultures and other ways of working and networking with foreign businesses. The pace of the industry is fast, so products and promotions happen quickly, as one project comes another goes. This industry requires a lot of concentration and patience because one must work in a team, as well as independently to figure out managing strategies.

The education levels indicated is a bachelor’s degree. However, having only this degree will secure a place in the business field, but it will not secure a place in the high paid and major players in the business world. The competition level is high because those who go into business find management to be the most interesting and diverse. The key success factors for this industry is being culturally aware, be bilingual, and have a great sense of understanding of global management. One must know the international market, as the business that require management are seeking in the global market for people.

A company needs a marketer that is diverse in international affairs and business language, being able to communicate with businesses and the public people of different countries. The company needs a reliable and smart global marketer that will go far and beyond expectations.

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Kellie Komatsu


Brother Bell

October 2016

Company Analysis

I had a really hard time with trying to find a company that is fitted to my interests and what I enjoy doing. A couple of ideas of industries that I found really interesting to find a job in is the health and well-being global market industry. Both sounds very attractive and convincing to want to join the company. However, I picked one company from each industry to show that I was interested in them. For global business, I firmly think that the company, Melaleuca, may be a strong future choice of mine. I know a lot of business professionals who work for and within the business. I favor this company because of its abilities to expand the business swiftly during the past five years. Within Melaleuca, there are many global and foreign positions within the management course of the company. I am very interested in being a management area sector for a certain amount of countries. I have a strong passion for different cultures, while being very interested in business management. In the global market industry, I chose the firm; McKinsey & Co. I chose them because they were ranked one of the highest growing global companies and they sounded interesting. They don’t give a lot of opportunities to travel, but a company that is genuine towards their workers is just as good. These two companies are great and I find them to be worthwhile. They would only improve me and my resume, so I’m finding great interest in both companies.

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Kellie Komatsu


Brother Bell

October 2016

Role in Company

While doing research for what role I would like to play in a company, many ideas and interests came into mind. The top two that I am fine with obtaining are global management consultant or a global marketing manager. I feel that either one would be fitting for me, as long as I am given or will be able to obtain the ability to travel internationally to deal with foreign businesses. The role of a global management consultant is that of going abroad and helping foreign companies help improve their management of how the company is run and also promote the company to the general public, gaining interest for the company. A global marketing manager is an international manager of a group of countries that promotes the company or the product to the people of the country. The qualifications of this role in a company is a bachelor’s degree. However, since competition is high within the business and global management world, one should obtain the highest degree that one can get. This will come as a great advantage when compare to others who don’t have as much experience or studying as one would have having a masters. In the daily life of a global management consultant is the observation of the company as a whole and then meeting with the management department of that company. When meeting with the department, one will share the thoughts of how the company could work better and more efficiently. The job of being a consultant is that one gives suggestions on how the business would be if they worked a different way, benefiting both the consultant and the company. A global marketing manager is a manager that travels to visit the assigned countries or places that is important to the global market. The job requires one to know the local people well and what their interests are, using them to market the product. A global marketing manager makes sure that the product is being publically seen in a well state and that the public has easy access to the information of the company’s product. I like both of these jobs because it requires knowledge of the local people in foreign countries. They both have opportunities to travel and network with international companies and people. The type of personalities that do well in both jobs are perseverance, culturally accepting, and a people person. One cannot work with people if communication is off. One must be knowing in all business terms in English as well as at least another language to be able to travel. A person in both of these fields should be always wanting to improve and help the company they work for. They should be passionate about the business, as well as those in it.

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LinkedIn Profile

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Kellie Komatsu Brother Bell B100 September 2016

Business Professional Interview Business Professional: Ying Ng (Restaurant Owner, International Business Owner) Question 1: How did your upbringing help you decide on what to pursue in the future? From the young age of three, Ying Ng and his family escaped from communist China. His family and him ended up in Hong Kong, where other escapees were trying to find jobs and fend for their families. His grandmother once took him to the local farmers asking if they could do any kind of work for them, just so they could pick up the leftovers on the field to take home to their family. At a young age, Ng remembers going hungry, having the ambition to work hard and save money to start up his own business. After living in Hong Kong for a while, his family moved to England where his father set up a restaurant business that led Ng into the business world. Question 2: How has your culture influenced the business you have or the way you work? Ng explains, “working with my cultural influences puts me at ease with the way I work.” He started another business in England, where he saw something missing and decided that he needed to bring his culture into England. Question 3: What do you think makes your business stand out compared to others?

His business in England supplies to a lot of the restaurants in England many butchered meats. Gradually, he saw a difference in the butchering department; many butchering stores closing as the younger generations do not want to take over. Butchering is becoming less and less popular as it is easier to just order and buy meats from a business. Ng noticed a decrease in butchers and took the opportunity to create a business by hiring a butcher, started to supply to restaurants in England, leading his business to double in sales. In Idaho, Ng also saw a opportunity to create another business, a Chinese restaurant and now opening a grilling meat restaurant near the BYU-I campus. Ng has noticed that 95% of the restaurants near BYU-I don’t have a proper chef making his restaurant distinct from others. He promotes this causing people to realize that he doesn’t run a business that supplies packaged meals, but fresh and reliable products. Ng states, “I only have businesses to fill the need in the world.” Question 4: When starting your businesses what concerns did you have? Financially, Ng was worried over bills and the amount of money he needed to start his first business. As a foreigner, he was rejected of a loan and was earnest to make money, save it, and then spend it on his first business. However, Ng says that through God’s help, he was able to make his dream come true. Ying Ng was also concerned about the employees. How they would act, be diligent towards his business, and the reputation his employees would make for his company. Question 5: How has traveling made a difference on your businesses? Ying Ng loves to travel around the world, tasting different cultures’ food and applying it to his businesses. He says that while traveling and having an international business, he is able to witness the views of people differently of what they want and what they need. Going international, Ng sees it as a blessing to first-hand see the costumers of the world. Question 6: Any advice to business majors? Be truthful. Don’t lie. Have a business that the Lord and you would be proud of. We are all brothers and sisters, don’t deceive one another.

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Kellie Komatsu B 100 Brother Bell 30 September, 2016

Business Professional Interview #2

Business Professional: Kendra Neilson

1. What kind of business do you own and what is the name of it? The type of business Kendra Neilson owns is a jewelry line called Labelle.

2. How did your childhood (growing up) influence the future the you have made for yourself in business?

Neilson was born into a very well off family that consisted of many children who are hardworking and goal reaching. Her family is very driven and industrious in their fields of work. From growing up in a passionate family, when she entered the business field she became determined and fought through the rough times with her driven spirit.

3. How has your culture influenced the business you have or the way you work? Neilson states that she is Japanese and is very honor driven because of the cultural way the Japanese think in. She wants to be the most honest, trustworthy, and reliable with her product as she wants it produced in the best possible way. She wants the name of Labelle to be pure and honest about everything.

4. When starting your first business what concerns did you have? Her first concern was that the business was not going to take off. Neilson worried with her team of jewelers that their target market was not specific enough and not being more precise with the customer audience. She also worried in shipments, if the merchandise would not arrive in time or not getting to her fast enough. Overall, Neilson was afraid of everything because she was new and especially failing.

5. What do you know now that you wish you would have known when you were a freshman in college? Or when first starting a business?

Neilson feels that in freshman year in college it is important to know that there needs to be a balance in all things. A solid balance between sleep, school, and having a social life. With all three balanced and well checked, life will be happy. Neilson explains what she wishes she knew when starting her business. She states, “know your target market and the BMC… don’t be afraid to pivot and don’t get too attached to your product, don’t be biased.” Neilson explains that one cannot be biased towards a product because if one is, then they will not be able to accept the criticism and different opinions about it.

6. How has traveling influenced the type of business you run? Kendra Neilson has traveled to many places in her young lifetime. She says that her business is very influenced by the places she has been. By traveling it broadened her horizon and made her open minded to new ideas, broadening her target market to more cultural places. She thinks of her business as unique because it “sees the bigger picture in the world.”

7. What advice would you give an aspiring business student? Neilson states, “use the Business Model Campus like a bible.” She also says be open to pivot, pivot ideas, markets, basically everything. Use the design thinking process, edit all the time, don’t be biased, do all of your research, and lastly give it your all!

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Kellie Komatsu B100 Brother Bell October 2016 Business Professional Interview #3 Business Professional: Lauren Okinishi (Melaleuca Marketing Representative)

1. How did your childhood (growing up) influence the future the you have made for yourself in business?

Lauren Okinishi explains that she grew in up in the business industry, as both of her parents were business owners. As a child, she would watch and learn how hard her parents worked to provide for her sister and her. She observed how they conducted their business and learned that business is not only about money, but about passion. By her parent’s example, she was able to enter the business market and become a marketing representative and promotional assistant.

2. How has your culture influenced the business you have or the way you work? Okinishi is full Japanese and it shows in the way she conducts business and thinks. She says that the Japanese culture has taught her to be a humble servant of her customers and be of service all the time. The way she conducts her business surrounds customer service because in the type of business she promotes, it revolves round customers. In Japan, service is important as well as being professional and having a great work ethic.

3. When starting your promoting the business what concerns did you have? Lauren Okinishi was very honest as she expressed her true feelings while discussing her concerns. Her first and far most important concern was if she was able to do it, if she was able to get customers and make a living out of it. Her second concern was how is she supposed to expand the business, making it as successful as she wants it to be. Lastly, would she personally be able to make the whole process work.

4. What do you know now that you wish you would have known when you were in college? Okinishi starts off saying there are many things she wishes she knew when she was younger and more innovative. She states, “I wish I knew to be more diligent in college, pursing what I really wanted to do.” Okinishi gives the advice that whatever major she went in, she should’ve just finished it and got a degree in it. Even though she might not exactly like her major, she wishes to have finished the process of college completely.

5. How would you distinguish your business or yourself from other restaurants/business or owners?

She states that her position within any company or business is for the people. The customer and the ones that enjoy the product are the main point because without them, the business will not have the support of the world. People of “all walks of life” should be appreciated and generously looked upon. She distinguishes herself by complementing her good communication skills with customers, as well as her continuous wanting to help people.

6. How has traveling influenced the type of business you run? Lauren Okinishi is very passionate about culture and the importance of traveling. She says that traveling is necessary because one need to go to the specific area or island to work with the team or customers to make sure everything is alright. Person to person talking is always good because it is truthful and by traveling, one is able to do that. By traveling, the customers know who the support is.

7. What advice would you give an aspiring business student? Don’t give up. Remember where you came and be humble.

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Kellie Komatsu


Brother Bell

October 2016

Business Professional Interview #4

Business Professional: Roxanne Kimura (Melaleuca Marketing Representative)

1. How did your childhood (growing up) influence the future the you have made for yourself in business?

Roxanne Kimura is born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. She is indulged in the Hawaiian culture as she is a local resident and shares that beliefs as the Hawaiians do. Kimura grew up in a Hawaiian and Japanese cultured family, so she knows about discipline and the consequences of neglecting things in life. She has the “aloha spirit” that invites all to talk to her and be a very friendly friend. She has the personality that “lures” people to listen to her products and has a very caring side that shows when dealing with customers.

2. When starting to branch out in Melaleuca what concerns did you have? Kimura had concerns of if this was the right business for her to be promoting and if it will be beneficial to her in the end. Roxanne Kimura had complete belief in the products, however, she was concerned of the way she would promote and get people to become interesting in the products. She was also concerned about the financial side of the business, if she would be able to stably do the business without any financial trouble.

3. What do you know now that you wish you would have known when you were a freshman in college? or first starting in the business?

Kimura knows now that the road to success is not easy, so she wishes that while in college she would’ve known to study and research a lot on the products and mission of the business. She wishes that she had the motivation to go after what she thought would be her dream job, not hesitating to go after it. She also wishes that she was more diligent in choosing her career path and the future she will hold for herself.

4. How would you distinguish your business or yourself from other restaurants/business or owners?

Roxanne Kimura would distinguish herself as a “people person” and having all the right connections to set her apart from other marketing representatives and businesses. She describes herself to have the “aloha spirit” that is diverse in difficult cultures. As Hawai’i is a melting pot of different ethnic groups, she is able to get customers from various cultures because she is the type that can adjust to any kind of people. Her personality to light and adjustable to those around her. She will form her needs around her customer’s needs as they are really the important part and contribution to the company.

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Kellie Komatsu


Brother Bell

October 2016

Business Professional #5

Business Professional: Scott Bailey Social Security, BYU-I Alumni

1. How did your childhood/growing up influence the future the you have made for yourself?

Scott Bailey states that his childhood helped him mature into an independent man that pursues after what he wants. His father was supportive of his son, Scott, but it changed when he turned sixteen years old. As a young man, Scott was told that he needed to pay rent to be able to stay in the family house because his father wanted to teach him a lesson about independence and responsibility. From this, Bailey learned that life isn’t as easy as it seems. He needed to get part time jobs and provide for his own housing. The lesson in itself helped Bailey to truly understand the meaning of hard work and rewards. He works under the government and the state of Idaho as an assistant towards citizens that have social security issues.

2. When starting your first career what concerns did you have? As Bailey first started his career, he feared the idea that the career path he was taking would eventually end up being the wrong path. Scott Bailey always had the concern that once he gets into the professional work force, he wouldn’t like the career path he chose. When Bailey was first starting his senior year internship for the Rexburg police force, he realized that the police career was not for him. Bailey also had concerns of providing for his wife and making the most when it comes to starting his career.

3. How has traveling influenced the type of business you work for? While attending Brigham Young University in Idaho, Scott Bailey had the opportunity to go abroad to China twice. He loved the experience and wish he would’ve gone more. As he has a passion for traveling, he incorporated that into his career job he worked for. He works at a social security job, helping foreigners to obtain social security and making sure society runs like a business. He adores the chance to always work with so many diverse people. Bailey states that his job is just like a business. They run it similar, the workers work in teams and individually to assist and profit the company, the government.

4. What advice would you give an aspiring business student? Bailey believes that a student that goes to BYU-I is truly blessed. He says that the Church supplies the students with showering of love and an abundance of resources. Scott Bailey gives the advice of taking advantage of all that the Church provides and don’t take it for granted. Compared to other universities, BYU-I is the best in his eyes because of the spirit and generous tuition, and payments that are so affordable. He also gives the advice of working hard. He says, “don’t slack, be the best you can be to be able to make it in this world.

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Semester1 Semester2- Jesus Christ Everlasting Gospel

(FDREL250) - Teachings of the Book of Mormon

(FDREL275) - Science Foundations (FDSCI101) - Writing & Reasoning Foundations

(FDENG101) - Foundations of Civil Society (FDCIV101) - Math for the Real World (FDMAT108)

- AP Chinese Language and Culture (FDINT299)

- Econ Principles & Problems Micro (ECON150)

- Intro to Business Management (B100) - Social Science- Inq/Innov Through Desg Thinking (FDSCI213)

- Beginning Mandarin I (CHIN102) - Intermediate Mandarin I (CHIN201) - Women’s Glee Elective

Semester3 Semester4- Business Fundamentals I (B211) - The Eternal Family (FDREL200)

- Advanced Writing & Research (FDENG301)

- Spreadsheet Analysis for Bus (B215)

- Math for the Real World (FDMAT108) - Production and Operations Mgmt (B361)

- Financial Accounting (ACCTG201) - World Foundations II (FDWLD201)

- Intermediate Mandarin II (CHIN202) - Managerial Accounting (ACCTG202) - Intro to International Business (B380) - B320

Elective - Adv Topics in Mandarin Chin I (CHIN401)

Semester5 Semester6- B302 - Teachings of the Living Prophets

(FDREL333) - B322 - Advanced Business Internship (B398R) - B342 - International Economics (ECON358)

- Life Science- Topics in the Life Sciences (FDSCI299L)

- Marketing Law (B448)

- Marketing Research Skills (B443) - World Civilization 1750-Present (HIST224)

- Consumer Behavior & Customer Ser (B446)

- East Asia Culture (INTST341)

- Adv Topics in Mandarin Chin II (CHIN402)

- Independent Study in Chinese (CHIN490R)

Semester7 Semester8- Scripture Study (FEREL215) - Econ Principles & Problems Micro

(ECON150) - Managerial Accounting (ACCTG202) - Econ Principles & Problems Macro


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- Business Leadership Capstone (B499E) - Marketing Strategy Research (B453)

- Internet Marketing (B451) - World Civilization 1750-Present (HIST224)

- Geography and World Affairs (GEOG120)


- International Politics Elective

- Chinese Literature – Translation (CHIN347)


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Kellie Komatsu


Brother Bell

October 2016

Update 20% Project

I have put in a total of only ten hours into the research activities for the extra credit. By doing so I have done a lot of research on what I would like to do with my major and with my career. I have firm knowledge that at an early stage in college, I will like to study abroad and get as much foreign experience as possible. I have been researching programs and opportunities that provide college students to be able to go and study in different colleges, for example, the International Language Program.

I have also been finding new companies in which I am very attracted to so that I am able strive to become an employee and member of that company. I spend a lot of time reading reviews and experiences on foreign businesses that causes me to spend a lot of time on the internet roaming through the articles. I have done research and findings on what my next moves will be in my career and in college.

I have spent ten hours doing additional work for the class, B100.