“Keeping the Kingston Muslim Community Bonded” The...

January 2016: Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1437 A.H. Volume 27, Issue 1 1 President’s Message 2 Imam’s Message 3 Announcements 7-11 ISK Information 12 Community Voice 4-6 Inside This Issue The Bond “Keeping the Kingston Muslim Community Bonded” Islamic Society of Kingston 1477 Sydenham Road Kingston, ON K7L4V4 Phone: 613-542-9000 Website: www.kingstonmuslims.ca “Allah will exalt in rank those of you who believe and those who have knowledge. Allah is aware of all that you do.” Quran 58:11

Transcript of “Keeping the Kingston Muslim Community Bonded” The...

Page 1: “Keeping the Kingston Muslim Community Bonded” The …kingstonmuslims.ca/Newsletters/TheBond_2016Jan.pdf · By Abrar Alghamdi Kingston Muslim Youth Update ... Assalamu ‘alaikum

January 2016: Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1437 A.H. Volume 27, Issue 1


President’sMessage 2

Imam’sMessage 3

Announcements 7-11

ISKInformation 12

CommunityVoice 4-6

Inside This Issue

The Bond

“ K e e p i n g t h e K i n g s t o n M u s l i m C o m m u n i t y B o n d e d ”

Islamic Society of Kingston










Page 2: “Keeping the Kingston Muslim Community Bonded” The …kingstonmuslims.ca/Newsletters/TheBond_2016Jan.pdf · By Abrar Alghamdi Kingston Muslim Youth Update ... Assalamu ‘alaikum

January 2016: Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1437 A.H. Volume 27, Issue 1




Extraordinary cold winter in Canada generally becomes a topic of conversa'on soon a(er the

gree'ngs. This topic which concerns every one and has become a norm to ini'ate a dialog for a mi-nute or even for a few seconds. Heavy snow fall, freezing rain, sleet, ice pellets, blizzards, wind, cloudy, sunny and alike are some of the qualifiers to describe the winter in Canada. We certainly know that it is beyond human control to shake weather pa1erns, yet we seldom bring in to conversa'on the Power which controls this weather – Allah SWT.

Do you not see that Allah drives clouds? Then He brings them together, then He makes them into a

mass, and you see the rain emerge from within it. And He sends down from the sky, mountains [of

clouds] within which is hail, and He strikes with it whom He wills and averts it from whom He wills. The

flash of its lightening almost takes away the eyesight. (An-Nur 24.43)

This omission of the One who controls the weather has become an acceptable fact of our rou'nes.

When it rains in the middle of the winter instead of expected snow; only then those who reflect on

universe around them, recite Subkhan Allah (God be glorified). This in one of aspect of the weather

related reflec'ons, but there are many more which we can observe and react to comply with our spir-itual, ethical, moral and civic responsibili'es.

• The weather change must remind us to remember our Creator who controls the weather.

• During snow fall the parking at the Islamic Center becomes congested, therefore it becomes bind-ing on all of us to park responsibly so that the parking space is used efficiently and does not cause inconvenience to others.

• When it snows the ICK parking area is ploughed, but the walking passages are not cleaned. There-fore, please be cognizant of this fact and whenever you encounter this situa'on shovel the snow from the passages, entrances and stairs of the ICK to facilitate the movement of children, women, elderly and other worshippers.

• Our faith guides us to help neighbors, a(er shoveling snow form your own driveway, look around and extend your help with your shovel to your neighbors provided they are open to it.

• Climate has become a universal concern for the people around the globe. Our federal, provincial, and municipal governments have to play a role in bringing improvements in climate and environ-ment, so do we as a community and individuals have to fulfill this global responsibility, as well as encourage our children to be part of this effort.

May Allah SWT guide, help and make us a dynamic community to fulfill our family, community, na-'onal and global responsibili'es.

Mohammad Saleem, President of Islamic Society of Kingston

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January 2016: Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1437 A.H. Volume 27, Issue 1



What To Do Differently This New Year.

2016 has begun. For many of us this 'me of the year is a 'me of excitement and a fresh start. Of course our

friends, rela'ves, and acquaintances wish us well at this 'me as warm words are exchanged. The beginning

of a new year however should always accompany reflec'ons and considera'ons. First and foremost, we all

need to honestly assess how the previous year has affected our lives. Were the past 365 days given to us by

Allah SWT as a favor spent in improving ourselves, remaining the same or, may Allah SWT protect us, slip-ping to a lower level? An honest self-assessment is the most important thing one can do; yet it is also the most difficult. How true was Sayyidna Ali (RA) when said that the easiest thing in the whole world is cri'cising others, whereas the hardest thing in the world is reforming oneself. In the path to reforming oneself, the most difficult step is invariably the first step: to see oneself as one is. Many a 'mes our egos act as barriers before our own vi-sion to view our own selves. Think of mall maps. If a person is lost in a shopping mall the very first thing they need to f admit that they are indeed lost. A(er that, they need to locate that li1le sign on the map where it says, ‘You are here’. Otherwise they could be walking around in a mul'-story mall all day without knowing how to get to where they are supposed to go. In life too we must know where we stand. Yet too many of us are afraid to face reality. The beginning of a new year is that perfect 'me to face the reality of our rela'onships, work, emo'onal and physical health as they are. Whereas the mainstream society cele-brates this 'me as the one of pursuing hedonis'c pleasures, forgeGulness and reckless indulgence, it should be for a believer a 'me of wakefulness and direc'on. Furthermore, we also need to count our blessings for the favors Allah SWT has bestowed upon us all year. Too many of us who are bombarded with media images of the conven'onal ‘good life’ tend to lose sight of the great lives we are living at the moment. We become ungrateful. We complain. Yet the passing year also reminds us that things could have been as bad for us they were for people in many parts of the world in 2015. Not long ago families, not unlike ours, sat around their living rooms, hugged and kissed their children, giggled, laughed and played, but are now condemned to a bleak existence in refugee camps in unknown lands (May Allah SWT have mercy on them). We need to count our blessings every day, but let us start the year by not only celebra'ng what Allah has given us, but also by extending ourselves to those who aren’t as fortunate. Can we make the coming year different by changing the life of at least one person out there? If nothing, we certainly have the power of dua. Let us remember the afflicted, the downtrodden and the grieved in our prayers regularly. The New Year is also a 'me to make new resolu'ons. We need to resolve to bring more posi'vity and joy in our lives and of those around us. Many people dishearten a(er seLng goals and failing to follow up with them. Experts hold that it is s'll worthwhile to set goals even if one does not a1ain them in the expected 'meframe. Goals give our lives direc'on and purpose. As Muslims we can set goals such as memorizing a part of the Quran every day or fas'ng twice a week or learning the deen and sharing it with others. What-ever we decide upon, let us remember that Allah SWT gives us reward even for our inten'ons. The good acts carry separate rewards and blessings. May Allah SWT make this year a year of blessings, mutual love and compassion, and a higher level of iman for all of us. Ameen.

by Imam Sheharyar Shaikh

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January 2016: Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1437 A.H. Volume 27, Issue 1



On Sunday November 29th

there was a MCsquared mee'ng. We had a guest speaker

come in, her name is Meri Mcleod. She made everyone say one good thing about them-

selves or as she called it posi've strength. Then she explained to us that Black people are

not be1er than white people and white people are not be1er than black people, she

took a white and a brown eggs and cracked them in a bowl and we saw that there was no

difference. Same with humans. Then she had a volunteer come up and be a bully to her.

Then she acted like a bully to the volunteer and showed us that you are supposed to do

the opposite of that. She taught us what to do: we say “I want you to stop” in a confident

voice with our chest up. Then she told us about her family, about her younger sister es-

pecially. She told us that they used to fight a lot but then now they are friends. She

taught us that you shouldn’t fight with your siblings and you should be nice to them. [She

emphasized the importance of making good choices.] Then we did a poem with 2 volun-

teers and Meri helped us. It was called an echo poem with a boy poem, a girl poem and a

group poem. [The poem was about leaving people out because they are different and

how that makes them feel.] I think that was one of my very best mee'ngs. I really en-

joyed it.

By Abrar Alghamdi

Kingston Muslim Youth Update

The Kingston Muslim Youth have started a new ini'a've called The Spirit of Islam. So

far we have held three sessions, and have received a lot of posi've feedback from

both parents and youth. We hope to con'nue on with these educa'onal workshops

of Youth teaching Youth. Stay tuned for details about our next event, Insha Allah.

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January 2016: Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1437 A.H. Volume 27, Issue 1



December 6th


Sydenham Street United Church

I would like to greet you with the gree'ng of the Muslims: Assalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa

barakatuhu. May peace and the mercy and blessings of God be upon you.

On December 6th, 1989, I was a first year student at Queen’s University an'cipa'ng my first set of ex-ams. The murder of 14 women at École Polytéchnique, over 300 km away, sha1ered the normalcy of the everyday and resulted in an overwhelming sense of vulnerability amongst women on campus because the women were massacred for a reason which describes many of us: they were women pursuing a high-er educa'on. Being a Kingstonian, I was fortunate to have the comfort of my family around me. For those who were away from home, this sense of vulnerability was more consuming. One friend of mine chose to stay with my family un'l she could return home to Regina a(er exams. Seven years later, this same friend told me that her memories of the massacre are fading. It is frightening to think that such a significant impact would diminish with 'me. This day has become a symbol, s'll significant, but with a different significance: Na'onal Day of Remembrance and Ac'on on Violence Against Women. We must-n’t forget that this was a day when 14 individuals were brutally murdered simply because they were

women. Thinking back on this event, I remember that the gunman blamed feminists for ruining his life.

There was a sense of en'tlement, that these women were pursuing an educa'on that he had been de-nied.

I was asked to speak from the point of view of the Muslim experience on this topic. In his last sermon, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “..Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and commi1ed helpers…” He also said “The most perfect believers are the best in conduct and best of you are those who are best to their wives. [Ibn-Hanbal, No. 7396]” and "It is the generous (in character) who is good to women, and it is the wicked who insults them." And he taught us by his exam-ple: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) never raised his hand to strike a woman or a child. The Qur’an also spe-cifically warns about female infan'cide, in connec'on with accountability on the Day of Judgment when the murderer of the female child will be ques'oned as to why they killed their daughter, sta'ng: “On the Day of Judgment ‘When the infant girl buried alive is asked,’ for what crime she was killed.” (Quran, 81:8-9) The elevated status of women and girls is emphasized over and over again, as well as warnings against those who harm them either physically or even by slandering her integrity, something which women tend to be vulnerable to in any society.

Despite the teachings of our faith, the Muslim community is not immune to violence against women. And this has led to the establishment of programs that partner Muslim communi'es with social services as a means of both providing services to those in need and helping to decrease the number of cases in the community through educa'on. In London, the Muslim Family Safety Project has evolved to the Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integra'on, and has branched out with the Shared Journey pro-ject here in Kingston and two other Ontario communi'es. As with other communi'es, this violence seems to be based on a sense of en'tlement, power and control, a sense of ownership, a sense of hon-our. Unfortunately, the other type of violence that Muslim women face is one based on Islamophobia which has its founda'on in ignorance and arrogance.

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January 2016: Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1437 A.H. Volume 27, Issue 1



Muslim women who are visible by choosing to wear the hijab or niqab are on the frontlines of Islam-ophobic a1acks and, sadly, we have seen women who have been assaulted by both men and women in this regard. While we have been fortunate in our community of Kingston, we have seen cases of violence against Muslim women quite recently as near as Québec and Toronto, and much more in the United States and Europe.

The Quran states in chapter 9, verse 71, "Men and women are protectors of one another: They enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil, they observe regular prayers, prac'ce regular charity and obey Allah and his messenger on them will Allah pour his mercy for Allah is exalted in power, wise (9:71).

In order to start puLng an end to violence against women, we need to put an end to the underlying aL-tudes sparking it. That starts with remembering that we are partners and protectors of one another, which will lead to mutual respect, mercy and compassion for one another. We need to see each other as people, equal members of humanity.

I would like to close with a reminder from the Qur’an from Verse 11 of the 13th Chapter en'tled Al-R’ad (the Thunder)

Verily ! never will God change the condi1on of a people un1l they change

themselves (with their own souls).

Let us appreciate and take advantage of this gi( of life while it is s'll available to us. We should never be afraid to speak our minds. We should recognize the fact that women of every walk of life are suffer-ing around the world, too o(en at the hands of those they love. We should grasp the power and strength gained through mourning, and work for change: first in our own lives and, then, in the lives of our families, friends, neighbours and the greater community around us.

Let us use this day as one of mourning and reflec'on with a renewed commitment for change. May peace be upon us all.

By Mona Rahman

Geneviéve Bergeron Maud Haviernick Sonia Pelle'er

Hélène Colgan Barbara Maria Klucznik Michèle Richard

Nathalie Croteau Maryse Laganière Annie St-Arneault

Barbara Daigneault Maryse Leclair Annie Turco1e

Anne-Marie Edward Anne-Marie Lemay

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January 2016: Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1437 A.H. Volume 27, Issue 1





Following elec'on commi1ee has been cons'tuted by the ISK execu've


Br. Quazi Islam (Chair) e-mail: q.islam@sympa'co.ca Tel: 613-389-1895

Sister Mie Abosamra (Member) e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 613-


Br. Ismail Mohamed Ismail (Member) e-mail

si'[email protected] Tel: 613-876-5496

The Elec'ons will be held for the following posi'ons of the Islamic Society

of Kingston:

a. The President.

b. The Educa'on Coordinator.

c. The Social Coordinator.

Nomina'ons for the above posi'ons can be sent by the members of the

ISK to any of the above members of the elec'on commi1ee. Only those full

members of the ISK will be able to vote in the AGM who would have re-

newed their membership by February 28, 2016. The annual general

mee'ng of the ISK will be held on Sunday, March 27, 2016, and the elec-

'ons will be held on the same day.

The Islamic Society of Kingston

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January 2016: Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1437 A.H. Volume 27, Issue 1



Page 9: “Keeping the Kingston Muslim Community Bonded” The …kingstonmuslims.ca/Newsletters/TheBond_2016Jan.pdf · By Abrar Alghamdi Kingston Muslim Youth Update ... Assalamu ‘alaikum

January 2016: Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1437 A.H. Volume 27, Issue 1



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January 2016: Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1437 A.H. Volume 27, Issue 1



Page 11: “Keeping the Kingston Muslim Community Bonded” The …kingstonmuslims.ca/Newsletters/TheBond_2016Jan.pdf · By Abrar Alghamdi Kingston Muslim Youth Update ... Assalamu ‘alaikum

January 2016: Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1437 A.H. Volume 27, Issue 1



Adver'se Your Business Free at ISK Display

Special Limited Time Offer

Only few slots are available for the adver'sement and it will be on

"first come first served" basis

Send your adver�sement in Power Point Format (single slide) to Islamic Society of KingstonSend your adver�sement in Power Point Format (single slide) to Islamic Society of KingstonSend your adver�sement in Power Point Format (single slide) to Islamic Society of KingstonSend your adver�sement in Power Point Format (single slide) to Islamic Society of Kingston

Halaqaat / Educational Classes in the ISK

Halaqa Language Day Time Place Contact

New Muslim Class English Thursdays 6 p.m. ICK

Imam Shehryar


[email protected]

Sisters' Qur'an Tafseer English Alternate

Tuesdays 7 p.m.


Residence Hoda Bayoumi 613-389-7613

Brothers' Qur'an Tafseer English Thursdays After Isha ICK

Imam Sheharyar


[email protected]

Sisters Qur'an & Tafseer Urdu Alternate

Thursdays 8 p.m. - 9

p.m. ICK Library

Chand Saleem &

Lamia Bokhari

613-530-3655 /






Youth Qur'an Class English Wednesday 5:30p.m, —

7:30 p.m. ICK

Musallah Imam Sheharyar


[email protected]

Page 12: “Keeping the Kingston Muslim Community Bonded” The …kingstonmuslims.ca/Newsletters/TheBond_2016Jan.pdf · By Abrar Alghamdi Kingston Muslim Youth Update ... Assalamu ‘alaikum

January 2016: Rabi Al-Awwal - Rabi Al-Thani 1437 A.H. Volume 27, Issue 1




Next Submission Due Date:

Friday, Febuary 5, 2016

The Bond will accept ar'cles from individuals on any given topic

if the editors consider them useful informa'on for the whole

community. Please consider submiLng 1 or 2 column ar'cle for


Submit to: [email protected]

Next Publica3on Date (Inshallah):

Monday, Febuary 7th, 2016


The views and/or assertions expressed in THE BOND are the sole

responsibility of their author(s) and do not necessarily reflect

those of the newsletter committee, nor of the Islamic Society of

Kingston and its officer.



Jan 18-24 6:40 12:40 3:35 Sunset+5 7:40

Jan 25—31 6:40 12:40 3:45 Sunset+5 7:40

Feb 1-7 6:35 12:40 3:55 Sunset+5 7:40

Feb 8-14 6:25 12:40 4:00 Sunset+5 7:40

Feb 15-21 6:15 12:40 4:10 Sunset+5 7:40

Jan 11-17 6:40 12:40 3:25 Sunset+5 7:40


• TimesshownareforIqamah,Adhanwillbecalled10minutesearlier.

• Duringcommunityevents,Asrmaybeprayedearlier



Tel: 613-530-3655

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Tel: 613-484-0174

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MOHAMMAD SALEEM Email: [email protected]

NEW MUSLIM SUPPORT Email: [email protected]