Keeping an Eye on Relay Stations - Intel · Keeping an Eye on Relay Stations ... data on the ground...

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  • Case Study

    Westfalen Weser Energie

    Keeping an Eye on Relay StationsWestfalen Weser Energie is using innovative video and communication solutions from Intel, Cisco, and IBM to facilitate themonitoring and repair of relay stations. The mobile devices used by the service technicians are provided by Panasonic. Westfalen Weser Energie operates distribution networks for electricity, gas, and water in the East Westphalia-Lippe and South Lower Saxonyregions. During recent years, video-based communication solutions have been installed at a number of relay stations. These not only ensurecomprehensive monitoring of the equipment concerned, but also improve cooperation between the service technicians on the ground andthe experts back at the control center. For example, repair-related issues can be clarified via video conference. This enabled the company tooptimize work processes, improve protection of the relay stations, and reduce the amount of work and expense associated with equipmentmonitoring. The technology for this innovative communications solution is provided by IBM, Cisco, Intel, and Panasonic.

    The solution from our partners

    Cisco, IBM, Intel, and Panasonic

    helps us improve the way we

    monitor our relay stations.

    Reimar S, Project Manager, Westfalen Weser Energie

    Based in Paderborn, Westfalen Weser Energieoperates regional distribution networks forelectricity, gas, and water. The WestfalenWeser Energie network covers around 6,400km across two of Germany's federal stateswithin the regions of East Westphalia-Lippeand South Lower Saxony. The electricity net-work stretches for some 31,500 km, thenatural gas network for around 4,000 km,and the water supply system for 2,400 km.From the control room in Bad Oeynhausen,the company manages and controls theequipment spread across the region, withconsiderable emphasis being placed on cli-mate protection and energy efficiency.

    Improving Protection of Relay StationsRelay stations are the nodes within energydistribution systems. They provide the linkwithin the electricity network between dif-ferent voltage levels, making it possible tospecifically activate or deactivate individualoverhead lines or sections of cable. Ordinarily,they function very reliably for years at atime and undergo routine inspections every12 weeks. However, these spot checks donot really provide much protection againstpossible theft of copper and there is no realscope for rapid intervention in the event offaults or precarious situations.

    Being aware of this, Westfalen Weser Energiewas looking for a video and communicationssolution for comprehensive monitoring ofrelay stations. This would ensure faster res-olution of problems involving equipment and

    result in more efficient repairs. "A majorconsideration was the need to improve com-munication between the service technicianson the ground and executives in the controlcenters. Important information regarding thestate of the equipment should be forwardedmore quickly. Thus far, data had been recordedon paper in most cases," points out ReimarS, Project Manager at Westfalen WeserEnergie.

    All this has to be considered against the back-drop of massive changes in personnel theenergy sector is currently facing. As manyas 50% of technical staff will be retiring withinthe next few years. The infrastructure of thenetwork operators, however, is designed tohave a life span of 40 years or more. Theindustry is in the middle of a changing process,with tomorrow's service technicians expectedto have a number of strings to their bows.The use of mobile service technicians andexternal service providers is on the increase,while the number of specialists supportingthem from control centers is steadily declining."Because of that we have to develop an ef-ficient communications and knowledgeplatform to come to terms with these demo-graphic changes," emphasizes Reimar S.This also includes a uniform database fortask-specific data. Previously, data has beenpartly stored in various systems, in a redundantstate. To avoid any resulting media interrup-tions and sources of error, service technicianswill in future use digital means to recorddata on the ground via their mobile device.

    Installation of the IP-cameras at the relay stationKirchlengern

  • Video Monitoring and Video CommunicationAs part of a joint pilot project involving Cisco, IBM, and Intel, WestfalenWeser Energie fitted out the relay stations at Kirchlengern and Minden-Meien with special Cisco Video Surveillance 6400 IP Cameras,which can also be used at night thanks to their integrated infraredtechnology. The video data from the monitoring systems is stored ata central location in HD quality for a relatively long period. The back-end server platform is based on Intel Xeon processors with energy-efficient performance and numerous functions for improved datasecurity and reliability.

    "We use 'Intelligent Video Analytics' software from IBM to assessrecordings made in the field. It detects any faults and unauthorizedaccess in the video images and automatically informs the networkcontrol room about these specific events," explains S. Mobile de-vices, such as notebooks and tablets, are used to optimize supportand cut the amount of time spent traveling. For example, the mobileservice technicians and external service providers use Panasonic'srobust TOUGHBOOK CF-H2 or TOUGHPAD FZ-G1 tablet PCs, whichcan be used in any weather conditions and even guarantee greatreadability when used outdoors in direct sunlight thanks to speciallydeveloped display technologies.

    The technicians communicate via the mobile device with the expertsat the central control room if they need any help solving a problem.The speech, data, and video solution from Cisco transfers images andspeech. It is not about showing faces or gestures in the first place; itis more a case of the service technician using the camera integratedin the Panasonic tablet to transmit the error situation to the experts.They in return see a perfect impression of the problem on their high-resolution monitor and can therefore discuss how to resolve theproblem with the technician concerned," explains Reimar S.

    Panasonic's PCs TOUGHBOOK CF-H2 and TOUGHPAD FZ-G1 tabletsare based on Intel Core vPro processors, which combine excellent

    processing power with great energy efficiency. Intel vPro technologygreatly simplifies the management of mobile computers and desktopPCs, since it makes it possible to do inventories, diagnose errors, carryout repairs, and provide protection via remote access across PC net-works. It supports booting, diagnostics, and repairs of computers viaremote maintenance. As a result, the administrator, with the agree-ment of the user, can access the BIOS and screen content for therelevant device remotely without even switching on the PC. Theservice technicians' Panasonic tablet PCs also feature Intel Anti-Thefttechnology to prevent data theft.

    Integration within the Existing Network "The video and communications solution can be integrated into ournetwork architecture," says S. It is used in two relay stations onthe 110 kV level and in the control room for the electricity networkfor video monitoring purposes. Including design, development, andtesting, the project ran for 19 months from December 2011 to June2013. The new communication elements were developed during anumber of phases. The first step was to install the LAN and WAN infra-structure based on Cisco Catalyst 3560 systems. Components are inter-connected via the existing data network of Westfalen Weser Energie.

    Special outdoor WLAN access points were then set up at the tech-nology centers and relay stations to ensure mobile employees arereadily contactable. In addition, secure access via VPN solutions isincorporated so employees (engineers, technicians, and seniortechnicians) with Panasonic tablets also have easy access to coresystems via mobile communications.

    Video monitoring was one of the last applications to be installed. Thecentral master and operational locations are equipped with telephonesintegrating comprehensive video functionality and even video con-ference systems. Communication Managers provide the necessaryservices for telephone and video communications, instant messaging,and information concerning availability.

    The video and communications solution from Cisco, IBM, and Intel optimizesmonitoring of relay stations

  • High Efficiency and Acceptance LevelsReimar S is very satisfied with the results of the project, especiallyas the new solution is increasingly accepted by employees working inthe technical field service, as well as with the control room and ex-ternal companies. "The feedback from our employees is that processeshave become more efficient as a result of simplified visual inspectionsof equipment, quicker responses in the event of problems occurring,or the time saved in terms of maintenance tasks or approvals." Forexample, a stationary video camera immediately identifies whenpeople approach and whether a person trying to corrupt the fenceis a cause for concern, in contrary to the routine inspections every12 weeks. The video cameras also improve monitoring of buildingsand sites in terms of preventing theft or unauthorized access todangerous areas.

    As soon as the video camera establishes a disruption, an engineersets off to inspect the damage. "We often end up with a situationwhere a colleague on the ground is not sufficiently familiar with therelevant equipment or the damage emerged to deal with all the re-pairs required," explains Reimar S. This is where the mobile videoconference becomes so valuable: the colleague on the ground speaksto the expert at the control center by telephone, displays the damageusing the camera in the Panasonic tablet, and is talked through the main-tenance required. Thanks to mobile devices, long journeys to carry outrepairs lasting effectively only a few minutes can be kept to a minimum.

    Cameras therefore reduce the work and expense associated with theinspection of equipment. Routine physical inspection of a relay stationevery 12 weeks takes around 3 hours, plus the travel time forwardsand back and plus the time needed to put together a detailed report.Given that there are 115 relay stations in the area covered by Westfalen

    Westfalen Weser Energie: Based in Paderborn, Westfalen Weser Energie operates re-

    gional distribution networks for electricity, gas, and water.

    The Westfalen Weser Energie network covers around 6,400km across two of Germany's federal states within the regionsof East Westphalia-Lippe and South Lower Saxony.

    The electricity network stretches for some 31,500 km. Fromthe control room in Bad Oeynhausen, the company managesand controls the equipment spread across the region.

    Situation/Challenge: Westfalen Weser Energie was looking for a solution to safe-

    guard its relay stations more effectively against unauthorizedaccess and damage by third parties.

    The idea was to resolve disruptions on the ground morequickly, save on traveling costs, and for the control center toprovide better support for mobile service technicians.

    Another objective was to develop an IT platform enabling eas-ier access to data relevant to the task occurred.

    The use of mobile IT and communications technology was ex-pected to enable service employees to access the latest tech-nical information and data at any time.

    Benefits at a Glance: Thanks to the new video and communications solution, West-

    falen Weser Energie is able to better protect its relay stationsagainst theft and unauthorized access.

    More efficient processes as a result of simplified visual inspec-tions of equipment or a faster response in the event of afault.

    Specialist experts from the control room are able to help serv-ice technicians on the ground carry out repairs using their ex-pertise via mobile video conferencing.

    Development of a uniform database for task-specific data.

  • Solution/Key Technologies:


    Portfolio Borderless Networks: Cisco Catalyst 3560 for the LAN and WAN infrastructure; Cisco Integrated Services Routers, remoteaccess via Cisco AnyConnect VPN, wireless access via the Cisco 5500 Wireless Controller Series.

    UCS system: server platform based on Intel Xeon processors for assessment of videos.

    UC portfolio: Cisco Jabber client, Cisco Unified IP Phones 9000-series as video terminals, Cisco TelePresence EX90 table-top systemsfor video conferences, Cisco Unified Communications Manager as the central server system for speech, video, availability information,and messaging.

    Cisco Video Surveillance 6400 IP Cameras.

    Special Cisco 2520 Connected Grid Switch systems for energy providers (ruggedized, extended temperature ranges).


    "Intelligent Video Analytics" software for assessing recordings made in the field

    "Maximo Asset Management" software for managing tasks and maintenance work.

    Services include

    Implementing and providing detailed architecture planning, taking into account all technical and organizational factors.

    Analysis of technician work processes to secure an optimized display on the new mobility applications and to eliminate unnecessaryand time-consuming work steps.

    Helping the customer install technical components in the difficult environment associated with a relay station.


    Intel Xeon processors for the server platform Cisco UCS at the back end.

    The mobile devices used by service employees feature Intel vPro processor technology with functions for optimized remote maintenance,as well as Intel Anti-Theft technology for protection against data theft.


    TOUGHBOOK CF-H2 and TOUGHPAD FZ-G1 tablet PCs, which are both durable and reliable in adverse weather conditions, as mobile devicesfor service technicians.

    In collaboration with:

    Copyright 2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of the Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries. *Other trademarks or product names are the property of the respective owners. 0713/JNW/RLC/XX/PDF 329037-001EN

    Remote management simplifies maintenance of devices and error diagnostics