Keep Strong to the Finish! I - VIVA Life Science Healthy Life... · 2017-09-26 · Keep Strong to...

350 Paularino Ave, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Healthy Life Keep Strong to the Finish! Fourth Quarter 2017 I t takes passionate commitment to keep yourself on track to reach those entrepreneur goals you set at the beginning of 2017. It takes courageous persistence to keep going and look toward the finish line, which can be a short-term goal like reaping a certain financial level by the end of this year, or a long-term goal at the edge of your dream lifestyle, retirement and beyond. The key to finishing strong each year in your network marketing business is to keep the momentum moving forward with an ever-increasing, ever-expanding action plan that invites more and more people into your circle of potential. Each person who joins you in your VIVA Wellness Business Plan and shares the superior benefits of VIVA products with the people in their circle of potential, becomes a catalyst to their own success and a booster to your momentum. T ogether as members of VIVA Life Science, you are building a mutually beneficial community of people who are health seekers with great hearts for achieving good things for one another. And, as part of the VIVA family, you have the support of the entire company, working and producing for you with dedicated service to help you get to a whole new level of success, every day, every week, every month, and every year! Don’t let anything slow you down now…keep yourself VIVA strong!

Transcript of Keep Strong to the Finish! I - VIVA Life Science Healthy Life... · 2017-09-26 · Keep Strong to...

Page 1: Keep Strong to the Finish! I - VIVA Life Science Healthy Life... · 2017-09-26 · Keep Strong to the Finish! Fourth Quarter 2017 I t takes passionate commitment to keep yourself

350 Paularino Ave,Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Healthy Life

Keep Strong to the Finish!

Fourth Quarter 2017

It takes passionate commitment to keep yourself on track to reach those entrepreneur goals you set at the beginning of 2017. It takes courageous persistence to keep going and look toward the finish

line, which can be a short-term goal like reaping a certain financial level by the end of this year, or a long-term goal at the edge of your dream lifestyle, retirement and beyond. The key to finishing strong each year in your network marketing business is to keep the momentum moving forward with an ever-increasing, ever-expanding action plan that invites more and more people into your circle of potential. Each person who joins you in your VIVA Wellness Business Plan and shares the superior benefits of VIVA products with the people in their circle of potential, becomes a catalyst to their own success and a booster to your momentum.

Together as members of VIVA Life Science, you are building a mutually beneficial community of people who are health seekers with great hearts for achieving good things for one another. And,

as part of the VIVA family, you have the support of the entire company, working and producing for you with dedicated service to help you get to a whole new level of success, every day, every week, every month, and every year! Don’t let anything slow you down now…keep yourself VIVA strong!

Page 2: Keep Strong to the Finish! I - VIVA Life Science Healthy Life... · 2017-09-26 · Keep Strong to the Finish! Fourth Quarter 2017 I t takes passionate commitment to keep yourself

DON’T FORGET…It’s time to RENEW your VIVA membership!!!

4th Quarter Product Promotion(October 1st through December 31st 2017)

October Promotion(October 1st through October 31st 2017)


Year-round immune system supportBuy 6 bottles of BioGarlic®- get 1 bottle FREE!

Promotion rules:.Free products shipped with your outgoing order.No volume earned on“free”products .Promotions apply to U.S. Distributors, U.S. volume only.4th Qtr Promotion valid October 1st through December 31st 2017.4th Qtr Promotion applies to October, November, December 2017 orders and volume only .Monthly October Promotion applies to October 2017 orders and volume only

Call 1-800-243-8482to order TODAY!

Or go to to order Online© 2017 VIVA Life Science, Inc. Copyright All Rights Reserved

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Be sure to get your product orders in before year’s end to maintain your distributor level status.Renew your 2018 Distributor Membership – Deadline to renew is December 31, 2017.

1. Renewal is automatic and FREE if you have made any purchase of VIVA products during the year of 2017.*2. All others must send in the Renewal Form and $25.00 renewal fee to keep active. *Distributors at Director level or above must have 300 PV for the year 2017. Otherwise, you may renew at the Manager level by following steps 1 or 2 above.Renew by phone with your credit card or request a renewal form by calling Customer Service at 1-800-243-8482 for English or 1-800-243-1688 for Chinese. If we do not hear from you by December 31, 2017, we will regretfully remove your name from our active database. After this date you may rejoin as a new sign up.

OQ Care™ Unique, healthy-eyes formula

Buy 6 bottles of OQ Care™- get 1 bottle FREE!• Contains the nutritional materials necessary to form healthy eye tissues• Targeted nutrients for direct vision support• Promotes circulation and strengthening of blood capillaries

VIVA Guard®

Natural inflammation-fighting nutritionBuy 6 bottles of VIVA Guard®- get 1 bottle FREE! • Aids joints and muscles in recovery from over-exertion, injury and rehabilitation• Supports normalizing response to inflammatory conditions• Antioxidants powered, plant-based concentrates fight free radical damage

Repair Firming Eye Lotion Gentle care for delicate skinBuy 3 bottles of Repair Firming Eye Lotion - get 1 bottle FREE!• Reduce puffiness and appearance of fine lines• Strengthen and firm delicate skin around the eyes • Moisturizes and hydrates, soothes and smooths

• Helps keep the immune system strengthened and balanced• Laboratory tested to ensure delivery of active ingredient, allicin• Reduced odor and easy to swallow capsules• Nutritionally enhanced with vitamins and nutrients for even more health support

Page 3: Keep Strong to the Finish! I - VIVA Life Science Healthy Life... · 2017-09-26 · Keep Strong to the Finish! Fourth Quarter 2017 I t takes passionate commitment to keep yourself

Healthy Eyes From Inside and OutOQ Care™ and TLV Repair Firming Eye Lotion

Call 1-800-243-8482 to order TODAY!Or go to to order Online!

© 2017 VIVA Life Science, Inc. Copyright All Rights Reserved

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Get your OQ Care™ and Repair Firming Eye Lotion Today!

VIVA’s OQ Care™ is uniquely formulated to support your eye health at the cellularlevel inside your body.

OQ Care™ contains powerful, ingredients with super-antioxidant properties that are vitally necessary to fight free radical damage and preserve healthy cellular function within the eyes: Lutein,Zeaxanthin,VitaminsA,C,E,RiboflavinandthemineralsZincandSelenium, along with a proprietary blend of Bilberry extract, Lycii fructus extract, L-taurine, LemonbioflavonoidsandGrapeseedextract. These ingredients nurture the tissues, capillaries and vision elements of your eyes with targeted nu-trition to help maintain their structural integrity and give your eyesight the best possible advantage to remain healthy for your lifetime.

VIVA’s TLV Skin Care formula, Repair Firming Eye Lotion, is de-signed specifically to help strengthen the delicate tissues of the skin surrounding the eyes.

Repair Firming Eye Lotion contains chirally correct, anti-aging ingredients that naturally moisturize, smooth fine lines, reduce puffiness and tighten the skin without heavy oils or waxes: Butcher’sBroom,GotuKola,Calendula,HorseChestnut,SheaButter,Squalane,D-beta fructan, D-beta glucosamine and several other healing moisturizers and emollient extracts. Theseingredientsnurturethetender,delicateskinaroundyoureyeswithsoothingandgentlyfirm-ing skin care nutrition to help build a youthful looking frame for your healthy eyes.

Treat your eyes to the superior vision support and skin protection they need every day!

Page 4: Keep Strong to the Finish! I - VIVA Life Science Healthy Life... · 2017-09-26 · Keep Strong to the Finish! Fourth Quarter 2017 I t takes passionate commitment to keep yourself

Inflammation and Immunity…The Good News is…You’ve got nutritional help fromVIVA Guard® and BioGarlic®

Call 1-800-243-8482 to order TODAY!Or go to to order Online!

© 2017 VIVA Life Science, Inc. Copyright All Rights Reserved

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Get Your VIVA Guard® and BioGarlic® Today!

Inflammation and immunity are two critically important factors you need to monitor for maintaining good health. When either of these biological mechanisms get chronically out of balance…bad things happen!

About inflammation:Inflammationisanecessaryreactionoftheimmunesystemtofightgerms and initiate an immediate, but temporary, healing process whenever the body experiences an injury or infectious condition.However,whenitdoesn’tswitchoffwhenitshould,andgoesintoachronic,low-gradestate,theimmunesystemremainson“redalert”,andthat’swheninflammationtakesonadangerouseffect.

Yourgoalistohaveahealthyinflammatoryresponsethatjumpsintorapidactionwhenneeded,andshutsdownappro-priatelyafterithasaccomplisheditstemporaryfunction.Ifchronicinflammationisalreadyachallengeforyou,yourgoalistocoolitdownbacktonormalasnaturallyandquicklyaspossible,aswellashelpmaintainadequate,specificnutrientlevels in the body to support optimal daily function.

VIVA Guard® is your natural, plant-based, nutraceutical formula to help you achieve these goals. Its proprie-tary blend of enzyme-focused wheat sprout powder, and vegetable and fruit powders, naturally infuse your cells with the nutrients you need for maintaining a healthy inflammation response.

About the immune system:Yourimmunesystemisyourbody’sfirstlineofdefenseagainstinjuryorinfection.Itcontinuouslysendsoutpatrolsofspecializedcellsthatmonitorallyourbodysystemsandsoundthealarmwhenanenemyisidentified…usuallyengagingtheinflammationprocessinresponse.Yourgoalistohaveanimmunesystemthatactslikeanarmedguardwithallitscellular mechanisms in excellent working condition.

Gettingandkeepingyourimmunesystemintopshapeisadailytaskthatisultimatelydependentuponlifestylehabitsanddietarynutrientstofunctionproperly.Onesuchsupernutrient,allicinfromgarlic,hasabundantscientificresearchtoagree that it promotes healthy immune system function. BioGarlic® is the simplest way, every day, to get the clinically studied complex of nutrients, including allicin, which will naturally help your immune system function at its best. Its proprietary blend of garlic, parsley, cap-saicin, lemon bioflavonoids and rutin, contribute to maintaining the proper cellular operations of your body’s powerful immune system.

VIVA Guard® and BioGarlic® are your daily nutritional champions for maintaining a healthy inflammatory response and immune system!