KBPS Memories 1988

MEMORIES ...... light the corner of my mind Misty watered coloured memories OjKBPS Scattered pictures OJ the smiles we left behind Smiles we had for one another InKBPS ... .. .

Transcript of KBPS Memories 1988


...... light the corner of my mind Misty watered coloured memories OjKBPS Scattered pictures

OJ the smiles we left behindSmiles we hadfor one another InKBPS ... .. .

** In the original magazine, alternate pages were filled with advertisments. These were not scanned, hence the apparent skipping of page numbers


Editorial Board ... ..... ... ..... .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... 3 Acknowledgement .. ...... ........ .... ....... .. ... .... 3 Message from D D PS .. .. ...... .. ................. 5 Message from Principal, KBPS ........ 5 Message from Chairman, SAC .... .. .. . 7 Professional Staff .... ........ ... .. .. .... ..... .. .... .. .. 9 KBPS Committees .. ........ .. ........ .. .. .. ... .. . 11 Non-Teaching Staff 1988 .. .. ... .. ....... .. . 15 School Prefects........ .. .. ................. .. ...... ... 17 Uniformed Groups ........ .. .. .. ................. . 43 Clubs and Societies ........ ...... .... .... .. ....... 45 Sports and Games .. .... ............ .. .. ... .... .... 49 Activities... ..... ............. ... .... .... ....... ...... .. .. .... 55

Ms Low Chay BoonBu sine ss Ma nage r

Mr Anthony CheokAd visor

Mrs Kenny OngEd it or

'\'Irs Rosalind TanPhotog r.tp hy ('o-ordioator

Mr Joseph LeePhotography Co-ord inator


Mrs Ang Sian TiongArt Co-ordinator

Mrs Goh Sock H waArt Co-ord in(:llOr

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe Editorial Board wish to thank the following whose contributions have made the production of this magazine possible. Mr Robert Tan, OOPS, for his kind and inspiring message. Dr Lim Chun Choon, Chairman SAC, for his kind and encouraging message. Members of the School Advisory Committee for their support and encouragement. All our advertisers for their generosity. All the teachers for their help and co-operation. All those who have helped us in one way or another3


I am very pleased that Kebun Baru decided to produce this magazine which is their fi rst school magazine . Its prod uction is a positive indication of the feeling of attachment and belonging that has developed in the school. This is very encouraging because in such a school environment the inculcation of care and concern in the pupils would be very much facilitated. Both the attitude of care and the feeling of concern are as important for a school to help pupils develop as is helping them to be knowledgeable and skilful. While th is thinking is weIl-known and accepted by school authorities, it is felt that there is the need for a conscious and concerted effort to be directed towards making pupils care more and be concerned for the welfare of others. Perhaps, therefore, in the school's determination to do weIl academicaIly and establish itself, as ref1ected in the foIlow-up action it is taking after being externaIly appraised, the school would also want to ensure that it is doing its best to instil in the pupils values a nd attitudes which are morally sound and sociaIly beneficial. I wish Kebun Baru Primary School success in all its endeavours and more good years of participative effort by all to improve the academica and moral development of its pupils. Mr Robert Tan, Deputy Director Primary Schools

PRIN CIPAL'S MESSAGEKebun Ba ru Primary School was officially handed over to the Ministry of Education on Saturday, 30.04.83 at 1000 hours. It was then officiaIly opened by Mr Lim Boon Heng, Member of Parliament for Kebun Baru Constituency on Thursday, 29.08 .1985 at ISOO hours . The schoo l started functioning on the 27.06.S3 with an enrolment of 320 in 8 Primary O ne classes and II teachers. These classes were originaIly held at Li Hua Prima ry School. Six years have elapsed, and the school has grown considerably in terms of pupil enrolment, staff in take and maturity. We now function 2 sessions, with 71 teaching staff and S non-teaching staff. Our Motto is "NOW OR NEVER" the better of you. Strive for Excellence NOW and NEVER let procrastination get

This year is a significant year for the school, because it is the year when our very own pupils, that is, pupils who entered the school at Primary One in 19S3 and sat for their PSLE in 1988. It is partly for this reason that the idea of a School Magazine was mooted. The other reason is that we want our pupils to have something to remember their ALMA MATE R by, for very soon they will be talking about the class of 88 and who knows, some of them might well become some citizens of substance in the future. The name for the Magazine, MEMORIES, has been aptly chosen by the staff. One reason why the magazine is mainly pictorial is that, as the saying goes, 'A picture is worth a thousand words'. Besides, most of our activities, programmes, calendars. pupils' contributions etc. are already being highlighted in our INFO-LINK, a semestral publication and our regular "Circular to Parents". To include them in this magazine would be indulgi ng in duplication of work. The other reason is cost. In conclusion, I would like to thank a ll the teachers for their dedication and co-operation in making our school tick, for the hard work they have put in to make this publication possible and for their efforts in soliciting for advertisers for the magazine. I would also like to thank our we II-wishers, suppliers and our SAC members for their assistance, and last but not least to thank Mr Robert Tan, Deputy Director, Primary Schools, and Dr Lim Chun Choon, Chairman of our SAC for their kind and inspiri ng messages. Thank you one and all

Mr Anthony Cheok Principal, KBPS


MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF OUR SAC.I am greatly honoured to be invited to write this message for "MEMORI ES" - Kebun Baru Primary School Magazine. The mere fact that it is producing a School Magazine indicates that there is enough care and concern among the staff to want to capture this feeling of belonging permanently in a magazine of this nature. This augurs well for the school. As a chairman of the School Advisory Committee, I and my fellow members of the Committee, take a keen interest in the affairs of the school, and judging from the school's achievements and records so far, I can rightly say, on beha lf of the Committee, that we are proud to be associated with the school in our capacity as members of the School Advisory Committee. The school, besides providing a sound academic education to the pupils, also offers a variety of extra curricular activities. These activities, ranging from sports, uniformed groups, computer club to various games \ hich include mini-rugby and mini-tennis. These activities are vital in helping to develop healthy and strong dies and healthy minds. Uniformed group activities like Scouts, Brownies, Boys' Brigade and Red Cross Society, besides pro .iding the fun of participation and social inter-action, also instil a sense of discipline and help develop eadership qualities. The setting up of a Computer Club in the good offers the children an opportunity to an early start omputer education. support him in his


On our part, we shall continue to keep in close contact with the principal and no ble efforts to strive for excellence.

Finally, I would like to congratulate the principal, the teachers and students for their achievements. On half of the School Advisory Committee I wish you continued success in all your endeavours and in your _ rife for excellence in the years ahead.

Dr Lim Chun Choon Chairman, School Advisory Committee

Standing L to R Ms Low Chay Boon (Internal Auditor); MP Chua Hock Cheow; Mr Tan Ah Pek (Hon. Treasurer); Mr Ng Ah Suan (Vice Chairman); Mr Young Chung Ming. Seated L to R Dr Lim Chun Choon (Chairman); Mr Anthony Cheok (Hon. Secretary).





OUR PROFESSIONAL STAFF 1988(Sitting L To R) Mrs Goh Teck Choo; Mrs McCall; Mrs Goh Kim Yen; Mrs Rosalind Tan; Mrs Ella Ong; Ms Low Chay Boon; Mr Lin Wai Mun; Mr Anthony Cheok; Mr R. Sachidanandan; Mrs Kenny Ong; Mrs Ang Sian Tiong; Mdm Patricia Kang; Mdm Khadijah Yaacob; Mrs Chan Chee Seng; Mrs Lee-Ng Gek Nai; (2nd Row) Mrs Lee Huan Chiang; Mrs Char Yong Choy; Mrs Chern You; Mrs Wong Ban Kuan; Mrs Tan Kim Hock; Mrs Mary Pereira; Mdm Ng Chye Hong; Mrs Ho Guat Cheng; Mrs Harriet Tong; Mrs Anthony Chen; Mrs Teo Boon Chuan; Mrs Eng Hook Kuan; Ms Rasidah Sehan; Mrs Seah-Zee Chung Lah; Miss Geraldine Wong. (3rd Row) Mrs Lim Ah Lek; Mrs Anna Loy; Mrs Foo Hee Liat; Mrs Jenny Goh; Miss Laura Koh; Mrs Rajaseharan; Mrs Tavarajah; Mrs Tee Koi Lan; Mdm Huang Hock Ming; Mdm Koh Ah Lek; Mrs Nonee Teo; Mrs Lee Ngan Kee; Mrs Seet Siew Lay; Mrs Alicia Goh; Mrs Chan Kwok Hung. (4th Row) Mrs Ong Siew Luan; Mr Rashid Mustajab; Mrs Teo 'lien 1I0; Mrs Lee Choo Juan; Mrs Tan Ek Joo; Mrs Foo Kea Toh; Mdm Chua Chor Sao; Mrs Lee Kiah Ngee; Miss Ling Nyuk Kiow; Mdm Amnah Masod; Mdm Zainon Ambak; Mrs Tan-Ng Lian Huay; Mdm Tan Lee Long; Mrs Goh Sock Hwa; (5th Row) Mr Mohamad Yusoff; Mr Michael Choo; Mr Goh Boon Hiang; Mr Wee Leng Suan; Mr Twang Peck Ee; Mr Joseph Lee; Mr Suib Wotoh; Mr Lim Beng Teck; Mr Siow Nam Chin; Mr Ling Kin Seng; Mr Ng Beng Seet; Mr Foong Tuck Sheng.

School Council

English Language

Staff Welfare


Non- Teaching StaffMr Anthony Cheok , Miss Salwah Bt. M. Ali Miss A. Ganamani Mrs Cheng Swee Choo Ms Low Chay Boon Mdm Lim Kheng Geok Mdm Chan Nee Sn Ong Lay Lin Mr. Razap B. Tambi Ali Mr. Wong Chee Chye


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P2B Mrs Lee-Ng Gek Nai

P2C Mrs Lee Huan Chiang


P2D Mrs Wong Ban Kuan

P2E M rs Seah-Zee Chung Lah (extreme right)



P2F Mrs Tan Kim Hock (extreme left)

P2G Mrs Teo Boon Chuan (ex treme left f rom)


P2H Mrs GM McCall (left)

P3A Miss Laura Koh

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P3B Mrs lim Ah Lek

P3C Mrs Goh Kim Yen

P3 D Mrs Nonee Teo

P3E Mrs Anna Loy (extreme left front)


P3 F Mrs Foo Hee Liat (extreme left back)

P3 G Mrs Chan Chee Seng


P3H Mrs Jenny Goh (extreme left)

P4A Mrs Rajaseharan (extreme right back)

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P5A Mr Wee Leng Suan

P5B Mrs Tan Lian Huay (second from left)

P5 C Mr A Rashid

P5D Mr Lim Beng Teck (extreme right back)

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P5E Mrs Ong Siew luan (extreme leji back)

P5F Mrs Rosalind Tan (back centre)

P5X Mr Lin Wai Mun (extreme right)

P5 M Mrs Lee Ngan Kee






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