Katy Christian Magazine - June/July 2010

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Transcript of Katy Christian Magazine - June/July 2010

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June / July 2010 • Complimentary

Men To Fatherswith Archie Wortham

Politics & Religion

Dad Talk

Meeting Your Child’s Nutritional


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Maggie is a woman who came to the Hotze Health & Wellness Center with a seven-year history of depression and fatigue, which developed after giving birth to her second child. She had a lifelong history of cold hands and feet and sensitivity to cold. She was experiencing signifi cant hair loss, was constipated and had severe muscle aching. Even after sleep, Maggie never felt rested. Maggie had experienced recurrent sinus infections and headaches over the past seven years, for which she had taken antibiotics. She also complained of recurrent abdominal cramping and bloating associated with the ingestion of sugar and bread products, which she craved. Since her last pregnancy, Maggie’s menstrual cycles had been irregular. She had gained 30 pounds over the past seven years and had diffi culty losing weight. She had lost all sexual desire, and felt that she was in a “brain fog.” Maggie had sought the care of numerous physicians. They told her that she was “depressed” and prescribed her antidepressants. A friend of hers, who was a patient at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, told her that there was a natural alternative treatment for her problems, so Maggie came to us for an evaluation.

Maggie’s name could be easily erased from her chart and replaced with the names of thousands of other women in midlife whom we have evaluated. Maggie had been made to feel by her doctor that she was a hypochondriac and emotionally inadequate. We explained to her that her symptoms were very common to women in her age group and were easily treated. She had an imbalance in her female hormones that adversely affected her body’s ability to use thyroid hormones. It was the change in her hormones that triggered her allergy disorder, which in turn led to recurrent sinus infections. The antibiotics which she had taken for her infections also killed normal bacteria in her body and allowed yeast problems to occur. Maggie was prescribed natural bio-identical hormones, natural thyroid supplementation, and was treated for allergies with sublingual immunizing drops given under the tongue daily. Within two months, Maggie’s depression and fatigue had disappeared. She was able to discontinue her antidepressants. She told us, “I have not felt this good in years. Thank you for giving me my life back!

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June / July 20104 • For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com

Letter From The Publisher

One day an atheist was talking a walk in the woods. He was ad-miring the giant trees in the forest and thought to himself, “what magnificent trees these are!” He got close to a river and heard the roar of the waters and pondered, “What a powerful river this is!”

As he walked he heard some noise in the bushes behind him and saw a giant grizzly bear coming after him. The atheist started run-

ning for his life but the bear steadily gained on him. He looked over his shoulder to see the bear on his heels and as he did, he tripped over a log and fell. He rolled over and saw the bear just as it started to lunge for him and the atheist screamed with all of his might “Oh God!”

Suddenly everything froze and a light appeared out of Heaven and God spoke, “All of your life you denied my existence. You have even taught others not to believe in Me and now, if your hour of need, you call on My name. Do you expect Me to believe that you are a Christian?

The atheist thought about it for a moment and relied, “You are right God. It would be hypocritical on my part to suddenly call upon you and after living my entire life in denial of you. But I ask you this, please make the bear a Christian.”

God responded “alright” and suddenly everything unfroze. The bear looked at the man, smiled, and fell to his knees and began to pray, “Dear God, thank you for this wonderful meal that you have provided for me this day!”


Volume V, Issue 3

Inside This Issue:

6 Politics and Religion

11 Financial Implications of Healthcare Reform

17 A Great Call

20 Dynamic Mind Student Workshop

24 Meeting Your Child’s Nutritional Needs

28 Men To Fathers

35 Harley’s Helpers Angel Ministry

36 Faithwest Academy Class of 2010 Valedictorian and Salutatorian

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“Our mission is to have a magazine devoted to His glory, provide cutting-edge stories important to today’s Christian, promote Christian-Judeo values we find important, and editorial content that your entire family can enjoy.”

President/PublisherJoseph Menslage


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Joseph Menslage

Archie Wortham

Mark Williamson

Dr. Steven F. Hotze

Craig Narum

Pastor G.F. Watkins In Christ,Joseph R. Menslage

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June / July 20106 • For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com

Politics and Religion: Arizona Immigration Reality CheckBy Mark Williamson

America was built in large part by immigrants. That’s not debatable. The question is: what kind of immigrant? To distinguish, (yes, to “discriminate” between that which is desirable and that which isn’t) is critical to the solution.

Particularly over the last century, America has welcomed immigrants from throughout the

world. They certainly wanted a better life here, and were willing and often anxious to leave their former world behind and truly become American. Most were desirous of the opportunities and freedoms that America provided, and were cognizant of the responsibilities that were part of the package.

The hope of America was a dream, an ideal, something of great value, a higher standard to live up to; something a person was both respon-sible and exceedingly grateful for; something very precious, worth the cost of great sacrifice. They wanted only the opportunity, not handouts. They humbly wanted to become American, not to re-make America in the image of their former nation or culture with, frankly, its’ limitations and failures.

We used to limit the number of immigrants. We would regularly reduce our intake of immigrants until other immigrants were more successfully assimilated. In other words, we were interested in the quality of citizen the immigrant would make, their successful as-

similation, and the overall process of immigration in increasing the number of good Americans for the good of America and all her citizens. What was wrong with that?

Now, the apparent attitude is that we must take almost anyone, from anywhere, in any number, for any reason, lest we be “racist.” This is lunacy. We must restore order and sanity to our broken borders. We must realize our borders are broken and porous, and our laws intentionally un-enforced thanks to the globalists who want to dis-solve borders between nations (which is un-Biblical). It is past time for Americans to demand that the federal government do its job, and fulfill its constitutional responsibilities.

We were founded as a nation of laws, not of men and selfish agendas. People can bring their agendas to the table and negotiate legislatively the laws that we will all live by. But living by the law is less and less the case anymore. Seemingly everyone, including deceived and un-discerning leaders in the church (representing all denominations and theological streams), is doing “what is right in their own eyes.” It is lawlessness.

Our President, who intentionally does nothing to enforce the im-migration laws that are on the books, criticizes the Arizona immi-gration law. He thinks the states have no rights in this regard. He is wrong on both counts. As President, he is the constitutionally man-dated executive authority to enforce the laws Congress has passed. He continues to fail.

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The Constitution, in Article 1 Section 8 says

• “The Congress shall have Power To….provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States;…” (Which it is not doing.)

• “To establish an uniform Rule of a Naturalization,…” (Which it has done but is not enforcing.)

• “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;…” (Which it is not doing.)

However, in Section 10 of Article 1, the Constitution also addresses the state’s responsibilities:

• No State shall, without the Consent of Congress…..enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Dan-ger as will not admit of delay.”

Now that is clear constitutional authorization for Arizona to protect its’ state and citizens in whatever way is necessary to respond to an “invasion.” An unarmed invasion by lawless people is still an invasion (this one isn’t unarmed anymore), and should be viewed as an assault on America in general and a sovereign state of the union in particu-lar. The point is that for Arizona to do nothing would not only be a failure to uphold the rule of law, but a clear violation of Arizona’s du-ties under the Constitution. (The anti-American ACLU’s opposition to the Arizona law is further proof of the law’s validity!)

Sanctuary cities like San Francisco violate the Constitution and fed-eral law by passing laws protecting illegal aliens. For Arizona to “lie down” and allow this invasion of illegals from Mexico would make them a de-facto “sanctuary state.”

A professing Christian asked me the rhetorical question recently “would Jesus call these illegal aliens ‘illegal’?” The Biblical response is obvious. Yes, of course Jesus would call them illegal just as he would call someone that broke into your house a thief. He is not confused by word games, or the socialist-Marxist agenda masquerading as “Christian compassion” and/or “social justice.”

It is a sobering thing to think that on Judgment Day, Jesus will say to some “depart from me, I never knew you…you who practice lawless-ness.” There are many professing Christians who are lawless at heart. But as Mike Murdoch says, God’s “obsession” is order. That puts Him squarely at odds with chaos and confusion. Order is the nature of His Kingdom. He will one day rule and reign with “a rod of iron” (Rev-elation 2:27), and there will be order, not semi-controlled anarchy and lawlessness masquerading as “freedom.”

Mark Williamson is the Founder and President of Foundation Restoration Ministries and Federal Intercessors, educational and intercessory ministries dedicated to the restoration of Biblical truth, righteousness and justice in the nation, and the high offices of the Federal government. The views expressed in this column are his personal opinions and observations. Learn more and join the prayer cause at www.federalintercessors.net. You may contact him directly at [email protected], or at 713-722-4301.

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Financial Implications of Health Care ReformBy Craig Narum, CSPTrisperity Wealth Management

After almost a year of heated debate, the Presi-dent has achieved his goal of a major reform to the health care system. In March, the House voted to approve the 2,409 page Senate Bill passed in December, along with 153 pages worth of amendments. Shortly thereafter, the Senate did the same thing so the combined

bills became law.

Over the last month, there has been a race by financial industry me-dia to become the thought leaders on the subject so lots of informa-tion has been published. After sifting through much of this, I’ll turn to Dr. David Kelly, CFA who is the Managing Director Chief Mar-ket Strategist for J.P. Morgan Funds for some thoughts about what the health care reform means financially for individuals and investors.

First, we need to recognize that in discussing this issue, like any other issue in investing, it is critical to leave politics and emotion to one side. People have very strong opinions on all sides of the health care debate - they are entitled to those opinions. These comments are solely focused on the financial and investment implications of the combined bills.

Passing over the generally recognized positive of expanding cover-

age to roughly 30 million of the 50 million U.S. residents who don’t currently have insurance, what does it all mean for the economy and markets?

Taxes: The most obvious quantifiable impact of the bill is an increase in taxes for upper income Americans, particularly on investment

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income. Starting in 2013, the Medicare tax rate on households with income over $250,000 will be increased from 1.45% to 2.35%. In addition, a new 3.8% Medicare tax will be introduced for the same group on investment income.

Currently, the tax rate on dividends and long-term capital gains is 15%. In 2011, those rates are expected to rise to 20% for households earning over $250,000, and with the new Medicare tax, these rates will rise to 23.8% for the same group. Under current tax law, inves-tors get to keep 85% of the income stream from taxable stock market investments. Under the new law, this will be cut by 8.8% to 76.2%, reducing the value of the income stream by 10.4% (that is 8.8% of 85%). This is obviously a significant number. However, it is worth noting three things about this:

• First, roughly half of U.S. stocks are owned by households with income under $250,000 and roughly half are held in non-taxable ac-counts. Thus, using a number of broad assumptions, the value of the average stock should be reduced by one-quarter of 10.4%, or 2.6% - not good obviously, but also not an overwhelming reason to avoid stocks after a 12-month period in which they rose by over 70% and still appear undervalued. • Second, this bill does not put stocks at a further disadvantage relative to fixed income. The maximum federal tax rate on bonds and cash accounts is currently 35% and with tax changes coming in 2011 combined with these changes, that maximum rate will rise to 43.4% for households with income over $250,000 in 2013. • And, third, we’ve been here before. On average, over the past 40 , the maximum federal tax on capital gains was 24.7% and the maximum tax rate on dividends was 44.6%.

Medical care industry: For the medical care industry, this bill will expand demand without much effort to rein in costs. A combination of federal subsidies and mandates will increase the pool of insured individuals, and while there are many constraints preventing insur-ance companies from limiting coverage, there are few that limit how much they can charge for it.

The pharmaceutical industry will benefit from this, as well as a plan to remove the donut hole from the Medicare prescription drug ben-efit program by 2020. Early in the debate on health care, the White House negotiated deals with pharmaceutical, insurance and medical device companies to dissuade them from fighting the reform effort. Under these deals, they appear to retain autonomy on price setting. However, they will pay cumulative taxes of $107 billion between 2011 and 2019. To the extent that they are able to pass these costs on to consumers, they may all do OK in this reform, although they may still be a target for future reform efforts.

The American Medical Association and American Hospital Asso-ciation have both endorsed the health reform effort with a number of reservations. For the most part, the legislation does not interfere with patient-doctor relationships and, by expanding the pool of the insured, will reduce the number of hours that doctors are forced to devote to charity cases. Most doctors are naturally happy to see patients not lose their coverage due to pre-existing condition clauses, annual caps or non-renewal of existing insurance due to illnesses.

Federal deficit: According to the Congressional Budget Office, the passage of this legislation would reduce federal deficits by a cumula-tive $143 billion between 2010 and 2019 and by greater amounts in the following decade. However, these estimates should be taken

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with more than a grain of salt. It is obviously very hard to estimate what total federal health care spending will be over the next decade. However, whatever else is said about this bill, there is nothing in it to suggest a reduction in either the quantity or prices of health care services consumed.

• There is no meaningful malpractice reform. • There is no reduction in drug patent lives. • There is no compulsion to force insurance companies to compete across state lines. • There is no effort to limit health care procedures in the last year of life. • There is no movement in the direction of forcing consumers to confront the cost of services at the point of purchase, and, • There are no meaningful incentives to force the insured to take bet-ter care of their own health.

In fact, for the most part, this bill moves away from, rather than toward, the principles of market economics. In 2007, the United States devoted 16% of its GDP to health care spending compared to 11% in the country with the second highest spending, which was France. Despite this, it ranks 38th in the world in life expectancy at birth. Sadly, this bill isn’t likely to change either of these numbers for the better.

The economy: Despite dire predictions, it’s not clear that health care reform will really slow economic growth that much. Most of the tax provisions don’t kick in until 2013 and the mandates on busi-nesses and individuals don’t kick in in a big way until 2016. Between now and then, the economy is quite capable of staging a full cyclical recovery. It may be that businesses will, in the end, be forced to pay more for the health care of their workers - however, overall, Ameri-

can business is quite capable of limiting wage increases to add to benefit costs. It may be that America as a society ends up spending more on health care. However, if we spend more on health care and less on housing or education or hamburgers, that is our choice. The jobs created in the health care field are, for the most part, American jobs and still some of the highest skilled and best paid jobs out there. It should be noted, however, that to the extent that the government incurs more debt to pay for higher health care costs, it probably does mean higher long-term interest rates.

Politics: The passage of health care reform is a huge victory for the President and it may ultimately work out better for him politically than many Republicans had hoped or Democrats had feared. The economy is improving, and if it continues to do so, many may feel that their fears about health care reform were unfounded. The reality is more complicated. Health care reform wasn’t about to stop the economy in its tracks anyway and the President will be the beneficia-ry of a cyclical bounce-back, which, on its face, appears to owe much more to pent-up demand than government stimulus. Either way, the Democrats will lose seats in the mid-term election. However, the end-game for health care reform may well mean less of a swing to the Republicans in November than many had thought.

All in all, a lot to consider but also, more important, a lot to keep in proper perspective.

Craig Narum, CFP® is Principal of Trisperity Advisors in Katy and West Houston. Tris-perity is registered as an investment adviser with the Texas State Security Board. Craig can be contacted at 281-395-1021, [email protected] or through www.trisperity.com.

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A Great CallBy Pastor G.F. WatkinsPowerHouse Christian Center

A great friend, Larry Walker, sent this to me.

“A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father when they could discuss his use of the car. His father said he’d make a deal with his son: ‘You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then, we’ll talk about the car.’ The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he’d settle for the offer, and they agreed on it. After about six weeks his father said, ‘Son, you’ve brought your grades up and I’ve observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I’m disappoint-ed you haven’t had your hair cut.’ The boy said, ‘You know, Dad, I’ve been thinking about that, and I’ve noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair...and there’s even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair.’ You’re going to love the Dad’s reply: ‘Did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?’”

Only a father, or a son with a strong father, can relate to this story. Larry used to coach the great La Marque football teams of the mid 90’s. He’s been in many state Championship games and even won some. But his greatest battle to date was with a kidney that became stubborn and wouldn’t submit to real good coaching!

He needed a new kidney, a replacement or a sub as we used to call

them. He found one in an unusual place...a girl. Not just any girl - his own daughter. Larry raised his daughter, Kristen, to be solid in her Christianity. Solid in her understanding of sacrifice. ( I know this because of the fruit of her life.) There were times, when she was small and did not understand, that Kristen didn’t agree with her dad. Nevertheless, Larry maintained his standards of truth based on

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the Word of God. For that, he received a great daugh-ter who in the moment of greatness chose correctly.

2 Timothy 3:16 (NlT) All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It cor-rects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.

The Bible has a purpose and it helps us to know or see when we are wrong. We don’t like to hear that we are wrong, but the Bible is right. When used to raise children - natural or spiritual - it produces champions that will rise to the occasion and do the right thing.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Congratulations to Larry, who now has a new kidney. Aside from the occasional urge for a glass of pink lemonade, all is good.

Great call Larry, well done Kristen.

Keep pressing,


Join us at PowerHouse Christian Center in Katy for our series on 1 Timothy - this Sunday at 9am or 11am.

We believe so much in the restoration of families at PowerHouse Christian Center that we have built a family restoration retreat. This retreat is the finest in the state and sits right outside of Schulenburg on 86 acres. Men’s retreats, women’s retreats, marriage retreats, youth retreats, weddings, corporate retreats - all are welcome. Please check out the website at www.jordanranch.org and contact us to tell us how we can serve you!

Pastor G.F. Watkins is founder of PowerHouse Christian Center in Katy, TX and Jordan Ranch in Schulenburg, TX. He has been married to Rose for 24 years, and they have 3 sons. He is a former all American collegiate athlete, a high school coach, and a principal. Pastor Watkins’ focus is on restoring men so they can restore their families. For more information, visit www.jordanranch.org or www.phcc.tv.

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The Dynamic Mind Student WorkshopThe Dynamic Mind science-based student workshop helps engineer positive changes in the brain. Consequently, attendees learn to use more of their brain’s natural ability. Brittney Hough a St. Louis stu-dent stated, “I make A’s on tests I used to make C’s in, My memory and reading improved in ways I never thought possible and it all stuck with me. In fact, it has gotten even better as time has passed!”

During the past 5 years, the Dynamic Mind Workshop has reached large numbers of students, teachers and college professors who expressed great enthusiasm for the workshop’s benefits. Kenneth Graham, Public School Superintendent for Big Sandy ISD declared, “The Dynamic Mind Workshop benefits everyone. I intend to have all of my students and teachers attend one.”

Rachel Groebner a 14-year-old LaMarque student acknowledged, “I have ADD, but in 3 days I went from reading 132 words per minute with little comprehension to 1,200 words and 100% comprehension. My memory improved over 30 times along with my listening and visualization skills.”

Today, MTI has developed a workshop specifically for students. It was used successfully in New Orleans with four high schools where graduating seniors saw their learning quadruple while reading scores skyrocketed from an average of 110 words per minute and 30% comprehension to 470 words per minute with 85% comprehension. Average composite memory scores went from 15% to 70%.

“It’s a miracle,” said Headmaster Milton Montgomery of Ridgewood Prep in Metairie, LA. I am happy to have been part of this.”

Isma Luquette, Director of Metairie, LA’s Jefferson Reading Clinic affirmed, “It was the single most outstanding workshop I have ever attended during the many years I have been a teacher.”

In Houston, the Aldine Independent School District opened the doors of its Hall Academy for a large-scale pilot study. The student workshop produced stunning results as students rose from an aver-age reading effectiveness score of 54 words per minute to 334 words per minute, providing a remarkable 619% increase. More impor-tantly was an underlying increase in focus, comprehension, listening retention and memory. For example, the student’s cognitive memory composite moved increased over 400%.

Attending Hall Academy teachers received comparable benefits as the students. They improved from an average reading effectiveness of 150 words per minute to 533 words per minute. At the same time their average composite memory scores rose from an average of 36.7% to 94.6%.

Both Groups experienced significant increase in listening com-prehension and recall so that by the workshop’s end, all were able to listen and later recall foreign language vocabularies using eight

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languages such that when tested later, scored in the 90 percentile.

Sharonda Charles, attending Aldine ISD Teacher stated, “The Mind Technologies program was extremely beneficial to students and teachers. Students lit up as they recalled information impossible for them to have learned before. There was a level of interest I had never

seen before. Everyone participated, asking questions and actually enjoying their time learning new information.”

The Dynamic Mind Workshop builds a strong foundation for a student’s educational experience by encouraging positive brain development. This helps students learn more efficiently by using more of their brain.

Well know physician, Dr. Richard Walker with practices in New York, Chicago, Atlanta and Houston said about the Dynamic Mind Workshop, “It is solid science for the entire mind. There is nothing like it in the world. It is life changing, and it will make a difference.”

For more information check out their website at www.mindtechinstitute.net or call 832-526-0714.

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Meeting Your Child’s Nutritional NeedsBy Dr. Steven F. Hotze, M..D.

In modern day America, the diet of our youth consists primarily of processed foods that are high in sugar, simple carbohydrates, and depleted of any real nutritional value, such as naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, fiber and enzymes. Recent research links health problems and poor mental function with inad-equate diets among children. It’s not surpris-

ing when you consider the fact that fewer than 15 percent of U.S. children eat the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

Yet, even with a seemingly nutritious diet, it’s difficult to meet a growing child’s nutritional needs these days. Especially when the ma-jority of Americans are simply unaware that storing and processing deplete nutrients even in healthy foods. Consider the following:

• There is a 90 percent loss of vitamin content in canned and frozen vegetables.

• Processed peaches lose 40 to 70 percent of niacin, riboflavin, thia-min, and vitamins A and C compared to raw peaches.

• Freezing meat destroys up to 70 percent of vitamin B5 and 50 to 70 percent of vitamin B6 in processing lunch meats.

• Within 24 hours after picking, spinach stored at room temperature loses 70 percent of its vitamin C. And after just two days, refriger-ated spinach loses 50 percent of its vitamin C.

• Cooking vegetables destroys 30 percent of the vitamin C; up to 70 percent of thiamin; and 50 percent of riboflavin.

No need to panic, there’s a simple solution: Simply adding a few high-quality vitamin and mineral supplements to a child’s daily rou-tine has been shown to significantly improve overall health, mental function as well as resistance to illness. In fact, one study showed a group of children who took a multivitamin formula for eight months increased 7.2 IQ points over a placebo group.

Keeping my children and grandchildren’s needs in the forefront of my mind, our custom formulation is a unique combination of vita-mins and minerals essential to a child’s growing body. While there are a large variety of other children’s vitamins, Nutri-Kids is one of the most complete children’s chewable combination multivitamin/mineral formulas on the market. Nutri-Kids provides 28 vitamins and minerals including important antioxidants vitamins C and E, a complete vitamin B complex, easily absorbable calcium and magne-sium, and includes high amounts of vitamin D. Fox News recently reported that at least one in five U.S. children aged 1 to 11 don’t get enough vitamin D and could be at risk for a variety of health problems including weak bones, the most recent national analysis suggests.

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The Burzynski Clinic offers a variety of alternative cancer treatments for patients with over 50 different types of malignancies. The clinic was founded by internationally recognized physician, biochemist, and researcher, Stanislaw R. Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D., who has been successfully treating cancer for 32 years.

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Sophia was born in January 1996. When she was 10.5 months old she was diagnosed with pineoblastoma, a deadly and very rare brain tumor. After an emergency surgery her parents were told to take Sophia home and love her because she would not live long.

“On her first birthday, instead of celebrating, we were preparing for Sophia’s to go home to the Lord. We prayed it would be peaceful and painless. But we also still prayed for a miracle. As it turned out, we got our miracle. All this time, our families and friends had been doing research, trying to find anything that might help. The treatment that seemed most promising was that discovered and researched by Stanislaw R. Burzynski, MD, PhD, of Houston, Texas…”

Sophia is now14 years old, normally active middle school student. She wants to be a Chef or a Pre-school Teacher (like her mom) when she grows up.

Read the whole story on www.burzynskipatientgroup.org

Read about our breakthrough research and success stories at BurzynskiClinic.com

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With Physician’s Preference Nutri-Kids vitamins, not only will you be helping improve your own child’s life, but also the life of a child in need. In an effort to help support a noble cause, Physician’s Prefer-ence launched its Nutri-Kids Gives New Life initiative, where 20 percent all of Nutri Kids sales are donated to New Life, a non-profit school in Guatemala for children with special needs.

New Life, founded in 2000 by one brave woman with a vision, began with eight children and now has grades kindergarten through sixth. What makes this school extraordinary is that the children who at-tend are unable to obtain an education in the overcrowded Guatema-lan public school system, due to either the ridicule of other students or the teacher’s inability to teach them. Without New Life School, these children are sadly denied an education and opportunities for a bright future. Thanks to New Life, young children are literally being given a new life - hope, opportunity, happiness and skills necessary for life. Thank you for considering joining us in our efforts.

For more information, please visit, http://www.drhotze.com/, or to learn more about New Life School, please visit, http://www.newlifeguatemala.com.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Physician’s Preference and Hotze Pharmacy. His goal is to change the way women and men are treated in midlife through the use of bioidentical hormone therapy. His 8-Point Treat-ment Regimen has helped thousands of individuals to get on a path of health and wellness and enjoy a better quality of life in an environment of extraordinary hospitality and guest service.

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Men To FathersBy Archie Wortham, Ph.D.

“If you don’t tell them, they don’t know, and if you don’t listen, you’ll never know what they are thinking,” is our comment for the day.

It’s not easy to be a child today. They’re bom-barded with all kinds of choices, media, op-tions, and techniques of how to succeed, where

to go, why to go there and what will happen if you don’t. Roles have shifted and in today’s society kids are accosted by rewards they don’t earn, accolades they don’t understand, and teachers who are flum-moxed because of all the barriers society places in front of them.

When asked why you want a job, most kids say to buy things. They’re not taught jobs are a means to an end that go far beyond buying things. Many young people want IPODs, IPADs or IP-HONES. They get a job to buy one and then quit. Many realize with the exception of the IPHONES they have completed the process. They own access. With the IPHONES, if they can buy it, many parents take up the responsibility of paying for the conve-nience, the fad, or ‘being like their friends.’ There is little teaching in this process, and rather than understanding the virtue of teaching the responsibility off paying their own way, we acquiesce to a common flaw—we want to be liked. Why make them pay for something they have not earned? Would our parents have done that? As parents we sometime forget we are who we are because of our parents,

and granted our parents weren’t perfect, but you are where you are because of who your parents were as much as in spite of your parents. Never forget that.

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Today many young men don’t know how to be men because many women have taken that from us. Go to any meeting today and how many women do you see wearing pants. Take that one step further…how many of these same meetings do you go to and see men in dresses. A simple observation but fill of the meritocracy we claim to have become. If women thrust themselves into roles that previ-ously were occupied by men, then what are the men to do? What many men are doing in response is not showing up. When a woman considers my opening a door for her as a sign of disrespect, I should realize and tell my sons the same, that’s her issue not mine. But fewer and fewer men are opening doors, and fewer and fewer women are expecting that. Roles have changed.

Being rewarded for showing up isn’t what it’s all about either. If you have a job and don’t show up, you get fired. That’s a given. But if you are the father of a child and you don’t do what you are supposed to do, something more devastating than getting fired happens. That child grow up with a view of his dad that will take a generation to erase, even longer if it’s been a cycle where many women don’t want the fathers in their children lives anyway even though statistics show that of the men in prison, 85% of youth in jail & 71% of high school dropouts are from fatherless homes. When an absent father is ac-corded this moniker, it’s important to know who gave it, why, and if it’s true. Many fathers can’t be there because momma won’t let them. That’s a shame, and these fathers need to fight for the right to keep their children from being a statistic.

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Our education is ridden with barriers that are intimidating to teach-ers. When you have a child who wants to learn, you find a way. When you have an idea whose time has come, you find a way. When you look at the education system as one that is flawed, you need to examine are you part of the solution or not? During the ‘separate but equal’ era, teachers fought against the odds. Student like me received some of the best education out there because teachers found a way. Students like me achieved success because teachers fought for an education that was hard from them to get and they wanted us to be sure we knew education and keeping your ‘eye on the prize’ was important. Ask kids today, not if they are going to college but rather the question should be ‘what college are you going?’ Having low expectations gets you exactly that…low expectations. Remember, it’s not easy being a child, but it’s going to be even harder being an adult if we don’t prepare them.

Recently I had a heart-to-heart talk with both our sons. My younger son needed to understand the concept of apologizing. I told him it went beyond just saying ‘you’re sorry.’ He wanted to argue. He wanted to tell me what he knew. He wanted me to shut up. As my voice began to rise I told him he needed to listen. I explained that if he kept doing the same thing he told me he was sorry for, he was clueless. I told him if he made the same play each time on a video game that got him killed, he’d always get killed and until he listened or paid attention, nothing would change. Waiting to be told to do the same thing you knew you were responsible to do, like chores, and being sorry each time you were reminded didn’t indicate anything was learned, and if he didn’t MAN up and learn something, he’d be punished.

My older son’s conversation was a bit more adult. He was dissed at his job for being insignificant--he didn’t matter. Rather than listen to this crap, he quit. I asked him who did he think that helped? My adult conversation castigated him on when you do things that affect people other than yourself in a ‘bad’ way, call someone first before be-ing stupid. Words can only hurt if you let them. Eleanor Roosevelt tells us that “no one can make you feel inferior except yourself.” I’m not sure if these conversations registered and they may not reso-nate for a few days, but the important thing is have them, listen, and remember, as parents, particularly fathers, ours is to provide as well as protect, and teaching is a large part of that. Keeping the truth from them, making it easy for them only makes it harder later. It’s never too late to say sorry, but it’s always too early to quit, particularly teaching boys to become men.

“That’s where the confusion comes in. Most of them have not left God. They’ve simply left a church that distorts teachings interpreted by men based on some anachronistic fear of being wrong.”Father Max [p. 38]

from “Murder Behind Closed Doors” by Jere Myles

Archie Wortham, Ph.D.

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Grandma’s House Child Development Center and West Oaks Private Pre-School

Now Enrolling for Summer Camp 2010 and the 2010-2011 School Year

Easy access for Katy commuters through George Bush Park or West Park Tollway14840 Branch Forest Dr. (off Highway 6) • www.westoaksprivate.com

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Harley’s Helpers Angel Ministry Asks Katy CommunityTo Help Make A Loving DifferenceYou may know how hard it is when you find out that a friend or family member has cancer. Imagine how hard it is when that friend or family member is a child who is just staring their young life, whether new born or 18 years these precious children of our society are struck with such horrific and debilitating cancers. The affects on them can be life altering. But they are not the only ones affected, parents and family members also have emotional and financial issues usually resulting in one parent having to give up their job to care for their seriously ill child. They sometimes lose their homes and rela-tionships during this walk. What better gift to give; than to reach out and help a neighbor through a donation which will make a loving difference and answer some of their needs.

Harley’s Helpers Angel Ministry was formed when my grandson, Harley Johannes Ruppert passed from Neuroblastoma which is an unforgiving killer of usually small children. A lot of Harley’s treat-ments were built on hope and faith in God that something would help. We had a strong support team of loving church family, doctors, nurses, Ruppert family and friends to see us through this life chal-lenge. We held that love, faith and hope for Harley caring for him through his death in July, 2010. Harley’s Helpers Angel Ministry now holds love, faith and hope for other children who walk the same walk or similar walks with other types of cancer.

Harley and we, Rupert’s were very lucky to have such a support system in place. From walking the walk with Harley, our family felt we wanted to keep Harley’s love of life, laughter and wonderment alive along with his true love for everyone. Harley’s Helpers Angel

Ministry is a mission of love and understanding to support the needs of others battling childhood cancer issues; sponsored through The First United Methodist Church of Katy Missions.

Harley’s Helpers Angel Min-istry has ongoing projects this summer which we would like the community to participate in. June 1, 2010 through Au-

gust 8, 2010 we will be gathering donations and School Supplies for Children at Texas Children’s Cancer Center. There is a great need for these School Supplies. June, 2010 we will be delivering three, HP Laptop Computers to M.D. Anderson Children’s Cancer Hospital at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. This is a great need for our children there since some are isolated due to treatments or just too ill to go to the school room and want access to computers. Harley’s Help-ers Angel Ministry is thrilled to be able to donate these computers because of Hewlett Packard’s generosity and the generosity of our community during Harley’s Helpers Angel Ministry Garage Sale in March. Harley’s Helpers Angel Ministry will also have their Annual Fundraiser Luncheon and Silent Auction, August 8, 2010.

For more information, visit www.harleyshelpersangelministry.org or e-mail [email protected].

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June / July 201036 • For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com

Faith West Academy Class of 2010Valedictorian and Salutatorian announced

Claire Elaine Taylor and Marin Mc-Neill Robinson were named valedic-torian and salutatorian, respectively, by Faith West Academy High School. The valedictorian, Claire, is the daughter of Paul and Rebecca Taylor of Hous-ton. Claire was enrolled in Advanced Placement and Honors classes during her high school career and received an overall GPA of 4.67. Taylor was a leader on her volleyball team, a member of Mu Alpha Theta, and the National

Honor Society. In high school, she enjoyed theater arts and was cast in Oklahoma!, Once Upon a Mattress, Music Man, Cinderella, and Thoroughly Modern Millie. She has been active in her church where she teaches kids choir on Wednesday nights.

Taylor received the Texas Education Agency Honor Graduate Cer-tificate for highest ranking graduate in the FWA senior class of 2010. She received the Valedictorian Scholarship from the State of Texas.

During the summer, she will be head of staff at Great Adventures Summer Camp, Cat Springs. In the fall, Claire will attend Texas A&M University, Dwight Look College of Engineering, to study chemical engineering.

The salutatorian, Marin, daughter of Kurt and Molly Robinson, was born in 1992, at Ft. Ord, California. From a military family, she has lived in Califor-nia, Louisiana, Virginia, South Carolina, Kentucky, and Texas. She came to Faith West Academy during 11th grade, but has always attended a Christian school.

Throughout high school she has been involved in many activities. Robinson has been a varsity cheerleader and had the opportunity to cheer on a com-petition team that won the Christian

Cheerleaders of America National Championship during her fresh-man and sophomore years. During her junior year, she was a varsity cheerleader for Faith West. She has been a member of the National Honor Society since her sophomore year. She was a member of the Faith West swim team and competed at state levels in the 100 free-style, 200 medley relay, 100 backstroke, and the 400 freestyle relay events.

Robinson plans to attend the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (Belton, TX), where she received scholarships for academic excel-lence and leadership, to pursue a degree in Elementary Education. Both Claire and Marin exemplify the character and achieved the academic requirements that define them as outstanding 2010 graduating seniors of Faith West Academy in Katy, Texas.

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A Passion for Justice.A Passion for Public Service.“The team at Katy Christian Magazine has grown this publication through hard work, faith, and commitment. I strive every day to operate with these same principles in the pursuit of justice. Thank you for your support.” - Judge Linda Storey.

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Now Enrolling for Summer Camp 2010 and the 2010-2011 School Year

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