Kaspersky - 07apr2011

Teodor Cimpoesu Managing Director, Romania&Bulgaria, Eastern Europe Kaspersky Lab Datele mobile, amenintarile emergente



Transcript of Kaspersky - 07apr2011

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Teodor Cimpoesu

Managing Director, Romania&Bulgaria, Eastern Europe

Kaspersky Lab

Datele mobile, amenintarile emergente

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Cateva stiri


2011-02• European Union Emissions Trading System

“cyber-attackers are successfully breaching electronic trading systems not merely for the purpose of stealing funds, but to actively «spread panic among markets and destabilize western financial institutions. »”

2011-03• Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances

“«Ceux qui ont agi sont des professionnels déterminés et organisés. C’est la première attaque contre l’Etat français de cette ampleur et à cette échelle»”

2011-04• SpyEye/mTAN: "Die Seriennummer des Zertifikats: 88689-1299F"

2011-03• RSA –2011 Recruitment plan.xls

“Our investigation has led us to believe that the attack is in the category of an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT). […]. Some of that information is specifically related to RSA's SecurID two-factor authentication products”

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Numiti virusul!1999

Efectul grafic din stanga era afisat de catre virusul:

a) CodeRed

b) Melissa

c) Happy99

d) Cascade

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Numiti virusul!2003

Cum se numeste virusul de mai sus?

a) MyDoom b) MyTobc) Rbot d) Blaster/Lovesan

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Numiti virusul!2010

| 8 April 2023PAGE 5 |

Cum se numeste virusul de mai sus?

a) BumBoom b) Ayranc) Robotz d) Stuxnet

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Perimetrul de securitate - inainte

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Perimetrul de securitate - acum

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Basics Metamorfoza troian-bot

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Sitting on a time bomb

Retelele de tip botnet reprezinta adevarate mine de aur pentru furtul de informatie

• Cantitatea de informatie expusa la riscul de a deveni publica este ingrijoratoare

Utilizatorul de rand nu realizeaza posibilele consecinte ale folosirii unui calculator infectat

• E infectat, dar imi fac treaba cu el!

• Malware-ul clasic poate fi convertit oricand in scopuri de furt de informatie

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Cifre ingrijoratoare

Kaspersky Lab proceseaza mai mult de 70.000 de programe periculoase (virusi, troieni, viermi, adware, etc) in fiecare zi

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 20100



Sursa: Kaspersky Lab

2006: Un virus nou in fiecare minut

2011: Un virus nou in fiecare secunda

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Malware dedicat furtului de date2009 vs. 2010 vs. 2011

2006 2007 2008 2009 20100








Trojan-Banker Trojan-PSWTrojan-Spy Exponential (Trojan-Spy)

Sursa: Kaspersky Lab

2009 vs. 2010 - 87% crestere in data stealing malware - 135% crestere in familia Trojan-Spy

2010 a fost primul an in care am adaugatmai mult de 100.000 de semnaturipentru malware-ul dedicat furtului de date.


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Amenintarile la adresa smartphone-urilor sunt in crestere

Numarul total de semnaturi pentru mobile malware la 15 februarie 2011: 1990

Sursa: Kaspersky Lab

Number of signatures

H2 2004 H1 2005 H2 2005 H1 2006 H2 2006 H1 2007 H2 2007 H1 2008 H2 2008 H1 2009 H2 2009 H1 2010 H2 2010











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Structură standard rețea corporate

| 8 April 2023

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Endpoint-urile din ce in ce mai mobile aduc o noua provocare:

protejarea perimetrelor deschise

Back to basicsProtectia endpoint-ului devine vitala

Ce inseamna endpoint in ziua de azi:• Desktop

• Laptop

• Smartphone

• Tablet

• ?

Protectia endpoint-ului devine vitala:• Retele securizate, cu politici stricte, dar cu utilizatori mobili

• Adoptia accelerata a smartphone-urilor, o noua problema pentru managerii IT

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Kaspersky Open Space SecurityProtecție complexă

Linia de produse Kaspersky Open Space Security a fost dezvoltată pentru a proteja rețelele de tip corporate împotriva celor mai noi tipuri de amenințări indiferent de dimensiune și complexitate.

| 8 April 2023

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Kaspersky Open Space SecurityLinie de produse

| 8 April 2023

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Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Smartphone Nou!

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Mac Nou!

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Linux Workstation

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations

Kaspersky Work Space Security

| 8 April 2023Kaspersky Open Space Security Essentials

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Kaspersky Work Space Security components

Kaspersky Business Space Security

| 8 April 2023Kaspersky Open Space Security Essentials

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Servers

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Linux File Server Nou!

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Servers EE Nou!

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Kaspersky Enterprise Space Security

Microsoft Exchange Servers 2003/2007/2010

Linux Mail Server Lotus/Domino

Platforme suportate

| 8 April 2023Kaspersky Open Space Security Essentials

Kaspersky Business Space Security components

Kaspersky Security 8.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers Nou!

Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Linux Mail Server

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 8.0 for IBM Lotus Domino Nou!

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Total Space Security


Proxy Servers

MicrosoftISA / TMG Server

Componente Kaspersky Enterprise Space Security

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Microsoft ISA Server and Forefront TMG Standard EditionNou!

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Microsoft ISA Server

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Proxy Server

Kaspersky Anti-Spam

Kaspersky Mail Gateway

| 8 April 2023Kaspersky Open Space Security Essentials

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Securitatea este un process nu

un produs

Adoptarea de noi tehnologii este

urmata si de cresterea potentialuluide criminalitate informatica

Revizuiti-va riscurile de securitate in perimetrele deschise

Unde va sunt datele, si cum sunt ele accesate?

Exista riscuri si asupra afacerii dvs?

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MultumescIntrebari, va rog!

[email protected]
