Kartikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores - Part 1 · a geological report on estimation of iron ore...

a GEOLOGICAL REPORT ON ESTIMATION OF IRON ORE RESERVES / RESOURCES IN RESPECT OF M/s KARTIKEYAS MANGANESE AND IRON ORES MINING LEASE AREA (ML No.2559) DISTRICT: BELLARY, KARNATAKA SALIENT FEATURES 1 Name and location of the block M/s Kartikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease Area (ML.No.2559) Sandur Taluk, Dist: Bellary, Karnataka, lies between Longitudes 76º33’13.10” and 76º33’42.90” and Latitudes 15º00’43.20” and 15º01’4.1”. The area is covered in Survey of India Toposheet No.57 A/12. 2 Accessibility The mine lease area is 20 km from Sandur town which can be approached from Bellary, Hospet, Donimalai and from Toranagallu railway station. 3 Objective i) Detailed topographic survey and contouring ii) Detailed geological mapping iii) Estimation of reserves / resources in respect of ‘C’ category mines as per UNFC guidelines 4 Quantum of work a) Geological Mapping b) i) Core drilling ii) RC drilling c) Total Meterage drilled d) Chemical Analysis i) Primary (Fe,SiO 2, Al 2 0 3 ,) ii) Specific gravity 0.272 sq. km (1:1000 RF) 204.50m (4 Bhs) 796.00m (13 Bhs) 1000.50m(17 Bhs) 985 Nos. 05 Nos. 5 Duration of work August-2014 to October-2014. 6 Geology and structure The Sandur Schist Belt is known for its economic deposits of Iron and Manganese and studied in detail by many prominent workers like New Bold (1838), Foote (1895), Roy and Biswas(1983), Martin and Mukhopadhyay (1987 & 1993), Naqvi et.al. (1987) on various aspects like depositional environment, structure etc.

Transcript of Kartikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores - Part 1 · a geological report on estimation of iron ore...






1 Name and location of the block

M/s Kartikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease Area (ML.No.2559) Sandur Taluk, Dist: Bellary, Karnataka, lies between Longitudes 76º33’13.10” and 76º33’42.90” and Latitudes 15º00’43.20” and 15º01’4.1”. The area is covered in Survey of India Toposheet No.57 A/12.

2 Accessibility The mine lease area is 20 km from Sandur town which can be approached from Bellary, Hospet, Donimalai and from Toranagallu railway station.

3 Objective i) Detailed topographic survey and contouring

ii) Detailed geological mapping

iii) Estimation of reserves / resources in respect of

‘C’ category mines as per UNFC guidelines

4 Quantum of work

a) Geological Mapping

b) i) Core drilling

ii) RC drilling

c) Total Meterage drilled

d) Chemical Analysis

i) Primary (Fe,SiO2,Al203,)

ii) Specific gravity

0.272 sq. km (1:1000 RF)

204.50m (4 Bhs)

796.00m (13 Bhs)

1000.50m(17 Bhs)

985 Nos.

05 Nos.

5 Duration of work August-2014 to October-2014.

6 Geology and structure The Sandur Schist Belt is known for its economic deposits of Iron and Manganese and studied in detail by many prominent workers like New Bold (1838), Foote (1895), Roy and Biswas(1983), Martin and Mukhopadhyay (1987 & 1993), Naqvi et.al. (1987) on various aspects like depositional environment, structure etc.


Iron ore, banded ferruginous cherty quartzite, are intimately associated with gabbro of pre-tectonic and post tectonic origin. The hill ranges trend in NNW-SSE direction, which are similar to regional tectonic trend of the Sandur Schist Belt. The area has under gone two phases of deformation [F1 and F2] and metamorphism. The axial trace of F1 have NNW-SSE trend which is refolded by open F2 folds trending in ENW-WSE direction. The primary structure of banded iron ore formation is bedding and pene-contemporaneous faults; schistosity and fracture cleavage are also common. Repetition of iron ore bands, which cause the thickening of ore at places, are due to diastrophic folds.

7 No. of BHs drilled up to basement

Nil ; Grid pattern : 100 x 100

8 Highest RL in lease area

Lowest RL in lease area

Deepest BH drilled



90.00m (896.049m RL)

9 Thickness at 45% Fe


Minimum – Nil – 1.29 (Bh.no. MKM-13,14 and MKM-16)

Maximum - 80.84m (Bh.no.MKMR-7 )

10 Overburden Laterite

11 Logging and Sampling 1000.50m and 985Nos.

12 Samples analysed for Fe(%), SiO2 (%), Al203 (%)

13 Average core recovery 85-90%

14 No.of Geological cross-sections

7 Nos. i.e. S1-S1’ to S7-S7’

15 Specifications

(Based on Fe%)

>45% Threshold value

16 Structure The lease area falls on Kumaraswamy range which is oriented in E - W direction.

17 Nature / Type of Ore i) Lateritic ore, Haematitic ore, Soft Laminated ore,

Limonitic ore, Shaly ore, Blue dust and Siliceous ore.

ii) Waste type / OB / IB – Laterite, Shale,

Ferruginous and BHQ.


18 Stratigraphy Lateritic Ore

Massive/Laminated Ore

Ferruginous Clay

Ferruginous Shale


19 Ore body dimension Average Strike length - 524.00m

Average True Thick – 35.85m

Average Depth – 43.44m

20 Intercalation Laterite, Shale bands, Ferruginous Clay.

21 Ore Reserves and Resources (at 45% Fe)

28.472 million tonnes with the grade of Fe 55.33 %

SiO2 7.83 % and Al2O3 6.91%

Fe : SiO2 + Al2O3 ratio is 3.75

Al2O3 : SiO2 ratio is 0.88

Al2O3 : Fe ratio is 8.00

22 Recommendations M/s Kartikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease Area (ML No.2559) has good potential that would be amenable to systematic scientific mining.










1.1.0 General 1

1.2.0 Location 2

1.3.0 Accessibility 2

1.4.0 Physiography 2

1.5.0 Climate 2

1.6.0 Scope of Work 3

1.7.0 Acknowledgements 3


2.1.0 Background Information 4

2.2.0 Classification of Iron Ore Deposits 5

2.3.0 Regional Geology 7

2.4.0 Structure 7

2.5.0 Geology of the Area 8

2.6.0 Structural Control 9


3.1.0 Objective 10

3.2.0 Summary of Exploration work done 10

3.3.0 Surface Survey 10

3.4.0 Geological Mapping 12

3.5.0 Exploratory Drilling 12

3.6.0 Core Drilling 12

3.7.0 Primary Sampling 15

3.8.0 Specific Gravity Determination 15




4.1.0 Mineralisation 17

4.2.0 Types of Ores 17

4.3.0 Grade Classification 18

4.4.0 Depth Persistence 20

4.5.0 Mineralisation Factor 20

4.6.0 Physical Characteristics of Ore 20

4.7.0 Chemical Characteristics of the Iron Ore 20


5.1.0 Resource estimation by geological cross-section 22

5.2.0 Shape of Ore body 22

5.3.0 Estimation of Reserves and Grade 24

5.4.0 Rice Ratio 25


6.1.0 Frequency Distribution 31

6.2.0 Accuracy of Analytical Procedure 32











I Details of triangulation stations and boundary pillars 1-2

II Details of boreholes drilled by MECL 1

III Details of survey particulars within the mine lease area including buffer/stroke encroachment area


IVA Detailed Litholog of boreholes drilled (core drilling) by MECL


IVB Detailed Litholog and analytical details of boreholes (Reverse Circulation drilling) drilled by MECL.


V Details of Concise litholog of boreholes 1-17

VI Analytical Results of Primary Samples (Core Drilling] 1-8

VII Contract Agreement 1-10





1 Quantum of work executed in M/S Kartikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease Area


2 Details of Iron Ore zone Intersected in the Boreholes (at 45% Fe cut-off)


3 Details of Iron Ore zone Considered in the Boreholes (at 55% Fe)


4 Section-wise, borehole-wise, category-wise reserves / resources by cross section method


5 Section-wise, borehole-wise, Oretypey-wise reserves / resources by vertical section method








I Location Plan 1 : 200000

II Regional Geological Map 1 : 2000

III Topographic and Geological Map M/s Kartikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease area

1 : 1000

IV Graphic Llithologs with Histograms 1 : 500

V Geological Cross Sections (S1 - S1’ to S7 – S7’) 1 : 1000

VI Geological Vertical Sections (L1 - L1’ to L5 - L5’) 1 : 1000







1 Iron Ore Deposits of India 6

1A Disposition of Block Boundary 11

2 Typical geological cross section 23

3 Histogram of Primary Sample Assay (Entire data) 33

4 Histogram of Primary Sample Assay (Zone data) 34

Field Photos

1 and 2 : Showing Lumpy Ore and Powdery Ore

3 and 4 : Pit view – NW and SE






MINING LEASE AREA (ML No.2559) DISTRICT: BELLARY, KARNATAKA. 1.0.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1.0 GENERAL 1.1.1 The extensive exploitation of Iron ore by small and large lease area holders by

violating all norms fixed by the government. The illegal mining beyond their lease boundary by few mine owners forced the government to stop mining activity and cancel the mining leases since September 2011 by the verdict of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in its Order dated: 24.02.2014. Accordingly a committee was formed to assess the extent of encroachment / violation based on the joint survey conducted by the authorities under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary to Government of Karnataka. Considering the extent of encroachment, 51 mines have been grouped under C-category mines and the mining license of these mines were cancelled. As per the guidelines the Director, Department of Mines and Geology vide letter no. DMG/MLS/MECL/2014-15, dated 16.06.2014 and subsequent detailed discussions with official of IBM, DMG and MECL, it was decided to restrict core drilling method to less than 20% and enhance the RC drilling to more than 80%.

1.1.2 MECL officials visited 15 abandoned C-Category iron ore mines in Sandur area

of Bellary district and Hiriyur area of Chitradurga district along with DMG officials between 19-3-2014 to 23-3-2014 in prelude to the exploration in the C-Category mines. It has been observed that neither systematic mining carried out nor data pertaining to previous exploration / chemical data as well as updated surface plan was available.

1.1.3 However, with the available Surface Plan and GPS Survey data provided by

DMG Karnataka, the proposal for detailed exploration for iron ore in 6 abandoned C- Category mines located in Kumaraswamy and NEB range were prepared.

1.1.4 Sandur Schist Belt is, one of the younger schist belts of Dharwar Super Group

occupied in about 2500 Sq.km area between Bellary, Hospet and Sandur in the Bellary district of Karnataka, known for its rich accumulation of both Iron and Manganese ores. Extensive Iron & Manganese Ore Mining has been the main activity of Sandur, Hospet and Bellary areas.

1.1.5 In future, almost entire Europe (excluding former USSR), Japan, Korea, China

and other Asian Countries will nearly depend upon the import of iron ore. The main exporters will be Brazil, Oceania [Australia, New Zealand etc.) and former USSR. India has a good export market in the eastern sector as Australia seems to be the sole major competitor; besides, India has a good market even


in Europe and Africa. Therefore, it is pertinent to explore large areas to cater to the heavy export of iron ore.

1.1.6 The Ramandurg, Kumaraswamy, Deodari, Donimalai, Thimmappanagudi, NEB

range and Copper mountain Ranges are the most important iron ore mining centers of Bellary - Hospet area.

1.2.0 LOCATION 1.2.1 M/s Kartikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease area (ML No.2559) is

on the Kumaraswamy range of Sandur Schist Belt, at a distance of about 20 kms from Sandur, lies between Longitudes 76º33’13.10” and 76º33’42.90” and Latitudes 15º00’43.20” and 15º01’4.1”. The area is covered in Survey of India Toposheet No.57 A/12. (Plate-I).

1.2.2 The Sandur Schist Belt lies between Longitudes 76º22’ and 76º52’ and

Latitudes 14º50’ and 15º17’. The area is covered in Survey of India Toposheet Nos.57 A/7, 8, 11,12,15,16 & 57 B/9.

1.2.3 Bellary, Sandur and Hospet are the important townships of the area. Sandur is

the tehsil headquarter and located in the south central part of Sandur Schist Belt. Bellary is the district headquarter, which is 60km from Sandur. Donimali is the NMDC township, at a distance of about 15 km from Sandur. Hospet is the important township in the area and it is 30km from Sandur.

1.2.4 Jindal had established Vijayanagar Steels (JSW) near Toranagallu (R.S.),

using Thimmappangudi block iron ore resources. 1.3.0 ACCESSIBILITY 1.3.1 Sandur is connected by road from Bellary, Hospect, Toranagallu (RS) and

Donimalai. Hospet, Toranagallu and Bellary are connected by broad gauge railway line on Hubli - Guntakal section of south central railway. Bengaluru, the state capital, lies at about 340 km from Sandur, it is approachable both by road from Sandur and by train from either Hospet or Torangallu.

1.4.0 PHYSIOGRAPHY 1.4.1 Physiography of the area is characterized by two elongated ridges trending

NNW-SSE. The western ridge is named as Ramandurg range and the eastern ridge is named as Donimali range and the E-W trending South East extension of Ramandurga range is called Kumaraswamy range. The height of these hill ranges is between 600 to 1100m from MSL.

1.5.0 CLIMATE 1.5.1 The Sandur Schist Belt area of Bellary district experience dry semi arid climate

with annual rainfall varying from 40cm to 80cm. The monsoon begins in June first week and continues up to September and winter from the month of October


to January is some what pleasant. Hot to very hot summer is from the month of February to May.


TABLE-1: Quantum of Work Executed in

M/s Kartikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease Area (MLNo.2559)

Sl. No Activity Quantity

1 Topographical Survey (on 1:1000 scale) 27.23 Ha

2 Geological Mapping 0.272Sq.Km

3 Survey

i) Triangulation/Traversing 27.23 Hectares

ii) BH Fixation 17 Nos.

iii) Determination of RL & Co-ordinates 17 Nos.

4 Exploratory Drilling

i) Core Drilling 204.50m (4 BHs.)

ii) RC Drilling 796.00m (13 BHs.)

5 Geological Activities

i) Core Logging 1000.50m (17 BHs)

ii) Sampling 985 Nos.

6 Chemical Analysis :

i) Primary (Fe,Sio2 &Al2O3) 985 Nos.

ii) Specific Gravity determination 05 Nos.

1.7.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1.7.1 MECL is highly thankful to Ore resource estimation committee for its

suggestions and valuable guidance in planning and execution of the proposed exploration in ‘C’ - Category iron ore mines of Bellary – Hospet area, Karnataka.

1.7.2 MECL places on record its profuse thanks to Director, Directorate of Mines &

Geology, Karnataka for assigning the responsibility of exploration in M/s Kartikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease Area (MLNo.2559), Bellary district, Karnataka.

1.7.3 MECL also gratefully acknowledges the co-operation, in execution of

exploration activity at M/s Kartikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease Area (MLNo.2559), by the officials of Directorate of Mines & Geology, Bellary and Hospet.


2.0.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND STRUCTURE 2.1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2.1.1 H. James defined iron formation as a “Chemical sediment, typically thin bedded

or laminated, containing 15% or more iron of sedimentary origin and commonly but not necessarily containing layers of Chert”. Banded Iron Formation (BIF) has been formed within a single epoch of earth between 1900 and 2500 million years ago. The amount of iron deposited in this epoch of sedimentation is quite enormous.

2.1.2 The pre-Cambrian banded iron formations which are known as IRON

FORMATIONS or IRON ORE SERIES consists of banded haematite quartzite, banded haematite jasper, banded chert, etc. in the un-metamorphosed state; whereas on metamorphism, the bounded ferruginous rocks have given rise to banded magnetite quartzite in which, the magnetite has been derived from the original haematite and in places from grunerite - cummingtonite bearing rocks. The basic eruptive rocks of the Precambrian time are the major source of iron ores. The iron ores have been deposited through sedimentary resources followed by leaching, oxidation by surface water percolation over a long period and re-cementation with some replacement have also played a part at places. The haematite generally occupies the top of the ridges and hillocks, which are of great magnitude. Most of the ores have grade of > 60% and are in association with ores of medium and lower grade in larger quantities. The grain size varies from fine to coarse. Few grains of martite and magnetite are present, which are of not much significance. Due to weathering, haematite have altered to limonite and goethite and finally to laterite at places.


Formation Type of Deposits Areas of occurrence

Quarternary Laterite Small occurrences widely scattered as derived from many formations including Deccan Traps.


Eocene and Miocene


NE regions[Assam] Kumaon Hills, Travancore, Malabar coast.


Rajmahal Trap (inter trappean beds)


Birbhum, West Bengal. Rajmahal Hills, Bihar



Sirban limestone

Haematite and limonite

Udhampur, Kashmir



Ironstone & Siderite

Raniganj Coalfield

Barakar Mahadeva Ironstone & Siderite Birbhum, Auranga Coalfield

Cuddapah Bijawar, Gwalior, Cuddapah

Haematite & Ferruginous, Quartzite

Bijawar, Gwalior, Indore, Rewa, Mahendragarh, Jaipur, Jhunjhunu, Sikar, Cuddapah

Banded Iron Formation (Metamophosed)

Magnetite-Quartzite Guntur, Salem, Tiruchira- palle, Shimoga, Chikmaglur Mandi (Himachal)

Banded Iron Formation

Haematite (massive, shaly, powdery etc).

Singhbhum, Bonai, Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj, Poonch (Kashmir), Bastar, Durg, Jabalpur, Chandrapur, Gadcihroli, Ratnagiri, Dharwar, Bellary, Shimoga, Chikmaglur, Goa.

Granites Magnetites (Residual) Jaintia Hills (Assam)

Granodiorites (Rampahari Granite)

Apatite-Magnetite rock Singhbhum, Mayurbhanj

Basic Ultra basic rocks

Titaniferous-vanadiferous magnetites

Singhbhum, Mayurbhanj

Pre-Cambrians Magnetite SE Karnataka, Mysore

2.1.3 The BIF has great economic potential, as it hosts many useful metalliferrous

ores such as iron, aluminum, copper, chromium, gold, uranium, etc. 2.2.0 CLASSIFICATION OF IRON ORE DEPOSITS 2.2.1 The iron ore resources of India are mainly distributed within the five major

zones as detailed below:


GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION [GSI’s Bulletin series A, No.51 (1988)]

(Text Plate-1)


A Chiria, Noamundi, Kiriburu, Meghahatuburu, Thakurani, Bolani, Gua, Malong toil, Gandhamardan, Daitari.

B Bailadila, Dalli, Rajhara, Rowghat, Mahamaya, Aridongri, Surajgarh.

C Donimalai, Ramandurg, Kumaraswamy, NEB Range, Ettinahatti, Tumti, Belagal.

D N.Goa, S.Goa, Redi.

E Kudremukh, Bababudan, Kudachadri.

2.2.2 Also less important (deposits) belts are around central Madhya Pradesh,

Rajasthan, Haryana, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh etc.,




2.3.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGY 2.3.1 The geological formations of the Bellary, Hospet and Sandur region are known

by the name Sandur Schist Belt, belongs to Dharwar Super Group. The generalized succession of these formations was first suggested by Foote (1895) is as follows


Dharwar Group

Intrusive rocks




Basic igneous rocks


Older gneisses and granites

2.3.3 Older gneisses and granites: These are the oldest rocks of the area and

occur mainly along the Western and South western boundaries of the schist belt.

2.3.4 Basic igneous rocks: This group comprises mainly of meta basalt and

epidiorites and overlies the gneisses and granites with an unconformity. 2.3.5 Sedimentaries: The sedimentary formations consist largely arenaceous

sediment (sandstones & quartzites) successively followed by argillaceous (shales, phyllites & slates) and ferruginous sediments (ferruginous shales, quartzites, manganese and iron ores).

2.3.6 Intrusive rocks: These include both acid and basic intrusive. The acid

intrusives are in the form of granites while the basic ones are in the form of dioritic or doleritic sills.

2.3.7 The two most significant economic mineral deposits of the area are manganese

and Iron ores. The manganese ore is confined mainly to the southern portion of Kumaraswamy range and the western flanks of the Ramandurg range. Iron ore occurrences are spread over almost all the major hill ranges viz., Ramandurg, Kumaraswamy, Donimalai, Devadarigudda, Thimmappanagudi, NEB range and Copper Mountain (Belagal) range.

2.4.0 STRUCTURE 2.4.1 The hill ranges of Sandur Schist Belt appear to be isoclinal synclines trending

NNW – SSE with general northeasterly dip. The major valleys are in the


anticlinal regions. The Copper Mountain (Belagal), Thimmappanagudi, Ramandurg, Kumaraswamy and Donimalai ranges are located in the synclinal regions. The overall structure of the schist belt is synclinal and it is often called “Sandur Synclinorium”

2.4.2 The eastern and western limbs of Sandur Syncline and Copper Mountain cross

folded syncline show only iron ore enrichment. The en-echelon drag fold shows concentration of manganese ore along the troughs and the saddles.

2.5.0 GEOLOGY OF THE AREA 2.5.1 The Sandur Schist Belt is known for its economics deposits of iron and

manganese and studied in details by many prominent workers like New Bold (1838), Foote (1895), Roy and Biswas (1983), Martin & Mukhopadhyay (1987 & 1993), Naqvi et.al. (1987) on various aspects like depositional environment, structure and depositional process etc. Geo-chemical data study by Manikyamba et. al. (1993) inferred that the iron formation were the result of submarine hydrothermal venting at the mid-oceanic ridge, ferruginous volcanic sedimentation and biogenic activity.

2.5.2 The lithostratigraphy of the volcanic and sedimentary rocks under the new term

are defined as “Sandur Group” which are as follows:

Sandur Group

Vibhutigudda Formation

Taluru Formation

Donimalai Formation

Ramanmala Formation

Deogiri Formation

Yeshwanth nagar Formation

---------------------------------------------Tectonic contact ------------------------------

Basement not known (probably gneiss)

2.5.3 Yeshwantnagar Formation: This formation is dominated by metamorphosed

ultramafic rocks, metagabbro and amphibolites on the south western margin of the schist belt.

2.5.4 Deogiri Formation: The sedimentary sequence overlies the amphibolites of

the Yeshwanth nagar formation. The lowest part of the formation are mostly greywacke and the top most part are manganiferous greywacks which immediately underlie the lowest banded chert of Ramanmala Formation. The greywacks are commonly calcareous. Much of the manganiferous greywacks occurs as secondary concentrations of oxides or hydroxides in the form of nodules or encrustations on fractures.


2.5.5 Ramanmala Formation: The lower part of the Ramanmala formation is

dominated by banded ferruginous cherts and interbedded amphibolites. The chert layers increase in number along the strike of the formation from north-west to south-east. Many of these chert layers are, banded iron formations which are host to economic deposits of secondary haematite, on the top of the Ramanmala and Deogiri hill ranges.

2.5.6 Donimalai Formation: This formation comprises amphibolites and banded

ferruginous cherts with subordinate polymict conglomerate and greywacks. Numerous banded units of chert characterise the Donimalai Formation. They vary in thickness from 10 to 100m. The banded haematite-enriched types of rocks have magnetite, Jasper and pyrite rich cherts to non-ferruginous grey cherts.

2.5.7 Taluru Formation: The formation mostly comprises of schistose amphibolites

and pillow structured metabesalts, which are host to thin, but persistent intercalations of banded cherts and local pods of coarse grained grey carbonates. The lower part of the formation comprises inter bedded banded ferruginous cherts, schistose chlorite carbonate rich amphibolites and siliceous schist.

2.5.8 Vibhutigudda Formation: The hill ranges northeast of Donimalai range,

includes formations comprising sedimentary and volcanic rocks such as greywacks and banded ferruginous chert that immediately overlies the amphibolites of the Taluru formations.

2.6.0 STRUCTURAL CONTROL 2.6.1 Iron ore, banded ferruginous cherty quartzite, are intimately associated with

gabbro of pre-tectonic and post tectonic origin. 2.6.2 The hill ranges trend in NNW-SSE direction, which are similar to the regional

tectonic trend of the Sandur Schist Belt. The area has undergone two phases of deformation [F1 and F2] and metamorphism. The axial trace of F1 have NNW-SSE trend which is refolded by open F2 folds trending ENW-WSE. The primary structure of banded iron ore formation is bedding and pene-contemporaneous faults. Schistosity and fracture cleavage are common. Repetition of iron ore bands, which cause the thickening of ore at places, are due to diastrophic folds.


3.0.0 EXPLORATION BY MECL 3.1.0 OBJECTIVE 3.1.1 The main objective of exploration by MECL is to estimate the iron ore resources

in M/s Kartikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease Area (ML No.2559). The following objectives were set for this purpose:

1. To survey the mining lease area and to prepare the topographical map 2. To prepare geological map of the mine lease area

3. To assess the strike and depth continuity of iron ore in the mining lease area

4. Estimation of iron ore reserves / resources as per UNFC classification

3.1.2 Based on the work order of DMG, Karnataka, the exploration was commenced

on 28.08.2014 and completed on 30.10.2014 involving 204.50m core drilling in 4 boreholes and 796.00m in 13 boreholes by RC drilling which amounts to a total of 1000.50m in 17 boreholes, 985 samples and 5 Nos. of specific gravity determinations. The chemical analysis has been completed on 14.11.2014.

3.2.0 SUMMARY OF EXPLORATION WORK DONE 3.2.1 The summary of physical work done by MECL is given in Table 1.1. The

detailed account of each activity is presented in the following paras. 3.3.0 SURFACE SURVEY 3.3.1 The survey work has been carried by using Differential Global Positioning

System (DGPS) of Tremble make having an accuracy of 0.10 m with WGS 1984 datum. In the absence of survey of India reference point, within the vicinity of mines area, base stations T1 & T2 are fixed at highest elevations of the area i.e. northwest part and southeast part of mines area respectively and the details are given below:

Bearing between T-1 & T-2 = 1310 23’ 38”

Distance between T-1 & T-2 = 331.4196m.

3.3.2 The DMG Officials of Hospet had shown the pillars existed on the ground, which was surveyed by MECL and plotted on to the map. The map supplied by DMG, Karnataka duly certified by IBM, Bengaluru has been rectified as per the surveyed boundary.





3.3.3 The surveyed map thus prepared is deviated and non-congruent from the map supplied by DMG, Karnataka [Text Plate-1]. Then the survey work has been continued to prepare the topographical map on 1:1000 (Plate-III) and fixation of boreholes by using the Electronic Total station (Sokkia make). The co-ordinates, both National and UTM, of triangulation stations and boundary pillars and boreholes are provided in Annexure I and II respectively. Moreover as per the decision taken in the meeting held between DMG, Karnataka and MECL on 15-10-2014 at Bengaluru, the total station data, including the buffer / encroachment area, is given as Annexure-III.

3.4.0 GEOLOGICAL MAPPING 3.4.1 The geological mapping was carried out with the help of tape and compass

over an area of 0.272 sq.km on 1:1000 scale. The survey stations fixed on the cross sections line were used as reference points. A few field photographs has been appended along with [Field Photo-1 to 4].

3.4.2 During the exploration, the benches excavated were also studied carefully to

decipher and delineate the nature and behavior of iron ore bands. Other formations as well as surface geological features were also incorporated in the topographical and geological map. Structural features viz. attitude, different formations, joints, foliation etc. and were also recorded in Plate-III.

3.5.0 EXPLORATORY DRILLING 3.5.1 The boreholes have been drilled by MECL as approved by the DMG, Karnataka

and closed in consultation with DMG officials at Bellary. In order to assess the total potential of iron ore in the mine area, a total of 4 no. of boreholes for core drilling and 13 no. of boreholes for RC drilling have been planned involving of 204.50m & 796.00m respectively. Thus, a total of 1000.50m exploratory drilling has been completed in M/s Kartikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease Area (ML No.2559). During the period of execution, due to the finer nature of ore, utmost care has been taken while drilling, so as to achieve the maximum core recovery. In the mineralized zone, the overall recovery has been 85-90% and above.

3.6.0 CORE LOGGING 3.6.1 The core and powdery materials recovered from drilling were logged

systematically to demarcate various litho-units. The logging of run wise cores and the powdery materials as well as the cuttings from boreholes have helped in discerning physical characteristics like colour, shape and nature of pieces viz., laminated, goethite, clayey and siliceous etc. Besides these, the qualitative analytical data were helped in delineating the ore types and non ore. Among the non ore, ferruginous shale, shale, banded haematite quartzite has also been demarcated. The upper portion of ore body has been covered invariably by laterite / lateritic ore. However, impersistent remnant banded haematite quartzite have been observed at few places. Based on these observations, ore zones and non-ore horizon were distinguished and delineated after synthesising chemical analysis along with lithological details and same has


Photo 1 : Lumpy with powdery ore at north east portion of central pit

Photo 2 : Powdery ore at central pit


Photo 3 : Pit view facing north west

Photo 4 : Pit view facing south east


been given in the Annexures IVA & IVB. Concise lithologs were made (Annexure-V) based on which graphic logs on 1:500 scale were prepared and presented in Plate-IV.

3.7.0 PRIMARY SAMPLING 3.7.1 The core recovered by drilling was divided into two longitudinal halves. One

half was taken for sampling, whereas the second half was kept for future reference [with DMG, Karnataka]. The first half was subjected to uniform size reduction of 1mm size. It is thoroughly mixed, pounded and powdered to (-) 100 mesh size by pestle and mortar and then coned and quartered. 3 sample packets of 100 gram each have been prepared; out of the three, one packet was handed over to DMG, Karnataka and the other one has been labeled and sent to MECL laboratory for Fe, SiO2 and Al2O3 analyses, whereas the third packet was preserved for future reference. Generally, one meter length of the core has been considered as a sampling unit, provided no change in lithology or else, the length corresponds to particular lithology has been taken into consideration for sampling purposes. The analytical details of the samples have been given in Annexure IVB and VI.

3.7.2 The entire lot of chips and powder material were collected from boreholes

drilled by Reverse Circulation drill, consist more than 50% chips in nature. They samples have been thoroughly mixed to get the desired quantity of 500-600 gms. and pounded to (-)100 mesh size by progressive reduction, 3 sample packets of 200 gram each has been prepared; out of the three, one has been labeled and sent to MECL lab. for Fe, SiO2 and Al2O3 analyses and the other packet was handed over to DMG, Karnataka, and the 3rd packet of the sample has been preserved for further studies at camp.

3.7.3 Chemical Analysis: All the primary samples were analysed for Fe, SiO2, Al2O3

at MECL laboratory by classical method and at JNRDC laboratory by XRF method. The analytical details are provided in Annexure-IVB and VI.

3.8.0 SPECIFIC GRAVITY DETERMINATION 3.8.1 The specific gravity of different types of ores have been determined on samples

by Walker’s Steelyard Balance method in the MECL laboratory. The results are given below:

Sl.No. Sample No. Lithology Specific Gravity

1 Kar-1 Lateritic Ore 3.39 2 Kar-2 Laterite 3.18 3 Kar-3 Siliceous Ore (Lumpy) 3.23 4 Kar-4 Lateritic Ore 4.26 5 Kar-5 Lumpy Ore 3.35

3.8.2 However, bulk densities determined for different deposits by various agencies

are also given below:


Determination of Bulk density by GSI in NEB Range

Determination of Specific Gravity by IBM in Bellary – Hospet deposit.

Lumpy ore 3.5

Blue Dust 3.8

Mean 3.65

Determination of Specific Gravity by NMDC in Bailadila deposit no.4

Steel grey haematite 4.2

Blue grey haematite 4.0

Laminated haematite 3.5

Lateritic & Limonitic ore 3.5

Flaky ore & Blue dust 3.4

Mean 3.72

Overall Specific Gravity after consideration of all the deposits is 3.50 and same has been considered for estimation of ore reserves.

Ore Zone Hard Ore Soft Ore Powder Ore

I 3.4 3.0

II - - 3.0

III - - 3.0

IV 4.9 3.0 3.0

V 4.7 3.3 3.0

V-A 4.4 3.0 3.0

X 4.35 3.07 3.0

Mean 4.35 3.07 3.0


4.0.0 MINERALISATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF IRON ORE 4.1.0 MINERALISATION 4.1.1 All the materials analysing more than 45% and above have been considered as

ore. The ore exhibits wide variations of physical properties ranging from compact, hard and massive ore to soft, granular, unconsolidated sandy blue dust or reddish brown powdery ore.

4.1.2 However, categorization/classification of ore based on quantitative data such

as hard, soft, laminated, powdery etc., have been possible based on mine data (size range or granulometry). It is based on physical properties like colour, presence or absence of weakness, cohesiveness of the grains etc. Thus, lithological classification helped in revealing a stratigraphical picture of the relative preponderance of different ore types.

4.1.3 The iron ore in nature is not homogeneous, but consists of a mixture of many

ore types. Hence, practical approach of demarcating the ore zones based on predominant nature of the lithology/ore substantiated with analytical data have been applied.

4.2.0 TYPES OF ORES 4.2.1 Various types of iron ores are derived from haematite viz. massive ore,

laminated ore and blue dust.

Type of Ore Characteristic Features

Lateritic Porous and cavernous in nature

Laminated Closely spaced laminae, which give rise to biscuity ores.

Blue dust (-)10 mesh Ore constituting of haematite and martite

Massive (haematitic) No planar structure

4.2.2 The blue dust consists of 10-15% of (-) 100 mesh size fractions and above

80% of (-)100 to (-)325 mesh size. 4.2.3 Besides the float ore gets accumulated along the slope and foot hills which are

of more pure in iron content. In Bellary-Hospet region also the float ore occurs with >64% Fe. The gangue materials are of shale pieces, banded haematite quartzite, dolerite and clay. If lateritisation is extensive, the alumina to silica ratio will be high.

Type of Ore Fe%

Massive ore(Haematitic) 67.69

Compact laminated ore 67

Powdery ore 65

Laminated ore 65


4.3.0 GRADE CLASSIFICATION 4.3.1 The exploration efforts in 70’s were mainly for lumpy ores, fines were not given

economic importance. Similarly, exploration will also be required to categorize the ore reserves / resources based on end user’s grade classifications. At threshold cutoff of 45% Fe as stipulated by IBM and at 55% Fe cutoff, the mineralized zones within the lease hold area have been delineated and presented in the Table-2 and Table-3 respectively.



Section Number

Borehole Number

Intersection (m) Diff


True Width


G r a d e Rice Ratio Fe/SiO2+Al2O3 From To Fe% SiO2% Al2O3%

S1-S1' MKM-2 0.00 9.00 9.00 7.74 50.11 7.29 10.80 2.77

36.00 40.50 4.50 3.87 63.23 2.86 3.35 10.18

MKMR-4 0.00 17.00 17.00 14.72 49.67 16.00 7.25 2.13

MKMR-5 0.00 30.00 30.00 25.98 53.61 7.60 6.57 3.78

MKMR-7 0.00 94.00 94.00 80.84 62.35 5.37 2.57 7.85

MKM-1 0.00 43.00 43.00 36.98 53.83 6.59 8.70 3.52

S2-S2' MKMR-3 34.00 61.00 27.00 23.38 61.21 4.79 3.22 7.64

MKMR-6 0.00 85.00 85.00 73.10 63.47 3.34 2.54 10.79

MKMR-8 0.00 18.00 18.00 15.58 54.18 12.16 6.22 2.94

MKMR-12 0.00 11.00 11.00 9.46 49.21 13.21 11.24 2.01

28.00 54.00 26.00 22.36 46.75 14.80 12.41 1.71

62.00 80.00 18.00 15.58 43.96 16.71 14.71 1.40

S3-S3' MKMR-15 0.00 50.00 50.00 43.00 64.83 1.52 2.80 15.00

S4-S4' MKM-17 0.00 42.50 42.50 36.80 64.80 1.41 3.17 14.14

MKM-11 14.00 60.00 46.00 39.56 46.37 12.95 9.91 2.02

S5-S5' MKMR-10 0.00 78.00 78.00 67.55 60.34 4.58 5.13 6.21

MKMR-9 7.00 53.00 46.00 39.56 52.21 4.79 8.79 3.84

S6-S6' MKM-16 11.00 18.00 7.00 6.02 44.87 6.99 16.40 1.91



(AT 55% Fe CUT-OFF)

Sl. Section BH.No. Iron Ore Zone Considered (m) TRUE Grade (%)

No. From To Thickness Avg.Thick(m) Fe SiO2 Al2O3

1 S1-S1' MKM-2 36.00 40.50 4.50 3.87 63.23 2.86 3.35

MKMR-4 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.86 56.70 12.31 4.00

MKMR-5 2.00 28.00 26.00 22.36 55.13 6.43 6.30

MKMR-7 1.00 94.00 93.00 79.98 62.45 5.25 2.56

MKM-1 0.00 29.50 29.50 25.37 58.61 8.28 5.32

2 S2-S2' MKMR-3 34.00 58.00 24.00 20.64 63.42 3.27 3.42

MKMR-6 0.00 84.00 84.00 72.24 63.68 3.00 2.56

MKMR-8 0.00 16.00 16.00 13.76 55.86 9.64 6.97

MKMR-12 7.00 8.00 1.00 0.86 56.64 9.17 6.88

28.00 30.00 2.00 1.73 58.58 6.20 4.56

42.00 43.00 1.00 0.86 60.48 3.87 4.59

45.00 48.00 3.00 2.59 61.03 4.50 4.50

52.00 54.00 2 1.73 58.66 7.29 6.24

3 S3-S3' MKMR-15 1.00 50.00 49.00 42.14 65.08 1.34 2.66

4 S4-S4' MKM-17 0.00 42.50 42.50 36.99 64.80 1.41 3.17

MKMR-11 6.00 7.00 1.00 0.86 55.30 4.38 5.29

26.00 31.00 5.00 4.30 57.78 5.59 3.47

34.00 37.00 3.00 2.59 59.08 5.38 4.87

54.00 55.00 1.00 0.86 56.56 4.54 4.25

5 S5-S5' MKMR-10 0.00 69.00 69.00 59.34 62.89 3.13 3.98

MKMR-9 12.00 41.00 29.00 24.94 56.66 2.56 6.63


4.4.0 DEPTH PERSISTANCE 4.4.1 The general mode of occurrence of haematite deposits, which form bulk of the

ore resources in the country, is in the form of surface enrichment. But there are areas like NEB range in Bellary-Hospet, Bailadila Range, Goa, etc., where the ore is in the form of pure sedimentary beds with steep dips ‘reefs’. The average depth of the mineralised zone proved by the present exploration in the present mine lease area is 43.44m over the strike length of 524.00m only.

Deepest ore intersection of the borehole

Section Number

Borehole Number

Intersection (m) Diff (m)

True Width


G r a d e

From To Fe% SiO2% Al2O3%

S-1 MKM-1 0.00 43.00 43.00 36.98 53.83 6.59 8.70

MKMR-7 0.00 94.00 94.00 80.84 62.35 5.37 2.57

S-2 MKMR-3 34.00 61.00 27.00 23.38 61.21 4.79 3.22


MKMR-15 0.00 50.00 50.00 43.00 64.83 1.52 2.80


0.00 9.00 9.00 7.74 50.11 7.29 10.80

36.00 40.50 4.50 3.87 63.23 2.86 3.35

MKMR-4 0.00 17.00 17.00 14.72 49.67 16.00 7.25

4.5.0 MINERALISATION FACTOR 4.5.1 Mineralogy of an iron deposit has a great influence in the ore treatment

characteristics and economics. Magnetite is recoverable by relatively simple economical magnetic separation while haematite, goethite, siderite require expensive roasting or flotation processes. Although when the grains are coarse, haematite ore may get treated with low cost. Mineralisation factor is the ratio of net ore bearing area to gross area. It is referred as the co-efficient of impurities. The mineralization factor for M/s Karthikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease area is 0.06m

4.6.0 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ORE 4.6.1 The ore are Lateritic ore, massive + laminated, soft laminated, blue dust,

Limonitic ore, powdery, and Siliceous ore. 4.6.2 Principal ore minerals are haematite + magnetite, goethite and limonite. The

iron content ranges from 63.9% to 68.26% in blue dust. 4.7.0 CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE IRON ORE 4.7.1 In the entire deposit, the high grade ore is almost free from laterisation and the

laterite area is very less (2-3%), whereas the blue dust area ranges about 5%. However, the blue dust mostly contains more haematite, therefore, good quantity of haematitic ore could be easily available from the blue dust. The


haematitic ore persists even beyond the level of exploration as could be visualize from the geological cross sections (S1 - S1’ to S4 - S4’), over the strike length of 307.00m for vertical thickness of 26.00m

4.7.2 Silica to Alumina ratio ranges between 0.08 and 1.55 with the average of 0.88

indicating low level of lateritisation; whereas the Iron to Alumina ratio for the M/s Karthikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease area is 0.12. The ore in general is rich in iron [>55%Fe], but they also contain 1-7.99% Al2O3 and the ore deposits normally have Al2O3 : Fe ratio around 0.05 - 0.08 or more.

4.7.3 Owing to the association of iron bearing minerals more with laterite and clayey

gangue than with siliceous minerals, the alumina to silica ratio is generally greater than one (Mean 1.43).


5.0.0 METHOD OF RESOURCE ESTIMATION 5.1.0 RESOURCE ESTIMATION BY GEOLOGICAL CROSS-SECTION 5.1.1 Resources have been estimated by geological cross section method. In order

to delineate the ore and non-ore, the grade or threshold value of 45% Fe has been adopted, thus non ore above and below ore zones has been demarcated. The rule of gradual change or law of linear function has been applied [Constantine C. Popoff, 1965] along with the rule of nearest points for application of influence of half way between successive boreholes.

5.1.2 At threshold cutoff of 45% Fe as stipulated by IBM, the mineralized zone was

demarcated within the lease hold area and the ore reserves are estimated. 5.1.3 A total of 7 cross sections serially numbered S1 – S1’ to S7 – S7’ from west to

east along N33°E – S33°W direction have been prepared (Plate-V) based on the interpretation of sub surface borehole qualitative data along with surface geological data which is perpendicular to general strike of the ore body. A typical geological cross section is given as Text Plate-2.

5.1.4 50.0 m on either side of the iron ore intersection of the borehole has been

placed under (111), the next 50.0 m under (112). However, based on geological inference and the behavior of the iron ore formations an influence of 10-15m along the down depth has been estimated and placed under (121) category of UNFC.

5.1.5 Correction factor of 1.10 for thickness of Iron ore in strike direction has been

applied. Similarly a correction factor of 0.86 has been applied to get true thickness.

5.1.6 A call factor of 10% reduction has been applied to calculate net geological

reserves. 5.2.0 SHAPE OF THE ORE BODY 5.2.1 The shape of the ore body on the cross section line has been obtained by

interpretation and correlation of the borehole data. Each borehole gives a point for the location in space of the ore bottom which, in general, is shale, ferruginous shale and BHQ.

5.2.2 The possibility of the ore body being in the nature of ore folded sedimentary

bed, behaving as a stratigraphic unit was considered. The alternative hypothesis of the ore body, being a leached and replaced portion of some pre-existing rock, in this case the BHQ, appeared to be more realistic and adopted for determination of the ore bottom configuration. The ore bottom was out-lined by joining intersection on adjacent boreholes through smooth lines, though these lines may cut across the general dip of the formation.




TD 80.00m

TD 50.00m

RL 1036.71

RL 982.69

49.21 13.21 11.24

46.75 14.80 12.41

43.9616.71 14.71




64.831.52 2.8043.00









R.F 1:1000



RL In Meters RL In Meters


43.96 16.71 14.7115.58

Fe% SiO2% Al2O3%True Th (m) Geologically interpreted orebody


5.2.3 The shape of the non ore consisting essentially of ferruginous shale, at times, BHQ has been ascertained by joining the upper limit of the ore zone with iron content of more than 45% in adjacent boreholes. However, in certain cases, the thickness of non ore zone [< 45% Fe] is negligible, while in other sections it is considerable.

5.2.4 The intercalation of ferruginous shale, shale and remnant BHQ in the ore body

has been impersistent. 5.2.5 Influence of each cross section has been taken up to half the distance following

“rule of gradual change”. However at the extreme end of the area of exploration (S1-S1’) sectional influence of 50.0m only has been given. A buffer zone of 7.5m from the mine lease boundary has been demarcated. Ore reserves have been estimated up to buffer zone.

5.3.0 ESTIMATION OF RESERVES / RESOURCES AND GRADE 5.31 After delineating the limit of non ore (45%) and boundaries of different litho-

units, the geometry of the ore body have been demarcated and the sectional area has been computed by the software using Autocad. Thus, the volume has been calculated by multiplying the sectional area with sectional influence.

5.3.2 Ore resource tonnage has been estimated by multiplying the volume with the

tonnage factor of specific gravity of 3.50. The sum has been considered as geological in-situ resources.

5.3.3 At the back drop of iron ore extraction from the lease hold area, over an

average strike length of 524.00m, 420.0m wide and up to the average vertical true depth of 43.44m, allow us to presume that the iron ore zone has wide consistent continuity. Moreover iron ore has been extracted from Kumaraswamy range not only by NMDC but also by SMIORE since Independence. However, Dalmia International has been extracting the ore from NEB range since Independence only for export. Therefore, UNFC code pertains to economical, feasibility and geological axis of (111) (112) & (121) have been assigned. The estimates of reserves and resources at 45% Fe cut off are given in Table -4.

5.3.4 While computation of reserves a minimum parting of 5.00m have been

considered in order to include a few ore zone of sub-marginal grade such as 43.96% Fe / 15.58m (MKMR-12) and 44.87% Fe / 6.02m (MKM-6).

5.3.5 It reveals that the lease area has the extension of about 524.00m length along

the NNW-SSE with an average wide of 420.0m. A total 28.472 m.t. of net reserves with average grade of 55.33% Fe, 7.83% SiO2 and 6.91% Al2O3 have been estimated.

5.3.6 However, an attempt has been made to study the behavior of different types of

ores within the ore zone at 45% Fe cut-off along N55°05’W - S55°05’E direction. The reserves / resources have been estimated with average sectional influence of 52m, 106m, 94m,105m and 90m over an average strike length of


360m (L1-L1’ to L5-L5’]. Ore types wise reserves has been estimated in general collectively which stands at 28.531 m.t. with the average grade of 59.11% Fe, 5.93% SiO2 and 4.98% Al2O3 and the details are given in Table-5.

5.3.7 On comparison of ore reserve estimates, over the strike length of 307.00m by

geological cross section method (S1-S1’ to S4-S4’), an influence of average vertical true thick of 26.00m along the down depth has been estimated and placed under (121) category of UNFC, based on geological inference and the behavior of the iron ore formations. Whereas the reserve estimates by vertical section method the same influence could not be applied. Hence a difference of 6.8314 million tonnes in the estimate thus arisen.

5.4.0 RICE RATIO 5.4.1 Fe : SiO2 + Al2O3 is 3.75 for the entire lease hold area [S1-S1’ to S6-S6’]. The Al2O3 : SiO2 ratio is 0.88 and Al2O3 : Fe is 8.00 from the weight percent

recovery of iron, if entire ore material be fully utilized.




Section Number

Borehole Number

Intersection (m)

Diff (m)

True Width


Average sectional Influence


Area (Sq.m) (111)

Area (Sq.m)


Reserves (Tonnes) (111)

Reserves (Tonnes) (112/121)

Total Reserves

G r a d e

From To Fe% SiO2% Al2O3%


MKM-2 0.00 9.00 9.00 7.74 101 91.4119 35545.5173 35545.5173 50.11 7.29 10.80

36.00 40.50 4.50 3.87 101 363.0479 141171.1759 141171.1759 63.23 2.86 3.35

MKMR-4 0.00 17.00 17.00 14.72 101 2070.8043 805232.2521 805232.2521 49.67 16.00 7.25

MKMR-5 0.00 30.00 30.00 25.98 101 3489.2801 1356806.5669 1356806.5669 53.61 7.60 6.57

Influence(121) 101 2541.7207 988348.0942 988348.0942 53.61 7.60 6.57

MKMR-7 0.00 94.00 94.00 80.84 101 8753.6317 3403849.6865 3403849.6865 62.35 5.37 2.57

Influence(121) 101 2429.2167 944600.9138 944600.9138 62.35 5.37 2.57

MKM-1 0.00 43.00 43.00 36.98 101 5193.0211 2019306.2547 2019306.2547 53.83 6.59 8.70

Influence(121) 101 241.1628 93776.1548 93776.1548 53.83 6.59 8.70

Sub-Total : 7761911.4535 9788636.6162 57.34 7.01 5.28


MKMR-3 34.00 61.00 27.00 23.38 74 3201.7516 912.3723 912179.0308 259934.8683 1172113.8991 61.21 4.79 3.22

MKMR-6 0.00 85.00 85.00 73.10 74 7039.3837 2005520.4161 2005520.4161 63.47 3.34 2.54

MKMR-8 0.00 18.00 18.00 15.58 74 2764.2602 787537.7310 787537.7310 54.18 12.16 6.22

Influence(121) 74 2399.2355 683542.1940 683542.1940 54.18 12.16 6.22

MKMR-12 0.00 11.00 11.00 9.46 74 915.0666 561.4323 260702.4743 159952.0623 420654.5366 49.21 13.21 11.24

28.00 54.00 26.00 22.36 74 2633.0998 1083.8567 750170.1330 308790.7738 1058960.9069 46.75 14.80 12.41

62.00 80.00 18.00 15.58 74 1785.3994 3031.9776 508660.2891 863810.4182 1372470.7073 43.96 16.71 14.71

Influence(121) 74 2947.0984 2976.0183 839628.3342 847867.6137 1687495.9478 43.96 16.71 14.71

Sub-Total : 6064398.4085 3123897.9302 9188296.3388 52.62 11.16 8.80


Section Number

Borehole Number

Intersection (m)

Diff (m)

True Width


Average sectional Influence


Area (Sq.m) (111)

Area (Sq.m)


Reserves (Tonnes)


Reserves (Tonnes) (112/121)

Total Reserves/ Resources

G r a d e

From To Fe% SiO2% Al2O3%


MKMR-15 0.00 50.00 50.00 43.00 46 4960.1628 2549.0167 878444.8319 451430.8576 1329875.6895 64.83 1.52 2.80

Influence(121) 46 1554.3996 1802.3896 275284.1692 319203.1982 594487.3673 64.83 1.52 2.80

Sub-Total : 1153729.0010 770634.0557 1924363.0568 64.83 1.52 2.80


MKM-17 0.00 42.50 42.50 36.80 86 3241.7292 1073336.5381 1073336.5381 64.80 1.41 3.17

Influence(121) 86 2499.4681 827573.8879 827573.8879 64.80 1.41 3.17

MKM-11 14.00 60.00 46.00 39.56 86 4326.6545 3263.0238 1432555.3050 1080387.1802 2512942.4851 46.37 12.95 9.91

Influence(121) 86 1863.0233 1201.9432 616847.0146 397963.3935 1014810.4082 46.37 12.95 9.91

Sub-Total : 3950312.7456 1478350.5737 5428663.3193 52.82 8.91 7.55


MKMR-10 0.00 78.00 78.00 67.55 115 5167.3397 2277892.5233 2277892.5233 60.34 4.58 5.13

MKMR-9 7.00 53.00 46.00 39.56 115 4813.8024 1646.8635 2122044.4430 725978.6024 2848023.0454 52.21 4.79 8.79

Sub-Total : 4399936.9662 725978.6024 5125915.5686 55.82 4.70 7.16


MKM-16 11.00 18.00 7.00 6.02 102 461.4411 180319.6459 180319.6459 44.87 6.99 16.40

Sub-Total : 180319.6459 180319.6459 44.87 6.99 16.40

Total 23510608.2207 6098861.1620 31636194.5455 55.33 7.83 6.91

NET RESOURCES 28472575.0910 55.33 7.83 6.91



Section Number

Ore Type Borehole Number

Intersection (m) Thick.


True Thick (m)

Average sectional Influence


Area (Sq.m) (111)

Area (Sq.m) (112)

Reserves (Tonnes)


Reserves (Tonnes) (112/121)

Total Reserves (Tonnes)

G r a d e

From To Fe% SiO2% Al2O3%


Haematitic Ore MKM-2 0.00 9.00 9.00 7.74 52.00 614.5146 123025.8229 123025.8229 50.11 7.29 10.80

Haematitic Ore 36.00 40.50 4.50 3.87 52.00 253.8086 50812.4817 50812.4817 63.23 2.86 3.35

BH-TOTAL 173838.3046 173838.3046 53.94 6.00 8.62


Haematitic Ore MKMR-3 34.00 61.00 27.00 23.38 106.62 1952.3255 801404.2375 801404.2375 61.21 4.79 3.22

BH-TOTAL 801404.2375 801404.2375 61.21 4.79 3.22

Haematitic Ore MKMR-4 0.00 17.00 17.00 14.72 106.62 1759.194 307.1788 722126.2675 126092.9041 848219.1716 49.67 16.00 7.25

BH-TOTAL 722126.2675 126092.9041 848219.1716 49.67 16.00 7.25


Haematitic Ore MKMR-15 0.00 43.00 43.00 37.24 105.00 2437.771 985468.9268 985468.9268 63.75 1.64 3.09

Blue Dust 43.00 50.00 7.00 6.06 94.00 314.3352 113757.9089 113757.9089 68.26 0.65 0.87

Influence 94.00 9614.1814 3479372.2487 3479372.2487 68.26 0.65 0.87

BH-TOTAL 1099226.8356 3479372.2487 4578599.0843 67.29 0.86 1.35

Haematitic Ore MKMR-6 0.00 7.00 7.00 6.06 94.00 399.9662 144747.7678 144747.7678 59.84 2.21 3.51

Limonitic Ore 7.00 9.00 2.00 1.73 105.00 138.2252 55877.5371 55877.5371 61.45 0.80 2.46

Haematitic Ore 9.00 35.00 26.00 22.51 105.00 2140.3401 865232.4854 865232.4854 63.92 0.79 2.19

Blue Dust 35.00 42.00 7.00 6.06 105.00 413.355 167098.7588 167098.7588 67.90 0.48 1.33

Haematitic Ore 42.00 85.00 43.00 37.24 105.00 2969.1699 598.3053 241864.9175 241864.9175 62.29 5.60 2.75

Influence 105.00 300.253 121377.2753 121377.2753 62.29 5.60 2.75

BH-TOTAL 1232956.5491 363242.1928 1596198.7418 63.51 1.98 2.36

Haematitic Ore MKMR-5 0.00 28.00 28.00 24.24 105.00 2398.456 969575.8380 969575.8380 53.80 7.94 6.20

Limonitic Ore 28.00 30.00 2.00 1.73 105.00 270.0418 109164.3977 109164.3977 51.24 2.70 11.74

Influence (121) 105.00 3444.342 1392375.2535 1392375.2535 54.88 6.16 6.69

BH-TOTAL 1078740.236 1392375.254 2471115.489 54.30 6.71 6.72


Section Number

Ore Type Borehole Number

Intersection (m) Thick.


True Thick (m)

Average sectional Influence


Area (Sq.m) (111)

Area (Sq.m) (112)

Reserves (Tonnes)


Reserves (Tonnes) (112/121)

Total Reserves (Tonnes)

G r a d e

From To Fe% SiO2% Al2O3%


Haematitic Ore MKMR-10 0.00 2.00 2.00 1.73 45.00 582.1067 100849.9858 100849.9858 65.45 1.16 1.26

Blue Dust 2.00 7.00 5.00 4.33 90.90 154.5216 154.5216 54077.1517 54077.1517 108154.3035 67.04 1.75 0.88

BD - Influence 32.50 154.5216 876.8807 19334.5152 109719.6976 129054.2128 67.04 1.75 0.88

Haematitic Ore 7.00 23.00 16.00 13.85 90.90 850.4823 850.4813 297639.0381 297638.6882 595277.7263 64.93 10.99 3.16

Shaly Ore 23.00 30.00 7.00 6.06 90.90 668.8305 339.5711 234067.2659 118838.0000 352905.2659 46.96 2.21 17.06

Haematitic Ore 30.00 39.00 9.00 7.79 90.90 867.3639 429.8831 303547.0073 150444.0391 453991.0464 64.25 4.50 2.19

Blue Dust 39.00 50.00 11.00 9.52 90.90 1057.3383 450.1214 370031.3982 157526.7358 527558.1339 65.98 1.94 1.60

Haematitic Ore 50.00 78.00 28.00 24.24 90.90 2438.2581 1028.8050 853304.9960 360045.7418 1213350.7378 55.93 8.99 9.52

Influence (121) 90.90 247.3236 91.9644 86554.6037 32184.3212 118738.9249 55.93 8.99 9.52

BH-TOTAL 2319405.962 1280474.375 3599880.337 60.06 6.36 6.32

(Projec-tion) Haematitic Ore 64.50 1276.7816 154.5216 317056.7908 38371.5763 355428.3671 64.80 1.41 3.17

Haematitic Ore MKMR-17 0.00 42.50 42.50 36.80 90.90 3034.7561 154.5216 1062058.4185 54077.1517 1116135.5703 64.80 1.41 3.17

Influence (121) 90.90 2712.6654 154.5216 949337.9467 54077.1517 1003415.0985 64.80 1.41 3.17

BH-TOTAL 2328453.1561 146525.8798 2474979.0359 64.80 1.41 3.17

Blue Dust MKMR-8 0.00 2.00 2.00 1.73 90.90 256.9881 89936.8404 89936.8404 66.60 0.67 1.41

Haematitic Ore 2.00 18.00 16.00 13.85 90.90 1882.0276 658643.7890 658643.7890 52.63 13.46 6.82

BH-TOTAL 748580.6295 748580.6295 54.31 11.92 6.17

Haematitic Ore MKMR-7 0.00 10.00 10.00 8.66 90.90 603.0733 68.0869 211054.5474 23828.0320 234882.5794 60.22 6.02 3.22

Blue Dust 10.00 15.00 5.00 4.33 90.90 429.8427 185.4405 150429.9005 64897.6846 215327.5851 65.35 3.22 2.00

Haematitic Ore 15.00 94.00 79.00 68.41 90.90 6625.7134 11407.7110 2318767.7900 3992299.5801 6311067.3701 62.05 5.37 2.46

Influence (121) 90.90 2073.1013 2626.5901 725512.8965 919214.6043 1644727.5008 62.05 5.37 2.46

BH-TOTAL 3405765.1344 5000239.9010 8406005.0354 62.08 5.33 2.47


Section Number

Ore Type Borehole Number

Intersection (m) Thick.


True Thick (m)

Average sectional Influence


Area (Sq.m) (111)

Area (Sq.m) (112)

Reserves (Tonnes)


Reserves (Tonnes) (112/121)

Total Reserves (Tonnes)

G r a d e

From To Fe% SiO2% Al2O3%


Shaly Ore MKM-16 11.00 18.00 7.00 6.02 66.50 941.9099 241152.4821 241152.4821 44.87 6.99 16.40

BH-TOTAL 241152.4821 241152.4821 44.87 6.99 16.40


Haematitic Ore MKMR-9 7.00 53.00 46.00 39.83 66.50 4137.084 1059196.9311 1059196.9311 52.21 4.79 8.79

Influence (121) 66.50 232.7956 59601.4935 59601.4935 52.21 4.79 8.79

BH-TOTAL 1059196.9311 59601.4935 1118798.4246 52.21 4.79 8.79

Haematitic Ore MKMR-11 14.00 60.00 46.00 39.56 66.50 4861.3233 1244620.2979 1244620.2979 46.37 12.95 9.91

Influence (121) 66.50 1857.7488 475630.1365 475630.1365 46.37 12.95 9.91

BH-TOTAL 1244620.2979 475630.1365 1720250.4344 46.37 12.95 9.91

(Projec-tion) Haematitic Ore MKMR-12 0.00 11.00 11.00 9.46 18.00 1509.5146 104609.3618 104609.3618 49.21 13.21 11.24

Haem+Silic.Ore 28.00 54.00 26.00 22.36 66.50 2951.4784 191.9801 755652.2574 49151.7051 804803.9625 46.75 14.80 12.41

Haem+Silic.Ore 62.00 80.00 18.00 15.58 66.50 1748.5051 447661.0182 447661.0182 43.96 16.71 14.71

Influence (121) 66.50 1994.3442 510601.9738 510601.9738 43.96 16.71 14.71

BH-TOTAL 1307922.6374 559753.6789 1867676.3163 45.46 15.69 13.52

(Projec-tion) Haem+S.Lamin. 18.00 1419.4302 98366.5129 98366.5129 53.83 6.59 8.70

Haematitic Ore MKM-1 0.00 43.00 43.00 36.98 66.50 3736.0077 956511.3714 956511.3714 53.83 6.59 8.70

BH-TOTAL 1054877.8843 1054877.8843 53.83 6.59 8.70

TOTAL : 18818267.5445 12883308.0641 31701575.6086 59.11 5.93 4.98

NET RESOURCES 28531418.0478 59.11 5.93 4.98


6.0.0 RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATION 6.1.0 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION 6.1.1 The entire primary sample data and sample data within the ore zone (>45% Fe)

have been subjected to statistical evaluation, the frequency distribution is highly skewed as could be seen from the Text Plate-2 and 3.

The statistical parameters estimated for primary sample data is as follows:

No. of Samples Fe SiO2 Al2O3

Mean 46.78 17.14 11.66

Geometric mean 41.01 10.05 7.43

Median 50.76 12.19 8.70

Variance 335.161 272.863 90.230

Standard deviation 18.30 16.51 9.49

Coefficient of variation 0.391 0.963 0.814

Skewness -0.648 1.470 0.634

Kurtosis 2.346 5.011 2.205

Sichel’s “T” estimator 49.45 19.02 12.81

The statistical parameters estimated for primary sample data within the ore zone is as follows:

No. of Samples Fe SiO2 Al2O3

Mean 58.38 7.26 5.97

Geometric mean 57.52 4.97 4.22

Median 60.50 5.02 4.07

Variance 85.24 41.43 27.09

Standard deviation 9.23 6.43 5.20

Coefficient of variation 0.158 0.885 0.870

Skewness -1.08 1.39 1.54

Kurtosis 3.71 4.42 5.51

Sichel’s “T” estimator 58.47 7.37 6.00


6.2.0 ACCURACY OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE 6.2.1 Grade: The grade estimates of the deposit are based on the analytical results

of the primary samples. Each sample undergoes the process of sample preparation and analysis. Since, sampling and analysis are two complimentary links of quality estimation chain, the possible source of errors, if any, could be from the bias in sample preparation and inaccuracies in assaying or both.

6.2.2 Mean: The mean value obtained by statistical method as well as calculated

values for three variables is given below:

Between S1-S10 Fe SiO2 Al2O3

Statistical Method 58.38 7.26 5.97

Calculated 52.62 11.16 8.80

Sichel’s “T” estimator 58.47 7.37 6.00


Histogram of Primary Sample Assay (Entire Data)



Histogram of Primary Sample Assay (Zone Data)



7.0.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1.0 CONCLUSIONS 7.1.1 M/s Karthikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease area (ML No.2559) is

located on the southern part of Kumaraswamy range, Sandur schist belt in WNW-ESE direction. The deposit has about 520m strike length over an average wide area of 420.0m.

7.1.2 Ore body looks like an elongated lens which continues beyond 932.69 mRL for

another 75-100m depth over about 307.00m strike length from the S1 – S1’ to S4 – S4’. However, in the north eastern boundary of the lease area, the ore body exists even up to 900 mRL for about 25-30m.

7.1.3 The rocks exposed are typical iron formations with the haematitic ore, blue

dust, clay minerals and silica. Predominant ore mineral is haematite and limonite and goethite to some extent. The important non ore consists of ferruginous shale [at times, exceeding 40% Fe] and remnants of banded haematite quartzite.

7.1.4 Physically, the iron ore ranges from haematitic ore to laminated, powdery, blue

dust and occasionally limonitic. Lateritic ore, shaly and siliceous ores have also been noticed.

7.1.5 Based on the geological cross section, the net in-situ reserves of 28.472 million tonnes with the grade of Fe 55.33 %, SiO2 7.83 % and Al2O3 6.91% at 45% Fe cut off has been estimated. The overall ratio of SiO2 : Al2O3 is 0.88.

7.1.6 Along N55°05’W-S55°05’E direction also, the reserves have been estimated

with average sectional influence of 52m, 106m, 94m, 105m and 90.0m over about the strike length of 360.00m (L1-L1’ to L5-L5’). Ore types wise reserves has been estimated in general collectively which stands at 28.531 m.t. with the average grade of 59.11% Fe, 5.93% SiO2 and 4.98% Al2O3.

7.2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 7.2.1 M/s Karthikeyas Manganese and Iron Ores Mining Lease area (ML No.2559)

has good potential that would be amenable to systematic scientific mining. It could further yield iron ore over about 307m strike length between S1-S1’ and S4-S4’ up to 50-100m depth. This ore potential amounts to 6.562 million tones and same has been placed under 121 of UNFC.


References :

1 Document on strategy for exploration exploitation and development for Iron

Ore in India.

Sub group on Iron Ore,Government of India, MOM,


2 Preliminary appraisal of the Bellary Hospet Iron Ore Deposits, Bellary Division, Mysore.

K.Ganeshan & R.C. Vidyarthi, IBM, Nagpur,


3 Archaean Greenstone belts of South India



Geological Society of India, Bengaluru, 1990

4 Geology of Karnataka B.P.Radhakrishna


Geological Society of India

5 Computing reserves of Mineral deposits : Principles and Conventional methods



USBM, 1965

6 Economic Mineral Deposits

Revised Edition

Mead L.Jensen & Alan M.Bateman

John liley & Sons New York 1951

7 Economic Evaluation of Mineral Property


L. Vanlandangham

Huchinson Press Publishing Co. Pennsylvania 1983

8 Geo-statistical Ore Reserve Estimation

M. David Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co. Netherlands, 1977

9 Exploration Report Far Eastern section BRH Iron Ore Mine, Dist. Bellary, Karnataka


Sept, 1996

10 Exploration Report Bailadila Iron Ore Deposit No.4

NMDC, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

11 Exploration Report Rowghat Iron Ore Deposit ‘F’,Block-A Phase-I, Dist. Bastar, Madhya Pradesh

MECL, Dec, 1991

12 Exploration Report Chiria Iron Ore Deposit, Phase-I, Dist. Singhbhum, Bihar

MECL, March, 1974

13 Vison 2020 IBM

14 Mineral Year Book 2012 IBM

15 Special Issue on Iron Ore Future- Next Decade

Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels




1. Overall Guidance

Shri S.K. Thakur General Manager (Exploration)

2. Monitoring and Co-ordination

Shri S.K. Thakur

Shri D.Mohan

General Manager (Exploration)

Sr. Manager(Geology)

3. Physical Execution of work

Shri P.Sekar

Shri Sandeep Sarangi

Shri A.K. Ghosh

Shri S.N. Dhyani



Sr. Manager(Geology)

Officer Trainee (Geology)



Sr. Survey &Map Officer

Drilling Officer



Geological Mapping

Shri S. Satpathy Sr. Geologist

Shri Sandeep Sarangi O.T. (Geology)

Data Processing & Documentation

Dr. S.Kamalakaram

Shri J.Narayana Moorthy

Manager (Geology)

Sr. Manager (Geology)

6. Chemical Laboratory, MECL, Nagpur

Shri A.L. Kanta Rao

Sr. Manager (Lab.)

7. Petrological Laboratory, MECL, Nagpur

Shri Santanu Pal

Dr. Anjani Kumar

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Sr. Manager (Geology)

8. IT Centre

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Shri K.K. Kaushik

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Manager (Geology)

Manager (Geology)

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Jr. Console Operator