Karma in hinduism

KARMA IN HINDUISM By : Dewi Rahmawati Al-Ustadz H. Syamsul Hadi Untung, M.A, M.LS

Transcript of Karma in hinduism


Dewi Rahmawati

Al-Ustadz H. Syamsul Hadi Untung, M.A, M.LS

Definition Of Karma

Words karma " is derived from the Sanskrit " of uric word " kr " which means the act , work , move , behave .Karma ( Sanskrit : karma , ( Karman act , action , performance " ( Pali : kamma ) is the concept of " action " or " deed " which in Indian religion is understood as something that causes the entire cycle of causality ( ie , the cycle called " samsara " )

kinds of karma

Good Karma is any act or thought that

leads to good things

While the bad karma is any act or thought that

leads to bad things

Law of Karma

The law of karma is a universal law of causation , where every action we will bear fruit or fruit karmic actions [ karma - phala ]. Which means that whatever happens to us in the past, present and future, are determined solely by the actions of ourselves. Without the intervention of Brahman, deities or other parties . And what is meant by the action it is our thoughts, words , and deeds of our own .The law of karma in Hindu and Buddhist concept of trust all that life will be reborn ( reincarnation ) after death to bear the consequences of his actions in previous lives .So the ' law of karma ' in their concept is not simply law ' causal ' but has a close relationship with the teaching of ' samsara ' and ' reincarnation.

Karma of Deeds aspect

Mano - kamma = act of the mind.

Vaci - kamma = deeds words

Rich - kamma =

act of physical entities

Karma The View of Nature

Kusala kamma = good deeds


kamma = evil deeds

Root - goodness Kusala Kamma

Alobha : not greedy

Adosa : do not hate

Amoha : not stupid

Root of evil akusala kamma

lobha : greed

Sin : hatred

Moha : ignorance

Kamma according to its function

Janaka - Kamma : Kamma functioning causing a condition for the birth of creatures

Upatthambaka - Kamma : Kamma which encourages the keept of a result of a cause that has a reason

Upapilaka - Kamma : Kamma Kamma which suppresses the opposite order to reach equilibrium and did not produce results

Upaghataka - Kamma : Kamma that negate or destroy a result that has arisen , and nourish new kamma.


Garuka Kamma Kamma is heavy

and quality

Asanna – kammaKamma done before when someone dies , both physically and spiritually , especially with the mind . For example, think of good or evil deeds that have been done in the past

Acinna - kamma or Bahula – kammaIf a person in his life did garuka - kamma and when will die nor do Asanna - kamma , then that determines the style of the next birth is acinna - kamma . Acinna - kamma or Bahula - kamma is kamma habits , either by words , deeds and thoughts

Katatta – kammaIf one does not do Garuka - kamma , kamma or Acinna Asanna - kamma , then that determines the shape of the next life is katatta - kamma , kamma which is light-light , ever done in his life

Garuka Kamma Kamma

Kusala - garuka is the

act of " quality " , that is to

meditate , to reach the level of

awareness of jhana.

akusala -

garuka is


Akusala kamma - garuka

Niyatamicchaditthi , that view is wrong . That view is wrong is right and right is defined wrong.

Pancanantariya - kamma

o There is generous.

o Do not understand the benefits of giving . Considers that giving is foolishness yagn no


o Do not give gifts to the guests.

o Good deeds or bad deeds are considered no outcome or result.

o Do not believe in this world , do not believe the truth of Dhamma , the laws of

emptiness ; ie groups of people who penuih with disappointment, hatred, greed, and


o Do not believe in the world to come ; do not believe in rebirth , the life to come.

o Do not understand the function of a mother and father.

o Do not trust any creature that died or were born again.Do not do discipline alone (for the Buddhist / Arahat )

Niyatamicchaditthi :


oKilling father.

oKilling Mother.

oKilling an Arhat.

o Injuring a Buddha.

oDivisive Sangha.

Is there karma in Islam ?

The law of karma is not at all explained in the teachings of Islam, but the

implications are very close and close to the definition of the law of karma in

Islam a lot of information. Basically , karma is nothing but the law of causality ,

or cause and effect , where every act or action there will definitely return. Of

course then the question arises : Where, when , how and in what form the reply it

happen ? This will give birth to the concept that varies between different

religions and beliefs .

Thank you