Karl Gustav Jung (Carl Gustav Jung)

KARL GUSTAV JUNG (CARL GUSTAV JUNG) (http://sites.google.com/site/jungbookbeograd ) Karl Gustav Jung je bio mason. Primljen je u ložu Prijateljstvo u Bazelu. Bio je Veliki majstor švajcarske lože Alpina koja je osnovana 1844. godine. U istoj loži bio je i njegov duhovni prijatelj Herman Hese. Među masonima se može pronaći mnogo umnih i predivnih ljudi koji zapravo ništa ne znaju o onima koji stoje na vrhu masonske hijerarhije ili piramide moći, niti o njihovim istinskim i skrivenim planovima. Na žalost, bankarska pseudoelita koja predvodi svetsku masoneriju prihvati- la je satanističku ideologiju iz pohlepe, koristoljublja i srebroljublja. Jer, zlo u ljudima je dominantno, te se otuda ljudima može vladati, ljudi se mogu porobiti jedino posredstvom tog zla u njima samima. Pazite, zlo rađa ropstvo, a dobro slobodu. Zlo vodi do naduvane Ja-svesti i arhetipa moći kojim su posednuti oni koji danas vladaju zapadnjačkim svetom, a dobro vodi do Jastva, predstave Hrista u hrišćanina, predstave Bude u budiste itd. Otuda masonerija služi kao ropkinja i služavka s pomoću koje bankarska pseudoelita želi zavladati celim svetom i porobiti celi svet uskom krugu bankarskih porodica koje danas kontrolišu centralne banke zapadnih porobljenih zemalja. A takva ideja unipolarnog sveta ne može se ostvariti bez trećeg svetskog rata i masovnog genocida kroz planiranu depopulaciju putem bolesti proizvedenih u laboratoriji i ničim izazvanih ratova. Zbog toga i samo slobodno zidarstvo tek treba da postane istinski slobodno, da najzad prestane da robuje toj bankarskoj pseudoeliti koja vodi čitav svet u propast i katastrofu. Budi slobodan, a ne rob i »idiot«. Carl Gustav Jung was a mason. Admitted to the Friendship Lodge in Basel. He was a great master of the Swiss Alpine Lodge founded 1844th year. Member of the same lodge was also his spiritual friend Herman Hesse. Among the masons is possible to find many wise and wonderful people who know nothing about those who are at the top of the masonic hierarchy, much less know about their hidden plans. Unfor- tunately, the fake banking elite that led freemasonry accepted the satanic ideology of greed. Because the evil in humans is dominant, and is hence people can rule, people can enslave only through this evil in themselves. Watch out, evil is born of slavery, principle of good in man leads to free- dom. Evil leads to inflated consciousness and the archetype of power in which they are possessed by those who now rule the Western world. The principle of good in man leads to the self, representations of Christ in Christian, representations of Buddha in Buddhist and so on. Hence the masonry acts as a slave and maid with the fake banking elite would rule the entire world and enslave the entire world. The whole world to wor-



Transcript of Karl Gustav Jung (Carl Gustav Jung)

Page 1: Karl Gustav Jung (Carl Gustav Jung)



Karl Gustav Jung je bio mason. Primljen je u ložu Prijateljstvo u Bazelu. Bio je Veliki majstor švajcarske lože Alpina koja je osnovana 1844. godine. U istoj loži bio je i njegov duhovni prijatelj Herman Hese. Među masonima se može pronaći mnogo umnih i predivnih ljudi koji zapravo ništa ne znaju o onima koji stoje na vrhu masonske hijerarhije ili piramide moći, niti o njihovim istinskim i skrivenim planovima. Na žalost, bankarska pseudoelita koja predvodi svetsku masoneriju prihvati-la je satanističku ideologiju iz pohlepe, koristoljublja i srebroljublja. Jer, zlo u ljudima je dominantno, te se otuda ljudima može vladati, ljudi se mogu porobiti jedino posredstvom tog zla u njima samima. Pazite, zlo rađa ropstvo, a dobro slobodu. Zlo vodi do naduvane Ja-svesti i arhetipa moći kojim su posednuti oni koji danas vladaju zapadnjačkim svetom, a dobro vodi do Jastva, predstave Hrista u hrišćanina, predstave Bude u budiste itd. Otuda masonerija služi kao ropkinja i služavka s pomoću koje bankarska pseudoelita želi zavladati celim svetom i porobiti celi svet uskom krugu bankarskih porodica koje danas kontrolišu centralne banke zapadnih porobljenih zemalja. A takva ideja unipolarnog sveta ne može se ostvariti bez trećeg svetskog rata i masovnog genocida kroz planiranu depopulaciju putem bolesti proizvedenih u laboratoriji i ničim izazvanih ratova. Zbog toga i samo slobodno zidarstvo tek treba da postane istinski slobodno, da najzad prestane da robuje toj bankarskoj pseudoeliti koja vodi čitav svet u propast i katastrofu. Budi slobodan, a ne rob i »idiot«.

Carl Gustav Jung was a mason. Admitted to the Friendship Lodge in Basel. He was a great master of the Swiss Alpine Lodge founded 1844th year. Member of the same lodge was also his spiritual friend Herman Hesse. Among the masons is possible to find many wise and wonderful people who know nothing about those who are at the top of the masonic hierarchy, much less know about their hidden plans. Unfor-tunately, the fake banking elite that led freemasonry accepted the satanic ideology of greed. Because the evil in humans is dominant, and is hence people can rule, people can enslave only through this evil in themselves. Watch out, evil is born of slavery, principle of good in man leads to free-dom. Evil leads to inflated consciousness and the archetype of power in which they are possessed by those who now rule the Western world. The principle of good in man leads to the self, representations of Christ in Christian, representations of Buddha in Buddhist and so on. Hence the masonry acts as a slave and maid with the fake banking elite would rule the entire world and enslave the entire world. The whole world to wor-

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ship and serve the narrow circle of bankers that control the central bank. Such ideas unipolar world can not be achieved without a third world war and mass genocide through the planned depopulation through disease produced in the laboratory and not really caused by wars. Because free-masonry should become really free, and finally cease to serve the banking elite false. Be free, not a slave and »moron«.

mr Aleksandar K. Mitrović