Kancolle old quest

A1 はじめての「編 成」! Have 2 ships in your fleet. 20 20 0 0 Shirayuki (白雪) Destroyer A2 「駆逐隊」を編成 せよ! Have 4 destroyers in your fleet. 30 30 30 0 Instant Construction x1 A3 「水雷戦隊」を編 成せよ! Have a light cruiser as your flagship and complete the fleet with destroyers. 40 40 0 40 Repair Team x1 Required by A4 A4 6隻編成の艦隊を編 成せよ! Have 6 ships in your fleet. 50 0 50 0 Unlocks the second fleet as well as Expeditions Needs A3 completion A5 軽巡2隻を擁する隊 を編成せよ! Have 2 light cruisers in your fleet. 60 60 0 0 Development Material x1 A6 第2艦隊を編成せ よ! Have a flagship in your second fleet. 50 50 100 0 Instant Repair x1 A7 「重巡戦隊」を編 成せよ! Have 2 heavy cruisers in your fleet. 0 70 0 30 Instant Repair x1 Required by A14 A8 「天龍」型軽巡姉 妹の全2艦を編成せ よ! Have both Tenryuu-class light cruisers in your main fleet. Includes Tenryuu (天龍) and Tatsuta (龍田) 28, 29 100 100 100 50 Instant Construction x2 Required by A17 A9 「水上機母艦」を 配備せよ! Have in your fleet a seaplane carrier to make use of reconnaissance seaplanes. 0 0 0 200 Development Material x1 Required by A10 A10 「第六駆逐隊」を 編成せよ! Have (only) all 4 Akatsuki-class destroyers in your main fleet. Includes Akatsuki (暁), Hibiki (響), Ikazuchi (雷), and Inazuma (電) - Note, must be non- Kai versions 71, 72, 73, 74 150 150 0 0 Repair Team x1 Needs A9 completion Required by A28 A11 第2艦隊で空母機動 部隊を編成せよ! Have an aircraft carrier / light aircraft carrier and 3 destroyers in your SECOND fleet. 100 0 0 100 Instant Construction x2 Needs B3 completion Required by A12 A12 「空母機動部隊」 を編成せよ! Have an aircraft carrier/light aircraft carrier as a flagship and 3 destroyers in your main fleet. 50 0 0 100 Development Material x1 Needs A11 completion A13 戦艦と重巡による主力 艦隊を編成せよ! Have a battleship and 2 heavy cruisers in your main fleet. 0 150 0 0 Instant Construction x2 Needs A12 completion Required by A19 and A20 A14 「川内」型軽巡姉 妹の全3艦を編成せ よ! Have all three Sendai-class light cruisers in your main fleet. Includes Sendai (川内), Jintsu (神通), and Naka (那珂) 46, 47, 48 100 0 100 0 Unlocks the third fleet Needs A7 completion Required by G4 A15 「妙高」型重巡姉 妹の全4隻を編成せ よ! Have all four Myoukou-class heavy cruisers in your main fleet. Includes Myoko (妙高), Nachi (那智), Ashigara (足柄), and Haguro (羽黒) 55, 56, 57, 58 150 100 150 100 Instant Repair x1 Development Material x1 Needs A14 completion Required by A16 and A28 A16 「金剛」型による 高速戦艦部隊を編 成せよ! Have all four Kongou-class battleships in your main fleet. Includes Kongo (金剛), Hiei (比叡), Haruna (榛 名), and Kirishima (霧島) 21, 22, 23, 24 0 0 0 0 Unlocks the fourth fleet Needs A15 completion A17 「扶桑」型戦艦姉 妹の全2隻を編成せ よ! Have both Fusou-class battleships in your main fleet. Includes Fusou (扶桑) and Yamashiro (山城) 26, 27 200 200 200 200 Instant Repair x2 Development Material x1 Needs A8 completion ID Quest Name (JP) Description Ship Numbers Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxit Reward Note Kancolle Compilation - Q.Comp


old quest table, not complete

Transcript of Kancolle old quest

Page 1: Kancolle old quest

A1 はじめての「編成」!

Have 2 ships in your fleet. 20 20 0 0 Shirayuki (白雪) Destroyer

A2 「駆逐隊」を編成せよ!

Have 4 destroyers in your fleet. 30 30 30 0 Instant Construction x1

A3 「水雷戦隊」を編成せよ!

Have a light cruiser as your flagship andcomplete the fleet with destroyers. 40 40 0 40 Repair Team x1 Required by A4

A4 6隻編成の艦隊を編成せよ!

Have 6 ships in your fleet. 50 0 50 0 Unlocks the second fleet aswell as Expeditions Needs A3 completion

A5 軽巡2隻を擁する隊を編成せよ!

Have 2 light cruisers in your fleet. 60 60 0 0 Development Material x1

A6 第2艦隊を編成せよ!

Have a flagship in your second fleet. 50 50 100 0 Instant Repair x1

A7 「重巡戦隊」を編成せよ!

Have 2 heavy cruisers in your fleet. 0 70 0 30 Instant Repair x1 Required by A14


Have both Tenryuu-class light cruisers in your mainfleet. Includes Tenryuu (天龍) and Tatsuta (龍田)

28, 29 100 100 100 50 Instant Construction x2 Required by A17

A9 「水上機母艦」を配備せよ!

Have in your fleet a seaplane carrier to makeuse of reconnaissance seaplanes. 0 0 0 200 Development Material x1 Required by A10

A10 「第六駆逐隊」を編成せよ!

Have (only) all 4 Akatsuki-class destroyers in yourmain fleet.  Includes Akatsuki (暁), Hibiki (響),Ikazuchi (雷), and Inazuma (電) - Note, must be non-Kai versions

71, 72, 73, 74 150 150 0 0 Repair Team x1 Needs A9 completionRequired by A28

A11 第2艦隊で空母機動部隊を編成せよ!

Have an aircraft carrier / light aircraft carrierand 3 destroyers in your SECOND fleet. 100 0 0 100 Instant Construction x2 Needs B3 completion

Required by A12

A12 「空母機動部隊」を編成せよ!

Have an aircraft carrier/light aircraft carrier asa flagship and 3 destroyers in your main fleet. 50 0 0 100 Development Material x1 Needs A11 completion

A13 戦艦と重巡による主力艦隊を編成せよ!

Have a battleship and 2 heavy cruisers in yourmain fleet. 0 150 0 0 Instant Construction x2

Needs A12 completionRequired by A19 andA20


Have all three Sendai-class light cruisers in yourmain fleet.  Includes Sendai (川内), Jintsu (神通), andNaka (那珂)

46, 47, 48 100 0 100 0 Unlocks the third fleet Needs A7 completionRequired by G4


Have all four Myoukou-class heavy cruisers in yourmain fleet.  Includes Myoko (妙高), Nachi (那智),Ashigara (足柄), and Haguro (羽黒)

55, 56, 57, 58 150 100 150 100 Instant Repair x1Development Material x1

Needs A14 completionRequired by A16 andA28


Have all four Kongou-class battleships in your mainfleet. Includes Kongo (金剛), Hiei (比叡), Haruna (榛名), and Kirishima (霧島)

21, 22, 23, 24 0 0 0 0 Unlocks the fourth fleet Needs A15 completion


Have both Fusou-class battleships in your mainfleet.  Includes Fusou (扶桑) and Yamashiro (山城)

26, 27 200 200 200 200 Instant Repair x2Development Material x1 Needs A8 completion

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Have both Ise-class battleships in your main fleet.Includes Ise (伊勢) and Hyuuga (日向)

3, 4 300 200 300 200 Instant Repair x2Development Material x2 Needs A17 completion

A19 「南雲機動部隊」を編成せよ!

Have ONLY Akagi (赤城), Kaga (加賀), Hiryuu (飛龍),and Soryuu (蒼龍) in your main fleet. - All AirshipCarriers

6, 7, 8, 9 500 500 500 500 Instant Construction x2Development Materials x4 Needs A13 completion

A20 「三川艦隊」を編成せよ!

Have Chokai (鳥海), Aoba (青葉), Kako (加古),Furutaka (古鷹), and Tenryuu (天龍) in your mainfleet, with one additional FAST ship (usuallydestroyer or cruiser).

28, 52, 53, 54, 62 400 0 200 0 Instant Repair x3 Needs A13 completionRequired by A21

A21 「第四戦隊」を編成せよ!

Have all four Takao-class cruisers in your main fleet.  IncludesAtago (愛宕), Takao (高雄), Chokai (鳥海), and Maya(摩耶)

59, 60, 61, 62 300 150 0 0 Instant Repair x2Development Material x1

Needs A20 completionRequired by A22 andA24

A22 「西村艦隊」を編成せよ!

Have Fuso (扶桑), Yamashiro (山城), Mogami (最上),and Shigure (時雨) in your main fleet.

26, 27, 51, 80 200 200 200 0 Food supply ship 「間宮」"Mamiya" x1

Needs A21completion, requiredby A23 and A26

A23 「第五航空戦隊」を編成せよ!

Have both Shokaku (翔鶴) and Zuikaku (瑞鶴) inyour main fleet alongside with 2 destroyers.

106, 107 300 0 0 300 Repair Team x1 Needs A22 completionRequired by B15

A24 新「三川艦隊」を編成せよ!

Have Chokai (鳥海), Aoba (青葉), Kinugasa (衣笠),Kako (加古), Furutaka (古鷹), and Tenryuu (天龍) inyour main fleet.

28, 52, 53, 54,62, 120 300 0 300 0 Food supply ship 「間宮」

"Mamiya" x1Needs A21 completion

A25 潜水艦隊を編成せよ! Have 2 submarines in your main fleet. 150 150 0 0 Repair Team x1

A26 航空水上打撃艦隊を編成せよ!

Have only 2 aviation battleships and 2aviation cruisers in your main fleet. 0 0 200 200 Instant Repair x2 Needs A22 completion

A27 中規模潜水艦隊を編成せよ! Have 3 submarines in your main fleet 150 150 0 0 Food supply ship 「間宮」

"Mamiya" x1Needs A21 completion

A28 「第六戦隊」を編成せよ!

Have Furutaka (古鷹), Kako (加古), Kinugasa (衣笠)and Aoba (青葉) in your main fleet.

52, 53, 54, 120 250 300 0 0 Food supply ship 「間宮」"Mamiya" x1

NeedsA10  completion (atleast, exactrequirementsunconfirmed)

A29 「第5艦隊」を編成せよ!

Have Nachi (那智), Ashigara (足柄), Tama (多摩) andKiso (木曾) in your fleet.

40, 41, 56, 57 200 0 300 0 Instant Repair x3 Needs A21 completion

A30 「第1水雷戦隊」を編成せよ!

Have Abukuma (阿武隈), Akebono (曙), Ushio (潮),Kasumi (霞) and Shiranui (不知火) in your fleet.

68, 70, 90, 92,110 200 300 0 0 Repair Team x1 Needs A29 completion

A31 「第八駆逐隊」を編成せよ!

Have ONLY Asashio (朝潮), Michishio (満潮), Ooshio(大潮), and Arashio (荒潮) in your fleet.

85, 86, 87, 88 150 150 0 0 Development Material x3 Needs A25Completion

A32 「第十八駆逐隊」を編成せよ!

Have ONLY Kasumi (霞), Arare (霰), Kagerou (陽炎),and Shiranui (不知火) in your fleet.

89, 90, 91, 92 180 180 0 0 Repair Team x1Development Material x1

Needs B20Completion

A33 「第三十駆逐隊(第一次)」を編成せよ!

Have only Mutsuki (睦月), Kisaragi (如月), Yayoi (弥生), and Mochizuki (望月) in your fleet.

31, 32, 38, 164 200 200 0 0 Repair Team x1Instant Repair x2

Needs A21Completion

A34 「第三十駆逐隊(第二次)」を編成せよ

Have only Mutsuki (睦月), Yayoi (弥生), Uzuki (卯月)and Mochizuki (望月) in your fleet.

31, 38, 164, 165 220 220 0 0 Development Material x3 Required by B24

A35 「第五戦隊」を編成せよ!

Have Myoukou (妙高), Nachi (那智) and Haguro (羽黒) in your fleet.

55, 56, 58 0 0 300 0 Development Material x5 Needs B24Completion

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A36 新編「第二航空戦隊」を編制せよ!

Have Hiryuu Kai-2 (飛龍改二), Souryuu (蒼龍) and 2destroyers in your fleet.

8, 196 0 0 0 400 Instant Repair x2Development Material x2

Needs A28 completionRequired by B25

A37 潜水艦隊「第六艦隊」を編制せよ!

Have a submarine tender as flagship with 4submarines in your fleet. 250 250 0 0 Development Material x3 Required by D13

A38 新型電探を配備せよ! Have Myoukou Kai-2 in your fleet as flagship. 191 300 0 0 0 Type 22 Surface RADAR Kai4

Needs A35Completion

A39 再編成「第二航空戦隊」を強化せよ!

Have Souryuu Kai-2 (蒼龍改二) as flagship withHiryuu Kai-2 (飛龍改二) and 2 destroyers in yourfleet.

196, 197 0 0 0 450 Development Material x2Instant Construction x2

Needs A36 completionRequired by B26

A40 精鋭「第三戦隊」全艦集結せよ!

Have all four Kongou-class Kai-2 in your mainfleet. 0 100 0 0 Prototype 35.6cm Triple Gun

MountNeeds WB02completion

A41 「新型正規空母」を配備せよ! Have Unryuu in your fleet as flagship. 201 100 100 100 300 Development material x2

A42 主力戦艦部隊「第二戦隊」を編成せよ!

Have Nagato, Mutsu, Fusou & Yamashiro inyour main fleet. 1, 2, 26, 27 0 250 250 0 Instant Repair x2

A43 戦艦を主力とした水上打撃部隊を編成せよ!

Have 3 either of the Nagato/Fusou/Ise/Yamatoclass and 1 Light Cruiser in your main fleet. 1, 3, 26, 131 300 300 0 0 Development Material x3

A44 「西村艦隊」を再編成せよ!

Have Fusou, Yamashiro, Mogami, Shigure,Michishio in your main fleet. 26, 27, 51, 80, 87 300 300 0 0 Development Material x3

Improvement Material x3

A45 改修工廠を準備せよ! Have Akashi as flagship in your main fleet. 182 100 0 100 0 Improvement Material x5

A46 軽快な「水上反撃部隊」を編成せよ!

Have 1 CA 1 CL 4 DD in your main fleet.Flagship must be Kasumi, CA must beAshigara

57, 90 250 250 0 50 Instant Repair x2Development Material x2

A47 「第十一駆逐隊」を編制せよ!

Have Fubuki, Shirayuki, Hatsuyuki andMurakumo in your main fleet. 11, 12, 13, 15 110 110 110 0 Development Material x3

A48 「第二一戦隊」を編成せよ!

Have Hatsuharu, Hatsushimo, Nenohi andWakaba in your main fleet. 75, 76, 77, 78 210 210 0 0 Instant Repair x3

A49 「第二二駆逐隊」を編成せよ!

Have only Satsuki, Fumizuki, Nagatsuki and 1more DD in your main fleet. 33, 34, 35 220 220 0 0 Instant Repair x2

Improvement Material x2

ID Quest Name (JP) Description Ship Numbers Fuel AmmoSteel Bauxite Reward Note

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B1 はじめての「出撃」! Deploy your main fleet on a combat mission. 20 20 0 0 Instant Repair x1

B2 鎮守府正面海域を護れ!

Deploy to World 1-1 and clear the stage. 30 30 30 0 Instant Repair x1

B3 第2艦隊、出撃せよ! Deploy Fleet #2 on a combat mission. 0 0 200 200 Development Material x1

B4 南西諸島沖に出撃せよ!

Deploy to World 1-2 and clear the stage. 40 40 0 0 Instant Repair x1

B5 接近する「敵前衛艦隊」を迎撃せよ!

Deploy to World 1-2 after defeating its bossand clear the stage.

50 0 50 0 Development material x1 Miyuki(深雪)Note : You'll have to defeat the first east

node, and then advance to the boss node anddefeat it.

B6 「水雷戦隊」で出撃せよ!

Deploy a torpedo squadron.60 60 0 60 Tatsuta (龍田)

1 light cruiser (flagship) and 3 destroyers

B7 「重巡洋艦」を出撃させよ!

Deploy a fleet with a heavy cruiser as itsflagship. 70 0 70 0 Development Material x1

B8 「戦艦」を出撃させよ!

Deploy a fleet with a battleship as itsflagship. 0 150 150 0 Development Material x1Aviation Battleships (BBVs) doesn't count.

B9 「空母機動部隊」出撃せよ!

Deploy a carrier battle group.

200 0 0 300 Instant Repair x1Development Material x1

The fleet MUST consists 6 ships including : aCV or CVL as flagship, and the rest must beCL or DD or Seaplane Tender. BB or CA won'tcount.

B10 敵空母を撃沈せよ! Sink an aircraft carrier. 0 0 0 100 Akagi (赤城) Needs A11 completion

B11 「三川艦隊」出撃せよ!

Deploy the Mikawa Fleet.0 200 0 0 Repair Team x1 Needs A20 completionAdd a 6th ship (must be a fast ship, BBs and

Carriers won't count!) to Choukai, Aoba,Kako, Furutaka, and Tenryuu.

B12 「第六駆逐隊」出撃せよ!

Deploy Destroyer Division 6.200 0 0 0 Instant Repair x1 Needs A10 completion,

same fleetConsists of Akatsuki, Hibiki, Inazuma, andIkazuchi only.

B13 「第四戦隊」出撃せよ!

Deploy Cruiser Division 4.

150 100 150 100 Instant Repair x2 Needs A21 completionConsists of Atago, Takao, Chokai, andMaya.  You may add 2 additional ships.  YouMUST deploy to World 2-2, and you MUSTscore a victory at the boss.

Sortie Quests (出撃)ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note

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B14 「西村艦隊」出撃せよ!

Deploy the Nishimura Fleet.

400 0 400 0 Instant Repair x2Furniture Box (small) x1 Needs A22 completionConsists of Fuso, Yamashiro, Mogami, and

Shigure.  You may add 2 additionalships.  You MUST deploy to World 2-3, andyou MUST score a victory at the boss.

B15 「第五航空戦隊」出撃せよ!

Deploy the Fifth Carrier Division.

200 200 0 700 Instant Repair x2Furniture Box (medium) x1 Needs A23 completionConsists of Shokaku and Zuikaku.  You may

add 4 additional ships.  You MUST deploy toWorld 3-1, and you MUST score a victory atthe boss.

B16 新「三川艦隊」出撃せよ!

Deploy the New Mikawa Fleet.

100 150 100 150 Repair Team x1 Needs A24 completionConsists of Chokai, Aoba, Kinugasa, Kako,Furutaka, and Tenryuu.  You MUST deploy toWorld 2-3, and you MUST score a victory atthe boss.

B17 「潜水艦隊」出撃せよ!

Deploy a submarine fleet.

150 0 300 0 Cash-only furniture token x1 Needs A25 completionConsists of two submarines.  You may add 4additional ships.  You MUST deploy to World2-3, and you MUST score a victory at theboss.

B18 「航空水上打撃艦隊」出撃せよ!

Deploy a seaplane attack fleet.

0 150 0 300 Food supply ship 「間宮」"Mamiya" x1

Needs Bd7 completionConsists of two aviation battleships and twoaviation cruisers.  You may add 2 additionalships.  You MUST deploy to world 4-2, andyou MUST score a victory at the boss.

B19 「第六戦隊」出撃せよ!

Deploy the Sixth Fleet.

0 150 0 300 Furniture Box (medium) x1Repair Team x1 Needs A18 completion

Consists of Furutaka, Kako, Kinugasa andAoba. You may add up to 2 additional ships.You MUST deploy to world 2-3, and you MUSTscore a S victory at the boss (does not haveto be perfect S).

B20 「第八駆逐隊」出撃せよ!

Deploy the Eighth Destroyer Fleet.

0 100 400 0 Furniture Box (Medium) x1Developmental Material x1 Needs A19 completionConsists of Asashio, Michishio, Ooshio, and

Arashio. You may add up to 2 additionalships. You MUST deploy to world 2-3, and youMUST score a victory at the boss.

B21 「第十八駆逐隊」出撃せよ! Deploy the Eighteenth Destroyer Fleet. 0 100 0 400 Furniture Box (Large) x1

Developmental Material x2 Needs A20 Completion

Sortie Quests (出撃)ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note

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Consists of Kasumi, Arare, Kagerou, andShiranui. You may add up to 2 additionalships. You MUST deploy to world 3-1, and youMUST score a victory at the boss.

B22 「第三十駆逐隊(第一次)」出撃せよ!

Deploy Thirtieth Destroyer Fleet

100 100 100 500 Food supply ship 「間宮」"Mamiya" x1

Needs A21 CompletionConsists of Mutsuki, Kisaragi, Yayoi, andMochizuki. You may add up to 2 additionalDD's. You MUST deploy to world 3-2, and youMUST encounter the boss (at least C rankneeded - D rank or below doesn't count).

B23 「航空戦艦」抜錨せよ!

Deploy the aviation battleship fleet.0 300 300 900 Furniture Box (Large) x1

Instant Repair x3 Needs A22 CompletionConsists of at least 2 aviation battleships.You must deploy to world 4-4, and obtain avictory at the boss.

B24 「第三十駆逐隊」対潜哨戒!

Deploy Thirtieth Destroyer Fleet (2nd Gen.)

330 330 330 0 Cash-only Furniture Token x1 Needs A34 CompletionRequired by A35

Consists of Mutsuki, Yayoi, Uzuki, andMochizuki. You MUST deploy to world 1-5,and you MUST encounter the boss (at least Crank needed - D rank or below doesn't count).

B25 新編「第二航空戦隊」出撃せよ!

Deploy the Second Carrier Division

0 500 0 500 Food supply ship 「間宮」"Mamiya" x1

Needs A36 CompletionRequired by F16

Consist of Hiryuu Kai 2 as flagship, Souryuuand 2 DD's. You may add up to 2 additionalships. You MUST deploy to world 5-2, andobtain an S rank victory at the boss.

B26 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy the Elite Second Carrier Division

500 0 500 0 Cash-only Furniture Token x1 Needs A29 CompletionConsist of Souryuu Kai-2 as flagship, HiryuuKai-2 and 2 DD's. You may add up to 2additional ships. You MUST deploy to world 4-3, and obtain an S rank victory at the boss.

B27 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy Haruna.

Consists of Haruna Kai-2 as flagship. You mayadd up to 5 additional ships. You MUSTdeploy to World 5-1, and obtain an S-rankvictory at the boss node.

B28 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy the 601st Naval Air Group

Consists of Unryuu Kai. You may add up to 5additional ships. You MUST deploy to World 5-2, and obtain an S-rank victory at the bossnode.

Sortie Quests (出撃)ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note

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B29 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy a Light Carrier Squadron.

Consists of 1-2 light carriers, 1 light cruiser(no torpedo cruisers), and 3-4 destroyers.You MUST deploy to World 2-1, and obtain anS-rank victory at the boss node. 1 CVL, 1 CL,4 DD or 2 CVL, 1 CL, 3 DD work.

B30 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy a Torpedo Squadron and sortie to 2-2

Consists of 1-2 light cruisers (no torpedocruisers), one as the flagship, and 4-5destroyers. CLs and DDs ONLY. You MUSTdeploy to World 2-2, and obtain an S-Rankvictory at the boss node.

B31 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy 2nd Squadron.

Consists of Fusou, Mutsu, Nagato, andYamashiro. You may add up to 2 additionalships. You MUST deploy to World 4-2, andobtain two S-rank victories at the boss node.

B32 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy a Battleship Squadron.

Consists of 2 battleships (no aviationbattleships) and 1 light carrier. You may addup to 3 additional ships. You MUST deploy toWorld 3-5, and obtain an S-rank victory at theboss node.

B33 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy the Nishimura Fleet.

Consists of Fusou, Michishio, Mogami,Shigure, and Yamashiro. You may add up toone additional ship. You MUST deploy toWorld 5-1, and obtain an S-rank victory at theboss node. - NOTE - Adding a CA(V) isrecommended due to branching rules.

B34 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy the Sixth Squadron.

Consists of Furutaka, Kako, Aoba, andKinugasa. You may add up to two additionalships. You MUST deploy to World 2-5, andobtain an S-Rank victory at the boss node.

B35 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy the 11th Destroyer Division!

Consists of Fubuki, Shirayuki, Hatsuyuki andMurakumo. You may add up to two additionalships. You MUST deploy to World 2-3, andobtain a victory at the boss node.

Sortie Quests (出撃)ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note

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B36 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy the 11th Destroyer Division on anASW patrol!Consists of Fubuki, Shirayuki, Hatsuyuki andMurakumo. You MUST deploy to World 1-5,and obtain at least a C-Rank at the bossnode.

B37 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy the 21st Destroyer Division!

Consists of Hatsuharu, Nenohi, Wakaba andHatsushimo. You may add up to twoadditional ships. You MUST deploy to World 3-1, and obtain an S-rank victory at the bossnode.

B38 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy the Nachi Squadron!

Consists of Nachi as the flagship,Hatsushimo, Kasumi, Ushio and Akebono. Youmay add another ship. You MUST deploy toWorld 2-2, and obtain an S-rank victory at theboss node.

B39 精鋭「第二航空戦隊」抜錨せよ!

Deploy the 22nd Destroyer Division!

Consists of Satsuki, Fumizuki, Nagatsuki andone additional DD. You may add up to twoother ships. You MUST deploy to World 1-4,and obtain an S-rank victory at the bossnode.

Bd1 敵艦隊を撃破せよ! Defeat an enemy fleet. 50 50 0 0 Development Material x1Needs B4 completion,required by Bd2, Bd4, andBd6

Bd2 敵艦隊主力を撃滅せよ! Defeat the flagship of an enemy fleet.(The first ship in an enemy's slot) 50 50 50 50 Instant Repair x1

Development Material x1

Needs Bd1 completion,required by Bd3, Bd5, Bw1,and Bw3

Bd3 敵艦隊を10回邀撃せよ! Defeat 10 enemy fleets.  150 150 200 100 Development Material x1 Needs Bd2 completion

Bd4 敵空母を3隻撃沈せよ! Sink 3 enemy aircraft carriers.(light carriers are fine too) 150 150 150 300 Instant Repair x2

Needs Bd1 completion,quest available only on daysof the month ending in -3,-7, or -0

Bd5 敵補給艦を3隻撃沈せよ! Sink 3 enemy transport ships. 100 50 200 50 Instant Repair x1Development Material x1

Needs Bd2 completion,required by Bd7 and Bw2

Bd6 敵輸送船団を叩け! Sink 5 enemy transport ships. 0 200 0 0 Development Material x2

Needs Bd1 completion,quest available only on daysof the month ending in -2 or-8

Sortie Quests (出撃)ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note

Kancolle Compilation - Q.Sort

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Bd7 南西諸島海域の制海権を握れ!

Defeat 5 boss nodes in World 2: 南西諸島海域.(only horned nodes will count) 300 0 0 200 Instant Repair x1

Instant Construction x1Needs Bd5 completion,required by Bd8

Bd8 敵潜水艦を制圧せよ! Sink 6 enemy submarines. 300 30 300 30 Instant Repair x1 Needs Bd7 completion

Bw1 あ号作戦Launch your fleet 36 times, encounter 24bosses, defeat (rank B or above) 12 bosses,and get 6 S battle ratings.

300 300 300 100 Instant Construction x2Development Material x2

Needs Bd2 completion,required by Bw4

Bw2 い号作戦 Sink 20 aircraft carriers. (light carriers arefine too) 0 500 0 500 Development Material x2 Needs Bd5 completion,

required by Bw5

Bw3 海上通商破壊作戦 Sink 20 transport ships. 500 0 400 0 Development Material x3 Needs Bd2 completion

Bw4 ろ号作戦 Sink 50 transport ships. 400 0 800 0 Instant Repair x3 Needs Bw1 completion

Bw5 海上護衛戦 Sink 15 submarines. 600 0 0 0 Instant Repair x2 Needs Bw2 completion,required by Bw6

Bw6 敵東方艦隊を撃滅せよ! Defeat 12 bosses in the World 4: 西方海域(only horned nodes will count) 400 0 0 700 Development Material x2 Needs Bw5 completion

Bw7 敵東方中枢艦隊を撃破せよ! Defeat the boss in 4-4. 500 0 500 0 Instant Repair x1

Development Material x1 Needs Bw6 completion

Bw8 敵北方艦隊主力を撃滅せよ!

Defeat 5 bosses in the Northern Sea (3-3 or3-4). 300 300 400 300 Furniture Box (Medium) x1

Development Material x3 Needs Bw5 completion

Bw9 南方海域珊瑚諸島沖の制空権を握れ! Defeat (with S-rank) the boss in 5-2, 2 times. 0 300 0 800 Furntiture Box (Medium) x1

Development Material x2 Needs Bw7 completion

Bm1 「第五戦隊」出撃せよ!

Deploy the Fifth squadron0 550 550 0 Furniture Box (Large) x1

Development Material x5 Needs A35 completionConsists of Myoukou, Nachi and Haguro. YouMUST deploy to world 2-5, and obtain an Srank victory at the boss.

Sortie Quests (出撃)ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note

Kancolle Compilation - Q.Sort

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Practice Quests (演習)C1 はじめての「演

習」!Challenge another fleet in practicemode. 10 10 0 0 Development Material x1 Appears only once

C2 「演習」で練度向上!

Challenge 3 other fleets in practicemode (defeat is ok) within the sameday.

50 0 50 0 Instant Construction x1 Daily quest

C3 「演習」で他提督を圧倒せよ!

Get 5 victories in practice mode withinthe same day. 0 50 0 50 Development Material x1 Daily quest

(C2 completion required)

C4 大規模演習 Get 20 victories in practice mode withinthe same week. 200 200 200 200 Development Material x2 Weekly quest

(C2 completion required)

Expeditions Quests (遠征)D1 はじめての「遠

征」!Perform an expedition. 30 30 30 30 Appears only once

D2 「遠征」を3回成功させよう!

Perform 3 successful expeditions withinthe same day. 100 100 100 100 Development Material x1 Daily quest

D3 「遠征」を10回成功させよう!

Perform 10 successful expeditionswithin the same day. 150 300 300 150 Furniture Box (small) x1

Furniture Box (medium) x1Daily quest(D2 completion required)

D4 大規模遠征作戦、発令!

Perform 30 successful expeditionswithin the same week. 300 500 500 300 Development Material x3

Furniture Box (big) x1 Weekly quest

D5 第一次潜水艦派遣作戦

Complete Expedition 30 with this questactivated. (You can activate after yousend the subs away, just make sure youhave it on when they come back)

0 0 10 10 Repair Team x1 Daily questRequired by D6

D6 第二次潜水艦派遣作戦

Complete Expedition 30 AGAIN with thisquest activated. 0 0 10 10 Unique Dive Bomber: Ju 87C Kai Needs D5 completion

D7 潜水艦派遣作戦による技術入手の継続!

Complete Expedition 30 two more times. 0 0 0 800 Unique Dive Bomber: Ju 87C KaiCash-only furniture token x1 Needs D6 completion

D8 潜水艦派遣による海外艦との接触作戦

Complete Expedition 31. 0 100 0 0Furniture Box (medium)Z1 Unlocks Z3 and Bismarck inConstruction

Needs D7 completion

D9 南方への輸送作戦を成功させよ!

Complete Expedition 37 or 38. 150 0 0 0 Furniture Box (small) Needs A30 CompletionWeekly Quest

D10 航空火力艦の運用を強化せよ!

Complete Expedition 23. 0 0 0 100 Zuiun (634 Air Group) Needs B20 Completion

D11 南方への鼠輸送を継続実施せよ!

Complete Expedition 37 or 38 a total of7 times in a week. 400 0 0 400 Development Material x2 Needs D9 Completion

Weekly Quest

D12 (続)航空火力艦の運用を強化せよ!

Complete Expedition 23 FOUR MORETIMES. 0 0 0 200 Zuiun (634 Air Group) Needs D10 completion

D13 遠洋潜水艦作戦を実施せよ!

Complete Expedition 39. 0 200 0 0 53cm Submarine Bow TorpedoMount (8 tubes)

Needs A37 CompletionRequired by D14

ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note

Kancolle Compilation - Q. Other

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D14 遠洋潜水艦作戦の成果を拡大せよ!

Complete Expedition 39 Two moretimes. 0 400 0 0 53cm Submarine Bow Torpedo

Mount (8 tubes) Needs D13 completion

Supply / docking quests (補給/入渠)E1 はじめての「補給」! Resupply a ship. 20 20 0 0 Repair Team x1 One-time only.E2 はじめての「入渠」! Repair a ship. 0 0 30 0 Development Material x1 One-time only.E3 艦隊大整備! Repair 5 Ships. 30 30 30 30 Repair Team x2 Daily quest

E4 艦隊酒保祭り!Resupply your ships 15 times.(Separate ammo and fuel for morecount)

50 50 50 50 Instant Construction x1Development Material x1

Daily quest(E3 completion required)

Building Quests (工廠)F1 新装備「開発」指令 Craft a piece of equipment. (Failures are

OK) 40 40 40 40 Instant Construction x1Development Material x1 Daily quest

F2 新造艦「建造」指令 Craft a ship. 50 50 50 50 Repair Team x1Development Material x1

Daily quest(F1 completion required)

F3 装備「開発」集中強化!

Craft 3 pieces of equipment. (Failuresare OK) 100 100 100 100 Development Material x2 Daily quest

(F2 completion required)

F4 艦娘「建造」艦隊強化!

Craft 3 ships. 200 200 300 100 Instant Construction x1Development Material x2

Daily quest(F3 completion required)

F5 軍縮条約対応! Scrap 2 ships. 0 0 0 50 Repair Team x1 Daily quest(F4 completion required)

F6 はじめての「建造」!

Craft a ship. 50 50 50 50 Development Material x1 One-time only.

F7 はじめての「開発」!

Craft a piece of equipment. 100 100 100 100 Development Material x1 One-time only.

F8 はじめての「解体」!

Dismantle a ship. 60 60 60 60 Instant Construction x1Development Material x1 One-time only.

F9 はじめての「廃棄」!

Scrap a piece of equipment. 80 80 80 80 Repair Team x1Development Material x1  One-time only.

F10 「大型艦建造」の準備!(その弐)

Scrap a piece of equipment 4 times. 800 800 0 0 Unlocks Large Ship Construction Needs G4 completion

F11 輸送用ドラム缶の準備 Scrap equipment 3 times 0 0 30 0 Drum Canister x3 One-time only.

F12 資源の再利用 Scrap equipment 24 times 0 0 100 0 Drum Canister x1Weekly quest(BW5 completion required)

ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note

Kancolle Compilation - Q. Other

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F13 機種転換

Have flagship equipped with Type 97Torpedo Bomber (Tomonaga Squadron),then scrap 2 Tenzan (HeavenlyMountain)

0 0 0 50 Tenzan Model 12 (TomonagaSquadron) x1

Needs B25 Completion Type 97 Torpedo Bomber(Tomonaga Squadron) willupgrade to Tenzan Model 12(Tomonaga Squadron), thatmeans you will lose the first,and get the second oneinstead.

F14 機種転換Have flagship equipped with Type 99Dive Bomber (Egusa Squadron), thenscrap 2 Suisei (Comet)

0 0 0 50 Suisei (Comet) (Egusa Squadron)x1

Needs F13 Completion Type 99 Dive Bomber(Egusa Squadron) willupgrade to Suisei (Comet)(Egusa Squadron).

Remodelling Quests (改装)G1 はじめての「近代化改


Perform a successful modernization.(Merge two other ships to the ship youwant to keep for best chance)

0 0 50 30 Development Material x1 Appears only once

G2 艦の「近代化改修」を実施せよ!

Perform 2 successful modernizationswithin the same day. 20 20 50 0 Repair Team x1 Daily quest

G3 「近代化改修」を進め、戦備を整えよ!

Perform 15 successful modernizationswithin the same week. 200 200 300 100 Instant Construction x1

Development Material x2Weekly quest(G2 completion required)

G4 「大型艦建造」の準備!(その壱)

Perform 4 successful modernizations. 0 0 400 400 Needs A14 completionRequired by F10

ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note

Kancolle Compilation - Q. Other

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Daily Timers reset 05:00 JSTAll daily quests need to be completed within the dayWeekly quests restart on Monday

Bd1 敵艦隊を撃破せよ! Defeat an enemy fleet. 50 50 0 0 DevelopmentMaterial x1

Bd4 Note - only available on days endingin 3, 7, or 0 敵空母を3隻撃沈せよ! Sink 3 enemy aircraft carriers.

(light carriers are fine too) 150 150 150 300 Instant Repair x2

Bd6 Note - only available on days endingin 2 or 8 敵輸送船団を叩け! Sink 5 enemy transport ships. 0 200 0 0 Development

Material x2

Bd2 敵艦隊主力を撃滅せよ! Defeat the flagship of an enemy fleet.(The first ship in an enemy's slot) 50 50 50 50

Repair Team x1DevelopmentMaterial x1

Bd3 敵艦隊を10回邀撃せよ! Defeat 10 enemy fleets.  150 150 200 100 DevelopmentMaterial x1


海上通商破壊作戦 Sink 20 transport ships. 500 0 400 0 DevelopmentMaterial x3

Bw1 あ号作戦Launch your fleet 36 times, encounter 24bosses, defeat (rank B or above) 12 bosses, andget 6 S battle ratings.

300 300 300 100Instant Constructionx2DevelopmentMaterial x2Bw4 ろ号作戦 Sink 50 transport ships. 400 0 800 0 Repair Team x3

Bd5 敵補給艦を3隻撃沈せよ! Sink 3 enemy transport ships. 100 50 200 50 Repair Team x2

Bd7 南西諸島海域の制海権を握れ!

Defeat 5 boss nodes in World 2: 南西諸島海域.(only horned nodes will count) 300 0 0 200

Repair Team x1Instant Constructionx1

Bd8 敵潜水艦を制圧せよ! Sink 6 enemy submarines. 300 30 300 30 Repair Team x1

Bw2 Weekly い号作戦 Sink 20 aircraft carriers. (light carriers are finetoo) 0 500 0 500 Development

Material x2

Bw5 海上護衛戦 Sink 15 submarines. 600 0 0 0 Repair Team x2

Bw8 敵北方艦隊主力を撃滅せよ!

Defeat 5 bosses in the Northern Sea (3-3 or 3-4). 300 300 400 300

Furniture Box(Medium) x1DevelopmentMaterial x3

F12 WEEKLY 資源の再利用 Scrap equipment 24 times 0 0 100 0 Drum Canister x1

Bw6 敵東方艦隊を撃滅せよ! Defeat 12 bosses in the World 4: 西方海域(only horned nodes will count) 400 0 0 700 Development

Material x2

Bw7 敵東方中枢艦隊を撃破せよ! Defeat the boss in 4-4. 500 0 500 0

Repair Team x1DevelopmentMaterial x1

ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Additional Rewards

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Bw9 南方海域珊瑚諸島沖の制空権を握れ! Defeat (with S-rank) the boss in 5-2, 2 times. 0 300 0 800

Furntiture Box(Medium) x1DevelopmentMaterial x2


PVP Timers reset at 03:00 JST and15:00 JST, note that this isdifferent than the dailies whichreset at 05:00 JST


Challenge 3 other fleets in practice mode(defeat is ok) within the same day. 50 0 50 0 Instant Construction


C3 「演習」で他提督を圧倒せよ!

Get 5 victories in practice mode within thesame day. 0 50 0 50 Development

Material x1

C4 WEEKLY 大規模演習 Get 20 victories in practice mode within thesame week. 200 200 200 200 Development

Material x2

D2 「遠征」を3回成功させよう!

Perform 3 successful expeditions within thesame day. 100 100 100 100 Development

Material x1

D3 「遠征」を10回成功させよう!

Perform 10 successful expeditions within thesame day. 150 300 300 150

Furniture Box (small)x1Furniture Box(medium) x1

D4 Weekly 大規模遠征作戦、発令!

Perform 30 successful expeditions within thesame week. 300 500 500 300

DevelopmentMaterial x3Furniture Box (big)x1

D9 Weekly 南方への輸送作戦を成功させよ!

Complete Expedition 37 or 38. 150 0 0 0 Furniture Box (small)x1

D11 Weekly 南方への鼠輸送を継続実施せよ!

Complete Expedition 37 or 38 a total of 7 timesin a week. 400 0 0 400 Development

material x2

E3 艦隊大整備! Repair 5 Ships. 30 30 30 30 Repair Team x2

E4 艦隊酒保祭り! Resupply your ships 15 times.(Separate ammo and fuel for more count) 50 50 50 50

Instant Constructionx1 DevelopmentMaterial x1

F1 新装備「開発」指令 Craft a piece of equipment. (Failures are OK) 40 40 40 40Instant Constructionx1DevelopmentMaterial x1

F2 新造艦「建造」指令 Craft a ship. 50 50 50 50Repair Team x1DevelopmentMaterial x1

F3 装備「開発」集中強化!

Craft 3 pieces of equipment. (Failures are OK) 100 100 100 100 DevelopmentMaterial x2

F4 艦娘「建造」艦隊強化!

Craft 3 ships. 200 200 300 100Instant Constructionx1 DevelopmentMaterial x2

ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Additional Rewards

Kancolle Compilation - Q. Daily

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F5 軍縮条約対応! Scrap 2 ships. 0 0 0 50 Repair Team x1

G2 艦の「近代化改修」を実施せよ!

Perform 2 successful modernizations within thesame day. 20 20 50 0 Repair Team x1

G3 WEEKLY 「近代化改修」を進め、戦備を整えよ!

Perform 15 successful modernizations withinthe same week. 200 200 300 100

Instant Constructionx1DevelopmentMaterial x2

ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Additional Rewards

Kancolle Compilation - Q. Daily

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Daily Sortie QuestsAll daily quests are to be completed within the day

Bd1 敵艦隊を撃破せよ! Defeat an enemy fleet. 50 50 0 0 Development Materialx1

Needs B4 completion,required by Bd2, Bd4, andBd6

Bd2 敵艦隊主力を撃滅せよ! Defeat the flagship of an enemy fleet.(The first ship in an enemy's slot) 50 50 50 50

Repair Team x1Development Materialx1

Needs Bd1 completion,required by Bd3, Bd5, Bw1,and Bw3

Bd3 敵艦隊を10回邀撃せよ! Defeat 10 enemy fleets.  150 150 200 100 Development Materialx1 Needs Bd2 completion

Bd4 敵空母を3隻撃沈せよ! Sink 3 enemy aircraft carriers.(light carriers are fine too) 150 150 150 300 Repair Team x2

Needs Bd1 completion,quest available only on daysof the month ending in -3,-7, or -0

Bd5 敵補給艦を3隻撃沈せよ! Sink 3 enemy transport ships. 100 50 200 50

Repair Team x1Development Materialx1

Needs Bd2 completion,required by Bd7 and Bw2

Bd6 敵輸送船団を叩け! Sink 5 enemy transport ships. 0 200 0 0 Development Materialx2

Needs Bd1 completion,quest available only on daysof the month ending in -2 or-8

Bd7 南西諸島海域の制海権を握れ!

Defeat 5 boss nodes in World 2: 南西諸島海域.(only horned nodes will count) 300 0 0 200 Repair Team x1

Instant Construction x1Needs Bd5 completion,required by Bd8

Bd8 敵潜水艦を制圧せよ! Sink 6 enemy submarines. 300 30 300 30 Repair Team x1 Needs Bd7 completion

Weekly Sortie QuestsAll weekly quests are to be completed during the week (resets on Monday)

Bw1 あ号作戦Launch your fleet 36 times, encounter 24bosses, defeat (rank B or above) 12 bosses, andget 6 S battle ratings.

300 300 300 100Instant Construction x2Development Materialx2

Needs Bd2 completion,required by Bw4

Bw2 い号作戦 Sink 20 aircraft carriers. (light carriers are finetoo) 0 500 0 500 Development Material

x2Needs Bd5 completion,required by Bw5

Bw3 海上通商破壊作戦 Sink 20 transport ships. 500 0 400 0 Development Materialx3 Needs Bd2 completion

Bw4 ろ号作戦 Sink 50 transport ships. 400 0 800 0 Repair Team x3 Needs Bw1 completion

Bw5 海上護衛戦 Sink 15 submarines. 600 0 0 0 Repair Team x2 Needs Bw2 completion,required by Bw6

Bw6 敵東方艦隊を撃滅せよ! Defeat 12 bosses in the World 4: 西方海域(only horned nodes will count) 400 0 0 700 Development Material

x2 Needs Bw5 completion

Bw7 敵東方中枢艦隊を撃破せよ! Defeat the boss in 4-4. 500 0 500 0

Repair Team x1Development Materialx1

Needs Bw6 completion

ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note

Kancolle Compilation - Q.1/7

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Bw8 敵北方艦隊主力を撃滅せよ!

Defeat 5 bosses in the Northern Sea (3-3 or 3-4). 300 300 400 300

Furniture Box (Medium)x1Development Materialx3

Needs Bw5 completion

Bw9 南方海域珊瑚諸島沖の制空権を握れ! Defeat (with S-rank) the boss in 5-2, 2 times. 0 300 0 800

Furntiture Box (Medium)x1Development Materialx2

Needs Bw7 completion

C3 「演習」で他提督を圧倒せよ!

Get 5 victories in practice mode within thesame day. 0 50 0 50 Development Material

x1Daily quest(C2 completion required)

C4 大規模演習 Get 20 victories in practice mode within thesame week. 200 200 200 200 Development Material

x2Weekly quest(C2 completion required)

D2 「遠征」を3回成功させよう!

Perform 3 successful expeditions within thesame day. 100 100 100 100 Development Material

x1 Daily quest

D3 「遠征」を10回成功させよう!

Perform 10 successful expeditions within thesame day. 150 300 300 150

Furniture Box (small) x1Furniture Box (medium)x1

Daily quest(D2 completion required)

D4 大規模遠征作戦、発令!

Perform 30 successful expeditions within thesame week. 300 500 500 300

Development Materialx3Furniture Box (big) x1

Weekly quest

E3 艦隊大整備! Repair 5 Ships. 30 30 30 30 Repair Team x2 Daily quest

E4 艦隊酒保祭り! Resupply your ships 15 times.(Separate ammo and fuel for more count) 50 50 50 50

Instant Construction x1Development Materialx1

Daily quest(E3 completion required)

F1 新装備「開発」指令 Craft a piece of equipment. (Failures are OK) 40 40 40 40Instant Construction x1Development Materialx1

Daily quest

F2 新造艦「建造」指令 Craft a ship. 50 50 50 50Repair Team x1Development Materialx1

Daily quest(F1 completion required)

F3 装備「開発」集中強化!

Craft 3 pieces of equipment. (Failures are OK) 100 100 100 100 Development Materialx2

Daily quest(F2 completion required)

F4 艦娘「建造」艦隊強化!

Craft 3 ships. 200 200 300 100Instant Construction x1Development Materialx2

Daily quest(F3 completion required)

F5 軍縮条約対応! Scrap 2 ships. 0 0 0 50 Repair Team x1 Daily quest(F4 completion required)

F12 資源の再利用 Scrap equipment 24 times 0 0 100 0 Drum Canister x1 Weekly quest(BW5 completion required)

ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note

Kancolle Compilation - Q.1/7

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G2 艦の「近代化改修」を実施せよ!

Perform 2 successful modernizations within thesame day. 20 20 50 0 Repair Team x1 Daily quest

G3 「近代化改修」を進め、戦備を整えよ!

Perform 15 successful modernizations withinthe same week. 200 200 300 100

Instant Construction x1Development Materialx2

Weekly quest(G2 completion required)

ID Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note

Kancolle Compilation - Q.1/7

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Page 1: 鎮守府海域 6 6 1CL, 2DD1 練習航海 0:15:00 Lv. 1 2 10 10 - 30 - - 3 -

2 長距離練習航海 0:30:00 Lv. 2 4 20 15 - 100 30 - 0-1 5 -

3 警備任務 0:20:00 Lv. 3 3 30 30 30 30 40 - 3 2

4 対潜警戒任務 0:50:00 Lv. 3 3 1CL, 2DD 30 40 - 60 - - 0-1 Small 0-1 5 -

5 海上護衛任務 1:30:00 Lv. 3 4 1CL, 2DD 40 40 200 200 20 20 5 -

6 防空射撃演習 0:40:00 Lv. 4 4 30 50 - - - 80 Small 0-1 3 2

7 観艦式予行 1:00:00 Lv. 5 6 60 120 - - 50 30 0-1 5 -

8 観艦式 3:00:00 Lv. 6 6 120 140 50 100 50 50 0-2 0-1 5 2

Page 2: 南西諸島海域 10 6 2CL, 2CV, 4DD

9 タンカー護衛任務 4:00:00 Lv. 3 4 1CL, 2DD 60 60 350 - - - 0-2 Small 0-1 5 -

10 強行偵察任務 1:30:00 Lv. 3 3 2 CL 40 50 - 50 - 30 0-1 0-1 3 -

11 ボーキサイト輸送任務 5:00:00 Lv. 6 4 2DD 40 40 - - - 250 0-1 Small 0-1 5 -

12 資源輸送任務 8:00:00 Lv. 4 4 2DD 60 50 50 250 200 50 0-1 Medium 0-1 5 -

13 鼠輸送作戦 4:00:00 Lv. 5 6 1CL, 4DD 70 60 240 300 - - 0-2 Small 0-1 5 4

14 包囲陸戦隊撤収作戦 6:00:00 Lv. 6 6 1CL, 3DD 90 100 - 240 200 - 0-1 0-1 5 -

15 囮機動部隊支援作戦 12:00:00 Lv. 8 6 2CV, 2DD 100 160 - - 300 400 0-1 Large 0-1 5 4

16 艦隊決戦援護作戦 15:00:00 Lv. 10 6 1CL, 2DD 120 200 500 500 200 200 0-2 0-2 5 4

Page 3: 北方海域 50 6

17 敵地偵察作戦 0:45:00 Lv. 20 6 1CL, 3DD 30 40 70 70 50 - 3 4

18 航空機輸送作戦 5:00:00 Lv. 15 6 3CV, 2DD 60 60 - - 300 100 0-1 5 2

19 北号作戦 6:00:00 Lv. 20 6 3BBV, 2DD 60 70 400 - 50 30 0-1 Small 0-1 5 4

20 潜水艦哨戒任務 2:00:00 Lv. 1 2 1SS, 1CL 40 50 - - 150 - 0-1 Small 0-1 5 4

21 北方鼠輸送作戦 2:20:00 Lv. 15,>30 5 1CL, 4DD,

Drums - 3 45 55 320 270 - - Small 0-1 8 7

22 艦隊演習 3:00:00 Lv. 30,>45 6 1CA, 2CL, 2DD 45 400 - 10 - - 8 7

23 航空戦艦運用演習 4:00:00 Lv. 50,>200 6 2BBV, 2DD 70 420 - 20 - 100 8 8

Page 4: 西方海域 60 4

Green = Good Returns on time Blue = Excellent returns on time Per Ship

Informtion Requirements Exp. Rewards CostID Name

Time (h:mm)



Req.Num. ofShips Composition


ShipExp Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Buckets Torch Wrenches Boxes Fuel Ammo

Kancolle Compilation - Expeditions

Page 20: Kancolle old quest

25 通商破壊作戦 40:00:00 Lv. 25 4 2CA, 2DD 80 180 900 - 500 - 5 8

26 敵母港空襲作戦 80:00:00 Lv. 30 4 1CV, 1CL, 2DD 150 200 - - - 900 0-3 8 8

27 潜水艦通商破壊作戦 20:00:00 Lv. 1 2 2SS 80 60 - - 800 - 0-1 Small 0-2 8 8

28 西方海域封鎖作戦 25:00:00 Lv. 30 3 3SS 100 140 - - 900 350 0-2 Medium 0-2 8 8

29 潜水艦派遣演習 24:00:00 Lv. 50 3 3SS 100 100 - - - 100 0-1 Small 0-1 9 4

30 潜水艦派遣作戦 48:00:00 Lv. 55 4 4SS 100 150 - - - 100 1-3 9 7

31 海外艦との接触 2:00:00 Lv. 60>200 4 4SS 50 50 - 30 - - Small 0-1 5 -

32 遠洋練習航海 24:00:00 Lv. 5 6 CT, 2DD 300 50 50 50 50 1-3 Medium 0-1

Page 5: 南方海域 65 6

33 前衛支援任務 0:15:00 Sortie Support Expedition 5 4 or 8

34 艦隊決戦支援任務 0:30:00 Sortie Support Expedition 5 4 or 8

35 MO作戦 7:00:00 Lv. 40 6 2CV, 1CA, 1DD 100 100 - - 240 280 Small 0-2 8 8

36 水上機基地建設 9:00:00 Lv. 30>200 6 2AV, 1CL, 1DD 100 100 480 - 200 200 0-1 Medium 0-

2 8 8

37 東京急行 2:45:00 Lv. 50>200 6 1CL, 5DD,

Drums - 4 50 65 - 380 270 - Small 0-1 8 8

38 東京急行(弐) 2:55:00 Lv. 65>240 6 5DD, Drums - 8 100 70 420 - 200 - Small 0-1 8 8

39 遠洋潜水艦作戦 30:00:00 Lv. 3>180 5 1 AS, 4 SS 130 320 - - 300 - 0-2 Medium 0-

1 9 9

Green = Good Returns on time Blue = Excellent returns on time Per Ship

Informtion Requirements Exp. Rewards CostID Name

Time (h:mm)



Req.Num. ofShips Composition


ShipExp Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Buckets Torch Wrenches Boxes Fuel Ammo

Kancolle Compilation - Expeditions