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Research Report – Full paper The Development Of The Library And Information Science Through Books Published In Indonesia, 1952 – 2005 1 By : Laksmi Department of Library and Information Science Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia Depok – INDONESIA Introduction The discipline of library and information science has developed so far. Despite of the argumentation if this discipline could be called as a science, there are a lot of aspects can be developed. Looking for information 2 written by Donald O. Case says that library and information science is able to be examined in many approaches and perspective of sociology, psychology, anthropological and management. Since 1952, when the course of the library science was formed, the scientific work published in the form of book, article, report or seminar paper is very limited, both in Indonesian and English in this field. This statement was concluded as a result from the research conducted by Sulistyo-Basuki 3 at the discussion panel to analysis book publications on library and information science, held by IPI (Indonesian Librarian Association) in the 1991. The weakness is not only in the quantity but also in quality. Most of books published are textbooks, bibliographic or index books. The textbooks and manual books may give a good 1 Makalah ini dipresentasikan pada Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education & Practice 2006 – A-LIEP 2006; Singapore: Nanyang Technological University. 2 Case, Donald O. 2002: 138. 3 “Buku ajar...”, dalam Panel Diskusi Pengkajian Buku, 1991: 1 1

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Research Report – Full paper

The Development Of The Library And Information Science Through Books Published In Indonesia, 1952 – 20051

By : LaksmiDepartment of Library and Information ScienceFaculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia



The discipline of library and information science has developed so far. Despite of the argumentation if this discipline could be called as a science, there are a lot of aspects can be developed. Looking for information2 written by Donald O. Case says that library and information science is able to be examined in many approaches and perspective of sociology, psychology, anthropological and management.

Since 1952, when the course of the library science was formed, the scientific work published in the form of book, article, report or seminar paper is very limited, both in Indonesian and English in this field. This statement was concluded as a result from the research conducted by Sulistyo-Basuki3 at the discussion panel to analysis book publications on library and information science, held by IPI (Indonesian Librarian Association) in the 1991. The weakness is not only in the quantity but also in quality. Most of books published are textbooks, bibliographic or index books. The textbooks and manual books may give a good contribution to the development of the science, but substantives is limited to the practical points, such task how to do the technical task, how to make a catalogue, how to do the public services, and so on. The facts show that the students have some difficulties to decide what subject research for their thesis or dissertations. Moreover, the methodology they use in their research is limited only in the quantitative approaches. The publications may cause librarians at the work as well. They may not have good inspiration, information and knowledge in librarianship for increasing their public services. The role of scientific books is a tool of communication. The book writer or sender has knowledge’s that should be transferred to the public or receiver.

The aim of this study is to analyze the development of library and information science through its publications written by librarians, scholars, and others who are interest to the field in Indonesia since 1952 to 2005. The book publication is limited to the scientific books that contain the knowledge of the library and information science. The analysis is focused on the kind of books, the

1 Makalah ini dipresentasikan pada Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education & Practice 2006 – A-LIEP 2006; Singapore: Nanyang Technological University.2 Case, Donald O. 2002: 138.3 “Buku ajar...”, dalam Panel Diskusi Pengkajian Buku, 1991: 1


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

subjects, the publication, the originality of books, and the writers. The study uses the content analysis approach that is named as bolometric study. This knowledge is needed as references to develop the science and to create more literatures with the various, innovative, and constructive ideas in the future.

The book as scientific works

The definition of the book is literarily ‘set of blank, printed or written sheets of papers bound together along one edge, and enclosed within protective covers to form a volume, or a treatise or literary work. At the Unesco Conference held in 1964, a book is defined as library materials non serials that have at least 49 pages excludes cover.

As a scientific work, books contain individual ideas in a specific discipline. The ideas are organised systematically in this structure, and supported with analysis, concepts, argumentation and some data.

This study based on the aim of writing includes reference or textbooks, manual books, act and regulation books and seminar or workshop report. Reference book or textbook supposed to be used for educating future librarians, which contains comprehensive information, and written by one writer or more. The systematic of book can be compiled in single subject or multiple subjects, as collection of essays. The manual book contains the customs of regulation perform something, for example, classifying the books. As to acts and regulation books, they contain the acts that prevail both local and national institutions. The report of seminar and workshop are formed as proceeding. Contains the collections of essays.

In relation to the development of library and information science, the production of books is influenced by several factors of the writers, institutions in this field including the library association, and the institutions, which published their books. From the textbooks studied by Sulistyo-Basuki in 1991, the book writer has difficulties to translate from English into Bahasa Indonesia. Besides that, the reference books used to compose a research or writings are hard to find, and it is limited in American literature. The second factor is the institutions of library education and the library association. Both institutions are responsible for the development of the library and information science. The last factor is publishers. The book published usually is selected as the one that seems to be best sellers, the book which is accommodated to public interest. Library and information science seems not to be interesting to public that means that it could not give profit to the publishers.

The development of the library and information science in Indonesia


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

According to research conducted by Hawkins4 and Case5, the development of library and information science extend considerably. From publication of books, article in the scientific journals, and the schools in many countries including Indonesia indicates its development. In Indonesia, there are about 15 academic institutions, which have library and information programs, from undergraduate to postgraduate level.

The history of the library and information science in Indonesia established from the emerging of library course in 1952, at the University of Indonesia. It was for the staff at National Library Museum. The activity was stopped between sixties to seventies period, because of the decline of political and economical condition. In the eighties, the library science and practical spread to around the country, as well as the textbook publications.

The term of library science is synonymous to librarianship. The library science deals with the techniques and methods of collection, organization, and dissemination of graphic knowledge6. According to ALA in 1943, library science was defined as the knowledge and skill by which printed or written records are recognized, collected, organized and utilized. Pendit7, one of the scholars in this field, differentiate between library and information field. The library field consists of the role and significance of library and information in society, routine tasks and process of organizing information in the library, history and its development in the future, including giving information and recommending society to understand that reading is important, educating them how to search information through books and non-book materials, and informing them that a library is a place of long life learning. The book written by Pendit8, shows that the subjects that can be studied in the librarianship are library materials (rare books, non-book materials, etc), building and furnitures, library exhibition, circulation services, archives, library management and organization, financial problems, library extensions, museums, users studies, the use of library, library promotion, and the library staff. The information field consists of information technology, information industry, artificial intelligence / expert system, database, informational professionals, the user behavior in facing the information technology, related acts and regulations.

The quality of the publication

The quality of the publication is based on the characteristic of the books. The total number of the book that can be collected are 218. I am not able to find all the books physically, then I record and list them from the bibliography of the other books.

1) The number of publication, 1952-2005

4 2001. “Bibliometrics of electronic journals in information science.” Information Research, Vol. 7 no. 1. October 2001. Download in September 16th 2005.5 2002: 1386 Librarianship, 2002: 37 The term of ‘librarianship’ is used in english, is equal to the term of library science, used in english-american. Harrod’s Librarians’ Glossary, 1990: 370. 8 Pendit, 2003. Penelitian ilmu perpustakaan dan informasi: 40-41


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

The total number of the book is 237. Table 1 shows that books written increases slowly per 5 years and reaches the peak in 1988 – 1993, that is 59 books. In this period, there was financial support from government for book publications through Balai Pustaka, one of the official government publishers. In addition, the British Council gave some scholarships to some academic lecturers to pursue postgraduate in library science. The graduate students are expected to write down their knowledge into books.

After that period, since 1994-1999 and 2000-2005, the number of publication gradually has declined. The economic crisis may be one of the factors that influences the spirit of the librarians to write the book. The other possible factor is the custom and the way of think of the librarians. The routine and technical works make the librarians are used to think in accordance to the procedures. This custom hampers the creativity, whereas they have to be dynamic and creative and think fast to face the problems of the changing world.

In recent day, instead of the multi dimension crisis that is still going on in Indonesia, the number of lecturers and graduate students in library and information sciences increase and the information technology emerges. Then, the number of publications should increase as well. But the facts are in contrast. There are several possibilities. First, the characteristic of the library tasks focuses on the technical processing. It makes the individuals concern too much to their works, they forget to develop their knowledge. They do not have much time to read and write the book, because the library work contains many things performed continuously. The second possibilities, there is no concern and motivation from institutions where the individuals work. Due to the unhealthy condition, the data shows indications that it needs then to be examined carefully.

2) Type of publications


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

Based on the data found, the type of publication between 1952 and 2005 are reference and textbooks (136) and manual books (83). It is a significance development, in spite of the other type of publications are important too. With those total numbers of books, the students, lecturers and practitioners in this field can get enough resources in Indonesian.

The reference and textbooks, as well as manual books, have important role to disseminate information. Although the information is not as up to date as the journals, both types are needed to refer. The other two types, books on act and regulation and reports of seminar/workshop are published in a few numbers. The books on acts and regulations should be the responsibilities of the government, but the related departments have no enough serious interest to make the library acts legally. The National Library develops national standards for libraries. The assumption, the government is not aware of library roles and people have lack of knowledge about library, so that they seem as their needs. As the reports of seminar/workshop on library and information science, they are published in limited edition and rarely launched to the public. In Indonesia, the seminars or workshops on librarianship are very often held, but the committees make the internal reports and do not publish to the public. This custom behaviour is regretted, eventhough the subjects discussed in the seminar/workshop frequently provide innovative ideas in this discipline.

3) The subject of the books


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

During 53 years, the most subjects books published in the library and information science is librarianship (I); followed by the subjects of library technical work (A), services (C), and collection development (K). Those categories discuss the same topic, it is the library technical work. This theme consists of the management of library in general, management of information, management of collection development, management of automation and technology, management of services, and so on. The subject books few discussed are human resources (B), facilities and library building (D), public library (E), school library (F), special library (G), academic library (H), and library network and cooperation (J), the education in this field (L), the books in research (M), (N), (O), and (P). There are sharp differences between the subjects which writers most and few discuss.

Information :A = library technical works (classification, cataloguing, abstracts, index, bibliographies)B = human resources (librarian)C = services, the service use of usersD = facilities and library buildingE = public libraryF = school libraryG = special libraryH = academic libraryI = librarianship, including information technology, automation, managementJ = library network and cooperationK = collection developmentL = library education, including curriculum in library and information scienceM =library researchN = library association, the National LibraryO = books on acts, regulation, rulesP = reading habit

The figure at the Table 3 shows that the concern of the writings is focused in library application. If it is compared to the development of this field in the developed countries, the subject published in Indonesia are still left. Although this discipline is categorized as new science, it is developing dynamically and rapidly


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

in conjunction with the rise of technology and the social change. The complex and global changing world demands this discipline to change the perspectives. The knowledge of library technical work and ‘traditional’ library management are not enough strong tools to face the modern environment problems nowadays. More educated and multicultural society needs fast and accurate information and better services. The librarians may not be able to fulfill those needs, if their knowledge only is limited to the technical work. They have to understand the characteristic of the society they serve, they have to examine the social phenomenon, they need to improve the communication skills, and they need to know the information and communication technology. Therefore, the book publication on library and information science should be developed to other disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, communication and technology.

4) The institutions that involve in book publications

One of the factors influenced the development of a science is determined by the institutions that involve in book publications. In difficult economic condition in our country, the publishers have a lot of considerations in deciding what books are going to publish. So that the subjects that public are interested in will be selected and published. The other subjects such as librarianship not a good choice.

In this research, the type of institutions which publish the books in library and information work are classified into 4 groups, they are the government institution, such as The National Library, The Province library, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Religions; the commercial publishers such as Bumi Aksara, Kesaint Blanc; academic publishers especially which have librarianship program; and the Indonesia Librarian Association9. The last two types have commitments and responsibility to develop the library and information science. Some universities with the librarianship program publishes those books, and few numbers published by the IPI.

9 IPI = Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia (Indonesian Librarian Association). It’s exists since 1978, supported by The National Library, Republic of Indonesia.


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

The institutions that publish books are the government institutions, followed by the commercial institutions and academic institutions. The books published by the government are limited edition, not sold, and the limited distribution to special regions. In the past, the format of books were usually photocopies or bad printed. Furthermore, the books are rarely to be revised. If the government do, the revision is limited to their language composition. While, if the commercial publishers have only profit oriented, they do naturally not improve their substance. The academic institutions are IPB (Institute of Agriculture, Bogor), GAMA (University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta), UI (University of Indonesia, Depok), Open University, and so on. IPI, as Indonesian library association, have published many reports on their congress. The reports compile some articles on librarianship presented at the congress.

5) Originality and characteristic of the books

Some books are written directly by the writers, others are produced by the translation from foreign writings. The characteristics of the book are examined through the number of the pages and their sources. From 236 books, there are only 4,2% (10) book translations. Since 1952, we have difficulties to find the translation books. The foreign opinions are valuable to enrich the knowledge. Although the works written by indigenous librarians in this country is important, we need the existence of such books. One of the reasons is the Indonesian use mother tongue. They have difficulties to read the books in English.

The commitment of the writers can be seen in the physical book, whether the pages of the book are more or less than 100 pages. The data shows that half of the total books have pages less than 100 and more than 100 pages.


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

In this research, it is found that there are more than 20 writers who write the books between 2 to 4. The active writers who contribute much more are Sulistyo-Basuki, Soejono Trimo and Lasa. HS, they have written more than 10 books. The number of single and multiple writers are almost balanced, they are 49,4% of single writer and 50,5% of multiple writers.


Summing up all above analysis, I would say that the development of the library and information science through publication of books, 1952 – 2005, however, shows few developments. This science can not fully rely on the publication of books, because the numbers of publications are not very substantially. On the other hand, the publication of books shows that this science in our country develops slowly. These are the details.

Although the book publication has various subjects of this field in Indonesia, principally they are the same subject, namely library technical tasks. The books discuss how to manage library, how to make a bibliographical description, how to conduct the services, etc.

This publication decline has been seen since 1993 till recent times. The institutions which have a big role in developing the library and information publication is the government, that includes The National Library and Ministry of Education, and followed by the commercial publishers. Ironically, the academic institutions, especially those who have library and information program/department, and the library association that should be more responsible to disseminate the knowledge, publish these kind of books in few number. Both institutions should lead in publishing the books.

I recommend, firstly, to the Indonesian librarian and higher educators to motivate themselves to do more researches, writing and translating more of these books. Secondly, the academic institutions and the library association should support individuals in processing, publishing and distributing their scientific works. Thirdly, the connected institutions, such as the academic institutions, the commercial publishers, and the government are supposed to cooperate in order to be able to facilitate the book publication process.

Due to limited opportunities, not all books published are covered, and I hope that this study should be continued, so I would apologize to all colleague in Indonesia and audience here for this reason. However, these are our country experience and I hope it would be very useful for other countries to share this, and for Indonesia to review in order to build what we have now, for better future.

* * * * *


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

Daftar Pustaka

Building communities information networks: strategies and experiences. 1999. Edited by Sheila Pantry. London: Library Association.

Case, Donald O. 2002. Looking for information: a survey of research on information seeking, needs, and behavior. California: Academic Press.

Coulthard, Malcolm. 1985. An Introduction to discourse analysis. New ed. Essex: Longman.

Encyclopedia of information and library science. Vol. 1. Edited by Ishvari Corea, et al. New Delhi (India): Akashdeep.

Greenhalgh, Liz, Ken Worrpole with Charles Landry. 1995. Libraries in a world of cultural change. London: UCL Press.

Hawkins, Donald T. 2001. “Bibliometrics of electronic journals in information science. Information Research, Vol. 7 no. 1. October 2001. [from http://InformationR.net/ir/7-1/paper120html, download in September 16th 2005]

Librarianship: philosophy, laws and ethics. 2002. Edited by Devinder Kaur and R.G. Prasher. New Delhi: Medallion Press.

Marzuki, Rusli. 2002. Buku ajar bidang ilmu perpustakaan Indonesia 1991-2001. Jakarta: Yayasan Memajukan Jasa Informasi (YASMIN).

Norton, Melanie J. Introductory concepts in information science. ASIS Monograph Series. Medford (New Jersey): Information Today.

Pendit, Putu Laxman. 2003. Penelitian ilmu perpustakaan dan informasi: suatu pengantar diskusi epistomologi dan metodologi. Jakarta: JIP-FSUI.

Pengurus Besar IPI. 1993. Anggaran dasar dan anggaran rumah tangga Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia (IPI). [Jakarta]: IPI.

Riffe, Daniel; Lacy, Stephen and Fico, Frederick G. 1998. Analyzing media messages: using quantitative content analysis in research. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Sobur, Alex. 2001. Analisis teks media: suatu pengantar untuk analisis wacana, analisis semiotic, dan analisis framing. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.

Sulistyo-Basuki. 1991. “Buku ajar ilmu perpustakaan terbitan Indonesia: pandangan seorang pengajar.” Dalam Panel Diskusi Pengkajian Buku Bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan yang diselenggarakan oleh Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia Cabang Jakarta Selatan bekerjasama dengan Komisi Pengembangan Profesi PB-IPI, Jakarta, 15 Juni 1991

Tairas, J.N.B. 1991. “Pengkajian Buku-buku Ilmu Perpustakaan yang terbit di Indonesia.” Dalam Panel Diskusi Pengkajian Buku Bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan yang diselenggarakan oleh Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia Cabang Jakarta Selatan bekerjasama dengan Komisi Pengembangan Profesi PB-IPI, Jakarta, 15 Juni 1991

Webster, Frank. 1995. Theories of the information society. London: Routledge.


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan





1. -- Adaptasi dan perluasan Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) seksi Islam. Keputusan Bersama Menag dan Mendikbud (18, 11 lembar)

Jakarta: [s.n] 1987

2. -- Apresiasi kepustakawanan PD-IPI Jakarta, periode 1888-2003 (1888 hal)

Jakarta: IPI 2003

3. -- Buku dan perpustakaan meningkatkan kualitas manusia (80 hal)

Jakarta: Panitia Nasional Kampanye Perpustakaan


4. -- Buku panduan untuk para pemakai perpustkaan (32 hal)

Lampung: Perpust Univ. Lampung


5. -- Buku panduan cara menyusun sari karangan (45 hal)

Jakarta: PDII-LIPI


6. -- Buku pedoman perencanaan perabot dan perlengkapan perpustakaan (63 hal)

Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan Perpustakaan, Dept. P & K


7. -- Buku pedoman perpustakaan dinas Depart Agama RI

Jakarta: Sek Jen Depart Agama


8. -- Buku pedoman penyelenggaraan perpustakaan desa (63 hal)

Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Perpustakaan, Dep. P dan K

1985 / 1986

9. -- Bunga rampai 40 tahun pendidikan perpustakaan di Indonesia

Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc


10. -- Himpunan produk hukum: seputar perpustakaan umum Pemerintah Propinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta (140 hal)

Jakarta: Pem Propinsi Daerah Khsusus Ibukota Jakarta


11. -- Himpunan lengkap 1951-1990: peraturan perundang-undangan tentang perpustakaan dan perbukuan di Indonesia. Diedit oleh Djadjuliyanto dkk..(1212 hal)

Jakarta: BP. Muara Agung


12. -- Jabatan fungsional pustakawan & angka kreditnya – Kep. Ment. PAN (108 hal)

Jakarta: Yayasan Memajukan Jasa Informasi


13. -- Jakarta kita: perpustakaan umum DKI Jakarta (47 hal)

Jakarta: The Jakarta Regional Development Planning Board


14. -- Kajian pandangan buku di Indonesia (64 lembar)

Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Perpustakaan


15. -- Kajian minat baca sekolah dasar di DKI Jakarta, NTB dan Sulawesi Tengah (33 hal)

Jakarta: PNRI 2001

16. -- Kepustakawanan Indonesia: Jakarta: Kesaint 1992


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

potensi dan tantangan (bunga rampai 40 tahun pendidikan ilmu perpustakaan di Indonesia) Ed. Antonius Bangun, PLP, SLB, AAK, ZFZ (203 hal)


17. -- Kepustakawanan Indonesia kepada masyarakat. Diedit ole SLB, dll. (198 hal)

Semarang: Penelitian Univ. Katolik Soegijapranata


18. -- Klasifikasi Desimal Universal (UDC). Edisi ringkas; alih bahasa oleh J.N.B. Tairas (320 hal)

Jakarta: Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional


19. -- Konperensi perpusatkaan seluruh Indonesia, 25 – 27 Maret 1954, Jakarta (… hal)

-- 1954

20. -- Kumpulan keputusan Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional RI tahun 2002 (183 hal)

Jakarta: Per nas RI


21. -- Laporan perkembangan informasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. (115 hal)

Jakarta: PDII-LIPI


22. -- Lokakarya penerbitan pemerintah 8-12 Maret 1976 (150 hal)

Jakarta: Dep. Penerangan


23. -- Lokakarya pendidikan perpustakaan, 10-11 Oktober 1978, Jakarta (… hal)

Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan Perpustakaan Dep. P & K


24. -- Lokakarya Pengembangan kurikulum pendidikabn & pelatihan perpustakaan di Indonesia, 9-11 Agustus 1994. (140 hal)

Jakarta: PB IPI 1994

25. -- Manajemen Perpustakaan Sekolah Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional RI


26. -- Manual unit jaringan dokumentasi dan informasi hokum (5 modul)

Jakarta: Pusat Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi Hukum


27. -- Masalah perbukuan di Indonesia (23 lembar)

Jakarta: Badan Pertimbangan Pengembangan Buku Nasional


28. -- Membina perpustakaan sekolah. Ed. Oleh C. Larasati Milburga, et al. staf pengajar SMP Stella Duce Tarakanita (188 hal)

Yogyakarta: Kanisius


29. -- Nomor buku standar internasional (ISBN) (22 hal)

Jakarta: Dep. Penerangan

1978 ?

30. -- Panduan koleksi perpustakaan umum: seleksi bahan pustaka

Jakarta: Proyek Penyelenggaraan Pernas


31. -- Panduan perpustakaan umum Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

Jakarta: Perpustakaan Umum Jakarta Pusat


32. -- Pedoman pemanfaatan perpustkaan IKIP Padang. Ed.

Padang: Perp IKIP



Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

Barhaya Ali (65 hal)33. -- Pedoman pemanfaatan

perpustakaan. Edt: Barhaya Ali (65 hal)

Padang: Perpustakaan IKIP Padang


34. -- Pedoman pengukuran kinerja perpustakaan perguruan tinggi. Ed. Abdul Rahman Saleh (37 hal)

Jakarta: Forum Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia


35. -- Pedoman penyelenggaraan perpustakaan masjid Indonesia (74 hal)

Jakarta: Badan pembinaan Perpustakaan Masjid Indonesia


36. -- Pedoman penyelenggaraan perpustakaan (78 hal)

Jakarta: Dep. P & K


37. -- Pedoman penyelenggaraan perpustakaan sekolah (78 hal)

Jakarta: Dep. P dan K


38. -- Pedoman penyelenggaraan perpustakaan umum (78 hal)

Jakarta: Dep. P dan K


39. -- Pedoman gedung dan perlengkapan ppt

Jakarta: Depdikbud


40. -- Pedoman perlengkapan perabot dan perlengkapan perpustakaan. (147 hal)

Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Perpustakaan Dep. P & K


41. -- Pedoman perlengkapan perpustakaan sekolah. Kata pengantar Mastini Hardjoprakoso (124 hal)

Jakarta: Perpus Nasional


42. -- Pedoman perencanaan perabot dan perlengkapan perpustakaan. Terbitan ke-2. (147 hal)

Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Perpustakaan


43. -- Pedoman perlengkapan perpustakaan khusus. (207 hal)

Jakarta: Perpus Nasional


44. -- Pedoman umum perpustakaan perguruan tinggi (79 hal)

Jakarta: Dept. P & K


45. -- Pedoman pelayanan sirkulasi dan referensi ppt

Jakarta : idem 1980

46. -- Pedoman penelusuran informasi di perpustakaan Nasional Provinsi Bengkulu: panduan praktis bagi para pengguna jasa perpustakaan. Ed. H. Sudirman Hamid, et al. Banyak gambar (23 hal)

Bengkulu: Per Nas Prov Bengkulu


47. -- Pedoman / standar perpustakaan di Indonesia (176 hal, 26 lembar)

Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan Pepustakaan, Dep. P dan K


48. -- Pelayanan perpustakaan perguruan tinggi (104 hal)

Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan


49. -- Pelayanan perpustakaan: tatakerja pelayanan sirkulasi (melayani peminjaman dan pengembalian buku) (85 hal)

Yogyakarta: Kanisius


50. -- Pemakaian nomor cutter dalam Jakarta: Dep. P 1988


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

nomor panggil (154 hal) dan K51. -- Pembinaan koleksi perpustakaan

perguruan tinggi (71 hal)Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan


52. -- Pengadaan dan pemilihan bahan: suatu buku text untuk pustakawan muda perpustakaan sekolah (83 hal)

Bandung: Angkasa


53. -- Pengetahuan dasar dalam perencanaan gedung perpustakaan: suatu penuntun dalam membangun / menyelaraskan gedung ataupun ruang perpustakaan bagi para pustakawan maupun mereka yang berkepentingan dalam perencanaan fasilitas pendidikan di Indonesia (50 hal)

Bandung: Angkasa


54. -- Penyesuaian notasi Dewey Decimal Classification untuk subjek-subjek Indonesia tahun 1989 (181 hal)

Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan Perpustakaan


55. -- Peranan teknologi dalam peningkatan & pengembangan jaringan dokumentasi dan informasi hokum di Ind.

Jakarta: Dep. Kehakiman RI, Bdn Pembinaan Hukum Nasional


56. -- Peranan perpustakaan dalam memajukan studi: kumpulan artikel ttg perpustakaan (146 hal)

Yogyakarta: Proyek Peningkatan Perguruan Tinggi, UGM


57. -- Peraturan katalogisasi Indonesia: deskripsi bibliografis (ISBD) penentuan tajuk entri, judul seragam. Edisi 3. (228 hal)

Jakarta: Dep. P dan K


58. -- Peraturan katalogisasi nama-nama Indonesia: nama perorangan dan nama badan korporasi Indonesia (76 hal)

Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Perpustakaan


59. -- Peraturan penjajaran ALA / Filing Committee, Resources and Technical Services Division, ALA. Diterjemahkan oleh Wirawan (55 hal)

Jakarta: Bagian Proyek Persiapan Penerimaan Bantuan Bak Dunia, Pusat Pembinaan Perp.


60. -- Perkembangan perpustakaan. Bunga rampai (… hal)

Bogor: IPB 2005

61. -- Perluasan dan penyesuaian notasi untuk beberapa seksi dalam Dewey Decimal Classification khusus yg berhubungan dengan Indonesia. (cetak ulang.) (226 hal)

Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan Perpustakaan (disusun oleh Panitia Teknis Perp., Thn Buku Int. 1972


62. -- Perpustakaan sekolah: petunjuk untuk membina, memakai dan

Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya



Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

memelihara perpustakaan di sekolah. Diedit oleh A.S. Nasution (244 hal)

63. -- Perpustakaan: organisasi dan tatakerjanya (69 hal)

Yogyakarta: Kanisius


64. -- Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia: pertumbuhan, perkembangan dan langkah majunya

Jakarta: Pernas 1991

65. -- Petunjuk penyelenggaraan perpustakaan secara sederhana (58 hal)

Surabaya: Karunia


66. -- Petunjuk penyelenggaraan perpustakaan sekolah di Indonesia: suatu usaha ke arah pembakuan (66 hal)

Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Perpustakaan, Pusat Pembinaan Perpustakaan


67. -- Petunjuk pengelolaan dokumentasi & perpustakaan di lingkungan Departemen Transmigrasi (82 hal)

Jakarta: Biro Hukum dan Organisasi, Dep. Transmigrasi


68. -- Petunjuk praktis penyelenggaraan perpustakaan umum desa ( hal)

Surabaya: Badan Pembina Perpustakaan


69. -- Petunjuk teknis pelaksanaan jabatan fungsional pustakawan Dep. Kesehatan RI (97 hal)

Jakarta: Dep. Kesehatan RI


70. -- Pokok-pokok bahan pendidikan dan latihan pengetahuan literature (21 hal)

Yogyakarta: Perpustkaan Pusat IKIP Yogyakarta


71. -- Prosedur perbaikan buku, oleh TIM Teknis Program Pelestarian BP dan arsip (79 hal)

Jakarta: Program Pelestarian BP dan Arsip


72. -- Prosiding seminar sehari layanan Pusdokinfoberorientasi pemakai di era informasi: pandangan akademisi dan praktisi , Depok, 16 Maret 1996. Ed. Oleh PLP (73 hal)

Depok: UI, Program Pascasarjana, Program Studi IP


73. -- Prosiding seminar nama pengarang Indonesia di Jkarta Convention Center, 19 Juni 2003: dengan pembakuan nama pengarang Indonesia mempercepat penelusuran informasi (72 hal)

Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional RI


74. -- Prosiding Kongres VII IPI dan Seminar Ilmiah Nasional. Jakarta, 20-23 Nov. 1995 (3 jilid)

Jakarta PB IPI 1996

75. -- Prosiding: The reginal seminar on the promotion of reading habit by Asean Libraries, Bandung, 3-6 April 1995 (307 hal)

Jakarta: The ASEAN Committee on Culture & Information


76. -- Prosiding temu ilmiah evaluasi penerapan ISBN & KDT, Jakarta: 9-10 Feb 1993 (52 hal)

Jakarta: PNRI 1993

77. -- Prosiding seminar nasional pembentukan gerakan

Jakarta: PNRI 2001


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

pemasyarakatan minat baca (GPMB), 23-25 Oktober 2001, Bogor (141 hal)

78. -- Pustakawan dan informasi. Disunting oleh Lily K. Somadikarta (84 hal)

Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Perpustakaan & PB IPI

1982 ?

79. -- Sarana bibliografi: fungsi ragam. Ed. Oleh Djalil Dauley, dkk. Karya tukis berkala, no. 5 (53 hal)

Jakarta: JIP FSUI 1981

80. -- Sekapur sirih pendidikan perpustakaan di Indonesia, 1952-2002. Ed. SLB

Depok: FIB-UI 2002

81. -- Sekedar tentang bibliografi nasional: dengan tambahan teks dalam bahasa Inggris (45 hal)

Djakarta: Gunung Agung


82. -- Sekilas perpustakaan Balittan Maros. Ed. Oleh Wafiah El Wafah, dkk. (25 hal)

Maros: Balai Penelitian Taman Pajan Maros


83. -- Seminar aplikasi komputer dalam sistem info. Perpustakaan, Yogyakarta, 2 Maret 1992 (28 hal)

Yogyakarta: UGM


84. -- Seminar jaringan informasi, dokumentasi dan layanan perpustakan. Cibulan, Cisarua, 24-28 Januari 1995. (149 hal)

Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional


85. -- Seminar tentang penerapan sistem klasifikasi persepuluhan Dewey (DDC) di perpus. Indonesia, 1981, Jakarta. Disunting oleh Sayangbati-Dengah (66 lembar)

Jakarta: Pengurus Daerah IPI DKI Jakarta


86. -- Serials and references services. Editor oleh Robin Kinder & Bill Katz. (457 hal)

New York: The Haworth Press


87. -- Sistem dan pelayanan informasi. Saduran karya Pauline Atherton (258 hal)

Jakarta: Arga Kencana Abadi


88. -- Sosok pribadi unik Mastini Hardjoprakoso. Diedit oleh Kustiniati Muchtar, dkk. (224 hal)

Jakarta: Yayasan Kawedri


89. -- Survei dan kajian perpustakaan perguruan tinggi: kajian pelayanan di 7 provinsi. (29 lembar). Cet 1.

Jakarta: per nas RI


90. -- Temu karya peningkatan kerjasama dalam sistem jaringan informasi antara Perpustakaan Nasional dengan Perpustakaan Wilayah seluruh Indonesia, 1984, Cisarua (204 hal)

Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Perpustakaan Nasional, Dep. P & K


91. -- Tugas-tugas professional dan non-profesional di perpustakaan (148 hal)

Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional RI


92. -- Usul ke arah program nasional servis terpadu perpustakaan, dokumentasi dan informasi, editor Luwarsih Pringgoadisurjo (110 hal)

Jakarta: PDII - LIPI


93. Andoko, Meniti karier dari Gunung Sahari Jakarta: PNRI 1999


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

Ediyami Bondan

– Cilangkap – Salemba Raya – Medan Merdeka Selatan: sebuah memori jabatan (28 hal)

94. Atherton, Pauline

Sistem & pelayanan informasi. Terjemahan dari: Handbook for information systems & services

Jakarta: Arga Kencana Abadi


95. Atmojahnawi, Suwondo

Vademecum Dokumentasi Perp. Pusat UNS=UNS Central Library: documentary Vademecum

Surakarta; Perp. Pusat Univ. Sebelas Maret


96. Bafadal, Ibrahim

Pengelolaan perpustakaan sekolah Jakarta: Bumi Aksara


97. Basri, Kastam A.

Petunjuk memanfaatkan perpustakaan (40 hal)

Surabaya: Karunia


98. Budi Ananda, Didit (pen. ?)

Mewujudkan impian mendirikan perpustakaan

Surabaya: Media Alas Dayu


99. Biro Organisasi dan Tatalaksana, DKI Jakarta

Pedoman Pembakuan perabot dan sarana kerja teknis perpustakaan khusus kedinasan pemerintah daerah khusus Ibukota Jakarta


100. BPA UGM Buku pedoman organisasi dan tatakerja

Yogyakarta: BPA, UGM


101. Bunanta, Murti Buku, mendongeng dan minat membaca (231 hal)

Jakarta: Pustaka Tangga


102. Chalid, Saufni Nostalgia seorang pustakawan (228 hal)

Padang: Radesa Copyright


103. Darmono Manajemen dan tata kerja perpustakaan sekolah (241 hal)

Jakarta: Gramedia Widiasarana


104. Darjoto & Sri Widatoen

Informasi paten, bagian integral penting dari informasi IPTEK

Bandung: LIPI 1985

105. Daryanto Pengetahuan praktis bagi pustakawan (243 hal)

Bandung: Binacipta

1985 / 6

106. Dien, Chuzaimah Dahlan

Cara mempergunakan perpustakaan Univ. Sriwijaya

Pelembang: perp. Univ. Sriwijaya


107. Dureau, J.M. & D.W.G. Clements

Dasar-dasar pelestarian dan pengawetan bahan pustaka. Judul asli: Principles for the preservation and conservation of library materials. Penerjem. Mimi D. Aman (29 hal)

Jakarta: PNRI 1990

108. Eryono, Muh. Kailani

Pengolahan bahan pustaka Jakarta: Univ Terbuka


109. Hajatullah, Inotji; Surya Mansjur Maksum

160th Anniversary of bibliotheca Bogoriensis: Indonesian Center for Agricultural library and technology dissemination (91 hal)

Bogor: JIP 2002

110. Hamakonda, Towa P.

Pengantar klasifikasi persepuluhan Dewey. Edisi 4. (186 hal)

Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia


111. -- Pedoman penggunaan perpustakaan. Ed. 2. (54 hal)

Salatiga: Univ. IKIP Kristen Satya Wacana


112. Harahap, Basyral Hamidy; J.N.B. Tairas, & PB IPI 1995-1998

Kiprah pustakawan: seperempat abad ikatan pustakawan Indonesia, 1973 – 1998 (482 hal)

Jakarta: PB IPI 1998

113. Harjoprakoso, Bunga rampai kepustakaan, Jakarta: PNRI 2005


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

Mastini dikumpulkan dan disusun kembali oleh Wartini Santoso – 25 tahun PNRI (392 hal)

114. Harjoprakoso, Mastini, Badollahi Mustafa

Bahan rujukan Indonesia (Modul, 279 hal)

Jakarta: UT 1995

115. Hartono, Bambang

Kebijakan pembinaan perpustakaan kesehatan [14] lembar

Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan


116. -- Jaringan informasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kesehatan di Indonesia (32 hal)

Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan


117. Hernandono Pembinaan dan pembangunan perpustakaan

Jakarta: Pernas 1999

118. -- Pembinaan dan perkembangan tenaga kerja perpustakaan (56 hal)

Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional


119. Ismail, BadruzzamanAhmad, Said Murtadha

Informasi perp. Dan museum Yayasan Pendidikan Ali Hasjmy

Banda Aceh: s.n 1992

120. Jatin, Yusni &Sumekar, Retno

Layanan informsi paten: buku panduan

Jakarta: Pusat Dok dan Info Ilmiah LIPI


121. Jatin, Yusni Penelusuran literatur Jakarta: Univ Terbuka


122. Kailani Eryono Pelestarian bahan pustaka (PUST 2137 / 3 SKS)

Jakarta: UT 1993

123. Kalempouw, R.E.

Perpustakaan Umum Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Sulawesi Utara Manado: selayang pandang setelah 3 tahun, 1972-1975 (80 hal)

Manado: Percetakan Negara


124. Kastam A.B. Petunjuk memanfaatkan perpustakaan

Surabaya: CV Karunia


125. -- Petunjuk menyelenggarakan perp secara sederhana

Surabaya: CV Karunia


126. Kohar, AdeSaary, Rina Sufuani

Panduan klasifikasi menggunakan DDC edisi 20

Jakarta: Pusat Dok & Info LIPI


127. Kusbandarrumsamsi, Hendrarta

Pedoman cara mengindeks Ed. Ke-2. Jakarta: Nur Fauzan


128. -- Analisa informasi: kajian bibliografis (62 hal)

Jakarta: Nur Fauzan


129. Langridge, Derek

Pengantar klasifikasi: untuk kajian perpustakaan dan informasi. Judul asli: Approach to classification for students of librarianship (108 hal)

Depok: JIP FSUI 1989

130. Lasa, Hs Jenis-jenis pelayanan informasi perp: sirkulasi, referensi

Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada Univ Press


131. -- Pengelolaan terbitan berkala Yogyakarta: Kanisius


132. -- Petunjuk praktis pengelolaan perpustakaan masjid dan lembaga islamiyah (141 hal.)

Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada Univ Press



Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

133. -- Bimbingan pemakai perpustakaan dan minat baca

Yogyakarta: Fisipol UGM


134. -- Dokumentasi dan Informasi DIY: Perpustakaan Daerah


135. -- Tatakerja pelayanan Yogyakarta: Jur. Tekonologi Perpustakaan FNT UGM


136. -- Pedoman klasifikasi perpustakaan masjid dan perguruan islam: dilengkapi dengan indeks

Yogyakarta: Diklat Perpustakaan Gama


137. -- Sistem penyajian informasi perpustakaan. Pengantar: Amien Rais (114 hal)

Yogyakarta: Lembaga Perpustakaan dan Dokumentasi PP Muhammadiyah


138. -- Membina perpustakaan madrasah dan sekolah islam (123 hal)

Yogyakarta: Adicita Karya Nusa


139. Latupeiresa, Pieter F. dkk

Jasa pelayanan informasi untuk universitas

Jakarta: JIP FSUI 1990

140. Luwarsih Pringgoadisurjo

Perpustakaan chusus: pengantar ke organisasi dan administrasi

Djakarta: PDIN LIPI


141. Mansoer, Moh. Amien

Klasifikasi DDC (30 hal) Yogyakarta: Pusdiklat Perpustakaan IKIP Yogyakarta


142. Marnodi, Sri Referensi: suatu pengantar (41 hal)

Yogyakarta: Pusdiklat Perpustakaan IKIP Yogyakarta


143. Martoatmojo, Karmidi

Pelayanan bahan pustaka (PUST2135 / 2 SKS)

Jakarta: Univ Terbuka


144. Martono, E. Pengetahuan dokumentasi dan perpustakaan sebagai pusat informasi (251 hal)

Jakarta: Karya utama


145. Maurois, Andre

Perpustakaan umum dan kemajuan. Diterjem. Oleh Amroe Baghwie (42 hal)

Jakarta: Lembaga Perpustakaan, Dep. P & K


146. May, Jajuliyanto

Pedoman penyelenggaraan dan penyusunan tajuk subjek untuk perpustakaan

Jakarta: Muara Agung


147. Mirmani, AnonSiswadi, Irman

Pengolahan bahan non-buku Jakarta: Univ. Terbuka


148. Moedakir Pemeliharaan buku dan menjilid (35 hal)

Yogyakarta: Pusdiklat Perpustakan IKIP Yogyakarta


149. Mudjito Panduan penyelenggaraan perpustakaan umum. Ed. Mimi D. Aman (125 hal)

Jakarta: Pernas 1992

150. Mudhoffir Prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan pusat sumber belajar (107 hal)

Bandung: Remaja Karya


151. Mustafa, Badollahi

Promosi jasa perpustakaan Jakarta: Univ Terbuka



Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

152. Mustafa, BadollahiSaleh, Abdul Rahman

Bahan rujukan umum Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka


153. Nafisatin, Durin

51 tahun UPT perpus Univ Gadjah Mada: otomasi untuk layanan global = Automation for global services. Cet 1. (50 hal)

Yogyakarta: Transmedia Global Wacana


154. Nainggolan, J.W.

Kebijakan system pembinaan perpustakaan khusus di jajaran Departemen Dalam Negeri(11 lembar)

Jakarta: Biro Hubungan Masyarakat Departemen Dalam Negeri


155. Nasution, A.S Perpustakaan sekolah Jakarta; Pusat Pembinaan Perpust. Dep. P & K


156. Novita, Jenny Sejarah berdirinya perpustakaan Nasional RI: 1950-an – 1989 (142 lembar)

? 1998

157. Nuraini, SitiSri Suharmini W.

Panduan praktek kerja perpustakaan (untuk instruktur)

Jakarta: Univ. Terbuka


158. Nurhadi, Muljani Achmad

Pedoman statistik perpustakaan (70 hal)

Yogyakarta: Pusdiklat Perpustakan IKIP Yogyakarta


159. -- Sejarah perpustakaan dan perkembangannya di Indonesia (185 hal)

Yogyakarta: Andi Offset


160. Pamuntjak, Rusina

Pedoman penyelenggaraan perpustakaan (75 hal)

Djakarta: Djambatan


161. -- Pedoman penyelenggaraan perpustakaan (94 hal)

Ed. Rev. cet 5.Jakarta: Djambatan


162. Pendit, PutuLaxman.

Penelitian ilmu perpustakaan dan informasi: suatu pengantar diskusi epistomologi dan metodologi. (347 hal)

Jakarta: JIP-FSUI. 2003

163. Permadi, Agus Winisis untuk pustakawan, dokumentalis dan arsiparis (260 hal)

Jakarta: PDII - LIPI


164. Petri, W.A. dan G.J. van der Lek

Bibliografi. Untuk Idonesia disadur oleh G. Ockeloen, diterjemahkan oleh A. Samah (120 hal)

Bandung: Kolff 1952

165. Pringgoadisurjo, Luwarsih

Rekaman pengalaman dan pendapat dalam bidang perpustakaan dan informasi

Jakarta: Pusat Dok & Info Ilmiah LIPI


166. -- Perpustakaan chusus: pengantar ke organisasi dan administrasi (124 hal)

Djakarta: PDIN-LIPI


167. Royani Katalogisasi deskriptif Jakarta: Jur. Ilmu Perp. FSUI


168. Rimbarawa, Kosam

Pengembangan sistem dokumentasi dan info daerah Irian Jaya: suatu konsepsi

Jakarta: Pusat Dok dan Info Ilmiah LIPI


169. Rini, Kartika Membuat perpustakaan mini Yogyakarta: 1999


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

Gama Media170. Saleh, Abdul

RahmanToha, Yulia

Pengelolaan terbitan berseri Jakarta: Univ Terbuka


171. Sedijoprapto, Endang I.

Informasi hutan dan kehutanan: untuk pustakawan dan para peminat (68 hal)

Jakarta: Pusdokinfo & Museum Taman HutanManggala Wanabakti


172. -- Perpustakaan khusus: keberadaannya dalam institusi serta dasar-dasar pengelolaannnya (71 hal)

Jakarta: CV Maju Bersama


173. Simpson, I.S. Statistika dasar untuk pustakawan. Judul asli: Basic statistic for librarians. Penyunting: Suroso & Adjat Sakri (237 hal)

Bandung: Penerbit ITB


174. Somadikarta, Lily K.

Pengolahan bahan pustaka: pedoman tata kerja rutin dan tehnik bibliografi. (Karya tulis JIP, FSUI; no. 3), (82 hal)

Jakarta: JIP, FSUI 1977

175. -- Peraturan mengabjad (24 jal) Jakarta: Pusat Dokumentasi Ilmiah Nasional


176. -- Pengantar pengindeksan berangkai (chain indexing) untuk sistem katalog berkelas (38 lembar)

Jakarta: JIP-FSUI 1982

177. Subadio, Haryati, 1928-

Perpustakaan Nasional Indonesia (13 hal)

Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional RI


178. Soeatminah Pedoman penyusunan majalah dalam perpustakaan

Yogyakarta: Perp. Pst IKIP


179. -- Perpustakaan, kepustakawanan dan pustakawan

Yogyakarta: Kanisius


180. -- Sejarah buku dan perpustakaan Yogyakarta: IKIP Yogyakarta


181. -- Pelayanan perpustakaan: suatu tolok ukur bagi keberhasilan kerja perpustakaan

-- 1984

182. --dan Sri Marnodi

Pedoman penyelenggaraan perpustakaan sekolah (89 hal)

Yogyakarta: Perpustakaan IKIP Yogyakarta


183. Soedibyo, Noerhayati

Praktikum ilmu perpustakaan Bandung: Biro Perp. IKIP


184. -- Pengelolaan perpustakaan, Jilid 1 & 2

Bandung: Penerbit Alumni


185. Soeleiman, Kasim

Klasifikasi praktis: tuntunan untuk perpustakaan dan umum (70 hal)

Djakarta: Jasaguna


186. Soewargana, Oeyeng

Kegunaan information books Bandung: PT Sanggabuana


187. Sulistyo-Basuki

Pengantar dokumentasi Bandung: Rekayasa Sains


188. -- Pengantar dokumentasi ilmiah (179 hal)

Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc


189. -- Pengantar ilmu perpustakaan Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama


190. -- - idem – UT 1993


Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

PUST 2131/3 SKS191. -- Kerjasama dan jaringan

perpustakaan (PUST 2256 / 2 SKS)

UT 1996

192. -- Dasar-dasar dokumentasi (PUST 2241) (236 hal)

Jakarta: Uni. Terbuka


193. -- Pengantar ilmu perpustakaan Jakarta: Univ. Terbuka


194. -- Manajemen arsip dinamis: pengantar memahami dan mengelola informasi dan dokumen (410 hal)

Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama


195. -- Teknik dan jasa dokumentasi Jakarta: Gramedia 1992196. -- Periodisasi perpustakaan

Indonesia (268 hal)Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya


197. Sumardji, P. Pelayanan referensi di perpustakaan (76 hal)

Yogyakarta: Kanisius


198. -- Perpustakaan : organisasi dan tatakerjanya

Yogyakarta: Kanisius


199. -- Mengelola perpustakaan: tata kerja pengolahan, penyimpanan dan penyusunan buku dengan kartu-kartu katalognya di perpustakaan (89 hal)

Jogjakarta: Jajasan Kanisius


200. Sumarno Petunjuk praktis katalogisasi: untuk perpustakaan sekolah (71 hal)

Jakarta: Indrapress


201. Sumpeno, Wahyudin

Perpustakaan masjid: pembinaan & pengembangan (211 hal)

Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya


202. Sutarno NS. Tanggung jawab Perpustakaan dalam mengembangkan masyarakat informasi (174 hal)

Jakarta: Panta Rei 2005

203. -- Seperempat abad Perpustakan Umum: Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta (1978-2003)

Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan


204. -- Profil Perpustakaan Umum Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat (1978-2000) (73 hal)

Jakarta: PUJP 2000

205. -- Perpustakaan dan masyarakat (142 hal)

Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia


206. Sutono, Urip dan Lily K. Somadikarta

Pedoman penggunaan universal decimal classification (UDC): untuk tata susunan informasi (79 hal)

Jakarta: JIP FSUI 1979

207. Suwargana, Ujeng

Literature for children in Indonesia (36 hal)

Bandung: Sanggabuwana


208. -- Perkembangan lektur untuk ana-anak di Indonesia: di jaman pendudukan Belanda dan sesudah merdeka (50 hal)

Bandung: Ganaco 1973

209. Tairas, J.N.B. dan Sulistyo-Basuki

Peraturan katalogisasi Indonesia: deskripsi bibliografis (ISBD), penentuan tajuk untuk entri, judul seragam. Ed. 3 (228 hal)

Jakarta: Dep. P & K.


210. -- Peraturan mengkatalog terbitan berseri: peraturan menentukan

Jakarta: Lembaga Perpustakaan



Penelitian buku-buku perpustakaan

tajuk entri utama dan entri tambahan untuk majalah, surat kabar dan sebagainya dan ISBD(S). (69 hal)

Dokumentasi dan Informasi

211. -- Pedoman tajuk nama-nama pengarang Indonesia (148 hal)

Jakarta: Panitia Nas. Thn Buku Internasional 1972 Ind, Panitia Teknis Perpust., Sub Panitia standarisasi Perp.


212. -- dan Soekarman K.

Pedoman tajuk subjek untuk perpustakaan. Ed. 2. (512 hal)

Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan Perpustakaan, Dep. P & K.


213. Tambunan, KamariahMuhartoyo

Buku panduan cara menyusun sari karangan

Jakarta: Pst Dokumentasi & info ilmiah, LIPI


214. Tambunan, KamariahJatin, Yusni

Sumber informasi literature sekunder

Jakarta: Pusat Dokumentasi & info ilmiah LIPI


215. Tjoen, Mohd. Joesoef dan S. Pardede

Perpustakaan Indonesia dari zaman ke zaman (135 hal)

Djakarta: Kantor Bibliografi Nasional


216. Trimo, Soejono Buku panduan untuk mata kuliah reference work dan bibliography dengan sistem modular (161 hal)

Jakarta: Bumi Aksara


217. -- Pengantar ilmu dokumentasi (100 hal) Bandung: Remadja Rosdakarya


218. -- Dari dokumentasi ke sistem informasi manajemen (97 hal)

Bandung: Remadja Rosdakarya


219. -- Apa dan bagaimana menetapkan subject heading

Bandung: Biro Perp. IKIP


220. -- Pedoman administrasi perpustakaan Bandung: Badan Penerbitan IKIP


221. -- Pedoman pelaksanaan perpustakaan. Bandung: Bagian Publikasi & Penjilidan Biro Perp. IKIP


222. -- Sda. Ed. 3 (125 hal) Bandung: Remadja Karya


223. -- Perpustakaan sekolah dan proses belajar, suatu prasarana dalam workshop Taman Pustaka Rakyat/Perpustakaan Sekolah Dasar

Bandung: Biro Perp. IKIP


224. Trimo, Soejono danPakar, Dady

Pedoman pelaksanaan perpustakaan. Ed. 3 (124 hal)

Bandung: Remadja Rosdakarya


225. Turner, George Penerimaan dan penampilan informasi. Penerj: Suryawan. Judul asli: Information reception & display. (200 hal)

Jakarta: PT. Elex Media Kamputindo


226. Yulia, YuyuSuyana, Yanti G.Windarti, Henny

Pengadaan bahan pustaka Jakarta: Univ Terbuka


227. Yusuf, Pawit M. Mengenal dunia perpustakaan dan informasi. (186 hal)

Bandyng: Bina Cipta


228. Vreede-de Steurs, C.

Tjatatan tentang peraturan perpustakaan di Indonesia (bahasa Indonesia – Belanda) (20 hal)

Djakarta: Balai Pustaka


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Pengadaan bahan pustaka Jakarta: UT 1993