
Kabir Ke Dohe A kid likes his father too much. He follows his father and holds on to him. Father gives him some sweets. The kid enjoys the sweets and the father goes away. We should not forget God when we enjoy his favors. I was searching him. I met him face to face. He is pure and I am dirty. How can I bow at his feet? If I say that Ram is heavy, this arouses fear in mind. If I say that he is light, this is absurd. I don’t know Ram as I haven’t seen him. I have seen Ram. Those who have tried to describe him have to repent as they fail at their attempts. I won’t take any trouble to describe him, I will happily sing his virtues. When I will reach the other shore I will talk about it. I am sailing right now at the middle of the ocean. I don’t have anything of mine. Whatever I have that belongs to God. If I give him what belongs to him, I deserve no credit for doing something great.


Kabir Ke Dohe

Transcript of KabirKeDohe4

  • Kabir Ke Dohe

    A kid likes his father too much. He follows his father and holds on to him. Father gives him some sweets. The kid enjoys the sweets and the father goes away. We should not forget God when we enjoy his favors.

    I was searching him. I met him face to face. He is pure and I am dirty. How can I bow at his feet?

    If I say that Ram is heavy, this arouses fear in mind. If I say that he is light, this is absurd. I dont know Ram as I havent seen him.

    I have seen Ram. Those who have tried to describe him have to repent as they fail at their attempts. I wont take any trouble to describe him, I will happily sing his virtues.

    When I will reach the other shore I will talk about it. I am sailing right now at the middle of the ocean.

    I dont have anything of mine. Whatever I have that belongs to God. If I give him what belongs to him, I deserve no credit for doing something great.

  • As long as the devotion is conditional it wont bear any fruits. How can people with attachment get something that is always detached?

    In this Kali Age people make many friends. Those who offer their mind to God can sleep without worries.

    Kabir works for Ram as a dog works for his Master. Rams name is the pearl that Kabir has. He has tied Rams chain round his neck and he goes there where Ram takes him.

    A man of lust wont like nectar. He always searches poison. Even if God Shiv himself exhorts a fool, the fool wont part with his foolishness.

    A person in a grip of passion wont feel shame. He who is very sleepy doesnt care for the bed and one who is very hungry is least bothered about his taste preference.

    A person who thinks that he has gained knowledge has lost his roots. Now he thinks that he is as omnipotent as God. A person engaged in a household life is better as he at least fears God.

  • A person who renounces world puts himself to trouble day and night as he is worried about his meals. He also thinks that he is the lord and calls himself Swami. Thus he loses on both the counts.

    There is a cheap crop of divine people. Fifty of them are available for one penny. They are least concerned about the name of Ram and have many expectations from their followers.

    In this Kali Age he who calls himself Swami has become greedy. He looks like a brass utensil with sour items. He seeks protection of the ruler just like a cow that rushes on seeing a green pasture.

    The Swami of Kali Age expects many greetings. He lends money and is busy with the book keeping.

    A Brahmin may be a guru of the world but he is not a Guru of a good man. The Brahmin is always involved with the interpretation of Vedas and he dies doing that.

    A parrot repeats whatever knowledge is taught but he doesnt know how to set himself free from his cage. People have gained much knowledge today but they fail to set themselves free.

  • People go to many places as pilgrims. They take bath at such places. They are always chanting name of God but still they are being dragged to death by time.

    Kabir is fed up with telling people that they should shun foolish means of worshiping. People think that they will cross the ocean of transmigration by holding to a sheeps tail.

    Kabir says that people swell with the thought that so much merit is being earned. They fail to see that they have created many action seeds due to such ego. They should wake up and remove this delusion.

    Welcome to the nectar shop. There are many sitting over. One should hand over ones head and get a glass of nectar.

    Kabir savored the juice of devotion. There is no flavor other than devotion now. Once a pitcher makes his pot and bakes it, that pot again cant be put on the wheel.

    Those who savor the juice of devotion live in that flavor forever. They dont have ego and are least bothered about sensual pleasures.

  • I tried many elixirs, I got the highest pleasure after taking the path of devotion. If one treads path of devotion for a while, one experiences a golden transformation.

    Delusion is the origin of all sins. The noose of Delusion is there at the market place where all deals are taking place. One and all are tied in the noose. Kabir has cut the noose of delusion.

    The cravings wont cease to grow when watered with fulfillment. There is bush that lowers when it rains and grows back there after.

    Kabir says forget the common people even the devotees sink. They ignore that all pervading consciousness and seek recognition from people.

    Kabir says that infatuation is so futile. A family that has more births also has more deaths.

    A heron sips a drop of water and blemishes the ocean. Other birds still sip but swan has never put back its beak there.

    Dont lose balance if delusion invites you with open arms. A sage like Narad has fallen prey to delusion, who else can trust delusion?

  • You should do what you say. If do that God is there to take care.

    People recite poems and become happy. They stage the glimpses and become joyful. One should understand the essence of remembering God. Otherwise there will be a noose of death round the neck.

    I know acquiring knowledge is great. Yoga is better than acquiring knowledge. I have developed love with the name of Ram. I will maintain my love even if people scold me.

    Kabir has stopped learning now. He has offered all his books to a river. He has taken two alphabets RAM very close to his heart.

    He seems to be doing a dance for worshipping God. He is raising his head again and again. He understands nothing and looks like a headless ghost.

    It is very easy to work out the balance, to work out how much you have to pay and how much to receive. One who is truthful need not be concerned that his neck will be tied a noose on the day of reckoning.

  • If I speak the truth people thrash me. If I lie people trust me. This world is like a black bitch that bites if teased.

    If you are not truthful your efforts are all worthless. Your worship is absurd and your offering prayers five times a day is also absurd.

    Kabir dances wearing robes of love. He is ready to offer his mind and body to those who are truthful.

    The kajis and mullas are utterly confused. They are keeping the world in good humor. They are not concerned for the poor and they are holding a knife in their hands.

    You are hiding from God and accompanying thieves in their work. You will come to know when the justice is done.

    Kabir likes preparation made of coarse grain. He wont die earlier eating sweets daily.

    Wherever I see a soul I see God. A saint and not a stone is my God.

  • Kabir says dont go on pilgrimage with some short-cuts in mind. One should be truthful and good.

    My mind is my Mathura. My body is Kashi. I have also identified the 10th chakra and seen the divine light.

    There is no need to believe that a person with sweet words is a sage. One should guard against such wrong conclusions.

    If one considers white color a mark of purity one may consider a heron to be very pious. A heron sits still and traps creatures that are fooled by its stillness. One should not draw wrong conclusions with gross knowledge like white stands for purity, stillness for meditation etc.

    One should speedily get into the company of good. Good people remove our delusion and give us the right vision.

    You may visit Dwarka, Jagganath and other sacred places but you should bear in mind that you wont gain anything without getting associated with good people.

    Kabir went from woods to woods in search of Ram. He met good people like Ram and this served his purpose.

  • One should not get into the company of those who shun truth knowing it to be truth and like absurd things even in ones dream.

    Kabir asks God to give him company of those people who have God in their hearts. Otherwise God may grant him death as he is fed up with the everyday pain now.

    A person who takes umbrage with those who are good and has interest in those who always care for the material world may never be considered as a living creature.

    There should not be any association with a fool. There are no chances that an iron will float on water. A rain drop takes different forms (camphor, pearl, poison in that order) if it associates with a kadali leaf, a shell, a snakes mouth.

    A fly sits on a pile of jaggery. Its wings stick there and it dies. So happens to a person who takes pleasure in sensual happiness.

    What is the point that you belong to a high class family if your action is not high class. A pot of gold containing liquor is not liked by saintly people.

  • None drinks water from a petty river. Its water assumes form of water of the river Ganga when that petty river unites with Ganga.

    This world is like a storeroom of soot. Great is the devotee of God who escapes unblemished from here.