Kabbalah and Healing Part 5 The Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell.

Kabbalah and Healing Part 5 The Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell

Transcript of Kabbalah and Healing Part 5 The Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell.

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Kabbalah and Healing Part 5

The Kingdoms of Heaven

and Hell

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Kingdom of Heaven = Tiferet and the Heart Chakra

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This is the gate of Free Will.

• Tiferet is conscious. All levels below it are sub-conscious.

• Tiferet is the Self.• Tiferet is the Watcher.• Tiferet is the linking

point of the three lower worlds.

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The Kingdom of Heaven.

The New Testament refers to the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God. These are different levels of being within us.

The Kingdom of Heaven is only referred to in the Gospel of Matthew. Both John the Baptist and Jesus say ‘repent (turn around) for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”

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The Kingdom of Heaven is mentioned twice in the Beatitudes:

• Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 5:3).

• Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 5:10).

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And in parables.Jesus often says ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto...’

The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?

He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.

Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn (Matt 13, 24-30)

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All other Gospels refer

to the Kingdom of






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The Kingdom of Heaven is the Malkhut

of Beriah, the Tiferet (truth) of Yezirah (psyche) and the Keter (crown) of Assiyah (physical world).

So you can work at three separate healthy levels at this Sefira:

• Ruling the physical world (athletes/politicians).

• Being centred in the psychological world.

• Being least in the spiritual world (we’ll come back to this).

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All three in one...

• Is a perfectly balanced person who is in direct contact with Spirit, understands their own psyche and has power in manifestation.

• Or... A prideful person who controls other people’s lives and believes that they are a big-shot—in spiritual circles this can lead to Guru syndrome.

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Truth and Beauty.

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty,” - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

John Keats

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But truth is a dangerous thing.

Last time we looked at the liminal line of Hod-Nezach.

The traditional titles of these two are ‘reverberation’ and ‘victory.’ On my tree, I’ve substituted ‘Eternity’ ... But the original provides much food for thought.

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Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?

A workshop participant the other week said she thought this was a trite saying.

It is the deepest of all understandings of Tiferet.

Being ‘right’ is not being ‘true.’

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Where three worlds meet...

...is where we can begin to perceive non-duality.

There is not just up and down, right and wrong, you and me. There is a wider perception — a third option that leads to unity and a greater truth that is filled with beauty.

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We’ve seen that Tiferet links worlds

It’s also the gateway to the soul. The Soul Triad is the one between Gevurah, Tiferet and Hesed. It is impregnated by spirit—if we allow it to be.

The nature of your soul’s growth in this life is depicted in the placing of your Sun, Mars and Jupiter in your astrological chart.

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Being at Tiferet is hard to maintain

• Tiferet is conscious.• Tiferet is truthful.• Tiferet is humble.• Tiferet is gracious.• Tiferet is aware that it is very much the

beginner ... with the possibility of access to spirit.

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Because of the

Kingdoms of Hell.

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It’s more likely to be more localised

The green side triads are known as the triads of pain and pleasure. The left-hand one (pain) is easier to understand as possibly bringing us out of balance.

Our deep-seated emotions can and will block our Awakening and Soul triads.

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Left hand triad of hell

• Guilt.• Pain.• Hopelessness.• Resentment.• Hatred.• Over-meticulousness.• Laziness.

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Right-hand triad of hell

• Over-helping (sense of self based on usefulness to others).

• Over-indulging.• Sex addiction.• Serial monogamy.• Substance addiction.• Workaholism.

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The God of this level

God the Abandoner/Redeemer

This is where you start to receive miracles ... Or where prayer appears to be thrown back in your face.

In the worst-case scenario it’s not that God isn’t there ... God is there but is ignoring you.

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You can’t know this God until you have made friends with your subconscious

• Because those psychological blocks in the side-triads will skew your intuition.

• They will lead you into paths that feel ‘right’ because they are familiar rather than trusting a deeper inner feeling.

• E.g. they will make you spend a sudden influx of money recklessly ... Or refuse to believe that some new opportunity is possible.

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When the Soul is squeezed...

... By patterns, beliefs, emotions, addictions, it doesn’t have healthy levels of access to Spirit.

What happens to our ‘daily portion of Grace’ is that it gets diverted into the side triads and used up in reinforcing our thought and emotional patterns.

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This is how the Law of Attraction works.

What you put out, you get back.

As Louise L. Hay wrote, ‘you may be affirming for five minutes a day, but what are you thinking for the other 23hrs 55 minutes?’

Jesus said, ‘Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. (Matt 13:11).

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If your Tiferet is all blocked up

...then it is very hard to maintain belief and to focus in what you have.

AND it is very hard to follow the lead of your emotions.

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Emotions can be addictive.

They won’t serve us when:

• We are addicted to ‘woundology.’• When we need to be right and need to make the other

wrong.• When we need to blame.• When we get ‘strokes’ for being sick.• When we can use dis-ease to get our own way.

Then we seek Victory rather than the Truth/Beauty meld.

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Social laws don’t assist us to heal.

We need to use what the Teachings of Abraham call ‘the pivoting process’ to move out of our wounds.

From hopelessness to depression, from depression to revenge, from revenge to anger, from anger to frustration, from frustration to hope...

So flaring and venting are important but not repetitively.

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Death Wish

There is a death wish at this level but it is easier to explain it in combination with the next level ... But suffice it to say, its healing is all about forgiveness of others and ourselves.

God cannot redeem us until we are willing to redeem ourselves.

To do that, we have to drop dualistic thinking. It’s no longer ‘yes but..’ but ‘yes and.’

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The Sacrament for the Heart Chakra?No, it’s not marriage.

Marriage in Biblical days was not about love but about a partnership which served both sides/families.

Marriage as a sacrament is a long-term contract not an alliance made on chemical attraction and romance.

At the spiritual level marriage is truly for life – a marriage between heaven and earth taking place at the level of the soul. This level of

the psyche is not ready for that.

Most first marriages nowadays are more about the wedding and the party than they are about a long-term commitment. The average US

marriage lasts eight years; the average UK one, eleven years.

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The sacrament for Tiferet is Confession.

The first of the Beatitudes is: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the

kingdom of heaven.When you are touching spirit, then humility is

the only option that will keep you there.That’s not the false humility of ‘Oh no, not me, I

couldn’t possibly...’

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It’s not humiliation either.

It’s the willingness to choose peace, happiness, harmony over everything else.

It’s the willingness to surrender to God.

It’s the willingness to ask for forgiveness for blocking the Source of all Good and projecting our own prejudices and beliefs on it.

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To forgive...

• Does not mean to condone.• Does not mean to forget.• Does not mean to let evil thrive.

It means to give up that which went before. Give up the blocks and the need to hold on to hurt. To give up all the power of being the wounded one. To give up the feeling of being the better person.

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Matthew 18:13

Except ye be converted (turn around), and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

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It’s about showing up and being willing to be chosen ... Or not.

Isaiah 6:8: Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then said I, “Here am I; send me.”

Note that the prophet did not say “I can’t; I don’t love my mother and I’m not good enough.”

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The great spiritual teachers always balance knowing with not knowing, light with darkness. In the Christian tradition, the two great strains were called the kataphatic (according to the light) or “positive” way—relying on clear

words, concepts, and ideas—and the apophatic (against the light) or “negative” way—moving beyond words and images into silence, darkness,

and metaphor. Both ways are necessary, and together they create a magnificent form of higher non-dual consciousness called faith. The

apophatic way, however, has been underused, under-taught, and underdeveloped largely since the Protestant Reformation and the

Enlightenment. In fact, we became ashamed of our “not-knowing” and tried to fight our battles rationally. Much of Catholicism and most of

Protestantism became highly cerebral. God (who is really Mystery) became something you perfectly observed, a service you attended, words you argued

about, or worthiness you worked for. But God was never someone you surrendered to. In the capitalist West, the very word “surrender” is not to our liking. We are all about winning, climbing, achieving, performing, and being the best. In that light, contemplation and non-dual thinking (I use the words almost interchangeably) are about as revolutionary and counter-cultural as you can get. When you don’t balance knowing with not knowing, you get into the kind of religion and politics we have today which is very arrogant,

falsely self-assured, can never admit when it’s wrong, and can never apologize because “I know!” According to the great spiritual teachers,

ignorance does not result from what we don’t know; ignorance results from what we think we do know! Anybody who knows knows that they don’t

know, especially when they’re talking about God! Medieval Catholic theology called this docta ignorantia or “learned ignorance.

Richard Rohr.

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The healing at this level?


I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.

Best explained (for me) in Joe Vitale’s book Zero Limits which tells the story of Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

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“I don’t want to say ‘I’m sorry to God.’

Is often the response of the wounded.It may come from having been made to feel

small as a child. But it is a resistance of pride (negative Tiferet).

The ho’oponopono chant heals the inner wounds because the ego cannot tell who is saying it ... Because ‘it’s all about me.’ So it will work on both levels simultaneously.

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Use it to clear the blocks

Constant repetition slowly and steadily clears the emotional side triads. You don’t need to know what you are clearing ... Just do it.

You don’t need to go back into the past – you are still carrying that negative vibration today so you can clear it here and now.

If you are at zero then everyone around you must be at zero. That’s how you change your life ... And change the world around you.

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Ho’oponopono is contemplative meditation

Like the rosary ... Repeat and repeat. It doesn’t even need to be conscious repetition. It’s just to calm the monkey mind and reassure it that you are loved.

If you will love yourself this way, it is easier to allow God the Redeemer to love and save you.

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You are perfect ... And not. And both.

• You are healed ... And not, and both.• You can do it ... And you can’t, and both.

Tiferet: where three worlds meet is where you can let go to the third option, the allowing in of spirit to offer the healing you never conceived of or expected.

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“Of myself, I cannot do it ...

... But the Christ within me can.”

Your simplest answer at this level to all things is “I don’t know. Please help me.”

God the Redeemer is there; clear the line and Grace will answer you.