jws .THE ;HaBiVJm'ff 'S- . .tt$lipg;p...

jws .THE ; HaB iVJ m ' ff ' S- . . tt$li pg;p L j fMl fef t •* &* rials? **t * 1' %? * ¦? We intended .to .go - .tn 'Philadel phia and n f J>iofrnej8». t , J ha ve the evid«n«e be- rtr , pgg|jpgJn^ho-iiel j l to pat *hi$ . rebellion m\ W l&?,Mt IfiV-n fc* rtT^ Baltimore, meet there d elegate* from these f™ ^ ^i°T? ^ -? rt i wVitf'^tf M . M«# TOM d >*'« *lft W"* * MP JjlK'^ll fl L iS XI, LI/ a JV v , jJ\ - *. . by sofoe twelve 6r fourteen of the most re- the President hurt left him by revok ng the W #'* £££* * * *** ***** cities and Newark, an d act.n conjunction ' ot ^ bJe ^pj w , 0 j^ep* .qf s ^«cflb ^mj)Dg Mder Y$d *«ce> norther usV % thel- ffi .™n«pErti-«iar ™mit lirttiNiMri with them ; but it append no s teps had beefc others the surveyor of the part , fha t those lutirth nt the aroendmentvnnd therefore 7 1 fflLOCH * CO Pwnts*8 M ^iih Sireet tafce n vet in the eMtei ' txcitiee) In- the Philn- Jewsof Pnducah bftd'at no time been en- h jvya ftftde , the^motion which I have ati b 1«AAC ^1. WISB. Ep.tor ' & Peoi.e.btoii. Vdelphia paper* , however , obtain ed -in the R>*>d W'*^. W J^ ^^'Ta/' . I.SJ "WtorttfiW*' " rt ' ., . t - < t- ^ , w T ' 7 ., , . . .. , ., A . ik General Gr ant; that , tfiej, had all t. b _e w hile Mr. POWELL. On that motion l ast rr f«ra,-T!.r.c D ,Harbor ' ^a nW. foMtaes. The ears near that city, we loarned-t hnt the.w- ^ e r n er i K agedin lePihiate boaineeant tlieir fer ih e yeW'aha -fiays. ' " W ijj flfi^ der of Grant had been revoked on Sunday, horiie t fine! ^ th^ej ^ 8 ^ot r onrt J^, A. J |eTye^anflWe,were o . - ¦ ^ad>ifrr <W. ,iut»d|»uc«. fc ' <j r tho, t»rPff|j !ffl,.|fon« , on presenting thoinntter to the president by resiaent of 'tfadaoah. -w^oV had gone out ot u M^r. <MTHQN^. A , 1 would MCice^ito the , fe^"KiK5«^fe ^teK Mr. Kaekol. Still we taught proper Jt P go tbfl B W^!^ T*rm>t>f Af a trtiif a i) ; In eUhpr B»wtv iter«flii3re , 6f . «r , . . . , V»t one wm not^t home , and . c ottsMUf.q t Jur, Wftf disposition, would b e to reTer it to Commit- T.J«a«,ita« x* .hi. Typ«.«mp iofld^ Su,.Klin to Washington and cwvmcc ourselves. We ^t expelled tfo ui nis[residenceby *his ru v h- tetf'o^MilitaryvVffaiw ^ 0U1 «>" : ¦ M V ffi\ T^\T2!%ff i i !h * arrived in Washington on Wedrie8day|ven- less order. - - Mr. . HALE and Mr. SUMNER. Why not "• > " $»¦ | l ,n L , .l «' oo ( io oo i ng and were introduced to the president ti\t Mr. President , if we li tttiely submit to al W' e ?? ' » , ^ *{» otr$a%i ffi same evening by Mr? Gufley. The inter- low-theniniKtaTyiJ^arltbus to^noroaoh on M '^Kf } « ™M make a m otion to ^ ¦ ¦Sm^<fj mhl^\ " ^S !S>^ V bo f h P k P er * ' view was of an informal and friendlv titfture * the ri « b ^ °f ' . «»* !««#¦ W sbal ;besetting <™M e it ™* .[ or th f , *»«» that if it be laid ^S^V'A^^^^ ' .ff **^^* 0 ^. - ^ L «» i «i. mi ormai ttufl irienaiy nature. * ^ ^ and .most pernio pus examu e to those o .^) the table it would be liable to be called >jABJtW£^mi(t 9rSZ^^^%MS£$! ; We h ad but little chance to say anything, ^^ZSJX w Xif T ^W^J- W . « l^n at any time, an« I , wan? to gefrid . ' ^M||^rtiB^'* l * rt u,u,l pr,, * P, ' , * ,,, , B,M the nresident having been ^o Fplendidly elo. minister to those in comman d' dTotfr arm- ol it ^ | jA^ nW^Wl.h.G e m^^^^ quent on this occasion. Jle asSnred us in ihs the sternest re buke for snoh 1 nftgriint ' , Mr - WILSON of MassndhBtfetts . I hope S^Jto r&^teKSV^ every poseible form that neither he nor Gen- ""tmges upo n the rights of the ohi.en. - ' «;£' »« w,1 n,,^ be r ,f emd to t Q . Sfl^ffwUh^rbipit olM ne ». neM »Dddi«iM^ch. every popsioie iorm cnai neisner n* nor \ren TileBe p( ,„ 0i e Rpe repre( , ented by. the moa t tw mmittee on MiJitfiry. Afi.^us. Iti« a rerT ta ^^M bSriM ^fi wW^ 6ra HalIeck » eho d v tliak Grant ^ issued so re8pectable citizens Of Pnducah to he loyal p lain anj t si mple mattei. Geojeral Grant ' lAold. lsgibit haud . tritn larga ^pttc» bntwe«ip t Uue«. absurd an order , u ntil the' official docunjent men. Manvof them are men who were not £" ed an . order tbnt 1 take it no man. in the nTlSj nTlSJNATI- dispelled every doubt. , Fu rthermore ' that enga K ed in commerce. , ^eywere-meohan * »°nKa approves. B^^^%miJ OL CMOIJN I^A I 1 v . tJ ¦ ics, attendi ng to t^i ei r, ^ily avocations at called to the attentirtft of the ' President' of FrHlay rtornln^.-JANffART 23 , 1 863. he entertained no prejudices of any kind bh e\r bomesA lo my judgment, it U incumr t he United . States , it was promptly revoked. ¦ i— i —T~~~T7~~T ¦ . ' ' against any ' nationality , and especiall y bent «n :this Senate, as tli^ matter is before There the matter ends. 1 agree with ,the gggrLeopold Meyer of Detroit , Mioh. , owes against Israelites , to whom he manifested a them, to pass the rea olution.and let General senator frmn New ¦Hampshire that we ought a*Wa oSioe,$9 25 ; he will please pay. particular attach ment He spoke like a Grant and all other military commanders ™' » "™ « l *™*™ 1 . 1 * th« feld , ahdJ-cWtf. _! L^.* . . ,,. . T* ... * i- a- know that ,t hey ^re not , to. encrpfrcb . upon flemn him unheard. - 1-do not approve of the B^-lsnaC Shire , latel y of Canandaigua , simple; plam spoken c.t 1Zen and tr.ed in tJj e r^ hte and privileges of the . PWce aJde »«fcr ; I think, it was .^, wi ^ ; j ^ve no M Y -^hftg an important letter at this oftoe . various forms to convince us of the emceri - loyal citizens of th is ' countr y. ' Pass the doubt jt wa^njpst. . It is wrong to oing ip ¦Send address immediately ty of his words in this matter. res olution, ftVid fch e example 1 will'be <*f ; the out any ^ pafti ' ottldf class of muri Ih ' ibi s coun- **- >i— H- Previously we had learned that Henator greutest importance , particularly at this ^ »"f «'• « conJemn them. 'ltar* ms?»A m.m nf nion ^v has been left at this r, n f v i a %>~~ * tin » ,^ when,the constitutional rii;;l )U . of xhe *<*J l^at «>e rulea^pq BCKulatiohs ,,oi toe ^ot uT tnZl scn^ »JJI ^Y ^f 7 ™\ °" T * ?"* *' «&¦« ' «• bei n^ «t^ken dwf Z i trod ^ Army . were in^e d , wub , iu Qeneral »^aae call and re*eive it - tive , Mr. Pendleton, had introduced the den under foot throughout the entire cotin Grao^ B department ,by perpona calling p ;.. ' ,, ¦ matter in congress. This bein g of histori- trj - b . y the executive amUhe military pow- thetnse 'fveS JJeWs 1 , wrought to have been The last of General Grant' s Order, cal importance , we reproduce the genuine «\ We ' ,have submitted already too Jong -^f *d ?f - i ' ' but 1. toink oto order ^rf exoiud- «r j i i. « wiw ,*J» ' f ft™nh <!a - „„ and tamel y to the encroachments of the »Dg a whole class , orp>.«n, , m uttevJ y jnde- We do not me an to say that General Gmnt proceedings : * ^ u ^ Qn th - civi , ri ^ ta of ,be citizen, feasible. The prder was afcopce . an d Swum*. issued his |ast order , 'ho may yet issue his From the nroceedings of tb» Senate , Jan. Man} of these Jews ' wlTO were ^spelled ffo ih >y revoked by-the " Cohimiinder iii-Chi' e . f of •farewell order'to the army. We simpl y wish 9, 1863. Paducah Were known to ma tor many years the Army to the- satisfac tiod of the whol e ¦^^ »^^«^-^ GEN ERALdRANTeORDEE EELATIVE ^^$^^S?2^ X^ "^. ^^ ¦lwW on the nntonous persecution order of TO JEWS. tire ^ depaVtme^ t , and^revenu ' th em having theae person s have been promptl y vfedf q kt- General Grant. Whether those materiall y ,^ r .j!^ i[ EaWiE;r <L.^*-L. . -jMoyo vto«i»fce- ,ii-pvthe a puss to approach his person to ask a re- ed , a nd therefore 1 thiWk We may let'lhe injured .b y that queer document will bring reeolutioi I offered , a Jew days ago concern- dress of grievane ' es; General Grant-might matter dro p withtiutr passing- in the fctenate civil suits for damages against General ing the expulsion of the je ' we fro m the de- just as wel l .expel theJiaptists, or cbeAMhr "/ tlif S . Vf }} . S**^« ? yote o|[ reaeotion oa n vT L. /„wLu,WII W pariment of Gen. Grant. A>dU. ts, or the Ep iacuBalians, or .. tbe- . Caihu- General , Grant who issued the order per- Grant . wherever and whenever he .hall be p . a ^ V lOB - PRESIDENT. If there be lies , a, a class, as to expel the .l*ws. All hup* inadvertently. 1 hope the Senato r ^ . apqessible to the arms of justice and law, as n^ ot her resolutions . , Cor introduction , the are alike protected ih the enj oyment of their '"'i n Kentucky will^gree' to let it pa' ss by, ' they pnght to do-^w ' o can " not tel l , nor is it repolution submitted by the Senator from religion by-'the Constitution of our country , and let this resolution be postponed or go onr business to meddle in that part of the Kentucky will come up in its order. It will They ara inoffensive .citizens; and it is sat MPon ^ la Vj e -' i T . : . ,. , . ,. ... ' . . , , ]„,„„„ ¦ ua i be read. forth in papers that I have belore me , thiU Mr. UALb. 1 move to lay the resolution proceed mgs, this being the lawyer s busi- T|w Secretary proceeded tf t r<j ad the reg0 . tw() 0f the w JevT() wh o wer ^ . expelled had on the Btbl e ness. As far as the honpr of our co reh - i ut ion> served three months in the Avniy of the 1 h e VIOE PR ESIDENT. That motion g ioniets was involved , we tried ,to get satis- Mr. HALE. . I hope the Senator from United 'States 'in defense of the Union t akes precedence oi; the previous one.^Jhe- ' faction , and we onl y review the matte r for Kentucky will not insist oh the reading of cause. questi j .n is upon Jaying. the^esolulion-'ott A . . r ' : ,., , ». ¦ f .,i . 1 ,;, the rcsirlution. I see hy the papers that There is no excuse for General Grant for th ?. ta - jJ 5. - ,„„i , ^ . " ~ ' ih fure reference- , and the benefit of the his- tl , at order has been resc ^ ded p p issuing the -order, it ' ^ may be said that Mr. POWELL. On tha t I ask for the . torian. This as to conclude this affair. Mr- POWELL. 1 have a motion to make some Jews in his department had ! been guil- yeas and nays. ' , Long before 'Gr ant ' s, order was issued , in regard to it , and I wish ft to be read. " ty of illegal traffi c. , ll so, tx\ el t hose wlio Thejoas and nays were ordered ; and TM lsratlite called attention to the existence Mi* . HALE. It was rend when it wa<« violated the Vw and punish them. 1 do not being taken , resulted—yeas 30 , nays 7 , a* ;. x .., ' , ... . .. „„„, originally offered , and it is not worth while wish to shiel d a Jew or a Gentile from just Follows : of a spirit ol dark prejudice in the army ^ ^ Jtjagain p.mishmeli t for the infracti cin bf the law. - YE AS-Messrs. Anthony, Arnold , Brown- . against Our peop le. The order of Col. Du Mr. POWELL. I insint on , the reading. He should have directed his order ' to the of- >pg» Clark, Collamei\ (Jowan , Dix en , Doo' Bq is , however , was the first official document ' The 'Secretary continued the reading of fenders; and should have punished, them; little , Foot , Foster, Grimes , Hal e, Mari an , wa nhimnnd im ' lilUhed and censured ft^till th<? resolution , ns folh.ws . ' but , sir , so far from doing tbat . be punishes Harris , Henderson , Howe , King, Lan e of we obtained , published ana censureaniDUU WhereM i Mnj|(r Genera , 0 g Qpant< of R ^.olp peop le as a class: without epefeifio Indiana , Mo rrill . Pomer oy, R.oe , Sherman , no body-appeared to care particularly ** the Army of. the United St ates , on the 17th charge , hearing, or. trial , he drives out inof- Sumner , Ten Eyfck , T-umbull , Wade , Wil- the, matter. Saturday. December 27, two day of December , l So2 , issued the following tensive , loyal peop le , men; women , andchil -urn , Wil son of M.asBachueeUs , and Wri g ht gentle men coming directl y fro m Holl y general order: ^ dren , fro m a city lar distant from bis. 'head- ~i ^\^. a \ T ..i. ¦ . _ - ,. i 3«;n M MUh ' informpd ub of »h<> nohlicn- Headquarter * Uth Army Corpt , \ ' q uuriers , without g iving them the least op: NA i S^-Messrs. Dtwis , Harding. Latham , Springs M iss. , informed ue ot the publi c. De p !,rtmdnt of the Tennessee [ portunity to meet and ^ repel any charges N e.mitb , Pbwell , Saul sbury, and Wilsoo of tfcmand<en forcementof Grantsorder. iAou- Oxford , Mis s., December 17, 1862. J that ini g ht be brought against them. Such Missouri-! . . ..day next took their ©affidavits , as well asi General Order No.il] conduct is utterl y ind' elensible. 1 regret th e resolution was ordered to lie on .affidavits of gentlemen who had been offend The " .Jews , as a clnRs. violating every reg- thatGe». Grant isuuedsuoh an order, lien, the ^ table. ,ed in , Louisville by General Boyle, in Bow- wlltj; " " °[ tr,l^ e e»tablwbed by the Trensu- Grunt ' s conduct heretofore as a soidior has The foiiowiDR are tbe proceedings of the ,. T _ ' , II ¦ v i mi- ry Department , also department orders , are been that of a brave and a gallant officer; . » « ¦ ¦ r . lin g Green , Ky., and especial l y in ^nsbTille , iefeb > v e?pened fr onj the department within he has fought well on ^ many fields; lor that Hou8e of Representatives from Jannuary 7. by provost-marshals, me&ly and exclusively twenty-tour hours from the recei pt of thi.< 1 commend him; but wliile 1 commend 'bun ' Mr. PENDLETON intr oduced the follow- o ' q account of their being Jews. We exhi- hrder by post commanders. fur his gallant conduct , 1 must censure turn' ing resolution , on which he demanded the Uited these papers to several influential gen- ^ Y\ n ™* . tl ' at ail tllifl < **** «f people for this most atrocious and , .ll ^al cder. Jt previous questions : , ' , ,. , ' . j .j rif f i are wr nished.wnh passes and required to is inhuman and monstrous. It would bo Whereas , on th<. ' 17th day of December tlemen who , we know no t wny, am no t leel leave; f tpd ^ one returning after such no- unworthy of the most despotic Government 186'J, Major General Grant , commanding dispo sed- to take the matter* in hand. Wo tification will be arrested and held in con of Europe in the most despotic period of the department of Tennessee did publish' of«. a letter. -to Secretary Stanton , and re- nnementuntilan /)pp<>rtunity occurs of send- the world ' s history. Sir , we should , rebuke the following order, tti wit- sol vefl to w ait for an answer, before taking in « them <\ at » 9 prisoner. , unless furnislied such conduct 1 regret that some other leas Here fo llows the order as above. ^ > VL - with permits from these head quarters . meritorious oraoer or the army had not is- And iu pursuance thereof did cause ma- any further steps in the matter. ^ _ _ No passes will be given* , these people to sued this order. I regret that General n y peaceable citizens of the UnTt Cd States. Meanwhile this famous order was put }n visjt head quarters for the purpose of muk- Grant bus issued it; but , sir , we owe it- to residents in ' sard department , to be expelled force at Pad ' ucah , Ky., whe^e several Jewish ing personal app lication for trade permits, ourselves , v«e owe it to the civil and reli gious therelVom within tweo tyTour hours without Citizens resided for years past. This caused ^ ordor «F Mhjcmt General Grant: liberty of the citizen to put our condemns atlegaTtion of special ^ Bijsoonduoi on theit ' ., ,, , t i f .i. t -i JOHN A, RAWLINS , A. A. G. cion upon it. , part , and on no other proof than that ther a considerable alarm. One of the Jewish QflB cial-J. Loveix , Captain and A A.G. 1 think 1 have couched the resolution in were members of acertain reli g iou s denon? residents of Paducah repaired at once to And whereas , hy virtue of said order , the the mildest terms possible. It is my duty , jnation; and whereas , the faid order in itf Was hin gton , published the affair in a Cin- Jews, as a ehiss , who claim to be loyal citi- in vindication of Uie ri ghts of my cou.3iitu : sweep ing ' condemnation * of a whole class of cinnati ' paper , and took letters of re' com- *en» of the-United States have been ex- ents-thejee Jews who have been so gross ly citizens without disoriminatinu between the , , . . ^ T ... ., , . M Relied from the city of Paducah. Kentucky, and cruelly wronged—16 urge this resolu- guijtv . and the innocent , is illegal- and un- mendatmn. by b,ev. Ur. i^itientlial to Mr and have been driven from their business tion to its passage, it will be a landmark just , and in its execution is tyrannical and Gwrley, M. C, of this city, and by Mr. Daniel and homes by the military authority, with- iu the future to teach these military gentle- cruel: Therefore , ' " Wolf to Mr. Pendleton , M. C., .jilso of this °u* any specific charges hating been made ' men that they are not thus to encroach on Keaolved , That ' the^aid order deserves the city Another resident of Eaduca h Mr "^inst them , or any opportunity g iven them the civil and religious rights o * the citizen , sternest condemnation of this H:>use , and of , w , r , . , . ,.r .. ' . . ' to m . e . e .t the vague- and generakcharges set whether he be Jew or Gentile. I should be the President as Commander-in-Chief . Wqff , also repaired to Waahington m com- ,or th in ,nid (jrde r . Therefore , the last man here who wo.rld wish to visit The previous question was seconded, pany of an influentialYiitizeo . A gain another Resolved by the Senate of the United Statet ^ with censure any commander of any depart- Ou ordering the main question there were resident ! of Paducah , Mr. Goldschmit went That the said order of Major General Giant mentot the Army fur justl y punishing ihoj - e —ay es 28, noes 30, (no quorum voting. ) to, Louisville , presented the case to some expelling the Jews , as a class , from the de- who had been violators of the jaw in 'his Mr PENDLETON demanded tellers v y . partuient of which he is in command, is con- department; and 1 trust that 1 shall be the Tellers were ordered ; and Messrs pbs- ^ gORpmen of our persuasion , whereupon a de mned as iilegal , _ tyrannical ,cruel , and un- last to palliate or excuse any commander, dleton and Buffinto n were appointed; grating was called, resolutions as the case just , and the President is requested to cuun however meritorious his conduct in other The main question was not ordered; tho .Userves were adopted , and Martin Bijur , teruiand the same. matters may hav ^ e been , who thus strikes tellers having reported—ayes 41 , noes 60. Ebo a nbriuhir lawvPr of our ners.inmnn Mr. POWELL . M r. President , the day cruell y and . inhumanly at^ class of people , Mr. WASHBURN E. This r esolution cen- i5 ,eq., a popiijar lawj er ot our persuasion , after t be resolution' was irttrodu ced , J un- driving them from their ' Mimes , men , wo sures one of our bes5 generals without a residing in f.puisville , was appointed a dele- derstood from General 'Ualleok that the men and children , upon the shortest notice ; hearing; and I move that it be laid upon the gate to act in conjunction with others appoint- matter had been laid before the President their houses are closed up, and . many of table. cd to the same purpose , to bring the matter and tlfcit the order had been promptly re- their stores , they inform pe , are left with- Mr. HOLMAN demanded the years and > r tk p iaij ? r n, ii u voked. The conduct of the President and out an occupant , containing thousands ot nays oelore tno i r^Went ot tne u. h. of Ae Genorul-in Chief in thus promptl y dollars ' w6rth of goods. ^ The yeas and nnya were ordered. ' ' ¦$& 8a ' ly, ftt^ . H°m e ,n lluen " countermanding suoh an outragbuiis , and The Senate , in my judgment , owes it .to The question was taken; and it was de- ^^sS^l au ^«^^ 0 ' l lnf^, ''' ,e '^ a mee ' , ' n 8' unconstitutional , and inhuman order, meets itself to vindicate the laws and the rights cided in the affirmative--years 56 , nays 53' ^Wram^^y^^^^M' to call a gcueral-meat- with my hear ty approval. 1 com mend them of those persecuted Jews- I do lor them as follows: iJ^HBnHl^S^ biisincss for it The {or J} , , ¦ , , what 1 would do lor ati y other citizens of YEAS-^vless-rs. Aldrich , Baker , Baxte r, tfe gmHBBBwB ^^y n -- a ' j 1 he order having been countermanded , I tins natnsOi or for any other constituents Benman , Bingham , Jacob B Blair Samuel > ^ lmliWm^-^'mee i ' aKa'U ^ batu rday desire to move that the las t clause of the tho, t 1 have. I hope that the . amendment fci . Blair , W illiam G.Bfown , Buflinton . Burn- ^^^fflffl^M^^tohile Messrs. Bijur and resolution be stricken out; and after that is I propose may be adopted , that that part of ham. Chamberlain ,Clark ,Frederick Al c^nk- . ^MnK^Kra Cincinnati and gave a slacken out , ll desire to have the acti on of the resolution asking the President to coun- ling, Davis , Duell , -buon . ' lid wards, Eliot , El ?JWMK» mnf.iAr Sundav even tl,e 'S^aate upon the resolution. Gentle- termtfiid the order [tor tbe Commander-in- Fentun , Samuel C.Kesseuden , Fisher . Gooch , Ii ^B^SBlUKnM^^lr ' ^ i i i ' mc^may say , tile order ba\ ing been revok- Chiet , to his honor be it spoken , has' m DSt Hickman , Horton , Jlut chins , Julian , bVan - , M8 ^ggWHMj |P|^^iay larg e and; entluisjastio edi ij i a , qnnecessary that this body should promptl y revoked it] he stricken ouf, and 0is W. Kellogg, Wil liam Kellogg.Kiilinger , ^^^^MHHHmg^r a^u the hallof tho Plmenix,; tike any action upon it. That seems to be tiien let the preamble and resolution , een- Lehman , Lovejoy, McKean , McKnigh t, Mo- ^^^^nHB^mting the occasion were the intim *lion of 'he gentleman from Kew suring this order uud denouQuihg it as ille- PhersM ^ Maynard , Mitchell , Mootiiead , MWWKSM&iu hmU^ -an d t]in>p ' ri»l»<»t.« ,Hfln, P 8 ^f»- l ; look upon the matter other- gal , cruel and inhuman , bo passed by the Nixon " No el), Olin , Pat ton , Alexa nder 1L IHBmIHMK . P ., ' . . aeiegates W18e. 1 have iu iny possession documents be.iute . Kice . Joli ' nll.tti oe , Edward H.Rollins . Shankr ^^^Mp^forthwith in conjunction with (hat go to establish the fact beyond the pos- Mr. CLARK. I move that the resolution Sheffield ;, Stevens , Stratum , Francis Thomas , oJ;heffltp|| pTtea . The Cincinnati delegates ' sibility of a doubt that the Jews , resiiTeiits and the amendment be indefinitel y post- Trimble , Trowbridge , Verre 'e, Washburne , - we re^LjDr. Lilienthal , Edgar M.Johnso n a of th& City " f p adueah , Kentuck y, some 3Q poned. 1 have nothing to say by way of Wheeler , and Wilson—5t>. popular lawvor of our nersu-ision and o.V g L en,le " ,en m " umb . er ' were druen from . stricture upon the Jews. They have tueir KAYS-Messrs. William Allen , All ey, popular Jawj or oi our pejsuasion and ouf thei r homes and their business by virtue ol ng^s , and are defcrving of their .rights , A npona, Biddle,, Blak e, Calvert , CoV-U, Ro«- ^ uamuie sell. Monday morning the delega - this order of General Grant , only having the, and 1 concur mainly in what has been said coe , Cp nkliryi , Conway, Cox/Dupbip. EdgM^ tion of Louisville and Cincinnati , in com- short notice of four and twenty hours : that by the Senator from Kentucky on that point , toniThoinas ¦ A. D. Fessenden , Goddvr ipY pany of Mr. ' Ooldschmit started for Wash- tha ^w'^ 1 , w°men and children of that city but 1 do not believe it would be wise " to ' Ojphger , Haight , Jiall , Harding, Hain an , * # ! mrfon nmviAorl win, B nffi«;„J „ffi^» - ( * were expelled under that order; that, there condemn tbe brave General Gran t unheard- . Johnson , Kerri gah , Krtapp Law , Lazear , i ngton , p rovided with suffipicnt affidavits to was not a Jew left , man , Vonian , or chi l d ,. Nei ther do 1 bftlieve it would be wise to Low ,. M ft lloif» fienzies, iorpis^obl e, Nor- f stfbstantiate ouv c?se, except two, women >jho were pros trate on condemn bim when he , and bis Bojd jerj i are ton , Odell ^ Pe pdlfttOD.^errj/t Prioej iiiddl ^

Transcript of jws .THE ;HaBiVJm'ff 'S- . .tt$lipg;p...

Page 1: jws .THE ;HaBiVJm'ff 'S- . .tt$lipg;p Lcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/3180/TIS-1… · simple; plam spoken c.t1Zen and tr.ed in tJje r^hte and privileges of

jws . T H E ;HaBiVJ m'ff 'S- . .tt$lipg;pLj fMlfeft •* & * rials? **t * 1' % ? * ¦? We intended .to .go - .tn 'Philadelphia and M» n f J>iofrnej8». t , J have the evid«n«e be- rtr,pgg|jp gJn^ho-iieljl to pat *hi$ . rebellionm\Wl&?,Mt IfiV-n fc* rtT^ Baltimore, meet there delegate* from these f™ ^^i°T?i° -?rti wVitf'^tf M .M«# TOMd >*'« *lft W"**MP Jj lK'^ll fl L l»iS XI, LI/ a J V v , j J\ - *. • .• by sofoe twelve 6r fourteen of the most re- the President hurt left him by revok ng theW#'* £££** * *** ***** cities and Newark, and act.n conjunction ' ot^

bJe ^pjw,0j ^ep*.qf s^«cflb^mj)Dg MderY$d *«ce> norther usV% thel-ffi.™n«pErti-«iar ™mit lirttiNiMri with them ; but it append no steps had beefc others the surveyor of the part, fha t those lutirth nt the aroendmentvnnd therefore7 1

fflLOCH * CO Pwnts*8 M ^iih Sireet tafce n vet in the eMtei'txcitiee) In- the Philn- Jewsof Pnducah bftd'at no time been en- hjvya ftftde , the^motion which I have atib1«AAC ^1. WISB . Ep.tor '& Peoi.e.btoii. Vdelphia paper*, however, obtained -in the R>*>d W'* .W

J ^'Ta/'.I.SJ "WtorttfiW*' " rt ' ., . t- < t-^ ,w T ' 7 ., , .... , . , A . ik „ General Grant; that,tfiej , had all t.b_e while Mr. POWELL. On that motion l astrrf«ra,-T!.r.c D ,Harbor ' a nW. foMtaes. The ears near that city, we loarned-thnt the.w-

^ern eriKagedin lePihiate boaineeant tlieir fer ihe yeW'aha -fiays. ' " W

ijj flfi^ der of

Grant had been revoked on

Sunday, horiiet fine!

th^ej^8^otr onrt J^, A.

J|eTye^anflWe,wereo . - ¦^ad>ifrr <W.,iut»d|»uc«. fc'<jr tho,t»rPff|j !ffl,.|fon« , on presenting thoinntter to the president by resiaent of 'tfadaoah.-w^oV had gone out ot u M^r. <MTHQN^.A , 1 would MCice^ito the

, fe^"KiK5«^fe teK Mr. Kaekol. Still we taught proper JtP go tbfl B

W^!T*rm>t>f Af a trtiif a i) ; In eUhpr B»wtv iter«flii3re,6f . «r , • . . . • , V»t one wm not^t home, and .cottsMUf.q t Jur, Wftf disposition, would be to reTer it to Commit-T.J«a«,ita«x* .hi. Typ«.«mp iofld^ Su,.Klin to Washington and cwvmcc ourselves. We ^t expelled tfoui nis[residenceby *his ru vh- tetf'o^MilitaryvVffaiw ™ ^0U1 «>":

¦M Vffi\ T \T2!%ff i

i!h* arrived in Washington on Wedrie8day|ven- less order. - - Mr.. HALE and Mr. SUMNER. Why not• "• > "$»¦ | *«l,nL

, .l «'oo ( io oo ing and were introduced to the president ti\t Mr. President, if we litttiely submit to al • W'e ?? ' » , *{»otr$a%iffi same evening by Mr? Gufley. The inter- low-theniniKtaTyiJ^arltbusto^noroaoh on M '^Kf } «™M make a motion to

^¦¦Sm^<fj mhl^\ "^S!S> V bof h PkPer*' view was of an informal and friendlv titfture *the ri«b °f ' *«.«»*!««#¦ W sbal ;besetting <™Me it ™* .[or thf ,*»«» that if it be laid

^S^V'A^^^ '.ff** ^*0^.- L «»i«i. miormai ttufl irienaiy nature. * ^ ^ and .most pernio pus examu e to those o. )the table it would be liable to be called

>jABJtW£^mi(t 9rSZ^^^%MS£$! ; We had but little chance to say anything, ^^ZSJX wXif T^WJ- W .«l^n at any time, an« I, wan? to gefrid .'

^M|| rtiB^'*l*rt



*P,',*,,,, B,M the nresident having been ^o Fplendid ly elo. minister to those in comman d' dTotfr arm- ol it

^ |jA^nW^Wl.h.Gem^^^^ quent on this occasion. Jle asSnred us in ihs the sternest re buke for snoh 1 nftgriint ', Mr - WILSON of MassndhBtfetts. I hopeS^Jtor& teKSV every poseible form that neither he nor Gen- ""tmges upon the rights of the ohi.en.- '«;£'»« w , 1 n,,^

be r,femd to

tQ. Sfl^ffwUh^rbipit

olM ne».

neM»Dddi« iM^ ch. every popsioie iorm cnai neisner n* nor \ren TileBe p(,„0ie Rpe repre(,ented by . the moa t twmmittee on MiJit firy. Afi.^us. I t i « a rerT

ta ^^M bSriM^fi wW^

6ra HalIeck »



tliak Grant^

issued so re8pectable citizens Of Pnducah to he loyal plain anjt simple mattei. Geojeral Grant i»'lAold. lsgibit haud .tritn larga ^pttc» bntwe«ip t

a« Uue«. absurd an order , u ntil the' official docunj ent men. Manvof them are men who were not £"ed an .order tbnt 1 take it no man. in thenTlSj nTlSJNATI- dispelled every doubt. , Fu rthermore ' that engaKed in commerce., ^eywere-meohan * »°nKa approves.

B^^^%miJOL CMOIJN I^A I 1 • v . tJ ¦ ics, attending to t^ieir,

^ily avocations at called to the attentirtft of the' President'ofFrHlay rtornln^.-JANffART 23, 1863. he entertained no prejudices of any kind bhe\r bomesA lo my judgment, it U incumr t he United. States , it was promptly revoked.¦i—i—T~~~T7~~T ¦ . ' ' against any 'nationality , and especially bent «n :this Senate, as tli^ matter is before There th e matter ends. 1 agree with ,thegggrLeopold Meyer of Detroit ,Mioh., owes against Israelites, to whom he manifested a them, to pass the reaolution.and let General senator frmn New ¦Hampshire that we ought

a*WaoSioe,$9 25; he will please pay. particular attach ment He spoke like a Grant and all other military commanders ™' »"™ «l *™*™ 1.1* th« feld , ahdJ-cWtf.

_! L^.* . . ,,. . T* ... * i - a - know that ,t hey ^re not , to. encrpfrcb . upon flemn him unheard.- 1-do not approve of theB^-lsnaC Shire, lately of Canandaigua, simple; plam spoken c.t1Zen and tr .ed in tJj e r^hte and privileges of the .PWceaJde »«fcr ; I think , it was . ,wi

^ ; j ^ve noM Y -^hftg an imp ortant letter at this oftoe . various forms to convince us of the emceri - loyal citizens of th is' country.' Pass the doubt j t wa^njps t. . It is wrong to oing ip¦Send address immediately ty of his words in this matter. resolution, ftVid fch e example1 w i l l ' b e <*f ; the out any

^pafti 'ottldf class of muri Ih' ibis coun-

**- >i— H- Previously we had learned that Henator greutest importance, particularly at this

»"f «'• « *« conJemn them. 'lt ar *

ms?»A m.m nf nion ^v has been left at this r, n f v i a %>~~ * tin», when ,the constitutional rii;;l)U . of xhe *<*J l^at «>e rulea^pq BCKulati ohs ,,oi toe^ot uT tnZl scn b£ »JJI

^Y f7 ™\°"

T *?"* *' «&¦«'«• bei n^ «t^ken dwf Z i trod^

Army .were in^ed , wub ,iu Qeneral»^aae call and re*eive it - tive , Mr. Pendleton, had introduced the den under foot throughout the entire cotin Grao^ B department ,by perpona callingp ; . . ' ,, ¦

— matter in congress. This bein g of histori- trj - b.y the executive amUhe military pow- thetnse'fveS JJeWs1, wrought to have beenThe last of General Grant's Order, cal importance , we reproduce the genuine «\ We',have submitted already too Jong -^f *d ?f - i ''but 1. toink oto order ^rf exoiud-

«r j i i. « wiw P«,*J»'f ft™nh <!a -„„ and tamely to the encroachments of the »Dg a whole class , orp>.«n, , m uttevJy jnde-We do not mean to say that General Gmnt proceedings : * u^

Qn th -civi , ri^

ta of ,be citizen, feasible. The prder was afcopce.and Swum*.issued his |ast order, 'ho may yet issue his From the nroceedings of tb» Senate , Jan. Man} of these Jews 'wlTO were spelled ffo ih >y revoked by-the" Cohimiinder iii-Chi'e.f of

•farewell order 'to the army. We simpl y wish 9, 1863. Paducah Were known to ma tor many years the Army to the- satisfactiod of the whole¦ ^




^^$^^S?2^ X^ "^.^¦lwW on the nntonous persecution order of TO JEWS. tire depaVtme t, and^revenu' them having theae person s have been promptl y vfedf qkt-General Grant. Whether those materially , r.j! i [EaWiE;r<L.^*-L.. -jMoyovto«i»fce-,ii-pvthe a puss to approach his person to ask a re- ed , and therefore 1 thiWk We may let'lheinjured .by that queer document will bring reeolutioi I offered, a Jew days ago concern- dress of grievane'es; General Grant-might matter drop withtiutr passing- in the fctenatecivil suits for damages against General ing the expulsion of the j e'we from the de- just as well .expel theJiaptists, or cbeAMhr "/ tlif S. Vf }} ™. S** « ? yote o|[ reaeotion oan v T L . /„wLu,WIIW pariment of Gen. Grant. A>dU.ts, or the EpiacuBalians, or ..tbe- .Caihu- General, Grant who issued the order per-Grant. wherever and whenever he .hall be p .a^V lOB - PRESIDENT. If there be lies , a, a class, as to expel the .l*ws. All hup* inadvertently. 1 hope the Senator

^.apqessible to the arms of justice and law, as n^ other resolutions ., Cor introduction , the are alike protected ih the enjoyment of their '"'in Kentucky will^gree' to let it pa'ss by,'they pnght to do-^w'o can" not tel l, nor is it repolution submitted by the Senator from religion by-'the Constitution of our country , and let this resolution be postponed or goonr business to meddle in that part of the Kentucky will come up in its order. It will They ara inoffensive .citizens; and it is sat MPon


laVje-'iT . : . , . , .,. . . . ' . . ,, ]„,„„„¦„ u„ai be read. forth in papers that I have belore me, thiU Mr. UALb . 1 move to lay the resolution• proceed mgs, this being the lawyer s busi- T|w Secretary proceeded tft r<j ad the reg0. tw() 0f the

wJevT() wh o wer^ . expelled had on the Btbl e

ness. As far as the honpr of our co reh- iution> served three months in the Avniy of the 1 he VIOE PRESIDENT. That motiongioniets was involved , we tried ,to get satis- Mr. HALE.. I hope the Senator from United 'States 'in defense of the Union takes precedence oi; the previous one.^Jhe-

' faction, and we onl y review the matter for Kentucky will not insist oh the reading of cause. questi j .n is upon Jaying. the^esolulion-'ottA . . r ' : ,., , ».¦ f.,i . 1,;, the rcsirlution. I see hy the papers that There is no excuse for General Grant for th ?.ta- j J5.- ,„„i , ^ . "~ 'ihfure reference- ,and the benefit of the his- tl,at order has been resc^ded

p p issuing the -order, it ' ^may be said that Mr. POWELL. On tha t I ask for the

.torian. This as to conclude this affair. Mr- POWELL. 1 have a motion to make some Jews in his department had !been guil- yeas and nays. ' ,Long before'G r ant' s, order was issued , in regard to it , and I wish ft to be read. " ty of illegal traffi c. , ll so, tx\ el those wlio Thej oas and nays were ordered ; and

TM lsra tlite called attention to the existence Mi*. HALE. It was rend when it wa<« violated the Vw and punish them. 1 do not being taken, resulted—yeas 30, nays 7 , a*; . x . . , ' , . . . . .. „„„,„ originally offered , and it is not worth while wish to shiel d a Jew or a Gentile from just Follows:of a spirit ol dark prejudice in the army

Jtjagain p .mishmeli t for the infracti cin bf the law.- YE AS-Messrs. Anthony, Arnold , Brown-. against Our peop le. The order of Col. Du Mr . POWELL. I insint on, the reading. He should have directed his order'to the of- >pg» Clark, Collamei\ (Jowan , Dix en ,Doo'Bqis, however, was the first official document ' The 'Secretary continued the reading of fenders; and should have punished, them; little , Foot, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Marian,wa nhimnnd im'lilUhed and censured ft^till th<? resolution , ns folh.ws. ' but , sir, so far from doing tbat .be punishes Harris, Henderson, Howe, King, Lane ofwe obtained , published ana censureaniDUU

WhereM i Mnj |(r Genera, 0 g Qpant< of R ^.olp people as a class: without epefeifio Indiana , Morrill . Pomeroy, R.oe , Sherman,no body-appeared to care particularly ** the Army of. the United States , on the 17th charge, hearing, or. trial , he drives out inof- Sumner , Ten Eyfck , T-umbull, Wade, Wil-the, matter. Saturday. December 27, two day of December , l So2, issued the followin g tensive , loyal people, men; women , andchil -urn, Wil son of M.asBachueeUs, and Wrightgentlemen coming directly fro m Holly general order:

^ dren , from a city lar distant from bis.'head- ~i \ .a \T ..i. ¦. _ - ,.i3«;nM MUh ' informpd ub of »h<> nohlicn- Headquarter * Uth Army Corpt , \ ' quuriers , without giving them the least op: NA i S^-Messrs. Dtwis, Harding. Latham,Springs M iss., informed ue ot the public.

Dep!,rtmdnt of the Tennessee [ portunity to meet and ^ repel any charges Ne.mitb , Pbwell , Saulsbury, and Wilsoo oftfcmand<en forcementof Grantsorder. iAou- Oxford , Miss., December 17, 1862. J that inight be brought against them. Such Missouri-! . ...day next w« took their ©affidavits , as well asi General Order N o . i l ] conduct is utterly ind'elensible. 1 regret &» the resolution was ordered to lie on.affidavits of gentlemen who had been offend The".Jews, as a clnRs. violating every reg- thatGe». Grant isuuedsuoh an order, lien, the ^table.,ed in, Louisville by General Boyle, in Bow- wlltj; "" °[ tr,l^ e e»tablwbed

by the Trensu- Grunt 's conduct heretofore as a soidior has The foiiowiDR are tbe proceedings of the,. T _ ' , • II ¦ v i mi- ry Department, also department orders , are been that of a brave and a gallant officer; „ . » « ¦ ¦ r .lin g Green , Ky., and especial ly in ^nsbTille ,iefeb>v e?pened fronj the department wi th in he has fought well on ^many fields; lor that Hou8e of Representatives from Jannuary 7.by provost-marshals, me&ly and exclusively twenty- tour hours from the recei pt of thi.< 1 commend him; but wliile 1 commend 'bun ' Mr. PENDLETON introduced the follow-o'q account of their being Jews. We exhi- hrder by post commanders. fur his gallant conduct, 1 must censure turn' ing resolution , on which he demanded theUited these papers to several influential gen- Y\ n ™* .tl'at ail tllifl <**** «f people for this most atrocious and, .ll ^al cder. Jt previous questions :, ' , , . , ' . j .j rif f i are wr nished.wnh passes and required to is inhuman and monstrous. It would bo Whereas , on th<.' 17th day of Decembertlemen who, we know not wny, am not leel leave; ftpd

one returning after such no- unworthy of the most despotic Government 186'J, Major General Grant, commandingdisposed- to take the matter* in hand. Wo tification will be arrested and held in con of Europe in the most despotic period of the department of Tennessee did publish'

w»of«. a letter. -to Secretary Stanton, and re- nnemen tun t i l an / )pp <> r tun i ty occurs of send- the world ' s history. Sir , we should , rebuke the following order, tti wit-sol vefl to wait for an answer, before taking in« them <\at »9 prisoner., unles s furnislied such conduct 1 regret that some other leas Here follows the order as above.^ > VL • - wi th permits from these head quarters . meritorious oraoer or the army had not is- And iu pursuance thereof did cause ma-any further steps in the matter.

^ _ _ No passes will be given *, these people to sued this order. I regret that General n y peaceable citizens of the UnTtCd States.Meanwhile this famous order was put }n visj t head quarters for the purpose of muk- Grant bus issued it; but , sir, we owe it- to residents in ' sard department, to be expelledforce at Pad'ucah , Ky ., whe^e several Jewish ing personal app lication for trade permits, ourselves , v«e owe it to the civil and religious therelVom within tweotyTour hours withoutCitizens resided for years past. This caused ordor «F Mhjcm t General Grant: liberty of the citizen to put our condemns atlegaTtion of special ^Bij soonduoi on theit '., , , , t i f .i. t - i *¦ JOHN A, R A W L I N S , A.A. G. cion upon it. , part , and on no other proof than that thera considerable alarm. One of the Jewish QflB cial-J. Loveix , Captain and A A.G. 1 th ink 1 have couched the resolution in were members of acertain reli giou s denon?residents of Paducah repaired at once to And whereas , hy vi r tue of said order , the the mildest terms possible. It is my duty , j nation; and whereas, the faid order in itfWashin gton, published the affair in a Cin- Jews, as a ehiss , who claim to be loyal citi- in vindication of Uie rights of my cou.3iitu: sweep ing' condemnation * of a whole class ofcinnati ' paper , and took letters of re'com- *en» of the -United States have been ex- ents-thej ee Jews who have been so grossly citizens without disoriminatin u between the, , . . „ ^ T ... ., , . M Relied from the city of Paducah. Kentucky, and cruelly wronged—16 urge this resolu- gui j tv . and the innocent , is illegal- and un-mendatmn. by b,ev. Ur. i^itientlial to Mr and have been dr iven from their busines s tion to its passage, it will be a landmark just , and in its execution is tyrannical andGwrley, M. C, of this city, and by Mr. Daniel and homes by the mil i tary authori ty, wi th- iu the future to teach these military gentle- cruel: Therefore , ' "Wolf to Mr. Pendleton , M. C., .jilso of this °u* any specific charges hat in g been made ' men that they are not thus to encroach on Keaolved , That 'the^aid order deserves thecity Another resident of Eaduca h Mr "^inst them , or any opportunit y g iven them the civil and religious rights o* the ci t izen , sternest condemnation of this H:>use , and of,w ,r , . , . ,.r .. ' . . ' to m.e.e.t the vague- and generakcharges set whether he be Jew or Gentile. I should be the President as Commander-in-Chief .Wqff, also repaired to Waahington m com- ,or th in ,nid (jrde r . Therefore , the last man here who wo.rld wish to visit The previous question was seconded,pany of an influentialY iitizeo . A gain another Resolved by the Senate of the United Statet ^ with censure any commander of any depart- Ou ordering the main question there wereresident! of Paducah , Mr. Goldschmit went That the said order of Major General Giant mentot the Army fur justl y punishing ihoj - e —ay es 28, noes 30, (no quorum voting. )to, Louisville , presented the case to some expelling the Jews , as a class , from the de- who had been violators of the j aw in 'his Mr PENDLETON demanded tellers

v y . partu ient of which he is in command, is con- department; and 1 trust that 1 shall be the Tellers were ordered ; and Messrs pbs-

^gORpmen of our persuasion, whereupon a de mned as iilegal ,_ tyrannical ,cruel , and un- last to palliate or excuse any commander, dleton and Buffinton were appointed;grating was called, resolutions as the case just , and the President is requested to cuun however meritorious his conduct in other The main question was not ordered; tho.Userves were adopted , and Martin Bijur, teruiand the same. matters may hav

^e been , who thus strikes tellers having reported—ayes 41 , noes 60.

Ebo a nbriuhir lawvPr of our ner s.inmnn Mr. POWELL. Mr. President , the day cruell y and .inhumanly at^ class of people , Mr. WASHBURN E. This resolution cen-i5,eq., a popiij ar lawj er ot our persuasion , after t be resolution' was i r t t rodu ced , J un - dr iv i ng them from their ' Mimes , men , wo sures one of our bes5 generals without aresiding in f .puisville , was appointed a dele- derstood from General 'Ualle ok tha t the men and children , upon the shortest notice ; hearing; and I move that it be laid upon thegate to act in conjunction with others appoint- matter had been laid before the President thei r houses are closed up, and . many of table.cd to the same purpose, to bring the matter and tlfcit the order had been prom ptly re- their stores , they inform pe, are left with- Mr. HOLMAN demanded the years and> r tk p iaij ? r n, ii u voked. The conduct of the President and out an occupant, containing thousands ot naysoelore tno i r^Went

ot tne u. h. of Ae Genorul -in Chief in thus promptl y dollars ' w6rth of goods. The yeas and nnya were ordered.' '¦$& 8a'ly,W«ftt^ . H°m e ,n lluen" countermanding suoh an outragbuiis , and The Senate, in my judgment , owes it .to The question was taken; and it was de-^ sS^lau «^ 0'l

lnf^,' '',e ' a mee','n8' unconstitutional , and inhuman order, meets itself to vindicate the laws and the rights cided in the affirmative--years 56, nays 53'

^Wram^^y^^^^M' to call a gcueral-meat- with my hear ty approval. 1 com mend them of those persecuted Jews- I do lor them as follows:iJ^HBnHl^S^biisincss for it The {orJ} , , ¦ , , what 1 would do lor ati y other citizens of YEAS-^vless-rs. Aldrich , Baker , Baxter,tfegmHBBBwB^^yn-- a ' j 1 he order having been countermanded , I tins natnsOi or for any other constituents Benman , Bingham , Jacob B Blair Samuel >^™lmliWm^-^'meei'

aK a'U batu rday desire to move that the last clause of the tho,t 1 have. I hope that the. amendment fci. Blair , W illiam G.Bfown , Buflinton .Burn-^^^fflffl M^^tohile


Bijur and resolution



out; and after that is I propose may be adopted , that that part of ham. Chamberlain ,Clark,Frederick Al c^nk-. MnK^Kra Cincinnati and gave a slacken out , ll desire to have the acti on of the resolution asking the President to coun- ling, Davis , Duell ,-buon .'lidwards, Eliot ,Ely»?JWMK» mn f. iAr Sundav even tl,e 'S^aate upon the resolution. Gentle- termtf iid the order [tor tbe Commander-in- Fentun , Samuel C.Kesseuden , Fisher.Gooch,Ii B SBlUKnM^ lr' i i i ' • • mc^may say, tile order ba\ ing been revok- Chiet , to his honor be it spoken , has' m DSt Hickman , Horton , Jlutchins , Julian , bVan-, M8^ggWHMj |P| ^iay




entluisj astio edi ij ia, qnnecessary that this body should pro mptl y revoked it] he stri cken ouf , and 0is W. Kellogg, Wil liam Kellogg.Kiilinger,^^^^MHHHmg^ra^u the hallof tho Plmenix,; tike any action upon it. That seems to be tiien let the preamble and resolution , een- Lehman, Lovejoy, McKean , McKnigh t, Mo-^^^^nHB^mting the

occasion were the in t im *lion of 'he gentleman from Kew sur ing this order uud denou Quihg it as ille- PhersM

Maynard , Mitchell , Mootiiead,MWWKSM&iuhmU^ -and t ]in> p ' ri»l»<»t.« ,Hfln, P8^f»- l;look upon the matter other - gal , cruel and inhuman , bo passed by the Nixon" Noel), Olin , Patton , Alexa nder 1LIHBmIHMK. P .,'. . aeiegates W18e. 1 have iu iny possession document s be.iute . • Kice .Joli 'nll.ttioe, Edward H.Rollin s .Shankr^^^Mp^forthwith in conjunction with (hat go to establish the fact

beyond the pos- Mr.

CLARK. I move that the resolution Sheffield ;, Stevens, Stratum , Francis Thomas,

oJ;heffltp||pTtea. The Cincinnati delegates ' sibi lity of a doubt that the Jews , resi iTeiit s and the amendment be indefinitel y post- Trimble , Trowbridge , Verre'e, Washburne ,-were^LjDr. Lilienthal, Edgar M.Johnson a of th & City "f padueah , Kentuck y, some 3Q poned. 1 have nothing to say by way of Wheeler , and Wilson—5t>.popular lawvor of our nersu-ision and o.V g

Len,le ",en m "umb.er' were druen from. stricture upon the Jews. They have tueir KAYS-Messrs. William Allen, Alley,popular Jawj or oi our pejsuasion and ouf thei r homes and their business by vir tue ol ng^s, and are defcrving of their .rights, A npona, Biddle,, Blak e, Calvert,CoV-U, Ro«-

^ uamuie sell. Monday morning the delega- this order of General Grant ,only having the , and 1 concur mainly in what has been said coe,Cp nkliryi, Conway, Cox/Dupbip .EdgM^tion of Louisville and Cincinnati , in com- short notice of four and twenty hours : that by the Senator from Kentucky on that point , toniThoinas ¦ A. D. Fessenden, Goddvr ipYpany of Mr. 'Ooldschmit started for Wash- tha ^w'^1, w°men and children of that city but 1 do not believe it would be wise "to ' Ojphger , Haight ,Jiall, Harding, Hainan,*


!mrfon nmviA or l win , B nffi«;„J „ffi ^ » - ( * were expelled under that order; that , there condemn tbe brave General Gran t unheard-. Johnson , Kerri gah, Krtapp Law, Lazear,ington , provided with suffipicnt affidavits to was not a Jew left , man , Vonian , or chi ld , . Nei ther do 1 bftlieve it would be wise to Low,. Mftlloif» fienzies, iorpis^oble, Nor-f stfbstantiate ouv c?se, except two, women >jho were prostrate on condemn bim when he, and bis Bojdjerj i are ton, Odell

^PepdlfttOD.^errj/t Prioej iiiddl^

Page 2: jws .THE ;HaBiVJm'ff 'S- . .tt$lipg;p Lcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/3180/TIS-1… · simple; plam spoken c.t1Zen and tr.ed in tJje r^hte and privileges of

j ftflp l jfe. ' TlI^i kft AEX TTX . n».- ~~.'-"r ~ l. i | , " I. .—i j ' i , .' ; \ ~ ~ ~ ¦ ¦ ~~—~rrr ~ ;— ¦ ¦ v ¦ , _^£,^areanfc Sn7et WiJJinm^. f FW^fl¥^ fSi riiT i ^ere, in this by the Congress of Vienna Foreign Record.jnmin

^tJjWWSMgf^Jfi V?.f," , Tax p^ictt ajfeMMeffi n>| Mthe established Kingdom of Poland , being un- wffie* Wj oklifl« ,vWndHni;.Woad, WoQit . fwhlo^aftd^o^»W»Wdo§Ml£$tab. ab,e *> contradict the dist fcietiy expressed . "OMu--TI,e ro-actionary party,, wbwb. .ruff . W^rifilBter^ndnrennian—5a ];0 attention , it may hew well to aDnounoe national will , the foe nevertheless renders " now "K11"1 >" the ascendant in Prufifc, .^ f SX^^

,S V - ^^>}^ *he ,nt*8t u Pun the boarU« *h » *iU u navailing by enacting foryon die- hn8 attracted the attentio n of Europe. Que .ifef^S^^te'sriSs F"'i»*'

•*•» «*«- * ¦". •«"«¦ 'ftsti 'WW* -< w l'!;:?,? ¦77' j *"™^'*upoivlh^hbleVfend alio Wved that the I to b arpea^iropresaed *upon Mw *rfi)»l ?"«f b$"f*«hal^ $»r fof flor own ^e*

tn ,a Pncti l* »»» hatred of J*wj i and Judaism,, ,ntotii^iiirjecsoastder be

laid^pon the

tabled andgGe^ w«' and Sraoii «noer«1ys«4ttled long sinW- "" PreM "ever ceases to abtise tbera and, to ,$WP* m°i{°a WM "8r*ed t0' ' $1 bi!l&®eittc heap the most atrocious calmnnios upon ,W*£§ndleton was obliged to move the th\iugh not officially announced , hereit , we ly embrace.

v ;' " " "' ' ' ' their devoted heads. The crime of the Jow«rprevious question, for otherwise the reao- j Bro pC,-mj t|*<i byv*pecial fuvor to-maiev the • % these aeceils the foe imposes upon is< thrtt the nmjnrity of them j s, deaoted,J«tiftn <W oiiJd have to lay over to ite turo on ; fono aom- o^tlj e fflore.credulous amongst you ; heart and soul , to libera lism , and /defendsthe docket wbigh. tbe'buBiness.being so bul - , |e|,aI Obj«stioiw raised against the bill , th e he fancies to "be abV fo form amongst "you j i tf* principl es with mi ght and Baa-in. )t i#5feJ te

V**rfiCd ¦'t at 0n°*' '' C0U,d' Pftrt 'e8 RR 'tr^ve

*a-*n of course avail them- ' a party for himsel f, and fftlsel y maintains hnrd t>' necessary w Uy that thi s re action- ,ri^^?>

®" P ll*:0,n

• selves of th'e'r constitutional right , and pro- that ^immunities granted.to ypu proceed

arr Part .Y bears the press in general a dead-. -j ^.muflt be Understood , that Congress teat agaiimk the offending document and its from.EjmM. '„ " ' ' ¦ 1.V hatred. It would destroy thi s inventing .aoopted a new rule , via: to vote down what- exercise , | Brethren of "th e old covenant , we have oi Suta n at one fell swoop, wars it in it» ..ev'er 'any'' democrat proposes, and both With this preface concluded we will read :-| faith- in your being Poles f judge * therefore, P°wer - Hut as the press can not be anni- _Messrs. Powell nod Pendleton belong to An } Any gent ,emdn~

fl? ]owirff A ) hA ' with a 'PoIisn mind and hfat ' thera proceed- h]'ktnd ^'bi ^ remn ins for the re-actioniste ,,tSa|*parjy. Still many radios! republicans i to ^]k in the Bt?eet8 dur j ng a shower and in«B of *h>irivader bearing heavily «p(,n bu t l" ^ ^ themselves of a machinery soevgAf tf- the House, voted for I be censure of not ga llftD t enoi,gt tb offer hfs umbtrella P°lar.d. Like Poles, unite with us in a P»werfu l in the hands of the opponent sVfbrGremfc While none voted against it, neither to D8 fined $5 0q .The fact of his being common family ; use your greatest exertions U,c support of i ts own op inions . It beeatae,j ^e House nor in theSenate; the motions Bubject to BroDCn j ^ attacks no excuse for for the emaaeipatlbn of our common coun- "'erefnro , necessary t., engage novae literarywerj^bled apparently on other and to us the deMnquen Ho 8hou ]d either haTe try ; and. never forget-that the necessity of backs Ui do the work of scribbliri ic . An an-iaoffan'.ive, grounds, while actually their

n0 utubre!!ft or B ROUnd con8 ti tut ion . i enacting- for you diathct erteptibnal laws t ,clc in ^e / Europe ," an excellen t Germanlate «as sealed when proposed by demo- A j1Mdwnn fl .j ad _

ve&T-1J] f, a Tei] OTer her • can only cease in an entire, free, and bids- Dll> ntl > 1J< w h 'eh we e^idge for our readers ,ortta. beantiRif featum to be fined $10. j Pendent Poland. *l™ n mo"t interesting account of these ,'

Mr. Blair, ofSt Louis, and ohe Bentlemen She may p ,€aa - tWa yeil will en. \ THk Central Natiokal Com«,tt M. '""' 'T;,! .of;€h!ongo 8hould have been thelastW n to. {mnoe ftod geUff l?eau Warsaw , Sep. 9, 186a 1 hese literati . ami>ng whom there are¦ vote aft they did , and Mr. Gurlcy should cer- ¦«' ,. .«- ^!; ¦'-' ;, , ' ,, , , - uien of undoubte d talent , are remains of- ,-V , , , ,. J or failing to see "where the laugh comes .ry - .. .. . . . . , , ' , ,., ...tamly n ot have been absent on th is occa- ia " wtien a gQod joke JB oracked $1 The Replt of thb Jews. that eohool which ones followed tbephilwo- ,reion. They know well by which votes they Fqt re jali , ft pomt i e8(, dry 8tory Brothers. —Ouroommon foe having exhaust- pl,y of Ue**] - and w"e step by step led <o 'were elected. But party whims now a day s whj ch no one cftI1 evon j j e at, and then , ed a11 th« n1 118 to oruab the nation, has irreltfon-atheism Before March , 184&," "h tand higher in congress than the dicta of k,,Knin R yom-ael f, _ 6 fiv e cei:t postage ' agafn ' recourse to the old device of Musco- "'ov completely and publicl y belonged tojustice. Is the violation of sacred rights stain pH . .. , ' , j vite-Austrjan policy " divjde et impera "— the extreme left App lying to all relationsnot crime enoufch to rouse the congress of A ]ady fararing the company with music ' d'vide' and govern—and wh'at ^ bayonets, in m * corroding criticism , th oy reachedthe United States to a Sense of duty? Or Qr - jll8t .otie pj ece - b^fore

*8be has been, tunsket balls, the profanation of temples, at last that stage of frivolous n>A .«>m whichwas the official order of Gr ^nt , the order cfmxed

-m'ope ;h&n ow\ow and a half ) ftnd what the dungeons Of Siberia and the rope ln "vereign cont empt and hatightines de-reT.ok,edby..tU-ecommander-in-oh,efr notev.i.

before ahaJi* *ee«i *old that there is not a could not accomplish , he expects to attain by chred everything to be dirt and filth . Indence enoug h , that the general had viola- mu1

. nom e& hh of teJJ ; the provoking Gallician massacres and a crusade th? *y < * of these peop le, the intellectualted tbe most sacred rights of so many loyal

difftrenca beCween Yankee Doodle and-the , **»™t th« J °»*- ^d toehold the wolf DttV,d St, aU88 *«' ft /arrow minded orffio-crt izens? No sophutr j can extricate the Praj.er froin K(iVerf. "'A beW ih'red hair " puts on the Iamb' s skin , the tyrant proclaims a<>:t Person , and the liberal president, vongentlemen-from the net of " party first, "

For9moking > (18t before enteringtHe house himsel f a protector of the"nppres8ed. But bchoD;

of Koni gsberg.a ridiculou s reaction-into which they did run also on- this occa- ofaIad g(,ntlemen to be fined $2 50 others whoever can fail to perceive the claw under Rry - J n t h e most shameless manner th'eysion. The censureof Grant was a solemn. -n prop^rt -on

' ' this treacherous dieguise-whoever does not 8neered at every idea of morality, laughed;'duty -of the men chosen by the peop le to FlfI. fai i iug'to c]ai m f0rleit ,wben a good antici pate treason lurking behind ' it ? at virtoe* de^ncy, and religion , bidding 'watch .vigilantly over our rights ; butno .'par- j ^. }


; .

^^ up VnB t [to Bee how The Muscov ite ^Government, who do not ^em defiance in word and deed. The Bef-ty first. We are by no means satisfied with j fc wouId lftok

*|-j_ B 0Mti fi catB 0f admission to ad 'ni t the Jews even now in their dominions , llD ^ojclopaadists were to their Parisianthe result; but we have no means to press tJ] (j Lunatio Asylum who at a not mt^re remote period than the ' or 'g,Da»» hke slop to sparkling 'champagne,our complaints beyond -the highest author!- j ^^ Q(lt of th(j window wben gpeak . ieign of Nicl]„la8 were ba ptising chi l dren , Tne* wer« b'ackguai-ds, who in the beer-ties. Citizens thinking as we do, should ing (>f the weather) n forcibly torn away from their parests, this lJ

0U" nped Voka,re arid i> id«»e; iu theirmeet and adopt resolutions of censure to For nBf i] eoiiDg to turn t|ie page of thf) Government rests now their appeal to us drunk ?nn<iss, deposed God and His saints ,their representatives fn congress who neg- mu8ic ft ] &Aj is tioiD K at the pian0. fo-r [publiehed in No: 202 of their official or- "t

,m'1"* to create a sensation by their daringlected our cause, the plain and simple cause

enj0Tnient and eBpoe j «i]y when she gnn , th e ." Dziennik Vowszcbny "1 u pon the ^lftSPhe™ 'e s; '«e poisonous frniteol* a phil -o^8*"38

- . .' , . ¦

• ccmes to a difficult Tnalberg iau passage wrongs perpetrated upon u, in Poland , i„

that had "' Uself-sophisftIn conclusion we have yet to s.%y that (I wAfcA n(> ca n i i r $2 the country which pressed us to her bosom ?.h" eXCe led

Jfr A tt,en 'an prototypes inGrant's order is doubly based upon "false A lft ^^

tfcM ^^

I i% the l)me when everywliere el6e we were dmlectical subtlety and audacity ; modern 'prenuses; for , »f certain Jews had violated ¦ agBBlbj D1Hfe - wbitber ,h. shall allow j persecu ted by &e and sword They ddlo **""*">*

t Tf ^ ^7'^ ^tlieyegulations-of .trade, as he states the h - m {Q ,W . ^J ^ or ^. Jnt t& U8 80mQ imjlluI1ities b(lt lafia3 ar8 ^.;j f < » ™?


f b?dT|


P ""71 "order » no less outrageous and^despotic , on w them be ^of conceived in the noble spirit orCasimir ""1* P *™ Z . 1™ u ^accouotof tbe,ten thousands of Jewish c.V

weRf nn .„ filti boofc Great< Wu^pufpose it was to alleviate ™. t ^' , ^



*»; *™ •&izens who never did ^uch a thing, and fur- ]ldlir i 'theBrgunient ;t8nould beraini <)ur fate 'and incorporate us in mind and P^ d^ned all decorum, after payingthermore on account of condemning a .class,

p5tch .fork8 (he fine to be doubled _ feeling into thePolish nation ; but they are ^J8!

"* *K "T ^^ Sj-"""of whom only a very few at best could be

infomin& a lady of her fau]t8 lpei,)y intended to attach us to them , to ^^

" J


"T v lk nown to General Grant But the beauty ^ Mnm] M eepxrM m from ,Le re9t 0f the natioa i and

ed P""»-bJ «/ha»e words, "Pray, pra/of the t hing is, the premises are false posi- bc cnn 8how fa for ^ ain eVoke agftingt U8 htfte and fiC(Ju . ««« me a p.ttance; I am a poor de.il, who ,tive ly falser We hold legal affidavits in our fir8 t wiJ ] %an fight the ;„ernT. tion . Til'e Muscovite Government hope by *" th? C°U

.r8e[ °! *

a whaJe dtt? h n«*hands, sworn to by men of undoubted in- 0oe ] &Ay ^^ ftmj thep be ^^

theae means to ehake lhe brother]y ,eeling

d ron*«- *™ bottle, nay not even a single 'tegrity. who were in Grant's army for three crab ,M and T, for fir8t offftnce ^hich putf tbem j n 8uch awe ftnd faf an(] Ja" of champagne. 1 he strangeness and -months and longer, testifying to the fact _ d l0 he mwtlea t0 an ug]y w3dower ^to sowbetween us mntual mistrust, of which

^^ "t J V*, *? * * 'that a Jew never was arrested/tned or pun- |ie Uiey would not fail to take advanta^ . But 'T h ™Tti* T. V "Tl:i

?b ed for any misdemeanor. Beside Col.

Think . M|S % index flf tlj eir eff(jrt8 ape flf no aTail


J ughrthem ,n^a gold

ptece, whichFox, the foi iner aw-partner of Abraham ,. , , ,, , ; . ... , , . . n . , . , „ . . k . ., , was spent in Hippel s wine shop, amidst, . ' . . „ , the value of the rest , we will conclude the Our stay of eight centurie s on the soil o „„ ;„ „ i ; u - i .- a lL. ,.L neon , testifies to the very same fact and , . . . ' . . . u 'f f „ , v , . J , - . . , ¦ "... „ universal jubilati on , AtBOngolhoT things' . . . J . . present issue and hope that instead of mur- Poland turned us into her children. Her :, ;. ,Jrl . „ t M „ .... , . *moreover states that hre posit on in the army ..„ .- ^ , r ., . ,;. . . „ ,.v - . , f . • , , U is rekted that Max burner, on his wed-. * , , murs , we ffhall hear a demand for the re- history is onr history , her fa te is our fa te , j („„ j „ v. a c „..? : .. - i ^gave h>m opportunity * watch the conduct mainder ,. N

, arid her ^ ^ The .steefi, a,d uffec - ^¦tay;,

httd f°.rg0Uen

ATrV ! TTof the Jews, and prejudice, having bren . W0LFF «,» of onr fclloVbrethren is dearer to us

L nr 1" ' t °f ^raiped oeainst them .lie did watch them .and n - • ,. T ,, 1CC. , t j „ . , . ^ . „r ceremony, winch took place m his room ,¦/ , - * r , Cincinnati , Jan. 13. 186J• tpan any material advantage soever. We . ,,„„ ,u „ ^ - ¦ . « . i , <¦ .i.never found them wrong in any way. If ™.«r». . m .-« « •« - i 11 - i. when the minister asked for the rings, the, . , , * . . . *•— preler a clear conscience and an unb lerai sh- L„;j „„.ft „m f „„i, „« .. ¦ • r nthis does hot prove that cotton is king, es- Add„„ „, (h. PoIull c-ntr tll WatloAil 6d chnraoter , *l,ioh enaM.

'u. to look bold- j llT2' Zinf „ Th T/T ,*peoially in connection with the*25 cents or- c«.-i«.. <o,U . a«v, «a Foiaud. and J intQ eTe ft.llow.countryraan.8 r. to P'tles of th « eurtain3' Rnd baBded *J« toder , we dfj not see what will. Let Grant their Reply. •{. , / . .., ,|nJ . ' the clergyman, who bad no choice but to' . . . aji tt ic comlort ot file, l he base teuipU- »r , ,. ^ „„ - .¦ .i „produce only one case in evidence of his to our , brethren of tdh old covenant. , . . . > ^ ^ pertorro . the ceremony wit h them. Hereassertions. Several centuries ago, when fanaticism was .' ' *8 ° ° US

^°.VI e 8 a na v»r ea e° we wil] narrate a piece of sharp criticismAs regard s treason rr treachery which , rnging all over Kurope , when the institu - ^.

"j" c^Jiin r^n^^JeJa car mr'awa cT- exercisGti by a Wur t-emburg student onthey say, might have been exercised by some tions of the Middle Ages had scorn fully

V e^Crr

t^^pn ie9^'e!r g^k



Caof r

lirun0 ^

auer ' the thorough going critic—Jews, we must open the eyes of tbe press, thrust you out of tbe pale of society, and , x * -er ° *eatie

" llie said Wurtemberger one d.iy enteredA certai n ex -governor Wood , we do not "every country was rearing funeral piles fur : 1* aVB „a

'«i™ a^^V^nto the I

IIippel'&- wi,De'aboP- ^dressing Bauer with'know exactly in which business relations lie you , hoept tabr * and I iumane PolandVas the °f / a

L^P ,ve' n" pruj un o e fche sn j utatj on c0i« l-omary in his country ,. . i • .i j '« i , i lJord tor it, lor in tbe pence therp oFshal f un „ , j ' _ .- ¦> n* i - _ t xi r i> -stands to the general—enjovs the exclusive only nation .fillat, spread ' over you . her shel- ' . ,._ _ dod s greeting. Alocking at the folly of

privilege to go with the advnnce of the ar- tenng wing, and hugged you to a mother s ., not\l lh d thcref fro m m " a p.ou. eu.

om , Bauer called out ,my. lie emp loys resident ngents, mostl y bosom hand , brethren ; strengthen the hol y knot A*f J -w"h <W I I tself am Godl U P-geoessionipte , ieuds theni ou to f the lines to And mutualrelntmns were formea nmonsst of br utherbood tied on the Emv es ot the Suabian vigorousl y grasp-

buv- cot ton for him We do not know of us, and you occup ied a standing in the Po- . . . . 0-,, v. v, i .i u .u p ed the modern sophist , and throwing him to-o«y cuuun utr hiui. »» e uo iwi, auow , «i ' r » vjct ims of tne 2j tli rebruary and tbe 8tb of . , A n a i« a->i. v n j . ,oomse, what kind of oath they must tak e, lish commumty, and there was no example j

- and thi g lftst nct 0f d„Pair of tl» 8round > called out ' ^^re lies God.or what kind of information they carry to in Poland of any persecution , not only of '

a]] ^ ^^ of It is the remnants of thi s cliq ue whichthither side of Jordan. This is a fact to your faith , but of your habits and customs.

^ ' ' serv« tbe Reactionary party, and lends itw&ich twenty witnesses will swear. And the moment eanw at last when you d • ' '

Tl? FI p0I E8 0P jBV?t3H pER8UAS,0M their pens. Siich is tbe combination in Pro-

General Sullivan refused to exewteGvant 's recognized Poland to be your country, and ^r .

Dm Q() ' L ' testant Prussia which at this moment de-order, he thoug ht he was an officer of the *e acknowledged you volun tarily and from: \ _J. ___'Jl^» cries every liberal asp iration as Jewish, en-srmy and not -of a churrfh. But he was internal heartfelt conv e ction as our fellow- g^-The pri mit ive puritans in ord>r to lumniates the Jews with might and main ^fora^d after 4 days to enforce it brothers , which do nnt 'rwi in the world has substantiate their claims on the land held appealing to the lowest passion^ and tha

We dismiss^ this dry and disgusting sub- had the heart to. do as yet. ' - b y the Indian s, passed the following char- fanaticism of the multitude — Z Chronich.js ct, expecting that it will never be called AntJ ' henceforth , no one can ever deny a^teristic resolu tions: GoTaEV BURO. —A Bbqubst.—There diednp '-again. It is the fi rst time and we hope your being together with us the children . of .]. Retolved, That "the Lord' s is the earth latel y a Jewish gentleman *t Gothenburg,.M§Q the last, that a citiien of tbe U. S. thus one mother , the children o£ our country, and the fulness thereof." M. Delbanco , who left 20,000 dol lars, thedisgraced himself. Poland. ;2- Resolved, That " thesaints shall inherit interest of which is to be enrpJoyed for tbe-••— >— Onl y the foe Ij ing in wait for the perdi- f ti )0 la nd. " benefit of .kwish ycuthsdevotingtb emselv&afi "A gentleman said the other day , we t;on 0f in land—the loa only who rests his ' 3. f at olvtd, That we are saints- to scientific pursuits . . He. however , add-*ere the most boastfu l man of all the wri- ru ]9 ;n our C()U ntry upon duplici ty and ; "•** — _ :ed a clause that this restriotion to Jewishkers in the U. B., as we alwayahead or close fa|HBhood and by causing division and set- ^Major Koaengarten , of th e PhiUdel- "youths should cease the moment the Jewsliterary production , with the W. - tinR u a aJ ^^ce-this foe^nly ^akesyet

P^v cava.ry

who fell



engagement »££»

^1 am wise, (I. M. Wise. ) Served him right , distinctions with regard to you. nfear Nashville-, was- an Israelite and was K.^

Cl)rfBtitn g a8 welI M Jewa 8ho(ll4to**. , ?•:- -

¦— ^° % This fo* deliberates upon you in his coin- buried in Philadel phia , agreeably to the be eligible- for the benefit,Wfefcra **>¦* o»™> causeless never .^

j ,

Jike upon ^fa ritcS and customs

of Israel Major Blum- ,A jBWISa Dvnasty.-M. Opperfc. in-hls^»aios,i; ™* God said to Balaam , Thoof si*

^^ ; , j .^ .^ J \ e


o( iWti Blore. i. BUo_ a Hebrew.- cenTVork - Researches in Mesopotamia,''"lait-not ou rse the peopl e,for thoy are bless- \ -j> ,,,. . ., ., . , Scarcely a day passes that brings not a Jew- says the LHezreh se,ems lo have been theI **." Ko li ve that you may be under God's fri>ra 8ettlmg " A1"


10 Pm"

nce8 i and

. R0Jdj er to our

offic9 i wbo Wft8 in a bo8- cap j tal of Adiabene where there reigaedn ,rWB».ag, and you yeod not fear tbe curses in Lith u ania atii Prussia thrusts you QUt of piml , still General Grant could issue that not long before the Christian any, raopatob*.CUj& tt'wkfid.. hamaa society by legal restrictions. notorious order. wjio had been converted to Judaism*!'.-