June - Isa. I Can Do That

I remember when you were just new to An-Nur, one day you came to me holding a mop and asked me,- “What is this”? I told you that this is a mop and if someone accidently spilled water on the floor then we clean that with this mop. I also showed you how to use it. From that day whenever you find any water on the floor, you feel happy to use the mop, even sometimes you take the mop outside in the playground to mop up the rain water. You are not just a good helper, you are a very good learner, everyday you are learning English and Arabic alphabets and short suras. You have a very good finger grip and writing skills. You like to do math and language activities. You are a good friend to your peers, If any of your friends needs help you are always there to help. The other day when Samera accidently dropped the tray with flour and grain on the floor, you went there to help her to clean up. You are such a good friend! Throughout all these activities Isa was developing confidence and independence, building up self es- teem, increasing concentration and problem solving skills, learning to control hand and finger move- ments and also getting satisfaction of doing the activity. In Te Whariki New Zealand Early Childhood curriculum it states in Exploration goal -2 that, “Children will experience an environment in which they gain confidence in and control of their bodies. Written byTeacher Rosy. 16 June, 2014.


June - Isa. I Can Do That

Transcript of June - Isa. I Can Do That

I remember when you were just new to An-Nur, one day you came to me holding a mop and asked

me,- “What is this”? I told you that this is a mop and if someone accidently spilled water on the floor

then we clean that with this mop. I also showed you how to use it. From that day whenever you find

any water on the floor, you feel happy to use the mop, even sometimes you take the mop outside in

the playground to mop up the rain water.

You are not just a good helper, you are a very good learner, everyday you are learning English and

Arabic alphabets and short suras. You have a very good finger grip and writing skills. You like to do

math and language activities. You are a good friend to your peers, If any of your friends needs help

you are always there to help. The other day when Samera accidently dropped the tray with flour and

grain on the floor, you went there to help her to clean up. You are such a good friend!

Throughout all these activities Isa was developing confidence and independence, building up self es-

teem, increasing concentration and problem solving skills, learning to control hand and finger move-

ments and also getting satisfaction of doing the activity.

In Te Whariki New Zealand Early Childhood curriculum it states in Exploration goal -2 that,

“Children will experience an environment in which they gain confidence in and control of their bodies.

Written by—Teacher Rosy. 16 June, 2014.

Isa, you are an extraordinary boy. We are so pleased to have you in our centre. It has been great to

observe you confidently exploring all the learning experiences ready for you. I have noticed that you

do things that need to be done and that many children do not want to do. Whenever you find some

unwashed dishes or dirty paint brushes in the sink you wash them without anybody asking you to do.

The other day you helped me to do the washing, you carried the basket of dirty clothes to the washing

machine, then you put the clothes in the machine. When it was done I took the clean clothes and

started to hang those on the washing line. You saw me and came to help. You know how to hang the

little face clothes on the line. I have also noticed that you like to use the dustpan and the brush and

you know how to use them to clean the floor.

You enjoy doing Montessori activities, e.g. pouring, spooning, threading, using tongs etc. Very often

you help prepare fruit for morning tea. Whenever there is cooking or baking session you will always

be there, one day we boiled some eggs for morning tea, some children came to peel and slice those

eggs, you were one of them. You enjoyed peeling and slicing those eggs. You were showing other

children how to crack a boiled egg. You told them, “Just bang on the table, bang, bang”, you showed

them how to crack a boiled egg by banging on the table. And the other children copied you.