June 2017 newsletter - Makawao Hongwanji Buddhist...

Makawao Hongwanji , June 2017 Email: [email protected] Website: makawaohongwanji.org Resident Minister: Reverend William Masuda P.O. Box 188, Makawao, Maui, HI 96768 Oce Phone: (808)5727229 Emergency Phone: (808) 5731373 MAKAWAO HONGWANJI MISSION P. O. BOX 188 Makawao, HI.—96768 Return Service Requested Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID PERMIT NO. 6 Makawao, HI 96768 Sunday, June 4th, 9:00 a.m. BACCALAUREATE SERVICE Children’s Dharma School Refreshments: Water Lilies Sunday, June 11th, 9:00 a.m. PROJECT DANA SERVICE & LUNCH BWA MeeƟng Refreshments: Sweet Peas Sunday, June 18th, 9:00 a.m. FAMILY SERVICE Refreshments: Am. Beauty Roses Sunday, June 25th, 9:00 a.m. FAMILY SERVICE Refreshments: Pink Dahlias PICKLED PEACHES WORK SCHEDULE Saturdays: Harvest, Wash Tuesdays: SorƟng and Final Packing Wednesdays: Blanching, SorƟng, and Packing in Syrup (prep syrup if needed) (Syrup and boƩling on Thursdays and Fridays if necessary.) All work starts at 8:00 a.m. at kitchen (except Thursdays/Fridays start at 9:00 a.m.). Ends when done, usually 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours depending on number of workers and peaches to process for that day. AnƟcipated schedule to June 17 for last Saturday harvest, June 21 for last Tuesday nal packing.

Transcript of June 2017 newsletter - Makawao Hongwanji Buddhist...

Page 1: June 2017 newsletter - Makawao Hongwanji Buddhist …makawaohongwanji.org/june2017newsletter.pdfmango tree, one of the uncles said, “You know, somebody from the church should come











   Makawao  Hongwanji 




June  2017    E‐mail:  [email protected]     Website:  makawaohongwanji.org     Resident Minister:  Reverend William Masuda 

P.O. Box 188, Makawao, Maui, HI  96768         Office Phone:  (808)572‐7229         Emergency Phone:  (808) 573‐1373 


Makawao, HI.—96768

Return Service Requested 

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage


Makawao, HI 96768

Sunday, June 4th, 9:00 a.m. BACCALAUREATE  SERVICE  Children’s Dharma School Refreshments:  Water Lilies 

Sunday, June 11th, 9:00 a.m. PROJECT DANA SERVICE & LUNCH 

BWA Mee ng  Refreshments:  Sweet Peas 

Sunday, June 18th, 9:00 a.m. FAMILY SERVICE 

Refreshments:  Am. Beauty Roses 

Sunday, June 25th, 9:00 a.m. FAMILY SERVICE 

Refreshments:  Pink Dahlias 


Saturdays:  Harvest, Wash Tuesdays:  Sor ng and Final Packing Wednesdays:  Blanching, Sor ng, and Packing in Syrup (prep syrup if needed)     (Syrup and bo ling on Thursdays and Fridays if necessary.)    All work starts at 8:00 a.m. at kitchen (except Thursdays/Fridays start at 9:00 a.m.).  Ends when done, usually 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours depending on number of workers and peaches to process for that day.   An cipated schedule to June 17 for last Saturday harvest, June 21  for last Tuesday final packing. 

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I recently came across a short article by my dharma friend, Ogui, Koshin Sensei. This article was written in the mid-90’s while he was serving as the resident minister of the Cleveland Buddhist Temple:

“When I returned from my trip, I turned on my answering machine and heard four calls from the same person, which took up quite a bit of tape. The message was, “Jesus is the only savior! Believe in him and you’ll be saved.

Love him and you’ll be loved. Anyone who does not believe in him will go to hell!” What do you say about this message? I don’t know why but I then recalled meeting with my mother on my re-cent trip to Japan. I hadn’t seen her for five years. As soon as I opened the door to the house where I was born, there she was standing right in front of me. She didn’t say anything much, but she held my hand and with tears in her eyes, she said, “You came home!” Isn’t that nice, to be welcomed without any justification, whether I believe in her or not, or love her or not. I realized then that I was always living in her love. I am very grateful. Namu-Amida-Butsu.”

The living spiritual power of Namu-Amida-Butsu is manifested in the very moment we awaken to its all-encompassing wisdom and compassion. It is quietly present in our life since time past, but often relegated to the shadow of our conventional life. Yet, when karmic conditions ripen beyond our control and we walk through the gate of Shinjin/Faith, Amida Buddha welcomes us unconditionally just as Ogui Sensei’s mother welcomed him. No threats. No intimidation. Come forth simply as you are. How inexplicable and humbling! No words are necessary, but deep gratitude expressed as Namu-Amida-Butsu often springs forth in such moments. “When the moment of saying the Nembutsu (Namu-Amida-Butsu) arises from within, we immediately share in the benefit of being grasped by Amida, never to be abandoned” (Tannisho, Ch. 1). A quiet moment of total delight and gratitude.

Rev. William Masuda June, 2017


MHM’s famous pickled peaches are ready!  

Sale begins June 1st, call Temple Office  

572‐7229 to reserve your order. 

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  June & July 2017 Memorial Anniversaries 

(Please call Temple Office to schedule your service  ‐  572‐7229) 

             1st Year Memorial Service 2016                               1st Year Memorial Service 2016                        June 10  Tadashi Gohara                                                     July     ‐      None                                  3rd Year Memorial Service 2015                                          3rd Year Memorial Service 2015                        June 18  Yoshie Omori Okuni          July 13  Toshiko Stella Kawaharada                  June 30  Frederick Kiyoshi Fujimoto          July 19  Sueno Sue Saito                      7th Year Memorial Service 2011        7th Year Memorial Service 2011                  June 03  Tamao Otani            July 05  Tadatsugu Wayne Endo                June 26  Tom Tanizaki            July 16  Suma Masusako    13th Year Memorial Service 2005        13th Year Memorial Service 2005                June 01  Misao Honda            July 16  Roy Genpachiro Onikama    June 24  Tokio Okimoto                       17th Year Memorial Service 2001        17th Year Memorial Service 2001                 June 14  Noboru Nakanishi            July 20  Tadao Richard Sentani     June 14  Yoshimori Nomura                25th Year Memorial Service 1993        25th Year Memorial Service 1993      June 05  Tsugie Otani                    July     ‐      None                  33rd Year Memorial Service 1985        33rd Year Memorial Service 1985                June 01  Masaru Tsunozaki                    July     ‐     None                       50th Year Memorial Service 1968        50th Year Memorial Service 1968                        June     ‐     None                     July     ‐     None                                                  


Makawao Hongwanji Mission extends its deepest sympathy to families that have recently lost a  loved one: Family of the Late Mrs. Sumiko Nakashima (91) who passed away on May 3, 2017.  

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Donations - Makawao Hongwanji Mission can operate only because of the generous donations from many, many peo-ple. All donations are humbly received with sincere gratitude and appreciation. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO HAVE YOUR DONATION PRINTED IN THE NEWSLETTER OR IF YOU WISH TO HAVE YOUR DONATION LISTED AS ANONYMOUS, PLEASE INDICATE SO BY ATTACHING A NOTE TO YOUR CONTRIBUTION. Thank You!

With grateful appreciation:...Contributions April 17, 2017 to May 17, 2017 DONATIONS: Glenn Coryell In memory of Clayton Sato and Yoshie Terao - Yvonne Kishi In memory of Shirley Hamai - Clyde and Gail Hamai, Evelyn Hamai In memory of Natsu Nakamura - Emiko and Yoshiharu Nakamura, Neil and Mona Nakamura and family, Robin and Lynn and family, Lee and Gay Sibonga and family In memory of Sachiye Gohara - Robert and Iwa Yoshioka In memory of Doris and Edward Nakamoto - David Hongo In memory of Chiso Kametani - Harold Kametani, Donald and Faith Ito, Kristl and Spencer Lau, Janell and Kory Kitagawa and family In honor of Mother's Day - Yvonne Kishi Hanamatsuri service - Sharon and Floyd Nagoshi, Rogers and Karen Ishizu, Edwin and Mieko Kanemoto, Janice Watanabe, Pearl Yamamoto, Clyde and Gail Hamai, Florence Sakae, Marion Mori-kawa, Lyman & Marilyn Morikawa, Alice Sugimura, Fred and JoAnn Wong, Ken and Alma Nakano Eshinni/Kakushinni service - Janice Watanabe, Karen Ishizu, Mieko Kanemoto, Floyd and Sharon Nagoshi, Donald and Rie Taketa, Pearl Yamamoto, Gail Hamai Gotan-e service - Mieko Kanemoto, Nalani Archibeque, Diane Nako, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nagoshi, Diane Kosaka, Betsy Matsumura, Marion Morikawa, Leatrice Taketa, Alice Sugimura, Marilyn Mori-kawa, OFUSE: Funeral for Yukio Matsui - Family of Yukio Matsui In memory of Yukio Matsui - Kenneth Okamura, Blanche Ito, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sentani, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Yamamura, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hashimoto, Martha Ann Rice, Earl Zaan, Leatrice Taketa, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Nakamura, Kenneth Yamamura, Hanako Hashimoto, Harumi Ushijima In memory of Chiso Kametani - Family of Chiso Kametani, Joan Kawahara and family, Michael and Kay Ogasawara, Blanche Ito, Paul and Hedy Sentani In memory of Kay Yoshioka - Alan Arai, Sara Ritter, Merielen Gannon, Lorene Ritter, Alice Sugimura, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hirose, Janet Kamasaki 3rd year memorial for Sadamu Okuni and Yoshie Okuni - Okuni family 1st year memorial for Haruko Omori - Okuni family 3rd year memorial for Sachiye Gohara - Gohara family 1st year memorial for Tadashi Gohara - Gohara family 49th day memorial for Yukio Matsui - Family of Yukio Matsui 110TH ANNIVERSARY: Richard and Lorine De Coite, Edwin and Mieko Kanemoto, Stella Kuwae, Stephanie and Andrew Bur-dick, Faith and Donald Ito, Floyd and Sharon Nagoshi, John Mihara, Allen and Janet Fukuda, Blanche Ito, Pukalani Superette (Aric and Myles Nakashima), Gail Tanji, Evelyn Hamai, Hamai Appliance, Kenji and Fay Abe, Leah Kathleen Tinkleman, Kiyono Shimizu, Anonymous, Hiroko Noda, Robert and Sherri Okuni, Hitoshi and Kimiyo Hirayama, Paul and Jean Nishida, Hatsue Terada, Paul and Bernice Otani, Mitsuko Matsui, Ace Hardware MARMAC, Inc., Bill & Maureen Mars, Gail Matsuura NOKOTSUDO: In memory of Elaine Goshi - Tommy and Jane Sato In memory of Kay Yoshioka - Anonymous RECYCLING: Thank you to members and friends for recycling - $238.65

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President’s Message  

Lately, we have had many funeral and memorial services.  It made me think of when my dad passed away over 25 years ago.  Although he had a funeral plan, my mom and I (with some difficul es) needed to arrange his service.   A few years later, my wife’s good friend’s dad passed away.  We went over to the family’s house to say our condolences.  While  having a beer with a couple of the rela ves under the mango tree, one of the uncles said, “You know, somebody from the church should come over and help the family with the funeral service”.  From then on, I decided that I would assist our temple members with their funeral services.     When Janie Karimoto was our temple secretary, she handled all of the funeral consulta ons and service arrangements with the family and minister.  A er Janie re red, the temple formed a Funeral/Nokotsudo Commi ee headed by Hedy Sentani.  I would like to personally thank her and the other commi ee mem‐bers for volunteering their  me and services in assis ng the families.      Should you have any ques ons regarding funeral services or need assistance (at  me of need), please con‐tact the temple office and ask to speak to one of our commi ee members.  We are here to help.  In Gassho, 



The GARAGE SALE  will be held on Saturday, July 1st, 7 a.m.  ‐  2 p.m. and Sunday,  July 2nd,  7 a.m.  ‐  12 p.m.  The BAZAAR will be on Sunday only, July 2nd.   Bazaar items for sale will include chow fun, nishime, fruits and vegetables, sweet potato manju, sushi, pickled peaches, sanbaizuke, spam musubi & biscuits.   The Bazaar commi ee would appreciate any dona ons of fruits, vegetables, (any produce) and flowers you may have growing in your yard.  If you have some free  me, help will be appreciated.  If you are not able to come, but would like to help, dona ons of ingredients such as rice, nori, vinegar, sugar, tuna, etc., is a great way to help.  

Garage Sale Work Schedule:   June 20 ‐ 23…..8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Tues. – Friday)   June 26 – 30…..8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Mon. – Friday) Bazaar Help Work Schedule:   Friday, June 30: Chop vegetables for chow fun & nishime 8:00 a.m.   Saturday, July 1, Make spam musubi 5:00 a.m. Kitchen help 7:00 a.m.   Make manju A er lunch.   Sunday, July 2 Make spam musubi 4:30 a.m. Make sushi 6:00 a.m. Please call the temple office (572‐7229) if you have any ques ons. 

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Star ng Time:  8:00 a.m.  

Please come out for our semi‐annual General Clean‐up.  It would be helpful if you bring some of your own tools or window cleaning supplies.  Trucks are also needed to dump rubbish. 

CLEANINGASSIGNMENTS: Men                            Weed, cut grass, trim hedges and trees (Makawao side) of temple grounds to include         vacant lot.            Ladies              Clean inside temple.  Polish altar.           Wash temple windows and clean Nokotsudo. Jr. Y.B.A.    Clean restrooms.                           Judo Club    Clean Judo Hall and porch.  Weed in front of temple property and along the Kihei         side of property.                                           Cub Scouts    Clean windows and screen in the Social Hall.     Boy Scouts    Weed around minister’s residence, Project Dana House, and Boy Scouts House.           Pick‐up and dump rubbish.  Lunch will be provided. 


By:  Alison  

  The Senior Program in April stated with a re‐port on the Rat Lungworm Disease.  Everyone was in‐terested in the preven on of this disease and learning how to clean the vegetables we consume.  For more informa on, check out the handout we le  in the office.   Our next ac vity was to make leis for the 110th Anniversary celebra on.  Be y Hirose taught the la‐dies to make yarn leis.   Imagine, we have to make 

more than 100 leis!  We all had fun working together.  To our delight, lunch was served.  We stopped mak‐ing leis and enjoyed a wonderful lunch prepared by Glenna with potluck from the rest of us.  Sensei said we have good cooks!   Our next Senior Program will be held on May 25th.  Ac vi es will include making favors for our Pro‐ject Dana Service and doing things to help the Bazaar Commi ee.  Please come help us with projects and “talk story”.  We enjoy the company.   On Sunday, June 11th, we will be holding our annual Project Dana Service.  Please join us for service as well as lunch.   

Prepara on for July 2017 Plant Sale 

     Customers love the variety of plants and difficult to find plants which are sold at the MHM Plant Sale. This  is possible only because of the volunteers who take care of their plants all year round and support MHM by dona ng them for the sale. We hope for another successful Plant Sale in 2017. Remember that even one plant is appreciated.      Plants may be dropped off on Thursday June 29 or Friday June 30 in front of the restroom area. Please leave your name at the office or put a label so we know who donated the plants. Or call Sharon or Calvin Higuchi at 572‐9343 for pick‐ups.  


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By:  Kiyo 

Like the primary class, the upper grade students expanded their understanding of the essence of St. Shinran’s teaching of Namo Amida Butsu: Amida Buddha’s Wisdom and Compassion ac‐cepts us just as we are. Referring to the context of our previous lessons on the Eigh old Path, a though ul discussion ensued on what “Come just as you are” means.  Each student made a meaningful Dharma connec on. One 3rd grader said when she plays with her BFF she’s happy and being myself; she’s unhappy and not herself when her BFF feels ignored and gets upset.  A 4th grader is responsible for feeding her dog everyday, but she has to admit that some mes she forgets and the consequence is her pet goes hungry.  A 6th grader, who is, in every respect, a du ful young lady, confessed that she is addict‐ed to youtube.com. This can cause problems (“Dinner  me!”) when she’s so intensely preoc‐cupied, she doesn’t respond to her family’s calls. They understood that even if they are not perfect, Amida accepts them, just as their par‐ents do, uncondi onally. 



By:  Sharon N. 

With our hands clasped in Gassho, we say Namo Amida Butsu..  “Amida Buddha is always with me.  I am thankful.  I am happy.”  Our Dharma School li le ones learned the meaning of the Nem‐butsu which is Shinran’s most important teaching.  They also developed an apprecia on for what the nenju symbolizes to them each  me they place hands together in Gassho.  The two beads at the sides represent the Dharma and Sangha.  The larg‐est bead in the middle represent Amida Buddha.  The beads are strung together as a reminder of our “togetherness” with Ami‐da, family, and friends.  A read‐aloud was the book en tled “Always” by Emma Dodd.  No ma er how the baby elephant behaved, his mother was always there for him just like Amida Buddha who accepts us just as we are. 

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June    Pickled Peach Season con nues  (call office for schedule) June 4    Children’s Dharma School, Baccalaureate Service      (Speaker Mrs. Susan Scofield) June20‐30  Bazaar and Garage Sale Prepara on July 1    Garage Sale July 2    Bazaar and Garage Sale July 16   Summer General Clean‐up July 21‐22   Obon Service and Celebra on August 27  Dharma School Picnic – Lahaina Jodo Mission Sept. 6‐7  Gomonshu Otani Visit to Maui, 9/6 ‐ Affirma on Rites, Wailuku Hong.      5:30 pm. 9/7 ‐  Visit to Makawao Hongwanji, 9:30‐10:30  am Sept. 10  Grandparents Day Sept. 17  Children’s Dharma School registra on, Peace Day Sept. 24  Autumn Higan Service  

July 1 – Rodeo Parade Day:  Paniolo Pancake Breakfast, 7:30‐9:00 am. at Makawao History Museum.  Tickets are at the Museum, Habibi Restaurant or day of breakfast.  You’ll flip over Paniolo Pancakes and Portuguese Sausage. Sept. 21 – Interna onal Peace Day.   If you would like to help with this event, please contact Marilyn at 572‐7445. 

  As the school year came to an end, and we  celebrated the Class of 2017 with our Aloha Gradua on Program.  Our 26 graduates are Aidan, Bree, Brynn, Elizabeth, Hanalei, Julie e, Juniper, Kalici, Kaya, Keali’ipunahele, Kona, Lexi, Liana, Luke, Maika, Mandi, Mason, Mia, Nina, Rielle, Sierra, Sunny, Talia, Trayson, Trityn, and Wayne.     We took a field trip to Pukalani Elementary to see a “BIG SCHOOL” and enjoyed mee ng the teachers and students in their classrooms.  Our preschoolers enjoyed hearing the students share what they like to do in kindergarten.     We say aloha and best wishes to our friends and families who will be leaving our preschool.  We look forward to our returning students and new friends to greet in the new school year.   

  Many thanks to preschool families, Preschool Board members (Bobbi, Alison, Lois, Fred, Hedy, Loren, and Sean),  pre‐school staff (Iris, Jody, Tricia, and Jena), Angelo and the Lee Ohana who maintains the school and grounds.   


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Old Business:   110th Anniversary:  Pacific Asphalt contract for new driveway in front of temple discussed.  Floyd     will sign contract to proceed.   Sangha Township Mee ng:  A er service on May 28th.  Topics will be new minister and peach‐tree     lot development.   Temple Ground Sign:  Re‐do signage through Ryan Suzuki.     Peach‐Tree Lot Development:  Addi onal quote received.  Report submi ed showing development     costs/rental income/interest rates.     Pauwela Memorial Bell:  Commi ee decided on hanging the bell under the Temple lanai, same side     as the current bell.  Bronze memorial  plaque will be displayed.   Garage Sale:  Gail suggested set‐up to begin June 21st, earlier than previous years.     Obon:  July 21 & 22.  Dance prac ce sessions will be held June 7 and 8.   Long Range Ad Hoc:   Op ons for new minister are 1) another BCA re red minister and 2) share      ministers with other willing Maui temples.   Report submi ed. Minister’s Report:   Maui Nembutsu Seminar will be held on November 10‐12, 2017.    MHM Eitaikyo service will be held November 12, 2017. Affiliate Organiza ons:   Dharma School:  June 4th speaker will be Susan Schofield.   Judo:  Back to two classes per week.  Honpa Hongwanji Tournament will be during the Labor Day     weekend.   Boys Scout:   Camping at MHM.     Announcements:   MHM will par cipate in the Kaunoa Senior Center Obon on June 2 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.   Joint Conference (BWA, Jr. YBA, Layman’s Conven on, and Dharma School) will be held on      September 1‐3, 2018 on Kauai.     100th Anniversary will be taking photos on May 28th for booklet.    (Full Council Minutes plus reports can be obtained at Temple Office.) 

BOYS SCOUT HOUSE FACE LIFT In a ma er of days, the Boys Scout House received new walls and looks great.   The project was jointly funded by Troop 18 Boy Scouts and MHM Buddhist Temple.  Thank you Troop 18 for doing all the planning and hiring of workers. 

Jeff Peterson, son of MHM temple member Susan Wachter, brought home a Na Hoku Award 2017.  “Peterson’s album highlights the Maui‐born musician’s range of styles and pays homage to some of his favorite places, from Haleakala  Ranch and Olin‐da on Maui to Sandy Beach and Lanikai on Oahu.”  The Maui News, May 22, 2017.  

Congratula ons, Jeff!  This is a big deal! 

Page 10: June 2017 newsletter - Makawao Hongwanji Buddhist …makawaohongwanji.org/june2017newsletter.pdfmango tree, one of the uncles said, “You know, somebody from the church should come

Marched from Makawao Hongwanji to Maui Veterans Cemetery to plant Memorial Day Flags 

(they con nued on to St. Joseph, then marched back to Makawao Hongwanji) 

Flag Placement at Maui Veterans Cemetery ended with Taps played by Xaden Nishimitsu on Trumpet 


Flag Re rement Ceremony led by Xaden Nishimitsu 


Page 11: June 2017 newsletter - Makawao Hongwanji Buddhist …makawaohongwanji.org/june2017newsletter.pdfmango tree, one of the uncles said, “You know, somebody from the church should come



“Keeping the Heart of the Buddha Dharma.”

Makawao Hongwanji 1907—2017

WE’RE ALMOST THERE! Our goal is to raise $110,000 for our 110th Anniversary Cele-bration. With just four months to go, and your generous donations to date, we have reached 80% of our goal. Please continue your support and help us get to 100%. Thank you very much!


If you can help… We are accepting donations now through October, 2017.

Please Send Checks to Makawao Hongwanji - Anniversary Committee P.O. Box 188, Makawao, Hi, 96768.

In Gassho, 110th Anniversary Committee HELP US REACH OUR GOAL!!!

Page 12: June 2017 newsletter - Makawao Hongwanji Buddhist …makawaohongwanji.org/june2017newsletter.pdfmango tree, one of the uncles said, “You know, somebody from the church should come

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 7 am ~ 2 pm

Garage Sale

2 7 am ~ 12 noon Garage Sale & Bazaar

3 8:30 am Chanting 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

4 8:30 am Fitness Prog

5 8:30 am Chanting

6 8:30 am Fitness Prog 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

7 8:30 am Chanting

8 8:00 am Clean-up “Pukalani” 8:30 am Fitness Prog

9 9:00 am Family Service

10 8:30 am

Chanting 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

11 8:30 am Fitness Prog

12 8:30 am Chanting

13 8:30 am Fitness Prog 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

14 8:30 am Chanting

15 8:00 am Nokotsudo Cleaning “Pukalani” 8:30 am Fitness Prog

16 8:00 am General Clean-up

17 8:30 am Chanting

6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

18 8:30 am Fitness Prog

19 8:30 am Chanting

20 8:30 am Fitness Prog 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

21 Obon

22 Obon

23 9:00 am Family Service ____________ 30 9:00 am Family Service

24 8:30 am Chanting 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo ___________________


25 8:30 am Fitness Prog

26 8:30 am Chanting

27 8:30 am Fitness Prog 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

28 8:30 am Chanting

29 8:00 am Nokotsudo Cleaning “Pukalani” 8:30 am Fitness Prog


June – July 2017 

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 8:30 am Fitness Prog 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

2 8:30 am Chanting

3 8:00 am Nokotsudo Cleaning Haiku, Paia, Wailuku Haliimaile,Kahului 8:30 am Fitness Prog

4 9:00 am Baccalaureate Service & Children’s Dharma School

5 8:30 am Chanting 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

6 8:30 am Fitness Prog

7 8:30 am Chanting 7:00 pm Obon Practice

8 8:30 am Fitness Prog 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

9 8:30 am Chanting

10 8:00 am Clean-up Haiku, Paia, Wailuku Haliimaile, Kahului 8:30 am Fitness Prog

11 9:00 am Project Dana Service & Lunch

12 *Office

Closed Kamehameha Day 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

13 8:30 am Fitness Prog

14 8:30 am Chanting

15 8:30 am Fitness Prog 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

16 8:30 am Chanting

17 8:00 am Nokotsudo Cleaning Haiku,Paia,Wailuku Haliimaile,Kahului 8:30 am Fitness Prog

18 9:00 am Family Service

19 8:30 am Chanting

6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

20 8:30 am Fitness Prog

21 8:30 am Chanting Sewing Class 8:30 am-12 noon

22 8:30 am Fitness Prog 8:30 ~ 12:00 noon Senior Program

23 8:30 am Chanting

24 8:30 am Clean-up Haiku, Paia, Wailuku Haliimaile,Kahului 8:30 am Fitness Prog

25 9:00 am Family Service

26 8:30 am Chanting

27 8:30 am Fitness Prog

28 8:30 am Chanting

29 8:30 am Fitness Prog

30 8:30 am Chanting