June 16, 2019


Transcript of June 16, 2019

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Rev. Artur Sowa, Pastor

The St. Francis of Assisi Community is a welcoming Christian family. We believe in Jesus Christ and are guided by the Holy Spirit and the example of St. Francis. We gather to celebrate, to grow in the knowledge of our faith rooted in the Catholic tradition, and to recognize our responsibility to reach out to the world.

June 16, 2019


Father’s Day Blessing Dear God, we give thanks for fathers.we recognize the dedi-cation and patience it takes to be a source of compassion and understanding when help-ing to shape a young life. Bless all fathers, especially those who are new in this sacred role. We pray they feel Your presence with them. May they know that Your strength and wisdom are within them, providing all they need to guide and support their chil-dren with kindness and love. Notes on the Scripture “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” It’s easy to take this formula for granted. Every time we attend Mass, we make the sign of the cross and say, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Many of us also make the sign of the cross be-fore meals or to begin our personal prayers. Because we are so used to hearing this Trinitarian reference to the one God in three persons, we might tend to gloss over its significance. But today, on the feast of the Most Holy Trinity, we stop to remind ourselves what this really means. Perhaps the most beautiful part of this great mystery of God’s nature is what it means for us. We believe in a God whose very essence is made up of loving relation-ships between three divine persons. It follows that, as people made in God’s image (cf. Gn 1:27), we are to live in loving relationships. We are made to love: to love God, to love one another, and to love ourselves. Our God is not a force, a power, or an idea. Our God is a personal God who loves each of us and calls us to do the same.

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Monday, June 17 ♦ St. Francis Golf League, 7:30 am (Off

Campus) ♦ Southwest Community Music Camp, 8:30

am (SFC) ♦ New Family RE Registration, 9:00am-3:00

pm (SFC) Tuesday, June 18 ♦ Southwest Community Music Camp, 8:30

am (SFC) ♦ New Family RE Registration, 9:00am-3:00

pm (SFC) ♦ Book Club, 1:00 pm (NR) ♦ Adult Faith Formation Committee, 7:00 pm

(GR) Wednesday, June 19 ♦ Bereavement Committee, 8:30 am (NR) ♦ Southwest Community Music Camp, 8:30

am (SFC) ♦ New Family RE Registration, 9:00am-3:00

pm (SFC) ♦ OA Meeting, 9:30 am (GR) ♦ Continuation Committee, 7:00 pm (GR) Thursday, June 20 ♦ Southwest Community Music Camp, 8:30

am (SFC) ♦ New Family RE Registration, 9:00am-3:00

pm (SFC) ♦ Friends of St. Francis, 12:00 pm (UH) ♦ PPC Year-End Meeting, 6:30 pm (GR) ♦ St. Vincent de Paul, 7:00 pm (NR) Friday, June 21 ♦ Southwest Community Music Camp, 8:30

am (SFC) ♦ Southwest Community Music Camp Con-

cert, 5:00 pm (UH) ♦ A.A. Meeting, 7:30 pm (NR)

Sunday, June 23 ♦ Adoration, 7:00 pm (CH)


July 11, 2019 Cancer Support Group (see pg. 10) July 30, 2019 Rotary White Sox Game (see pg. 04) August 17 Parish Summerfest (watch for more information!)

Summerfest 2019

Christ Renews His Parish - CRHP

MEN’S CHRP FEB. 29/MAR.1, 2020

WOMEN’S CHRP MAR. 14/15, 2020


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RESPECT LIFE “Each [IUI and IVF] procedure involved liv-ing human beings— individuals with unique DNA, who deserve to be treated with the dignity of human persons. … They should no more be frozen or disposed of like la-boratory waste than the rest of us. They bear—as all human beings do—the image and likeness of God, the Father of all.”

USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities “Life Matters: Reproductive Technology”

Teen Adoration, June 23, 2019 7:00-9:00 PM In the Church

Prayer and Pizza

St. Coletta's of Illinois (aka The Kennedy School)

in Tinley Park now has an Autism Engagement Program that provides structured, meaningful tasks on a daily schedule tailored to each individual.

Activities include Life Skills, Art Exploration, Sensory Engagement, Gym/Fitness and Community Outings each weekday 8:30 am to 2:30 pm.

If interested call social worker Heather Benedick at 708-342-5200.

TABLECLOTHS OF FAITH June 2nd at 10:30am Mass our 1st Communicants came together to give thanks for the

wonderful year of preparation to receive the Eucharist. Every child and their family contributed to the Travelling Tablecloths of Faith which were on display in the St. Francis room hallway. We pray that our children and their families grow in their love of Christ through the Eucharist.

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The word CANCER strikes fear in one’s heart! A cancer support group is forming at St. Francis of Assisi starting July 9th at 10:00 am. If you or a family member lives with cancer or recovering from cancer, you are encouraged to participate in our support group. The group will meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10 am.

to help with home deliveries to Sacred Heart parishioners

on Saturday, July 6!

We have so much to be thankful for in this country. Please spare 4 hours this

Independence Day weekend to help us distribute care packages directly to our

fellow Americans who are less fortunate.

Meet at St. Francis lower level entrance fac-ing Wolf Road at 8:30 a.m

Return to St. Francis around 12:30 p.m.

Hopkins Park residents are especially in need of toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissue, toothpaste, bar soap, shampoo, laundry soap,

adult diapers, baby diapers, bottled water, Ensure or other nutrition drinks.

Bring what you can on July 6 or drop off

at the church office marked as "Sacred Heart Donation"

Please contact Joyce at (708) 250 9022 if you

can join us on July 6!

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Over 300 parishioners of all ages from seven parishes coming together to build the walls of houses for Habitat for Humanity! Let the pictures speak for the success!


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Adult Faith Formation

A few months ago, I asked for suggestions for this column. One that I received, asked me to discuss proper clothing for Mass. The writer included his/her list. Let me begin with a story I think is accurate and heard for many years but never fully verified. In 1925, Fr. Steve McMahon founded Lit-tle Flower Parish (about 80th and Wood); he was retired by Cardinal Cody in 1966, 41 years as pas-tor. He was beloved. In his tenure, he enforced his own set of rules for church attire. In sum-mer months (without AC), a man was ex-pected to wear a tie or, if no tie, a suit coat. The pastor would stand in the back of church and if the attire was not proper, he would send the man home. This may be apocryphal, but I have heard this story

enough that it rings true. (I don’t know the rules for women.) I also heard that some bristled at his policies. Since he did not change, I assume neg-ative responses were minimal. I can only imagine what would happen if I or Fr Artur were stand-ing in the Narthex and informing a parishioner they were not appropri-ately dressed. Telling them they were only to return when wearing “proper church attire”. Today such direct con-frontation would be experienced as unac-ceptable. We live in a world of self-governance – so who am I to say what is or is not appropriate. The person who raised the question has a val-id concern. Is there inappropriate manner of dressing? We live in a casual world. The church experiences

that casual attitude as do so many other pub-lic venues. Some will say such a discussion is irrelevant – the church should be glad that we come and not concerned how we are dressed. Some validity to that perspec-tive. The only answer I offer for the question raised is: use common sense. Kids come in sports uniforms be-cause they are going to or coming from a game – understanda-ble and makes sense. Someone comes look-ing like they have run in a marathon or spent hours doing lawn work – a check of that look, before coming to Mass, is suggested. We want people to come to Mass. We want people to feel welcome. No one will ever be asked to leave because of how they dress. In this day and age, a lot of money is spent on clothes and appearance by both


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men and women, think for a moment on your appearance as you enter into a sacred space.

Does this article reflect a concern that belongs at the top of a list of major church prob-lems? The world, the church, families have more serious worries

and concerns. This re-flection, suggested by a parishioners, was simply asking us to think about how we influence one another.

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION, James Field, Copyright © J.S. Paluch Co.

Today’s feast, extending a dimension of Easter joy into Ordinary Time, re-minds us that every as-pect of worship centers on the mystery of God in three persons. At baptism, we are initiat-ed into Christ and the Spirit. The Creed we re-cite at Mass every Sun-day has its roots in the ancient celebration of baptism, when a new believer was questioned at the edge of the waters of the font with three questions: Do you be-lieve in God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit? Three questions, three affirmations, three im-

mersions into the saving waters. Because every liturgy abounds with ref-erences to the Trinity, not only in words but in blessings by the sign of the cross, this feast was not easily accepted into the calendar. Pope Alexander in the eleventh century re-marked that the liturgy is so laden with praise of the Trinity that there was no need for a special feast. Two hundred years later, while in exile in France, Pope John XXII proclaimed the feast, but it was not until 1911 that Pope St. Pius X gave it status as a so-lemnity.

A favorite image in art for today is the Icon of the Trinity, showing three glorious winged men seated at a table laden with bread and a cup of wine. It recalls Abra-ham’s hospitality to an-gels and gives expres-sion to the inner life of God, a life lived in rela-tionship, a life poured out in abundance whenever Christians gather at the table of the Eucharist to give praise to the Father, in Christ, in the embrace of the Spirit.

RECONCILED DIVERSITY, Copyright © J.S. Paluch Co.

Today we celebrate the Holy Trinity, one of the most confounding myster-ies of our faith. Through this mystery we experi-ence our relationship to God: Creator, Savior, and Holy Spirit. This relation-ship is not easy to under-stand or to describe. It does not become clearer through analysis. Its com-plexity mirrors the com-plexity of all our relation-ships. We understand our relationships with our spouses, our children, our parents, and our friends only through daily give-

and-take, annual rituals, and the life-changing mo-ments we share. We un-derstand our relationships only as we live them. The relationships we have with those we love, and who love us, sustain us through an uncertain and difficult life. This is the Holy Trinity. What is striking about to-day’s readings is that each is incomplete. What they do offer is a descrip-tion of a moment in our relationship, a memory of a time and an event when

our relationship made sense even though that sense may be beyond our ability to describe fully. Often that is all that our faith offers, that is, a memory of what is possi-ble, what is promised, what has been given. A memory of eternity, of love beyond understand-ing is to be cherished and nurtured even if not fully understood. This is the Holy Trinity

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Are you interested in being a volunteer with PADS but want to learn more, possibly volunteer once to see what’s involved? There is significant need over the summer months. Great opportunity to serve others as a family, social group, or individu-ally. Can you commit to ONE SHIFT? A note and appeal from Josie Mattern, Volunteer Coordinator DuPage PADS: Summer is our most challenging time to provide food, shelter and safety to the families and individ-uals who are homeless in DuPage County. And we need YOUR help! Thursday, June 13th in Lisle Overnight Monitoring 9:30pm-1:30am Monday, June 17th in Wheaton Dinner and Setup 5:30pm-9:00pm Overnight Monitoring 9:00 pm-1:30 am Overnight Monitoring 1:30am-5:00am (early Tues-day morning) Breakfast and Cleanup 5:00am-7:30am (early Tuesday morning) Wednesday, June 19th in Carol Stream Overnight Monitoring 9:00 pm-1:30 am Overnight Monitoring 1:30am-5:00am (early Thurs-day morning) Breakfast and Cleanup 5:00am-7:30am (early Thursday morning) Saturday, June 22nd in Oakbrook Dinner and Setup 5:30pm-9:00pm Overnight Monitoring 9:00 pm-1:30 am Overnight Monitoring 1:30am-5:00am (early Sun-day morning) Breakfast and Cleanup 5:00am-7:30am (early Sunday morning) Monday, June 24th in Wheaton Dinner and Setup 5:30pm-9:00pm Overnight Monitoring 9:00 pm-1:30 am Overnight Monitoring 1:30am-5:00am (early Tues-day morning)

Breakfast and Cleanup 5:00am-7:30am (early Tuesday morning) We need your help providing dinner and breakfast meals at our sites. See meal needs and available dates here: https://dupagepads.org/dupagepads-meal-needs/

Thank YOU again for your donation of time and services! YOU are part of the solution to end homelessness. Learn more at: dupagepads.org / be part of the solution. Or contact Debbie Burzinski at [email protected]

“There is significant need over the summer months. Great opportunity to serve others as a family, social

group, or individually.”

Coupons for Courage We continue to collect coupons for the COURAGE program. This unique ministry advocates for pregnant young women following Christian values. We accept any current coupons for baby products such as diapers, formula, and bath items. The coupon box is located on the counter, in the coat closet, off the narthex. Won’t you help young women, faced with a diffi-cult situation choosing life for their babies? For more information about COURAGE, go to their web site at: www.courageprogram.org

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Joseph Chiappetta Jim Gervais

Michelina Malfeo Rudolph Slovick

Greetings, my name is Jay Suero and am filled with joy and great expectations to have been assigned to St. Francis of As-sisi to be your new Associate Pastor! I was born March 21, 1988, in Chicago and raised in the west suburb of Downers Grove. I was born to Maxie and Erlita, both of Filipino de-scent, and have one older brother by the name of Josh. The first time I started thinking about the priesthood was during my undergrad. I was looking deeper into my Catholic faith and soon found a friend that would not only help me learn more about the faith but help me discern the priesthood. I came to realize that I did not only want to

point people to Christ, but also to give Christ in the Eucharist and the Sacraments. How-ever, I had my doubts about my own worthi-ness. Fortunately, God answered my doubts through the words of St. Thérèse of Lisieux in that “God would not make me wish for something impossible and so, in spite of my littleness, I can aim at being a saint.” I fol-lowed that desire and soon entered the semi-nary in 2013.

New Associate to join parish, July, 2019



Our next meeting date is: June 18

We will discuss “What Alice Forgot” by, Liane Moriarty

1:00 pm in the Niehaus Room


Next Month: No meeting in July - Summer Vacation

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With joy, we announce the marriage of

Brendan Surmeier & Megan Dyer

on June 8, 2019

May your lives always be blessed

with God’s love!

We joyfully welcomed the following children into our Christian community

June 2, 2019

Michael Ignatius Connors

Son of Royston & Michelle (Rogers) Connors

Elijah Avery Garcia

Son of Christian & Vivian (Rodriguez) Garcia

Rosalee Bea Hiler

Daughter of Cory HIler & Amanda Slakaitis

Jasmin Aliyah Ramirez Daughter of Justin & Felicia Ramirez

Bennett Wayne Wilcoxen

Son of Kenneth & Meghan (Klein) Wilcoxen

June 9, 2019

Evelyn Grace Chesak Daughter of Joe & Natalie (Gonzalez)


Henry Lawrence Kibler Son of Kyle & Amy (Craigmile) Kibler

Bennett Eric Kruse

Son of Eric & Emily (Martinez) Kruse

Liam Anthony Mann Son of Jacob & Ashley (Gonzalez) Mann

Mary Michaela Martire

Daughter of Matthew Martire & Amanda Graham

Harper Grey Sanchez

Daughter of William & Laura (Baker) Sanchez

Josie Marie Viso

Daughter of Michael & Kristen (McErlean) Viso

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Casper Broclawik

Fred Clavio

Carol Colby

James Devine

Dylan Dryer

Lisa Enguita

Griselda Evano

Phyllis Farrington

Denis Fellman

Jim & Carol Gervais

Dolores Grekowicz

Donald Griner

Marilyn Kane

Joseph Kress

Grace McGuire

Gwen Norvilas

Alexandra Parks

Giovanna Picciolini

Bill Powers

Thomas Small

Chuck Springer

Louis Tassone

Marianne Vancina

Shirley Wagner

Cecilia Wolf

Saturday, June 15 5:15 PM Ernie Horvath, rq. by Barbara Horvath and Jim Mangan & Mildred Rodgers, rq. by Bobbi Mangan and Al Gonska, rq. by Darlene Gonska and Rose & Edward Plewa, rq. by Phyllis Sullivan and Adam Stanek & Dominic Lopuszynski, rq. by George & Eva Lopuszynski Sunday, June 16 7:30 AM John & Mary B. Foley, rq. by Family and Daniel S. O’Rourke, rq. by Sally O’Rourke and Gloria Regocki, rq. by Susan Rzegocki and Tony Ciarrocchi, rq. by Mike & Roxanne Zoladz 9:00 AM James & Alice Murphy, rq. by Family and Mary Januszyk, rq. by Don & Rosemary Januszyk and Edward Szczypka and Betty Gay, rq. by Michael & Lisa Pindelski and Brian Neville, rq. by Greg & Pam Gervais 10:30 AM James McCormick, rq. by Carmen Luna and Deceased members of Bafia Family, rq. by Liptak Family and Robert Skvarla, rq. by Jill Topf & Family and Kevin Connolly, rq. by Connolly Family and Stanley Pytel, rq. by Pytel Family 12:00 PM People of St. Francis Monday, June 17 7:45 AM Elizabeth Zavodny, rq. by McKane Family and Don Gray, rq. by Dolores Grekowicz and Adolfina, Maria, and Adam Stanek, rq. by Eva & George Lopuszynski and Special intention for Sherrie Anderson and Sigita Damasius, rq. by Diana Negro Tuesday, June 18 7:45 AM Joyce March, rq. by Joseph March and Phyllis Babich, rq. by Jimmy & Lucy Wednesday, June 19 7:45 AM Jean Lipetzky, rq. by McDonald & DiPolo Family and Richard Lozano, rq. by Family and Joseph T. Hunt, Jr., rq. by Sister, Kathleen Matthews Thursday, June 20 7:45 AM People of St. Francis Friday, June 21 7:45 AM Marvin & Esther Phillips, rq. by Family and Anna Kubicz, rq. by Family Saturday, June 22 5:15 PM Jomyla & Fred Schmeltzer, rq. by Bobbi Mangan and Francis Durkin, rq. by The Carlo Family and Janice Zuber, rq. by Mike & Virginia Lesnet and Beverly Belford, rq. by Barbara Petrick and Nick & Cecilia Piazza, rq. by Mike & Roxanne Zoladz Sunday, June 23 7:30 AM Marie Jean Skorup, rq. by Emil Skorup and Edward & Concetta Odekirk, rq. by Rita Killoren 9:00 AM Mary Murphy, rq. by Jack & Peg Sheehan and Schweiger & Norris Families, rq. by Family and Tim Sullivan, rq. by Nancy Sullivan and Amanda Stanton, rq. by Family 10:30 AM People of St. Francis 12:00 PM Johne Cusic, rq. by P.J. Cusic and Cody DiGiovine, rq. by Ramona Branchaw and Jacky Magafas, rq. by Jeff & Paula Belski










Monday: 2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps 98:1, 2b, 3-4; Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday: 2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146:2, 5-9a; Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday: 2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112:1bc-4, 9; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: 2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps 111:1b-4, 7-8; Mt 6:7-15 Friday: 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Ps 34:2-7; Mt 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34:8-13; Mt 6:24-34 Sunday: Gn 14:18-20; Ps 110:1-4; 1 Cor 11:23-26;Lk 9:11b-17

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Please visit the St. Francis Liturgical Minister Web Terminal for the most up to date schedule or to volunteer.



06/09/19 Year to Date

Budgeted $ 23,480.00 $ 1,150,520.00

Collected $ 22,663.00 $ 1,157,158.00

Net ($ 817.00) $ 6,638.00

2019 Easter Giving: $112,054.02

Parish Stewardship Please consider signing up for

electronic giving.

Go to our website, www.sfaorland.org

and press the “Donate Now” button.

You can also use the yellow form in your envelope packet or

call the office to sign up: 708-460-0042

June 22 5:15 PM (Mass)

June 23 7:30 AM (Mass)

June 23 9:00 AM (Mass)

June 23 10:30 AM (Mass)

June 23 12:00 PM (Mass)

Presider Rev. Rich Young Rev. Artur Sowa Rev. Artur Sowa Rev. Ed Upton Rev. Ed Upton

Deacon VOLUNTEER NOW Daniel Carroll John Donahue Mike Kiley Michael Pindelski

Sacristan Elaine Erdman Cynthia Bennecke Betty Kameron Marjorie Curran Jean Nielsen

Lector Jill Dwyer (1) William Farrell (2)

Gabby Bach (1) Gerald Saletta (2)

Vincent Pryor (1) Jerri LaRoche (2)

Lynn Pajon (1) Greg Moe (2)

Carolyn Kimmey (1) Warren Winker (2)

Eucharistic Minister

Robert Carlo Victoria Carlo Elaine Erdman H. Paul Harms Lisa Kacerovskis Lorraine Martenson Mary McNaughton Robert Nerius Maureen Niswonger Casimir (Casey) Pytel Pat Trebe Rev. Rich Young

Harriet Antkiewicz Paula Belski David Burns Daniel Carroll Daniel Faxel Patricia Goldberg Patricia Grasso Richard Klein Rev. Artur Sowa Dominic Zambuto

Steve Alessi Pat Depcik John Donahue James Dykas Betty Kameron Marilyn Nelson Cheryl Pryor Kim Reid Joseph Schweiger Judy Schweiger Rev. Artur Sowa David Trzesniewsk i

Mark Behncke (sub requested) Kathleen Biederman Susan Campagna Michael Curran Patricia Flynn Linda Higgins Mike Kiley Rob Klein Toni Klein Sharon Moe Mary Ann Schillaci Rev. Ed Upton

Diane Budz Carlene Catalano Cathy Kara Robert Long Jean Nielsen Michael Pindelski Carmelita Tangonan Rev. Ed Upton Anthony Vassolo (sub requested) Adrianne Wieczorek

Altar Server Hailey Dwyer John Dwyer Ryleigh Maugeri (sub requested)

Alexander Lubinski Andrew Lubinski Jack Tobin

Elizabeth Dykas Emily Dykas Matthew Dykas

Kaylie Grossi Jimmy Piko Michael Szumowicz

Patrick Curran Amanda Mackowiak (sub requested) John Thompson


Renee Farrell (HU) Teri Sankey Richard Roberts Nancy Sullivan Mike Zoladz Roxanne Zoladz

James Pedersen (HU) Cynthia Bennecke Joann O'Dea Jeffrey Belski

Wayne Kameron (HU) Keith Nelson Richard Wysocki Ann Carroll George Kelley Oriano Pagnucci

John Higgins (HU) John Higgins, Jr. Brian Whiteford Jay Modelski Janet Fifer Gregory Fifer


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St. Francis of Assisi Parish Community 15050 South Wolf Road, Orland Park, Illinois 60467-3028

Website: http://www.sfaorland.org Parish office e-mail: [email protected] Parish phone: 708-460-0042

MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday - 5:15 PM; Sunday - 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM and Monday-Friday at 7:45 AM

The Parish offices are located in the lower level of the church. En-trance is via the walkway at the west side of the church building. Hours 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday thru Friday. Evenings and weekends are by appointment. The Chapel is located at the north-east corner of the Church. ADMINISTRATION Phone: 460-0042, Fax: 460-0136 Office Manager: Paula Belski ([email protected]) Director of Facilities & Operations: Jim Hahn (jhahn@...) Parish Accountant: Kathleen Biederman (kbiederman@...) Receptionists: Marge Curran (mcurran@...) & Ann Carroll (acarroll@...) Comm. Coordinator: Allison Domenick (adomenick@...) Liturgy Coordinator: Gina Vitucci (gvitucci@...) Facilities Maintenance: Monika Czajczyk, Greg Gervais P.T./Weekend Maintenance: Eric Franklin, Michael Higgins, Kevin Moe, Ryan Reid Bulletin Editor: Jill Hickey Topf ([email protected]) MUSIC Phone: 708-460-9831 Director: Leanne Stoterau ([email protected]) Accompanist: James Draudt Children’s Choir Director: Anne Hayes Religious Education Cantor: Angela Reynolds (remusic@...) Cantor for Parish Funerals, Weddings: Gina Vitucci

YOUTH MINISTRY Phone: 708-460-0042 Youth Minister: Matt Toohill ([email protected]) The Religious Ed Offices are located in the St. Francis Center, up the hill, west of the church. Religious Ed office hours ar Monday thru Thursday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. The Religious Ed offices are closed on Fridays. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 15010 Wolf Rd., Orland Park, IL 60467 Phone: 708-460-5086 Dir: Mary Kay Burberry, ext. 240 ([email protected]) Coordinator: Jackie O’Malley, ext. 242 (jomalley@...) Office Manager: Maureen Krzyminski, ext. 244 (mkrzyminski@...) CARDINAL JOSEPH BERNARDIN (CJB) SCHOOL 9250 W.167th St., Orland Hills, IL 60487 Phone: 708-403-6525 Principal: Mary Iannucilli Web page: www.cjbschool.org

REV. EDWARD F. UPTON, Pastor Emeritus ([email protected])

SR. GAEL GENSLER, OSF, Pastoral Associate ([email protected])

DEACON DANIEL CARROLL, Permanent Deacon ([email protected])

DEACON JOHN DONAHUE, Permanent Deacon ([email protected])

DEACON MICHAEL KILEY, Permanent Deacon ([email protected])

DEACON MICHAEL PINDELSKI, Permanent Deacon ([email protected])

REV. ARTUR SOWA, Pastor ([email protected])

REGISTRATION Become a registered member of the parish by completing a registration form which is found in Church. BECOME A CATHOLIC - R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Anyone interested in becoming a Catholic, please contact the parish office at 708-460-0042 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism usually takes place on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month at 1:30 PM. Prior to the Baptism, parents need to call the office to make arrangements. A baptismal conference will be set up with the parents. CARDINAL JOSEPH BERNARDIN CATHOLIC SCHOOL Our elementary Catholic regional school is located on the campus of St. Elizabeth Seton parish at 167th & 94th Ave. For registration information, contact the school at 708-403-6525. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sessions are held on alternating Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays for Grades K-8, and on Saturdays for Grades 1-8, at the St. Francis Center (on the hill). Grades K-4 meet from 4:30 to 6:00 PM and grades 4-8 meet from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Satur-day sessions meet from 8:30 - 10:00 AM. Children’s Liturgy of the Word meets on Sundays during the 9 & 10:30 AM Masses for children 4-year-olds to 4th grade, September-April. Call 708-460-0155 for more information. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Communal celebration of the Sacrament will be held during Advent and Lent. Individual confessions are heard on Saturdays at 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Weddings need to be scheduled at least 4-6 months in advance upon approval of a priest. Couples are remind-ed to secure the church date before the reception hall. Please check our website for more details. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Anointing is celebrated every Monday, immediately after the 7:45 AM Mass. Those of advanced age or suffering from a chronic or serious illness are invited to be anointed. A priest is available to offer the Sacrament whether the ill person is at home or in the hospital. Please call 708-460-0042.