June 11, 2017 THE MOST HOLY TRINITYstlinus-church.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/061117.WEB... ·...

St. Linus Catholic Church 13915 Shoemaker Ave. Norwalk, CA 90650 Phone (562) 921-6649 Fax (562) 921-5150 http://www.stlinus-church.org Office Hours Mon.-Fri.: 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Closed for Lunch: 12-1 p.m. Sat.: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun.: 8:00 a.m.-2 p.m. St. Linus School (562) 921-0336 Religious Education Office (562) 921-5179 Ana Engquist, Business Manager Greg Climaco, School Principal Christina May, Director of Religious Education Art Taylan, Seminarian Intern Adoration Chapel 24 Hours All night adoration from 7:30 p.m., after the 1st and 3rd Friday Masses, Benediction Saturday 7:15 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Tuesdays 6:30—8:00 p.m. and by appointment For the following Sacraments and Services, please call the Parish Center: Sacrament of Baptism Sacrament of Marriage Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Funeral and Vigil Services Communion to the Sick and Home-bound Father Tony Gomez, Pastor Father Lester Niez, Associate Pastor Father Brian Delaney, in residence Senior Deacon Chuck and Marge Baker Deacon couple Mario & Nati Mejia Deacon couple Mario & Ann Guerra Tita Guzman, Diaconate Minister Sue Cunneen, Diaconate Minister Mass Times Saturday : 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m./Vigil Mass Sunday : 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m./Family Mass 12:15 p.m./en Español 5:00 p.m./LIFETEEN Mass 7:30 p.m. Weekdays : Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. Tuesday: 7:00 p.m. with Mother of Perpetual Help Novena 1st Fridays: 7:00 p.m. 3rd Fridays: 7:00 p.m. en Español Charismatic Mass : once a month (date and time will be posted in the bulletin) Holy Days : Check the Parish Bulletin June 11, 2017 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY

Transcript of June 11, 2017 THE MOST HOLY TRINITYstlinus-church.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/061117.WEB... ·...

  • St. Linus Catholic Church 13915 Shoemaker Ave. Norwalk, CA 90650 Phone (562) 921-6649 Fax (562) 921-5150 http://www.stlinus-church.org Office Hours Mon.-Fri.: 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Closed for Lunch: 12-1 p.m. Sat.: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun.: 8:00 a.m.-2 p.m. St. Linus School (562) 921-0336 Religious Education Office (562) 921-5179

    Ana Engquist, Business Manager

    Greg Climaco, School Principal Christina May, Director of Religious Education

    Art Taylan, Seminarian Intern

    Adoration Chapel 24 Hours

    All night adoration from 7:30 p.m., after the 1st and 3rd Friday Masses,

    Benediction Saturday 7:15 a.m.

    Sacrament of Reconciliation:

    Tuesdays 6:30—8:00 p.m. and by appointment

    For the following Sacraments and Services,

    please call the Parish Center:

    Sacrament of Baptism Sacrament of Marriage

    Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Funeral and Vigil Services

    Communion to the Sick and Home-bound

    Father Tony Gomez, Pastor Father Lester Niez, Associate Pastor Father Brian Delaney, in residence Senior Deacon Chuck and Marge Baker Deacon couple Mario & Nati Mejia Deacon couple Mario & Ann Guerra Tita Guzman, Diaconate Minister Sue Cunneen, Diaconate Minister

    Mass Times Saturday: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m./Vigil Mass Sunday: 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m./Family Mass 12:15 p.m./en Español 5:00 p.m./LIFETEEN Mass 7:30 p.m.

    Weekdays: Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. Tuesday: 7:00 p.m. with Mother of Perpetual Help Novena 1st Fridays: 7:00 p.m. 3rd Fridays: 7:00 p.m. en Español

    Charismatic Mass: once a month (date and time will be posted in the bulletin) Holy Days: Check the Parish Bulletin

    June 11, 2017 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY

  • The Most Holy Trinity Ministry in Action...

    PAGE 2

    Adoración Nocturna Contacto: Amalia Sanchez

    (562) 228-5132 3rd Fri. 7 pm - Sat, 7:15 A.M.│En la Iglesia

    Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Contact: Dorie Sablan

    (562) 926-3435 1st Fri.│7P.M.-Sat. 7:15A.M.│Church

    Adult Confirmation Parish Center: (562) 921-5179

    Altar Servers Contact: Dennis Adame

    Parish Center: (562) 889-9322

    Altar Society Contact: Parish Office

    (562) 921-6649

    Anointing of the Sick Parish Center: (562) 921-6649

    Baptismal Preparation of Children English & Spanish

    Parish Center: (562) 921-6649

    Because We Care Ministry Contact: Barbra Manriquez

    (562) 584-8836 Bereavement Support Group

    Contact: Parish Office (562) 921-6649

    Bible Study-English Contact: Barbara Fries

    (562) 926-1770 Tues.│8-9 P.M.│Rm. 8

    Boy Scouts, Troop 394 Scout Master: Nandha Kumar Parish Center: 714 623-0671

    Mon.│7-8:30 P.M.│Hall

    Charismatic Healing Mass Contact: Sion Ferrer

    (562) 921-6649 Various Mon.│7 P.M.│Church

    Church Environment & Art

    Contact: Dennis & Bernice Adame (562) 889-9322

    Couples for Christ Contact: Sonny Berberabe

    (562) 921-6649

    Cursillo Ultreya—Spanish Contacto: Miguel y Margarita Ramos

    (562) 929-4693

    Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial Contacto: Elsa & Rolando Castillo

    (562) 360-6112

    Fiesta Committee Contact: Robert Perez

    Parish Center: (562) 929-7195

    Filipino Association Contact: Rey Factoran

    (714) 670-8788 Meets once a month

    Finance Council Contact: Joe Julien

    (562) 921-6649

    Funerals Parish Center: (562) 921-6649

    Gift Shop Vestibule of Church

    Contact: John A. L. Moran Parish Center: (562) 921-6649

    Open after all Weekend Masses

    Golden Age Club President: Rachel Witt

    (562) 698-3105 3rd Sun│1:30-4:30 P.M.│Hall

    Grupo de Oración Contacto: Alejandro Gama

    (714) 231-3646 Wed.│7-9:00 P.M.│Hall

    Guadalupanas Contacto: Patricia Mesa

    (562) 412-3012 Ultimo Jueves del mes│7 P.M.│Rm. 11

    Fri.│7:00 P.M.│Youth Room

    Knights of Columbus #10623 Grand Knight: Tom Woyak

    (949) 939-1761 2nd Tues.│7:30 P.M.│Hall

    Legion of Mary Contact: Sylvia J. Layao

    (562) 404-1174 Praesidium

    Tues.│5-6 P.M.│Rm. 10 Curia

    2nd Thur.│7 P.M.│Rm. 10

    Liturgy Committee Director: Maureen Linnebur

    (562) 716-0564

    Ministerios Hispanos Contacto: Sal Cuevas

    (562) 921-6649

    Ministry to the Sick Contact: Cornell Watson

    (562) 822-4506

    Mother of Perpetual Help Novena Contact: Imelda Manalac

    (562) 404-6145 Tues.│7:00 P.M.│Church

    Music Ministry/Choir Directors (562) 921-6649

    Hermie Abido: 7:30pm Filipino Choir (1st Sunday of the month)

    Anthony “AC” Cerna: 5:30pm JP Panganiban: 9:00am Adult Choir

    Mark Newberry: 7:30pm Adult Choir

    Mustard Seed Communities Contact: Teresa Estrada

    (562) 921-6649

    Parish Council Contact: Parish Office

    (562) 921-6649

    Prayer Shawl Ministry Contact: Mary Ratanasurakam

    (951) 500-0787 Last Monday | 6:30 P.M. | Par. Off.

    ProLife Ministry Contact: Barbra Manriquez

    (562) 584-8836 3rd Thursday| 6:00 P.M. | Par. Off.

    RCIA Director: Sr. Catherine Casey

    (562) 921-6649

    Santo Niño Devotions 1st Fri.│6:30 P.M.│Church

    Religious Education Director: Christina May (562) 921-5179 Office

    Religious Vocations Parish Center: (562) 921-6649

    Safeguard the Children Contact: Parish Office

    (562) 921-6649

    St. Linus School Principal: Greg Climaco (562) 921-0336 Office www.stlinuslions.com

    St. Linus Ushers Contact: Cornell Watson

    (562) 822-4506

    Weddings & Quinceañeras Coordinator: Sue Ellen Rojas

    (562) 260-7175

    Youth Ministry/LIFE TEEN Youth Ministry: Anthony Cerna “AC”

    (562) 921-6252 Confirmation Coordinator:

    (562) 921-5179

    June 11, 2017


    The God of the universe is mysterious. Science has not been able to solve the mystery of how the universe came into being or explain exactly what continues to give it creative energy and masterful design. No religion as-serts that it has found words to name fully the ineffable mystery of God, for no matter what name we use, God always transcends our limited ability to understand. God is a mystery to be believed, not known. And yet, we Christians believe that our name for God best expresses that inexpressible mystery: God is the Most Holy Trinity of three persons united in a communion of love, pouring forth that creative, saving, sanctifying love into the world. Today’s scriptures celebrate the mystery of the Trinity and give us clues for living that mystery in our lives.

    Question of the Week

    First Reading — The LORD, merciful and gracious, rich in kindness and faithfulness (Exodus 34:4b-6, 8-9). Psalm — Glory and praise for ever! (Daniel 3). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters, rejoice. Live with one another in peace, and the God of peace will be with you (2 Corinthians 13:11-13). Gospel — God did not send the Son to condemn the world, but to give it abundant life (John 3:16-18).

    Question for Children: When people love each other, how do they treat each other? Question for Adults: If you were to encourage the mem-bers of your own parish to live as a “community of love,” which is how we define the Trinity, how would you ad-vise them to live? Use St. Paul’s list of exhortations as your starting point.

    Monday: 2 Cor 1:1-7; Ps 34:2-9; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: 2 Cor 1:18-22; Ps 119:129-133, 135; Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11; Ps 99:5-9; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: 2 Cor 3:15 — 4:1, 3-6; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 116:10-11, 15-18; Mt 5:27-32 Saturday: 2 Cor 5:14-21; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Mt 5:33-37 Sunday: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; 1 Cor 10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58

    Pregunta de la Semana

    Lecturas de la Semana

    Primera lectura — Moisés subió al Monte Sinaí y luego el Señor pasó delante de él (Éxodo 34:4b-6, 8-9). Salmo — ¡Gloria y alabanza por siempre! (Daniel 3) Segunda lectura — Trabajen para ser perfectos, anímen-se, tengan un mismo sentir y vivan en paz. Y el Dios del amor y de la paz estará con ustedes (2 Corintios 13:11-13). Evangelio — Dios mandó a su Hijo único al mundo para salvar el mundo por él. (Juan 3:16-18).

    Pregunta para los niños: ¿Cuándo has escuchado tu voz interior o tu consciencia guiándote para hacer lo que es correcto? Pregunta para los adultos: Hable de los tiempos cuando sintió el poder del Espíritu, dándole las palabras correc-

    We would like to thank all of our parishioners and visitors for being generous with your

    weekly donations.

    Our collection for the week of : June 04, 2017 was $ 12,669.52

    May God bless you for your continued support.

    We welcome you to make your weekly/monthly donations by enrolling in Parish Pay by visiting

    www.parishpay.com or calling (866) 727-4741 to set up an account.

    Reading for the Week

    Lunes: 2 Cor 1:1-7; Sal 34 (33):2-9; Mt 5:1-12 Martes: 2 Cor 1:18-22; Sal 119 (118):129-133, 135; Mt 5:13-16 Miércoles: 2 Cor 3:4-11; Sal 99 (98):5-9; Mt 5:17-19 Jueves: 2 Cor 3:15 — 4:1, 3-6; Sal 85 (84):9ab, 10-14; Mt 5:20-26 Viernes: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Sal 116 (115):10-11, 15-18; Mt 5:27-32 Sábado: 2 Cor 5:14-21; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 9-12; Mt 5:33-37 Domingo: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Sal 147:12-15, 19-20; 1 Cor 10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58

    God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.

    — John 3:16a

  • The Most Holy Trinity PAGE 4

    In Our Prayers Prayers for our brothers and sisters in their time of suffering and need…

    Saturday, June 10th 7:30 AM Delia Amansec, Birthday 5:30 PM Anunciacion Aldea, R.I.P. Sunday, June 11th 7:30 AM Ruben Ramirez, Health 9:00 AM Family of MkPadi, Intententions & Blessings 10:30 AM Helen Gonzalez, Birthday 12:15 PM Andrew Rodriguez y Maria Castellaños, Birthday 5:00 PM Fito Penalber Melendrez, Health 7:30 PM Ryan de Austria, Birthday Monday, June 12th 8:30 AM Orelia Peña, R.I.P.

    Tuesday, June 13th 8:30 AM Bud Houske, R.I.P. 7:00 PM Mother Guillen– Father Vasquez,, R.I.P.

    Wednesday, June 14th 8:30 AM Art Taylan, Blessings

    Thursday, June 15th 8:30 AM Cresencia Pamplona, R.I.P. Friday, June 16th 8:30 AM Brian Jay Castor, R.I.P. 7:00 PM Antonio Guillen & Rita Montes, R.I.P. Saturday, June 17th 7:30 AM Mathew G. Razo, 5:30 PM Maria Elena Carmelo, R.I.P.

    Sunday, June 18th 7:30 AM Carlos Garcia y Carlitos Garcia y Cuca Vargas, R.I.P. 9:00 AM Arthur Diaz, R.I.P. 10:30 AM Father’s Day Novena 12:15 PM Tomas Muro, R.I.P. 5:00 PM Priests 7:30 PM Cassandra Garcia, R.I.P. 5 yr. Death Anniversary

    June 11, 2017

    Bao-Han Pham, Rudy Borja, Baby Aiden Alonso, Little Ruben Ramirez, Abraham Reyes, Carlos Reyes, Herbert Green, Sunny Munoz, Ernie Espinoza, Lorrie Teodoro, Charito Wells, Jenny Saavedra, Yolanda Farfan, Blain Callison, Ronnie Adams, Steve Page, Gunter Liu, Farida Maiz, Consuelo Martinez, Christopher Honrado, Emil Evangelista Jr., Andrew Hong, Danilo Vasco, Ursula Hirezi, Elpidio Velador, Angie Chavez, L. Bravo, Maria Galvan, Maria Mennen, David Mennen, Lupita Lozano, Althea Robinson, Don & Rita Jayamaha, Jessie Bausley, Betsy & Jose Gonzalez, Ophelia Angaco, Julie Canet, Ramona Ramirez, Joel Lopez, Josh & Taylor Lamascus, Daniel Sanchez, Sandra Sanchez, Carmen San-chez, Abertano Rutiaga Ramona Quiñonez, Jafet & Her-mila Alvarado, Linda & Dennis Armstorng, Naomi Gon-zalez, Lilia & Anita Navarro, Peggy Del Fosse, Elenore Obenhas “Ellie”, George Hank Zaragoza, Doris & Edgar Boucree, Dianne Roberts, Joseph Julien, Kaylee Moreno, Lupe McClintock, Lorraine Gutierrez, Jaime Osollo, Ana Engquist, Kyla Ventura, Fito Penalber Melendrez, Jose Simon Enriquez, Teresa Flores, Gilbert Juarez, Zachary Pereyra, Eddie & Rosa Perez, Yolanda Delgado, Mario Jimenez, Dakota Bass, Kathy Carrillon, Butch Sields, Si-ham Fadel, Ammar Y. Haidar, Lydia Roblow, James Stathem, Myrna Arboleda Cruz, Arthur Contreras, Oscar Garcia, Aaden Pineda, Socorro Diaz, Richard Cortez, Julian Sosa,

  • La Santísima Trinidad PAGE 5

    Treasures from our Tradition

    It is often heard that today’s observance is an “idea feast,” and that it is somewhat difficult to grasp its mean-ing. Other great solemnities, such as Christmas and Easter, have an easily grasped core. Yet, even though the Trinity is at the heart of our faith, firmly declared in the Creed since the Council of Nicea in 325, we are used to having people shrug and say, “Well, it’s a mystery.” Per-haps it is more helpful to think of this as a “relationship feast,” since it unveils our deepest identity. Dorothy Day was a great social reformer, pacifist, and ardent lover of the Trinity. When people told her that she would certainly be canonized one day (the process is indeed underway), she protested dismissively by remarking that people were raising a fuss just because she was not afraid to talk about God. She loved the Trinity, and treasured the traditional icon for the feast, also known as “The Hospitality of Abraham,” depicting the three angelic beings seated at a table tilted toward the viewer and laden with bread and wine. For her, the Trinity revealed the heart of the Catho-lic life, three C’s if you will: community, communication, and communion. That was not an “idea” for her, but what it means to be created in the image of the Triune God,


    Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity Monday: Tenth Week in Ordinary Time Tuesday: St. Anthony of Padua Wednesday: Flag Day Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary

    Your Prayers are requested For the Eternal Repose of:

    Maria Juliana Canet Dean Joseph Diomedes

    Leonor Samson

    Prayerful and deepest sympathy go out to their families,

    relatives and friends

    Congratulations to our Newly Baptized Catholics

    Adan Francisco Arroyo Emma Claire Reola De Leos

    Wiliulfo Daniel Gonzalez Sienna Guzman

    Caleb Enzo Anthony Nappi Olivia Juliette Pooley Candice Alexis Porras Jordyn Alicia Rosas Emily Jolie Soriano

    Baptized on June 3, 2017

    Let us continue to pray for our Armed Forces and their families. We thank God for the sacri-fices they make to ensure our freedom.

    Jesus said: "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for

    one's friends."

    And that is exactly what our priests do for us. Your gifts will be a bless-ing of hope for all our priests facing retirement in the future. How will my donation make a difference?

    Your donation will help to provide for the growing num-ber of priests who are eligible for retirement in the future. Your gift ensures they continue to live humbly and with dig-nity. Where does my gift go? Your generous gifts made to the Priest Retirement Fund go directly to the Priest Pen-sion Plan where they are in-vested and held in a trust ac-count. The pension plan pro-vides for the monthly pension and medical benefits of our currently retired priests and helps to fund the future retirement of our active priests. What are other ways that I can support our priests? • Pray for our priests • Make an in honor/in memoriam gift for a specific

    priest (we will inform the priest or their families). • Make a charitable distribution from your financial

    portfolio. Consider remembering the Priest Retirement fund in your estate planning.

  • The Most Holy Trinity PAGE 6 June 11, 2017 Virtus Classes at St. Linus Church


    Protegiendo a los Ninos Spanish Class Saturday, June 24, 2017

    9:00 AM—12:00 PM

    Manteniendo la Promesa Spanish Class Saturday, June 24, 2017

    1:00—2:30 PM

    Please call the Parish Office to register. Class is limited to 75 people only. Estimated length of session: 3 hrs

    All Participants in Protecting God’s Children and Keeping the Promise Alive, must be 18 or Older/No Minors.

    As a spiritual gift to your father this Father’s Day, why not add his name to the Father’s Day Novena? Arrange to have him remembered in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for nine days. Sunday, June 18, 2017— Monday, June 26, 2017. Simply, pick up an envelope at the door of the church, fill it out, and drop it in the collec-tion basket or bring it to the Parish Office.

    May all the joy and happiness of Father’s Day be yours!

    Father’s Day Blessing

    Saint Linus Church 12 Junio 2017 7:30 pm

    Padre Miguel Marquez, MSpS. Padre Miguel Márquez, MSpS. Tiene 16 años como religioso en la congregación de

    los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo. Antes de ingresar al seminario trabajo en la renovación carismática por 5 años. Lo ordenaron sacerdote en Junio 21, 2014, después lo asignaron a trabajar como vicario parroquial en la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en Oxnard California. Finalmente, está trabajando como Director Vocacional aquí en Long Beach California, esto implica promover retiros vocacionales y predicar en retiros juveniles y tam-bién trabajar en el ministerio sacramental.

    Fr. Miguel Marquez, MSpS, had 16 years as a religious member in the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit. Before entering the seminary, he worked in the charismatic movement for 5 years. He was ordained as a priest June 21, 2014 and I was assigned to work as a parochial vicar at Our Lady of Guadalupe parish, in Ox-nard California. He now works as a Vocation Director, which implies leading vocational retreats, including preaching and sacramental ministry.

    Misa de Sanación

    Healing Mass

    St. Linus Church Monday, June 19, 2017

    7:30 pm Presider: Father Lester Niez

    Father Louis Lester Niez is a member of the religious community of the Disciples of Mary. Cur-rently assigned as the Associate Pastor of St. Linus Church, Father has served 23 years in the priestly minis-try as Formator of Seminarians at different levels of for-mation. He was a member of the Council of the Disciples of Mary as well as a Spiritual Director to high school youth. He has facilitated retreats and recollections as well as presiding at healing masses and church missions for different groups, parishes and institutions both in the Phil-ippines and in the United States. He was involved with the Healing Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, a community that promotes healing of the family tree through the Eucharist, so that forgiveness is effected to promote heal-ing of generational family curses and sins. Fr. Les firmly believes that the foundation of his vocation is primarily his relationship between him and God; a deep, intimate, profound living and unceasing union with God in re-sponse to Him who loved us first. He said " I believe that everything I do and say is for God alone."

    His personal motto: "Una sa lahat, bago ang lahat, higit sa lahat, sa kabila

    ng lahat, si Lord pa rin, siya nawa." To translate, "First of all, before anything, more than everything, in spite of all and after all's over, it is God still and

    Him still."

    Come and receive the transforming healing touch of the risen Lord who continues to heal His people.

    PRAYER They pray best who do not

    know that they are praying.

  • PAGE 7 La Santísima Trinidad The Most Holy Trinity

    The Holy Trinity is one of those mysteries that we will never understand, yet we still believe. A homiletics teacher once warned never to speak of the Trinity for more than ten minutes, or for sure you would get into heresy. Good advice. It is easy to talk in circles around this great mystery and

    never get close to understanding three Persons in One God. We are only one person each, and never one in being with another person. So how can we possibly understand this? We can’t. But we can contemplate the varied faces of Father, Spirit, and Son as they are presented to us in today’s scriptures, and give glory to God and believe.

    GLORY AND PRAISE FOREVER When Moses went up Mount Sinai, God revealed the divine Self to him by name. “The LORD, the LORD, a mer-ciful and gracious God” (Exodus 34:6). In the Old Testament, we are accustomed to assuming that the “Lord GOD” indi-cates the Father only. But in the retrospect with which we look at these readings, we can see that the title is inclusive of the three persons of the Trinity. Never has there been any separation of the three persons in one God, and although there may be mention of only one person, it is understood that all three persons are present. Jesus taught many times that he and the Father are one, and that the Holy Spirit would come upon us and remind us of all things. We believe in God, creator of all that is, the Son, redeemer of our human lives and giver of eternal life, and the Holy Spirit, inspiration of the prophets and lover of all humanity; holy Wisdom, inspiring in us the understanding of all things holy.

    GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD When we hear in the oft-quoted text in John 3:16 that “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life,” we begin to see how language that expresses the sending of the Son fails to express the unity of the Holy Trinity. This failure of human language in the presence of the mystery of the Trinity is what makes it so hard to explain and comprehend. So how can we respond when we see a reference to “God”? We can strive to remember that God is three per-sons, not just one as we are, but one in being. Our best response is praise to the Holy Trinity. “Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, to God who is, who was, and who is to come.” And we can bless each other when we pray with Saint Paul, “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you” (2 Corinthians 13:13).

    Please join us as we say “Aloha”

    to our seminarian Art Taylan

    On Sunday, July 16, 2017

    From 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM In the Parish Hall

    We have been blessed to have him serve here at St. Linus. Let us keep him in our prayers as he

    continues his discernment and journey towards the Priesthood.

    For where your treasure is, There your heart will be also. Luke 12:34

    Brother Art Taylan’s last day at St. Linus will be on Thursday, June 15th.

  • The Most Holy Trinity PAGE 8 June 11, 2017 Celebrating Our Past ~ Preparing Our Future

    Celebrating Our Past ~ Preparing Our Future We have now have $948,887.00 in pledges. Pledges continue to arrive daily. Total Gifts received is $ 316,386.67 Thank you again, and God bless, to all who given towards this worthwhile program. Soon, those of you who have yet to respond will be receiving another opportunity to participate. So much more is yet to be done to honor our past genera-tions and prepare us for future generations to come.

    Pledge Payment Options: ·Make your checks payable to: St Linus Capital Campaign. ·Go to www.ParishPay.com, choose St. Linus Capital Campaign to make your pledge ·You may bring your cash payment to the Parish Office. ·The Parish Office now takes Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.

    $ 316,386.67

    Celebrando Nuestro Pasado ~ Preparando para Nuestro Futuro

    Nuestra Campaña Capital esta en un total de $948,887.00 en compromi-sos mientras recibimos nuevas promesas todos los días. Hemos recibido un total de $ 316,386.67 en regalos. Muchas gracias y bendiciones a todos que han participado en este programa valioso hacia nuestra comu-nidad parroquial. Para los que no han participado, pronto recibirán otra oportunidad para contribuir.

    Todavía hay mucho por hacer para honrar a las generaciones antepasa-das y preparar para nuevas generaciones en el futuro.

    Opciones para pagar su compromiso: ·Cheques escritos a St. Linus Church ·Por línea en la pagina de internet www.parishpay.com ·En efectivo en la oficina de la parroquia. ·En persona con tarjeta de crédito (Visa, MasterCard, American Ex-

    press, and Discover) en la oficina de la parroquia.

    PAY BY CHECK Make your checks payable to: St Linus Capital Campaign You may mail your check to: St. Linus Catholic Church 13915 Shoemaker Avenue Norwalk, CA 90650 or stop by the Parish office to drop off your payment. PAY WITH CASH You may bring your cash payment to the Parish Of-fice. PAY BY CREDIT CARD The Parish Office now takes: Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.

    Pledge Payment Options PAY ONLINE 1. For online payments visit: www.ParishPay.com 2. Click the tab “Make A Donation” located at the bottom of the page 3. Search for your Parish by Church Name, City or Zip code 4. Select “St. Linus Catholic Church, Norwalk, 90650, CA” 5. You may log in if you have previously created an account, or select “START GIVING” to create a new account 6. Select the drop-down menu titled “Capital Campaign” and enter the amount of your Gift. 7. Select from the options: One Time, Weekly, Monthly, or An-nually.

  • Capital Campaign La Santísima Trinidad PAGE 9

    Did you know that St. Linus

    has a Facebook page?

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    Safeguard the Children

    DID YOU KNOW? Violence within the home affects the entire community.Angelus News recently published an article on how domestic violence affects the entire family and the community members of all ages. In the article Dr. Ana Nogales, said “domestic violence not only leads to an altercation between two partners, but can harm innocent children. We need to be alert, and not tolerate abuse at home or in the community.” To learn more about what you can do read the full article at: http://www.angelusnews.com/articles/violence-within-the-home-affects-the-entire-community

    ¿SABÍA USTED? La violencia en el hogar afecta a toda la comunidad. Angelus News publicó recientemente un artículo sobre cómo la violencia doméstica afecta a toda la familia y a los miembros de la comunidad de todas las edades. En el artículo, la Dra. Ana Nogales dijo que “la violencia doméstica no sólo lleva a un altercado entre dos compañeros de vida, sino que puede dañar a niños inocen-tes. Tenemos que estar alerta y no tolerar el abuso en el hogar o en la comunidad”. Para obtener más información sobre lo que puede hacer, lea el artículo completo en inglés en: http://www.angelusnews.com/articles/violence-within-the-home-affects-the-entire-community

    June 14, 2017 - Wednesday 11:00 AM—11:00 PM

    11101 183rd Street Cerritos, CA 90703 562 467-0850

    St Linus School Class of 2018

    JUN (898)

    St. Linus School News

    When making your Capital Campaign pledges, please use the gold envelopes located in the pews titled

    ST. LINUS CAPITAL CAMPAIGN “Celebrating Our Past—Preparing Our Future”

    Please fill out the envelope and envelope number, so the payment can be properly credited to your account. Any Capital Campaign payments made that are not titled Capital Campaign, will be credited to the weekly contributions. Please call the Parish Office if you have any questions.

  • The Most Holy Trinity PAGE 10

    Confirmation News

    Religious Education News

    June 11, 2017

    RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION Religious Education registration begins June 1st for both first and second year students. Registration packets will be available in the Religious Education Office and the Parish Office.

    CONFIRMATION REGISTRATION Phase 1 and Phase 2 registration begins June 1st. Registra-tion packets will be available in the Religious Education Office and the Parish Office.

    COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES: P1 and P2 teens who would like to assist with Religious Education, please contact: Christina May at (562) 921-5179.

    Donnovan Acosta José Acuña Angel Aguilar Carmen Alcaraz Joey Alvarez Rhian Alvarez Chris Ambriz Mark Andres Gabriel Arellano Xunaxy Arellano Christian Armas Anthony Ayala Jaden Arzate Dylan Banico Yaretzi Beltran Christopher Cabrera Ilianna Carbajal Giovanni Carbajal Jesus Carrillo Joaquin Carrillo Juliet Carrillo Damian Carvajal Denis Carvajal Liliana Carvajal Luis Carvajal Jake Cazares Alex Cervantes Katelyn Chavez Dayana Cuadras Isaak Cuenca Valeria Curiel Kriza David Kenzi David Alex Delgado Joshua Duarte Serina Escamilla Lilian Espinosa Alexa Garcia Andrea Garcia Chanale Garcia Genaro Gomez Annick Gonzalez Mercury Rose Gonzalez Roxana Gonzalez

    Samara Gonzalez Genevieve Groak Julian Guidino Edgar Gutierrez Gisselle Gutierrez Sandra Gutierrez Ravin Guzman Isabella Hart Jaylen Hatch Luis Hernandez Andres Hoguin Atziry Ibarra Evelin Lagunas Natalie Lopez David Malandran Michelle Malandran Alvaro Marquez Anthony Marquez Xochitl Marquez Valeria Martinez Venessa Martins Jonathan Mendoza Nayeli Mendoza Kristen Menjivar Joseph Molina Andrew Monay Breanna Moreno Ava Muñoz Daniela Muñoz Angelica Najera Johnathon Najera Kate Noche Jimena Ochoa Jazmin Orozco Jessica Orozco Yarely Orozco Adam Ortiz Jayden Osorio Nathan Paez Adrian Parra Kassandra Perez Anais Puente Jayden Pulido Brianna Reyes

    Isabella Reyes Ella Rico Nataly Robledo Arriana Robles Leandra Rocha Alexandria Rodriguez Carlos Rodriguez Isabella Rodriguez Angelina Sorrosa Reana Sousa Edgar Toscano Alexander Velasco Natalie Velasco Michael Valenzela Krystal Varelas Xochitl Zamudio Esmeralda Zavala



  • La Santísima Trinidad PAGE 11

    Dear Parish Family, Because We Care Food Pantry serves approximately 70 needy families per month by giv-ing them various grocery and toiletry items to help sustain their families for about 2 weeks. We also hand out about 48 to 60 food bags to homeless people living within our parish community. Our regular food distribution days are the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 3-4:30pm. Our monthly expenses run close to $1,000 and we depend on the generosity of our parish family to keep this minis-try going. If you are in a position to help to our wonderful ministry, please consider becoming a regular monthly donor to help keep our pantry shelves stocked. Please call Barbra Manriquez at 562-900-9492 to see what our im-mediate needs are for the next distribution or simply choose a few items off the list below and bring them to the parish office. A receipt for your donation can be pro-vided upon request. PLEASE DO NOT BRING EX-PIRED OR OPENED FOODS. Thank you for your generosity! Recycled grocery bags, plastic, cloth, and paper with handles are always needed!

    Items Needed for Pantry: Qty Needed per Month: Canned spaghetti sauce 120 cans Canned meat 120 cans Pop top canned pinto beans 180 cans Canned Vegetables 180 cans Canned Fruit 150 cans Tuna 150 cans Dry Pasta (1lb packages) 120 pks Juice pouches 240 pouches Mac n Cheese 150 boxes Bottled water (16oz bottles) 60 bottles Pop top canned Pasta meals 60 cans Vienna sausages 60 cans Fruit snack cups 60 cups Pudding snack cups 60 cups Pop Tarts 60 packs Cheese n Cracker snacks 60 packs Evaporated canned milk 48 cans Boxed cereal 60 boxes Gummy fruit snacks 60 packs Dry pinto beans 50 lbs. Dry white rice 50 lbs.

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