Jumpstart Campaign Planning Guide

On the trail of our influencers JumpStart Social Media Campaign Planning Influencers, Content & Channels Learning Objectives 1.) Learn to identify your brand’s Influencers 2.) Design a content strategy to engage with your Influencers 3.) Discover the chal- lenges of managing a social community 4.) Use paid social me- dia to boost and extend campaigns 5.) Grow brand profile and manage a crisis with digital PR Key Takeaways 1.) We should be identify- ing and following our brand Influencers. 2.) Content offerings should be relevant, with 3 rd party and user gener- ated content when appro- priate. 3.) Follow the“road rules” through respectful out- reach and response. 4.) Paid social media can be used to strengthen and broaden social media campaigns. 5.) Track campaign effec- tiveness by tying results back to KPIs. 6.) Don’t ignore the many uses of digital pr in your planning! © Digital Chameleon +61 2 9997 4417 or [email protected] or visit www.digitalchameleon.net Brand and influence Influencers take actions. They’re active with brands online by both creating and consuming content related to them. Using listening tools, we can identify our In- fluencers by the trail they leave on social platforms, such as tweets , blogs and re- sponses to social con- tent. Factors to use when evaluating Influ- encers include: number of followers, blog en- tries, cross– and back linking, friends, Klout score, Peer Index score and others. Once we are able to monitor our influencer’s profile and activity, it gives us clues as to their interests, likes, dislikes, and more. In other words, we gain insight on how our brand might appeal even more to them. Before we put together our social media plan, we must learn about a group that should be very important to us. These are our influenc- ers. Forrester has already mapped out some categories of social media audience segments for us. These technographics break out the varieties of influences and what they are most interested in. Each cluster has charac- teristics that are specific to it.


Beginners Guide for Digital Chameleon's Jumpstart elearning module on social media Campaign Planning.

Transcript of Jumpstart Campaign Planning Guide

Page 1: Jumpstart Campaign Planning Guide

On the trail of our influencers

JumpStart Social Media

Campaign Planning

Influencers, Content & Channels

Learning Objectives 1.) Learn to identify your brand’s Influencers

2.) Design a content strategy to engage with your Influencers

3.) Discover the chal-lenges of managing a social community

4.) Use paid social me-dia to boost and extend campaigns

5.) Grow brand profile and manage a crisis with digital PR

Key Takeaways 1.) We should be identify-ing and following our brand Influencers.

2.) Content offerings should be relevant, with 3rd party and user gener-ated content when appro-priate.

3.) Follow the“road rules” through respectful out-reach and response.

4.) Paid social media can be used to strengthen and broaden social media campaigns.

5.) Track campaign effec-tiveness by tying results back to KPIs.

6.) Don’t ignore the many uses of digital pr in your planning!

© Digital Chameleon +61 2 9997 4417 or [email protected] or visit www.digitalchameleon.net

Brand and influence

Influencers take actions. They’re active with brands online by both creating and consuming content related to them.

Using listening tools, we can identify our In-fluencers by the trail they leave on social platforms, such as tweets , blogs and re-sponses to social con-tent. Factors to use when evaluating Influ-encers include: number of followers, blog en-tries, cross– and back linking, friends, Klout score, Peer Index score and others.

Once we are able to monitor our influencer’s profile and activity, it gives us clues as to their interests, likes, dislikes, and more. In other words, we gain insight on how our brand might appeal even more to them.

Before we put together our social media plan, we must learn about a group that should be very important to us. These are our influenc-ers.

Forrester has already mapped out some categories of social media audience segments for us. These technographics break out the varieties of influences and what they are most interested in. Each cluster has charac-teristics that are specific to it.

Page 2: Jumpstart Campaign Planning Guide

Our content strategy should be continually evolving. We’ll be adding to it and curating it on a regular basis. Let’s cover some basic principles when it comes to content manage-ment. Tagging and categorising our content will make it easier for our audience to find it and us. Defining our content purpose and how it connects back to our business strategy is a must. Conducting content gap analysis over our competitor brand messages helps us better position our brand. Tying the content back to our brand’s key themes and messages as well as incorporating recommended topics will keep our content fresh and consistent. In addition, we’ll want to establish guidelines about just who manages our content and the governance issues around it. Finally, we’ll want to tie our social media content publishing efforts back into our brand’s SEO efforts to provide us with maximum exposure on the search engines.

Content development

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Campaign Planning Influencers, Content & Channels

© Digital Chameleon +61 2 9997 4417 or [email protected] or visit www.digitalchameleon.net

Social media: the organic, the paid and the earned

Organic social media refers to our own brand social sites and pages. We can build on our organic me-dia by making some paid social media buys on such platforms as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn, among many, many others. Many companies are seeing growing opportunities to generate earned media. Earned media is created when we use our own channels to communicate with our audience. In this chart, the earned media opportunities get created out of a number of areas, including public relations, public communities, blogs, viral videos, share tools and private com-munities.

Page 3: Jumpstart Campaign Planning Guide

© Digital Chameleon +61 2 9997 4417 or [email protected] or visit www.digitalchameleon.net

Page 3

Campaign Planning Influencers,

Content & Channels

In this module’s virtual reality game, you are a Social Media Manager work-ing with the market-ing, media and crea-tive managers on the next social media campaign. Your job: advise on the cam-paign’s social as-pects! Remember: all submissions are en-tered into the draw for a prize!

Play the Campaign Planning game!

JumpStart Campaign Planning module includes: Outreach and response mini-quiz Campaign targeting mini-quiz Strategy Game Resource Bank Glossary

Social media opens brands up to whole new levels of exposure, both for good AND ill. Effec-tive digital PR is one approach to managing potential disasters and even turning them into wins for your brand.

This module’s Ning Learning Missions include:

• Social media governance

• Celebrity tweeting

• Customer lifetime value

• Trends map

• Social Media Campaign Process (Tip Gloria, Social Media Strategist)

• Managing Social Communities

(Leanne Philpott, Community Manager)

• Legal Considerations in Social (Tip Gloria, Social Media Strategist)

Guest expert topics in this module

Digital PR wins & FAILs

Page 4: Jumpstart Campaign Planning Guide

© Digital Chameleon +61 2 9997 4417 or [email protected] or visit www.digitalchameleon.net

Page 4

Campaign Planning Influencers, Content & Channels

Term Definition

Advocate A social consumer who embraces and promotes a cause, issue or brand

Detractor Social consumer who rejects and/or condemns a cause, individual, issue or brand.

Earned media Earned media (or free media) refers to favourable publicity gained through promotional

efforts other than advertising, as opposed to paid media, which refers to publicity gained

through advertising.

Folksonomy The process by which many users add metadata in the form of keywords to shared con-

tent. Also, called Social Tagging.

Frequency The rate at which content from a social consumer or brand reaches a unique individual on

a social platform.

Influencer An advocate or detractor who can impact sentiment and holds a level of credibility with a

group or connection.

Interaction Rate The proportion of users who interact with an ad or application.

Paid media Media which is purchased. Paid social media options include sponsorships, advertising

units, links and other units.

SMO Social Media Optimisation (or SMO or Social SEO) is the methodisation of social media

activity with the intent of attracting unique visitors to website content. SMO is one of two

online methods of website optimisation; the other method is search engine optimization or


SMPR Social Media Press Release (SMPR) is a special public relations digest created for usage

in social media solely. What makes SMPR different from traditional press releases is that

it has to interest and give some useful information to social media users. The concept is

quite new and still in the process of being fully developed. A whole new approach is need-

ed to hold the attention of social media users who have access to tons of information.

Trending The degree to which a topic is increasing or decreasing in terms of both amplitude and

dispersion in social media platforms.

UGC UGC is an acronym for User Generated Content. This is the manner in which social media

users contribute to the content of the website. UGC in fact applies to all websites that ask

for the active involvement of visitors (forums, profile pages, etc).

User/Consumer A person interacting with any social platform.

Widget Portable content that can be installed and/or embedded within a web page or social profile

by that page's owner.