July/August 2020 THE FOUNTAIN...dated event, please telephone or e-mail Edward Threapleton on 01765...

1 July/August 2020 THE FOUNTAIN The Parish Magazine serving the communities of the Fountains Group, Aldfield Sawley & Winksley (Fountains Parish), Azerley, Dallowgill, Galphay, Grantley, Grewelthorpe, Kirkby Malzeard, Laverton, Mickley & Studley 50p The Rectory Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon HG4 3SL Dear Friends, As the coronavirus lockdown eases, we’re all wondering what lies ahead. It’s a bit like looking out over the sea and wondering what’s under the surface. If we dip our toes in, what will we find? I should confess that I’m never likely to do more than dip my toes in the sea; or in extreme cases of boldness, my shins I reckon it’s much harder to drown if you stay on dry land. But even when we approach with great trepidation, we can discover wonderful things. I once had a truly delightful encounter in Greece with a young octopus, which grabbed my foot in a very gentle and friendly manner as I paddled. In particular now, and quite urgently, I’m wondering what we will be doing about opening our church buildings and restarting services over the summer. As I write this, the government advice is that services can

Transcript of July/August 2020 THE FOUNTAIN...dated event, please telephone or e-mail Edward Threapleton on 01765...

Page 1: July/August 2020 THE FOUNTAIN...dated event, please telephone or e-mail Edward Threapleton on 01765 658744/ threaps62@gmail.com who will ensure the information is recorded and entered


July/August 2020

THE FOUNTAIN The Parish Magazine serving the communities of the Fountains Group, Aldfield

Sawley & Winksley (Fountains Parish), Azerley, Dallowgill, Galphay, Grantley,

Grewelthorpe, Kirkby Malzeard, Laverton, Mickley & Studley


The Rectory Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon HG4 3SL Dear Friends,

As the coronavirus lockdown eases, we’re all wondering what lies


It’s a bit like looking out over the sea and wondering what’s under the

surface. If we dip our toes in, what will we find? I should confess that

I’m never likely to do more than dip my toes in the sea; or in extreme

cases of boldness, my shins – I reckon it’s much harder to drown if you

stay on dry land. But even when we approach with great trepidation,

we can discover wonderful things. I once had a truly delightful

encounter in Greece with a young octopus, which grabbed my foot in a

very gentle and friendly manner as I paddled.

In particular now, and quite urgently, I’m wondering what we will be

doing about opening our church buildings and restarting services over

the summer. As I write this, the government advice is that services can

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start in 10 days’ time, but as we still haven’t had precise guidelines and

instructions, we don’t actually know what we’ll be able to do. It’s a

strange feeling that by the time you read this magazine (and for the two

months until the next one) we’ll probably know a lot of the things that

we cannot tell you now. All we can do at the moment is move on into

this particular sea and see where we end up.

As a kid, I would go into the sea only if some reliable adult was nearby.

Fortunately, even in these uncertain times we have the most reliable

friend with us – the God of heaven and earth. As long as we continue

to trust in him, we will not only be kept safe but will discover joyful

surprises along the way.

Ian Kitchen

Verses to think about

Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion,

which cannot be shaken but endures forever.

As the mountains surround Jerusalem,

so the LORD surrounds his people

both now and for evermore.

Psalm 125 verses 1-2 (New International Version)

‘On my Way to Heaven’

The current pandemic has made many of us ask questions about death and

dying - or perhaps we feel we should ask those questions but we're afraid to.

Mark Ashton was a Christian pastor facing terminal cancer, and he wrote a

brief booklet about how his faith enabled him to face the situation with hope,

and why. I have a number of copies which are free to anyone who would like

them (I'll anti-bac one and put it through your door if you are isolating). It is

realistic and inspiring stuff.

Just call me on 01765 650369 or email [email protected]

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Worship with us

ALL THE BELOW IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE, AS THE LOCKDOWN RESTRICTIONS ARE EASED. Changes to our worship pattern will be notified through our websites, Facebook page, posters in villages and every other way we can think of. Or contact [email protected] for the latest news. AT THE TIME OF WRITING! We assume we will still be sharing for a while in a service of Morning Worship each week at 10.00 am, using the video-conferencing tool Zoom. If you'd like to join the 50 or so people who have shared in previous weeks, please contact Rev Ian Kitchen for more information ([email protected]) Even if you haven't used Zoom before, it isn't difficult and Ian will be able to help you sort it out. If you are not computer-savvy or you'd rather follow a service on your own we can let you have it via email or by paper through your letter box. A growing band of people are doing this at 10 am each week to build the sense that we are all worshipping together. Email or telephone Ian for more details: 01765 650369. The talk from the Zoom service should be on our YouTube channel (Fountains Benefice) after the service each week, for those who have followed the service on their own and any others who would like to see it.

Bible study

We are running a Bible study group by Zoom, currently digging more deeply

into Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. It happens on a Wednesday evening from

7.30. If you’d like to join us, or would be interested in another time, let Ian


The technology guide

As stated above, we are using the Zoom tool quite a lot in the Church at the

moment. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but it seems to be going well. We are

also using these other online tools to try to get information across and give

people a chance to get in touch:

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The benefice Facebook page is called Fountains Benefice and is at


Our website is called Fountains Group of Churches and can be found at


Our YouTube channel is also called Fountains Benefice. It contains a

number of talks from our Sunday services. Let us know if there are other

things which could usefully go there.

Every church has another page on the web, through the site called

achurchnearyou. From the page achurchnearyou.com you can put in a place

name, or use the code for one of our churches:

Aldfield 3366

Dallowgill 16890

Grewelthorpe 3211

Kirkby Malzeard 3377

Mickley 3261

Sawley 3367

Winksley 3368

You can find daily reflections and prayers on all these sites except the

YouTube channel. Please do explore them see what is there.

Telephone worship

Daily Hope is a free telephone service from the Church of England where

you can listen to hymns, prayers and reflections, or even a full worship

service. You have to press 1 for this, 2 for that and so on, so it can get a bit

annoying, but it may well be helpful - and well worth mentioning to any

neighbours who are not on the internet and would value some such input.

The freephone number is 0800 804 8044.

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Virtual Ventures

The Christian organisation CPAS runs lots of wonderful residential holidays

every summer for children and young people. Every year but this one –

they’ve all had to be cancelled.

However, CPAS are planning to run ‘Virtual Ventures’ to enable people to

experience something of the fun, friendship and faith-building from their own

homes. You can watch a very short clip to get a taste of them here:


At the time of writing that’s all we know (sounds familiar?), but anyone who

wants to be kept up to date can let Ian know and receive information when it

is available.


Len Metcalfe – funeral 29th May 2020, Winksley, Ian Kitchen took the


Gwynneth Jackson – funeral 17th June 2020, Stonefall Crematorium, Ian

Kitchen took service

Henrietta Harvey – funeral 23rd June 2020, Stonefall Crematorium, Adrian

Roberts took the service

Joe Bagshaw – funeral 29th June, Stonefall Crematorium, Ian Kitchen took

the service

Methodist Services The Methodist Church has ceased all services and all church meetings including fellowship groups, toddlers’ groups, coffee mornings etc. until further notice. The Benefice Book Group I think that we must all have been mellowed by lockdown as "Nine Coaches Waiting" met with almost universal approval. We all felt that it provided a complete escape from the situation in which we currently find ourselves The characters were interesting and our sympathies were entirely with the heroine and as one of us pointed out she was telling the story so she obviously survived and we are able to enjoy the combination of thrills and romance without worrying too

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much. As Oscar Wilde said "The good end happily and the bad end unhappily. That is what fiction means" A happy ending was just what we needed. Mary Stewart excels in setting her tales in foreign lands and "Nine Coaches Waiting" is set most evocatively in France which reminded us of holidays long ago which, exciting though they were at the time didn`t come close to this. As we trendy moderns say "What`s not to like?". Next month we will be reading " Gentleman in Moscow" by Amor Towles which promises to be another welcome escape from reality. Anne Carrick

Fountains Parish

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It was good to be able to open the church at Aldfield, albeit for just an hour and a

half, but a significant moment.

Before the enforced closure everything was in place to renovate a memorial plaque

and then decorate the interior of the church. Of course, this had to be put on hold,

but once workpeople are permitted to undertake such work again these

improvements will be carried out. When all this is completed it will be the right

time to re-assess when Services may resume, depending on government directives

and Church advice.

Girlguiding Fountains

We have been working on memories, finding out about the types of information which are easily remembered and those which it is harder to retain. We struggled at first as many are not at school or in general circulation. This has a marked effect on the girls, so the effects on those isolated by the virus must be magnified. We are working to try and understand the effects of Alzheimer’s disease and how we may be able to help those who are struggling with the effects.

Games are also a highlight of the meetings, scavenger hunts to Lego models to memory games have kept us together. Rainbows and Brownies are in sending reports of their sunflowers. Many of which are growing rapidly, but the rain, wind, slugs and snails are a constant threat. Guides and their families have been taking part in bingo run by the County. We have no further information about when we will be able to meet in person again. Hopes are for September, but we can only wait patiently.

Zoom is now the ‘in’ word and the Brownies are engaged in weekly meetings again (when we don’t forget!). It’s tricky to keep the regular slot, especially when the weather is good. It has been lovely to meet up and check on progress during the week, noting those who are returning to school for the first time since March.


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I hope everyone is keeping well.

Bernice Ferguson

News from Grewelthorpe Village Hall & Community Centre July and August Grewelthorpe Village Hall Pop-Up Shop The Pop-Up Shop has now closed, but is on standby to re-open should the need arise. A big thank you to all those who supported the shop both as volunteers and as customers. The Village Hall Committee is actively working on arrangements to open the Hackfall Cafe when it is safe to do so and when sufficient safeguards have been put in place. It is unlikely that this will be until late July or even early August but the Committee will do its best to let the Community know how things are going closer to the time. The Hall on line booking management system is currently being implemented. In the meantime, If you would like to book now for a future dated event, please telephone or e-mail Edward Threapleton on 01765 658744/ [email protected] who will ensure the information is recorded and entered on the new system when it goes live. Keep well, stay safe With best wishes from GVHCC Community Lunch Tuesday 13th July and Tuesday 10th August. 12 noon. Don’t join us but have a homemade 2 course hot dinner and pudding DELIVERED to you by our friendly Hackfall Cafe volunteers. £5 per person. Extra portions for freezing can be ordered in advance. Call Susan Rizos on 01765 658200 to order your meal. Please state any dietary requirements


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The committee felt that, in these uncertain times, it was advisable to cancel the

2020 Show before any expense was incurred. However, 3 competitions will be held

to maintain the Show’s momentum and we hope they will be well-supported by

everyone living within a 3-mile radius of the Mechanics’ Institute.

In “normal” times the Pre-school and Primary school prepare pictures to be judged

on Show day (September 5) but that isn’t possible this year. Instead we invite all the

children to paint pictures entitled “In my wildest dreams” and submit them for

judging and, as usual, prizes will be awarded in the classes for: under age 4s,

Reception and Years 1 and 2, Years 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6 . We hope the

Mechanics’ Institute will be fully open by then so the pictures can be displayed and

viewed. On the back of the painting please put your child’s name, address and age

as at August 31. Details of when and where to take them will be on the village

website and Facebook before the end of August.

The sunflower competition is open to everyone this year. Please submit your

entries and the flowers will be measured and photographed by independent judges.

The photos and the measurements will also be displayed at the Mechanics’

Institute. There will be prizes for the winners.

Our third competition is for the best decorated house/garden. The theme is the

Flower and Produce Show.

Decorated House/Garden

The theme is the Flower and Produce Show, which normally has something for

everyone to enter: garden produce, flowers, flower arranging, houseplants, baking

and preserves, arts, crafts, photography…. This year during lockdown even more

people are having a go at growing and making. So why not show off what you have

been up to? From the one or many things you have grown or made, to an all-out

interpretation of the theme in front of your house, we’d love to see it. Entry details

as below, we will give you a number to display and create your exhibit by 10am on

Saturday 5th September. We can all walk round the village over the weekend, enjoy

Kirkby Malzeard

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the fruits of an unusual year and maybe even get some tips and ideas. Everyone has

the chance to vote for their own favourite and, by voting, enter a prize draw.

To enter the Sunflower and Decorated Gardens Competitions, please drop a note

with your name, address and phone number and what you are entering to either:

Deb Tudbury, Turnway, Main Street or Heather Clark-Kelly, Jasmine Cottage, Main

Street (both at the west end of the village) by 9pm Saturday, August 29.

We hope the Mechanics’ Institute will be fully open and you will come along

between 9am and 4pm on Saturday, 5th September to view the pictures and see the

results of the sunflower competition. You will also be able to walk round the village

to see the house/garden competition entries and cast your votes.

Further details and updates will be published nearer the time. Even though the

Flower and Produce Show can’t go ahead as usual this year, we hope to make it one

to remember ☺

Please drop a note with your name, address and phone number and, in the case of

the children’s pictures, the child’s age on August 31, to the homes of Deb Tudbury

(Turnways, Main Street) or Heather Clarke-Kelly (Jasmine Cottage, Main Street) by

Saturday, August 29. That way we will know how many pictures to expect, the

number of sunflowers to be measured and how many houses/gardens are to be

judged. So remember to come along to the Mechanics’ Institute between 9am and

4pm on Saturday, September 5 and see all entries and results after which you will

be able to walk round the village to see the house/garden competition entries.

Kirkby Malzeard Pre-School

Hopefully the government will give the go ahead so we can continue to keep our

doors open on Tuesday 8th September to all our old and new children. We take

children from 18 months to 4 years; if you would like a place for your child or would

like some more information please ring Tracy at preschool on 01765658080. We are

sad to see 8 of our children leave at the end of July and we would like to thank

parents for their continual support and wish the children luck in their next

educational journey at primary school.

Samantha Carson

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Trios and terror abound in Mickley in May and June as nature expanded its horizons in the churchyard and beyond. The cuckoo stayed in the village area until late May, regularly heard through the day, heading maybe to reed warbler nests at Nosterfield. Night time ventures of hedgehogs (too many to count) continued their fiestas within the churchyard wild flower meadow areas. Morning left overs on the church path indicate a night of gaiety and frolics. Then sightings of hedgehogs, one mid-afternoon, showed the safety of lockdown as they left the churchyard and took to the Main Street and numerous front gardens. Residents mid-afternoon conversations across garden walls stopped as they realised “the hogs” were on the run. Slugs were terrorised and working together with the numerous song thrushes, snails took a hammering. Sadly, no swallows or house martins nested in the church porch so not adding to the COVID hygiene issues!! However, some cleverly found their mud nest spots in garage roof spaces or hay lofts in Mickley. Rain and weather change brought much relief to both wildlife, gardeners, trees and the cracked earth. It slowed the butterflies emerging, until this “Ibiza” sun brought out tortoise shells relishing ox eye daisies and thyme feeds. Then three arrive to feed on the thyme, a trio, now a crowd, so there is much spiralling flightiness as they disperse in all directions. Barn owls and kestrels have been in aerial battles, from early June, for food, their common favourite being “the field vole”. Kestrels slyly perch on taller trees to silently swoop on the hunting barn owl with its catch. The kestrel has at times grabbed barn owl legs to wrestle another “big vole” take away with a confusing tangle of wings and screeches in the sky. A better watch than any evening Netflix film. A “wow” sight was a visiting roe deer doe and calf “Bambi” for night time “buttercup nibbles” and some tasty alder buckthorn bark!! Nature has relished the lockdown and hopefully you have had the chance to enjoy this free viewing and it’s sounds too. May you be well, safe and in harmony with the world around us. Frances Cole


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100 CLUB The new year for Mickley Village 100 Club will start on Friday 26th June with a 'Mickley Only Open Gardens' due to the Lockdown. Villagers have been very enthusiastic and we aim to have a plant and produce stall as well as a Cake stall and James Platt will be showing his vintage tractors too!! A big thank you to all who have paid their subscriptions online this year. Fundraising for our Church and Village hall will be tricky moving forward but we are hoping to produce another Village Calendar for 2021 and will be asking for photographic contributions. As the lifting of the Lockdown continues we will endeavour to be outward looking and creative. Thank you all once again for your continued support. The 100 Club Team

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The Grantley Birthday Treat - If you're free on your birthday, so are we!

Celebrate at The Grantley and have your main course and dessert on us. Birthday specials must be pre-booked for a party of four or more for one free birthday meal and will only be honoured on the day of your birthday (proof required). The meal eaten by the birthday guest will be the meal given FREE. The Grantley, High Grantley, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 3PJ

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Tel: 01765 620227 www.grantleyarms.com

Franklin Hardscapes

Paths – Patios – Driveways Stone & Brick walling

Hedge and Tree Planting Fencing Turfing


Contact Edward Franklin 01765 658 067 07814 982 043

Apex – Private Hire Local* Long Distance*

Airports* Courier

Trevor Kempster Well Cottage

Kirkby Malzeard

Ring Direct: Mob: 07970 308823 Tel:01765 650491

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Saturday 10.00am-4.00pm

and by appointment.

To make an appointment to look around the

shop please ‘phone 01765 658201.

We also welcome enquiries if you have

quality antique & vintage items for sale.

To make an appointment if you have an item

to sell please ‘phone 07946 646985.

For more information

e-mail [email protected]

www. sarahjonesantiques.co.uk


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Attention Day and Night


Domestic and Commercial


After Office Hours

Mr T E Bassitt Tel. 07702 998962

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BLAKEY TREE SURGERY Dangerous Trees Dismantled Felling Pruning & Re – Shaping Crown Thinning & Lifting Stump Grinding TPO & Planning Applications

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Call David Blakey: 01765 658029 Mobile: 07712 623178

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Family business, established 40 years

Car Repairs and Servicing Servicing and repairs to cars and vans, including those still in

warranty, following Good Garage Scheme, manufacturers or our own schedule.

MOT testing including motorbikes

Petrol and Diesel forecourt, pay at pump, open late 7 days Diagnostics using the latest Snap On and Crypton equipment.

Tyres, batteries and exhausts supplied and fitted. Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm, Saturday by prior arrangement only.

Call us on 01765 658468

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Kirkby Fisheries

Opening Hours Monday–Saturday 11.30am-1.30pm

& 5.00-9.00pm

To avoid delays order on 01765 658723.


Follow us on facebook Kirkbyfisheries.

KUTZ @ KIRKBY Main Street, Kirkby Malzeard

(Next to Kirkby Motors)

Ladies & Gentlemen’s Hairdressers

Closed Sunday & Monday Tuesday – Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm

Saturday 8.30am – 1.00pm

Tel 01765 650137

Mobile 07792 695318




30 years’ experience

Mrs J Morton Wilderbrook House

Winksley Nr Ripon

Brand New Facilities

For details Ring: 01765 658733

Gary Carson

Painter & Decorator

Tel: 01765 658761 Mob: 07737 322335

Email:[email protected]

Call for a free estimate

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01765 658827 07425 184326

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TELEPHONE DIRECTORY (01765 if no code given)

APEX PRIVATE HIRE, (Trevor Kempster, Kirkby Malzeard) local /long distance airport /courier, mobile 07970 308823 650491 BLAKEY TREE SURGERY, Felling,pruning,thinning,logs,chippings,free quote 658029 BOGS HALL STABLES, Livery, tuition, BHS approved, rug cleaning. 658184 BULL GRAPHIC DESIGN, Logo design, websites, brochures, packaging 658022 CATERERS & CROCKERY HIRE, L Atkinson 620618 or 658545 CREATIVE NAILS BY CAROL, for all your nail requirements, 07736 544 446 or 609293 CURTAIN & BLIND MAKING SERVICE & ALTERATIONS, contact Carol Ayres 658898 DOG HOME BOARDING, the kinder alternative to kennels. Experienced carer, fully insured & HBC approved. Early booking advised. 650438 GARY CARSON, Painter & Decorator, call for a free estimate, 07737 322335 or 658761 HIGHSIDE BUTCHERS, Local lamb, beef and pork 658423 T & M.E JACKSON, Approved electrical contractors 658517 KIRKBY MALZEARD PRE-SCHOOL & TODDLER GROUP 658080 KIRKBY STORES, Open Mon-Sat 6am - 6.30pm Sun 7.00-10.30am 658305 J B LAMBERT & SON, Painter & Decorator 603928 LINDRICK LOGS, Local quality seasoned hardwood, prompt delivery 605248 LYNX FUELS, Domestic heating oil & agricultural fuels. Ring Andrew Storey 07970 249978 MOBILE FOOT CLINIC, Anna Smith, Kirkby Malzeard & Grewelthorpe 690830 MOBILE HAIRDRESSER Call Vanessa, all aspects of hairdressing,07861 734226 606417 N C R PLUMBING & HEATING, OFTEC, NAPIT, Trust Mark registered, plumbing, bathrooms, central heating, oil boilers, tanks, electricals 650410 RIPON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC, Various times Monday – Friday by appointment only. If you’re suffering from headaches, sciatica, back, leg, shoulder or arm pain or pins and needles, contact 609494 ROSELEA TEAROOM , Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10.00am – 3.30pm SIMON MERRIN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, mobile 07711 343083 or 658640 SEA DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS SERVICE, for washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, & electric cookers mobile 07801 079911 or 689793 TILLY’S TAILS, Dog walking, pet sitting, tailored to meet your needs mob 07887 617294 TRACY JOHNSON, Mole control,gardens,paddocks,farmland,traditional method 620651 TOM WATSON JOINERY, All aspects of joinery. Good service guaranteed 07920 005140 J WEATHERHEAD & SON, Fencing contractor, all types of fencing supplied & erected, hedge planting undertaken 658508

Advertising enquiries please to Stuart Wakefield Tel 605697. e-mail [email protected]


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The next issue of The Fountain will be an on-line September edition. Material for this should be sent to the editor by 24th August, 2020 please:-

Mrs Sharon Wood, West Farm, Galphay, Ripon HG4 3NJ Tel: 01765 658220, e-mail [email protected]

The Fountains Benefice Ministry Team

Priest in Charge Revd Ian Kitchen The Rectory, Ringbeck Road, Kirkby Malzeard HG4 3SL 01765 650369 [email protected] (Day off usually Friday)

Readers Miss Anne Carrick 01765 601167

Mrs Liz Jarvis 01765 620508

Mr Adrian Roberts 01765 650275

Administrator Isabelle Munyard

Please note new hours: Thurs 9.30 am - 3.30 pm

e-mail [email protected]