JULY-AUGUST, 2013 St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter ... · mammals: bison, elk, pronghorn,...

1 Dear St. John's church family, It is a joy for me to return home after my time serving as a chaplain at the chapel of the transfiguration in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. What a wonderful opportunity it was to serve as preacher or celebrant each Sunday for the two services that attracted over 100 people each week (Jim and I both served taking turns), many traveling from all over the world. During the week, we had free time and so we hiked and camped and biked all over in the National Parks in Wyoming and Montana. While we were in Wyoming, the weather and mountains changed dramatically for there was much snow and frost when we arrived, and when we left the mountainsides were covered with a wealth of wildflowers. I love to identify the flowers I see while hiking, and I saw about 100 species. I even saw two wild orchids! Here (below) is a photo I took of one of God’s natural gardens in the mountains! The diversity of the early summer mountain wildflowers flowers is really exciting to behold, and God’s blessing upon us is so evident through them! Jim and I also went wildlife viewing, and were able to see the following mammals: bison, elk, pronghorn, pika, marmot, mule deer, wolf, and bear. All these viewings reminded me of Psalm 104:24, which says: O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.I pray that you too are witnessing God’s glory through creation this summer. Take the time to notice the beauty of the plants and the majesty of animals around us here in Wisconsin, and then look to God with gratitude. Some people look at the beauty of creation, and don’t really think about it being God’s gift to us. Take the opportunity to share with others this summer how much God blesses us through nature. And, as you interact with others this summer and have out of town family and friends come to visit invite them and bring them to church! As you enjoy the summer, come to church to worship God in the beauty of holiness (Psalm 96:9). In addition to our wonderful Sunday worship at 9:30 AM and our fantastic fellowship and refreshments afterwards this summer we will be having short teachings during coffee hour (10 minutes) on the lives of saints (one saint each Sunday). We can learn so much from studying the lives of great Christians who have gone before us, and learning the stories of their lives and faith journeys is really interesting. Sunday school is taking a break during the summer, but we will have children’s sermons when there are a bunch of kids in the service. There are lots of good reasons to come to church on Sundays in the summer; God doesn’t take the summer off from us, and so do plan church into your weekend schedule this summer. In Christ's love, Pastor Mary+ JULY-AUGUST, 2013 St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter Shawano, Wisconsin

Transcript of JULY-AUGUST, 2013 St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter ... · mammals: bison, elk, pronghorn,...

Page 1: JULY-AUGUST, 2013 St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter ... · mammals: bison, elk, pronghorn, pika, marmot, mule deer, wolf, and bear. All these viewings reminded me of Psalm 104:24,


Dear St. John's church family,

It is a joy for me to return home after my time serving as a chaplain at the chapel of the transfiguration in

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. What a wonderful opportunity it was to serve as preacher or celebrant

each Sunday for the two services that attracted over 100 people each week (Jim and I both served taking turns),

many traveling from all over the world. During the week, we had free time and so we hiked and camped and

biked all over in the National Parks in Wyoming and Montana. While we were in Wyoming, the weather and

mountains changed dramatically – for there was much snow and frost when we arrived, and when we left the

mountainsides were covered with a wealth of wildflowers. I love to identify the flowers I see while hiking, and

I saw about 100 species. I even saw two wild orchids! Here (below) is a photo I took of one of God’s natural

gardens in the mountains! The diversity of the early summer mountain wildflowers flowers is really exciting

to behold, and God’s blessing upon us is so evident through them!

Jim and I also went wildlife viewing, and were able to see the following

mammals: bison, elk, pronghorn, pika, marmot, mule deer, wolf, and bear. All

these viewings reminded me of Psalm 104:24, which says: “O Lord, how

manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full

of your creatures.“

I pray that you too are witnessing God’s glory through creation this summer.

Take the time to notice the beauty of the plants and the majesty of animals

around us here in Wisconsin, and then look to God with gratitude. Some people

look at the beauty of creation, and don’t really think about it being God’s gift to

us. Take the opportunity to share with others this summer how much God

blesses us through nature. And, as you interact with others this summer and have

out of town family and friends come to visit invite them and bring them to


As you enjoy the summer, come to church to worship God in the beauty of holiness (Psalm 96:9). In addition

to our wonderful Sunday worship at 9:30 AM and our fantastic fellowship and refreshments afterwards – this

summer we will be having short teachings during coffee hour (10 minutes) on the lives of saints (one saint each

Sunday). We can learn so much from studying the lives of great Christians who have gone before us, and

learning the stories of their lives and faith journeys is really interesting. Sunday school is taking a break during

the summer, but we will have children’s sermons when there are a bunch of kids in the service. There are lots

of good reasons to come to church on Sundays in the summer; God doesn’t take the summer off from us, and

so do plan church into your weekend schedule this summer.

In Christ's love, Pastor Mary+


St. John's Episcopal





May-June, 2013

Page 2: JULY-AUGUST, 2013 St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter ... · mammals: bison, elk, pronghorn, pika, marmot, mule deer, wolf, and bear. All these viewings reminded me of Psalm 104:24,


Pastor Mary standing at the Altar of the chapel of

Transfiguration in Grand Teton National Park, where she

serviced as chaplain along with her husband Jim during the

month of June. What a beautiful view! One Sunday, there was

even a moose seen out this window!

More beautiful flowers seen in the mountains during a hike on a side trip up north to Glacier National Park!

SPECIAL UPCOMING Events at St. John's

July 14- August 18: Sunday coffee hour mini-classes on lives of the saints We, in the Episcopal Church, see all those who live as faithful followers of Christ as saints. But, there are some

people throughout history who are remarkable examples for us to study we go through our spiritual journey. The

Episcopal Church has Feast days appointed for many saints throughout the year, and it is so interesting to read

about them. In this summer education series (by popular demand, requested by the Bishop’s Committee), we will

briefly look at one saint a week during coffee hour.

Look forward to some amazing, bizarre, weird, inspirational stories!

September 8: 9:30 AM Outdoor Mass followed by picnic’s Committee)

1:30 PM Blessing of the Animals

Page 3: JULY-AUGUST, 2013 St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter ... · mammals: bison, elk, pronghorn, pika, marmot, mule deer, wolf, and bear. All these viewings reminded me of Psalm 104:24,


St. John “carved stump statue” now has color!

Take the time to notice something new at the

side entrance to St. John’s! Our special carved

“statue” of St. John is now stained with

beautiful color, and it is looking even more

amazing and inspirational than before! Take a

look! [The artist, Mr. Ketchanago, had to wait

until the warm weather to stain it.] Thank you,

Mr. Ketchango, for your amazing artistry and

thank you to the anonymous donor who made

this carving possible. What a transformation!


Flowers FYI:

Do you have a loved one you'd like to remember and honor or maybe your wedding Anniversary or other

special day you would like to celebrate with flowers on a specific Sunday. Please contact Wendy in person

or 715-526-6155 or [email protected] and make arrangements for the Sunday you would like to have

them placed in the Church and your announcement posted in the bulletin.


Sunday School Sunday School will resume after Labor Day weekend.

I am looking forward to working with all of the Children again this year.

Anyone interested in this rewarding ministry please contact Wendy or Pastor Mary.


United Thank Offering This Spring, the United Thank Offering ministry at St. John’s was again very successful. I thought you might like to know that our

total offering was $263.68 A check, in that amount, was taken to the Eucharistic Festival in Fond du Lac, on Saturday June 29th. Our contribution combined with others during the UTO ingathering really does change lives. Winners of the heaviest UTO blue box contest were Dan and Sue Sazama, Chuck Gueths and Megan Keberlein.

Blessings, to everyone, who participated in this ministry of gratitude.

Marlene Brown UTO Chairperson

Page 4: JULY-AUGUST, 2013 St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter ... · mammals: bison, elk, pronghorn, pika, marmot, mule deer, wolf, and bear. All these viewings reminded me of Psalm 104:24,


Treasurer’s Report The end of June marks the "half year" of our budget, and we are holding our own. We are grateful for the members who pledge and keep their pledge up to date. Thank you all for your continued support, a blessed rest of the summer to you all, enjoy God's creation and be safe. We want you all in church every Sunday, body and mind intact! Sue Sazama.

Food Pantry

Everyone please remember to bring one grocery item to church on Sunday. It can be anything at all- a can of

soup-vegetables-package of jello or pudding - crackers-cereal-peanut butter. Every donation is very much appreciated by those in need and there are many in our community. Lee and I make sure that all donations

are delivered to SAFPARC where they are distributed . Thank you all for your continued support. Nancy Clasen

Community Meal

Hope church sponsored the May Community Meal and 115 persons were served a nice meal. A musical group entertained throughout the event. Lee and I were there representing St John's, assisting as servers and

assisting guests to their tables. We have had the privilege of meeting many new wonderful people that we would probably have never encountered. All are welcomed at the Community Meal. It is held the 4th Tuesday

of every month. If anyone is interested in donating to a meal or volunteering, please contact me directly. Nancy Clasen

Leader Dogs

Here we go again St John's!! Bessie is your 7th [can you believe it?!] Leader Dog Puppy (see Bessie’s photo below). She was born April 26th to Abby and Kasey, in a litter of 8. She has a heart murmur that will be

monitored , but should not be an issue for her success as a Leader Dog. Bessie is a Golden Retriever. She arrived in Shawano at 7 weeks of age weighing in at 8.4 pounds. At 8 weeks[ and 10#] she had learned to sit, recognize her name, come on recall and manage the stairs just fine. Loose leash walking and settling down in church are not going as well. She loves to play in water and mud. CHEWING on anything is her most favorite past-time. I thank you, Leader Dogs thanks you and all my puppys thank you for your continued acceptance

and support of this work-getting these pups ready to do their life work: giving a visually impaired person the gift of independent life. Nancy Clasen


Page 5: JULY-AUGUST, 2013 St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter ... · mammals: bison, elk, pronghorn, pika, marmot, mule deer, wolf, and bear. All these viewings reminded me of Psalm 104:24,


CAMPFIRE BIBLE DISCUSSION in a relaxed & friendly atmosphere at

Art Freiberg and Mary Hamby’s home – all are invited. Fri. Aug. 2 at 6:30 pm.

Come to Art & Mary Freibergs - 121 Lake Dr. in Gresham (from Hwy 29 between mile markers 215 & 216 turn north

on Cnty. U to Gresham. Over the bridge & just past the ball diamond turn east on Lake Dr. Go .6 (six tenths) mile to red house on right. We will supply the fire & fixins for s'mores & condiments. We will start the fire at 5:00 so those who need to travel or just want to, can eat here. Marie Adee (guitarist from Green Bay) will supply the instrumental music for both hymns and campfire songs, but we need to do the singing. We will have copies of the songs printed off for you.

You need to bring: 1. if you're eating here, meat (keep it simple because of time and grill space) and a dish to pass 2. your own beverages (alcohol optional) 3. lawn chairs 4. mosquito repellent 5. a bible What's happening; 1. lots of camaraderie in a beautiful setting 2. opening & closing prayers 3. singing 4. bible discussion - write the book, chapter, and verse of a passage that interests you on a piece of paper that will go into a hat here - each person will pick a paper from the hat, read the verse from their bible, and start a discussion - at the end of the discussion we have to guess who submitted that verse before moving on Only rules: PLEASE NO POLITICS! - please RSVP to Art and Mary at Bengal @yahoo.com Art & Mary Freiberg ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

New Cards for you to keep in your wallet and hand to people in your daily life: Reach out in Christ's love to those you meet, to your acquaintances, co-workers

The Bishop's Committee decided to have us make and have handy to give to people little cards to tell people of Jesus' love as well as invite them to St. John's. BIshop Jacobus helped us with these cards, and printed

copies for us (handed out at church on May 5, and available in the Hall). Please use these cards to the Glory of God! Thanks, Art, for this great idea! Here is what the cards say (they are the size of a business card, 2 sided):

Are you looking for an accepting , welcoming place to explore your spiritual side? Please come and experience the fun, reverent worship at St. John’s (9:30 Sundays), ask questions, find new meaning for your

life, and make new friends. It’s not only a church, it is a community! “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden,

and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 St. John's Episcopal Church

141 S. Smalley St. (1/2 block south of Green Bay St near downtown),

Shawano, WI 54166 715-526-3686 www.shawanoepiscopal.com

Page 6: JULY-AUGUST, 2013 St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter ... · mammals: bison, elk, pronghorn, pika, marmot, mule deer, wolf, and bear. All these viewings reminded me of Psalm 104:24,


What is the source of your safety?

A sign that makes us think! This sign is a real warning sign (I took the photo on 6/25 in Grand Teton Nat. Park, right before I saw two grizzly bears from our car)—the fine print says: “There is no guarantee of your safety while hiking or camping in Bear Country” This brings to mind the question, “What is the source of our ultimate security and safety?” Jesus Christ is our Savior, Redeemer. It is He who will rescue us. That having been said, God gave us brains to use and common sense. So, we are supposed to obey signs like this one!

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Diocesan Calendar: Get involved --attend any of these wonderful events!

8/6: Youth Diocesan Trip to Six Flags, Great America, Gurnee, Illinois (See Tony Walter for details) 8/18: Diocesan Party for Bishop Jacobus and his wife Jerrie, at Homestead Meadows Farm, Appleton 3:30-9 10/2-4: "Walk around of Bishop candidates" - meet those under consideration to be our next bishop 10/18-19: Diocesan Convention, Fond du Lac (election of new bishop) 4/26/14: Consecration of the new Bishop of Fond du Lac

Diocesan Bishop Search process

The process for searching for a new bishop is on going! The interviews are going on now, and we will have an opportunity to get to know the

finalists the first weekend of October (they will travel around the Diocese). For the latest information on the search for a

Bishop check out the Bishop Search website: http://bishopsearch.info

Save the Date! August 18 3:30- 9 PM A Diocesan Celebration!

Come celebrate with Bishop Jacobus and Jerrie on Sunday, August 18 from 3:30- 9:00 p.m. for a Diocesan party not far away from Shawano. This family focused event, to honor their nearly twenty years of ministry in the diocese, will be held at Homestead meadows Farm, 10 minutes west of Appleton. There will be social and family time with hayrides and games, dinner and a program and ending with a dance. Complete details and registration will be available soon, on the Diocesan website!

Page 7: JULY-AUGUST, 2013 St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter ... · mammals: bison, elk, pronghorn, pika, marmot, mule deer, wolf, and bear. All these viewings reminded me of Psalm 104:24,


Time to Laugh! The following are actual church bulletin board bloopers found in churches across the United States. Hahahahahahahaha

(from ahajokes.com)

- Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles, and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.

- The Pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday morning.

- The audience is asked to remain seated until the end of the recession. - Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 to 8:30 p.m. Please use the back door. - Ushers will eat latecomers. - The third verse of “Blessed Assurance” will be sung without musical accomplishment. - For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs. - The Rev. Hansen spoke briefly, much to the delight of the audience. - The pastor will preach his farewell message, after which the choir will sing, "Break Forth Into Joy." - During the absence of our pastor, we enjoyed the rare privilege of hearing a good sermon when J.F.

Stubbs supplied our pulpit. - Next Sunday Mrs. Vinson will be soloist for the morning service. The pastor will then speak on "It's a

Terrible Experience." - Due to the Rector's illness, Wednesday's healing services will be discontinued until further notice. - The music for today's service was all composed by George Friedrich Handel in celebration of the 300th

anniversary of his birth. - Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community.

July St. John's Birthday: 2 Mabel Gruber

August St. John's Birthdays: 3 Bill Weinman 14 Yvonne Kieslich 23 Marianne Pender

28 Nicole Mattke 29 Dennis Schutt 31 Bernie Spolar

July Anniversaries 21 Joe & Connie Keberlien 31 Dennis & Esther Schutt

August Anniversaries

10 John & Linda Myers 26 Scott&Margie Pieper


Page 8: JULY-AUGUST, 2013 St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter ... · mammals: bison, elk, pronghorn, pika, marmot, mule deer, wolf, and bear. All these viewings reminded me of Psalm 104:24,


- The concert held in Fellowship Hall was a great success. Special thanks are due to the minister's daughter, who labored the whole evening at the piano, which as usual fell upon her.

- Twenty-two members were present at the church meeting held at the home of Mrs. Marsha Crutchfield last evening. Mrs. Crutchfield and Mrs. Rankin sang a duet, The Lord Knows Why.

- A song fest was hell at the Methodist church Wednesday. - Potluck supper: Prayer and medication to follow. - Don't let worry kill you off - let the church help. - Pastor is on vacation. Massages can be given to church secretary.

Fortunately, our St. John’s Bulletin board does not have such bloopers-we probably have others! Fun to laugh.

July and August St. John’s Calendars

◄ June ~ July 2013 ~ August ►

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat




4 Happy Independence

Day! Enjoy the fireworks!



7 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist followed by refreshments in the Hall







14 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist followed by refreshments in the Hall and a mini-class on the life of a saint







21 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist followed by refreshments in the Hall and a mini-class on the life of a saint

22 VBS

23 VBS

24 VBS

25 VBS



28 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist followed by refreshments in the Hall and a mini-class on the life of a saint




Notes: Enjoy the summer, and don’t forget to include coming to church in your summer fun! Pastor Mary is back, full of stories from the wild West.

Page 9: JULY-AUGUST, 2013 St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter ... · mammals: bison, elk, pronghorn, pika, marmot, mule deer, wolf, and bear. All these viewings reminded me of Psalm 104:24,


◄ July ~ August 2013 ~ September ►

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 Gathering at Art and Mary’s for Bible discussion around the fire, 6:30 PM


4 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist followed by refreshments in the Hall and a mini-class on the life of a saint


6 Youth Diocesan Trip to Six Flags, Great America, Gurnee, Illinois





11 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist followed by refreshments in the Hall and a mini-class on the life of a saint







18 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist followed by refreshments in the Hall and a mini-class on the life of a saint Celebration of ministry of Bishop Jacobus, all invited







25 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist followed by refreshments in the Hall and celebration of Holy Baptism of baby Gabriel






