July 27 Younger - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/peninsulacommunitychapel/documents/July...

Kidzone KG and 1st Grade Small Group Unit 23 Session 3 – Younger Elementary Sunday, July 27, 2014 TEACHER BIBLE STUDY Mary Visited Elizabeth Luke 1:3956 God’s people did not hear a clear message from God for hundreds of years. Then one day, Gabriel—an angel of the Lord—told a man that his wife, Elizabeth, was going to have a baby. The baby’s name would be John. Then the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her that she would have a baby, and He would be God’s Son. Mary and Elizabeth were relatives. Elizabeth was old and barren; she and her husband, Zechariah, had no children. Mary was a young girl—likely in her early teens. She was a virgin, engaged to be married to Joseph. The announcements of these pregnancies were miraculous for both women. Both babies had been foretold by the prophet Isaiah—John in Isaiah 40:3 and Jesus in Isaiah 7:14. The angel Gabriel told Mary that Elizabeth was pregnant too, and Mary hurried to see her. The journey would not have been easy. Mary traveled nearly one hundred miles to see Elizabeth, and her arrival brought great joy to both Elizabeth and Elizabeth’s unborn baby. In the presence of the unborn Messiah, John leaped in Elizabeth’s belly. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and she said, “Mary, you are blessed!” The story of Mary’s visit with Elizabeth gives us a remarkable picture of women living by faith. Being a young, unwed pregnant woman could have caused Mary to worry. Instead, her response is marked by her trust in God. Mary’s song reflects her knowledge of God’s Word and her understanding of who God is. Mary worshiped God because the coming of the promised Savior was good news! People had been waiting hundreds of years for the Messiah. “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,” Mary sang. Being the mother of Jesus was no small task, but Mary trusted that God was in charge. The words of Mary’s song were a testimony of God’s mercy, might, grace, generosity, and faithfulness. Mary knew these things, and that is why she sang. YOUNGER KIDS BIBLE STUDY OVERVIEW Session Title: Mary Visited Elizabeth Bible Passage: Luke 1:3956 Big Picture Question: What was special about Mary’s baby? Jesus is God’s Son. Key Passage: Luke 1:7677 Unit Christ Connection: As prophesied in Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 3:1, John the Baptist prepared the people for the coming Messiah.

Transcript of July 27 Younger - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/peninsulacommunitychapel/documents/July...

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Kidzone  KG  and  1st  Grade  Small  Group      

Unit  23  Session  3    –  Younger  Elementary  

Sunday,  July  27,  2014  

TEACHER  BIBLE  STUDY  Mary  Visited  Elizabeth    

Luke  1:39-­‐56    God’s  people  did  not  hear  a  clear  message  from  God  for  hundreds  of  years.  Then  one  day,  Gabriel—an  angel  of  the  Lord—told  a  man  that  his  wife,  Elizabeth,  was  going  to  have  a  baby.  The  baby’s  name  would  be  John.  Then  the  angel  Gabriel  appeared  to  Mary  and  told  her  that  she  would  have  a  baby,  and  He  would  be  God’s  Son.  

Mary  and  Elizabeth  were  relatives.  Elizabeth  was  old  and  barren;  she  and  her  husband,  Zechariah,  had  no  children.  Mary  was  a  young  girl—likely  in  her  early  teens.  She  was  a  virgin,  engaged  to  be  married  to  Joseph.  The  announcements  of  these  pregnancies  were  miraculous  for  both  women.  Both  babies  had  been  foretold  by  the  prophet  Isaiah—John  in  Isaiah  40:3  and  Jesus  in  Isaiah  7:14.  

The  angel  Gabriel  told  Mary  that  Elizabeth  was  pregnant  too,  and  Mary  hurried  to  see  her.  The  journey  would  not  have  been  easy.  Mary  traveled  nearly  one  hundred  miles  to  see  Elizabeth,  and  her  arrival  brought  great  joy  to  both  Elizabeth  and  Elizabeth’s  unborn  baby.  In  the  presence  of  the  unborn  Messiah,  John  leaped  in  Elizabeth’s  belly.  Elizabeth  was  filled  with  the  Holy  Spirit,  and  she  said,  “Mary,  you  are  blessed!”  

The  story  of  Mary’s  visit  with  Elizabeth  gives  us  a  remarkable  picture  of  women  living  by  faith.  Being  a  young,  unwed  pregnant  woman  could  have  caused  Mary  to  worry.  Instead,  her  response  is  marked  by  her  trust  in  God.  Mary’s  song  reflects  her  knowledge  of  God’s  Word  and  her  understanding  of  who  God  is.  

Mary  worshiped  God  because  the  coming  of  the  promised  Savior  was  good  news!  People  had  been  waiting  hundreds  of  years  for  the  Messiah.  “My  soul  proclaims  the  greatness  of  the  Lord,”  Mary  sang.  Being  the  mother  of  Jesus  was  no  small  task,  but  Mary  trusted  that  God  was  in  charge.  

The  words  of  Mary’s  song  were  a  testimony  of  God’s  mercy,  might,  grace,  generosity,  and  faithfulness.  Mary  knew  these  things,  and  that  is  why  she  sang.  

YOUNGER  KIDS  BIBLE  STUDY  OVERVIEW  Session  Title:  Mary  Visited  Elizabeth    Bible  Passage:  Luke  1:39-­‐56    Big  Picture  Question:  What  was  special  about  Mary’s  baby?  Jesus  is  God’s  Son.    Key  Passage:  Luke  1:76-­‐77    Unit  Christ  Connection:  As  prophesied  in  Isaiah  40:3  and  Malachi  3:1,  John  the  Baptist  prepared  the  people  for  the  coming  Messiah.  

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Kidzone  KG  and  1st  Grade  Small  Group      

Unit  23  Session  3    –  Younger  Elementary  

Sunday,  July  27,  2014  

Small  Group  Time  Welcome  time  Activity  page  (5  minutes)  Session  starter  (10  minutes)  Key  passage  activity  (5  minutes)  

Bible  story  review  (10  minutes)  Activity  choice  (10  minutes)  Journal  (5  minutes)  Prayer  (5  minutes)  


Mary  Visited  Elizabeth  Luke  1:39-­‐56  

The  angel  Gabriel  had  appeared  to  Mary  and  said  that  Mary  was  going  to  have  a  baby.  Gabriel  said  that  the  baby  would  be  God’s  Son!  He  also  told  Mary  that  her  relative  Elizabeth  was  going  to  have  a  baby  too,  even  though  Elizabeth  was  old.  

Mary  hurried  to  the  town  in  Judah  where  her  relative  Elizabeth  lived.  When  Mary  got  there,  she  went  into  the  house  and  called  out  to  Elizabeth.  When  Mary  came  in  the  house,  Elizabeth’s  baby  leaped  in  her  belly,  and  Elizabeth  was  filled  with  the  Holy  Spirit.  

Elizabeth  said,  “You  are  blessed,  Mary!  And  your  baby  will  be  blessed!”  

Elizabeth  could  hardly  believe  what  was  happening.  These  things  were  so  wonderful!  “How  could  the  mother  of  God’s  Son  come  to  me?”  she  wondered.  Then  Elizabeth  said,  “As  soon  as  I  heard  you,  Mary,  the  baby  inside  me  leaped  for  joy!”  Elizabeth  said  that  Mary  would  be  blessed  for  believing  God’s  words.  Everything  God  said  would  happen  would  really  happen.  

Mary  was  so  happy.  She  praised  God  with  a  song  about  how  great  He  is.  The  song  went  like  this:  

The  Lord  is  great  and  my  spirit  rejoices  in  Him!  He  has  looked  on  me—His  humble  servant—with  favor.  Surely,  from  now  on,  all  people  will  call  me  blessed  because  God  has  done  great  things  for  me.  His  name  is  holy.  He  shows  mercy  to  all  who  have  faith  in  Him—who  believe  in  Him  without  seeing  Him.  With  His  mighty  arm,  God  has  scattered  people  who  are  proud.  He  has  taken  mighty  kings  off  their  thrones,  and  He  has  given  the  people  who  are  ordinary  and  poor  places  of  honor.  He  has  filled  up  people  who  are  hungry  with  good  things,  and  He  sent  the  rich  people  away  with  nothing.  God  has  helped  His  servant—the  nation  of  Israel—and  He  has  remembered  the  promise  He  made  to  Abraham  and  his  descendants.  Mary  knew  every  family  in  the  future  would  say  she  was  blessed  because  God  was  going  to  do  great  things  for  her  through  Jesus.  God  was  keeping  His  promise  to  bless  the  whole  world  through  Jesus.  Mary  stayed  with  Elizabeth  about  three  months,  and  then  she  went  back  to  her  home  in  Nazareth.  

Christ  Connection:  God  kept  His  promise  to  Abraham  and  his  descendants.  The  coming  of  the  promised  Savior  was  good  news!  Before  Jesus  was  born,  people  rejoiced  and  praised  God  for  His  Son.  Mary  and  Elizabeth  worshiped  God  because  of  Jesus.  

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Kidzone  KG  and  1st  Grade  Small  Group      

Unit  23  Session  3  –  Younger  Elementary  

Sunday,  July  27,  2014  


SMALL  GROUP  OPENING  Session  Title:  Mary  Visited  Elizabeth    Bible  Passage:  Luke  1:39-­‐56    Big  Picture  Question:  What  was  special  about  Mary’s  baby?  Jesus  is  God’s  Son.    Key  Passage:  Luke  1:76-­‐77    Unit  Christ  Connection:  As  prophesied  in  Isaiah  40:3  and  Malachi  3:1,  John  the  Baptist  prepared  the  people  for  the  coming  Messiah.    

Welcome  time:    

Arriving  Activity:  All  smiles    • heavyweight  paper    • markers    • scissors    • craft  sticks    • glue    As  kids  arrive,  give  them  each  a  half  sheet  of  heavyweight  paper,  markers,  scissors,  and  a  craft  stick.  Invite  them  to  draw  a  smile  on  the  piece  of  paper,  cut  it  out,  and  paste  it  onto  the  end  of  the  craft  stick.  Then  talk  about  what  makes  them  happy.    

Say  •  Have  you  ever  thought  about  how  God  has  blessed  you  with  all  those  things?  Today,  we  will  talk  about  a  young  girl  who  understood  how  blessed  she  was.  


Activity  page  (5  minutes)  • “Music  Code”  activity  page,  1  per  kid    • pencils    Guide  boys  and  girls  to  complete  the  activity  page.    

Say  •  Do  you  ever  sing  to  God?  What  are  some  things  you  sing  about?  We  will  find  out  in  today’s  Bible  story  what  Mary  sang  to  God  about.  


Session  starter  (10  minutes)    

Option  1:  Jump  around    Line  up  the  kids  across  the  room.  Form  a  second  line  if  necessary.  Remove  any  nearby  obstacles.  Explain  that  the  kids  are  going  to  be  in  a  jumping  contest.  You  will  give  the  command  of  left,  right,  forward,  or  back.  The  kids  will  respond  by  taking  three  small  jumps  in  that  direction.  Demonstrate  what  a  small  jump  is,  and  make  sure  the  kids  know  the  difference  between  their  

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Kidzone  KG  and  1st  Grade  Small  Group      

Unit  23  Session  3  –  Younger  Elementary  

Sunday,  July  27,  2014  


left  and  right.  Start  slowly  with  the  commands  and  increase  speed  as  the  game  goes  on.  You  may  choose  to  eliminate  kids  who  jump  the  wrong  direction.  As  you  give  a  command,  make  sure  kids  have  enough  room  to  follow  the  commands  safely.    

Say  •We  often  times  jump  when  we  get  excited  about  something.  In  today’s  Bible  story,  a  baby  named  John  was  so  excited  to  meet  Jesus,  he  jumped  even  before  he  was  born.  


Option  2:  Friend  game  •  multi-­‐colored  candies,  10  to  15  per  kid  •  Allergy  Alert    Give  each  kid  10  to  15  pieces  of  multi-­‐colored  candy.  Invite  the  kids  to  choose  a  color  and  hold  it  up  in  the  air.  Each  kid  must  choose  someone  holding  up  the  same  color  and  share  a  favorite  sport  with  each  other.  Repeat  after  the  kids  choose  another  color.  It’s  also  OK  to  repeat  a  color.  Each  time,  ask  those  with  the  matching  color  to  share  information  about  themselves.  Here  are  some  more  ideas:  favorite  song,  movie,  ice  cream  flavor,  food,  book,  thing  to  do,  and  so  forth.  When  finished,  you  may  choose  to  let  the  kids  eat  the  candy  as  a  snack.    

Say  •  Hopefully  you  now  know  each  other  a  little  better  than  you  did  before.  We  usually  become  friends  with  those  who  are  similar  to  us  or  those  who  like  some  of  the  same  things.  We  will  meet  two  relatives  who  were  also  great  friends,  and  they  had  a  lot  in  common.  

SMALL  GROUP  LEADER  Session  Title:  Mary  Visited  Elizabeth    Bible  Passage:  Luke  1:39-­‐56    Big  Picture  Question:  What  was  special  about  Mary’s  baby?  Jesus  is  God’s  Son.    Key  Passage:  Luke  1:76-­‐77    Unit  Christ  Connection:  As  prophesied  in  Isaiah  40:3  and  Malachi  3:1,  John  the  Baptist  prepared  the  people  for  the  coming  Messiah.      Key  passage  activity  (5  minutes)  • Key  Passage  Slide  or  Poster    • dry  erase  board  and  markers  (optional)    • tape    • baby  rattles,  1  per    group    Make  sure  the  key  passage,  Luke  1:76-­‐77,  is  visible  for  each  child,  either  as  the  printed  poster  or  written  on  a  dry  erase  board.  Read  the  verses  together.    

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Kidzone  KG  and  1st  Grade  Small  Group      

Unit  23  Session  3  –  Younger  Elementary  

Sunday,  July  27,  2014  


Say  •  John  and  Jesus  were  recognized  as  being  special  even  before  they  were  born.  As  soon  as  Zechariah  was  able  to  speak  again,  he  said  our  key  passage.  John  was  the  one  the  prophets  Isaiah  and  Malachi  said  would  come  before  the  Savior.  Jesus  is  the  promised  Savior.  

Form  equal  groups  of  two  or  more  kids.  Tape  a  long  start  line  and  finish  line.  Invite  each  group  to  line  up  single  file  at  the  start  line.  Place  a  baby  rattle  at  the  finish  line  across  from  each  group.  The  first  kid  in  each  line  must  race  to  the  finish  line  and  say  the  key  passage  as  he  shakes  the  baby  rattle.  He  must  lay  down  the  rattle,  race  back,  and  tag  the  next  kid  in  line.  She  will  then  repeat.  The  winning  group  will  be  the  first  one  with  each  member  completing  the  passage.  The  other  kids  may  help  if  a  member  gets  stuck.  If  you  don’t  think  your  kids  are  ready  to  say  the  key  passage  from  memory,  display  the  key  passage  where  the  kids  can  see  it  during  the  game.  


Bible  story  review  (10  minutes)  • Bibles,  1  per  kid    • Small  Group  Visual    Pack    • Big  Picture  Question    Slide  or  Poster    Encourage  the  kids  to  find  Luke  1  in  their  Bibles.  Help  them  as  needed.    

Say  •  Is  Luke  in  the  Old  Testament  of  New  Testament?  (New  Testament)    

In  which  division  of  the  Bible  do  we  find  Luke?  (Gospels)    

What  are  the  other  Gospels?  (Matthew,  Mark,  John)  

Use  the  small  group  visual  pack  to  show  kids  where  today’s  Bible  story  is  on  the  timeline.  Review  the  Bible  story  provided  using  the  bolded  text,  or  summarize  the  story  in  your  own  words.  Invite  the  kids  to  jump  up  as  high  as  they  can  each  time  they  hear  the  word  bless  or  blessed.  

Say  •  Mary  and  Elizabeth  were  blessed.  Jesus  was  part  of  a  more  than  one-­‐thousand-­‐year-­‐old  promise  in  the  Old  Testament  and  part  of  a  plan  before  the  world  even  existed.  John  was  mentioned  hundreds  of  years  earlier  by  the  prophets  Isaiah  and  Malachi.  

The  birth  of  John  and  Jesus  would  be  an  incredible  time  in  all  of  history.  Mary  had  reason  to  sing  and  praise  God—she  was  pregnant  with  God’s  Son.  

Show  the  big  picture  question  slide  or  poster.  

Say  •  What  was  special  about  Mary’s  baby?  Jesus  is  God’s  Son.  



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Kidzone  KG  and  1st  Grade  Small  Group      

Unit  23  Session  3  –  Younger  Elementary  

Sunday,  July  27,  2014  


Activity  choice  (10  minutes)    

Option  1:  Mary’s  song    Turn  the  kids  into  a  band  and  read—or  attempt  to  sing  or  rap—Mary’s  song  from  Luke  1:46-­‐55  or  the  Bible  story  script.    

Invite  one  group  of  kids  to  pat  their  legs,  another  to  clap  their  hands,  and  another  to  snap  or  hum.  If  you  are  familiar  with  music,  give  each  group  a  different  rhythm.  If  not,  just  read  through  Mary’s  song  as  kids  make  their  own  rhythms.  The  kids  will  enjoy  it  even  if  it  doesn’t  sound  good.  Repeat;  it  will  get  better  each  time!  You  may  also  choose  to  change  up  the  assigned  actions  and  try  again.  If  you  have  kid-­‐friendly  instruments,  you  can  use  those  too.    

Say  •  Mary  knew  her  baby  was  special.  What  was  special  about  Mary’s  baby?  Jesus  is  God’s  Son.  


Option  2:  Jump  rope    • string  or  yarn    • large  beads    • multi-­‐colored    straws    • scissors    • tape    • chenille  stem    (optional)    Provide  each  kid  with  about  eight  feet  of  string  or  yarn.  Tie  a  knot  in  one  end  and  thread  a  bead  (greater  in  circumference  than  a  drinking  straw)  to  the  knot.  Wrap  a  small  piece  of  tape  on  the  other  end  of  the  string  to  keep  it  from  fraying.  

Thread  the  string  through  a  full-­‐size  straw  until  the  straw  hits  the  bead.  Run  another  bead  to  the  other  end  of  the  straw.  Then  thread  half  pieces  of  straws  until  you  have  1  to  2  feet  of  string  left.  Thread  another  bead  and  a  full  straw  followed  by  a  final  bead.  Then  tie  a  knot  in  the  end.  

You  have  now  made  a  working  jump  rope.  If  kids  struggle  to  thread  the  straws,  wrap  a  chenille  stem  around  the  end  of  the  string.  It’s  easier  to  thread  using  the  chenille  stem.  

 Say  •  Elizabeth’s  baby  was  so  excited  when  he  heard  Mary’s  voice  that  he  leaped  in  Elizabeth’s  belly.  Even  before  John  was  born,  he  knew  Mary’s  baby  was  special.  What  was  special  about  Mary’s  baby?  Jesus  is  God’s  Son.  



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Kidzone  KG  and  1st  Grade  Small  Group      

Unit  23  Session  3  –  Younger  Elementary  

Sunday,  July  27,  2014  


Journal  and  prayer  (5  minutes)  • Journal  Page,    1  per  kid    • markers  or  crayons    • Bible  Story  Coloring    Page    Distribute  each  child’s  journal  page  provided  with  this  session.  Instruct  the  kids  to  draw  a  picture  of  a  musical  instrument.  Writers  can  write  a  song  to  God  about  one  or  more  of  their  blessings.  

Say  •  Let’s  all  say  our  big  picture  question  and  answer  together  one  more  time.  What  was  special  about  Mary’s  baby?  Jesus  is  God’s  Son.  

If  time  remains,  take  prayer  requests  or  allow  kids  to  complete  the  coloring  page  provided  with  this  session.  Pray,  thanking  God  for  sending  His  Son.  Pray  for  each  child  by  name,  asking  God  to  help  the  kids  understand  that  God  made  us  with  a  special  purpose:  to  give  Him  glory.  


Dismiss  to  parents  –  Make  sure  to  check  security  tags  when  dismissing  children.

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Unit 23 • Session 3 • Mary Visited Elizabeth© 2014 LifeWayOK TO PRINT

The Forerunner of the Savior

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Mary Visited ElizabethLuke 1:39-56�


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