July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving,...

July 2020 Newsletter Now, That’s A Wrap!!!

Transcript of July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving,...

Page 1: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

July 2020


Now, That’s A Wrap!!!

Page 2: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of
Page 3: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of



Crib Janis Warren 844 4523

Jocelyn Black 842 1298

Concert Party Robyn Clode 845 2285

Peter Rawstrome 844 9123

Darts Graham Timms 8704711

Alan Lyford 842 0286


Indoor Bowls Dora Warren 845 0749

Maggie Lister 844 1370

Social Club Anne Cox 845 3012

Dave Matson

Pool Doreen Manson 842 1006

Shooting Graeme Duncan 843 2718

John Trevor 877 8657

Snooker Stuart Glen 022 601 5270

Malcolm Thorpe 027 481 0548

Women’s Section Marion Prideaux 027 824 5152

Irene Millar 021 022 24902

Travel Coral Atkins 876 8734

Fitness Classes Jan Shipman 021 0821 2640

Market Corrina McTavish 022 038 7068

2020 Committee

President: Brayden Coldicutt

Vice President: Glenn White

Patron: Carol Murfitt

Committee: Mike Savage, Bruce Johnson , Brent Larkins

Dave Waugh, Les Zachan, Trevor O’Brien, Cathy Longley, Kay


2020 Management

General Manager: Ben Allen - [email protected]

Office Manager: Sharon Nelson O’Leary—[email protected]

Phone: 06 844 4808

156 Gloucester Street, Taradale Napier 4110

If you would like a hard copy of this newsletter, please contact the office.

Page 4: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of


Hi to all returned, service and general members. Well, we are half way through the year al-

ready and we are seeing some great things happening around the club.


A very big thank you to everyone who attended the 89th Annual General Meeting of the

Taradale RSA on Sunday 28th June at 10am. What we took from this meeting is that we are in

a great position as a club and are still heading in the right direction. Congratulations to our

outgoing committee on their fantastic efforts over the last 12 months and congratulations to

that same committee who will be taking us through the next 12 months as our centenary



Our monthly quiz nights are back up and running! These occur on the second Wednesday of

every month and are $5 per person. This is a great way of supporting the club as well as hav-

ing a great fun night out with friends and family. We look forward to seeing you down here

for a drink and dinner, with a 7pm start to the quiz.


We are extremely excited for our centenary year and the celebrations and time of remem-

brance that it brings. So many people have helped our club over 100 years and we are so

grateful for all of them, past and present. This 100 year anniversary weekend will be taking

place from Friday 4th September through until Sunday 6th September inclusive. Please save

the date as we would love to see you all there.

The club is looking great and the atmosphere is fantastic. Have a wonderful month and I

look forward to seeing you down here for a catch up very soon.

Lest we forget,

Brayden Coldicutt


Page 5: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

Managers Monthly Memo

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” ― Albert Ein-stein. This is exactly what our amazing club will do, we will keep moving forward. It has been such an incredible past year, we have achieved so much. Thank you for all the kind words at the AGM. We have so much to look forward to in the back end of the year. We have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year Centenary, club prize giving, Melbourne Cup, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of our hard work, we are in a position to open doors to the community and become the hub we once were.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the President, Committee members, volun-teers and staff for your continued support. Without you all we couldn’t have moved for-ward like we have. Here is a small list of accomplishments:

New branding

New club cards

New gaming lounge

6x new machines

New jackpot system

The TAB is back

LED lighting throughout the club

Renovated bathrooms

Interior paint

Exterior paint

New pylon sign

Foyer wallpaper wrap

Sanded and sealed dance floor

Renovated Bar

Wheel of fortune

Upgraded security system

fire alarms upgrade

Bathroom upgrades

That doesn’t scratch the surface of what our Club has achieved in the past 12 months. There is more to come. Watch this space.

We are very excited to have the kitchen back in-house. Welcome to Jen and Aaron, our new cooks, they will continue to provide a fabulous variety of quality culinary options.

Let’s keep moving forward, the future is bright for our special club.


Ben Allen

General Manager

Page 6: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

Patrons Pencil Welcome everyone, gosh it's hard to believe that we are now half way through the year. What a year it has been, very challenging to say the least. One thing about it we managed to get our club refurbished during lockdown 3, and look how amazing it is. Must congratulate Ben & Sharon for the wonderful talking point the foyer has with old photos taken during events that have been held of many years, it sure has made the foyer sparkling and talkative. Our AGM, held last Sunday, great too see so many members attend, congratu-lations to Ben, Brayden, Sharon & the Executive Committee for all the hard work that has been put into the club to make it happen for us to come along and enjoy. All the best to the Executive Committee who have taken on the challenge again for 2020-2021, it goes to show we have good team spirit in our RSA. Our first entertainment night is Saturday 4th July, come along, socialize, dance, drink, have a meal, lets keep RSA alive and active. All the best to the new kitchen staff, I am sure we will see great meals and menus being presented... Take care, stay safe and warm see you at the Taradale RSA. Cheers Carol Murfitt Taradale & District RSA Patron

Page 7: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

Your 2020-2021 Committee

Left to Right: Glenn White (Vice President), Bruce Johnson, Kay Lineham,

Brayden Coldicutt (President), Cathy Longley, Les Zachan, Carol Murfitt (Patron),

Brent Larkins, Dave Waugh. Absent: Mike Savage, Trevor O’Brien

Page 8: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

Hello All,

Just a reminder that we have ‘HOUSIE’ each Thursday starting at 1pm. With

40 games and one SuperHouse, everyone is welcome to come and enjoy great


Also a mention that our membership renewals are now due, with you financial

year ending 31 March. It’s only $5 to renew, se Dave anytime from now up

until our AGM on 12 July 2020. All RSA members are eligible to become a

member. You can soon re-coup your fee with our subsidy on a meal each

Social Sunday gathering during the year.

If you are interested in assisting with our adjunct, committee nominations will

soon be requested for the AGM. Watch the club screens for mor details soon.

Thanks from the Secretary and Committee.

Dave Matson Ph 844 8473

Page 9: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

JULY UPDATE Hi fellow travellers,

Now that we are in Level 1, your committee was able to meet in June,

and decided that our midyear Xmas dinner will proceed .

The date is Sunday, 26th July, midday, at

“The Filter Room”, 20 Meeanee -Awatoto Rd MEEANEE

Regarding the rest of the year. Your committee are looking at a variety

of local activities, plus --. An overnight trip to Taupo to enjoy some of

some their many attractions, sounds exciting.

Our main Christmas Dinner is planned for late November.

All above will be discussed at our Dinner in July.

Contact any of the travel club committee, or add your name to the list

on the Taradale RSA notice board.

Page 10: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of



Page 11: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of



With our Centenary coming up we would like to spread

the word to old members who might like to join the


If you know of any ex-members of our club, please give

the office their contact details so we can let them know.


The first weekend of September is our 100 years!!!

Mark it on your calendar NOW.

Page 12: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of


Over the first weekend in September we will be celebrating our 100th


A small committee has already met, and have started to make plans for a

great weekend to mark the occasion.

Over the next few months we will be sharing updates of what’s been organ-

ised for the weekend as well as a short snippet of the history of our great


Most importantly remember to keep the dates free!! FRIDAY 4th , SATURDAY

5th & SUNDAY 6th of SEPTEMBER 2020


September 1993. A Memorial Wall was erected on the front outside wall,

commemorating the three services, badges cast in bronze. A Committee

room and new office was also part of this stage. 1996 saw the back of the

building being extended with a sub-section kitchen library, toilets and large

storage area. A larger bar and gaming room were also added and work

completed by 1997. 1996 Property adjoining the clubrooms was pur-

chased for future planning. Two more properties were purchased in 1999 &

2001 as they came on the market, and these are being rented out until

such time as they are required for future development.

If you have any snippets of history to share, please either drop it in to the office or email [email protected]

Page 13: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of




What’s Up on Thirsty Thursdays???


Page 14: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

Friendly Fridays

With popular background music,

what better way to end the week

than a few ‘quiet ones’ catching up

with family and friends over a

delicious meal from Bus Stop.

See the back of the newsletter for

their stunning menu.






Page 15: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of


There were some awesome outfits in the club last Friday night!! From Tea La-

dies to Tramps, Traffic Officers to Tour Drivers. It was so great to see so many

getting into the spirit of the theme night.


This was determined using our very own ‘Clapometer’ (aka ears).

Best Dressed Female: Corinna McTavish

Best Dressed Male: Peter Rawstrome Well done everyone.

Page 16: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of



Please see on our website for terms and conditions



Page 17: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

Just a quick reminder that welfare is available to all our members, not just

returned and service members. If you are struggling or going through a

tough time, we are here for you.

If you need assistance come and see Harry on a Tuesday morning and we’ll

see what we can do to help.

The Poppy and Welfare Committees meet on an ‘as required’ basis, but at

least once every 2 months. They are currently working on ways make our

welfare of more benefit to more people.

So remember please, we are here.

Page 18: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

Sunday Market

Re-Opens Sunday 14




Page 19: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

Taradale RSA Welcomes New Members

Sandra Gibbs Colin Gibbs Albie Rewi

We seem to have quite a few cards at the office ready for collection.

If you've paid, but haven't’ got your card yet, please give us a call, or pop in

to collect it.

Thank you.

Page 20: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of
Page 21: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

- Ham - Cheese - Tomato - Bacon - Egg - Onion

- Pineapple - Mushroom Extra fillings $1-00 each

$4-50 (two fillings)


Small $4-00

Large $6-00

Cheesy bacon wedges with sour cream & sweet chilli sauce $11-00

Battered Fish $4-50

Hot Dog $4-50

Sausage $4-00

Beef, Cheese n Bacon Burger $15-00

Chicken, Bacon & Avocado Burger $15-00

Vegetarian Burger (Vege pattie made in house) $15-00

O.T.T.BURGER Beef pattie, Chicken pattie, bacon,

cheese, onion rings, lettuce, $18-50

tomato & beetroot.

Served with Fries

Braised Lamb Shank with mash & steamed vege $14-00

Page 22: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

Fish Meal: 2x battered fish, chips & garden salad $15-50

Fisherman’s Catch: 1x battered fish, 2x battered mussels,

2x squid rings, 2x prawn twisters,

2x salt & pepper squid bites, $17-00

fries & garden salad.

Sausage Meal: Mash, peas, 2x sausages and onion gravy $12-50

Roast of the Day: Roast beef, potatoes, kumara, pumpkin,

steamed vege and gravy. $14-50

Steak Meal: Porterhouse steak with garden salad & fries. $23-50

EXTRAS—$2-00 each:

• Grilled Onion - Grilled Mushrooms - Egg

• Garlic Butter - Pepper Sauce

• Mushroom Sauce

Garlic Bread $6-00

Vege Boat $5-50

Garden Salad $5-50

Gluten Free Vegetarian Salad: Roast vegetable, spinach

& pine nut salad with orange balsamic $18-50

Served with Fries

Chicken Nuggets with Sweet n Sour Sauce $10-00

Beef n Cheese Burger $10-00

Page 23: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

Sticky Date Pudding $7-00

Apple Crumble Served with Cream & Ice Cream $7-00

Banoffee Belgium Waffle $7-00

Ice Cream Sundae—Choice of Chocolate, Caramel

Strawberry, or Passionfruit. $7-00



Page 24: July 2020 Newsletter...have an exciting new kitchen team, 100 year entenary, club prize giving, Melbourne up, outdoor area renovations and some daily/weekly promotions. After all of

One hundred years of love, laughter and friendship, and

still so much more to come.